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Here’s to Long Life – Resveratrol |
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Darrell Miller | 05/28/07 |
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Darrell Miller | 05/28/07 |
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Darrell Miller | 05/28/07 |
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Darrell Miller | 05/28/07 |

May 28, 2007 11:32 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Let us raise a glass to the anti-aging benefits of Resveratrol
A couple of centuries after famed French chemist Louis Pasteur proclaimed “Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages,” we’ve confirmed that this prized potable does indeed contain a vatful of beneficial compounds, including Resveratrol. And while the fruit of the vine still gladdens many a heart, modern researchers have found more bountiful sources of this important phytonutrients-especially Japanese knotweed, a bamboo like perennial that now yields most of the Resveratrol used in supplements.
Scientists are quite intrigued by Resveratrol. Not only has it shown an ability to fight disorders that become more common as people grow older, but early studies indicate that Resveratrol might even interfere with the aging process itself.
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May 28, 2007 11:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Extended existence?
Humankind has long searched for a special elixir that would confer immortality…or, failing that, at least prolong youthful vitality for a decent number of years. Resveratrol is no magic potion, but it has improved survival rates among mice at the ripe old age (for a mouse) of 114 weeks even overweight mice fed high-calorie chow (Nature online 11/1/06). What’s more the Resveratrol bolstered rodents stayed fit and trim well into their senior years; as Dr. Rafael de Cabo of the National Institute on Aging told the news service heartwire, such a finding “suggests that this compound may not just extend life but may also enable individuals to lead healthy and functional lives for longer.”
While tests continue on how Resveratrol could produce these results, it is believed that this substance may actually mimic the effects of calories restriction, which has been shown to increase longevity. Resveratrol apparently activates a gene known as SIRT1 activation is also associated with greater exercise capacity and fat burning.) in addition, Resveratrol both acts as an antioxidant itself by mopping up dangerous molecules called free radicals and helps enhance the antioxidant effects of vitamin C and E.

May 28, 2007 11:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Resveratrol Report
What is it? A compound found, most famously, in grapes and red wine; Japanese knotweed (polygonum cuspidatum) is a more concentrated source. What does it do? This anti-inflammatory acts against several ailments associated with age, including cancer and cardiovascular disorders; it has also lengthened lifespan in animals.

May 28, 2007 11:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Resveratrol - Easing the Ails of age
Resveratrol’s antioxidant actions at least partially explain its ability to battle both cardiovascular disease and cancer, two disorders linked with the kind of damage that accumulates as people age. For example, cholesterol becomes a heart hazard only after bombardment by free radicals causes it to adhere to artery walls; in lab studies Resveratrol has been found to reduce this effect. Resveratrol also makes blood less “sticky,” and thus less inclined to forming dangerous clots, while simultaneously coaxing blood vessels into a relaxed, open state that leads to enhanced circulation. No wonder one Taiwanese study found that rats given Resveratrol enjoyed 30% increase in blood flow within their brains, which reduces the risk of stroke (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 4/19/06).
Cancer development and the body’s anti-cancer defenses—depend on an elaborate interplay of enzymes and proteins, a system that Resveratrol has modified in several investigations. As a result, this compound shows great promise in helping to both stop cancer before it gets started and slow tumors down once they do become established. Resveratrol has also induced apoptosis—a kind of cellular suicide—in tests done on various cancer cell cultures.
If you’re having a party, open a bottle of wine. But if you want access to wine’s heartful advantages in concentrated form, open a Resveratrol supplement body instead. –Lisa James.