UPC: 355724001568
# RG0027

Your Lungs’ Best Friend: ClearLungs Extra Strength By RidgeCrest Herbals!

Once upon a time, the smart folks at RidgeCrest made a super special mix called ClearLungs Extra Strength. They looked around for the best plants that can help your lungs feel happy. They mixed them all up to make something that helps you breathe big and easy. Boy, did it work! People everywhere started feeling way better.

Next, what does this supplement do? Well, it makes sure air can move in and out of your lungs super easy. It also helps with that annoying mucus so it won’t block your air. This means you can breathe deep without any trouble. Taking deep breaths should be a piece of cake, and this supplement makes that happen.

Now, if you’re looking for something to make your lungs feel all clean and fresh, ClearLungs Extra Strength is totally for you. It’s like a fresh breeze for your lungs. It clears up everything, so you feel your best. Plus, it’s got some other cool stuff it does too:

  • Keeps Airways Open: You can breathe in and out without any tight spaces.
  • Balances Mucus Levels: Keeps that icky mucus in check.
  • Supports Free Breathing: You can take big breaths easily.

ClearLungs Extra Strength Herbal Blend (750mg / cap):

  • Dong Quai Root: Boosts respiratory health and fosters internal balance.
  • Ophiopogon Root: Moisturizes the lungs for smoother breathing.
  • Poria Fungal Body: Helps balance bodily fluids and lung function.
  • Chinese Asparagus Root: Calms, aiding in lung and breath care.
  • Chinese Skullcap Root: Offers antioxidants for respiratory health.
  • Gardenia Fruit: Helps with inflammation and improves lung function.
  • Luo Han Guo Fruit: Supports the throat and adds natural sweetness.
  • Platycodon Root: Clears the lungs and regulates mucus levels.
  • Tangerine Mature Peel: Supports digestive health and lung energy.
  • White Mulberry Root Bark: Aids in maintaining healthy mucus and respiratory wellness.
  • Zhejiang Fritillary Bulb: Ensures open respiratory paths and mucus balance.
  • Schisandra Fruit: Boosts the body's defenses and lung health.
  • Chinese Licorice Root: Provides comprehensive respiratory support and boosts other herbs' effectiveness.

Your Lungs Will Thank You!

Are you tired of fighting for every breath? Eager to feel great with each inhale? Look no further! ClearLungs Extra Strength is your golden ticket to breathing happily and having the energy to do what you love. Imagine waking up and taking a big, deep breath - feeling better. That’s the ClearLungs promise.

Don't wait, take the plunge now! It’s time to reclaim your breath. ClearLungs Extra Strength is standing by, ready to sweep you off your feet. Hit that buy button and kick start a life filled with joyous breaths. Breathing easy is just a click away – Grab your ClearLungs Extra Strength today and feel the difference with each breath!

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