Protein Can Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

January 09, 2017 08:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Protein Can Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels
Many people suffer from blood sugar level inconsistencies. A condition known as hypoglycemia is caused when your blood sugar (glucose) drops, resulting in a range of symptoms. Many people with diabetes suffer from hypoglycemia, and the common solution is thought by many to be a sweet treat. However, this can often exacerbate the problem. More often the solution is to give the person some foods which contain protein.
How protein can stabilize blood sugar levels
In much the same way that dietary fiber works, eating a source of high-quality protein along with your meals and snacks can have a beneficial effect on your body's blood sugar levels. Adding some protein to your meal would help to provide the amino acids for tissue repair and recovery while also ensuring you stay satisfied for several hours after eating or consuming the meal.
By choosing the right combination of protein and carbohydrates to eat, you can control the amount of glucose in your bloodstream by slowing the process of digestion. This slowing down prevents a blood sugar spike as a result of overdosing on carbohydrates. However, this doesn't mean that you can just eat foods with protein to your content. Your body can only assimilate so much protein in a single sitting, so you need to be able to ration your intake. Too much protein included in your diet can have severe side effects like intestinal wind, bad breath, and indigestion and there are also long-term health concerns concerning a diet that's too rich in protein.
Though many people might find it challenging to manage, diabetes is not a friendly condition you should just live with. Indeed, with simple changes in your life, you can reap great benefits such as weight reduction and lower both your blood sugar levels as well. Include foods rich in protein in your daily diet and the results will be amazing.
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