Search Term: " Grey "
Congress Finally Frees Hemp From Jail: Big News For Farmers and CBDIndustry ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 06, 2019 04:20 PM
The Farm Act that was recently passed by Congress allows farmers across the nation to freely grow hemp as they please. Unfortunately, there are still restrictions set on the production of CBD products, which leaves a grey area in terms of what is acceptable and unacceptable. CBD oil is becoming more and more prevalent in treating psychological symptoms without the psychoactive effects that marijuana has. Industry leaders suspect that this bill passing is the first step in the CBD industry ultimately exploding. Key Takeaways:
"At any rate, the passing of the Farm Bill is sure to have implications on the growing CBD industry." Read more:
( Fo-Ti Root: The Medicinal Herb that Supports Skin, Hair & Brain Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 13, 2018 09:53 AM
Fo-ti is an herb widely used in traditional Chinese medicine as an invigorating, liver- and kidney-boosting tonic. It is also used as a remedy for hair loss and grey hair, a range of skin conditions like eczema, high cholesterol and other conditions. Primarily found in China, Japan, Tibet and Taiwan, fo-ti may have anti-inflammatory properties and be useful as sleep aid, treatment for hair loss or even a laxative. Fo-ti contains a mix of compounds that inhibit pro-inflammatory hormones in the body. Key Takeaways:
"The same review also point out that, “Laboratory studies and clinical practice have demonstrated that PM possesses various biological and therapeutic actions, including anti-tumor, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-HIV, liver protection, nephroprotection, anti-diabetic, anti-alopecia, and anti-atherosclerotic activities.”" Read more:
( how-to-use-onion-juice-for-hair-growth-and-hair-loss-prevention ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 25, 2017 04:44 AM
Hair loss is something no one wants and, unfortunately, the products out there that address it are expensive and don't always work. There is a natural product that is very effective and very affordable- onion juice. Onion juice is rich in sulfur which is a component of hair. When onion juice is applied to the scalp, it boosts blood circulation and promotes growth. Onion juice also has anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties further assisting hair growth. Watch this video for more details. Takeaways:
"If you're looking for a natural tonic which inspires hair growth and reverses hair loss, you'll enjoy learning about the power and potential of onion juice."
( treat skin disorder with potato juice ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 29, 2017 11:59 AM
There are a number of skin disorders that can be treated with potato juice. Potato juice works for so many things, because it contains vitamin B that helps prevent a number of skin problems and has properties that reduce skin inflammation. Prevention for some issues can be helped by drinking potato juice and for others one would apply potato juice directly to the skin. Sometimes application is straight potato juice and for some conditions one mixes it with other ingredients such as lemon juice. In addition to helping with skin disorders, potato juice be used to help prevent hair loss. Takeaways:
"Apart from angular cheilitis, drinking potato juice can also treat eczema, another common skin problem."
( Mushrooms 'can reduce dementia' by boosting nerves in the brain ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 31, 2017 10:59 AM
Dementia is a serious issue for the elderly. There isn't too much known about it. Here one option for possibly lessening the chances of it is mentioned. Mushrooms can help. They help the nerves in the brain. It's definitely work a look, especially if dementia runs in your family or if you are just concerned about it in general. Key Takeaways:
"Current drug therapy for neuro-degenerative diseases is ineffective with many side effects - and it only provides a short-term delay in progression." Reference:
( Want to be smarter and have a better memory? Eat foods rich in this ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 30, 2016 12:59 PM
According to a study by the University of Illinois, eating foods rich in lutein like many leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, for example, will help promote a healthy aging brain. The study did not specify the amount of lutein that is needed for ultimate brain protection and only concluded that more levels of the vitamin meant a better chance at brain health preservation. If your brain health is poor, Collingridge says it could lead to other serious neurological conditions like developmental disorders right through to dementia. Key Takeaways:
"Smoking can cause illnesses that contribute to memory loss, including stroke and hypertension. Smoking also constricts the blood vessels to the brain, depriving it of oxygen and possibly harming neurons." Reference:
( Memory Loss - The Benefits of DHA to your Brain and Memory ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 09, 2013 06:34 PM
Benefits of DHA
How Does DHA Improve Memory? DHA is an acronym for the words Docosahexaenoic acid. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid that forms the main structural element of the testicles, sperm, the cerebral cortex and retina. The following foods are rich in DHA: herring, anchovies, fish roe or caviar, Bluefin, sardines, algae, swordfish, breast milk (instant milk formula as well). DHA is also manufactured from microalgae for commercial purposes. A study was conducted to find out whether DHA supplements can boost brain function in individuals experiencing age-related cognitive decline. It was established that DHA is effective in improving memory and learning. In this study, the subjects were administered with either 900mg per day DHA or placebo for a period of six months. Learning and memory tests were conducted before and after the study. Those who were administered with DHA demonstrated significant improvements in both learning and memory after the study was complete. In another study, DHA was administered to patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, but the patients did not record any significant change. It can therefore be concluded that DHA is most effective when used as a preventive measure. In the first study, subjects had mild cognitive disorders but showed remarkable improvement after being supplemented with DHA, unlike those in the second study. Conclusion Memory loss can have devastating effects on the patient and his family, but this can be avoided through proper nutrition and supplementation. DHA supplements ensure that there are sufficient amounts of this vital fat in our brain tissues to maintain normal brain function even as we age. A dose of 100mg everyday normalizes cell membrane stores of DHA over time. References:
( Can The Consumption of Collagen Help Hair, Skin, Nails, And Joints? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 30, 2013 02:09 PM
Collagen is produced naturally by the body. It's a protein contained in connective tissues in the body. The benefits of collagen supplements are the most amazing fad on the market for health and beauty industry recently. About 25% of proteins contained in our bodies are collagens. It is the second greatest substance in the body following water. Its production reduces as people get older. However, supplements are available in the market and help restore the quantity of collagen in the body. Collagen supplements are available in different forms such as gelatin and elastin. Gelatin has been used for a long time to strengthen nails and hair. Collagen needs to be taken with water, 2 hours after taking a meal. It needs to pass through the stomach into the intestines and not get digested. In case it is broken down then it becomes ineffective so it is wise to take collagen on an empty stomach. Below are some benefits of collagen; Collagen for skin It works to eliminate signs of old age by making skin firm, flexible and young because of the fibrous and steady structure of the substance. Several plastic surgeons use the substance to provide their customers a youthful look. Collagen is introduced directly to the skin on the parts with depressions formed by wrinkles. It makes the wrinkles less visible. The injection might last for about 6 months before you undergo another procedure to eliminate wrinkles. The time used to complete this procedure depends on the extent of wrinkles. Reduce occurrence of cellulite and works to restore the fibers that make cellulite to appear on skin. It is also used for artificial skin treatment for burn patients. Collagen applied in this process is usually acquired from bovine or equine to restore damaged skin as a result of burns.
Joints Collagen supplements help reduce rheumatoid arthritis signs such as joint inflammation and lack of mobility. This might be because of collagen anti-inflammatory components and impacts on the body's immune system. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid patients use collagen supplements to treat joints. It offers a supportive structure for many body tissues, for instance, muscles or bones. It helps to rebuild cartilage material found in joints. Collagen reduces pain due to these conditions as well. Nails Collagen helps to strengthen nails and help to get rid of the white spots. Frequent use will help the nail-bed to maintain a healthy color.
Hair It's a key component in hair growth since it kills free radicals that can affect your hair texture, growth and thickness. Applying oils with collagen on the hair shaft could enhance hair growth. Taking collagen capsules reinforce hair and increase the thickness of a person's hair, providing your hair with an generally fuller look. The suggested quantity for hair regrowth and thickness for aesthetic purposes is 4-6g. It also helps to decrease the appearance of Grey hair by improving structure and health of hair follicle. Apply collagen creams directly on the scalp to make Grey hair look darker and less dried out. Collagen is very efficient in treating dry brittle hair. It is useful in restoring and reversing split ends and also enhancing moisture levels in the hair. If you are not currently taking collagen, whats stopping you?
( Amla Fruit Extract ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 08, 2012 05:04 PM
Amla fruit is a plum size fruit that grows from a small, strong, lemon scented leafy bush usually referred to as gooseberry fruit or Amalaki. amla extract is a good natural source of heat stable form of vitamin C which is not easily broken by heat as well as Proteins,fiber and other minerals like antioxidant chemicals such as Quercetin, Gallic ,Ellargic acids and Corilagin.These particular minerals and chemical components are usually beneficial to human health matters as they proves to be antioxidants, therefore able to neutralize the cell damaging free radicals and to ensure the elimination of heart problems,cancer and reduction in the ageing process not to mention the death of body cells. Amla contains ascorbic acid or Vitamin c in abundance where this mineral is quite beneficial to the body mainly when taken raw. These particular mineral of vitamin c offers to reduce the colds, acting as natural histamine and to boost the immunity system of the body.On the other hand amla is used as a herbal medicine for digestive problems,remedies for cardiac issues,to strengthen immune system as well as to improve an individuals eyesight. The amla extract consists of a complex make up that contains mineral rich amino acids, a balm proven to be helpful as a natural hair conditioner giving the hair stronger hair follicles and scalp reducing Greying,breakages and on the other hand it has antiseptic and astringent properties to tone the scalp and prevent scalp infections as well as to enrich the colour through pigment production resulting in rich thicker and healthier hair. Other benefits of amla fruit extract is its anti-inflammatory effect a property that prevails against the hay fever that causes the inflammation of the eyes and nose and on the other hand reducing inflammatory caused by joint pain and arthritis as well.When one eats this high fiber content amla fruit it would help him or her to have control of the his bowel movements and hence ease constipation whereas blocking aldose reluctase hence preventing cataract in diabetics on the other hand amla which can effectively act as sedatives reduces stress,improving a persons sleep as well as to relax the muscle.
