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Can Resveratrol Help Fight DNA Damage? ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 21, 2013 01:32 PM
How resveratrol helps in fighting DNA damage Resveratrol is a naturally occurring antioxidant produced by plants to protect them against attacks by predators such insects, bacteria or fungi. This antioxidant which has been the subject of several scientific studies is usually found in large quantities in grape skin or red wine. Although the body can function without it which means that you can not be termed as deficient of this nutrient, the compound is known to have immense health benefits. Scientists claim that human beings have not yet fully discovered the real benefits that can be derived from this antioxidant. Scientists have demonstrated that Resveratrol is quite effective in fighting DNA damage which is responsible for aging as well as disorders that are associated with aging including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Cell degeneration in vital organs is usually linked to certain factors. An important factor that causes cell loss is the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by mitochondria in the cell which is responsible for cell death and DNA damage. Preventing mitochondria turnover and bio-genesis guards against oxidative mitochondria thus promoting healthy aging.
Cell degeneration has been effectively controlled by using a diet that is low in calories so as to increase mitochondria biogenesis. Adding resveratrol to your diet has the same effect since this antioxidant mimics dietary restriction thus delaying diseases related to aging. The compound has been known to stall the aging process by acting as sirtuin activator. It is also responsible for various effects on fat cells which alter fat mass by acting on cell viability and adipogenesis in mature preadipocytes. Laboratory tests have demonstrated that this compound stimulates bio-genesis which helps in delivering immense health-related benefits in mice. The antioxidant fights off cancer which occurs when there is cell damage during cell division. The compound stops cell division in order to allow enzymes repair damaged genes .It also prevents carcinogenic metabolism, a common cause of DNA damage.
( Inosine ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 19, 2008 12:35 PM
Inosine is a specific type of glycosylamine that consists of a base bound to a deoxyribose or ribose sugar. This type of glycosylamine is referred to as a nucleoside, others being adenosine, thymidine and cytidine. It is available naturally in brewer’s yeast and major organ offal such as liver and kidney. It’s function in animal biochemistry is in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), often known as the molecule of energy, that is essential for the generation of energy by the mitochondria in our body cells. It’s biochemistry is described below. Inosine is synthesized as inosine monophosphate by means of a complex series of biochemical reactions. The inosine monophosphate is a precursor for adenine, a nucleotide and purine base that reacts with ribose to form adenosine. This is another nucleoside that can be phosphorylated to produce adenosine monophosphate (AMP), the diphosphate (ADP), the triphosphate (ATP) and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Each of these is involved in the metabolism of energy in the mitochondria. Glucose undergoes a number of enzyme-catalyzed reactions in the presence of oxygen that ultimately breaks it down to water and carbon dioxide, plus at least 36 molecules of ATP via glycolysis and then the Krebs cycle. The ATP reacts with water to release energy and form ADP. The ADP can then be phosphorylated to produce more ATP. The starting point of all of this is inosine, and it is little wonder this nucleoside is used by athletes to help boost their energy. Not only that, however, but adenine is also the precursor of amino and nucleic acids responsible for the generation of RNA and DNA, and it is also responsible for the production of many coenzymes. These provide other opportunities for its use elsewhere in medicine, and it has also been found to possess other medical properties that will be discussed later. It was in the 1970s that inosine was first used to boost athletic performance due to its part in the generation of the energy needed by every muscle in the body. Its use began in eastern countries, although evidence at the time did not support the theory. Nevertheless, this did not deter its advocates, and inosine continued to be used by athletes, a practice that has now spread world-wide. It has been found to be a metabolic activator, in that it supports metabolism through the generation of energy. Inosine has been used by power lifters for heavy weight training to increase the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen, and strength athletes, particularly of the Eastern Bloc, used it from the mid 1970s onwards. Inosine appears to increase the natural ability of the body to handle strenuous workouts, although there is no scientific proof of this. However, those that use it claim an increased ability to carry out intensive training workouts and an improvement in their competitive performance. The nucleotide can penetrate the cell walls and get to where it is needed to take part in the metabolism of energy through the production of ATP. Now, however, inosine has an entirley different application in medicine. Studies have shown that it could support those suffering from MS (multiple sclerosis) and strokes through its pereceived neuroprotective properties. It appears to promote axonal rewiring, where undamaged neurons appear to grow new connections with damaged areas of the brain, and undamaged neurons seem to branch out to replace some of the damaged neurons. Inosine is also an intermediate in the production of uric acid through purine and purine nucleoside degradation. Uric acid is a powerful antioxidant, particularly in respect of peroxynitrite, a nucleophile that causes the type of axonal degradation that is associated with multiple sclerosis. It thefore helps in two ways: through the production of uric acid, and in promoting axonal rewiring that can improve brain function in patients. Another potential medical use for the substance is based upon the discovery that inosine and related compounds can act as powerful anti-inflammatories through their effect on inflammatory macrophage proteins. Certain conditions can cause the release of these macrohages, and where it is an undesirable side-effect, inosine can be administered to prevent it occuring. Inosine appears to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines without inhibiting anti-inflammatory cytokines. It appears to do so extracellularly, although the effect can be reversed by the blockading of adenosine receptors. However, it is a convenient way of avoiding this sometimes serious condition, which is a natural function of the immune system, without affecting any other part of that system’s essential work. It is not an essential nutrient, since it is synthesized biochemically, but a supplement of inosine is certainly worth taking if you want to increase your ability to carry out athetic exercise requiring a high energy output and increased blood oxygen availability. It also helps to reduce recovery time, and proponents of its use claim that it enables you to exercise at a higher level for longer. Although the medical evidence for this is scant, not a lot of work has been done in trying to establish it, and those that use inosine in this way swear that it is effective. The theory certainly indicates that it should be effective in helping to produce more energy, and also that it should be able to make more oxygen available, and some athletes have been taking it for decades with excellent results. There are no known side effects of its use, although pregnant women and nursing mothers are recommended not to use it, as with many other health supplements the pathology of which have not been closely studuied. As with any supplement, you are highly recommended to consult your own doctor or physician when taking any supplement, particular if you have a current medical condition or are taking prescriptive medicines. If you are predisposed to gout, and some people are, the uric acid it produces can render inosine unsuitable. Uric acid reacts with calcium to produce the sodium urate that is deposited on the cartilage and tendons of the joints, particularly the big toe. It is a very painful condition, so those that have suffered gout in the past should not take inosine as a supplement.
Otherwise, its effect on your athletic performance might be academic!
( Forskohlii ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 15, 2008 07:31 AM
Full Spectrum Forskohlii - Metabolic Activator and Healthy Weight Management
Planetary Herbals Full Spectrum™ Forskohlii is a premier Ayurvedic herb used for centuries throughout India. Its active ingredient, forskohlin (ForsLean®), works mainly through direct stimulation of cyclic AMP production. Cyclic AMP is a cellular messenger which determines how cells react to hormonal signals. When used as part of a healthy diet and exercise plan, Full Spectrum™ Forskohlii can help to support healthy weight management. This formula combines a standardized extract (ForsLean®), with a whole root powder for a Full Spectrum™ effect.
Full Spectrum™ Forskohlii contains:
Suggested Use: 1 capsule twice daily.
