

Exploring The Benefits Of Cat's Claw Herb

old message Exploring The Benefits Of Cat's Claw Herb Darrell Miller 09/15/16


Date: September 15, 2016 04:05 PM
Subject: Exploring The Benefits Of Cat's Claw Herb

 Cat's Claw is a medicinal plant made from the root and bark. It has drawn the attention of Western herbalists and researchers while being ranked seventh of the best selling herbs around the world. The plant has two components that are vital; Uncaria tomentosa angUncaria guianensis.

Benefits associated with Cat's Claw herb

a) The herb's anti-inflammatory properties helps in alleviating arthritis, gout, and anything related to unchecked inflammation (systemic inflammation).

b) The oxindole alkaloids found in the bark and roots of Cat's Claw herb can stimulate the immune system. 

c) Cat's Claw herb is applicable in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and viral infections for example shingles.

d) The herb also has anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties which come in handy in inhibiting the formation of cancerous cells.


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