( Black Walnut ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 05, 2009 10:13 AM
Black walnut is a species of flowering tree in the hickory family. This plant grows mostly from southern Ontario, west to southeast South Dakota, south to Georgia, northern Florida, and southwest to central Texas. The black walnut is large tree that reaches heights of 30 to 40 feet. The bark is Grey-black and deeply furrowed. The leaves are alternate are about 30-60 centimeters in length. The male flowers droop to about eight to ten centimeters long, while the female flowers are terminal and can be found in clusters of two to five. These flowers ripen during the autumn into a fruit that has a brownish-green, semi-fleshy hush, and brown nut. The whole fruit falls in October. Although native to the Midwest and east central United States, the black walnut tree was introduced into Europe in 1629. Black walnut is more resistant to frost than the English walnut, but it thrives best in the warmer regions of fertile, lowland soils with a high water table. The nuts are harvested by hand from wild trees, with about 65% of the annual wild harvest coming from the U.S. state of Missouri. For centuries, black walnut has been used in Europe to treat skin ailments and constipation. Recent research has led to findings that support its use for skin problems like boils, eczema, herpes, and ringworm. Additionally, it has many benefits for the stomach that are well represented. Black walnut was used by Native Americans as a laxative. Additionally, black walnut was used as a remedy for diarrhea and dysentery during the Civil War. Black walnut has also been used for syphilis, TB, varicose veins, chronic infections of the intestines, and urogenital problems. Black walnut is considered to be very useful for killing parasites, tapeworms, and ringworm by herbalists. This nutrient causes oxygenation of the blood, which kills parasites. This fact has been proven through recent research. The brown stain that is found in the green husk of the black walnut is known to contain organic iodine, which has both antiseptic and healing properties. It has been determined by scientific research that black walnut contains astringent properties that are healing to the skin and mucous membranes of the body. Black walnut can be gargled to clean stains on the teeth as well. The hulls and leaves of the black walnut plant are used to provide alterative, anthelmintic, antigalactagogue, antineoplastic, antiseptic, astringent, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients found in black walnut are calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, organic iodine, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, selenium, vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B15, C, P, and bioflavonoids. Primarily, black walnut is extremely beneficial in treating athlete’s foot, Candidiasis, canker sores, cold sores, dandruff, fungus, gum disease, herpes, infection, malaria, parasites, rashes, ringworm, and tapeworm. Additionally, this herb is also extremely helpful in dealing with abscesses, acne, asthma, body odor, boils, cancer, colitis, diarrhea, diphtheria, dysentery, eczema, eye diseases, fevers, hemorrhoids, liver disorders, lupus, poison ivy, skin diseases, tonsillitis, primary tuberculosis, tumors, ulcers, varicose veins, and wounds. For more information on the many beneficial effects of black walnut, please contact a representative from your local health food store with questions. Black walnut is available in capsule and tablet forms at your local or internet health food store. *Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Black walnut is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.
