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Natural ways to whiten your teeth ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 11, 2018 08:52 AM
If you are considering whitening your teeth, there are many natural ways you can accomplish this without resorting to chemically based products. Swishing around edible oil in your mouth 2 to 3 times a day can help. Baking soda is another trusted stain remover when combined with water and made into a paste.Rubbing tumeric on your gums and teeth can also provide good results. Finally, apple cider vinegar works well to topple plaque and to keep your teeth white. Key Takeaways:
"Fortunately, you don’t always have to visit a dentist or rely on chemicals to get pearly whites!" Read more:
March 20, 2017 04:44 AM
Everyone who has tried to remove a stain also knows how hard they are to remove. There are so many different products on the market which claim to remove stains, some work better than others. Most, if not all, commercial stain reMovers offered on the store shelves contain toxic chemicals which could harm you, your family, or your pets. Besides the danger of a small child or pet drinking a liquid cleaner, there are dangers due to inhalation or skin exposure during normal use. The solution to this problem is to use a simple, natural, non toxic alternative. Simply mix 3.3 ounces white vinegar, 3.3 ounces liquid salt, 3 and 1/3 ounces mineral water and put the mixture into a clean spray bottle. Spray the solution on the stain, leave to soak for 15 minutes and then scrub the stain with a brush. Older stains may need a longer soak or you may repeat the process until the stain is removed. Takeaways:
"Stains are created frequently in our everyday life, as we stain or clothes, furniture, and even car seats."
( Glycolic Acid ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 19, 2013 07:34 AM
Glycolic acid acts as a reMover of the “glue” holding the dead cells together. This property helps it to exfoliate the dead cells of the skin tissue. Handles acne After this removal, the skin remains softer, smooth and improves in appearance. This inhibits cell from building-up on the skin, which brings about a non-appealing complexion and blocked pores which cause acne. Oily skin has a low ability to exfoliate the dead skin cells hence requires the implementation of glycolic acid to help prevent whiteheads and blackheads. Kills scars Glycolic acid also helps peel away the scarring cells. This helps to reduce the scars hence a well and uniformly pigmented skin tone. Glycolic dermatology medicines likewise help to diminish skin aggravation by advertising the early evacuation of flanky, dryskin units and expanding the damp substance of the skin. This helps equalization of the sebum generation in the skin. Over abundance and trapped sebum in the skin can accelerate stopped up pores, decreased peeling and skin aggravation in skin break out. Dampness is critical for solid, adjusted skin cells from all skin sorts, considerably oilier appearances. Other Glycolic Acid Considerations Those who are utilizing healthy skin pharmaceuticals, for example, Accutane or Retin-A, might as well dependably counsel with their dermatologist or therapeutic supplier before utilizing glycolic harsh corrosive healthy skin items. Furthermore, those under the consideration of a specialist for skin issue, for example, rosacea, skin inflammation or dermatitis, may as well additionally counsel with their medical practitioner before beginning a glycolic harsh corrosive skin health management schedule. References:
( New Natural Energy Drink - LifeBlast Extreme Energy Drink ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 01, 2006 12:20 PM
