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Hydrogen Peroxide For Teeth Whitening, Hair And More ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 29, 2017 07:14 PM
Hydrogen Peroxide has a multitude of personal uses. The most common use of Peroxide is to clean and disinfect cuts and scrapes.Mixing Peroxide and baking soda makes for an excellent teeth whitener and cleaner and helps remove tooth stains.Topical Peroxide also works to loosen ear wax, by simply pouring a cap full into the ear, and allowing it to bubble, then rinsing the ear. Higher concentrate Peroxide,usually found at beauty supply stores, has long been used to lighten hair color. Read more: Hydrogen Peroxide For Teeth Whitening, Hair And More
( This American Doctor Reveals Us The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic That Kills Any Infection!! ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 24, 2017 12:14 PM
An American doctor gives a remedy for diseases that affect many people on a regular basis such as the flu, colds, and or respiratory problems. The remedy consists of raw garlic and organic honey in order for the remedy to work better. Garlic in many cultures is called white gold, which has allicin, the substance released when the garlic is chopped up. The honey should have no air Bubbles in it when added to the bottle of chopped garlic. Make sure the bottle is labeled and stored in a cool dry place. It can last on the shelf for up to three months. It can be added to other foods and or taken in two tablespoon doses for easing the symptoms of the flu or other respiratory illnesses. Takeaways:
"But on this occasion we will teach you how to prepare an excellent natural antibiotic which consists of two well known ingredients, honey and garlic."
( Do you fancy nettle bubble and squeak? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 19, 2017 11:44 AM
Due to nitrogen released from diesel vehicles, nettles are growing like crazy on the countryside. This is bad, because they are overrunning the native flora and causing problems. But there may be some benefit to them. You can bubble and squeak them. Another weed that is overrunning the countryside is hogweed. This is a weed that is very similar to nettles. They both are growing in abundance due to the nitrogen that is being released. Key Takeaways:
"The charity Plantlife told us that the countryside is becoming overrun by weeds like nettles and hogweed because of nitrogen compounds emitted by diesel engines." Read more:
( Is Egg White Protein A Better Protein? ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 24, 2014 09:48 AM
You may have been continually hunting down the best protein supplement so as to go down your quality preparing muscle schedule. Here is an incredible and modest proposal for you “Egg White”. You can consume to the extent that you like. There is no specific threat for your health. On the other hand, recollect simply the egg white and not the entire egg. Every one holds no less than 4- 6gm of unadulterated protein. You blend each morning in the shaker four egg white's line with half a spoon of cocoa, simply to enhance the taste of it. That is 20- 25gm of unadulterated protein. It is the protein admission sum you get from one bit of a protein rich supplement. Some individuals can't oversee swallowing crude egg whites. It simply won't go down. In the event that that is the situation attempt to heat up the eggs and expend the Bubbled egg white. You might prescribe completing this once a day. Specifically, in the wake of getting off the cot is the perfect opportunity to accomplish better ingestion from the muscle units. All things considered you surely not saying that it ought to be a substitute for protein shakes or amino acids supplements. It is equivalent in protein quality to the protein supplements. Along these lines, take your egg whites in the morning as specified above and keep in mind your protein shakes throughout the day. Take the first segment in the wake of preparing and some place between dinners the second one. That way you will achieve to keep up a steady protein stream into your muscle units. By digging deeper into the discussion, it makes the white protein a better type of protein than any other protein. Try it as a substitute to your other protein intake for better health of you body.
