

Zinc supplements found to protect against esophageal cancer

old message Zinc supplements found to protect against esophageal cancer Darrell Miller 10/15/17


Date: October 15, 2017 10:14 AM
Subject: Zinc supplements found to protect against esophageal cancer

esophageal cancer is yet another kind of cancer which can have major negative effects on the body, but there is hope. Zinc supplements could make a difference, and there are other treatments as well. If you have this cancer you should at least try zinc. It's natural and is safer than many cancer medications. It won't hurt even if you don't notice a huge difference, but many are happy with the results from their trials of it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers at UTA found zinc supplements slow the growth rate of esophageal cancer cells.
  • Cells can not function without zinc, and this leaves the body more prone to cancer.
  • The RDA of zinc is 8mg for adult women, 11mg for pregnant women, 12 for lactating women, and 11mg for men.

"It now appears that zinc and calcium can have a cross talk, meaning that they can be linked."

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