( Pure Liver - BSE & Onions Not included ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 15, 2005 09:45 AM
Liver CapsSolaray Argentine Source Liver Caps Joins our top selling line of 13 Gladular products. Solaray Brand - You're Trusted glandular source for over 15 years. No one does it better! Solaray Liver Caps cupplement is a gland concentrate, vacuum dried (to preserve enzyme activity), Concentrated, defatted and toxin free. Solaray Liver Caps supplement also contains herbs Activators and homeopathically prepared nutrients for a synergistic effect. Solaray Liver Caps supplement is from an Argentine Source. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) is not known to exist in Argentina.
Supplement Facts
( Cancer fighter found in broccoli ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 27, 2005 10:05 AM
Remember when your mother told you to eat your broccoli? Research shows that mother just might know best. In a recently published paper, Dr. Paul Talalay of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine indicates that studies in his lab show broccoli is rich in sulforaphane, a chemical that works as a powerful anti-cancer compound in laboratory mice. Other studies have shown that a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables—which include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and others— can significantly reduce the risk of cancer of the bowel, stomach and breast. Until now, the exact reasons why these vegetables had this effect we re not very clear. Until now, that is. According to Dr. Talalay, it appears that at least one anticancer ingredient in the vegetables is sulforaphane, which essentially causes cells to expel cancer-causing toxins. In addition, Dr. Talahay said that this study was the first to show that a high-potency compound isolated from vegetables could accelerate the detoxification process in cells. The published report outlines how the research team isolated sulforaphane from broccoli, then fed it to a group of mice. When cells in the mice we re examined after five days, the scientists found that the chemical had triggered enzymes known to neutralize carcinogens within cells. Be yond this study, Dr. Talalay indicates that research will shift to the long-term effects of the chemical. “Our prediction is that sulforaphane will block tumor formation in animals and presumably in man.” In earlier studies, Dr. Talalay and others have shown that certain proteins in cells, called phase I enzymes, can take innocent chemicals and turn them into cancer-causing agents. Other proteins, called phase 2 enzymes, tend to block formation of carcinogens. According to the study, sulforaphane is a potent activator of phase 2 enzymes. The Hopkins researchers will conduct tests to determine how much broccoli must be consumed to establish an effective anti-cancer level of sulforaphane in cells. Over a decade of research has been done on cruciferous vegetables and there are large databases that confirm that cruciferous vegetables substantially reduce the risk of disease, specifically cancer. Studies show substances in these vegetables that have anti-cancer properties which cause the body to speed up production of enzymes, therefore being capable of neutralizing cancer agents. The studies also show these pre vent damage to our DNA and slow the aging process. In women, metabolic processes are regulated which eliminate the bad (and maintain the good) estrogen, therefore substantially reduce the risk of breast cancer. Shortly after the NCI study was released, John Hopkins School of Medicine revealed similar studies.
( References ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 15, 2005 09:52 AM
( Quercetin and Bromelain - for better health. ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 04, 2005 10:28 AM
Benefits Down-regulates the Body’s Response to Environmental Challenges Quercetin is a member of the flavonoid family, a diverse group of low molecular-weight compounds found throughout the plant kingdom. Flavonoids exhibit numerous biological activities, many of which are directly beneficial to human health. Quercetin, which belongs to the “flavonol” subgroup, is one of the most versatile and important flavonoids. Quercetin has a broad range of activity, much of which stems from its interaction with calmodulin, a calcium-regulatory protein.1 Calmodulin transports calcium ions across cellular membranes, initiating numerous cellular processes. Quercetin appears to act as a calmodulin antagonist.1 Through this mechanism, quercetin functions at the cell-membrane level with a membrane-stabilizing action.2 Quercetin inhibits calmodulin-dependent enzymes present at cell membranes such as ATPases and phospholipase, thereby influencing membrane permeability.3 Quercetin affects other calmodulin-dependent enzymes that control various cellular functions, including the secretion of histamine from mast cells.4 A number of investigations have corroborated quercetin’s ability to reduce histamine secretion from mast cells in various tissues, and also from basophils.5,6,7,8,9,10 Quercetin modifies the body’s response to antigenic substances.* Suppression of histamine secretion from mast cells is one of quercetin’s most clinically important effects. Quercetin acts on ATPase at the membranes of histamine-containing granules in mast cells.3 Mast-cell degranulation and subsequent release of histamine into the bloodstream is an integral part of the body’s response to environmental challenges. Maintains Tissue Comfort by Regulating Enzymes* Quercetin’s enzyme-inhibiting action extends to enzymes such as phospholipase, which catalyzes the release of arachidonic acid from phospholipids stored in cell membranes.4,10 Arachidonic acid serves as the key substrate for substances such as thromboxanes, inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes. In addition, quercetin inhibits the enzymes cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, which catalyze the conversion of arachidonic acid into its metabolites.4,10,11,12 Reducing levels of these metabolites, as well as histamine levels, is beneficial in maintaining the normal comfort level of body tissues and structures. Quercetin has also been shown to limit the function of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells.13 Adhesion molecules are involved in physiologic processes that influence tissue comfort.13 Bromelain is a complex substance derived from the pineapple stem largely composed of proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes. Bromelain acts by a variety of mechanisms to help maintain tissues in a normal state of comfort.14,15 Several investigators, including Taussig16 and Ako, et. al.,17 have presented evidence that bromelain is a fibrinolytic agent, i.e., it induces the breakdown of fibrin, a plasma protein that blocks tissue drainage. The generally accepted mechanisms involve direct proteolysis of fibrin by bromelain and activation of plasmin, a serum protease.16 Plasmin acts on fibrinogen (the precursor to fibrin), forming peptides which stimulate PGE1, a prostaglandin that helps maintain tissue comfort.16 Helps Maintain Health of Blood Vessels by Modifying Oxidation of LDL Cholesterol* — Quercetin’s Antioxidant Action Quercetin is a versatile and effective antioxidant that scavenges a variety of free-radicals such as hydroxyl and lipid peroxy radicals.18 Quercetin also chelates ions of transition metals such as iron, which can initiate formation of oxygen free radicals.18 LDL cholesterol is vulnerable to oxidation by lipid peroxides. Oxidized LDL is absorbed by macrophages and arterial endothelial cells, leading to the formation of “foam cells,” and eventually plaque deposits, in arterial walls. Quercetin has been shown to protect LDL from oxidation, both by lipid peroxides and transition metal ions.19 Helps Maintain Normal Blood Viscosity* Quercetin inhibits blood platelet aggregation (clumping), by potentiating PGI2, an anti-aggregatory prostaglandin, and by raising platelet cyclic AMP levels.20 Human studies have revealed that bromelain also reduces platelet aggregation.21 These properties qualify both quercetin and bromelain as valuable dietary ingredients for maintaining cardiovascular health.* Bromelain May Enhance Quercetin Absorption In addition to the actions described above that support the effects of quercetin, bromelain may also assist the absorption of quercetin in the G.I. tract. (Quercetin is generally believed to be poorly absorbed, although a recent study by Hollman et. al.,22 which concluded that humans do in fact absorb appreciable amounts of quercetin, contradicts this assumption.) Studies have shown that bromelain enhances absorption of antibiotics, presumably by increasing permeability of the gut wall.23, 24 Given that quercetin is a low molecular-weight compound, it is plausible that simultaneously ingested bromelain likewise enhances quercetin absorption.
