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Amino acid arginine found to be crucial to mental health; lowlevels contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 01, 2018 09:52 AM
Mental health problems aren't always easy to treat but now that researchers have found an amino acid called arginine may help. This amino acid reduces oxidative tress and inflammation which lowers the risk of developing mental illness such as anxiety and depression. Improving your diet and supplementing with a supplement containing amino acid arginine could be the key to finally beating these conditions and the decreased quality of life they often bring to the patients suffering. Key Takeaways:
"Still, the authors argue that more research should be conducted to truly determine the role of amino acids (particularly those that reduce inflammation) in mental health." Read more:
( Avocados' awesome aid in digestion (Part II) ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 13, 2017 11:14 AM
Thanks to its highly nutritious properties and the myriad of health benefits it provides, avocado is known as a superfood. Avocados have anti-inflammatory properties, pack in even more potassium than a banana, assist in digestion, and are filled with anti-oxidants. On top of all this, avocados also improve eye health and strengthen bones. The many vitamins and minerals found in avocados provide a number of beauty benefits as well, as they contribute to healthier skin. Avocados are excellent foods for weight loss as well due to their healthful properties and also because avocados are energy and metabolism boosters. These are only just a few examples of why the avocado is valued as a superfood and a staple of healthy eating. Read more: Avocados' awesome aid in digestion (Part II)
( What Is Allium Cepa Good For? ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 01, 2014 08:50 PM
Allium Cepa was originally native to central Asia; however, nowadays it has a global geographic range. It made its way to Egypt through trade, where it became an important food crop in the ancient world. Because the Allium cepa was a cheap food source, Egyptian slave workers, those who built the pyramids, ate them on a daily basis. Additionally, it was illustrated in the funerary images in tombs. Ancient Sumerians commonly cultivate and cooked Allium cepa 4,000 years ago. Benefits of allium cepa Allium Cepa is extremely valued for its healing qualities. It has been utilized as a food cure from time immemorial. Research illustrates that Allium Cepa may help protect against several chronic diseases. That is possible because the plant contains generous quantities of the flavonoid quercetin. Research has also shown that quercetin guards against cardiovascular disease, cancer and cataracts. Additionally, Allium Cepa contains various other naturally occurring chemicals called organic sulfur compounds, which have been associated with lowering cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Even though the plant is seldom used specifically as a medicinal herb, it has a wide variety of helpful actions on the body and when regularly consumed (Particularly raw), it will help the body’s health. When consumed frequently in the diet, Allium Cepa offsets tendencies towards arteriosclerosis, heart attack and angina. This is used mostly in the healing of individuals whose symptoms include running nose and eyes. Allium cepa’s ability to ease congestions Particularly in the bronchial tract and lungs is hard to accept until you have truly seen the results. The drawing of congestion, infection and colds is also remarkable. The Allium Cepa will ease stomach upset as well as other gastrointestinal ailments and it will improve the appetite. The plant is found in every household and therefore is easily accessible. The purple-skinned plant tastes great. In addition, it has numerous health gains and is Part of several beauty solutions and home remedies.
( What Is Artemisinin? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 28, 2014 06:56 PM
Long known as an imposing enemy to malaria and other significant parasites, studies indicate that Artemisinin could assume a useful Part in cancer medicines. Uncovered to be a compelling malaria medication many years prior by Chinese botanists, the most recent century has seen that artemisinin is utilized productively within western pharmaceutical. Not just artemisinin treat the worldwide executioner malaria, yet late studies are additionally revealing to its medicinal viability extending from malaria to cancer. It's exceptionally extraordinary in its sub-atomic structure in that it has two oxygen Particles joined together by what's known as an 'endoperoxide span'. Why Artemisinin utilization are so wide is unequivocally on account of this extension and its unique atomic structure. Its piece implies it responds with Particles with a high iron substance, for example, malaria parasites and cancerous tumors. Upon contact with infected cells (with this high iron substance), its system of activity is to structure free radicals. These free radicals are poisonous to the respectability of the attacking cells, separating them and in the end leaving the contaminated cells devastated.
