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  Messages 1-18 from 18 matching the search criteria.
Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being Darrell Miller 6/1/24
Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction Darrell Miller 5/29/24
The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production Darrell Miller 5/29/24
Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies Darrell Miller 5/28/24
5 undeniable ways to protect your prostate Darrell Miller 4/12/18
Fructose is generated in the human brain Darrell Miller 2/24/17
Colgate toothpaste found to contain cancer-causing chemical Darrell Miller 11/28/16
Improve Your Immune System. Darrell Miller 11/3/16
Flaxseed Oil Darrell Miller 12/23/08
Selecting the Right Probiotic is the Key to proper digestion Darrell Miller 5/5/07
Supplements for Sexual health! Darrell Miller 4/17/07
Now Foods Darrell Miller 3/27/06
Omega-3 Darrell Miller 1/3/06
Source Naturals Goes Skin Side Out Darrell Miller 6/24/05
Take Your Vitamins: Reviewing Scientific Approaches to Selecting Daily Multiple Supplement Darrell Miller 6/21/05
Breast Cancer Darrell Miller 6/10/05
St. John's Wort Emotional Balance - The Natural Solution For Mental Well-Being Darrell Miller 6/6/05
Cimi Fem - Helps Minimize Hot Flashes with Black Cohosh Darrell Miller 6/1/05

Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

Date: June 01, 2024 10:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

In the quest for beauty, many often look to skincare products and treatments, yet one of the most effective pathways to radiant skin and overall health is through regular physical activity. Exercise offers an array of benefits that enhance beauty from within, contributing to healthy skin, a glowing complexion, and a fit physique. This article explores how fitness plays a crucial role in beauty and well-being, suggests exercise routines that promote beauty from within, and recommends a supplement to boost hair and skin health.

The Connection Between Fitness and Beauty

Improved Circulation

When you engage in physical activity, your heart pumps more blood, increasing circulation throughout the body. This enhanced blood flow delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, promoting cell regeneration and elasticity. Improved circulation also assists in flushing out toxins, contributing to clearer and more vibrant skin.

Reduction of Stress

Stress is a significant contributor to numerous skin concerns such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Regular exercise can help reduce stress by releasing endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers. Lower stress levels can result in fewer breakouts and a reduction in skin flare-ups, ultimately leading to a more serene and healthy appearance.

Enhanced Skin Detoxification

Engaging in activities that make you sweat, such as running, cycling, or hot arobics, can help detoxify your skin. Sweating helps to open up pores and remove dirt and impurities, giving your skin a natural detox. Remember to cleanse your face thoroughly after sweating to prevent any potential buildup of bacteria.

Collagen Production

Exercise helps to boost collagen production, a protein that maintains skin's firmness and elasticity. High-intensity workouts and strength training, in particular, can stimulate collagen synthesis, leading to tighter, more youthful-looking skin.

Better Sleep

Regular exercise can improve your sleep patterns, which in turn benefits your skin. During deep sleep, the body works to repair and regenerate cells, including skin cells. Better sleep can result in fewer dark circles, reduced eye puffiness, and a more rested appearance overall.

Balanced Hormones

Hormonal imbalances can cause various skin problems, including acne and premature aging. Exercise helps regulate hormones, stabilizing levels of cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone, which are crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

Exercise Routines That Promote Beauty from Within

Cardiovascular Exercises

Running and Jogging

Running and jogging are excellent ways to boost circulation, enhance cardiovascular health, and induce sweating, which can help detoxify the skin.


Cycling, whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, improves blood flow to the skin, reduces stress, and can be a fun way to stay active.


Swimming is a low-impact exercise that increases circulation, tones muscles, and has the added benefit of keeping skin hydrated due to the water environment.

Strength Training


Incorporating weightlifting into your routine can boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity. Focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses for maximum effect.

Resistance Band Exercises

Using resistance bands can help build muscle and enhance circulation without putting too much strain on your joints. These exercises are great for improving muscle tone and skin firmness.

Mind-Body Workouts


Arobics not only improves flexibility and muscle tone but also reduces stress and promotes a better sleep cycle, which are all beneficial for your skin. Floor leg lifts with dumbells and crunches and lateral lifts on the floor can increase blood flow to the face, enhancing your complexion.


Pilates focuses on core strength, posture, and flexibility. The controlled movements and emphasis on breathing can improve circulation and reduce stress, contributing to overall skin health.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle form of martial arts that reduces stress, improves flexibility, and enhances balance. It’s an excellent way for people of all ages to promote overall well-being and skin health.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods. This type of training is highly effective for boosting metabolism, increasing collagen production, and promoting healthy, radiant skin. Exercises like burpees, jump squats, and sprinting can be incorporated into a HIIT routine.

Enhancing Beauty Through Nutrition: Supplements for Hair and Skin Health

Understanding the Importance of Supplements

While a balanced diet and regular exercise are vital for maintaining healthy skin and hair, supplements can provide an additional boost. Nutritional supplements can fill in dietary gaps, ensuring that your body gets the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to support glowing skin and strong, vibrant hair.

Recommended Supplement: Biotin and Collagen Complex


Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is crucial for hair and skin health. It supports the structure of keratin, a protein that makes up your hair, skin, and nails. Regular intake of biotin can help reduce hair loss, strengthen nails, and improve skin's overall appearance.


Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to your skin. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading to wrinkles and saggy skin. A collagen supplement can help replenish this essential protein, promoting firm, youthful-looking skin.

Combining Biotin and Collagen

For optimal results, opt for a supplement that combines both biotin and collagen. This combination can provide comprehensive support for your beauty regimen, enhancing skin elasticity and hydrating hair follicles from within.

Tips for Choosing the Right Supplement

When selecting a supplement, look for products that are:

  • Clinically Tested: Ensure the product has undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy.
  • High-Quality Ingredients: Choose supplements made with natural, high-quality ingredients.
  • Free from Fillers: Avoid products with unnecessary additives, preservatives, or fillers.
  • Transparent Labeling: Check for clear labeling about ingredient sources and concentrations.

