
Search Term: " fixes "

  Messages 1-8 from 8 matching the search criteria.
These natural fixes can prevent heartburn Darrell Miller 2/8/19
6 Ways to Use Coconut Oil This Winter for Awesome Hair and Skin Darrell Miller 1/12/19
Glutathione holds the key to managing over 100 autoimmune diseasesknown today VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/2/18
Why CBD Derived Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere Darrell Miller 7/21/17
Does your hair need more nourishment? Darrell Miller 5/8/17
Why do we love quick health fixes? Should we ditch them? Darrell Miller 3/18/17
How does 5-HTP Help the Brain? Darrell Miller 5/28/12

These natural fixes can prevent heartburn

Date: February 08, 2019 08:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: These natural fixes can prevent heartburn

It’s estimated that 46% of people suffer regularly from heartburn. The good news is that heartburn can be treated through many natural remedies. One way to address heartburn is to improve digestion. The most basic way to do this is to chew your food properly. Quite simply, take smaller bites and chew for what seems like a long time. Also, avoid food triggers such as spicy foods, onions, mint, and carbonated drinks, all of which contribute to acid reflux. Finally, weight loss and decreasing your intake of alcohol and caffeine can also help to ease your heartburn woes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nearly half of the people in the world experience heartburn and experience it on a regular basis.
  • Pharmaceutical options take care of the upset, but fail to address the digestive lack that brought the situation on in the first place.
  • Avoiding caffeine and spicy foods, minimizing stress, even chewing more slowly, are all fixes that can help.

"To reduce the need for over-the-counter medications, here are some tips on how to get rid of heartburn once and for all."

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6 Ways to Use Coconut Oil This Winter for Awesome Hair and Skin

Date: January 12, 2019 08:38 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 Ways to Use Coconut Oil This Winter for Awesome Hair and Skin

As the winter season comes around, some people really start to worry about their hair and skin. For some, it is hard to maintain their hair when it gets cold. When it is really cold outside, the hair on some individuals reacts in a different way. This can be really hard for people. Also, skin is another thing that can be affected. Now, studies are showing that coconut oil can be the thing that fixes this issue for some people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many people report to use oil as a way to fortify their hair and skin on a daily basis.
  • Taking care of your body is really important when it comes to hair and skin as this can make you look younger.
  • Studies have shown that coconut oil actually is very beneficial for hair and skin care.

"Sure, you can lather on creams and conditioners but what you really want to do is to feed your skin and your hair with a high nutrient, moisturizing, and protecting compound that will give it shine, body, silkiness, and life."

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Glutathione holds the key to managing over 100 autoimmune diseasesknown today

Date: November 02, 2018 01:51 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Glutathione holds the key to managing over 100 autoimmune diseasesknown today

There are many people out there that are suffering with some form of disease. For someone who has been healthy all of their life, and never had any issue, this is very foreign to them. They do not know how it feels nor do they understand the amount of work it takes for regular treatments. However, it is important to know that there are some simple fixes to many autoimmune diseases out there in the world today.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are so many diseases out there that someone can catch or be susceptible to.
  • Making sure that you are taking the necessary steps to be illness free is crucial.
  • Though many may not realize, there might be a simple fix to your potential sickness that you have.

"However, scientists have found that one disease-fighting antioxidant, glutathione, could be the key to keeping these types of illnesses under control."

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Date: August 24, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Several different medicines may carry a negative impact according to this piece from India's Mumbai Mirror. These medicines are intended to help those with such ailments as diabetes, acidity problems and arthritis, among others. A series of relevant fixes are also offered for the problems that could potentially be caused by these medicines. These fixes mainly involve suggestions to eat particular kinds of healthy food alternatives, including dairy, leafy vegetables, fish, sweet potatoes, eggs and many more. A doctor is also quoted to ensure that not all readers should be concerned about potential problems with these medicines.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many medications used to treat serious conditions can cause depletion of nutrients over time
  • Certain diabetic medications can cause Vitamin B12 deficiencies which can be remedied by consuming foods such as eggs, dairy, and poultry
  • It's important to talk to your doctor about a supplementation plan in order to get the right amount in your body over time

"However, many of these drugs can interfere with the availability of nutrients in your body, warns Mahesh Jayaraman, medical researcher, therapist, health advisor and co-founder of health platform Sepalika, “either because they impair the body’s ability to effectively absorb nutrients from food, or cause it to unintentionally excrete certain nutrients.”"

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Why CBD Derived Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere

Date: July 21, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why CBD Derived Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere

Many states across the U.S. have legalized marijuana for medical use, and many for recreational use as well. It is about time, say many advocates of the herb who know firsthand how amazing the results of the plant can be for patients suffering from a variety of health ailments. Because it helps so many people with such a vast array of health problems, it should be legal everywhere in the U.S. It does so much for so many people.