( What Is Ubiquinol? ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 23, 2013 02:54 PM
Coenzyme Q10 (Co10) is a naturally-occurring chemical compound in the body which fuels cell growth and enhances enzyme functions. It exists in three forms; ubiquinone (fully oxidized), semiquinone (Partially reduced), and ubiquinol (fully reduced). So, ubiquinol is basically a reduced form of Co10, it is a strong antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals. Free radicals refer to a reactive and unstable atom that can trigger many medical conditions such as cardiovascular issues, weak immunity and even cancer.
Ubiquinol is found in almost every organ, tissue and cell in mammals. This lipid-soluble benzoquinol can be acquired through supplementation, biosynthesis and from diet (in small amounts). Ubiquinol plays an integral role in transferring electrons within the body, thereby leading to ATP synthesis. The antioxidant property of ubiquinol is very essential in the functioning of the cellular systems.
Ubiquinone is naturally converted into ubiquinol by the body to produce energy for the cells. The failure of this process can lead to insufficient energy levels in the body. The ability of the body to generate Coenzyme Q10 reduces with age and so does the ability to convert ubiquinone into ubiquinol. Therefore, older people should use ubiquinol supplements to boost their energy levels. APart from older people, those who suffer from neurological, cardiovascular, diabetes and liver conditions may also have low ubiquinol levels.
There are many health benefits associated with ubiquinol. First, it offers a sufficient amount of energy which the heart needs to work well. It's also a strong antioxidant that protects the heart, and other vital body organs from free radicals. When it comes to energy, ubiquinol is an essential component in 95 percent of the energy produced in the body. Daily intake of ubiquinol supplement can help reduce fatigue and muscle pains; the common symptoms of insufficient Coenzyme Q10 in the body. Since ubiquinol is a strong fat soluble antioxidant, it can protect the body from oxidation, thereby providing an anti-aging benefit. Do you feel fatigued, run down with no energy? Consider Ubiquinol as a natural safe energy boosting supplement.
( The Immune System and The Antigen Factor ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 19, 2006 05:46 PM
All cells, including infectious microorganisms, carry “ID Tags” called antigens on their surface. Each of these individual molecular signatures or “ID Tags” tells our immune generals whether the intruder is friend or foe. If foe, the antigens stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies to act against it. Amazingly, immune defense cells recognize and response to thousand of antigens. These “ID Tags” are written in glycoforms on the surface of the cells and use the sugar code to pass the information. Here is a simple explanation of how this works. Immune cells roam throughout the body touching other cells and asking three questions: 1. are you me (Part of this body) and are you okay? 2. are you me and are you not okay (do you need help)? 3. are you not me and need to be eliminated or destroyed? These questions and their answers are translated through the sugar code found on each cell surface. Depending on the response obtained, immune cells: 1. leave the cell alone & move on; 2. send for help to repair or protect the cell; 3. call in the troops to kill off the foreign invader or cancer cell. Having a ready supply of glyconutrients may help the body speed up the correct immune system response.
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November 11, 2005 09:32 AM
Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Cardiovascular Disease: Randomized clinical trials are adding to the evidence that omega-3s are beneficial in cardiovascular disease, especially from secondary prevention of myocardial infraction. One of the earliest randomized clinical trials was the diet and reinfraction trial (DART). This trial was designed to examine the effects of dietary intervention in the prevention of secondary myocardial infraction. The subjects advised to increase their intake of oily fish had a 29% reduction in 2-year all-cause mortality. This ovservation lead to the hypothesis that omega-3 fatty acids might protect the myocardium against acute ischemic stress. A post hoc analysis of patients receiving fish oil supplements (900mg/day of EPA and DHA) suggested that the protective effect was attributed to omega-3 fatty acids. Another randomized placebo-controlled trial of patients admitted to the hospital with suspected acute myocardial infraction showed that supplementation with 1.8 g of omega-3 (EPA and DHA) for on year decreased total cardiac events by 29%. Both total cardiac death and nonfatal myocardial infractions were also reduced by 48%. The largest randomized clinical trial to test the efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease is the GISSI-prevention study. From 1993 to 1995, 11,324 patients surviving myocardial infraction were randomly assigned either vitamin E (300mg daily, as synthetic-a-tocopherol), omega-3 fatty acids (1 g daily, standardized to 850 mg EPA and DHA), both or none. Compared with the control group, patients taking the fish oil showed a 15% reduction in the primary end point of death, nonfatal myocardial infraction, and nonfatal stroke. Patients supplementing with vitamin E online showed no benefit.
