
Search Term: " Bacon "

  Messages 1-6 from 6 matching the search criteria.
Foods That Cause Inflammation: 5 Foods to Avoid VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/26/18
What the Health: Watch the Whole Documentary Free On Youtube Darrell Miller 7/5/17
I eat Good, Do I Need Trace Minerals? Darrell Miller 7/17/14
Mayo Clinic Diet Darrell Miller 12/26/05
Nature's Cancer fighters ... Darrell Miller 7/7/05
FEARING FATS: There's Plenty of Cause Overview Darrell Miller 6/25/05

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Foods That Cause Inflammation: 5 Foods to Avoid

Date: August 26, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Foods That Cause Inflammation: 5 Foods to Avoid

Foods That Cause Inflammation: 5 Foods to Avoid

Inflammation serves as a guardian of your body warning you to be careful with whatever part is acting up. If inflammation is left untreated, it can cause disease. Eliminating certain foods from your diet can help keep you healthy. Processed meat, like beef jerky or bacon, can cause issues. Foods with large doses of added sugar should also be avoided. Refined carbs and food that contains vegetable and seed oil are also a no-no, as are anything with artificial trans fats.

Key Takeaways:

  • Meat itself contains healthy nutrients, but processed meats like bacon and jerky should be avoided.
  • Too much added sugar can lead to heart disease and mental disorders in addition to inflammation.
  • Choose whole-grain rices, breads, and pastas instead of processed products that cause inflammation,

"While the science behind these diets doesn’t impress most health experts, the ingredients in certain types of foods have been shown to harm the body from the inside out."

Read more:


What the Health: Watch the Whole Documentary Free On Youtube

Date: July 05, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What the Health: Watch the Whole Documentary Free On Youtube

What the Health, a documentary about health, is available on YouTube. There are millions of people around the world that have diabetes. We are in the middle of a large epidemic and diet is the biggest contributing factor to that. There are so many foods out there that are bad for you. Bacon, for example, can cause cancer and is very bad for you. If you have deli meats everyday, then you are at risk. Smoking is not the only danger out there.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Dr. Robert Ratner suggests we are in the midst of a diabetic emergency, as there are approximately 350 million sufferers of the disease right now, worldwide.
  • Research pulled from hundreds of countries shows a direct link between processed meat and cancer.
  • The World Health organization takes the link seriously, considering the danger as equal to that of smoking, or being exposed to asbestos.

"From Salmonella and other things you eat, we have about 3,000 people die every year, in the United States, that's more than the number of people that were killed in 9/11 in the Twin Towers of New York."


I eat Good, Do I Need Trace Minerals?

Date: July 17, 2014 08:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: I eat Good, Do I Need Trace Minerals?

trace mineralsMinerals

A few carbs, a slice of Bacon or two, a glass of milk and later a bottle of mixed tropical fruit juice. Sounds like quite a balanced meal. A good meal most definitely doesn’t lack the chemical elements or minerals that are in abundance in the human body. These major elements in order of profusion are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chlorine and magnesium. But are these the only minerals we require?

Trace minerals

While the above are the main ones, there are other minerals that are essential to good health but are required in very small quantities. These minerals include iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, iodine, bromine and selenium; collectively known as trace minerals. Though in small amounts, they are crucial for immune system function, metabolism and antioxidant protection. A number of health complications such as senility, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and depression have been linked to trace mineral deficiency.

Despite society having more nutritious than ever before, the quality of food has declined as seen in the dwindling quantities of these trace elements in our diet. This can be mainly attributed to lack of these nutrients in the soil due to years of erosion and aggressive farming embraced by farmers in order to meet the demands of the population. Soils have become depleted, resulting in deficiency of trace elements in our meals. So much for modern practices working against mankind.

All is not lost though. There are supplements readily available to tackle this need and come recommended for preventing and managing a number of conditions. They can be taken to address ailments such as Osteoporosis, a disease that causes weakening of bones. Copper, iron, magnesium zinc and manganese help increase bone mass and density and reverse such bone deterioration. Iron also happens to be important in making blood components. The benefits of these supplements can therefore not be underestimated.