( Cranactin - Cranberry Extract ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 21, 2008 10:24 AM
Cranberry is a fruit native to North America. It typically grows in bogs, and commercial production is mainly performed in Massachusetts and Wisconsin. For ages, cranberry has been used for the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections. Research suggests that it prevents bacteria from adhering to host cell surface membranes. It was used by Native Americans to treat ailments of the bladder and kidneys. The cranberry was documented in the 17th century as a treatment for several ailments, including: * Blood disorders * Liver problems, vomiting and stomach ailments * Loss of appetite * Scurvy *Cancer Cranberry was used as an effective treatment for urinary tract infections long before antibiotics were invented. It is still recommended by physicians to be used in conjunction with a prescribed round of antibiotics for treating bladder infections. Important Facts Statistically, one in every five women in the United States suffers from bladder infections in her lifetime. Three percent of these women suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Approximately 11 million women each year receive medications to treat UTIs. Studies show that women with a history of bladder infections can reduce the frequency of those infections by regularly drinking cranberry juice. There have been no significant reactions discovered between cranberry and prescription drugs. Drinking cranberry juice a minimum of three times per day during treatment of a bladder infection will increase the need to urinate. This helps your body to rid itself of the infection through ingestion and expulsion of fluids. Pharmacology of Cranberry The use of cranberry for medicinal purposes has been the subject of many scientific discussions. At first, it was thought that acidification of the urine assisted in creating an antibacterial effect. However, the primary reason that cranberry works so well for treating bladder infections is its prevention of bacterial adhesion to cell walls. It also prevents adherence by other gram-negative uropathogens that cause infection. Cranberry's ability to inhibit the adherence of bacteria has been shown through in vitro research. Other Uses One study showed that the same property in cranberry juice that prevents bladder infections also aids in dental plaque prevention. Additionally, cranberry has been discovered to be a recommended treatment for Candida (yeast) infections. Further in vitro studies show that cranberry has an inhibiting effect on certain types of fungi. However, there are no human trials that indicate its effectiveness in treating fungal infections when used alone. Symptoms of a Bladder Infection The most common symptom of an oncoming bladder infection is feeling a constant, urgent need to empty the bladder. This feeling is present even when there is little or no fluid in the bladder. Other symptoms may include: * Frequent urination * Dysuria (burning or painful urination) * Bladder spasms * Cloudy urine * Bloody urine * Foul-smelling urine * Mild fever A bladder infection that has gone untreated for an extended period of time could turn into a kidney infection. This brings with it much more serious symptoms which may include fever, chills and nausea. You may also experience cloudy or bloody urine, painful urination and abdominal pain. A common telltale sign of kidney infection is back pain just above the waist. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is wise to contact your physician. Bladder infection symptoms will not go away by themselves. They will continue to worsen, and your infection will become much more serious. Treatment for bladder infections is quick and easy. The sooner you begin the better. If you suspect that you are about to experience a bladder infection, begin a regimen of drinking cranberry juice or supplement at least three times a day and make an appointment with your doctor. Preventing Bladder Infections There are several precautions you can take to prevent bladder infections. Some may seem obvious or silly, but after your first infection you will think very differently. Some of these precautions include: * Wipe from front to back after urination or a bowel movement. This prevents the spread of bacteria. * Go to the bathroom frequently. Holding urine in the bladder for long periods of time invites an infection. * Keep the genital area clean and dry. Avoid prolonged moisture in the area. * Avoid frequent Bubble baths. They can cause vaginal irritation. * Try to urinate soon after sexual activity. If lubricants are used, use only those that are water-soluble. * Underwear with a cotton crotch will aid in infection prevention as well. Drink a lot of water throughout the day. Also, drink cranberry juice or cranberry supplement to keep the urine acidic. This will prevent natural bacteria from multiplying as frequently, thus avoiding bladder infection.
