Search Term: " Nigeria "
Pregnant diabetic women are encouraged to take propolis ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 24, 2019 01:58 PM
A recent study took pregnant rats who were suffering from gestational diabetes, and they gave them propolis to see if it had a beneficial impact on regulating their glucose levels. The results showed that propolis did, in fact, help regulate blood sugars, and it also helps in several other areas as well. Taking propolis consistently can also help protect you against hypertension during your pregnancy, as well as promote faster wound healing which is extremely important in diabetic patients. Key Takeaways:
"Their study, which was published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, showed that the superfood propolis not only improves pregnancy outcomes but also placental oxidative stress." Read more:
( Supplement with magnesium if you have diabetes it helps reduceinflammation in your body ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 30, 2019 10:59 AM
According to a study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements, diabetic mice who were administered magnesium showed improvements in markers for anemia and inflammation. Researchers at the University of Idaban in Nigeria used alloxan to induce diabetes in mice. They then treated some of the mice with magnesium every day for two weeks. The mice treated with insulin experienced improvements in their anemic state, as well as improvements in hematologic and metabolic inflammatory markers. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include nausea, weakness, and loss of appetite. Key Takeaways:
"A study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements found that supplementing with magnesium can prevent anemia and reduce inflammation in people with diabetes." Read more:
( Lemongrass tea boosts the production of red blood cells, making ita great natural treatment for anemia ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 09, 2019 10:02 AM
Some people find themselves suffering from a condition called anemia where there are not enough red blood cells present within their systems. The consumption of lemongrass tea could possibly help in the production of these red blood cells, making it a promising intervention for anemic patients. In a recent study, patients who consumed regular amounts of lemongrass tea were shown to have steady packed cell volumes (PVCs) which indicates that their red blood cell counts were increasing to a stable level. Key Takeaways:
"People with anemia may find that drinking lemongrass tea may benefit them." Read more:
( Drink hibiscus tea to naturally lower your blood pressure ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 16, 2018 09:51 AM
High blood pressure causes a number of negative aspects to the health, but it can be pretty difficult to reduce the numbers. There are medications the doctor can prescribe to treat high blood pressure, as well as special diets to follow to aid in the process. One of the additions that you should make to the menu is hibiscus tea. This special tea tastes great and has been proven to significantly improve the health, including by lowering the blood pressure. Key Takeaways:
"While Western medicine advocates for the prescription of various drugs that are linked to harmful side effects, there are effective and natural ways that can help lower blood pressure, such as hibiscus tea." Read more:
( Virgin coconut oil improves your lipid profile ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 06, 2018 09:51 AM
New studies at the Federal University of Nigeria, have shown that virgin coconut oil could possibly improve cholesterol levels within our bodies. Scientist used rats in this animal study and supplemented the subjects diets with virgin coconut oil. They then observed a number of factors including antioxidant levels, kidney and liver function, and even cardiovascular risk factors. it showed that the animals who were supplemented the virgin coconut oil had improved all functions of the liver, kidneys, and antioxidant levels. It also showed to have reduce the level of malondialdehyde. Key Takeaways:
"People have found a use for every part of the coconut tree, from the leaves down to its roots. It can be processed into many forms, from food and medicine to fuel, timber, and even oil." Read more:
( Newest Finding: Depression Might Be An Allergic Reaction To Inflammation ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 12, 2017 10:59 AM
It turns out that depression might actually be an allergic reaction to inflammation. It is still up for debate what the root cause, or causes of depression are. New developments have pointed researchers in a new direction. Inflammation could be the root cause and it has been gaining popularity among scientists and researchers. Key Takeaways:
"Consume fish, nuts, olive oil, and fruits and vegetables, because these foods offer the armor needed to guard against inflammation." Reference:
( Orange peel is effective for treating asthma-Expert ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 03, 2016 08:59 AM
The usefulness of oranges has been seriously underplayed. We usually eat the inside of the orange and discard the peel, but this tart covering may be even healthier than the pulp. A community health expert in Nigeria is urging residents to keep the peels from oranges. She says they are abundant in vitamins, minerals, pectins, and fibers that are great for our bodies. The amount of fiber is said to lower weight since it is also low in calories. It is also thought to help with bronchitis and asthma due to its histamine content. Key Takeaways:
"People dislike orange peel because of its bitter taste but this peel acts as an excellent weight loss aid, as it contains good amount of fibre and is low in calories." Reference:
( A Natural Pain Reliever And Anti-Inflammatory - Akuamma Seeds ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 11, 2016 09:50 AM
Natural Pain Reliever And Anti-Inflammatory The Akuamma seeds originate from the Akuamma tree also referred to as Picralima nitida. The seeds have an extremely bitter nature and was commonly used as a pain killer in West Africa, mainly in Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Ghana. The seeds were also used to treat malaria and diarrhea as it contains an anti diarrhea, anti inflammatory and muscle relaxant properties.Traditionally the seeds were taken orally and were often crushed or powdered. A hospital in Ghana began manufacturing the powder in a standardized 250g capsules. The drug prompted medical research as it was sold countrywide and was accepted as safe and effective pain killers.The seeds contain five alkaloids with akuammine, being the main alkaloid. Akuammine stimulates the uptake of glucose and was used to treat diabetes mellitus in Nigeria. Soaked in boiling water, Pricalima nitada barks, have proven to be effective in the treatment of tryponosomiasis or chagas diseases. The roots of the Akuamma tree can also be boiled and cooked for management of intestinal problems and stomach aches. This seed is a natural pain killer, it should not be mixed with prescription drugs, and only adults 18+. Typical dosages: is 4-8 grams of powder or a couple seeds.
