Michael's Naturopathic: Liver Wellness 90 tab

Liver Wellness - 90 tab

by   Michael's Naturopathic
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Buy: at $24.90
  • Contains lipotropic factors such as choline, inositol and methionine with milk thistle and dandelion root
  • Contains nutrients for the support of the liver in its detoxifying functions
  • Ideal for fasting and cleansing and those exposed to environmental toxins
UPC: 755929011025
# P364102

Liver Wellness by Michael's Naturopathic

The liver detoxifies, metabolizes fats, produces hormones, proteins and bile, converts glycogen to sugar among other activities. Proper function of the liver allows the rest of the body’s detoxification system to function more efficiently to facilitate the elimination of metabolic waste and stored toxins. Body fat is the secondary storage site of toxins. Ideal for fasting and cleansing and for those exposed to environmental toxins.

LIVER WELLNESS™ provides essential nutrients in meaningful amounts that support the liver’s health so that it can fulfill its many roles.


As a dietary supplement, take three (3) tablets with breakfast or, for optimal results, take one (1) tablet with each meal. Dosage may be increased as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

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