
Search Term: " Giver "

  Messages 1-6 from 6 matching the search criteria.
Anxious Pets? Hereâ??s How Hemp Can Help Darrell Miller 7/26/18
Overcoming adrenal fatigue naturally Darrell Miller 7/22/18
Scientists: Children need microbes, not antibiotics, to develop immunity Darrell Miller 8/22/17
Testamonial by Wendy: Subject: DiGeorge Syndrome Darrell Miller 9/19/06
Olive Leaf Extract Darrell Miller 1/2/06
THE ORIGINS OF PYCNOGENOL Darrell Miller 7/13/05

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Anxious Pets? Hereâ??s How Hemp Can Help

Date: July 26, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Anxious Pets? Hereâ??s How Hemp Can Help

Anxious Pets? Here’s How Hemp Can Help

Separation anxiety is a real concern for pets and their owners. When dogs, for example, are left alone and unhappy they can act out in a number of negative ways, which can include urinating and defecating, chewing and scratching and trying to escape. While behavior modification can at times ease the symptoms, owners are looking into a way to alleviate the sense of anxiety their pets fel with CBD oil, which is a compound available through the hemp plant. The oil affects the neurotransmitters in the brain, also boosting the feel-good hormone serotonin. In this way the dog's anxiety may be alleviated. And, it may be a good choice, as study has shown 75% of pet-owners using CBD felt that it was an effective choice for their pet. Because hemp-based products are low in THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana, they are a better and usually legal choice. Regardless, it is always wise to seek out a veterinarian's advice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some pets when forced to do without their primary caregivers go through a condition called separation anxiety.
  • This can manifest in numerous negative ways, such as soiling and scratching and chewing and exit-seeking.
  • Data suggests that nearly half of the pet-owners that have tried CBD oil to help with this condition feel that it has had a positive effect.

"CBD is a compound found in both marijuana and its close cousin hemp. Unlike THC, which is responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive effect, CBD is not mind-altering or toxic."

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Overcoming adrenal fatigue naturally

Date: July 22, 2018 11:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Overcoming adrenal fatigue naturally

Overcoming adrenal fatigue naturally

The human body has a well-developed system it uses to aid us when we experience stress. Firstly, the brain identifies the threat. Then the body releases hormones designed to do two things, rush blood to the muscles and heart to assist in fighting off the aggressive agent and dampening body processes that are not needed in the attack, such as digestive ones.

Were one fighting of a saber-tooth tiger, this would be of benefit. Today's stresses are far more nuanced, insidious and long-lasting. And when constant stress overworks the adrenals, which are the rabble-rousers in charge of turning off immunity and digestion until the tiger has turned tail, well then they get tired. This condition is called, aptly, adrenal fatigue. It can last for a short while, or a long time. It induces fatigue and it can lead to "brain fog." Other symptoms can include disturbances in mood, or sleep, food cravings and muscle and bone loss. To recuperate, it's necessary to convince the body the tiger has gone. Eat healthy, sleep healthy. Take vitamins and nourish yourself physically and psychically.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some symptoms of adrenal fatigue include brain fog and insulin resistance. And busy new parents, college students and caregivers are most at risk of getting it.
  • The adrenal gland functions rhythmically. During the day it releases cortisol that wakes us up and at the evening it reduces it to make us go to bed.
  • Adrenal fatigue stresses the adrenaline such that when stress occurs, it takes longer for the individual to recover.

"One of the most important parts of restoring adrenal function is listening to your body and minding your stress levels."

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Scientists: Children need microbes, not antibiotics, to develop immunity

Date: August 22, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Scientists: Children need microbes, not antibiotics, to develop immunity

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate… that is today’s question. You will not find a more polarizing discussion in today’s world. Not even Trump can compare to this question. Parents, grandparents, careGivers, teachers, etc pick one side and one side only. Have you ever tried having a simple educated conversation on this topic? Attacks and attacks only are the product of that debate not doubt. Check out this video for a very interesting point of view. It challenges the notion that immunity can be created by microbes. Think about that for a moment, a totally new way for us to think about immunity.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Microbes are needed in the human body to help program our immune systems to fight off diseases.
  • Use of hand sanitizers and certain soaps has killed microbes in the human body resulting in an immune system that is weakened and unable to fight disease.
  • Humans are not born with any microbes but rather they come into contact with them over time.

"While we’ve known for decades that hand washing is important, for some reason, about a decade ago people started freaking out about dirt and started over sanitizing everything."


