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'Inflammatory Diet' May Boost Breast Cancer Risk ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 13, 2017 11:59 AM
One of the newest ways for a person to get sick in today's society is inflammation. This is caused by a lifestyle with poor food choices, along with high level of stress and other toxins. This may have a more profound effect on women, and increased chance of having breast cancer. So a high fat and low nutritional value diet may really increase a women's chance of developing breast cancer down the road. Eat healthier to avoid this. Key Takeaways:
"Researchers studied women who, as high schoolers, had consumed diets thought to increase levels of inflammation in the body." Read more:
( What can we do about it? ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 26, 2007 02:01 PM
The answer to this problem is amazingly simple. It’s called remineralization. “Remineralization is important because we are missing the minerals and trace elements in our food that should be there,” says Joanna Campe, president of a non-profit organization called Remineralize the Earth. “We can address this by returning minerals to the soil just as the earth does. The natural formulation of soil occurs through the recycling of organic matter, the crushing of rocks onto the earth’s soil mantle by glaciers, and volcanic eruptions that add minerals to the soil. We can add these minerals back ourselves and create fertile soils.” Remineralized soils can provide two to four times the yield of current unhealthy soils, and greatly increase the health of plant biomass—a well-validated fat that even amazed a group of missoouri high-school students Who, in conducting experiments with remineralization, watched pecan plants germinate 7-9 days earlier and grow consistently faster than non-mineralized plants. Remineralization is also fundamental in solving global warming. “When forests are unhealthy and dying off, they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,” Campe says. “When they’re healthy, they store carbon.” And remineralization’s effects are already being felt in this area. Highly successful remineralization on trees has been done by Dr. Lee Klinger, an independent northern California scientist. In the last three years his methods have been used on more than 5,000 Californian oak trees afflicted with malnutrition and other disease conditions, with all but a handful responding with a flush of healthy canopy growth (see Additionally, there are early-stage studies indicating that spreading rock dust can help bind up atmospheric carbon in the soil and contract global warming.
( There are many effective treatments for sexual dysfunction resulting from prostate cancer. ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 27, 2005 03:29 PM
8. There are many effective treatments for sexual dysfunction resulting from prostate cancer. Since the prostate produces fluid for semen, cancer patients know all too well that the range of symptoms can include sexual dysfunction. The situation may be either temporary or psychological. “I see a lot of guys Who, only after they are diagnosed, begin to experience sexual dysfunction,” says Berger. In other cases, “it’s more the treatment than the disease that causes the dysfunction.” With so many therapies available, it’s likely that function can be regained. The key is to discuss the problem with a healthcare professional, since embarrassment of both patient and provider often means the problem goes untreated. If aggressive treatment is used to treat the cancer and the unwelcome side effect is more permanent, a surgical procedure called a sural nerve graft can provide cancer control and preserve erectile function. Studies show that 30 % to 40% of men regain potency using this technique with no side effects other than a scar on the calf where the section of sural nerve is removed and a numb area the size of a half-dollar coin.
( SUMMARY ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 25, 2005 10:21 AM
SUMMARY In 1990, the First World Congress on the Health Significance of Garlic and Garlic Constituents was held in Washington, D.C. Forty-six presentations were heard by fifty scientists on the health benefits of garlic. Topics addressed included garlic’s ability to fight infection, especially Candida albicans, and to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Finally, ancient medicinal practices regarding garlic are being vindicated by twentieth-century scientists Who, for a long period of time, literally turned up their noses at the prospect of garlic as a viable therapeutic agent. Today, both scientific and herbalist tradition support the fact that garlic, in its various forms can provide extraordinary health benefits. Unquestionably, it can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain kinds of cancer. Taking garlic in certain dosages can help protect human cells from oxidation, free radicals and certain types of radiation. Garlic is an effective immune system booster and has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. Garlic promises to emerge once again, as a powerful medicinal agent which will most certainly impact 21st-century health practices.
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