Search Term: " Alkalizing "
Should you be drinking alkaline water? ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 26, 2017 09:14 AM
Alkaline water is a very hyped health trend. This is a mineral rich and low acidic water that is said to give you energy. It helps to lower the PH levels in your body and even prevents aging and it prevents cancer as well. Alkaline water contains things like potassium and calcium. It is much less acidic than tap water is. By drinking alkaline water, you are lowering the levels of acidity in your body, which is a good thing. Key Takeaways:
"You might have heard the buzz around alkaline water. The mineral-rich, low-acidic water is said to give you energy, balance the pH levels in the body and even slow down aging and prevent cancer." Read more:
( Is Pineapple Acidic and Can Pineapple Cause Acid Reflux? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 27, 2017 10:59 AM
If you suffer from acid reflux, you probably go out of your way to avoid overly acidic foods. However, there is much debate on where pineapple lands on the pH spectrum. Pineapple is indeed acidic, but it also contains bromelain, which has been known to fend off acid reflux. It may still cause acid reflux in those more sensitive to acids, but pineapple usually has an Alkalizing effect on stomach acids. If you are willing to give it a try, pineapple has some great health benefits that include a low calorie count and moderate levels of essential vitamins and minerals. Key Takeaways:
"But for those unaffected by acid reflux, pineapple is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals to keep the body running smoothly." Reference:
( Health Benefits of Aloe Vera ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 03, 2016 10:45 PM
Aloe vera has many different healing benefits, but is primarily known for the effects it has on the skin.
These all help to cleanse a wound, relieve pain and inflammation and ultimately heal the wound. It has been used on the skin for sunburns, cuts, eczema, poison ivy, insect bites, acne, chicken pox, hives, radiation and other burns. An aloe vera plant can actual heal itself. It has a growth stimulator, which helps to regenerate new tissue. If you cut part of the leaf from the plant, it doesn't take long before you will see a thin barrier forming, thus healing itself. The anti inflammatory properties of A.V. have been used to help with arthritis and joint related problems, inflamed muscles, inflamed intestinal and bowel disorders such as IBS, ulcers, Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids, colitis and more. Aloe vera has a soothing and Alkalizing effect on the inside of the body helping people with over acidity, heartburn, ulcers, intestinal and digestive disorders as previously mentioned. It has also been know to increase protein absorption, regulate blood sugar levels, support the immune system and even help with low energy and chronic fatigue. What is stopping you from taking aloe daily?
( 5 Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 12, 2015 03:27 AM
For centuries vinegar has been used for various household and cooking purposes. The most popular vinegar in the natural health community is the apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is made from fermenting apple cider which is a juice that is extracted for the pulp of pureed apples. Apple cider vinegar contains acid and bacteria that have vast array of health benefits. Below are health benefits of apple cider vinegar. 1. Improved digestion. Apple cider vinegar contains an Alkalizing substance that aids in digestion. This is very beneficial to people who do not produce enough hydrochloric acid in their stomach. However, in order for apple cider vinegar to be effective it needs to be taken before consuming any food. Besides aiding in digestion, apple cider vinegar is also used to help cure diarrhea and constipation. It contain pectin which is a soluble fiber that help to ease constipation. 2. Aids in weight loss. Scientific result that was conducted by an independent institution found out that apple cider vinegar can help in weight loss. The acid and bacteria contained in this supplement can help to speed up your metabolism thus aiding in weight loss. 3. Provides relief for diabetes patients. Apple cider vinegar has shown to help provide relief for patients suffering from diabetes. Scientific studies has shown that apple cider vinegar contain natural components that helps to slow and control the rise in blood sugar especially after meals. When combined with other diabetic diet, apple cider vinegar can help manage the symptoms of diabetes. 4. It brightens the skin. If you are suffering from skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis, apple vinegar is the perfect supplement for you. It helps to reduce inflammation, a factor that helps to brighten the skin. 5. It removes stains from teeth. Apple cider vinegar helps to remove stain from teeth. All that you need to do is to rub apple cider vinegar, leave for a while then rinse your mouth with water. References //
( Blue Green Algae: A Complete Protein Source Or Not? ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 02, 2013 10:31 AM
Blue green algae (BGA) is said to be high in dietary nucleotide which are highly rich in minerals and have a higher concentration of beta- carotene than broccoli and they are also loaded with antioxidants which are a good source of omega fatty acids and high Alkalizing.
The blue green algae are made of approximately 70 percent vegetable protein and give all the necessary amino acids. It therefore makes it a complete protein source for vegetarians and also for those who may be interested in taking in less animal protein. Good For Children And Adults The blue green algae are good food for both children and adults because they are rich in calcium, enzymes, vitamins B12, iron and chlorophyll. It is therefore good to use as an anti aging since it has the necessary nutrients and iron.