New Natural Energy Drink For most folks, the world seems to be spinning at a faster pace than ever before. Twelve-hour work days, family responsibilities, social commitments, volunteering, spiritual life—and don’t forget that hour at the gym!—all seem impossibly crammed into an all too short 24 hours forget about downtime. As life becomes more difficult and demanding with every passing day, many people are looking for products that can help them be more productive and keep up with the pressures of the modern world. A lot of those would-be Movers and shakers are turning to energy drinks to give them that extra edge. These drinks make up a phenomenal market that scores huge numbers with patrons the world over. However, the energy drinks sold in convenience stores and supermarkets are anything but healthy. Filled with chemicals sweeteners, synthetic stimulants and artificial colors, mass market energy drinks will only drain consumers of their vigor in the long run. Now, a better alternative, a natural product that provides all the benefits of these quick-jolt energy products with healthier ingredients: Nature’s Plus LifeBlast Extreme Energy. LifeBlast offers inner vitality with a potent profile of the most energizing vitamins and herbs. With each sip of luscious, succulent Berry Blast flavor and invigorating nutrition, this eight once drink takes energy to exhilarating new heights. Each serving delivers 1260mg of the most energizing nutrients energy formula available. The extreme energy blend delivers many essential energy nutrients; each serving provides 120% of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin C, 80% of niacin, 110% of vitamin B-6, 110% of vitamin B-12 and 70% of pantothenic acid. In addition, LifeBlast consists of numerous energizing and rejuvenating vitamins and herbal cofactors that will deliver a burst of energy without the jitters, such as taurine, guarana, inositol, carnitine and ginseng. One of LifeBlast’s greatest features, though, is what it doesn’t have. There are no unnatural ingredients that you may find in other energy drinks. LifeBlast contains no aspartame, acesulfame K, glucuronolacone, synthetic caffeine or artificial flavors and colors. LifeBlast satisfies the demand for a delicious, enlivening and nutritious energy beverage. It also meets the requirements for a quality formulation with a clean nutrient profile. LifeBlast delivers amazing energy to its users and is only available in health food stores. Whether the customer is seeking sharper mental focus, peak performance or enhanced endurance, LifeBlast Extreme Energy delivers the pure, exhilarating energy that will propel customers to success. Its time to blast off with Natures Plus LifeBlast Extreme Energy!
( Cuddlin’ in the Kitchen ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 27, 2005 03:44 PM
Cuddlin’ in the Kitchen You and your sweetie can turn up the heat by cooking together. Since the beginning of time, the pleasures of the table have been intertwined with those of the boudoir. (Remember the scene in the film Tom Jomes in which Tom and his amorata-of-the-moment wolf down a meal while staring lustily into each other’s eyes?) But when most of your kitchen time is spent trying to get everyone fed and out of the house in time for the night’s soccer game/ PTA meeting/ballet lesson, it can be tough keeping the pilot light lit on your love. That’s why one of the best ways to spice up your sex life is to prepare a sensuous meal together sans offspring (thank heavens for doting grandparents with spare rooms!). A little fourhanded cooking- preferably while sharing some suggestive banter- can create chemistry that allows your playful, non-parenting side s to emerge, enhancing intimacy and setting the stage for the seductive feast to follow. Just as the frenzied pace of modern living can often foster a sense of separation, cooking together as a couple can promote a sense of union. “Eventually you get a feel for your partner’s rhythms and adjust yours accordingly,” says food TV personality Jacqui Malouf, author of Booty Food (Bloomsbury). “Before you know it you’re passing the coriander, peeling the potatoes and stirring the risotto at precisely the right moments.” With time, you can learn what each of you does best: Who has a flair for combining spices in just the right proportions? Who can chop carrots into perfect little matchsticks without taking all night? Since nothing kills the mood more than arguing over who misplaced the baker’s chocolate or the pasta platter, buy your ingredients earlier in the day and have all the necessary utensils out and at the ready. (Safety note: while two in a tiny kitchen can be steamily cozy, do be careful with hot pots and sharp knives.) Four hands can also be better than two, so why not make the most