Scientific References
( Cancer fighter is found in broccoli ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 14, 2005 06:09 PM
Cancer fighter is found in broccoli WASHINGTON (AP) - Remember when your mother told you to eat broccoli? Scientists say they've proved mother knows best. Dr. Paul Talalay of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine said in a paper published today that studies in his lab show broccoli is rich in sulforaphane, a chemical that works as a powerful anti-cancer compound in laboratory mice. Studies have shown that a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, can lower the risk of cancer of the bowel, stomach and breast. How those vegetables caused the effect wasn't clear. Now, Dr. Talalay said, it appears that at least one anti-cancer ingredient in the vegetables is sulforaphane. It works by causing cells to expel cancer-causing toxins. He said this is the first time a high-potency compound has been isolated from vegetables and has been shown to accelerate the detoxification process in cells. Dr. Talalay said his team isolated sulforaphane from broccoli, then fed it to a group of mice. When cells in the mice were examined after five days, the scientists found that the chemical had triggered enzymes known to neutralize carcinogens within cells. Research, Dr. Talalay said, will shift to the long-term cancer-fighting effects of the chemical. "Our prediction is that sulforaphane will block tumor formation in animals and presumably in man," he said. Nutrition and medical scientists are trying to find ways to prevent cancer through a diet rich in foods that have anti-tumor properties. In earlier studies, Dr.Talalay said, he and others have shown that certain proteins in cells, called Phase I enzymes, can take innocent chemicals and turn them into carcinogens, or compounds that can give rise to cancer by disrupting the genetic pattern in cells. Other proteins, called Phase 2 enzymes, he said, tend to block formation of carcinogens. Sulforaphane, he said, is a potent activator of Phase 2 enzymes. "There is mounting evidence that if you are able to raise the Phase 2 enzymes, this will divert the carcinogenic compounds from damaging the [genes]," Dr. Talalay said. "By tilting this balance toward Phase 2 enzymes, we can achieve protection from cancer." The Hopkins researchers will conduct tests to determine how much broccoli must be consumed to establish an effective anti-cancer level of sulforaphane in cells. Over a decade of research has been done on cruciferous vegetables and there are large databases that confirm that cruciferous vegetables substantially reduce the risk of disease, specifically cancer. Studies show substances in these vegetables that have anti-cancer properties which cause the body to speed up production of enzymes, therefore being capable of neutralizing cancer agents. The studies also show these prevent damage to our DNA and slow the aging process. In women, metabolic processes are regulated which eliminate the bad (and maintain the good) estrogen, therefore substantially reduce the risk of breast cancer. Shortly after the NCI study was released, John Hopkins School of Medicine revealed similar studies. Due to these study results, the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, the National Academy of Sciences, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, John Hopkins School of Medicine and the FDA have all reached out to inform the public of the anti-cancer compounds found in cruciferous vegetables, and are advocating the daily consumption of these vegetables. The average American has been eating only 4 and one half pounds of these vegetables per year!
( Basics of the Immune System ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 10, 2005 03:01 PM
Basics of the Immune System by Leonid G. Ber, MD Energy Times, September 1, 1998 In a world filled with pathogens and microbes, good health and resistance to disease is no accident. It requires a vigorous and vigilant immune system. The immune system should be viewed as an internal security force that is constantly checking the identity of everything entering and already existing in the body. A cell or substance may be recognized as "non-self" and a potential enemy if it does not have the right molecular make-up. A cell displaying molecules produced according to a different blueprint than the body's own code may be recognized as foreign. To eliminate alien material that may harm the body, the immune system must take swift action. Recognizing entities that originate outside the self forms the key to overall immune system response. This key is carried in the body by cells called macrophages (ma-kro-fajs), a name derived from a Greek term meaning "big eater." Macrophages eat or engulf foreign cells and molecules. When a macrophage encounters something that it distinguishes as being "non-self" or abnormal, it can attack the enemy with a series of assault weapons, including free-radicals (reactive substances) and enzymes, that dissolve and weaken the intruder. In fact, an enzyme produced by macrophages called lysozyme is recognized as one of nature's most powerful anti-infective agents. These chemical defenses, along with engulfment and complete digestion by macrophages, can effectively stymie invasion by disease-causing pathogens. Disease Invasion Harmful invasion can originate in the body's own cells as well as begin from outside sources. While we are constantly exposed to bacteria, viruses, fungal cells and parasites, destructive cancerous growths often start within the body. Every day, thousands of the body's cells mutate into possible cancers. Under most circumstances, the immune system keeps these cells under control. But when the immune "security" system slips up, these harmful growths multiply unrecognized. Getting Specific The initial immune response that recognizes invaders is called a "non-specific defense mechanism" since this immune response is generally the same toward all invaders. This counter-attack entails battling every invader pretty much identically: a macrophage can engage, dissolve, weaken, engulf, digest, eliminate. However, if, despite the initial immune efforts, the problem persists, a macrophage can tag an invader and "introduce" it to the rest of the immune system, thus recruiting more specialized types of immune cells to enter the battle. This tagging function endows macrophages with the name "antigen-presenting cells." (Antigens are substances that can provoke specific responses by the immune system.) Most antigens are proteins. Proteins are relatively large molecules made of smaller units called amino acids. The specific geometric organization of amino acids is what conveys uniqueness to each protein. (Your genetic code forms a blueprint for the production of your own, individual proteins.) Protein molecules produced by one human being can act as an antigen for another human being. That's why organs transplanted from one person to another can be rejected by the immune system. Unless organs are transplanted from one identical twin to another (who share the genetic blueprint for protein creation), doctors must use immune-suppressing drugs to curtail organ rejection. At the same time as these medicines prevent transplant rejection, they also make people more susceptible to infectious diseases and cancer. Specialized Immunity After one set of immune cells chemically tags antigens (invaders) for recognition, other highly specialized parts of the immune system go into action: Cells called T cells or T lymphocytes acknowledge the invaders and can take the further action (second line of defense) that is necessary to render them harmless. T cells get their name from the thymus (an organ located behind the sternum) where they originate. The thymus, most active when we're young, usually shrinks and apparently slows or shuts down its activity about the age of forty. A wide variety of T cells inhabit lymph