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Mayo Clinic Diet

Date: December 26, 2005 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Mayo Clinic Diet

Mayo Clinic Diet

In 2 ½ months you should lose 52 pounds

½ Grapefruit or juice unsweetened
2 eggs any style
2 slices Bacon

½ Grapefruit or juice unsweetened
Salad any Dressing
Meat, any style, any amount

½ Grapefruit or juice unsweetened
Meat, any style, any amount, may substitute fish
Vegetable, any Green or Red (cooked in butter or any seasoning) or salad as above.

Bedtime Snack
8 oz. Glass of Tomato Juice or Milk

1. At any meal, you may eat until you are full or until you cannot eat anymore.
2. Don’t eliminate anything from the diet, especially don’t skip Bacon at breakfast or omit salads. It is the combination of foods that burns fat.
3. Grapefruit is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process.
4. Cut down on coffee. It affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process. Try to limit one cup at mealtime.
5. Don’t eat between meals. If you eat the combination of foods suggested you will not be hungry.
6. Note: The diet completely eliminates sugars and starches which are lipids and form fat. Fat does not form fat, it helps burn it so you can fry foods in butter and use butter generously on vegetables.
7. Do NOT eat desserts, breads, and white vegetables or sweet potatoes. You may double or triple helping of meat, salads, or vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed. The more you eat the more weight you will lose.
8. You can lose 10 pounds in 10 days. There will be no loss the first 4 days, but you will lose 5 pounds on the 5th day, therefore, you will lose 1 ½ pounds every 2 days until you are where you want to be.

This diet is given to heart patients needing to lose weight fast for surgery.

1. All soft drinks need to be diet and caffeine free.
2. You may NOT have: white onions, potatoes, celery.

Vitanet ®


Nature's Cancer fighters ...

Date: July 07, 2005 12:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Nature's Cancer fighters ...

Cancer has always been a word no one wants to hear from a doctor's lips. But as a fatal disease, cancer has gone from dread to worse, passing heart disease as the number-one killer of Americans under the age of 85 (a category that includes the overwhelming majority of us). While death rates for both illnesses has dropped over the past few years, the improvement has been much more pronounced for cardiovascular disorders.

According to the American Cancer Society, 476,009 people died of cancer in 2002 (the last year for which statistics are available). Behind every one of those numbers is a web of lives tangled by cancer's relentless onslaught: A child who misses a mother's comforting arms, a bride without a father to walk her down the aisle, a spouse coming home to a dark, cold house every night. And for those fortunate enough to survive a cancer encounter, there's always the dark worry of recurrence that surfaces with every ache or twinge.

Many people think of cancer as either a random calamity of a genetically driven inevitability, but it ain't necessarily so. Diet is coming up big as a major cancer-risk player: For example, eating a lot of red meat, especially highly processed meats such as Bacon, has been linked to high colorectal cancer risk in an investigation published by the Journal of the American Medical Association. On the positive side, a number of nutrients have shown cancer-fighting power, such as the recently discovered link between the B vitamin folate and reduced risk of colon and other cancers (see page 57). Other useful nutrients appear on the chart that follows.

Of course, risk always varies from person to person, and there are some lifestyle issues, like not smoking, that are no-brainers when it comes to cancer deterrence. But isn't it nice to know that protection from such a terrible disease might be as close as the end of your fork?

Nature's Cancer fighters


  • Description: Black or blue, rasp or straw, these tiny fruits pack a huge health punch; notable phytonutrients include anthocyanadins, ellagic acid and quercetin, along with vitamins and fiber.
  • Function: Among the plant world's most powerful antioxidants; have shown the ability to inhibit cancer cell growth.
  • Citrus Bioflavonoids

  • Description: These substances, found in oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits, include hesperidin and limonene.
  • Function: Have shown promising anti-cancer effects in early studies; grapefruit compounds may be praticularly helpful in fighting lung cancer among smokers and colon cancer.
  • Curcumin

  • Description: A reddish yellow compound found in the spice turmeric, a staple in indian cookery.
  • Function: Interfers with cancer cell proliferation and with tumor blood-supply developement. Cooking use thought to be responsible for lower childhood cancer rates in asia.
  • EPA

  • Description: An Omega-3 acid found in such fatty fish as salmon and sardines; complete name: eiscosapentaenoic acid.
  • Function: Increased intake linked to reduced rates of several types of cancer, including those of the breast, colon, lung and prostate. May help make standard chemotherapy more effective (Consult your physician first).