Key Takeaways:

  • There is a reason that the overwhelming majority of true experts are overwhelmingly positive about CBD and the derivative marijuana that comes from it.
  • According to scientists, researchers and anyone without a direct profit motive, CBD derived medical marijuana should be legal everywhere
  • The only people who do not share this view are the people who have not figured out how to create a monopoly on CBD for themselves

"The cold facts have been proven time and again: Properly applied, marijuana fixes the root of many problems that Big Pharma drugs only mask and cover."

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Does your hair need more nourishment?

Date: May 08, 2017 06:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does your hair need more nourishment?

Deep conditioners and hot oil treatments are only temporary fixes for dry and brittle hair. The truth us, hair health comes from nourishment that you put into your body. Your hair (and nails too) need certain nutrients to thrive. Silica, iodine, manganese copper, selenium, vitamin C, betacarotenes and B vitamins are essential to nourish the growth cells below the skin. There are herbs that can also help, Fallopia and other Chinese herbs can strengthen hair growth as well. These essential ingredients can be found in Fusion Hair Tonic as well as Fusion hair Skin and Nails supplements.

Read more: Does your hair need more nourishment?


Why do we love quick health fixes? Should we ditch them?

Date: March 18, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why do we love quick health fixes? Should we ditch them?

This article states that quick fixes for health problems are commonplace. The problem is that many of these quick fixes do not provide long term solutions. Often these quick fixes allow people to feel like they are improving, but in reality they are not sustainable. This causes a yo yo effect, where peoples weight decreases then increases again, but many times with the increase in weight comes additional health problems. It would be better for people to just make lifestyle changes that are sustainable to lose weight.

Read more: Why do we love quick health fixes? Should we ditch them?


How does 5-HTP Help the Brain?

Date: May 28, 2012 08:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How does 5-HTP Help the Brain?


5-HTP is the abbreviation of 5-Hydroxytryptophan, an amino acid that converts tryptophan into serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps with the regulation of sleep, mood and appetite, and it is found in the stomach or the CNS. 5-HTP is mainly obtained from animal products especially red meats and eggs. Fish and dairy products are also rich in this amino acid. Vegetarians get this compound from pumpkin seeds, oats, potatoes, peanuts and dried dates. Due to its ability to regulate the amount of serotonin and melatonin in your body, 5-HTP regulates the functioning of your brain.

The following are the health benefits of this compound:

It fixes anxiety

Anxiety and panic disorders are some of the most popular mental disorders that can be cured using 5-HTP. These two illnesses occur when your body experiences a deficiency of serotonin. Therefore, taking supplements of this amino acid reduces your chances of developing any or both of these conditions.

It treats insomnia

Insomnia is a problem that affects the quality of your sleep. Sleep is normally regulated by your brain. Every night, your brain releases receptors that lead to the five stages of a sleep cycle. If your brain fails to release the appropriate receptors, you cannot enjoy a complete sleep cycle. In addition, Melatonin is the hormone that induces sleep and therefore its absence leads to poor sleep quality. The production of sufficient melatonin therefore boosts the quality of your sleep and helps with the treatment of insomnia.

It helps relieve the symptoms of depression

Your mood is controlled by the neurotransmitter serotonin. The absence of this neurotransmitter leads to the development of a depressed mood. However, the availability of 5-HTP in your body leads to the production of sufficient serotonin thus restoring your happiness.

It also treats eating disorders especially among young children Your brain controls your levels of appetite. Serotonin is specifically in charge of this function, and therefore its deficiency in your body leads to a disruption in your appetite mechanism. Most people who have this problem often tend to eat lots of sweet foods that are rich in empty calories, high carb and junk food. This often leads to obesity and overweight. However, taking 5-HTP supplements restores your appetite mechanism thus protecting you from eating disorders and subsequent complications such as obesity.

It is a natural pain killer

5-HTP enhances the production of endorphins, thus helping your body overcome pain and migraines. Chronic headache is often associated with low levels of serotonin, and this can be reversed by taking sufficient 5-HTP. Serotonin has a calming and soothing effect on the central nervous system, and therefore the sufficient release of this neurotransmitter helps ease pain on the head.

5-HTP helps relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by chronic pains and aches that can be relieved by taking sufficient supply of 5-HTP. This is because this amino acid helps with the secretion of serotonin, which helps ease such pains and aches.

It is therefore important for you to ensure that you have sufficient supply of 5-HTP in order to enhance the functioning of your brain.


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