nodes (soft, usually round, pea- or nut-sized organs) and other body areas. For instance, natural killer cells, as their name implies, are a particularly aggressive type of T cell. Another type of T cell is called T helper (a cell that supports development of immune response). T suppressors halt immune response when infection ends. In order to make all these different cells work in concert, cytokines or messenger molecules are produced that facilitate constant communications between all the parts of the immune system. The B Team Other organs of the immune system include: *bone marrow: a powerful cell producing organ where the majority of immune cells are born; *spleen: an abdominal organ that forms a reservoir for the production of immune cells. Lymph nodes oversee particular segments of the body where they collect and recycle tissue fluids. Like an early warning system, lymph nodes react when an invader is detected in the part of the body that it controls. Yet another step in the so-called immune cascade entails action by lymphocytes, called B cells, which originate in the bone marrow. These cells produce antibodies which are immune proteins (immunglobulins) that attack specific antigens. While traveling in the blood, an antibody can bind to an antigen, curtailing its harmful action. This bound up molecule forms a complex easily recognized by scavenging macrophages which make a quick meal out of the unlucky invader. After enemy cells are removed from the body, knowledge of this victory resides in the immunological memory prolonging your resistance toward specific disease pathogens indefinitely. That's why someone who has recovered from a disease like the measles may be impervious to reinfection. Rules for Optimum Immunity Even though the immune system consists of a complex team of hard-working cells, enhancing your immunity is relatively easy: Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Avoid continuous stress and negative emotions or cope with them through exercise or meditation. Consistent, moderate exercise can boost the immune system. Massage can also help although extreme care must be taken when inflammation or disease is already present. Sleep 7-8 hours a day. Sleep allows the body to recover and rebuild. Protein synthesis, vital for a healthy immune system, increases during the night. Stick to a healthy diet. Your immune system consists of trillions of cells. Consequently, nutrients important for cell health boost the immune system. A balanced low-calorie diet rich in complex carbohydrates, "good" fats (including fish oils, olive oil and flaxseed oil) along with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrient antioxidants from fresh fruits and vegetables can fortify immune cells. Plus, drinking plenty of water helps improve circulation of lymph fluid. These recommendations are not hard to meet once they become a part of your daily routine. However, extra immune security may be necessary during flu season, while traveling long distances (airplanes are notorious sources of pathogens) or when working extensive hours in front of a computer screen. In addition, exposure to x-rays, immunosuppressive chemicals, ultraviolet radiation (the sun) or simply aging may give your immune cells extra burdens. Your "specific" immune system does not respond immediately to the challenge of invasion by an infectious organism. Instead, it may require about 2 weeks for an effective reaction after antigen recognition and alerting T cells. During this period, the macrophages' non-specific defense assumes a crucial role in keeping infection in check. Enhanced activity by macrophages is especially important for recognizing and destroying cancer cells. The most dangerous cancers are those that can mimic normal cells and avoid the immune system's wrath. Few substances can activate macrophage function in the body (aloe vera contains substances that contribute to this process). The most powerful macrophage activator recognized by the scientific community is a sugar-like substance called beta-1,3-D-glucan. Beta-glucan, extracted from the cell walls of common Baker's yeast, when taken in certain small amounts, can prevent infection by making macrophages more active in recognizing and attacking infectious bacteria, fungi and certain viruses. This kind of activation can encourage macrophages to attack previously unrecognized tumor cells. As a result, tumors may be eradicated as the immune system mobilizes and produces what may be known as "spontaneous healing." Hungry Macrophages When a macrophage works overtime fighting disease, its demand for nutrients and energy increases dramatically. Vitamin C, known for its immune supporting function, seems to be especially important for maintaining fully active macrophages. Vitamin C collects in macrophages, often reaching forty times the concentration found in surrounding blood. What are conventionally considered normal amounts of vitamin C in the body may be insufficient to keep macrophages well supplied with this antioxidant. Therefore, extra amounts of vitamin C can keep the immune system in fighting trim. Scientists are only now beginning to uncover the secrets of the highly organized immune system. One thing's certain: The immunity security team depends on proper lifestyle, nutrition and supplements to maintain the critical defenses necessary for good health. Dr. Ber received his doctorate in internal medicine from the Yaroslavle, State Medical Institute in Yaroslavle, Russia.
( Resveratrol - New Hope for Long Life ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 06, 2005 08:23 AM
We all want to live long, vibrant and healthy lives. At one time intervention in the aging process was regarded as mere fantasy—but today it is within our reach due to breakthroughs in nutritional science. Resveratrol, a compound that is abundant in red wine, has been making headlines recently for its anti-aging potential and its well-documented antioxidant and cardiovascular benefits. Resveratrol has been shown in new research at Harvard Medical School to increase the lifespan of yeast cells—a finding that may help explain the lifeextending effects of the Mediterranean diet. Now Source Naturals offers you RESVERATROL from a non-alcoholic source. RESVERATROL is part of Source Naturals’ extensive line of scientifically based nutrients, designed to help you shape a successful anti-aging program. Resveratrol in the News Researchers at Harvard Medical School recently made headlines when they identified a plant molecule they believe may hold the key to slowing the human aging process. The compound, resveratrol, is produced by grapevines and other plants in response to environmental stress. The groundbreaking study, reported in the journal Nature, showed that resveratrol mimics the life-extending effects of calorie restriction and increases the lifespan of yeast cells by up to 80%. Resveratrol was found to activate certain enzymes that influence the genes that regulate aging. This research may help explain the long-established association between moderate red wine consumption and cardiovascular health and longevity. Wide-Ranging Anti-Aging Benefits Previous research has documented resveratrol’s many health benefits: A Non-Alcoholic Source Most publicity about resveratrol focuses on its presence in grape skins and red wine. However, this beneficial compound is found in other plants. Source Naturals RESVERATROL is a standardized extract of Hu Zhang root, a celebrated traditional Chinese herb. This offers consumers the advantage of a non-alcoholic source. Each tablet contains 500 mg of Hu Zhang extract, yielding 40 mg of resveratrol activity. RESVERATROL is available in bottles of 30 or 60 tablets. Nature’s Protectant Source Naturals, the science company, is pleased to partner with your natural foods retailer in bringing you this botanical treasure. For a long and vital life, RESVERATROL belongs at the center of your anti-aging regimen.