    Green Tea

  • Description: Leaves of the Camilla sinensis plant, which is extensively cultivated in China, India and Japan; One of the world's most popular beverages that's also available in extract form.
  • Function: Contains potent antioxidants; has been associated with lower cancer rates in large population studies. Extract may make it more difficult for cancer cells to invade healthy tissues.
  • Lycopene

  • Description: Best known for putting the red in tomatoes, this phytonutrient is also found in apricots, pink grapefruit and watermelon.
  • Function: Associated with reduced risk of, and slower growth rates in, prostate cancer; recent research also links lycopene to lower pancreatic cancer risk. Reduces DNA damage in white blood cells.
  • Mushroom Polysaccarides

  • Description: Complex sugar compounds found in a variety of mushrooms, include shiitake, maitake, and reishi.
  • Function: Different polysaccarides have shown different anti-cancer effects in laboratory studies: Some fight tumor formation, others induce apoptosis. In Japan, mushroom eaters have lower cancer death rates.
  • Selenium

  • Description: Trace mineral found in grains, meats, seafood and some nuts, most notably brazil nuts. If using supplements, follow package directions.
  • Function: Supports production of glutathione, a natural antioxidant. Has reduced prostate cancer risk in men with low blood selenium levels. May lower colon cancer risk.
  • Soy

  • Description: Soy foods include soy milk, tempeh, edamame (Vegetable green soybeans) and tofu; also available as soy protein extract.
  • Function: Populations that consume high amounts of soy foods have lower breast and prostate cancer rates.
  • Vitamin C

  • Description: Found in citrus fruit, cabbage and related vegetables (broccoli, brussels sprouts,cauliflower), Potatoes, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes and tomato juice.
  • Function: The body's primary water-based antioxidant; has neutralized toxic byproducts of normal fat metabolism in some studies. Recharges its partner, Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin D

  • Description: While vitamin D is found in egg yolks, butter and cod liver oil, the main source is sun-exposed skin.
  • Function: Regular sun exposure is linked with lower overall cancer death rates, while rates for breast, colon and prostate cancers are all higher in northern parts of the US.
  • Vitamin E, Natural

  • Description: Found in almonds, fruit, peanuts, vegetable oils, whole grains (including brown rice).
  • Function: The body's primary fat-based antioxidant; may retard prostate cancer developement.
  • Glossary

  • Apoptosis - process by which cell normally die and are replaced; becomes disabled in cancer cells.
  • Antioxidant - counters harmful molecules called free radicals that can damage DNA, which can lead to cancer.
  • Phyonutrient - Substances found in plant foods that promote good health in humans.
  • Proliferation - unregulated growth and reproduction that characterizes cancer cells.
  • Tumor
  • - Solid mass formed by some cancers; capable of developing its own blood-vessel network.

    Vitanet ®


    FEARING FATS: There's Plenty of Cause Overview

    Date: June 25, 2005 07:34 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: FEARING FATS: There's Plenty of Cause Overview

    FEARING FATS: There's Plenty of Cause Overview

    A wealth of scientific evidence now exists which should have turned each and everyone of us into a fat “phobic.”1a-e In other words, virtually every health expert agrees that a high fat diet is directly linked to cardiovascular disease, various types of cancer and premature death. It’s no secret that excess dietary fat poses a tremendous health risk. The United States National Institutes of Health, the World Health Organization and many other scientific institutes have confirmed the frightening hazards of fat. Health proponents generally concur that excess fat can significantly shorten one’s lifespan. More than 10,000 medical papers are published every year dealing with obesity and cardiovascular disease, two of the most insidious killers of Americans. Western eating habits, which promote fatty, salty, sugary foods, have created massive widespread disease and tremendous suffering. Studies have shown that fat is the macronutrient associated with overeating -