Incorporating Supplements into Your Routine

Take your supplement consistently, as directed by the packaging, to see the best results. It's also beneficial to combine your supplement intake with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Ready to Make a Change in Your Hair & Skin?

Integrating regular physical activity into your lifestyle is a powerful way to achieve glowing skin and overall well-being. From improved circulation to reduced stress, the benefits of exercise extend beyond physical fitness, promoting beauty from within. By incorporating a mix of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and mind-body workouts, you can enhance your natural radiance.

Additionally, supporting your fitness routine with a biotin and collagen supplement can provide further benefits for your hair and skin health. Remember, beauty is not just skin deep—it’s a reflection of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Date: May 29, 2024 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Stevia has gained significant popularity as a natural sweetener, but with popularity comes a wave of misconceptions and myths. As consumers become more health-conscious and seek alternatives to sugar, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction regarding Stevia. This article debunks stevia myths with evidence-based info to clarify consumer doubts.

Myth 1: Stevia Is Artificial


One of the most prevalent myths about stevia is that it is artificial. In reality, stevia is a completely natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. The plant has been used for centuries by indigenous people in South America for its sweetening properties. Unlike artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or saccharin, stevia is derived from a natural source and processed to extract its sweet components, known as steviol glycosides.

Myth 2: Stevia Is Harmful


Another common misconception is that stevia is harmful to health. Scientific studies and regulatory organizations have repeatedly confirmed the safety of stevia. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies high-purity stevia extracts as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) for consumption. Furthermore, research indicates that stevia can have health benefits like lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, making it a suitable sweetener for individuals with diabetes and hypertension.

Myth 3: Stevia Tastes Bad


Some people believe that stevia has a bitter aftertaste, which makes it less appealing as a sweetener. While early formulations of stevia extracts indeed presented a noticeable bitter aftertaste, advancements in processing have minimized this issue. Modern high-purity stevia products are often combined with other natural sweeteners or flavor enhancers to improve taste, making them virtually indistinguishable from sugar in many applications.

Myth 4: Stevia Is Only for Diabetics


While it’s true that stevia is an excellent sweetener for individuals managing diabetes due to its zero-calorie and zero-carbohydrate nature, it is not exclusive to them. Anyone looking to reduce sugar consumption or seeking a natural alternative can benefit from using stevia. It is a versatile sweetener that can be used in a variety of foods and beverages, making it suitable for the general population striving for a healthier lifestyle.

Myth 5: All Stevia Products Are the Same


Not all stevia products are created equal. The purity and quality of stevia extracts can vary significantly between products. It's crucial to read labels and choose products that contain high-purity stevia extracts, as some products on the market contain added fillers or lower-grade stevia. By selecting reputable brands and scrutinizing ingredient lists, consumers can ensure they are using high-quality stevia that meets their health standards.

Kal Sure Stevia Extract is one of those high-quality brands that stand out in the market. Known for its commitment to purity and potency, Kal Sure Stevia Extract offers a product that is free from fillers and unnecessary additives. The brand’s stringent quality control measures ensure that each batch contains only high-purity stevia extracts, delivering consistent sweetness without the aftertaste. Consumers can trust Kal Sure Stevia Extract as a safe, reliable, and pleasant-tasting alternative to conventional sugar. When choosing a stevia product, it's essential to opt for a brand like Kal Sure stevia to enjoy the full benefits of this natural sweetener.

Myth 6: Stevia Causes Allergic Reactions


Some believe that consuming stevia can trigger allergies. However, stevia is generally considered hypoallergenic and does not commonly cause allergic reactions. There have been few documented cases of stevia allergies, and these are typically related to individuals with specific sensitivities. For the vast majority of people, stevia is a safe and well-tolerated sweetener, even for those with common food allergies.

Myth 7: Stevia Leads to Weight Gain


The notion that stevia contributes to weight gain is counterintuitive, given its zero-calorie nature. Unlike sugar, which is high in calories and contributes to weight gain, stevia provides sweetness without adding calories. Using stevia instead of sugar can help reduce overall caloric intake, aiding in weight management efforts. Multiple studies have shown that replacing sugar with stevia can be an effective strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Myth 8: Stevia Disrupts Metabolism


Concerns about stevia disrupting metabolism are unfounded. Research indicates that stevia neither affects metabolic rates nor alters insulin sensitivity in a negative manner. On the contrary, stevia has been shown to have a neutral or even beneficial impact on metabolism, particularly for individuals with metabolic disorders like diabetes. It allows for sweetening without the metabolic consequences associated with high sugar consumption.

Myth 9: Stevia Can’t Be Used in Baking


There is a misconception that stevia is unsuitable for baking due to its chemical composition. While it is true that baking with stevia requires some adjustments—since it does not have the same physical properties as sugar—it can still be used effectively. Bakers often use stevia in combination with other ingredients to achieve the desired texture and sweetness. Many recipes and commercial products have successfully incorporated stevia, proving its versatility in baking applications.

Myth 10: Stevia Is Expensive


Consumers sometimes think that switching to stevia will significantly increase their grocery bills. While high-purity stevia products may be more expensive per ounce than sugar, they are much sweeter. A small amount of stevia goes a long way, which means that even a small container can last a long time. In the long run, the cost of stevia can be comparable to or even less than sugar, particularly when considering the health benefits and potential medical cost savings from reduced sugar consumption. Brands like Kal Stevia 3.5 oz contains 1800 servings per container.

Are You Ready to Sweeten Your Life?

