TRADITIONAL MEDICINALS TEAS: Organic Stress Ease Cinnamon Tea 16 bag

Organic Stress Ease Cinnamon Tea - 16 bag

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(3 for $ 5.57ea. = $ 16.71 ) 7% OFF MSRP
  • For relieving tension and promoting relaxation
  • Naturally Caffeine Free Herbal Tea
  • Relieves stress and irritability
  • Tastes sweet and feels grounding
UPC: 032917002471
# TD0213

Organic Stress Ease Cinnamon Tea by Traditional Medicinals Teas

Skullcap may sound scary, but it is actually one of the best herbs for relieving tension and promoting relaxation.* This petite (yet powerful) plant stands at about 1-2 feet tall with delicate blue helmet shaped flowers. In the wild it can usually be found growing at the edge of a stream or in a moist meadow.

Some of our favorite skullcap comes from the beautiful Pacific Northwest, a region with rich herbal history and an abundance of plant lovers. There the herbs are cultivated with pristine water, fresh mountain air, and caring hands.


Pour 8 oz. freshly boiled water over 1 tea bag. Cover cup & Steep for 10 minutes. Squeeze tea bag to ensure maximum goodness in your cup. Enjoy 3 cups daily.


Serving Size 1 cup brewed tea
Servings Per Container: 16

Amount Per Serving % of DV
Organic Skullcap Herb (BHP) 1117.5 mg *
Proprietary Blend 382.5 mg *

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