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Iodine, The Thyroid, And Radiation! What You Should Know! ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 13, 2011 10:34 AM
What Is Potassium Iodide Good For?Potassium iodide is an inorganic chemical compound which is a non-radioactive form of iodine. This type of chemical compound is very important to the body because it is involved with the production of thyroid hormones. If iodine in the body is low, thyroid hormones cannot be produced therefore levels of these hormones remain low in the blood. The pituitary gland, in return, will continue to produce thyroid – stimulating hormone thus the thyroid gland will also continually be stimulated. Overstimulation or overwork of any part of the body will cause enlargement thus goiter or enlargement of the thyroid gland occurs. These hormones are also important for the regulation of the body’s metabolism and are involved with protein synthesis, as well as fat and carbohydrate metabolism.Potassium iodide is also important when there is radiologic exposure or nuclear meltdown since radioactive iodine may be freed into the air thus contamination to human beings and surrounding materials can be highly expected. Exposure may then lead to internal contamination which can be harmful to the body cells most especially with the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland readily absorbs iodine whether in radioactive ionizing or non-ionizing form. If potassium iodide is present, it fills the receptor sites of iodine thus preventing the radioactive form of iodine to be absorbed by the body. The iodine in the receptor sites is good for 24 hours already. The Food and Drug Administration has approved two preparations of potassium iodide which comes in the form of tablet and liquid. The tablet comes in two dosage, 130 milligrams and 65 milligram. It is also scored so that it can be easily divided for smaller doses prescribed. The liquid preparation, on the other hand, contains 65 milligram of potassium iodide per one milliliter. Experts suggest that those who are exposed to high doses of radiation can take potassium iodide immediately after a nuclear meltdown or radiation emergency. Potassium iodide is present among common foods especially sea foods. Kelp which is a large type of seaweeds is very rich in potassium iodide. Studies show that its iodine content is about 90 to 8000 microgram per gram of kelp. To note, the recommended daily allowance of iodine is only 100 to 150 micrograms. FDA recommends specific doses after exposure to large amounts of radioactive iodine. For adults, take 130 milligrams, for breastfeeding women, 130 milligrams is also recommended, for children 3 to 18 years old must take only 65 milligram, however, for children who are 150 pounds or more, 130 milligrams of potassium iodide is suggested. Children who are 1 month of age but less than three years old are recommended to take 32 milligrams or one – half of the 65 milligram tablet. Newborns to 1 month old babies are prescribed to have only 16 mg or one – fourth of the 65 milligram tablet. The effectiveness of potassium iodide relatively depends on the time interval between the onset of exposure and contamination with radioactive iodine and the time when potassium iodide is taken, therefore, it is highly recommended that potassium iodide is taken just prior or immediately after exposure.
( B-Complex 50mg Energy ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 18, 2005 10:21 AM
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