( African Mango Fuit and Seed ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 12, 2012 10:49 AM
The African mango (Irvingia Gabonensis) also commonly known as the bush mango or wild mango is the fruit of the tree that is mainly found in Africa and South Asia. This tree belongs to the family of Irvingiaceae. These trees bear fruits that look like mango and hence the name. They contain nuts that are rich in fats and proteins. Besides being very tasty, African mango brings a lot of health benefits when consumed. The indigenous people of Africa used to eat the fresh fruits and nuts like all other nuts in bulk amounts. They were also ground and used to garnish the food. During early 1990s, this fruit had caught the attention of scientists from western countries. It is those people who have brought to light the wonderful medical powers of this fruit and discovered that the nuts of this fruit possess weight reducing properties. This was however confirmed later with the help of some tests. In the first test, the subjects were given the fruit and were asked to continue their lifestyle by not making any changes to the type and the amounts of the food they consume and by not changing their exercise habits. Miracle! The subjects have lost weight! This test stood as the conformity to the weight loss property of African mango. Besides reducing the weight of the people, African mango also has certain other health benefits. It suppresses hunger and also contributes to a drastic reduction in the levels of cholesterol. It can also well regulate the sugar levels of blood. African mango is also good for the health of heart. Above all, it does not cause any adverse side effects even when consumed in large amounts. It is been consumed in large amounts by the people since times immemorial. This is considered to be the secret behind the slim build of many tribes living in Cameroon and Nigeria. Also the people of these tribes are very less prone to cardiovascular diseases. The African mango reduces the body weight via various processes. It boosts the body metabolism and helps in burning the stored fats. It regulates the levels of leptin, the hormone that lets the body know it is hungry. Hence this reduces the appetite naturally and allows people to eat little. It also delays the process of digestion. Hence it makes the body to feel full and avoids all the unnecessary craving for food that makes people put on weight. Hence this will help in losing weight without putting any extra efforts for it. With the increasing popularity of African mango as weight-loss aid, many extracts or supplements of African mango are now available in the market. However, one has to make sure about such products before using and check if Irvingia Gabonensis is the main ingredient in it. In the end, it can be said that African mango is really a boon to all those suffering from excessive body weight or obesity. The fact that is adding up to their happiness is that it does not demand any exercise or diet control to reduce the weight.
( Honey And Your Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 02, 2009 10:59 AM
Honey is the perfect food, as it contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals, and is particularly rich in vitamins B and C. Additionally, it contains almost all vitamins of the B-complex, which are essential in the system for the digestion and metabolism of sugar. Honey is rich in minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and silicon, just to name a few. This is especially true for the darker varieties of honey like buckwheat. Although the amount of vitamin C varies considerably depending on the source of nectar, some kinds of honey may contain as much as 300 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of honey. Honey has been used for centuries to supply energy and rejuvenate the body. Athletes all over the world use honey in order to increase their reserve of immediate energy. Due to its balanced sugar formula, honey requires no intermediate steps for proper digestion, making a rapidly supplied source of energy. A spoonful of honey is said to pass into the bloodstream and able to produce quick energy in ten minutes. If honey is taken with a calcium supplement, the glucose provided by honey can increase the body’s uptake of calcium by almost twenty-five percent. Even though many people see honey as just another form of sugar, it has a lot of advantages over refined, white, table sugar. One universal application of honey is its ability to promote the rapid healing of wounds. Honey is perfect for any kind of injury that involved breaking the skin, as it protects against infection and boosts the healing process. A good amount of clinical studies have found the wound healing abilities of unprocessed, with tests confirming that honey can exert a protective effect against all kinds of abscesses including gastric lesions and ulcers. Increasing amounts of research is confirming what ancients already knew about honey: that it has an impressive, natural antibiotic and antiseptic property. Research in Nigeria found that honey does exert an antibacterial effect on certain pathogens that cause cases of diarrhea. The ability of honey to stop proliferation of infection has made it a traditional treatment for wounds. Today, honey’s antibiotic action is in the process of re-discovery in the scientific community. Recent trials have found that honey exhibits a significant inhibitory effect on the helicobacter pylori bacteria that is thought to be one of the single most common causes of gastric ulcers. These tests determined that honey was better at stopping the action of H. pylori than several other antimicrobial agents. Another important use of honey is to treat a whole variety of respiratory ailments. Because honey has bactericidal, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties, the body is insured an immuno-biological defense and as the capacity to regenerate cells that are attacked. Results of one study found that honey facilitated improvement in cases of chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, and sinusitis. The report on this study concluded that treatment of non-specific disease of the air passages with honey is efficient when the right honey type and method are used. It should be noted that honey should never be used to treat any condition if there is a pre-existing sensitivity to honey. Anyone who is allergy prone should determine whether they are allergic to honey before using it therapeutically. Honey is available in a wide range of forms including whole raw, pasteurized, and capsule forms for internal use. Look for your local or internet health food store for great name brands like Premier one and Montana big sky to ensure that you receive a quality and pure product to consume on a regular basis.
*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Honey is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.
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