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Kill bacteria, prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth, and promote salication ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 12, 2019 03:08 PM
Destroys Bacterial Biofilm Xylitol is a Sugar alcohol with a unique 5-carbon structure. Clinical studies suggest xylitol breaks up biofilm bacteria found in the teeth. Bacteria found in the teeth try and consume this unique 5-carbon sugar molecule, but soon discover it can not break down the sugar for food, so it expends all its energy trying to expel the sugar effectively starving out the bacteria and killing it. Has anti-adherence Effect: Xylitol also has anti-adherence effects within the mouth. When you brush of Floss with xylitol, the bacteria in the mouth can not stick to anything, because of this the bacteria can not colonize and reproduce. Can promote salivation: Xylitol promotes salivation which is a natural defense system in the mouth. By consuming mints, gum, and other forms of foods that contain xyltiol, one can help prevent cavities and improve oral health. Have you had your xylitol today?
( Here's Why You Need a Tongue Scraper in Your Wellness Routine ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 14, 2017 10:14 AM
Why would anyone ever want to scrape their tongue? It is actually good for one's health. You can get a tongue scraper to use. This will make you want one even if the thought of using one seems odd. Many don't own one or even know about them but they do help a great deal. You should get one and add its use to your daily routine. You'll notice a definite difference if you do. Key Takeaways:
"In fact, a 2004 study found that two weeks of tongue scraping greatly reduced tongue coating, while significantly improving taste sensation of bitter, sweet, salty, and sour tastes in participants." Read more:
( Do You Want To Have A Radiant Smile? Here We Tell You How To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally. ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 17, 2017 12:14 PM
Whitening teeth can change a person's appearance completely, giving them the confidence to go out into the world, laugh openly, and not worry about unsightly yellow stains. Here at our channel, we have the tips that will help you have a radiant smile wherever you go, with safer natural techniques. Expensive and dangerous whitening procedures can cost hundreds of dollars. By following the tips in this video, you can whiten your teeth safely, while spending much than you would on even the cheapest home whitening kit. Takeaways:
"the action of smoking can change the tonality of the teeth from white to sickly yellow"
( Natural Home Remedies for Ingrown Toenails - 5 REMEDIES TO TREAT INGROWN TOENAILS AT HOME!! ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 30, 2017 04:44 AM
Ingrown toenails can be painful and lead to infections. There are some at home remedies to treat infected nails but your factor should still be consulted. Using a few drops of tea tree oil helps infection. An apple cider vinegar wash can help pain and prevent infections before they start. Epsom salt soaks can also relieve pain and prevent infection. Antibiotic ointment with a bandage helps fight infection and keep infection from forming. Finally, using sterile cotton as a barrier between the skin and nail, using Floss to lift the nail, can keep the nail and skin comfortable. Takeaways:
"Ingrown toenails cause great discomfort and pain, and occur when a nail starts to grow curved into the skin. It, therefore, leads to swelling, tenderness, irritations, and redness, as well as an infection."
( Do This Every Morning Before Brushing Your Teeth ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 21, 2017 11:44 AM
An easy and effective method to reduce plaque and whiten teeth naturally is called oil pulling. The best oil to use is coconut oil but you can use others. Merely put a spoonful into your mouth and swish it around for about 20 minutes. Then spit it out into a trash can, not the sink because coconut oil will revert back to a semi solid state and may clog up your sink. Oil pulling not only helps with keeping your teeth and gums clean but also is great for whitening teeth without the use of chemicals. Key Takeaways:
"Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that’s been around for thousands of years. It involves swishing oil around in your mouth to pull out harmful bacteria lodged between your teeth and underneath the gum line." Read more:
( Oral health and your heart ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 29, 2016 06:59 AM
Many people believe that they oral and cardiac health are not related. They are wrong. If bacteria cause an infection in your gums, they can cause inflammation throughout the body within the lining of the arteries as well. This increases our risks of heart attack, stroke, and cancer. It is very important to prevent gingivitis by Flossing and using a toothpaste validated by the FDA. Key Takeaways:
"Gingivitis is very common. About 80 percent of adults will have some form of gingivitis, varying degree of severity, during their lifetime." Reference:
( Your Mouth Has A Lot To Say About Your Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 10, 2008 08:24 AM
For those of you have read every magazine article on improving your health and sex life, tried every trick suggested to you, and still have not found the solution, you may be missing one fact that most people don’t even consider towards improving their love life with better health. A woman’s sexuality has to do with a great variety of factors including both physical and emotional issues. Physical influences include hormonal imbalances, which play a major role. Most women experience the rage of this imbalance during pre and post menopause, as well as our menstruation cycle, commonly known as PMS. But most people have not considered one other important physical factor that is affecting their sexual mood, which is gum disease. Although this connection is rarely talked about and may seem odd at first, it becomes obvious how it all works when you learn the science behind it. Throughout the different stages of our lives, our hormones fluctuate greatly. From puberty to pregnancy and menopause, many of our tissues are affected, which includes our gums. The gums can swell up, bleed easily, and even change color during times of related hormone events. Gum disease may be prevented with Coenzyme Q10 supplementation. Once the hormone balances, the hormones often do not go back to their healthy state automatically. If you practice good oral hygiene, your gums will go back to normal, but if not, it will stay the same or get worse with out proper nutrition and Coenzyme Q10. Most people never realize that the slight bleeding of their gums during pregnancy or pre-menopause has anything to do with their hormones and nutritional deficiencies. Slight bleeding, red gums, and swelling are all signs of the inflammation that is associated with gum disease. Most people do not pay attention to the signs of inflammation when it occurs in the mouth, as gum disease affects 23 percent of women ages 30-54 and 44 percent of women ages 55-90. Proper nutrition may help reduce the number of individuals affected by gum disease. Even the beginning stages of gum disease, which are known as gingivitis, can greatly impact your mood and health. If it is not treated, gingivitis will advance into chronic inflammation, leaving devastating results on your health. When your gums are not healthy, a great amount of events involving chemicals takes place both locally and systematically. These chemical changes trigger your immune system to respond, leaving inflammation on the gum tissue. During inflammation, immune cells release substances called inflammatory cytokines, which boost immunity but also induce dark moods in some people. If these cytokines stay too high for too long, they can even potentially trigger depression. Chronic inflammation leaves your body feeling tired and burned out. Unfortunately, a lot of people who have gum disease do not even know they have it. Except for the sign of slight bleeding when Flossing or brushing, an unsuspecting person may not be aware there is tissue breakdown until it’s too late. The solution to the situation is really simple. Taking 100 to 400 milligrams of Coenzyme Q10 to boost the immune system and help the body reduce its production of cytokines as well as boost energy. Coenzyme Q10 can improve periodontal health so be sure to consider the health of your mouth as an important part of your overall health. When you feel healthy, your sex drive is also healthy. If you’re feeling run down and have no interest in sex, make a visit to your dentist and have your gums checked. There is no excuse to not get regular dental check-ups and visit your local health food store to practice good oral hygiene and boost over all health.
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