It is crucial to approach any information about stevia with a critical eye and rely on evidence-based data rather than myths. Stevia is a natural, safe, and versatile sweetener that offers numerous health benefits without the downsides of sugar and artificial sweeteners. By debunking these common misconceptions, consumers can make informed choices that contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Take the Next Step Towards a Healthier Life

Now is the perfect time to reconsider your sweetening choices and embrace the benefits of stevia. With its proven safety, versatility in cooking, and numerous health advantages, stevia stands out as a superior alternative to traditional sugar and artificial sweeteners. Start exploring reputable brands, like Kal Sure Stevia Extract, and experiment with incorporating stevia into your daily routine. By making this simple switch, you can enhance your overall well-being without compromising on taste. Visit your local grocery store or trusted online retailer to find high-quality stevia products and embark on your journey to a healthier, sweeter life today!


The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

Date: May 29, 2024 11:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is crucial for red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, and nervous system health. Among its many roles, one of the most vital is its contribution to energy production and metabolism. This article delves into how Vitamin B12 affects energy levels, with a particular focus on its importance for vegetarians and vegans.

Understanding Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally found in animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs. It is primarily responsible for converting food into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which the body uses for energy. B12 is also crucial in the formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to every part of the body, and in maintaining the health of nerve cells.

The Science Behind Energy Production

Role in Metabolism

Vitamin B12 is a key player in metabolism, a complex set of chemical reactions in our body that convert food into energy. One of the primary ways B12 contributes to metabolism is through its involvement in the Krebs cycle, a series of reactions that produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body's primary energy currency. During the Krebs cycle, Vitamin B12 helps convert fats and proteins into energy, ensuring that the body has a constant supply of fuel to perform everyday tasks.

DNA Synthesis and Cell Division

Vitamin B12 is also essential for DNA synthesis and cell division. It works closely with folate (Vitamin B9) to synthesize DNA during cell division. Rapidly dividing tissues, such as red blood cells, require an adequate supply of B12. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to megaloblastic anemia, a condition where red blood cells are larger than normal and not as effective in transporting oxygen, thereby causing fatigue and weakness.

The Challenge for Vegetarians and Vegans

B12 Sources

One of the significant challenges for vegetarians and vegans is getting enough Vitamin B12, as it is predominantly found in animal products. Plant-based diets generally lack this vitamin, putting individuals at risk of deficiency. However, several fortified foods and supplements can help prevent this deficiency.

Fortified Foods and Supplements

Many plant-based milk alternatives, breakfast cereals, and nutritional yeasts are now fortified with Vitamin B12. For instance, a cup of fortified soy milk can provide about 50% of the daily recommended intake of B12. Additionally, B12 supplements are readily available and can be an effective way for vegetarians and vegans to ensure they get their daily dose. It's crucial to choose a supplement that meets the dietary needs and preferences of the individual.

Symptoms of Deficiency

A lack of Vitamin B12 can result in various health problems like fatigue, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, and weight loss. In severe cases, it may lead to neurological issues such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, balance difficulties, depression, confusion, and memory loss. Given these risks, it's essential for vegetarians and vegans to monitor their B12 levels.

Benefits of Adequate B12 Intake

Enhanced Energy Levels

Adequate intake of Vitamin B12 can significantly enhance energy levels. Since B12 is involved in converting food into ATP, sufficient levels of this vitamin can help ensure that the body efficiently produces and uses energy. Individuals who maintain appropriate B12 levels often report feeling more energetic and less fatigued.

Improved Metabolic Function

By ensuring a sufficient supply of B12, vegetarians and vegans can support their metabolic functions. A well-functioning metabolism is crucial for maintaining body weight, supporting muscle function, and ensuring overall vitality. Improved metabolic function also means better handling of the foods consumed, leading to more stable energy levels throughout the day.

Better Mental Health

Vitamin B12 is essential for producing neurotransmitters that regulate mood. Adequate levels of B12 can help prevent mental health issues such as depression and brain fog, which are often associated with fatigue and low energy levels. Regular intake of B12, either through diet or supplements, can contribute to better mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Optimal Nervous System Function

B12 is crucial in maintaining the myelin sheath, a protective coating around nerves. A healthy nervous system ensures that signals travel efficiently between the brain and the rest of the body. This not only helps in preventing neurological issues but also ensures that the body's energy systems operate smoothly.

How to Ensure Adequate B12 Intake

Regular Blood Tests

For vegetarians and vegans, regular blood tests are an effective way to monitor B12 levels. These tests can help identify a deficiency early on, allowing individuals to take corrective measures before any severe symptoms manifest.

Balanced Diet

A well-rounded, balanced diet that includes fortified foods can help meet the daily recommended intake of Vitamin B12. Incorporating a variety of B12-fortified foods into every meal ensures a steady supply of this vital nutrient.

Considering Supplements

For those who struggle to get enough Vitamin B12 through diet alone, supplements are an excellent option.

Choosing the Right Supplement: Methyl B12

When selecting a Vitamin B12 supplement, methylcobalamin, or methyl B12, is often recommended as the best form. It has superior bioavailability compared to cyanocobalamin, making it easier for the body to absorb and utilize. Methyl B12 doesn't need conversion in the body to be effective, leading to quicker uptake and immediate benefits.

For vegetarians and vegans at higher risk of B12 deficiency, methyl B12 is especially beneficial for maintaining optimal B12 levels effectively. Including this form in your supplement routine can boost energy, mental clarity, and support metabolic and nervous system functions.

Awareness and Education

Raising awareness about B12 is key for vegetarians and vegans to prevent deficiencies. Health programs can educate on maintaining adequate levels through diet and supplements.

Are You Ready For More Energy?

Vitamin B12's role in energy production and metabolism is indisputable. Vegetarians and vegans can struggle to get enough B12 from plant-based diets, but fortified foods and supplements offer solutions. Understanding B12's importance and taking action can boost energy, metabolism, and well-being. Regular monitoring, a balanced diet, and appropriate supplementation are key strategies to prevent deficiency and maintain optimal health.


Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Date: May 28, 2024 03:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

In recent years, there's been a significant uptick in the awareness of vitamin and mineral deficiencies across global populations. Micronutrients, though required in minuscule amounts, play a critical role in bodily functions, from metabolism to immunity. Despite advancements in healthcare and education, many individuals are still unaware of their own nutritional gaps, with modern diets contributing significantly to these deficiencies.

Factors Contributing to Micronutrient Deficiencies

Modern Diet Trends

The rise in convenience foods, which are often calorie-dense but nutrient-poor, has significantly impacted nutritional intake. Fast foods, processed meals, and sugary snacks have become staples in many diets, particularly in urban settings. These foods are typically low in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, and magnesium. As people increasingly rely on these quick, palatable options, it often comes at the expense of nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Lifestyle Changes

Another contributing factor to vitamin deficiencies is the shift in lifestyle patterns. Longer work hours, increased screen time, and reduced physical activity mean that individuals spend less time outdoors. This has a particularly detrimental effect on vitamin D levels, which are naturally synthesized when skin is exposed to sunlight. Furthermore, high-stress levels and poor sleep quality can deplete essential nutrients, exacerbating the issue.

Agricultural Practices

Changes in agricultural practices have also had an inadvertent impact on the micronutrient content of food. Soil depletion, the use of chemical fertilizers, and genetically modified crops can lead to lower levels of vitamins and minerals in produce. Consequently, even those who consume fruits and vegetables regularly might not be getting the expected nutrient benefits.

Fast Food and Nutrient Deficiencies

It is becoming increasingly clear that the widespread consumption of fast food plays a significant role in the rise of vitamin deficiencies. Fast food items are often designed to be highly palatable and energy-dense. However, they are typically laden with unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium while lacking essential nutrients. Regularly consuming these foods can lead to an imbalance in diet, where the body might get ample calories but insufficient vitamins and minerals.

For instance, studies have shown that diets high in fast food are linked to lower intakes of vitamins A and C, dietary fiber, calcium, and iron. These deficiencies can trigger a range of health issues, from diminished immune function and poor bone health to increased susceptibility to chronic diseases.

Addressing the Issue: Food-Based Multivitamins

To counteract these dietary deficiencies, many nutrition experts recommend incorporating a food-based multivitamin into daily routines. Unlike synthetic supplements, food-based multivitamins are derived from whole foods and contain a spectrum of vitamins and minerals in their natural forms, which can be more readily absorbed and utilized by the body.

Benefits of Food-Based Multivitamins

  1. Enhanced Absorption: Nutrients from whole foods are often better recognized and absorbed by the body.
  2. Balanced Nutrient Profile: These multivitamins often include a mix of micronutrients that work synergistically to support overall health.
  3. Digestive Support: Many food-based multivitamins contain digestive enzymes and probiotics to support gut health.
  4. Fewer Side Effects: Because they are closer to their natural state, food-based supplements typically cause fewer gastrointestinal issues compared to synthetic vitamins.

Selecting a High-Quality Multivitamin

When choosing a food-based multivitamin, look for products that:

  • Use organic, non-GMO ingredients.
  • Have minimal additives and fillers.
  • Are transparently sourced.
  • Include a diverse array of vitamins and minerals.
  • Kal Enhanced Energy Food based Multiple is Recommended.

In Summary:

The rise in micronutrient deficiencies is a concerning trend that underscores the importance of balanced nutrition. While modern lifestyles and dietary habits contribute significantly to this issue, there are effective ways to address it. Reducing the intake of nutrient-poor fast foods and incorporating food-based multivitamins can help bridge the gap and support overall nutritional needs. By making informed dietary choices, individuals can foster better health and mitigate the risks associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Take Charge of Your Health Today

Understanding the impact of micronutrient deficiencies on overall health is the first step towards making informed dietary choices. By addressing nutritional gaps and prioritizing whole, nutrient-rich foods, you can significantly improve your well-being. We invite you to explore our range of high-quality, food-based multivitamins designed to complement your daily diet and ensure you receive the essential nutrients your body needs.

Shop Now and Transform Your Health

Don't wait until deficiencies affect your vitality. Visit our online store to find the perfect multivitamin for your lifestyle. Our products are crafted with organic, non-GMO ingredients, and are free from unnecessary additives and fillers. Embrace a healthier you with the power of natural, food-based nutrients.


5 undeniable ways to protect your prostate

Date: April 12, 2018 05:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 undeniable ways to protect your prostate

5 undeniable ways to protect your prostate

Men are not as proactive as women in taking care of their health. One common problem men face is prostate problems, but 5 simple self care steps may help prevent problems before they arise. For the health of your prostate, consider the following lifestyle changes. Reducing stress, eliminating foods such as red meat, alcohol and processed foods from your diet, while adding foods rich in antioxidants. If you can't do this through diet consider using a targeted supplement for prostate health. And last, but never least, add exercise to your daily routine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Men have to worry about prostate health as they age, as prostate cancer is a major health threat.
  • There are some simply lifestyle steps that men can take to help protect the prostate.
  • These include being more active, and selecting a diet with food that help the prostate stay healthy.

"Easier said than done, but not making it any less important, stress is a key element that promotes and exacerbates prostate related issues. This stress can originate from many different areas, but most often stems from unhealthy relationships, job settings, and financial challenges."

Read more:


Fructose is generated in the human brain

Date: February 24, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fructose is generated in the human brain

Fructose has been labeled as one of the sugars to avoid when selecting food at the store. However, a recent study out of Yale has shown that the brain can produce fructose from any sugar that is ingested. Some sugar is fine for a diet, but avoiding fructose will not keep your body free of the chemical. This leads to risk of high blood sugar and other health issues. The study may affect many diets and the understanding of obesity.