of it? Malouf suggests approaching your combined efforts with a sense of adventure: “Use more than three ingredients in a salad dressing! Be daring with your desserts! Try concocting something with squab or squid or quince or quail- the sky’s the limit.” Intriguing Ingredients One advantage of using exotic ingredients (or at least foods not normally found on your weekly shopping list) is that they can help you and your partner break through the limits of everyday experience by reawakening long-dormant senses. Go ahead- run your fingertips over the rough rind of a pomegranate before feeling the smooth, full seeds within. Inhale the sweet, perfumed scent of a dead-ripe apricot, and appreciate its downy skin. Admire the cool green beauty of a cut avocado, and share a spoonful with your sweetie. Avocado, in fact, is one of the foods known for inflaming passion based on its suggestive shape, along with artichoke and asparagus- and that’s just the AS! (Chocoholics rejoice: Chocolate, full of the same feel-good chemical released by the brain when one falls in love, also makes the ecstasy encouraging grade, even when obtained in standard shapes.) “coincidentally, many foods long considered aphrodisiacs are low in fat (avocado and chocolate are delectably healthy exceptions) and are high in vitamins and minerals,” write Martha Hopkins and Randall Lockridge in Intercourses: An Aphrodisiac Cookbook (Terrace Publishing). “A diet heavy in these foods, then, yields a healthy blood healthy body with the energy, blood flow and nutrients needed for a peak sexual experience.” (The way these foods feed the imagination- the ultimate smorgasbord of pleasure- is a bountiful bonus.) Other foods, such as honey, have been treasured for supplying the energy needed to fan love’s flames far into the night; no wonder the sweet, sticky stuff shows up in a number of naughty-night concoctions. Just as Venus, the Roman goddess of love, emerged fully formed from the sea, so do the foods that best encourage those under her spell. In addition to being chockfull of healthy protein, “seafood is elegant, clean and light enough to keep your sleek loving machine fully fueled but never weighed down,” says Jacqui Malouf. Oysters are famous- or infamous- for their amorous effects (Cassanova was fond of them) but aren’t for everyone; other romantic dining favorites include shrimp or scallops. Time to Eat Once you’ve worked your kitchen magic together, it’s time to move the action into the dining room. Again, a little preparation can keep the evening at a slow, sensuous boil. Use the best china you have, along with matching silverware, cloth napkins and nice glasses (sippy cups don’t count). The warm glow of candlelight can both set off your tantalizing table and set your hearts aflame, along with a rose or two in the most decorative vase you own. Music (from Mozart to Motown, depending on your taste) is another surefire mojo Mover. But please guys- catch up with CNN or ESPN some other time. When you do finally sit down to dinner don’t rush, even (especially) if fast-forward eating is the norm in your house. “Treat the food as if you are making love for the first time,” advises Kerry McCloskey in The Ultimate Sex Diet (True Courage Press). “Before putting any in your mouth, inhale its aroma to get your digestive juices flowing…Cut your food into small, bite-sized pieces, (which) will ensure that you enjoy each bite.” The idea is to enhance all of your senses, which will come in handy later on in the evening. You can make your couple dining experience even more intimate by feeding each other; some foods. Like asparagus spears and shrimp, beg for finger-feeding. McCloskey recommends also trying chopsticks: “Because it will take longer to maneuver your food when using them, you will feel full sooner with less food.” That’s important since you don’t want to overeat- passing out right after dessert is not the way to impress your partner (they’ve seen you snoring away on the couch a hundred times before).
In the wee hours, happily exhausted, you can ponder this: No matter how hectic your lives get, you should always make time for each other. You already share a mortgage and kids. Cooking together is a great way to share sensuality, too.
