UPC: 787647100507
# BZ0020

BHI Nausea Tablets Indications: For the temporary relief of
queasiness, vomiting, dyspepsia and
flatulence. Ingredients: Anacardium orientale 6X (hunger
pain improved by eating; dyspepsia; intermittencyof symptoms,
irresistible urge to swear and curse; painful vesicles with
fetid odor in the mouth, burning as from pepper), Ipecacuanha 6X
(persistent nausea and vomiting; spasmodic affections; cough
with the sensation that the stomach will turn), Argentum
nitricum 8X (stitching pain on left side of stomachwith
ulceration; great desire for sweets; gastroenteritis; errors in
perception; impatience), Robinia pseudoacacia 10X (acid stomach
symptoms; intense acrid eructations), Carbo vegetabilis 12X
(nausea in morning), Iodium 12X (always hungry and thirsty),
Sepia 30X (nausea at sight and smell of food), 42.86 mg each/300
mg tablet. How supplied: Bottle containing 100 tablets.

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