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High blood pressure and pregnancy: Know the facts ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 17, 2017 07:14 AM
Having high blood pressure as a woman considering child birth requires extra medical attention that women without high blood pressure. High blood pressure during a pregnancy can be worrisome as it can lead to complications such as preeclampsia. These complications also include decreased blood flow to the placenta, premature delivery, injury to ones organs, or future cardiovascular disease. However, it is possible to manage high blood pressure with medications or diets. It is necessary to make regular visits with a doctor to manage high blood pressure during a pregnancy. Read more: High blood pressure and pregnancy: Know the facts
( Defination and Benefits of Rutin ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 12, 2014 01:41 PM
What is Rutin
Benefits of Rutin a. Anti-Inflammatory Properties Rutin prevents inflammation, making it helpful for different agonizing inflammatory conditions like arthritis. It has been demonstrated to help restrain the discharge of inflammatory histamine from cells, making it significant to suppress chronic inflammation in addition to allergic reactions. b. Advance Chronic Venous Insufficiency In this situation, your veins fails return blood from the legs to heart effectively, leading to leg Clamps, ankle swelling and varicose veins. A research found that persons with chronic venous deficiency taking rutin together with vitamin E and additional natural supplements had a decrease in swelling and Clamping after 30 days. c. Improve the Absorption of Vitamin C When taken together, rutin aids the body absorb and gain from the antioxidant features of Vitamin C. d. Strengthen Blood Vessels This makes it essential for hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Rutin is famous to not only coagulate blood vessel walls, but also to enhance their permeability for improved nutrients absorption. e. Anti-clocking properties that may thwart stroke and heart attack Rutin consist of anti-thrombotic properties, which show it stops the action of a main protein concerned in the creation of blood clots. Study recommends rutin may assist prevent venous clots, heart attack and stroke that lead to pulmonary embolism and deep-vein thrombosis. f. Heavy Metal Chelator Lastly, rutin aid rid your body of destroying metals such as iron. In conclusion Rutin has been demonstrated to be useful in controlling not only the above body diseases, but also other similar related health issues. People are called upon to take rutin supplement daily. The reason is that it would strengthen their blood cells, prevents possible blood clotting and destroys certain metals in your body harmful to your health. References:
( VITAMIN - D3:A reservoiur of benefits to sheenful life ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 03, 2014 05:29 PM
Vitamin D3 Sources
Apart from the tablets or liquid vitamin D-3 supplements, fortified milk, breads, cereals and eggs are lesser vitamin D3 sources. Lists of health benefits for Vitamin D-3:
( Sunshine Vitamin ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 14, 2013 09:18 PM
Sunshine Vitamin Introduction Vitamin D is a nutrient used to regulate phosphorous and calcium needed for formation and growth of strong bones. The body through a chemical reaction acquires this vitamin when one is exposed to direct sunlight for about five to fifteen minutes. This vitamin is rarely found in foods, and therefore, if you fail to get direct sunlight, you can supplements that are used to boost vitamin D levels. Therefore, if you stay indoors most of your time, you may lack this important nutrient and you are at risks of suffering from osteoporosis, hearth diseases, multiple sclerosis, and rickets due to vitamin D deficiency. In addition, vitamin D has been known to improve the body immune system and prevents autoimmune and cancer diseases. What does Sun Can Do Vitamin D3, also known as sunshine vitamin, is stored in the body when sunlight is exposed to the skin for about 15 minutes. Sun has Ultraviolet B (UVB) light, which when it strike the skin, a natural chemical reaction is initiated which converts cholesterol under the skin to yield vitamin D3. When exposure is done continuously for 6 days, the body can get enough of this vitamin for the next 49 sunlight-free days. However, you are warned against long periods of time sunlight exposure, as this has been known to cause skin cancer. What are the Benefits on the Sun As stated earlier, there are various benefits of this vitamin. The following are the major:
Conclusion Since this vitamin is acquired at no cost, it is advisable to spare a few minutes of your busy daily schedule to get this valuable body vitamin that will improve your health and keep your body fit at all times. Thanks.
