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Colostrum Can Boost The Immune System And Your Health |
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Darrell Miller | 06/17/09 |

June 17, 2009 10:13 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Colostrum and immunity
In order to obtain a smooth running immune system, communication between cells is absolutely essential. To communicate between cells, the system uses hormone-like signal substances, which can often be found in colostrum. It has been found in studies that an immune response can literally be transferred from a donor to another recipient by simply feeding that person with an extract of leucocytes. This extract contained a factor that was capable of passing on the donor’s immunity to the recipient. Scientists and researchers still do not know the exact constituents of colostrum, as colostrum extracts have been estimated to contain more than 200 individual compounds which each play a role in the communication process.
Because an immature response within the immune system to an infection can take anywhere from ten days to two weeks to completely develop, colostrum is essential because it can reduce this delay in reaction time due to two factors it possesses: an inducer/helper function, and a suppressor function. The inducer function allows the body to develop a mature response in as little time as twenty-four hours. However, an overactive immune response to agents that are always present like pollens and the body’s own cells is not healthy. The suppression factor comes in here, as it helps to control hyper-reactive responses that commonly turn into allergies and autoimmune diseases. Together, all of this helps to keep the immune system and the body’s overall health in a balanced state.
An infant’s first food is usually a mother’s milk, which is full of nutrient-rich colostrum. Colostrum contains valuable components which help the immune system to communicate and pass information between the cells. There are agents passed through colostrum that are not species-specific, meaning that they are equally effective in one species as they are in another. Additionally, this means that these agents generally do not cause allergies.
Colostrum and its derivatives can be used for many conditions including herpes, hepatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, candidiasis, cancer, type I diabetes, intestinal injury, autism, rheumatoid arthritis, AIDS, and the Epstein-Barr virus. Herpes, which is a commonly found disease in today’s world that manifests itself in recurrent outbreaks which are characterized by sores and other skin lesions. Colostrum has been found to decrease the frequency of herpes outbreaks, as well as shortening the duration of any outbreak that is experienced. Agents found within colostrum are specifically programmed to fight the hepatitis viruses and are even able to prevent the onset of hepatitis.
Because colostrum and its immune agents are able to effectively help the body combat a variety of pathogens, it is also believed that colostrum can help to fight conditions like chronic candidiasis. Cancer may be prevented and fought with the use of colostrum and its various agents. Diabetes, which is one of the world’s most widespread and debilitating disorder, is increasingly associated with dysfunction of the immune system. Research has shown that colostrum and its compounds may have the ability to reverse diabetes. Colostrum has also been proven in studies to reverse the effects of autism on a child to the extent that the child can return to a mainstream school and participate in social activities. The Epstein-Barr virus, which is associated with symptoms including extreme fatigue and headaches, may be affected by colostrum, as studies have shown the total remission of symptoms in patients with this virus.
Colostrum is an amazing substance. Fortunately, it can be found at your local or internet health food store in capsule or tablet forms for easy consumption. Always purchase name brands like Source Naturals, Kal, and Now Foods to ensure quality and purity of the product you purchase.