Search Term: " Effer "
Change likely to make CDB oil accessible ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 25, 2017 10:59 AM
Due to the efforts of one parent with a child that suffered from seizures, cannabis treatment for the disorder may be likely in the future. Sally SchaEffer helped pass Lydia’s Law in 2014, which hopes to allow research on the use of the drug. However, wording in the law has forced doctors to apply for an FDA investigational license. An alteration to the law next week is hoping to change that. The bill will hopefully at least allow people in Wisconsin to legally own the oil. The government is trying to get it legalized at a national level as well. Key Takeaways:
"After two years of a stalemate in the state government, a bill legalizing the use of cannabidiol as seizure treatment may finally become useful." Reference:
( Here are a few herbs to support proper kidney function. ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 16, 2016 09:39 AM
Even with the development of modern medicine, herbs are still considered very useful and are used to boost the metabolic system of the body ensuring that the body performs its function to the best of its ability. Kidneys are a vital organs that help in cleansing the blood getting rid of the toxins and waste in the body. The following is a list of herbs that help boost the proper functioning of the kidneys. Most of this herbs date as far as 18th century this proves the authenticity of this herbs.
If you need a kidney boost, try one of these herbs or combination of them to support proper kidney function and reduce water retention.
( Anise Herb ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 20, 2009 05:32 PM
Anise is a flowering plant that is part of the Apiaxeae family. It is native to the eastern Mediteranean region and southwest Asia. It is known for its flavor, which resembles licorice, fennel, and tarragon. The anise plant is an herbaceous annual plant that grows to three feet tall. The leaves are at the base of the plant and are very simple. They are about two to five centimeters long and shallowly lobed. The leave higher on the stems are feathery pinnate and divided into numerous leaves. The flowers of the anise plant are white and about three millimeters in diameter. They are produced in dense umbels. The anise fruit is an oblong dry schizocarp that is about three to five millimeters in length. The seedpods are referred to as aniseed. Anise is usually used as food by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, such as butterflies and moths. Among these are the lime-speck pug and the wormwood pug. The best growth for the anise plant can be found in light, fertile, well drained soil. The plants should be started from seeds as soon as the ground warms up in the spring. Because the anise plants have a taproot, they do not transplant well after they are established. For this reason, the plants should be started where they are to grow, or transplanted while the seedlings are still small. Anise is sweet and very aromatic. It can be distinguished by its licorice-like flavor. It is widely used in a variety of regional and ethnic confectioneries, including British Aniseed balls, Austrailain Humbugs, New Zealand Aniseed wheels, Italian pizzelle, German pfEffernusse and springerle, Netherland Muisjes, Norwegian knots, and Peruvian Picarones. Anise is a key ingredient in Mexican “atole de anis” which is similar to hot chocolate. It is taken as a digestive after meals in India. Anise was used in ancient Rome as flavoring. However, it contains nutrients like calcium and iron. This herb was added to foods to prevent indigestion when eating large quantities of food. Additionally, it was used to help with bad breath. Hippocrates recommended this herb to relieve both coughs and congestion. Anise is used to help remove excess mucus from the alimentary canal and the mucus that is associated with coughs. It is used to stimulate the appetite, relieve digestive problems, and treat colic pain. Some herbalists recommend that anise be used for stimulating the glands and vital organs. Among these organs are the heart, liver, lungs, and brain. Additionally, it helps to normalize estrogen levels. The oil and seeds of the anise plant are used to provide anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, galactagogue, stimulant, and stomachic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are B vitamins, calcium, choline, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Primarily, anise provides extraordinary benefits in treating colds, colic, coughs, gas, indigestion, absent lactation, excessive mucus, and pneumonia. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with loss of appetite, breath odor, emphysema, epilepsy, nausea, and nervous disorders. It is important to speak with a health care professional before considering supplementing with any nutrient in order to obtain the best results while on medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by anise, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.
