- Features:
- 100% Organic Herbal Tea
- The world's finest herbs for a delicious tea experience
- USDA Certified Organic
White Horehound Tea by Buddha Teas Many centuries ago, white horehound was crafted into an herbal tea by the ancient Romans. Today, though white horehound tea may be undervalued, it still has many virtues to offer any tea drinker. White horehound is marked by trailing vines of round, jagged-edged leaves and delicate white flowers, easily identifying this plant as a relative of mint. White horehound makes its appearance in the temperate areas of Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. Humans have cultivated this plant for most of recorded history, with documented use appearing in Roman and even ancient Egyptian records. White horehound is also a significant part of Jewish custom as one of the five bitter herbs traditionally consumed at the Passover Feast. Its most common uses today, however, are for producing a fine essential oil, or steeping its leaves into this elegant herbal tea. As you enjoy each sip of this herbal tea, you provide your body with an enriching boost of vitamins and minerals. White horehound tea offers vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin B complex, as well as iron and potassium. The herb is also a natural source of alkaloids, tannins, pectin, flavonoids and volatile acids, several of which act as antioxidants. INSTRUCTIONS Fresh water is essential for brewing a great cup of tea.
- Use one teabag per cup of boiling water.