Fructose is generated in the human brain


Colgate toothpaste found to contain cancer-causing chemical

Date: November 28, 2016 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Colgate toothpaste found to contain cancer-causing chemical

Triclosan is an active ingredient in Colgate toothpaste. Some research says that it contributes to antibiotic resistance and hormone disruption, but the FDA is still allowing it to be included in toothpaste. It is, however, banned from being used in antibacterial soaps. The FDA sites the fact that the chemical is effective against gum inflammation and plaque, but is that worth the risk? Many mice that were exposed to triclosan developed cancerous tumors and those that already had them experienced rapid growth of the tumors. This definitely causes pause when selecting toothpastes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Because the evidence indicates it is indeed effective against gum inflammation and plaque, it will be allowed to remain in toothpaste.
  • Most recently, a joint research effort led by researchers from the University of California's San Diego and Davis campuses found that the chemical agent's effects on health may be more sinister than we're being led to believe.
  • While animal testing is not something to be condoned, the results of this study were nonetheless shocking.

"The researchers also exposed human muscle cells to an amount of the chemical equivalent to average exposure."




Improve Your Immune System.

Date: November 03, 2016 10:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Improve Your Immune System.

Our bodies have a defense mechanism called immune system designed to protect us against unknown invaders that attack our body. Immune system is a system of biological structures and processes guarding us against illness. It identifies a wide array of foreign agents such as viruses, parasitic worms, bacteria, microbes, toxins that invade our body and differentiates them from healthy tissues.

The immune system is complex, intricate and interesting. Things like fevers, hives, and inflammation can all be understood with the working of immune system. Generally, immune system does an amazing job defending us against disease. The problem starts when it fails. This happens when a germ invades our body successfully and makes us sick or causes a fever. To decrease the rate of such incidents it is important for us to make our immune system stronger.

Our immune system also brings to exhaust from years of defending so improving the immune system is extremely essential to stay away from diseases. This can be done by adapting lifestyle that supports the immune system. One person gets sick more or less often than the another person living the same life, or we see that when two people cross the same sick person one sometimes catch the flu while the other doesn't. This happens because all immune systems are not the same. One person can have a better immune system than the other. Working our body in a way to have an improved immune system can really help. The good news is there are many ways one can improve immune system.

Many factors participate in improving an immune system. Since immune system is a system and not a single unit, it is not very simple to improve immune system. Proper function of this system requires balance and harmony. First step to a stronger immune system is selecting a healthy lifestyle. Improving your diet, consuming certain vitamins and supplements, and making other lifestyle changes such as saying no to smoking, or getting enough sleep, etc can play a large role in this factor.

A number of steps that can be taken to improve an immune system are adjusting to a high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat diet. Maintaining a healthy weight, controlling your blood pressure, exercise and increased activity levels can also help in this matter. Other life style changes that can help you improve your system are quitting smoking, avoiding polluted areas, consuming moderate levels of alcohol, and getting sufficient sleep.

Take simple steps like washing your hands more frequently, or cooking meat thoroughly, avoiding encounter with sick people to avoid infection such as. Getting a regular medical screening also helps in staying away from diseases.

Some products available over the counter are known to improve immune system. Even though, few of these products are not trustworthy several of these supplements have known to improve immune systems drastically. They enhance immune cells in the body resulting in a better performing immune system.


Flaxseed Oil

Date: December 23, 2008 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Flaxseed Oil

Although it is important to stress that the fatty acids found in flax are essential, flax also contains substances called lignans. Lignans are special compounds that demonstrate impressive health benefits, as they seem to be responsible for assisting the immune system in many ways, along with helping to prevent some types of cancers.

Because flax contains lignans, it is an even more beneficial to the body when consumed in this form. Flax is one of the most abundant sources of lignans, a type of phytoestrogen that interferes with estrogen metabolism in animals and humans. This property gives lignans the ability to help in the prevention of both fat and hormone-sensitive types of cancer. Lignans also benefit the body by providing antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activity that helps the immune system to function optimally.

All of the benefits of flax are still yet to be known, but it has been established that flax is also a good source of fiber. There have been several studies which confirm that flaxseed can be a cholesterol-lowering agent similar to oat bran, fruit pectin, and other food ingredients that contain fiber. Because flax packages both omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber together, it presents two ingredients which provide healthy blood lipid patterns. Flaxseed contains beneficial amounts of both soluble and insoluble fiber, giving it potential cancer-fighting ability especially in colon cancer.

When selecting a healthy diet, it is important to consider your sources of essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are fragile and easily damaged by air, high temperatures, and food processing, so you are unlikely to get all of the EFAs that you need, even if you are careful to use vegetable oils for cooking. Most of the oil that we consume today has been heavily processed, which damages essential fatty acids. When choosing flax oil, you’ll want to take into account the same considerations, looking for oil that has not been damaged by processing and is packaged to block all light from contact with the oil.

Not all flax oils are the same, with there being a great deal of variation in quality and purity as a result in differences of how the oil is expressed. Most flaxseed oils are mechanically pressed out through an expeller, in which great amounts of heat and pressure can be generated. The higher the temperature, the better the yield of oil, but the lower the quality of oil. Many manufactures willingly sacrifice quality for quantity. The best way to measure the quality of oil is by taste, with the degree of bitterness being a close approximation of the level of lipid peroxides. The best source of high quality flaxseed oil can be found in health food stores where inventory turnover is highest.

Some good guidelines to go by in selecting a good flaxseed oil include: making sure the flaxseed oil is derived from 100% certified organic flaxseed; making sure the oil is as fresh as possible and not past the expiration date; making sure that the oil is expeller-pressed or cold pressed; using flaxseed oil that is high in lignans to gain the most benefit.

Buy Flax Seed And Oil at Vitanet ®, LLC


Selecting the Right Probiotic is the Key to proper digestion

Date: May 05, 2007 01:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Selecting the Right Probiotic is the Key to proper digestion

Selecting the Right Probiotic is the Key


Do you ever think about what goes into your body each day? You should. One of the key to feeling good and being healthy s eating nutritious food and making sure our gastrointestinal (GI) tract has the tools it needs to optimally digest and absorb nutrients. The GI tract includes the stomach and intestines, which work to digest foods and eliminate waste.