Testamonial by Wendy: Subject: DiGeorge Syndrome

Date: September 19, 2006 05:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Testamonial by Wendy: Subject: DiGeorge Syndrome

Hello All:

I was touched this morning by the attached E-mail. When someone tells me “these products are so expensive” these are the kind of stories that always come to mind. It is not about cost: IT IS ALL ABOUT VALUE. What else in this world has this kind of impact on health?

Subject: DiGeorge Syndrome


My name is Wendy and I live in Ponca City OK. This story is about my daughter Sydney and her journey with DiGeorge Syndrome.

DiGeorge syndrome is a rare congenital (i.e. present at birth) anomaly with symptoms vary greatly between individuals but commonly include a history of recurrent infection, heart defects, and characteristic facial features.

We learned about DiGeorge when Sydney was born. What a tough way to come into the world. Sydney had open heart surgery at 13 days old. We were told after her surgery that Sydney was born without a thymus gland. This gland is the home for the immune system. We were then told that she would likely die by the age of three. She would be very ill all of her life and would die from some type of infection. This devastated us!

One of the first people to provide some hope that there was something out there that could help was a friend of mine. His name is Tim O’Conner and told me about a company that provides glyconutrients. He is our pharmacist (we go to church together too). I had to call him from the hostpital with a medication list to make sure he had everything available in Ponca City before we could leave the hospital in Oklahoma City. Once we got to the pharmacy, Tim told me about the products and how it helps the immune system.

I had to think about it, research it and pray about it. I wasn’t just going to take his word for it! When Sydney was about 9 weeks old, I started her on glyconutrients, ¼ teaspoon twice a day. Because when Sydney was six weeks old, the immunologist told us she had a very poor immune system and to keep her away from everyone we can. No animals, no strangers, no church. So I really thought even more about the products. We started the products and went back to the immunologist at 6 months and at that point he told us that her immune system was probably better than mine! Then we asked what else do we need to do and he said “let me hold her for a minute because I am not going to see her ever again”. I started to cry! I was so happy because I had been told so many terrible things about kids with DiGeorge Syndrome and how they are always sick and that pneumonia normally kills them. We have been so blessed! Until Sydney was 1 year old she had to take a form of calcium, I cant remember the specific type. We were told by the endocrinologist that she would always have a calcium deficiency. Guess what, she is off the calcium too! Genetics asked what we had been doing with her, special therapy? No, just Sonner Start (a state funded occupational therapy) oh, and glyconutrients.

Every time we told a doctor about glyconutrients, they wanted to know more. We have told every doctor about this product. We have been told by all the genetic, immunologist, endocrinologist ect., that she doesn’t need to be followed by them any longer. Between that and prayer, Sydney is now almost 3 years old and is very healthy! Actually now, all we Giver her are the glyconutrients kids supplements anywhere from 5 – 7 a day. She is great and loves the kids BEARS supplements!



Olive Leaf Extract

Date: January 02, 2006 10:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Olive Leaf Extract

In today’s stressful world, immune system health is more important than ever. History has proven that no matter what we do to combat viruses, bacteria and parasites, they have the remarkable capability to mutate for survival, often returning in a more virulent form than before. New strains of the flu and other microbial invaders are being discovered at an alarming rate, and modern medicine is constantly on the defensive. At the time this was written, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta is predicting a “bad flu season” because a “killer drift variant” strain of flu had been discovered, called type A Fujian. This new strain has already caused deaths abroad, and vaccinations are strongly recommended, especially for the very young and the elderly.

However, mutating microbes are only part of the problem confronting our immune systems. Factors such as environmental pollution and over-processing of foods are believed by many researchers to play a major role in many health conditions. Which means, more than ever before, you need to make sure your immune system is functioning at peak efficiency. Fortunately, there are a number of natural products available that can assist you in reaching this goal.

One of the most effective discovered to date is Olive Leaf Extract (OLE). Natural olive leaf extract is derived from the olive tree (Olea europaea), which happens to have a very long and interesting history. One of the most revered botanicals, the olive tree is mentioned numerous times in the Bible. One of the earliest and most powerful mentions is the delivery of the olive branch to Noah by a dove, a sign that the floodwaters were receding and life was returning. The olive tree was, and still is, a life-Giver. It’s fruit is used for food, and the oil is used for cooking and as a source of light to ward off the darkness. Ancient cultures soon discovered that the various components of the olive tree provided a myriad of health benefits as well, benefits confirmed by modern science.