( Vitamin D-3 ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 17, 2012 10:35 AM
Vitamin D-3 has profound health benefits in our bodies. It is necessary for maintaining bone density and the body's immunity against heart diseases, cancers, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, weakness, among other disorders. Like all the other types of vitamin D, Vitamin D-3 is a hormone which is produced naturally in our bodies. Very few foods contain this vitamin but the good thing is that it is readily available to the body via absorption of the rays of the sun. Children Vitamin D-3 plays a crucial role in the development of the brain. Its deficiency in children may lead to autism. It also helps in the absorption of calcium which is needed for the development of bones. Children may also develop rickets which eventually cause bone deformities and results in weakening of the bones and muscles. It also prevents per-eClampsia. This is a condition that occurs during pregnancy and leads to production of protein in urine and high blood pressure, eventually leading to premature labor. Deficiency of Vitamin D-3 in the body poses numerous health risks. Since it is mainly manufactured in the skin directly from the sunlight, people living in areas with little sunlight are at an increased risk of suffering from the health problems that are caused by its deficiency. Recommended intake People who stay in the northern climates are advised to take it through supplements in order to maintain their health. These supplements are available in health facilities and nutritional stores. The recommended intake of Vitamin D-3 is 1000 IU per day. This offers increased protection against mental illness, obesity, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. This amount is easily produced by spending a few hours in the sunshine each week. Where sun exposure is not possible, vitamin D3 capsules will readily provide your body with these nutrients. These supplements are affordable and have no side effects to your body. They are necessary in order to ensure your body gets the required amount of Vitamin D3
( What Is Glutathione Good For? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 14, 2012 08:03 AM
What is Glutathione? Glutathione (GSH)is a tripeptide derived from non-proteinaceous amino acids. Contains apeptide bond between the group unusual amino of the cysteine group and the carboxylside chain of glutamate. Glutathione, an antioxidant, helps protect cells from reactive species of oxygen such as free radicals and peroxides. Glutathione is nucleophilic at sulfuracceptors and conjugated electrophilic attack poisonous. Groups thiolare maintained in a reduced state to a concentration of about ~ 5 mM in animal cells. Indeed, glutathione reduces any link disulfideformed with in proteins cytoplasmic cysteines by acting as a donor of electrons.In the process, glutathione is converted to its oxidized form glutathione disulfide (GSSG). Glutathione is found almost exclusively in its reduced form, since the enzyme that turns its oxidized form, glutathione reductase,is constitutively active and inducible to oxidative stress.In fact, the ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione in cells is often used scientifically as a measure of cellular toxicity. H2O2+ GSSG + 2 ------- 2GSH H2O.
Advantages of the Glutathione Before discussing the benefits of L-Glutathione, let's first talk a little about the nutrient. Glutathione is an antioxidant enzyme dominant which is soluble in water.It is absorbed mainly in the liver.It helps fight against free radical damage.The free radical damage is harmful relatives. Glutathione is involved in a variety of other functions in the body. The function of Glutathione - Benefits of Glutathione Glutathione works in DNA synthesis and repair, protein and prostaglandin synthesis, and amino acid transport.It helps in the metabolism of carcinogens and toxins.Immune system is improved through the use of Glutathione, and contributes to the prevention of cellular oxidative damage, and activation of enzymes. Glutathione also helps and maintains the functions of other antioxidants. Glutathione deficiency There is the possibility of a deficiency of glutathione. It usually occurs during aging.For example, it is seen in macular degeneration related to age, diabetes, and lung and gastrointestinal diseases. It may be the cause of pre-eClampsia, Parkinson's, AIDS and other neurodegenerative diseases. Where to get Glutathione Some sources of glutathione include fruits such as tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit, oranges, peaches and cantaloupe.It is found in vegetables such as avocados, potatoes, spinach, okra, acorn squash, and asparagus.It is found in most meats as well. Other sources of vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, parsley, and not only provide GSH - glutathione peroxidase, but it also stimulates the body to make more BA.Since cooking destroys much of glutathione, you will get more to eat raw or steamed vegetables for the best benefits of Glutathione. Reduced glutathione is in a supplementation that we personally use a company called source naturals a Natural Product meeting the above requirements.The nutrient content in their signature product - Total Balance.