( The Stomach And Intestinal Tract Go Hand In Hand For A Healthy Life ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 22, 2007 02:27 PM
Are you plagued with stomach cramps, pain in your abdomen, reoccurring heart burn, bloating, diarrhoea or constipation? I certainly have experienced each one of these through my own life and I am sure you may have too. These symptoms plague everyone at one point or another in their lifetime and are related to good digestion. Good digestion includes both the stomach and our gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Our GIT is over 30 feet in length which processes food and nutrients, including the vitamin supplement regimen you take on a daily basis. As you grow older your digestive system begins to work less efficiently. Most people in their middle and later years can benefit from taking some form of digestive enzyme. Food intolerance Our bodies react differently to different foods, for example, our bodies react to some foods by producing gas. If you have a problem with gas, it may be because your body is having trouble digesting these foods we eat. The following list may be some source foods to try avoiding. Possible sources
1. Apples However, if you can’t live without your favourite fruit (apples) or corn and dairy products, try taking two Plant enzyme capsules at the beginning of each meal. A more serious GIT problem can lead to what is called irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disorder that is characterized by abdominal pain, intestinal gas and diarrhoea, constipation or both. The watch list of foods to stay away from includes the list above as well as eliminating wheat, coffee, tea, citrus fruits, potatoes, additives, preservatives and white sugar. Though you may find yourself having to deal with a gastro irritation it is important to consider (i) what you eat (i.e. the food combinations one employs) and (ii) supplementing your diet to help your body digest food (i.e. taking two Super Enzyme capsules before each meal). Bowel Problems Constipation can become a chronic problem if it is not taken seriously. Steps should be taken as soon as possible correct constipation. Constipation is toxic, and according to the Harvard Health Letter, constipation is responsible for 2.5 million visits to the doctor and gives reason for the $400 million dollars spent on laxatives each year. To begin finding relief and recovery from constipation problems, start by watching your diet and its relation to the pattern of consistency in your stool and the ease of evacuation (ease of bowel movement). To help facilitate a consistent and frequent bowel movement try taking before bedtime one tablespoon of apple psyllium powder mixed with one packet of Effer-C dissolved in a large glass of water. Also, a lack of water in the diet can cause constipation. If a lack of water is the problem, drinking 1 gallon of water each day can help. Some may think that it is impossible to drink 1 gallon of water each day, but in fact it is relatively easy to do so. Keep a glass of water by your desk all day long at work taking sips every 15 – 30 minutes can help you get the needed water your body needs to cleanse its self effectively. Digestive enzymes contain nutrients that feed friendly bacteria which are involved in cholesterol production, regulating energy, activating immunity, repairing cell damage, and elevating constipation. Therefore, it is imperative to stimulate the growth of these friendly micro-organisms. Adding a good probiotic to promote a healthy balance of intestinal flora, and regulate various digestive processes that are going on in your body can improve digestion and assimilation and restore the balance of normal intestinal function.
( The Childhood Obesity Epidemic ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 09, 2006 04:57 PM
The Zimmerman File: Marcia Zimmerman, CN, is a respected author and educator in the field of health and nutrition. Fighting Obesity – What do I put in my child’s Lunch? We begin the 21st century with a startling setback in life expectancy for our youth. Some experts even fear that today’s kids may not live as long as their parents. That’s despite the recent advances in medicine that have been credited with extending life span. The Childhood Obesity Epidemic The obesity epidemic is occurring in boys and girls in all 50 states. It’s happening in younger children as well as adolescents, across all socioeconomic strata, and among all ethnic groups. At a time when we have learned that excess weight has significant and troublesome health consequences, we see our children gaining weight to a dangerous degree and at an alarming rate. According to a 2004 report from the Centers for Disease Control, the number of over weight 6 to 11 year olds more than doubled in the past 20 years—going from 7 percent in 1980, to 18.8 percent in 2004. the rate among adolescents between 12 to 19 more than tripled, increasing from 5% to 17.1%. An estimated 61% of overweight young people have at least one additional risk factor associated with becoming overweight. These include heart disease, high cholesterol or high blood pressure—factors that have been traditionally associated with much older adults. In addition, children who are overweight are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem. Overweight young people are more likely than their normal weight peers to become over weight of obese adults, adding additional risk factors such as stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. The consensus among pediatricians, school administrators, parents, and government officials is that healthy lifestyle habits, including healthy eating and physical activity, can lower the risk of becoming overweight and developing related diseases. Associated problems with a growing overweight population are reduced productivity, increased disability, and a greater number of overweight individuals requiring nursing home care as they move into retirement. Clearly the centerpiece of reducing childhood obesity is to reduce its health related and economic costs. Nutrition Solutions Clearly, we must tackle this problem head-on in order to save our youth. It is beginning as a grass roots movement in the classroom and will involve nutritionists, enlightened teachers, pediatricians, natural food retailers, manufacturers and suppliers of healthy foods. Beginning in the opening weeks of school 2006-2007, a pilot program to teach 6th graders how to eat for better health will be instituted in Chico, California. As the program is perfected, it will be offered nationwide. This is how the plan unfolds. Show kids how
Breakfast: Cereals, Whey Protein Powders, with Glutamine added, add Malted Milk Powder to any shake, for a change. Lunchbox: Dried fruits (non-sulfite), Nuts, Seeds, and Organic Popcorn. Health Snack Bars Nuts & Seeds, Organic Fruit Bars, Organic Virta Raw Sprouted Bars. Dinner: Grains, Textured Soy Protein, Oils. Vitamins: (very important to keep kids healthy and at the top of their game) Daily Multiple: Kid Vits berry Blast or Orange Splash, daily vits easy-to-swallow tabs for older kids, Effer-C Packets, Omega-3 Fish Oil; (for brain nutrition) Oral Hygiene: (don’t forget the anti-caries power of xylitol) XyliWhite Fluoride-Free Refreshmint Toothpaste XyliWhite Fluoride-Free Cinnafresh Toothpaste XyliWhite Fluoride-Free Refreshmint Mouthwash XyliWhite Fluoride-Free Cinnafresh Mouthwash Mary Travis at Now Foods has been collecting amazing recipes that use Now Foods ingredients. Contact her at for more information.
