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Curcumin may protect the brain after a traumatic brain injury ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 08, 2019 08:13 AM
Oxidative neurodegeneration is a process in which oxidative stress results in degeneration of the brain, often related to a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Studies are now showing that curcumin has protective abilities that can help decrease the brain's vulnerability to further injury as a result of oxidative stress. This could be due to several factors such as its anti-inflammatory properties, the way it increases antioxidants, and its natural healing properties that can aid in regeneration. Key Takeaways:
"When choosing a curcumin supplement, it is important to source one that is non-GMO, non-irradiated and preferably contains piperine (BioPerine) which enhances curcumin absorption by as much as 2,000 percent"
( Hesperidin, a flavonoid, can be used to reduce skin damage caused by constant sun exposure ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 09, 2018 09:53 AM
Melanin protects skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays, which can burn the skin, and over time, could reduce its elasticity and cause a person to age prematurely. Suntanning occurs because exposure to sunlight causes the skin to produce more melanin and to darken.The sun's rays make us feel good, and in the short term, make us look good. But our love affair isn't a two-way street. Exposure to sun causes most of the wrinkles and age spots on our faces. Consider this: One woman at age 40 who has protected her skin from the sun actually has the skin of a 30-year-old! We often associate a glowing complexion with good health, but skin color obtain from being in the sun – or in a tanning booth – actually accelerates the effects of aging and increases your risk for developing skin cancer. Key Takeaways:
"Citrus lovers, rejoice: New research has found that a flavonoid found in citrus can help prevent skin damage brought about by ultraviolet radiation. The study, published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, has found that hesperidin can protect against photoaging caused by ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation, and prevent wrinkles, skin thickening, and inflammation." Read more:
( FDA proposes to allow irradiated foods to go label-free ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 30, 2007 10:05 AM
Since 1986, any food sold in the United States that has been irradiated must, by law, disclose that fact to the consumer, by bearing the international radura symbol as well as the words “treated by irradiation” or “Treated with radiation.” However, if the FDA has its way, all that could change. The agency put forth a proposal in April which would require that packaging only reveal a food has been irradiated if the process created a “material change” in the food, such as a change in color, texture, or taste outside of the normal variances for the food. Additionally, the FDA is proposing allowing food manufacturers to substitute the word “pasteurization” for irradiation,” which has a decidedly negative association in the American consumer’s mind. Does irradiation = pasteurization? The bit about swapping the term “pasteurization” for “irradiation” is not actually new. Food manufacturers have been allowed to do that since the passage of the 2002 farm bill, which broadened the legal definition of pasteurization to include “any safe process that is at least as protective as pasteurization and is reasonably certain to kill the most resistant pathogens likely to occur in food.” The California Almond Board, apparently inspired by that legislation, recently announced its decision to irradiate raw almonds and label them “pasteurized.” However, most people still understand the old definitions, whereby pasteurization means using heat to destroy pathogens and irradiation means using ionizing radiation to do so. Consumers want to know What is new about the current proposal is the suggestion to lift the requirement that irradiated foods be labeled as such. And that won’t go over so well among consumers. According to a 1997 poll commissioned by the American Association of Retired Persons and Center for Science in the Public Interest, 88.6 percent of Americans want irradiated foods to be labeled. Indeed, the last time the FDA made a move to allow irradiated foods to go label free, the agency received more than 5,000 comments on the issue. What’s at stake? According to the consumer group Center for Food Safety, irradiation can create potentially dangerous chemical byproducts, such as benzene and toluene; cause stunted growth in lab animals fed irradiated foods; and reduces foods’ nutrition value. Noting irradiation’s unpopularity, the FDA stated that if foods treated with irradiation were not required to be labeled, more manufacturers would probably opt to use it. The agency is particularly concerned given the E.coli outbreak last November in fresh spinach. Fortunately, even if the proposal becomes law, there will still be one surefire way to avoid irradiated foods: buying Organic. References used in this article. Civic leaders and public citizen tell wal-mart “Nebraskans won’t buy meat treated with irradiation” ! public citizen. May 27, 2007. // FDA may loosen labeling rules for irradiated foods. Center for infectious disease research & policy (CIDRAP). // FDA proposes softening irradiated food labels. April 4, 2004. USA today. // Food irradiation. The center for food safety. //
( WHAT IS A FREE RADICAL? ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 13, 2005 09:57 AM
WHAT IS A FREE RADICAL?Free radicals are unstable, unpredictable structures that pose a potential threat to healthy molecules on a cellular level. In their atte mpt to become stable, they assault and randomly impact healthy molecules, altering their functions in the process. TO COMPLETLEY ELIMINATE FREE RADICALS, YOU MUST STOP BREATHING The very act of breathing oxygen activates these reactive chemical structures. To make matte rs wo rse, because our generation, more than any other, is exposed to a number of potentially harmful environmental substances, free radical formation can reach epidemic proportions. Some of the more dangerous of these include:
EVEN EXERCISE HAS ITS PERILS Exercising, as beneficial as it is, can initiate the release of free radicals within our cellular systems. Aerobic exercising produces oxidation products. Many of these compounds are not neutralized by our internal safety mechanisms and an overload can occur. Supplementing the diet with efficient antioxidants is highly recommended for eve ryone, but especially for those who exercise on a regular basis. WHY ARE FREE RADICALS SO DANGEROUS A free radical can destroy a protein, an enzyme or even a complete cell. To make matte rs wo rse, free radicals can multiply through a chain reaction mechanism resulting in the release of thousands of cellular oxidants. When this happens, cells can become so badly damaged that DNA codes can be altered and immunity can be compromised. Contact with a free radical or oxidant on this scale can create cellular deterioration, resulting in cancer and heart disease. Tissue breakdown from this oxidative stress can also occur which can contribute to aging, arthritis and whole host of other degenerative conditions. “Through free radical reactions in our body, it’s as though we’re being irradiated at low levels all the time. They grind us down.”3 PREMATURE AGING AND FREE RADICALS: Frequently, the oxidative stress caused by free radicals results in what we refer to as the aging process. While aging is inevitable, many of us hasten its outcome by not protecting ourselves, hence, we age prematurely. The early onset of wrinkling, arthritis, circulatory disorders, diabetes, heart disease and hardening of the arteries can result from free radical damage that could have been minimized by consistently taking strong antioxidants like Pycnogenol. More and more research suggests that it is a lack of certain protective nutrients, like the bioflavonoid compounds contained in Pycnogenol, which increases our risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases.4 WHY A NUTRITIOUS DIET DOES NOT AFFORD US ENOUGH PROTECTION “They (antioxidants) may be much more important that doctors thought in warding off cancer, heart disease and the ravages of aging—and, no, you may not be getting enough of these nutrients in your diet.”5 Clearly, while diet modifications are invaluable, diet alone cannot provide the kind of physiological defense the body requires to inhibit free radicals before they cause biological harm. While there is no way to escape our exposure to free radicals, we can minimize potential cellular destruction by reducing their numbers.
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