( Clean Living ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 10, 2005 04:14 PM
Clean Living by Phyllis D. Light, RH Energy Times, December 3, 2003 Just as you wouldn't clean a closet by merely closing the closet door, you can't clean your body by closing your eyes to the toxins that assault our bodies every day. The modern world is filled with natural and manmade chemicals that can accumulate within and cause long-term health problems. So, in between bouts of housecleaning, an internal cleansing can keep your bodily systems feeling as clean as your sparkling household. While modern life would be impossible without the chemicals that go into the gadgets and machines on which society thrives, these materials have a dark side: Each day we are exposed to hundreds of substances that have infiltrated our food, water and air. They lurk in our cleaning products, fabrics, personal care products, automobiles and even the building materials in our homes and offices. "While our [bodies have] systems of detoxification to deal with and eliminate chemicals to which we are exposed, the sheer volume of these chemicals can overwhelm these detoxification mechanisms, causing these non-lifegiving substances to stay in our bodies where they can damage our health," says Steven Horne, AHG, herbalist and natural health consultant in St. George, Utah. Added to this chemical mix, indulgences in alcoholic drinks, cigarette smoke, caffeine and over-the-counter drugs can further challenge your body's cleansing systems. Water, Water Everywhere and How Your Health Can Shrink Substances in the beverages you consume every day may contribute to the collection of toxins in your body. A growing water problem, for instance, flows from the medications excreted into sewer systems and groundwater. These drugs have already affected the environment: Estrogen from contraceptives have contaminated lakes and rivers, and caused deformities in fish while impairing the fertility of water animals and the birds who feed upon them. A study released by scientists at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found that the fertility rate of adult male fish exposed to synthetic estrogen from contraceptive pills dropped by 50% (Envir Tox & Chem 6/03). Scientists believe these defective animals are like the proverbial canaries in coal mines, reflecting health problems that may also be harming human health in ways we don't yet understand. And clean machines can cause unclean bodies: When scientists from Queen's University (Drug Metab Dispos 2003; 31:306) examined the seminal fluid of infertile men, they found extra amounts of the chemical trichloroethylene (TCE), a degreasing agent used in the automotive and metal industries. TCE is also found in adhesives, lubricants, paints, varnishes, paint strippers, pesticides, spot reMovers and rug cleaning fluids, and it has entered the drinking water in many places. Detox for Metabolic Balance "Detoxification is the missing link in Western nutrition and an important but unexplored medical therapy," says Elson M. Haas, MD, author of The Detox Diet (Celestial Arts). Dr. Haas believes that when the body accumulates wastes that are not properly eliminated, disease often results: "The key to maintaining metabolic balance is to maximize nutrition and eliminate toxins." Dr. Haas has seen improvement in cholesterol levels, blood pressure readings and pain levels after his patients have detoxed. When your body accumulates toxins, cells can stagnate and suffocate. To offset these problems, the body uses its built-in system of detoxification to remove toxins and cellular waste products. In protecting itself against toxins, the body can quickly eliminate water-soluble compounds before they cause harm, excreting them in the stool, sweat and urine. Fat-soluble compounds, which make up most of the chemical toxins we are exposed to every day, are not so easily dealt with. The body uses enzymes in the intestines and liver to chemically break down these toxins and convert them into a form that can be pushed out of the body. Your body inherits its ability to cope with toxins. But you can help the body in its detox tasks by providing nutrients that aid cleansing. Colorful Eating Boosts Detox Many experts believe that alkaline foods (fruits and vegetables) help the body detoxify, while meats and acidic processed foods slow the process. "The right balance of acid and alkaline foods for each of us is, of course, the key," notes Dr. Haas. Animal products, sugar, white flour, and alcoholic beverages are thought to leave acid residues in the body. "Brightly colored foods contain powerful antioxidants that help the liver with the detoxification process," says Brenda Watson, CT, in her book Renew Your Life (Renew Life Press). "...[raw] fruits and vegetables...contain enzymes... [that are] destroyed by cooking." These enzymes can help the body detoxify and eliminate undesirable substances. However, Watson cautions, "If the digestive system is weak...too much raw food [can] cause upset, so raw foods should be added to the diet at a pace the body can tolerate. Taking digestive plant enzymes with meals can also aid digestion." While those foods in a normal diet can help control toxins, if you have moved toward "toxic overload," or if you want to eliminate candida-a yeast that can cause health problems-Watson recommends a detox diet:
Foods that are allowed include:
When preparing dishes in this diet, use plenty of garlic and green foods. "Other anti-candida agents which may be used liberally include ginger, cinnamon, thyme and rosemary." According to Watson, following this diet is a first step toward detoxing. If you experience serious difficulties linked to environmental toxins, consult a health practitioner. In a world filled with chemicals whose effects are unknown, attention must be paid to the toxins around us. As our machines grow more complex and widespread, our health difficulties linked to these mechanisms may also grow.
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