Extract of olive leaves is one of the best, if not THE best, natural antimicrobials and antioxidants ever discovered.* Oddly enough it might have been well recognized in this role much sooner since it was reported in the mid-1850’s that a bitter tea brewed from olive leaves might be a potential cure for malaria. However, not all great discoveries are immediately recognized as valuable, and physicians of that era didn’t give much credence to the reports. It wasn’t until decades later that a simple analysis conducted on olive leaves led to the discovery of an active component, the phenolic compound oleuropein, which has since been associated with many health benefits.

More recently, numerous studies have been conducted on olive leaves and the active components found in the leaves, with a preponderance of positive results. A 1999 study conducted at the University of Rome assessed the antimicrobial activity of oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, two of the most active components in olive leaf extract. They were pitted against many different bacterial strains, including salmonella and staphylococcus, in vitro. The study concluded, “Olea europaea can be considered a potential source of promising antimicrobial agents” for the support of intestinal and respiratory health.* 4

A 2002 study conducted at the University of South Australia compared the effectiveness of some of the typical components of the Mediterranean diet, including oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, as reactive oxygen species inhibitors and free radical scavengers. Researchers also examined their capability in protecting against low-density lipoprotein oxidation in vitro. Results clearly indicated that these components are potent inhibitors of free radical generation, as well as effective free radical scavengers.* 5

NOW® Foods carries a number of olive leaf extract products, including our Olive Leaf Extract 500mg, standardized to contain 6% oleuropein, our Extra Strength product with 18% oleuropein and 100mg of Echinacea Extract, and Olive Leaf Glycerite liquid, which contains 18% oleuropein.

Why would you want a standardized Olive Leaf Extract product over a whole herb Olive Leaf product? We’re glad you asked! Standardization allows for consistently effective herbal products because the active ingredient, or marker compound, is accurately identified and measured, ensuring that the product delivers a certain minimum level of the active component or components. In simpler terms, standardized herbal products allow the consumer to obtain the benefits of an herb without having to consume massive quantities because there is a much greater concentration of active components, which also improves the effectiveness of the herbal product. Purchasing standardized Olive Leaf with a guaranteed concentration of oleuropein is a smart choice.



Date: July 13, 2005 09:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (


For generations, certain tribes of North American Indians used bioflavonoids extracted from the bark of pine trees for a variety of disorders. Because of its marvelous healing properties, they called this pine the Annedda, or “tree of life.”


These native Americans, who routinely ate deer as their primary source of nutrition, when confronted with a scarcity of meat asked themselves ... where does the deer get its strength? They discovered that deer stripped away pine tree bark and we re able to derive life-giving nutrients from its organic composition. It was also observed that devastating diseases such as scurvy did not afflict those who ate the bark, leaves or needles of this pine tree.


In 1535, Jacques Cartier learned of the medicinal value of the bark, which remained relatively unknown until 20 or 30 years ago, when scientists reviewed his notes and commenced research. Cartier became caught in the bitter snows of Quebec, while attempting to navigate the St. Lawrence River. Cartier and his crew subsisted on hard biscuits and cured meat and eventually came down with what was believed to be scurvy. Scurvy is an abhorrent disease which causes a very slow and agonizing death. Several of Cartier’s men died before they were approached by the Quebec Indians who prepared a tea they called “Annedda” from the bark of a certain native pine tree. The men took the tea and used its leaves as poultices. Their recovery was almost immediate. What must have seemed like a miraculous substance was technically, nothing more than vitamin C with bioflavonoids naturally inherent to the pine tree.


Cartier was resourceful enough to document the incident. Over 400 years later, a French professor, Jacques Masquelier, assigned to the University of Quebec discove red Cartier’s account. Because he was already involved in bioflavonoid research, he became greatly intrigued by pine tree extract. Dr. Masquelier isolated a bio-active substance known as proanthocyanidin.


After returning to France, Professor Masquelier found that this compound could be extracted from the bark of the French Maritime Pine pinus maritima found in abundance in southern France. Intensive research by Dr. Masquelier led to the discovery of Pycnogenol, which is another name for the group of bioflavonoids known as the proanthocyanidins. Subsequent in-depth testing revealed that these compounds are a nutrient treasure far more valuable that anyone originally thought. In time, the grape seed was found to contain the same compound and today, is considered an excellent source of Pycnogenol in France.


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