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  Messages 1-3 from 3 matching the search criteria.
Study shows the way stress may harm your heart Darrell Miller 1/22/17
How Does Lutein Help Fight Against Macular Degeneration? Darrell Miller 8/19/11
Liquid Calcium Magnesium – Proactive Support – Supports Optimal Bone Health* Darrell Miller 7/6/07

NOYAH All-Natural Desert Rose Lipstick
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SOOTHING TOUCH LLC Desert Sage Body Lotion
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Living Flower Essences Desert Willow
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Living Flower E Patchouli Reserve Organic Oil Tester
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Study shows the way stress may harm your heart

Date: January 22, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study shows the way stress may harm your heart

Psychological stress has been proven to have a huge impact on the health of your heart, as well as your blood pressure levels. During the trial period, they found that several testers who had PTSD suffered heart problems and even stroke during the follow-up period. Amygdala has been discovered to increase cardiac problems and raise chances of having a cardiac episode. Doctors will continue to research this and decide what measures to take in the future to help keep heart conditions and stress levels under control

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientists may have uncovered a biological explanation for the long suspected link between stress and heart disease: the amygdala in the brain.
  • Those who reported the highest stress levels had the highest levels of amygdala activity along with more signs of inflammation in their blood and the walls of their arteries.
  • With increasing numbers of people suffering from job or social stress, doctors may have to include it when they assess an individual's risk for cardiovascular disease.

"Given the increasing number of people suffering from job or social stress, doctors may have to include it when they assess an individual's risk for cardiovascular disease, she said."



How Does Lutein Help Fight Against Macular Degeneration?

Date: August 19, 2011 01:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Lutein Help Fight Against Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration is a medical condition that affects older adults in most cases which results in a loss of sight or vision just in the center of the visual field due to damage of the retina. This is a very serious condition of the eye and it progresses over the years and in case left untreated may lead to further loss of sight. It has been found to be a major cause of older adults being visually impaired and usually age range is 50 years or older. Macular degeneration makes it hard or impossible to read or recognize faces, even though enough peripheral vision remains to make daily life activities remain doable.

Lutein from the Latin meaning of yellow, luteus, is a xanthophyll and is a naturally-occurring carotenoid. It is abundant in leafy vegetables which are green in color like spinach and kale. Lutein can also be found in egg yolks and is also present in plants as a fatty-acid tester and most of all, it can be found in the retina and concentrated in the macula, which is a small area of the retina mainly responsible for central vision. This helps the eyes to be protected from oxidative stress and blue light photons with high energy.

Eye Health

Several studies have found that an increase in macula pigmentation helps decreases the risk for eye diseases and one of them is Age-related Macular Degeneration(AMD). Some concluded that visual activity is improved with lutein supplementation alone or lutein together with other nutrients. Other studies also show that AMD seemed to be directly related to having low carotenoids in the body. It does follow in this case that increased green leafy vegetable consumption does help prevent the risk of AMD. Sufficient lutein intake indicates risk reduction for macular degeneration and this can be obtained from a proper diet, but considering that the daily focus of attention is for the lutein.

It commonly follows that this daily attention to the diet to get all the required lutein for our body is where supplementation suggestion comes in since many are not able to do so especially for people around the age group of 70 and up where the attention needed is just too taxing. And since failure to have sufficient lutein is not acceptable for these people with a high risk of AMD or those already with AMD but hopes to slow it down or even stop the progression of the decease, supplementation is a viable and reliable way to assure sufficient lutein intake. This would eventually lead to increases in blood serum levels that would be equal to a diet sufficient of high lutein foods.

However it’s worthy to note that risk reduction does not equate to a cure because once macular degeneration has started there is no way to reverse it. But reduction of risk may be an implication of prevention for some people. Further research needs to be done. However in terms of prevention before the decease starts, results have been promising.


Liquid Calcium Magnesium – Proactive Support – Supports Optimal Bone Health*

Date: July 06, 2007 02:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Liquid Calcium Magnesium – Proactive Support – Supports Optimal Bone Health*

Liquid Calcium Magnesium – Proactive Support – Supports Optimal Bone Health*


Great taste, great compliance

  • Preferred by more than 70% of taste testers over the leading brand!1
  • Vanilla shake flavored – without the fat or dairy
  • High customer loyalty and repeat purchase


Reduce the risk of osteoporosis with calcium*

  • Calcium is essential for building strong healthy bones*
  • Magnesium regulates calcium transport within bone structure*
  • Boron supports healthy bone mineral density*


Additional Features

  • Vegetarian


1 Source: Paired Taste Preference Test, conducted 5/2/07. Leading Brand is identified as the top-selling liquid calcium magnesium supplement as identified by SPINS Calcium and Calcium Formula Subcategory report for 52 weeks ending 12-30-06; ttl US; Nat Prod Sprmkt Channel


Osteoporosis affects middle-aged and older persons. A lifetime of regular exercise and a healthy diet that concludes calcium builds and maintains good bone health and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life. Daily intakes above 2,000 mg are not likely to provide any additional benefit to bone health.





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