( Colon Cleanse And Enema ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 08, 2008 09:49 AM
While on a colon cleanse, it is extremely important to take a daily enema, a coffee or garlic enema is suggested, but inter-changing the two may be a good idea. When coffee enemas are taken, be sure to use 8 rounded tablespoons of regular grind coffee with 2 quarts of water. Be sure to boil thoroughly or perk first. A garlic enema can be made by emptying two capsules of garlic into two quarts of warm water and mixing well. The following steps should be followed when taking an enema. First, lie on your left side and let in ½ to 1 cup of enema water. Next, massage the lower left side of your abdomen, working especially hard on any lumps or ridged areas that you may feel, as these are deposits of fecal matter. After four to five minutes of massaging, let more water in. Then, continue to massage across the abdomen and down your right side, as this is where the greatest problems occur. Make sure to be especially thorough in massaging this area. Do not retain the liquid if you feel the need to eliminate. Instead, simply start over. Most people have expelled brown or Grey mucous, black fleck-like matter, parasites, and other surprising matter. Slantboard exercises are extremely important in helping all pocketed lazy bowels and are a great help for colon problems, prolapsus, and gas. It also regenerates the vital nerve center of the brain. Most people are able to use a slantboard. However, those with high blood pressure or any other problem that would contra-indicate a slantboard exercise should not use this method. The mini trampoline is probably one of the best devices ever invented, as it can increase circulation, empty the lymph glands, exercise the heart, and increase energy. It is recommended that one jump every day while they are on a seven day cleanse. Most individuals should stay on a colon cleanse for at least a full seven days and repeat this program twice a year. This is especially true for those who are interested in the prevention and maintenance of good health. People with chronic health problems should repeat the cleanse four times a year and also follow a building program in the meantime. Nutritionists often suggest a year round use of the bentonite, but many believe that the bentonite cleanse should be alternated with a building program that is individually designed to meet each person’s specific needs. This program should include a variety of herb formulas that will help to rebuild the colon and supplements that are specific for individual problems. It is suggested that people cut down on processed foods such as white sugar and flour where ever possible. Also, use foods that have the least amount of chemical additives like artificial food colors and preservatives. Whenever possible, eat mainly foods that spoil because of not having added preservatives, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, use a wide variety of vegetables, raw or cooked in way that keeps in the most of the nutrition. When one does eat frozen foods, the fluid released in thawing often does have nutritional value. Make sure to avoid a steady intake of junk foods like candy and soda drinks.
Therefore, substitute natural sweets with fruit juices when you can do so. Also, exercise regularly and take into consideration your age and general health. While taking a colon cleanse, it is usually a good idea to consume only liquids for the first two – three days to help elimination. Consult your doctor if on medications so that a colon cleanse does not conflict with your medications.
( Bilberry ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 30, 2008 09:43 AM
Bilberry is a part of the herb world that has recently begun re-emerging because of recent scientific discoveries linking the fruit to therapeutic properties in blood vessel-related disorders. If you happen to suffer from any disorder that is related to weaken blood vessels, then you should definitely think about bilberry as part of your treatment, as it can be safe and extremely effective. Bilberry is a rich source of anthocyanidins, which gives it the unique ability to stabilize and protect collagen stores. This helps to prevent capillary leakage and hemorrhage. Bilberry is currently being used to treat vascular and blood disorders, and is also a main ingredient in the treatment of many visual problems. It has even been proven effective for varicose veins, thrombosis, diabetes, macular degeneration, and angina. Thanks to its rich amounts of anthocyanosides, bilberry is an extremely valuable treatment for a variety of disorders in which leaky veins cause tissue damage. Containing over 15 different anthocyanosides, bilberry protects the veins and arteries, as it boosts a great deal of physiological processes that results in the improved integrity of capillary walls. Additionally, anthocyanosides prevent platelets from sticking to the walls of vessels, which helps to prevent the formation of blood clots. Bilberry has shown healing properties including: analgesic, anti-arthritic, anti-clotting, antiulcer, anti-edemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-osteotic, cyclooxygenase inhibitor, inhibits collagenase, inhibits elastase, lipoxygena, smooth muscle relaxant, lowers blood sugar, and vasodilator. With more than 100 names from around the world, bilberry also can be known by: huckleberry, whortleberry, European blueberry, myrtle bilberry, myrtle blueberry, myrtle whortleberry, Rocky Mountain whortleberry, red whortleberry, black grouseberry, low bilberry, mountain blueberry, huckleberry, and blueberry. Bilberry is a perennial shrub that can be commonly found in many different climates around the world that are characterized by damp woodlands and moorlands in northern Europe, northern regions of America, and parts of Canada. Bilberry grows as a small shrub with wiry, angular branches that do not usually grow over a foot high. The branches of bilberry bear waxy flowers and black berries that are covered with a Grey bloom when they are ripe. The leather-like leaves of bilberry are initially rose color, but turn to a yellowish-green in the summer and a fiery red in the autumn. Growing abundantly in areas of England and flourishing best on high ground in the north and west regions of Britain, bilberry possesses a round fruit or berry that has a flat top and is approximately the size of a black currant, with a taste that is slightly acidic. The berry bushes prefer filtered shade and moist, fertile soil that is acidic and non calcareous. The bilberry plant is related most closely to blueberries and currants, all of which belong to the genus Vaccinium. Bilberries are rich in carbohydrates, tannin, vitamin A, and vitamin C. It also contains glucoquinine, which is able to lower blood sugar.