( Folic Acid ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 30, 2008 01:39 PM
National press has recently taken an interest in the benefits of folic acid, with coverage increasing throughout the media. Folic acid, a B vitamin and other folates helps the body to form red blood cells and aids in the formation of genetic material within every body cell. Folic acid also helps to prevent birth defects. Proponents of dietary supplements have encouraged the use of folic acid by women who are of the child-bearing age for a long time. The public is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of this nutrient to prenatal development. In a survey done by U.S. Health and Human Services in 2007, about 40% of all women surveyed reported the daily consumption of a supplement that contained folic acid, while about 42% of women surveyed reported that folic acid is the most important vitamin for women of child-bearing age. This study also found that awareness of the benefits differed by age group. Younger women were the least likely to know about the benefits of folic acid, and therefore, were the least likely to consume folic acid. These younger women were also more likely to hear about folic acid from a magazine or newspaper or school or college, rather than their health-care provider. On the contrary, the women who aged 25-34 and 35-47 were much more likely to hear about folic acid and its benefits from their health-care provider. Because of these results, the U.S. Health and Human Services considers it vital to increase young person education and awareness. Folic acid has long been known to help prevent birth defects. Recent research on folic acid shows that it may also help in preventing premature births, boost baby weights, prevent preeClampsia, reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and even cut male smokers’ stroke risk. Folate is determined from the term “foliage,” and is a member of the B vitamin family where it can be primarily found in dark leafy green vegetables, legumes, citrus fruits, beets, meat, and wheat germ. Folic acid does not occur in nature and cannot be found in unfortified foods. It is not an active form of the B-vitamin. However, it is the most common form of folate used is supplements and in fortified food products due to the fact that it is highly bioavailable and chemically stable. It is also readily reduced to tetrahydrofolate, which is the active coenzyme form of folate. One study, comparing folic acid from orange juice and folic acid from a supplement showed that the supplement had a better absorption rate than the fortified orange juice.
Although folic acid is not generally associated with side effects, there have been some clinical reports that high level of folic acid can mask a deficiency of vitamin B-12. However, a deficiency of B-12 is very uncommon and it has been determined that only amounts about 3000 – 4000 micrograms per day of folic acid for extended periods of time may have this masking effect, which can in turn be eliminated by supplementing with a few micrograms of B-12. For more information about folic acid and its benefits to your body, contact your local health food retailer.
( Omega-3 Fish Oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 02, 2008 03:07 PM
The benefits of fish oil come from two long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA primarily helps prevent behavioral and attention issues in children and adults. DHA is good for brain development starting as far back as when we are developing in the womb. Scientists at Wayne State University in Detroit found that babies who had higher concentrations of DHA in their cord blood had greater visual, cognitive, and motor development when tested at the six month and twelfth month marks. Most pregnant women get less DHA then they need during those last few months of pregnancy. Supplementing with DHA can have profound benefits for baby as well as mother. DHA can extend gestation time which can reduce the rate of premature birthing. Some research suggests that DHA can help fight pre-eClampsia, a life threatening condition that happens to women that are pregnant. Omega-3 fish oil reduces platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction – both of which are symptoms of pre-eClampsia. Eating fish is a good way to get the needed DHA in our diets but safety is always an issue with the fish that is being consumed. Cold water fish have been known to have potential toxins like mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, and dioxins. These toxins are not good for developing baby as well as the mother. Brain power can be boosted in babies who are breast fed because of the high concentrations of DHA present in breast milk. Infants begin developing neuronal pathways associated with learning as soon as they are born and if they are not breast fed they should be supplementing their diet with DHA. Studies suggest that DHA plays a role in the production and regulation of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Numerous studies show that breast fed babies have greater cognitive development and visual acuity then those who are formula fed. The importance of fish oil for infants in brain development is clearly seen, fish oil is also important for older children and adults who want a mental boost. It’s never too late to take fish oil to boost mental health; studies suggest that Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed with the consumption of omega-3 fish oil as well. Have you had your fish oil today? If burping up fish oil is not your cup of tea, give vectomega a try. vectomega is a dry fish oil that provides the same health benefits you experience with regular oil pills minus the oil.
( Calcium Protects against pregnancy complications… ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 15, 2006 01:34 PM
Calcium Protects against pregnancy complications… Pregnant women may want to take a calcium supplement to help reduce the risk of developing symptoms related to PreeClampsia, report researchers. PreeClampsia is defined as a combination of elevated blood pressure and excess protein in the urine. Untreated, it can yield serious complications, including eClampsia, a combination of PreeClampsia and seizures, which can cause permanent brain, kidney, and liver damage in the mother, and is potentially fatal for the mother and baby. In the study, published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2006, vol.194: 639-49), more than 8,300 women pregnant with their first child received 1.5 grams of supplemental calcium per day, starting prior to 20 weeks of gestation, for the duration of the pregnancy. While taking calcium did not substantially lower PreeClampsia risk, it did significantly lower risks of complications related to PreeClampsia, including eClampsia and fatalities, among others.
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