A variety of “good” intestinal bacteria helps to keep the digestive system running. These “good” bacteria are called probiotic bacteria, or probiotics. Probiotics digest food, process waste, and keep the “bad” bacteria – which have the potential to cause disease and illness – in check.

This issue of Ask the Doctor will look at the probiotic bacteria that play an important role in maintaining our health and wellness: we need them, what they can do for us, and how to make sure we are getting enough. Also, we will talk about an exciting process that truly delivers probiotic bacteria taken in nutritional supplements. Encapsulated in a pearl-like sphere, they survive transport to the intestines, set up house, and exert their beneficial effects. As we will see, probiotic supplementation can help prevent and treat many different illnesses, unless the beneficial bacteria reach the intestines alive and active, the supplement is worthless.


Q. I thought bacteria were bad. How can bacteria be good for us?

A. Some kinds of bacteria do cause illnesses and disease in humans. “Strep” throat is an example of an illness caused by bacteria.

However, the majority of bacteria do not cause disease. In fact, there are types of bacteria that are actually beneficial. “Good” bacteria, known as probiotic bacteria, are used in the manufacturing of food and beverages. Some examples of foods that have probiotic food ingredients are buttermilk, yogurt, cheese, sausage, and acidophilus milk.

These same kinds of probiotic bacteria are present in our intestines and help to keep the digestive system running by digesting food and processing waste.


Q. What are probiotics?

A. Probiotics are live bacteria that are non-toxic and do not cause disease (non-pathogenic).

Some of the best-understood probiotic bacteria include members of the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium groups. Because of the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium’s ability to break down lactose, these probiotic bacteria are also known as lactic acid bacteria. Both of these types of probiotic bacteria are well studied and are available in both food and dietary supplements.


Q. Is there a difference between the probiotic bacteria that is found in yogurt, and in nutritional supplements?

A. Actually, the bacteria that are in yogurt, our intestine, and most natural supplements are the same types of probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria longum. Because of this, these bacteria are referred in a generic sense as probiotics. So, the term probiotics may refer to the “good” bacteria that are present in food or that live in our intestine, or that are part of a natural supplement.


Q. Where do these probiotic bacteria come from?

A. As recently as the middle of the last century, bacteria found naturally in food ingredients were used to make a fermented food product. For example, the example, the lactic acid bacteria found naturally in milk were used to make cheese. This was known as wild fermentation.

Wild fermentations are no longer used. Today, the probiotic bacteria used in food and natural supplements are harvested via a highly controlled fermentation process. This process results in high numbers of bacteria and ensures quality and purity of the bacteria.


Q. Why are probiotic bacteria important for digestive health?

A. Normal microflora (the term commonly used for intestinal bacteria) is associated with good health. An imbalance in this natural microflora (when the beneficial probiotics are outnumbered by the harmful bacteria) is frequently associated with various disease states such as yeast infections and colon cancer.

Eating foods or taking a nutritional supplement containing probiotic bacteria can help support and modify the composition of the large intestine microflora. Microflora of the large intestine assist digestion through fermentation (by making the intestines more inhospitable to invading bacteria species), protection against disease-causing bacteria, and stimulation of the immune system.

The probiotics, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, occupy a central role in the intestinal and provide health benefits.


Q. How do probiotic bacteria help with digestion?

A. Lactose is an important sugar that is converted to lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria. Lactose intolerance results from an inability to digest lactose, due to the failure of small intestine mucosal cells to produce lactase, an enzyme needed to digest lactose. This often results because of genetics, gastrointestinal disease, or because of the decline in the amount of intestinal lactase levels associated with aging. Lactase deficient people accumulate non-absorbed lactose in the gastrointestinal tract, which draws water and electrolytes into the gut and speeds waste through the intestines, leading to bloating, cramping, and diarrhea.

Approximately 50 million people in the United States have partial to complete lactose intolerance. The following chart illustrates the racial break down of lactose intolerance in this country.

Prevalence of Lactose Intolerance in the U.S.

95% of Native Americans

90% of Asian Americans

70% of African Americans

60% of Jewish Americans

50% of Mexican Americans

Less than 25% of Caucasian Americans (non-Jewish, non-Hispanic)

Lactic acid bacteria have been shown to help the breakdown of lactose, specifically by enhancing the activity of lactase (beta galactosidase), which improves lactose digestion and tolerance. Furthermore, in a randomized, controlled clinical trial, Bifidobacteria longum was shown to assist in the breakdown of lactose and relieve the symptoms of lactose intolerance (flatulence) in people with lactose intolerance.


Q. What is the difference between digestive enzymes and probiotics? Can they be taken together?

A. Digestive enzymes, such as protease, amalyse, and lipase, act upon food, breaking it down into simpler components that can be used by the body for energy. Without enzymes, digestion could not take place. Therefore, the food that we eat could not be absorbed and utilized by our bodies.

Probiotics help the enzymes to digest food and process waste. In essence, probiotic bacteria and enzymes work together to ensure that the digestive tract is running smoothly. When taken together, enzymes assure greater levels of digestion absorption of your food, and probiotic bacteria aid the enzymes in digestion and keep problems in check.


Q. Is helping to ensure a healthy digestive system the only use for probiotics?

A. Absolutely not! Probiotic bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, have been found to help prevent vaginal yeast infections in women that suffer from these reoccurring infections.

Approximately 35% of vaginal infections are caused by the yeast. Candida albicans, Candida, is a fungus that is a component of the normal gastrointestinal microflora. However, Candida must not be allowed to increase in numbers. An overgrowth is associated with adverse health effects like vaginal infections, oral thrush, or even serious systematic yeast infections. Probiotics have been shown to keep levels of Candida in check.