    TABLE 1. Total fat grams in single servings.4

    and obesity.2 In spite of this finding we are eating more fat and becoming fatter. The average absolute fat intake has increased from 81 to 83 grams per day over the last ten years.3 Our obsession with fatty foods has exacted an enormous toll in the form of rampant obesity, clogged arteries, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, breast cancer, etc. Many of us remain oblivious to the fat gram count of foods we routinely pop into our mouths, unaware that one fast food entree may contain more fat grams than one should consume in one given day. Take a good look at the following list of foods which have been assessed for fat content. Fast food has become a 20th-century sensation which continues to boom and expand throughout our society. Many of us literally exist on fast food, which is frequently also “fat” food. It’s no wonder so many of us “battle the bulge”, and have skyrocketing cholesterol counts. Our love affair with greasy, fried, rich, creamy foods has burdened our bodies with the dilemma of excess fat “baggage,” resulting in phenomenal amounts of money being spent on weight loss programs. Worse still, thousands of Americans are dying before their time or living extremely compromised lives only because they ingest too much fat. Why is this? The bottom line is that fats taste good!5 Many of us were raised on seemingly innocuous foods that are loaded with fat. Some of these include:

    macaroni and cheese battered fish sticks hot dogs cheese-filled casseroles pepperoni pizza burritos pancakes, waffles doughnuts pies and pastries ice cream candy bars ramen soup

    Fat is also a major ingredient in most of the snack food we constantly nibble on, including chips, crackers, cookies, and nuts. Check ingredient labels to find the fat gram content of most snack foods. You’ll be surprised to find out just how fatty these foods are. Even a healthy sounding food like a “bran muffin” can contain 36 grams of fat! No wonder they stay so “moist”. In addition to the above foods, fat can add wonderful flavor to breads, vegetables and the like, and is usually used liberally in the form of butter, sour cream, whipping cream, melted cheese, cream cheese spreads, dips, cream sauces, and gravies. Fruits can also be high in fats. Did you know that one avocado has 30 grams of fat? One half cup of peanuts contains 35 grams of fat and only one glazed doughnut has 13 grams of fat. The majority of research points to fat as a much more dangerous culprit than anyone might have imagined. Saturated fats such as lard, palm, coconut oil, and beef tallow are particularly menacing. Research scientists have found over and over again that fats can contribute to the growth of tumors in animal studies.6 The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences reported that even a relatively small amount of extra body fat increases the risk of certain diseases for women and may compromise their longevity.7 Even being mildly overweight may be much more risky than anyone previously assumed.8

    The Relat ionship between Breast Cancer, Fat s, Fiber And Indoles

    Dr. Leonard Cohen, of the Dana Institute of the American Health Foundation at Naylor, believes that pre-cancerous lesions found in breast tissue will develop into cancer only if they are stimulated by certain agents such as fat.9 Women increase their risk of developing breast cancer when they consume a diet high in fat and animal protein and low in fiber, vegetables and fruits. When women put on weight, they have a tendency to create more estrogen since adipose tissue produces estrogen. Certain forms of estrogen, the so-called “bad estrogens” can act as carcinogens and are anything but desirable.10 High or unbalanced estrogen levels stimulate concerous tissue in the breast. Obesity is also associated with increased breast cancer mortality.11 The three most important ways to inhibit “bad” estrogen from inducing breast cancer are:
    1. Maintain an ideal body weight.
    2. Eat a diet high in fiber and low in fat (fiber helps to sweep excess estrogen from the bowel so it does not “recycle”).
    3. Consume enough cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, radishes, watercress etc.) so that adequate amounts of dietary indole-3-carbinol enter the system.12 Indoles are phytonutrients which help us balance our estrogen levels and reduce the levels of “bad estrogen” present. When combined with a low-fat, high-fiber diet, indoles can provide the body with significant metabolic protection against breast cancer.


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