

Is your storable food just repackaged genetically modified SOY and CORN?

old message Is your storable food just repackaged genetically modified SOY and CORN? Darrell Miller 11/15/16


Date: November 15, 2016 12:54 PM
Subject: Is your storable food just repackaged genetically modified SOY and CORN?

Common survival and storable foods are may not be the healthiest foods to keep for long term health. It seems that many of these foods are loaded with unhealthy additions like MSG and pesticides. Almost all of these products contain corn and soybean in one form or another and most of those crops are genetically modified. Luckily, there are some healthier alternatives out there that don’t contain such toxic ingredients.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported on the presence of toxic ingredients in many survival foods
  • Adams wrote that nearly every popular storable food product contained GMOs
  • Genetically modified corn and soy are two of the most prolific ingredients on the food market today

"Last week, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported on the presence of toxic ingredients in many survival foods. Adams wrote that nearly every popular storable food product contained GMOs, pesticides, and monosodium glutamate (MSG.)"



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