It can be used as an anti inflammatory, and helps relief headaches while also strengthening the immune system, and also improve energy levels. Help Sleep And Detox The enzyme in BGA helps in better digestion and coats the stomach lining. In children and adults alike, it will help in improving sleep, because it is detoxifying. Green foods are also known to help lessen appetite for foods thus help in weight loss.
Those who consume the blue green algae are said to be healthier than those who do not. The blue green alga makes its consumers have good brain development hence improved memory, and also have ability to cope with stress. They also have healthier skin, hair and nails because of the iron content.
According to the website, // Blue green algae is best when eaten on an empty stomach and accompanied by juice or water. It is a strong and effective healing food and it is said to be more powerful when it is still fresh. It is important to harvest it from a clean and trusted source and should be tested for harmful micro organisms and should also be carefully processed to retain its nutrients, if one is to benefit from it. Reference:
( What Makes Organic Raw Almonds so Good for My Health? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 16, 2011 10:10 AM
Eat Organic Raw Almonds for Good Health.
Almonds are widely cultivated for its nuts, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. Throughout history, almond nuts have enjoyed a significant presence in many cuisines from all over the world. In fact, they are one of the best known nuts, rivaled only by peanuts in popularity. In recent years, almond nuts have been tied to alkaline diet, which consists of healthy foods touted to be alkaline-forming. Prunus dulcis, the scientific name of almonds, is believed to have been domesticated earlier than the ancient times, with earliest evidence dating back to more than 2000 years ago in what is now known as the Early Bronze Age. This species is one of the ancient fruit-bearing trees grown commercially that remains popular to this day largely owing to its capacity to easily grow and bear fruits without the aid of grafting. Organic almonds are different from other almonds grown the conventional way in that, as the name suggests, they meet the standards for organic farming, a method of food production that does away with chemicals known for their potential threat to the human health. In addition to being the only nuts considered alkaline forming, it contains higher levels of bioactive compounds noted for their nutritional significance. Decreases Acidic By-Products Almond, the only Alkalizing nut, works on the principle of rebalancing the body’s pH. Proponents of alkaline diet believe that foods that are identified to be alkaline-forming aid the body in maintaining homeostasis and restore pH imbalances in the human body. It follows that foods that are acid-forming gradually contribute to the formation of diseases. Organic almonds, guaranteed to contain none of the chemical compounds known to produce acidic by-products, help rebalance the overall pH of the body. Enhances Mental Performance
Prevents Many Known Diseases One cup of organic almonds is enough to meet the recommended daily intake for vitamin E and magnesium, two nutrients that have been the subject of extensive study in the past few years for their purported role in medicine. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is pervasive at the cellular level. Magnesium improves health by raising the production of energy needed for cellular functions. Organic almonds have been linked to the treatment of many different diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and digestive problems. More importantly, they are one of the sources of food consistently recommended by experts on the alkaline diet. Most importantly, raw almonds are full of nutrients and phytonutrients. Have you had your raw almonds today?
( New from Now foods ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 28, 2009 02:28 PM
Fruit And Greens PhytoFoods Alkalizing Food Sources & Gluten FreeIt is well understood that nutrients from wholesome, natural food sources are the most beneficial and healthy. Sadly, most people simply do not have the time, energy, or even resources to consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day. When you factor in professional responsibilities, social obligations, and travel, consuming the amount of fresh foods needed to thrive can become even more challenging. We at NOW understand the obstacles that face today’s health enthusiasts, and are constantly exploring new ways to provide superior health products at the best possible prices. Fruit & Greens™ PhytoFoods is a celebration of everything that nature has blessed us with. From the berries and fruit bursting with cell-protecting antioxidants, to the vegetables and supergreen foods that provide vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and enzymes; nature remains our most popular and unblemished source of perfect nourishment. Now, more than ever, the need for wholesome, unadulterated nutrition is of the utmost importance. NOW® Fruit & Greens™ PhytoFoods Powder was meticulously formulated to do exactly that. Fruit & Greens PhytoFoods™ is an advanced, gluten-free Superfood blend that makes it almost effortless to reap the benefits of nature’s most nutritious offerings. Using ingredients provided by Mother Nature herself, we incorporated the very best into this innovative, full-spectrum formula. We invite you to compare the ingredients and potencies in Fruit & Greens PhytoFoods to similar Supergreen and Berry-containing products. Side-by-side, it’s clear that NOW offers the best value and a superior nutrition profile. • Mixes Easily in Water with a Great Berry Taste • Alkalizing Food Sources to Help Naturally Support Healthy pH Levels* • Antioxidant Rich Super Fruits • With 2 Billion Guaranteed Live Probiotics • Save 25-60% Off Competitive Products - Everyday!
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