( Drinks Everywhere ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 10, 2005 04:05 PM
Drinks Everywhere by John Olan Energy Times, January 7, 2002 Water keeps you alive. About 50% to 70% of your cells are made of water. So when you talk about drinks, you're talking about water plus... But, oh, what a plus! While water is crucial for survival, those pluses can add a waterfall of desirable ingredients to your diet, health and beverage indulgence. Even though water is the basic ingredient when you need a drink, healthy drinking has come to mean much more than H2O. The drink scene has Bubbled up to include a new universe of usual and unusual liquids. When your thirst bursts upon the scene, you now have a tremendous choice of ways to quench. Soy Drinks The soy revolution in American nutrition has convincingly attacked the drink world. No matter what your age, nutritional requirements or taste preferences, it seems as though someone, somewhere, has designed a soy drink with you in mind. The most convincing health benefit of soy and soy drinks is its boost to heart health. Since 1999, the Food and Drug Administration has allowed soy drinks (and other soy products) to list soy's heart benefits. In so doing, the FDA reviewed 27 studies that demonstrated soy protein could help lower total cholesterol and LDL, the so-called bad cholesterol that can significantly raise heart disease risk. To be allowed the heart disease benefit on their labels, drinks, or other foods, must contain at least 6.25 grams of soy protein per serving, contain less than 3 grams of fat, less than a gram of saturated fat, less than 20 mg of cholesterol and not much salt. According to the FDA, if you consume four daily servings of soy, you can drop your LDL by up to 10%. That's great for heart health: each 1% reduction in total cholesterol can mean about a 2% drop in your risk of heart disease. The key research the FDA looked at included a two month study at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center that showed soy can help reduce your total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol without lowering your HDL. HDL, the so-called "good" cholesterol, protects heart health and keeps your heart disease risk down (Arch Int Med, 9/27/99). Meanwhile, another study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (8/3/95) found that soy produces "significant reductions" in cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides, blood fats that can otherwise put your cardiovascular sysem at risk. Isoflavones, natural chemicals found in soy, are phytoestrogens, a weak form of estrogen that is believed by many researchers to produce health benefits. Some studies show that by producing what's called a "weak estrogenic effect," these chemicals may prevent the body's own estrogen from initiating cancer. While studies exist supporting these effects, this claim for cancer prevention is still controversial. A study of Asian women who moved to the United States found that the more soy they ate, the less their risk of breast cancer (Second Intl Symp on Soy and Tr Chron Dis 9/15/96). In any case, soy protein provides complete protein: all the amino acids, or protein building blocks, that the body needs to form its own proteins are found in soy. All of this good soy news has sent sales of soy drinks and other soy foods soaring. While sales of soy foods reached a little more $850 million in 1992, by next year they are expected to climb to well over $3.7 billion. Multivitamin Water For vitamin takers on the run, water is now available fortified with a wide collection of micronutrients. The key benefit: possible health enhancement by supplying vitamins your diet may omit. As Walter Willet, MD, points out in Eat, Drink and Be Healthy (Simon & Schuster), "research is pointing ever more strongly to the fact that several ingredients in a standard multivitamin.... are essential players in preventing heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and other chronic disease... It's the best nutritional bang for your buck." In a Russian study, a group of children, aged four to 14, with gastrointestinal diseases were fed multivitamin-infused drinks and beta carotene. The children experienced vast improvements, leading researchers to suggest fortifying the diets of folks suffering from gastrointestinal diseases with vitamin-containing drinks. Green with Health Everyone from mom to the US surgeon general tells you to eat dark green vegetables every day. The truth is, many of us just don't do it. Spirulina, wheat grass, barley grass and chlorella are often referred to as "green foods." Spirulina, a popular food supplement in Japan, is a vitamin and mineral powerhouse available in the US in powder and ready-to-drink shakes. Rich in protein, spirulina contains chlorophyll, carotenoids, minerals, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and unique pigments called phycobilins (PDR For Nutritional Supplements, Medical Economics). It's these same healthful pigments that give spirulina its blue/green color. In studies, spirulina has been shown to possess antiviral, antioxidant, anti-allergic and immune-boosting properties (Free Rad Biol Med. 2000; 28:1051-1055; Biochem Pharmacol 1998; 55:1071-1076; Inflamm Res 1998; 47:36-41; Spirulina platensis 1996; 59:83-87). Evidence exists that spirulina may favorably affect immune functions, inhibit some allergic reactions and lower cholesterol. Blended into shakes and drinks, spirulina can add a healthful boost to your day. Now, when Aunt May asks if you've had your green vegetables, just lift your glass, look her in the eye, tell her yes and mean it.
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