( NATTOKINASE - A Systemic Enzyme for Healthy Circulation ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 04, 2005 10:25 AM
You may not have worried about the effects of aging when you were younger. But now, you are interested in staying fit. Maintaining your cardiovascular health – for women as well as men – may be one of your greatest concerns. Every tissue in your body relies on your heart to circulate blood through approximately 60,000 miles of your blood vessels. This complex network requires a holistic health approach. Enzymes, which accelerate chemical reactions, can help with a lot more than just your digestion. Systemic enzymes are a special class of enzymes that work on every system in your body to support your overall health. Source Naturals has searched around the globe to bring you NATTOKINASE, a systemic enzyme from Japan that supports the fibrinolytic blood clearing system. Reach for NATTOKINASE to promote your cardiovascular health today. Supports Healthy Circulation Source Naturals introduces the science of NATTOKINASE, the natural way to support healthy circulation. A systemic enzyme derived from the fermented soy food natto, nattokinase supports your body’s mechanisms for clearing blood to maintain your cardiovascular health. Systemic Enzymes If you are a mature man or women, then maintaining cardiovascular health may be one of your greatest concerns about aging. Every tissue in your body relies on your heart to circulate six liters of blood through approximately 60,000 miles of your arteries, veins and capillaries. This complex network requires a holistic health approach. You might think that all enzymes are just for digestion. Actually, enzymes accelerate thousands of chemical reactions in your body. And systemic enzymes are a special enzyme class that work on every system in your body to support your complete, or systemic, health. Different systemic enzymes, such as papain, bromelain, pancreatin and nattokinase, each work in different ways. The results can include reducing cellular irritation, promoting clear blood flow and supporting balanced immune reactions for your shortterm comfort and long-term health. An Ancient Japanese Health Secret The legend about the discovery of natto begins thousands of years ago with Yoshiie Minamoto, a famous Japanese warrior, who was forced to pack hot cooked soybeans in straw for traveling. When the soybeans were later unpacked, the sticky mess was considered spoiled. But when the horses, notoriously picky eaters, preferred this soy food, then people began consuming natto and discovering its health benefits. How It Works Healthy circulation occurs when your blood flows smoothly. It takes complex cascades of events to maintain this cardiovascular balance. Source Naturals NATTOKINASE can help. NATTOKINASE doesn’t inhibit blood clot formation. Instead, it works to support healthy circulation in three ways. First, nattokinase assists the fibrinolytic blood clearing system by breaking down cross-linked fibrin protein deposits in the blood. Second, in preliminary studies, natto extracts promote clear blood flow by reducing Euglobulin Lysis Time (ELT). Third, nattokinase supports blood clearing by breaking down Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor–1 (PAI-1), an inhibitor of an enzyme that helps keep blood flowing. Lifestyle conditions such as high stress, high glucose levels and high amounts of adipose tissue are associated with increased PAI-1 levels. Healthy circulation can do wonders to support your total health. When your circulation isn’t balanced, then your tissues aren’t getting enough nutrients and your blood isn’t clearing enough wastes away, which can increase cellular irritation and decrease overall cell health. Alternately, systemic enzymes such as nattokinase support healthy circulation so your tissues can get optimal levels of nutrients delivered and wastes removed for your better health. Lifestyle Strategies for Maintaining Cardiovascular Health Eat a Healthy Diet: A diet low in cholesterol, saturated fats and trans-fatty acids, and high in complex carbohydrates and fiber is important for your cardiovascular health. Good choices include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean red meats, fish and poultry without skin (up to 6 oz per day), lowfat or fat-free dairy products, beans and peas, and healthy fats such as olive oil in limited amounts. Avoid sugar, which has been reported to increase risk factors linked to heart disease. Some healthy cooking tips include using a rack to drain off fat when you broil, roast or bake; using wine, fruit juice or marinades to baste; broiling instead of pan-frying; using a vegetable oil spray to brown or sauté foods; and cooking with egg whites instead of yolks. Exercise Regularly: Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is important for supporting your cardiovascular system. Exercise may increase heart healthy HDL cholesterol and lower blood triglycerides (fats), partly because of the decrease in total body fat and increase in muscle mass that usually accompanies exercise. A recent study reported that dietary changes improve cholesterol levels only when an aerobic exercise program is also included. Regular aerobic exercises—brisk walking, jogging, swimming, biking, aerobic dance, and racquet sports—are the best forms of exercise for lowering LDL and raising HDL levels. Experts recommend that people aim for a routine of 30 minute brisk walks most days of the week; an excellent goal is 20 to 25 miles a week, but in terms of raising HDL levels, more is better. Resistance (weight) training offers a complementary benefit by reducing LDL levels. Quit Smoking: Cigarette smoking lowers HDL cholesterol levels and is directly responsible for approximately 20% of all deaths from heart disease. The toxic effects of cigarette smoke damage blood vessels in the heart and legs. In fact, smoking doubles an individual’s risk of heart attack with any level of blood cholesterol. The importance of breaking this habit cannot be emphasized enough. Drink Alcohol Only in Moderation: Many studies have reported that modest consumption of alcohol increases HDL levels and protects against heart disease and possibly stroke. However, since alcohol consumption can cause other health problems, you should consult your health care professional about alcohol use. It has been suggested that antioxidants in red wine such as flavonoids and polyphenols contribute to alcohol’s protective properties. Take the Right Supplements: Many supplements can help support your heart health. Folic acid, one of the B vitamins, supports arterial health by balancing homocysteine levels. Magnesium, potassium, and calcium all help to maintain heart muscle health. Antioxidants such as betacarotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and those found in extracts of green tea support blood vessel integrity. And omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in flax seeds, cod liver oil, and other dietary supplements support healthy blood flow. Additionally, you can take LIFE FORCE, Source Naturals’ best selling multiple. Systemic enzymes such as nattokinase are a new class of natural compounds that can have a significant impact on your cardiovascular, joint and immune health. Source Naturals is pleased to partner with your local health food stores and participating health professionals – the only places where you can find these natural health advances – to bring you NATTOKINASE. Try this ancient Japanese secret to support your cardiovascular health today.
( Higher Mind - Smart Nutrients for the Performance of a Lifetime... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 02, 2005 12:18 PM
Our adult years are the time to reap the fruit of an active, meaningful life – appreciated by family and friends who value our experience and knowledge. For some, however, their later years are clouded by a mental decline that erodes their capacity to enjoy life. More of us are becoming apprehensive about the future health of our minds. Will we still be able to communicate our needs as well as our wisdom? As science focuses its investigative might on the workings of the human brain, new findings suggest that it is possible to enjoy a vital, healthy brain and mind – well into old age. Based on compelling research, Source Naturals formulated HIGHER MIND. It contains the most important Neuroceuticals™ now recognized by nutrition scientists – including phosphatidyl serine, a natural nutrient that promotes cognitive function. The connection is clear: nourish your brain; enrich your life. To have a healthy, well-functioning brain and nervous system, we need the correct nutrients. Our diets must provide the necessary raw materials for nerve cells to grow, for the synthesis of neurochemicals, and for the maintenance of nerve cell membranes. Nutritional deficiencies can alter the brain’s metabolism, which is expressed by changes in perception and thinking, behavior and mood. Brain Cells – Issued at Birth Before birth, neurons (nerve cells) are created at the amazing rate of 15 million per hour. As infants, we have over 100 billion neurons, but this is the most we will ever have because – unlike most other cells in our body – nerve cells do not reproduce. A different strategy is used to replace the neurons that are naturally lost throughout life: nerve cells repair themselves and grow by extending branches of nerve fibers called dendrites (from the Latin word for tree). These are the communication links with other neurons that form the circuitry of the brain. A single neuron may be in contact with up to a hundred thousand others! When the density of this fragile organic communication network decreases, we experience a corresponding decline in mental acuity. Brain Cell Membranes The membrane is the working surface of a cell. It needs to be strong yet flexible, so the cell can maintain its integrity and be able to move and change shape. The membrane regulates the flow of nutrients into the cell and the removal of waste, plus controls the passage of molecular messages from outside the cell to its interior. Membrane ion pumps use a third of the cell’s energy just to maintain the correct ratio of sodium to potassium. In neurons, a rapid exchange of sodium and potassium ions across the nerve membrane is responsible for their unique ability to generate the electrical impulses that are the