Search Term: " Sinesis "
Camellia Sinesis
November 22, 2012 11:03 AM
Black Tea Among beverages, many varieties of tea exist including oolong, green and black tea. they are in fact quite similar in their natural state and chemical composition. However, the benefits of black tea extract has begun proving its mettle after the rather heavy overdose of information and research on green tea. The important ingredient that has made tea a rage in alternative medicines in the modern times is the contents of polyphenol which is beneficial in reducing fat absorption and aiding weight loss. In fact, while green tea extract has about 30-40% of water soluble polyphenol, black tea has about 10% . Benefits: What has however been proven through recent clinical studies is that the four kinds of polyphenols found in black tea extract are more active on adipose tissue mass, liver lipid content thereby suppressing body weight more effectively as compared to green tea. Green tea is the fresh plucked leaves of the camellia Sinesis plant while black tea extract is made from the fermented leaves. While the green tea leaves are only lightly dried, black tea leaves are fully oxidized. Both contain flavonoids known for their beneficial effects on the human body . However because of the excessive oxidation in black tea, the flavonoids convert to complex theaflavins and thearubiglins.These are antioxidant known to be tremendously potent in effectively countering cancers, stroke and heart ailments. Potent Health Benefits *Its proven to affect on triglycerides present in the blood thus affecting body weight issues dramatically. In fact clinical observations have proved that it induces reduced levels of cholesterol with no side effects on fat soluble vitamins. It's safe usage could not have been proved better:
An intake up to three cups is said to have beneficial effect but again discretion should be maintained in cases of hypertension, blood pressure and anxiety, who could do without the effect black tea extract has on blood circulation and heightening of alertness.Without a doubt black tea extract remains one of the most common proven natural formulas with great benefits.
( Benefits of using Cordyceps
October 11, 2012 07:59 AM
What is Cordyceps? Cordyceps is a type of fungus that is used as medicine and grows in countries such as China, Tibet , Korea ans Nepal. From the recent study, it has been noted that Cordyceps has few or no side effects at all to the patients that use it. There are many species of Cordyceps but the most commonly used is the Cordyceps Sinesis. Here are some of the medicinal benefits that you will get when using Cordyceps; Enhanced immune system It enhances your immune system by stimulating the body to produce more white blood cells that are responsible for fighting of the pathogens. Also it can act as an antioxidant keeping the whole body system clean. As an Energy booster From studies it has been cited that Cordyceps increases the rate of production of ATP in the liver, these are the energy molecules in the body. It helps elderly people to walk around as it reduces fatigue in the whole body. The mentioned above are the major medical benefits of Cordyceps, others include; for sexual enhancement in Asian countries and treatment of cancer.
( Double Strength Green Tea Extract
May 13, 2005 11:22 AM
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