With this mounting data, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends eathing at least two servings of fish per week (Particularly fatty fish). The FDA has also announced a qualified health claim linking a reduced risk of coronary heart disease with the long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
( Depression ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 30, 2005 09:20 AM
Depression By Ellen J. Kamhi, Ph. D. with Dorie Greenblatt Depression is a widespread health imbalance that effects many people at some point in their lives, and may be caused by a multifaceted list of factors. Depression can be triggered by personal tragedy, loss of a loved one, or changes in life situations (even if they are positive!). Some of the less recognized causes of depression may involve diet, including over-consumption of sugar, artificial sweeteners, chemical flavorings and preservatives, insufficient nutrition and foods that causes an allergic or sensitivity reaction in an individual. Lack of exercise and not enough sunlight, (i.e. Seasonal Affective Disorder), may be implicated as well. It is essential that those suffering from severe depression seek professional care. Since depression can arise from many different sources and operate on multiple levels, it is helpful to remember that “true healing” requires one to explore and address the root cause(s), not just attempt to cover up the symptom. Proper nutrition is essential. B vitamins can be helpful, such as Nature’s Answer’s B-Stress with Herbs, along with other nutrients such as the amino acids, GABA (Particularly for anxiety), Tyrosine and Phenylalanine. Regular exercise, and a nice relaxing bath in lavender oil and sea salt are also enjoyable aids for lifting one’s spirits. Herbs can be useful in relieving the symptoms of mild to moderate depression. Nature’s Answer offers many high-quality, single herb and combination formulas (liquid or capsule) that feature ingredients well-known for balancing emotional mood. Relora®* features a patented propriety blend of two herbs, Magnolia (standardized to 1.5% honokiol (3.75mg)) and Phellodendron (standardized to 0.1% berberine (0.25mg)) which, when combined according to a Particular method, may help reduce the negative effects of stress, a factor that leads to depression as well as “stress overeating”. When the body is under stress, it causes the release of specific “stress hormones” that influence mood and emotional well-being. Relora® is unique because its active plant constituents work on the body’s natural chemistry to re-establish a normal equilibrium of stress hormones, while enhancing feelings of relaxation and cheerful outlook. Another powerful, “all-in-one” proprietary herbal blend formula from Nature’s Answer® is Mood Balance 2™ (alcohol free liquid, vegetarian capsule). Mood Balance 2™ contains key ingredients well-recognized for their beneficial actions on emotional health, including St. John’s Wort, California Spikenard, Gotu Kola, Skullcap and Eleuthero root**. This combination of ingredients can help “lift the spirits”. (Note that these herbs are also available from Nature’s Answer® as single herb formulas in concentrated liquid herbal extracts and/or vegetarian capsules; Kosher). Key ingredients in Mood Balance 2™include: St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum), used for a range of nerve disorders and said to “chase away evil spirits.” Since 1996, it has become one of the most popular herbs in the US due to its use as a mild to moderate antidepressant. A number of current studies confirm its effectiveness, including a review in the British Medical Journal of 23 clinical trials, which reported that it worked nearly as well as the leading pharmaceuticals with far fewer side effects. Although more research is needed, it appears that the activity of St. John’s Wort is due to a variety of naturally occurring components, including Hypericin and Hyperforin. Nature’s Answer’s exclusive formula, Super St. John’s Wort (vegetarian capsule), is standardized to both 3.0% hyperforin and 0.3% hypericin. Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica), used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine as a nerve tonic and to treat emotional upset, insomnia, stress, anxiety and memory problems. It is currently used along with meditation and yoga due to its abilities to both calm and energize nerves. Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) has the double action of relaxing nervous tension while building the central nervous system. As a mild bitter it will also help stimulate digestion and help the liver. Eleuthero root** (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is an “adaptogen” that helps to balance the entire system. It gives strength and fortitude, especially when dealing with stress; so often a factor in depression.
References for Educational Purposes:
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