basis of all communication in the nervous system. As cells age, their membranes become less fluid and more rigid. Key membrane molecules called phospholipids are crucial to the health of neuron membranes, allowing the brain to maintain its youthful quality. The phospholipids in HIGHER MIND – especially phosphatidyl serine and phosphatidyl choline – are essential nutritional supplements for the aging brain. Phosphatidyl Serine – Key to Cognition For the past decade, researchers have been investigating the role in brain health of a remarkable neuroceutical, phosphatidyl serine (PS). This key structural molecule is integral to the matrix of fats and proteins that compose cell membranes. Although PS is found in all the cells of the body, its highest concentration is in nerve cell membranes. PS is rarely found in the foods we eat, so the body has to synthesize it, but the process is energy- intensive and becomes less efficient with age. Consequently, our levels of PS tend to decline as we get older. PS taken as a dietary supplement is well-absorbed, readily reaching the brain, where it helps create more effective, well-structured nerve cell membranes. The positive effects of PS supplementation have been demonstrated by 23 clinical studies with over 1200 human subjects, ages 43 to 90. Consistent and statistically significant results have confirmed the value of PS in improving age-related cognitive decline, as well as in improving behavioral aspects such as apathy and withdrawal.1 A major study concluded that for one particular measurable parameter of higher mental functions, PS recipients achieved scores of persons roughly 12 years younger.2 Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is one of the most important proteins the body makes. It enables neurons to extend dendrites out to other neurons, allowing the brain to maintain an effective communication network. In experiments, PS enhanced the production and reception of NGF, which tend to drop off radically with age.3 The effects of PS at the cellular level are manifest in the performance of the brain as a whole. Subjects taking PS showed increased levels of brain energy metabolism. This enhancement corresponded to higher performances on cognitive tests.4 The Chemistry of Thought Science now understands the role of neurotransmitters in regulating the body’s complex network of behavior. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals used by neurons to communicate with each other. Activated by a neuron’s electrical impulse, neurotransmitters travel between nerve cells, where they excite or inhibit (in various degrees) the electrical impulse in neighboring cells. One of HIGHER MIND’S key strategies is to improve the brain’s ability to produce and use acetylcholine, a key excitatory neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine is essential for both the storage and recall of memory, and partly responsible for concentration and focus. It also plays a significant role in muscular coordination. Patients showing cognitive decline may exhibit reduced ability to synthesize and utilize acetylcholine.5 The chemical building blocks of acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters are called precursors. The most important one for acetylcholine is DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol). This natural substance is found in various fish, such as anchovies and sardines. Supplements of DMAE (and phosphatidyl choline) promote increased levels of choline in the brain. Acetylcholine is created when an acetyl group is attached to the choline molecule, with the help of choline acetyl transferase (CAT), a key brain enzyme. Acetyl L-carnitine is an amino acid that activates this enzyme. Acetyl L-carnitine may also help reduce lipofuscin deposits in the brain because of its involvement in the metabolism of fatty acids.6 Lipofuscin is composed of oxidized fats and proteins; the brown “age spots” on the back of an elderly person’s hand are made of lipofuscin. The amino acid L-pyroglutamic acid sensitizes the acetylcholine receptor sites on a neuron membrane. A given amount of acetylcholine will then have a larger, more powerful effect. Studies have shown that supplements of L-pyroglutamic acid seem to enhance the ability to focus, remember, and learn. Total Nutrition for the Brain The neurotransmitters dopamine and noradrenalin are critical to motor coordination, motivation, concentration, and alertness. Like acetylcholine, their production tends to decline with age. The precursors and activators of dopamine and noradrenalin included in HIGHER MIND are the amino acids N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine and DL-phenylalanine (DLPA), plus folic acid, vitamins B-3, B-6, and C. DLPA is also a precursor to PEA, a neuroamine that has a stimulating effect on the brain. Glutamine is an amino acid precursor to glutamic acid, a major excitatory neurotransmitter involved in mental activity and learning. Glutamine acts as an alternative fuel source for the brain when blood sugar levels are low. It also helps the brain dispose of waste ammonia, which is a natural result of protein breakdown but is irritating to neurons even at low levels. GABA is a dietary amino acid which is also an inhibitory neurotransmitter. GABA works to calm and balance the mind, enhancing mental focus. Along with taurine, these two relaxing neurotransmitters provide a balancing influence to the other, excitatory neurotransmitters. Taurine is found in brain tissue more than anywhere else in the body. It has antioxidant properties and serves as a nerve cell membrane stabilizer, preventing excessive or erratic electrical activity in the brain. The Importance of Magnesium Magnesium must be present in adequate amounts in the synaptic gaps between neurons or the neurons become hyper-reactive: causing noises to sound excessively loud and emotional reactions to be extreme. Magnesium also activates a key enzyme responsible for maintaining cellular sodium- potassium balance, which is absolutely essential to the electrical activity of nerve cells, as well as to the existence of the cell itself. (Cells would burst if the sodium-potassium ratio were wrong.) Magnesium also helps relax cerebral blood vessels and is important to the manufacture of ATP, the chief energy molecule of the brain. A buildup of aluminum has been found in the brains of some elderly. In 1989, the British medical journal Lancet published a study showing that drinking water with aluminum can increase the risk of damage by up to 50%. An abundant natural element, aluminum is now a common feature in our culture. It’s found in tap water, cookware, deodorants, beverage containers, baked goods, and of course as aluminum foil. In the brain, aluminum breaks down the structure of neurons – causing them to starve – by displacing magnesium from tubulin, a glycoprotein responsible for making microtubules. These tiny pipe-like structures within a neuron provide needed rigidity, as well as transport nutrients from the nucleus down the dendrites to the ends of the nerve cell. Magnesium malate is an excellent form of magnesium that ensures neurons receive this vital mineral. B is for Brain Vitamins HIGHER MIND also contains a high profile of B vitamins and other key nutrients that are often N A T U R A L S S O U R C E Strategies for Wellness SM ¤ lacking in older individuals. A deficiency in any of the B vitamins can alter nerve function and psychological well-being. Thiamine (B-1), known as the “nerve vitamin,” was first recognized because its deficiency caused beriberi, a degenerative nerve disease. Thiamine is part of the structure of nerve cell membranes and is important to the reparative process that neurons need to offset the stress of continual firing of the electrical impulse. Low amounts of thiamine can cause cell malnutrition in the hypothalamus, the brain’s memory center. 7 NAD and NADH, two coenzyme forms of Niacin (B-3), are the most plentiful coenzymes in the brain. They are essential to hundreds of enzymatic reactions, including ones that produce energy. NADH can stimulate the synthesis of key mood-elevating neurotransmitters. It is also one of the body’s most potent antioxidants. Pantothenic acid (B-5), cyanocobalamin (B-12), and folic acid are required to form the myelin sheath – the insulating covering of nerve fibers. A diet low in pantothenic acid has been shown to make test subjects emotionally upset, irritable, and depressed.7 A lack of B-12 can result in poor concentration and, in severe deficiencies, hallucinations. Pyridoxine (B-6) is precursor to over 60 enzymatic reactions and is involved in the synthesis of several neurotransmitters. Brain Power Brain cells almost exclusively burn glucose for their energy (other cells can also burn fat), and typically require 50% of all the glucose in the blood. Two B-like vitamins help in the utilization of glucose: PAK (pyridoxine alpha-ketoglutarate) may potentiate the effects of insulin and improve glucose utilization to the cells;8 Biotin is important for the transformation of glucose into energy in the brain. Lipoic acid and coenzyme Q10 are metabolic energizers that help produce ATP, the primary energy molecule in the body. Since the brain uses 20% of the body’s total energy supply, efficient ATP production is vital. Lipoic acid and CoQ10 are also powerful antioxidants that help regenerate other antioxidants in the body. The blood vessels feeding the brain become less efficient as we pass middle age. Since the brain depends on the bloodstream to deliver nutrients and oxygen and to remove waste, the quality of this blood flow is paramount to proper brain nutrition. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract has been shown in scientific studies to increase blood flow to the brain by helping vessels to dilate. It also promotes the smoothness and healthy integrity of blood vessel linings. For the Life of Your Mind Without proper nutrition, the brain will deteriorate; therefore strategies are needed to both enhance current brain function and protect it throughout life. Based on the latest scientific findings, Source Naturals HIGHER MIND is formulated with neuroceuticals that support the mental functions that tend to decline with age. They give your brain the nourishment it needs to integrate perception, memory, and learning into a more comprehensive awareness – so you can excel for a lifetime.