Finally, bilberry is considered an astringent; it exhibits antibacterial properties in the intestines. Bilberry’s analgesic properties are often thought to come from chlorogenic-acid and ferulic-acid content. Bilberry contains copper, quercetin, linoleic-acid, magnesium, pantothenic acid, ursolic acid, and zinc. This herb is good for the parts of the body that contain small fragile blood vessels such as the eyes and this is why this herb is associated with promoting eye health.
( Enjoy Some Nuts Every Day ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 03, 2006 04:00 PM
Although high in fat, nuts contain oils that reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Nuts also contain potentially cardio protective components including phytosterols, tocopherols and squalene. Walnuts, almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts were all found to be good sources of these compounds. Diets that included one or two servings of macadamia nuts a day have been shown in studies done in Brisbane Australia and Honolulu Hawaii to improve blood lipid profiles as effectively as low-fat, complex carbohydrate diets. Furthermore, scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health found that eating nuts and peanut butter reduced the risk of type II diabetes in women. The researchers suggest that nuts might replace refined grain products, and red or processed meats as a way to limit caloric intake. The Lowly Goober Gets New Respect Americans eat more peanuts and peanut butter than all other nuts combined. A Pennsylvania State University study of 13,000 men, women and children revealed that peanut eaters have higher intakes of several hard-to-get nutrients compared to those who did not consume peanuts. Peanut butter and peanut eaters have increased levels of vitamin A, vitamin E, folate, Calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and phytonutrients resveratrol, beta sitosterol and p-courmaric acid. What’s more, peanut eaters also had leaner bodies than non peanut eaters. This study helps to dispel the myth that higher-fat foods automatically lead to weight gain. The peanut Butter Diet evolved from studies such as this that showed the benefits of eating peanuts and peanut butter, particularly their high satiety factor. In one small study, ten health workers aged fifty-plus, consumed 1500 calories healthy and moderate fat (35%) diet that included two tablespoons of peanut butter eaten twice a day. The woman had at least one cardiovascular risk factor – high blood pressure, altered blood lipids or diabetes. Peanut butter was chosen because previous studies at Harvard/Brigham Women’s hospital had shown that over an eighteen-month period, three times as many women stuck with a diet that included peanut butter or peanuts, because of a hunger curbing effects. Peanuts contain about 2 grams of fiber per tablespoon and when spread on two slices of whole-wheat bread, deliver six grams of fiber. Peanut butter makes some yummy sauces. The barbecued ribs a group of scientists and I prepared during a recent weekend at the Culinary Institute of America Greystone in California’s Napa Valley where the best I have ever eaten. Tropical Oils The term refers to coconut, palm kernel and palm oils. These oils contain a variety of fatty acids, but unlike olive, macadamia and peanut oils, which contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids and are liquid at room temperature; tropical oils have high levels of saturated fats and are solid at room temperature. They are gaining popularity as food manufacturers push to replace hydrogenated oils that contain trans fats. The latest hoopla over coconut oil has been its inclusion in weight loss regimens. Two books featuring coconut products have hit bestseller lists. Moderate increase of tropical oils including coconut and palm appear to improve blood lipid profiles largely because of their high lauric acid content. The health benefits of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) such as caprylic and lauric have been known for some time. Lauric acid has been found to improve blood lipids and red palm oil is rich in antioxidants such as beta-carotene and tocotrienols, the vitamin E active constituent. However, there is concern among some experts that eating to many saturated fats, including the tropical oils used to make trans fat free margarine and shortening, can have deleterious effects on cardiovascular health. In addition, there are differences in processing palm and palm kernel oils that make some choices unhealthy. According to Dr. Andrew Weil palm oil is a better choice than palm kernel oil because chemical solvents are needed to extract palm kernel oil while none are required to press the oil from palm fruit. Fractionation is used to process palm and palm kernel oil and eliminates many of their natural antioxidants, which makes them the least desirable of the tropical oils. It seems prudent to check ingredient labels for fractionated palm kernel oil and avoid it. Best of all, look for Now Organic Coconut Oil that has an impressive resume for boosting immunity. It also has a distinctive flavor to foods prepared with an eastern Indian theme.
( Lithium Aspartate improve brain function ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 03, 2006 05:32 PM
Lithium has long been known to be an effective therapy for Bipolar Disorder (manic depression) when taken in high doses. However, recent research has shown that low doses of lithium preserve and renew brain cells. Eight out of ten persons given lithium showed an increase in brain Grey matter of 3 % after only 4 weeks. By promoting brain cell regeneration and increasing brain size lithium can function as an anti-aging nutrient for the brain. Lithium Aspartate may help increase brain function when taken daily. have you had your lithium today? :)
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