Probiotic bacteria have also been demonstrated to have anti-cancer properties. In baa clinical study, colon cancer patients given Lactobacillus acidophilus fermented milk showed a significant increase in numbers of intestinal Lactobacilli and a decrease in risk factors associated with colon cancer.

Patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease can benefit from probiotic bacteria supplementation. Studies have shown that probiotic bacteria assist in maintaining remission in ulcerative colitis and preventing reoccurrence of Crohn’s disease. Manipulating the intestinal flora may prove to be more effective and better tolerated than the drugs that are conventionally given to treat these diseases. I one study, Lactobacillus acidophilus was found to improve the intestinal barrier and clinical status in children suffering from Crohn’s disease.

Probiotics supplementation can also improve and prevent skin disease, such as eczema. Studies have shown that probiotic bacteria can actually control inflammation associated with skin conditions. In one study, infants with eczema who were given probiotic-supplemented formulas showed a significant improvement in skin condition.

The chart below summarizes some of the diseases and conditions that probiotic bacteria can help prevent and/or improve.


Benefits of Probiotic Supplement

Vaginal yeast infections

Prevents vaginal yeast infections in women.

Colon Cancer

Decreases risk factors associated with colon cancer.

Crohn’s Disease

Found to improve the intestinal barrier in patients with Crohn’s disease.

Ulcerative Colitis

Helps to maintain disease remission in ulcerative colitis patients.


Counteracts inflammatory responses outside the intestinal tract by preventing diseases such as eczema and dermatitis.


Q. How often should probiotics be taken to ensure optimal support of the digestion system?

A. Probiotic bacteria do not permanently colonize in the body. They need to be replenished by the consumption of foods containing probiotic bacteria or by taking a probiotic natural supplement. Whatever form you choose to replenish the intestinal probiotics, they need to be ingested daily for their health-promoting effects to continue.


Q. If I take a probiotic nutritional supplement, how many bacteria should a good quality supplement contain?

A. The critical factor is not how many bacteria that a supplement contains, but rather how many bacteria reach the intestines healthy, vigorous, and ready to work.

A good quality supplement will deliver at least 3 billion living, healthy probiotic bacteria per dose to your intestines. The bacteria in the probiotic natural supplement should be a mixture of both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.

Again, the critical key to a good quality probiotic supplement is that the bacteria must be alive to work. Only living probiotic bacteria can colonize in the intestines. A good quality probiotic nutritional supplement will have GUARANTEED levels of live bacteria at the point of consumption. Inferior brands will merely state levels of live bacteria at the point of manufacture.

Recently, a private laboratory tested various probiotic nutritional supplements in the marketplace, including one utilizing a new process that encapsulates the bacteria in a spherical, pearl-like coating. Each of these supplements were best-selling brands, two of them were enteric coated, and all had label guarantees about potency. The lab counted the levels claimed by each manufacturer.


Q. Then how do I know I am getting what I pay for?

A. First, look for a product that has a “use by” date or an “expiration” date clearly stated on the package.

It is also important to look for a probiotic supplement that does not require refrigeration. Probiotic supplements that require refrigeration often have been subjected to warm temperatures during shipment and storage that will inevitably kill off some or all of the bacteria.

It is also important that the product label guarantees live bacteria at the time of purchase, not at the time of shipment or manufacturing. However, from the laboratory test discussed, we see that sometimes these written guarantees are not worth the paper they are written on. There is one scientifically validated process that truly delivers live and vigorous bacteria to the intestine. This process suspends the probiotic bacteria in a moist paste and immediately seals the bacteria in a perfectly seamless, spherical, gelatin ball. This bacterial paste is completely protected from air and dryness so the bacteria are alive until the specialized gelatin dissolves – in the intestines.


Q. Why is it important to dissolve only in the intestine?

A. Lactic acid bacteria are not very resistant to the acids of the stomach. The harsh environment of the stomach destroys the majority of these bacteria.

This pearly-like coating technology protects bacteria from the stomach acid. The sphere is specially developed to only dissolve in the intestines. Enteric coating is not enough as it does nothing to protect the bacteria while they wait for purchase on the shelf.


Q. What does this proprietary coating technology mean to me?

A. This specialized process is an expensive processing step, but it has many advantages to you.

The pearl-shaped spheres actually “seal” the bacteria in the capsule, which protects them from air. Probiotic bacteria are anaerobic, meaning they do not require oxygen to live. In fact, the presence of oxygen can actually injure or kill probiotic bacteria. In addition, the special coating’s ability to seal the bacteria in the capsule stimulates the need for the nutritional supplement to be refrigerated – though they can be kept in the refrigerator, if desired.

By protecting the bacteria on the shelf and in the stomach, the probiotic bacteria successfully reach the intestine. As a result, there will be a greater number of healthy, intact bacteria that can colonize in the intestine.



Many health care practitioners believe all health issues are related in some way to the process of digestion. Probiotics play a crucial role in improving our digestive health, which, in turn, is interconnected to every single function in our bodies.

Taking a probiotic supplement is an excellent way to replenish the good bacteria in your intestinal microflora. A quality probiotic product contains two different types of bacteria from Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria species with at least one billion live bacteria per dose.

But how do you know the bacteria re still alive? Look at the package. If there is no fate stamp, put it down. If it says the company guarantees there was a certain number alive at the time of manufacture, put it down. Tat means that the company is not willing to claim the bacteria are alive when delivered to the target site, the intestine. If the product must be constantly refrigerated, put it down. How do you know it didn’t sit in a truck for two days, or was in a warehouse before it was shipped to the health food store?

Find a probiotic that says the bacteria are guaranteed to be alive in the numbers stated on the label until the printed on the package. Find a product using unique, cutting edge science to deliver the probiotic bacteria in a form that uses spherical, sealed, triple coating to protect the bacteria. That company has gone to extra time and expense to make sure you reap the benefits that probiotics can offer.