( Diet Metabo 7 -- It's all about Mood and Metabolism ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 01, 2005 12:08 PM
It’s incredibly difficult to stay committed to a weight loss program—to change the eating habits of a lifetime and resist “emotional overeating.” You need a weight loss program that helps you break the unhealthful cycle of dieting and losing— followed by bingeing and gaining back.
We can’t stop the Yo-Yo®, but we can give you a fighting chance.DIET METABO-7 supports seven body systems related to successful weight loss, including cellular energy generation and metabolism, and neurotransmitter production to support calmness, drive and determination. DIET METABO-7 SUPPORTS SEVEN BODY SYSTEMS Your body is composed of complex interactive systems that work on many levels. Likewise, the nutrients in DIET METABO-7 target specific body systems and the connections between them. This full spectrum nutritional formula helps instill balance and harmony by addressing seven interrelated systems whose healthy function is necessary for successful dieting: the brain and nervous system, metabolic energy, liver, thyroid, blood sugar levels, adrenals and fluid balance. MOOD MANAGEMENT: A POSITIVE ATTITUDE DIET METABO-7 can help you change your habitual response to eating and start making healthy food choices. A key strategy involves the production of neurotransmitters, the brain chemicals that regulate your nervous system. When certain neurotransmitter levels are low in your brain, you may feel depressed. You crave simple carbohydrates and sugars from bread, pasta or candy— because when the brain is low in mood-enhancing neurotransmitters, it does whatever it can to increase them. It will cause you to crave those foods that produce the building blocks your body uses to raise those neurotransmitter levels. DIET METABO-7 provides specific vitamins and amino acids necessary for your brain to make norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine and GABA, the major neurotransmitters that help regulate mood and attention, support clear focus and active calm, and affect drive and determination. Included are the amino acids tyrosine, glutamine, phenylalanine and GABA. For example, the brain uses phenylalanine and tyrosine to manufacture norepinephrine. Increased amounts of norepinephrine can block the drive to eat and may help provide a sense of well-being. METABOLIC ACTIVATORS: HERBAL ENERGIZERS To support a sustained reduction of body fat, it’s helpful to increase metabolism via exercise and herbal stimulation while lowering caloric intake by curbing appetite. High doses of stimulants, however, are counterproductive and can make you nervous and irritable. To avoid being overly stimulative, DIETMETABO-7 is formulated with appropriate amounts of herbal metabolic activators that promote calorie burning and suppress appetite. Used since ancient times in India to support health, Sida cordifolia contains a profile of naturally occurring ephedrine alkaloids that act as stimulants to promote the metabolism of fat. This thermogenic effect is augmented by the natural caffeine contained in standardized extracts of green tea, yerba mate, and kola nut. Also included are specific B vitamins essential to the production of energy from the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. HELPING THE LIVER: DETOXIFICATION AND CIRCULATION One of the most overworked organs is the liver, the body’s chief manufacturing and detoxification plant. It constantly regulates the levels of chemicals circulating throughout the bloodstream and plays a key role in breaking down fat and eliminating waste products. The amino acid N-acetyl cysteine is an antioxidant that strongly supports liver function. Your liver needs it to make glutathione, a crucial detoxifying substance used to remove harmful compounds from your bloodstream. Optimal metabolic energy depends on healthy circulation, especially while dieting, when the bloodstream is delivering excess waste products to the liver for removal. To help maintain a healthy circulatory system, DIET METABO-7 includes standardized extracts of ginkgo and horse chestnut. In use for centuries, these botanicals have been the subject of numerous chemical and pharmacological investigations. THE THYROID: YOUR BODY’S THERMOSTAT Your thyroid gland produces hormones that control how quickly you burn calories and use energy. Tyrosine is an amino acid building block of thyroid hormones. Low blood levels of tyrosine have been associated with the underproduction of thyroid hormones. Kelp and bladderwrack provide natural sources of iodine, the basic substance of thyroid hormones. STABILIZING BLOOD SUGAR: CONTROLLING MOOD SWINGS An important strategy of DIET METABO-7 is to minimize the changes in blood sugar levels that can cause unwanted mood swings, which diminish your physical and mental energy. Chromium, an essential mineral, is important to carbohydrate and fat metabolism and tends to increase insulin efficiency. It helps stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you on an even keel. DEALING WITH THE STRESS FACTOR Dieting often adds more stress to your life, and stress hormones affect the mind and body in many ways. They disrupt liver function and blood sugar levels, which lowers energy production in the brain, adversely influencing mood and motivation. Because your adrenals need extra attention, DIET METABO-7 helps nourish these hardworking glands with pantothenic acid and ascorbic acid, both necessary for healthy adrenal function. Also, pantothenic acid provides additional support for energy generation during dieting. WATER BALANCE Potassium is an essential mineral with many functions, including the transmission of electrical impulses in the brain. It works with sodium to control the body’s water balance. Dieting tends to deplete potassium levels in the body, therefore DIET METABO-7 replenishes this vital nutrient. THE WEIGHT IS OVER DIET METABO-7 provides necessary cofactors to balance body systems involved with healthy weight management. When used with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan and exercise program, Source Naturals DIET METABO-7 may help you achieve your goal of a healthy and more vibrant life.