( Ola Loa Multi-Vitamin Mineral Formula ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 22, 2006 06:33 PM
Ola LoaLets face it. Most people don’t look forward to taking their daily vitamins. Its too complicated; there are too many pills and capsules. You take some with food, some with out. Forget to eat this morning? Put your pills in your pocket and carry them with you to take at lunch or dinner or tomorrow? With Ola Loa’s single serving packs, getting your daily multi is not only convenient and delicious, but also based on sound nutrition science. That’s the Ola Loa Advantage! In formulating Ola Loa, Richard Kunin M.D. chose its powerful combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids based on their functional uses in the body and his 40 years of scientific research and experience giving nutrients to his patients. Nowhere will you find a more strategic and effective collection of nutrients. Ola Loa Energy formula includes NAC, and Vitamin C (which strengthens antioxidant and immune function), along with six amino acids, CoQ10, and 40 mineral complexes. Ola Loa provides you with enough TMG to lower homocysteine and raise SAME levels. Ola Loa’s nutrients and pleasing taste have almost instant benefits. You will feel a difference. Ola Loa REPAIR is a great tasting Effervescent multi-vitamin powder that provides unparalleled nutrient support for bones, joints, cartilage and the aches and pains of everyday life. REPAIR is recommended for daily bone and joint health, as a general anti-aging vitamin and is a comfort to those concerned about bone health and regular wear-and-tear on joints. Our convenient grab-and-go packs are easy to bring with you wherever you go. Just pack Ola Loa for your business or pleasure trips or throw a few packets in your brief case, purse or desk drawer. Having Ola Loa around encourages regular vitamin consumption and will give you that boost of nutrients whenever, wherever you need it.
( Effer-C NUTRITION YOU CAN DRINK ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 27, 2005 09:49 AM
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August 30, 2005 01:22 PM
Kiss Herbal Supplements GoodbyeHealthful herbal therapies face a new attack in Congress. If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. – Thomas JEfferson Our third president recognized the devastating health and liberty implications of allowing governments to dictate what people eat. One can only imagine the disgust with which JEfferson would regard elected officials who are currently betraying core American freedoms by working to revoke our rights to choose what foods we put in our bodies. In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) estabilished that dietary supplements are foods. Its passage was a shinning moment of democracy that resonated with JEfferson’s beliefs on health freedom, as millions of Americans raised their voices to preserve our right to safe, natural supplements. DSHEA Under Attack But now, as countless people use supplements to enhance their health, some officials are tampering with the DSHEA. HR 3156, the dietary supplement access & awareness act introduced by representative Susan Davis (D-CA), is designed to deny Americans access to the supplements they rely upon for good health. Should HR3156 pass, herbal supplements will be subject to risk benefits analysis, under which adverse event reporting will empower the FDA to ban herbal supplement sales. Inexplicably, the bill pays no heed to the amount of herbal supplement associated with an adverse event. In other words, if someone ingests an unreasonably excessive amount of a herbal remedy, and as result experiences an adverse event, that would be enough for the FDA to ban that supplement—even if the overwhelming majority of consumers experienced positive benefits by using the supplement properly. This caveat, in addition to the relative ease with which an adverse event could falsely be linked to herbal supplements, has the potential to enable widespread, groundless bans of these health-enhancing, time-tested therapies. Fight Back, Right Now! We must act now to prevent the passage of HR 3156. For America’s sake, we must fight the forces in Congress that wish to ban our access to herbal supplements. In the name of democracy we must ensure that our elected officials are representing our interests and not furthering their own agendas. Without your immediate support, America’s health will be compromised as herbal supplements, one by one are banned under false pretenses. To Quote JEfferson once again, “Never put off ‘till tomorrow what you can do today.” The need for your support is urgent, so please fax your representatives in congress today and urge them to oppose that passage of HR 3156. Contacting elected officials is fast and easy; visit and use revolutionary technology that helps you compose faxes to congress. Become a good health ambassador; educate your friends on this gross impingement on our health freedom and encourage them to join the fight against health tyranny! Fax the architects of HR 3156, Susan Davis (Fax: 202-225-2948), John Dingell (Fax: 202-226-0371) and Henry Waxman (Fax: 202-225-4099), and let them know that if they revoke your health freedom, you’ll vote for your health-care interests in the next election! It is only with your help that we can win the fight to keep safe, healthy supplements in our lives. For health, Freedom and liberty, visit and Join the NHA Today.
( Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 19, 2005 10:34 AM
-- VitaNet® VitaNet ® Staff
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