BHI: Constipation 100 tabs

Constipation - 100 tabs

by   BHI
Our Price:
Buy: at $10.20
(3 for $ 10.19ea. = $ 30.57 ) 32% OFF MSRP
UPC: 787647100163
# BZ0008

Indications: For the temporary relief of bowel irregularity,
bloating and abdominal cramping. Ingredients: Dioscorea
villosa 4X (constipation; stomach pain when eating causing
patient to discontinue eating), Nux vomica 8X (incomplete stool;
alternating constipation and diarrhea after laxative use;
constipation with hemorrhoids), Natrum muriaticum 200X
(constipation alternating with diarrhea, often accompanied with
intestinal weakness), How supplied: Bottle containing 100

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