( COLLOIDALIFE Trace Minerals - The Precious Elements of Life... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 01, 2005 11:41 AM
Throughout history, minerals were crucial to the growth and success of civilizations. From the iron spear to the silicon chip, elements of the earth have influenced the fate of nations. Today, we’re beginning to appreciate the importance of minerals to the growth and health of the human body – especially in light of so many new challenges to our health. It’s no surprise then that trace minerals are in great demand; after all, our lives depend on them. Due to denatured soils and the widespread use of agricultural chemicals, food plants now contain fewer essential minerals. These precious elements of health are our real wealth, and like a modern gold rush, the search is on for valuable trace minerals. Unfortunately though, there’s a lot of “fools’ gold” on the market. Source Naturals built its reputation with leading-edge formulas that make a difference you can feel. Now, after very thorough research, we are proud to offer COLLOIDALIFE, the finest and safest complete trace mineral formula available today. The ColloidaLife Advantage
Minerals – the Foundation of Life As human beings, we are profoundly connected with our world. The elements of this earth become the minerals essential to every cell in the body. The millions of chemical reactions occurring within us each second – as molecules are continually broken down and rebuilt into necessary forms – cannot take place without enzymes; and enzymes can’t work unless they’re activated by the right mineral or vitamin. For example, magnesium is the activator mineral for over 300 different metabolic enzymes that facilitate the biochemical processes of life. Most of us are familiar with the minerals that are found in significant quantities in our bodies. We’re aware of the importance of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. There are, however, other minerals that we need in minute quantities called “trace minerals.” Though less understood, research is revealing the vital role they have in the overall structure and function of the human body. Many people are recognizing the need to supplement their diets with trace minerals such as copper, zinc, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, iodine, selenium, silver, and boron. Modern Agriculture and Mineral Deficiencies Minerals cannot be produced by the human body and therefore must be obtained from the diet. However, intense agriculture has depleted the soil of most essential minerals, returning only a few used in fertilizers to stimulate rapid plant growth: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Consequently few people get anywhere near a hundred percent of the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowances) of minerals (and these RDAs are only the minimum amount needed to avoid a full-blown deficiency condition). A Superior Solution The key to formulating colloidal trace mineral supplements is found at the molecular level. Colloids are particles in a solution that are completely dispersed and will not settle out. Many trace mineral products are just water leached through mineral deposits, and contain high levels of undesirable minerals. COLLOIDALIFE is prepared through a proprietary process whereby 20 minerals are individually prepared as colloids. These USP grade minerals are then blended with 52 charged ionic mineral electrolytes derived from highly purified ocean water. This ionic solution strengthens the net surface charge of the colloidal particle, creating a more stable colloid. The trace mineral electrolytes in COLLOIDALIFE are present in extremely small, but optimal quantities that prevent the colloids from precipitating out. Because the ionic matter is easily absorbed and is highly reactive in the body, only trace amounts of the different electrolytes are needed. COLLOIDALIFE therefore provides protection from possible deficiencies while avoiding the possibility of toxicity. Safety First Some trace mineral formulas have multi-gram per liter levels of aluminum, iron, or sulfur – much higher than desirable – as well as high amounts of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. (Although a high level of iron produces an energy rush, in the long run it may promote excessive free radicals.) Because COLLOIDALIFE’s mineral colloids are individually prepared, their quantities are specifically controlled. COLLOIDALIFE contains safe levels of the minerals that should be limited in the diet, unlike simple solutions of earth and water. The ocean water containing the ionic minerals is purified by several procedures that remove any environmental or biological contaminants. The Ocean Within The minerals in COLLOIDALIFE emulate the way minerals are carried in the blood and used by the cells: colloidal particles suspended in ionic fluid. Sea water – except for its higher salt content – has a mineral profile very compatible to that of the body’s three fluid systems: blood plasma, lymphatic, and extra-cellular. This similarity underscores our intimate connection to the earth and its oceans. Neutral in taste, Source Naturals COLLOIDALIFE can be held under the tongue for sublingual absorption, or swallowed directly. COLLOIDALIFE is the perfect solution to compensate for a mineral-poor diet that may be limiting your ability to enjoy a healthy and vital life. ColloidaLife – Mineral Profile* COLLOI D A L MI N E R A L S
( Nattokinase: Food For Cardiovascular Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 10, 2005 10:13 AM
Say it Ain't Soy! Yes, but this soybean is different! What makes it different is simple. after hours of fermentation, the boiled soybean metamorphose to an ancient medicinal food called "Natto" pronounced "Nah'-Toe." Natto may just be the "perfect food," producing 18 valuable amino acids and an enxyme natokinase that may challenge the pharmaceutical industry's best "blood-clot busters." Natto, which has recently attracted attention throughout the world, is the third most popular type of fermented soybean in the japanese diet. Japan has the highest average longevity in the world, which may partly be attributed to a high consumption of natto. When compared with ordinary soybeans, the natto produces more calories, protein, fiber, calium, potassium and vitamin B2. Its high protein and economical price in terms of protein per gram has earned it the sobriquet. "Hata-ke no niko," a meat of the field. This nickname appears well deserved, as in comparison with an equivalent amount of beef, natto has slighly less protein (16.5 grams to 21.2 grams),but contains more carbohydrates and fiber, and is also higher in calcium, phosphorous, iron and vitamin B2. Plus, it has nearly double the calcium and far more vitamin E to boot. According to legend, the first person to originate traditional Japanese natto was the famous warrior Yoshiie Minamoto during the Heian era of Japanese history (794 - 1192 A.D.). The horse was extremely important to the Japanese samurai warrior of the period, and great care was given to provide suitable provisions for the horses when armies were on the move. Typically, boiled soybeans were cooled down, dried in teh sun and packed immediately in rice straw bags for transport with the army. If the army was on a rapid deployment, the boiled soybeans were packed hastely into the rice straw bags with out cooling or drying. The rice straw just happened to contain a harmless and naturally occuring microorganism, Bacillus Subtilis that fermented the soybeans and producted natto with its characteristic sticky texture. Initially, the soybeans were presumed to have spoiled until yashiie minamoto observed that his horses were "picky eaters" and demonstrated a preference for the "spoiled" Soybeans or natto. One day, Minamoto demonstrated tremendous courage and dipped his fingers into the seemingly rotten goo. To his astonishment, the fermented soybeans were not only edible but had a distinct umami flavor. Minamoto was responsible for introducing natto to northwestern Japan, where he ruled. To this day natto is especially popular in that region of Japan as a folk remedy for fatigue, beriberi, dysentery, heart and vascular deseases. The most distinctive features of natto are the adheasive surrounding the soybeans and the strong flavor. The sticky material has been shown to consist of poly-g-glutamic Acid (D and L) and polysaccharides (Levan-form fructan), and the strong "cheese like" flavor is due to the presence of pyrazine. These features sometimes make it hard for some people, especially people from other countries, to accept natto; however, these are the main factors which give natto the outstanding properties. Natto, which has recently attracted attention throughout the world, is a familiar part of the Japanese diet. Technical Aspects of Nattokinase: Nattokinase produces a prolonged action in two ways: it prevents the formation of thrombi and it dissolves existing thrombus. Nattokinase orally administrated to twelve healthy adults indicated elevations in the breakdown products of the fibrin and the ability of the blood to break down fibrin called eugobulin fibrionlytic activity (EFA). These results suggest the ability of nattokinase to accelerate fibrinolysis in the blood for a prolonged period of time. FDP levels in the adults drastically increased 4 hours after the administration of the nattokinase, indicating that fibrin within the blood vessels is gradually being disolved with repeated intake of nattokinase. By measuring the EFA & FDP levels, the activity of nattokinase has been determined to last for 8 to 12 hours. An additional parameter for confirming the action of NATTOKINASE following oral administration is a rise in blood levels of tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) antigen, which indicates a release of TPA from the endothelial cells and/or the liver and the endogenous production of plasmin (The body's blood clotting buster).6,7 In 1995, researchers from Miyazki Medical College and Kurashiki Unerversity of science and arts in Japan studied the effects of nattokinase on the blood preasure in both animals and human subjects. In addition, the researchers confirmed the presence of inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) within the test extract, which consisted of 80% ethanol extract of lyophilized viscous materials of natto. ACE causes blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure to rise - by inhibiting ACE; nattokinase has a lowering effect on blood pressure.1,2 The same natto extract was then tested on human volunteers with high blood pressure. Blood pressure levels were measured after 30 grams of lyophilized extract (Equivalent to 200 grams of natto food) was administered orally for 4 consecutive days. In 4 out of 5 volunteers, the systolic blood pressure (SBP) decreased on average from 173.8+- 20.5 mmHg to 154.8+-12.6 mmHg. Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) decreased on average from 101.0+- 11.3 mmHg to 91.2+- 6.6 mmHg. On average, this data representes a 10.9 percent drop in SBP and a 9.7 precent drop in DBP. 1,2,6 Disclaimer: The above artical is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat a particular illness. The reader is encouraged to seek the advice of a holistically competen t licensed professional health care provider. The information in this artical has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any desease.
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