Support Proper digestion with Probiotics at Vitanet


Supplements for Sexual health!

Date: April 17, 2007 02:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Supplements for Sexual health!

Improving Sexual Performance Naturally

Sex. It’s everywhere. It’s on TV (a lot!). It’s in the books we read and the movies we watch. Even the radio seems a veritable hot bed of sex. (what would hard rock, soft jazz, or Motown classics be without songs about sex?) Magazines are full of sex and it’s not just the “naughty” ones with glossy centerfolds. From Sports Illustrated to Good Housekeeping, sex makes for titillating headlines and cover stories. In fact, 21st Century America seems to be awash in sex, except where it counts – in the bedrooms and love lives of married Americans.

No one really knows for sure how many of the 113 million married Americans are living as couples with DINS (dual income, no sex). Estimates range from 15 to 50 percent. Even couples who have sex fairly often feel like they’re not having enough sex or that it’s not as enjoyable as it was in the past, or both. And while women are stereotyped as the sex refusers and avoiders, surveys show that both women and men decline spousal advances fairly equally.

What’s really interesting about this lack of sexual activity in America, is that the very same thing is happening to husbands and wives residing in Paris and London, as well as Lisbon and Madrid. Research has shown that married couples who reside within Western civilized countries are much more likely to have unhappy sex lives than their counterparts living elsewhere in the world. That’s because the married couples residing in the rainforests of Brazil, the streets of Beijing, and the mountains of Tibet have access to powerful plant medicines that keep their sexual relationships healthy and happy. In fact, in China and India alone, over one billion men and women routinely incorporate plant medicines for healthy and satisfying sex.

As a medicine hunter, I have discovered effective plants and herbs al over the planet that really do improve orgasms in women and erections in men. Now it’s your turn. I’m going to teach you how to enhance your sexuality and introduce you to an entire arsenal of libido lifting plants to help make sex fun, vibrant, and satisfying for both you and your partner.


Q. These plants sound too good to be true. Do they really work?

A. Yes, they do. Part of their success is their ability to work with your body’s innate mechanisms for healthy sex. Good sex is much more than just stimulated body parts. But it’s a good place to start!

A man needs an erect penis that remains firm past foreplay and on into intercourse. He also needs to sustain that erection and experience forceful and pleasurable ejaculation when he and his partner are both ready for his orgasm. A woman needs to feel desire and feel desired for her nipples to be aroused, her clitoris stimulated, and her vagina lubricated – the basics leading to her orgasm.

Plants that enhance sex can help men and women obtain these bare necessities of sex. And unlike other supplements, you’ll know if the medicinal plant you’ve purchased is actually doing what it promised to do. You can’t really tell if the calcium supplement you take each day is making your bones stronger. But you will be able to tell pretty soon if Catuaba, for example, is increasing your sexual desire.

Q. Night after night, my husband falls asleep on the sofa. And the honest to goodness truth is that I’m too tired for sex, too. I love my husband and once upon a time I loved sex. But my job, the kids, those never-ending errands, and trying to keep up with the laundry are too exhausting. Is there a plant that can rev us up?

A. Many women are in the same sexless boat you’re sailing around in and they don’t like it any more than you do. In fact, women all over the world put their family’s needs before their own, leading to some very tired moms and wives.

Life’s demands can also impair sexual performance in men. Work stressors, family demands, and home maintenance result in fatigue and lack of energy. Men find that they have no energy left to devote to to sex at the end of the day.

But, over 80 percent of married couples in the world have at their disposal a health care system that integrates sex into their personal health and well being. For centuries, millennia actually, practitioners of traditional medicine have prescribed Maca and Rhodiola to reduce “sexual fatigue” in women and men who are just too tired to make love.


Sex Enhancing Plants for Men and Women

How They Work

Maca (Lepidum meyenii)

For the past several years in Peru, where the Maca plant grows, physicians have prescribed extracts from this plant to men with low libido and diminished erectile function, which excellent results. Recently researchers studying Maca have discovered two compounds they think are responsible for improved sexual stamina, namely the macamides and macaenes. It is these same compounds that help men and women obtain more frequent and more powerful orgasms.

Rhodiola Rosea

This hardy plant grows high in the mountains of Europe and Asia, enduring cold and snow and lack of sunlight for much of the year. Hoping to gain some of Rhodiola’s energy and stamina for themselves, early Siberians used extracts of the plants to boost strength and stamina. Not only did they have more energy, they discovered they had more sexual stamina, too.


Rhodiola is an adaptogen, a plant that helps us adapt to changes in life and the stresses of everyday life. When we’re stressed, our bodies shift into high gear causing a cascade of hormones to prevent and reduce harm. In cases of trauma (like car accident or surgery (or simply nature at work (such as childbirth), these hormones are necessary. However, when we experience stress that’s caused by work (your boss), or family (your teen-aged children), or personal struggles (your weight), this hormonal cascade can do more harm than good –causing fatigue, added weight gain, poor metabolism, and impaired sexual function.


Rhodiola helps make sure the hormonal cascade occurs when it’s needed, to protect our health, not harm it. The result is better energy, better vitality, and better sex!


Q. Since I had a baby four months ago, I have no desire for sex. This is making my husband pretty frustrated and me too, actually. I’d love to want sex again.

A. A married woman with a baby and a toddler or two can feel that her body isn’t really hers. So much for feeling sexy! While this fact can be a source of great pride and joy, it can also drain desire.

As women enter perimenopause – those years when they are still menstruating despite fluctuating estrogen levels – they often have no desire for sex. Since estrogen is the engine that drives women’s reproductive function, when it starts to go, sex goes too. Women who have reached menopause may find their minds wandering during sex. Pondering the car’s need for an oil change or if the milk in the refrigerator has reached its expiration date makes for pretty blah sex. It also makes it nearly impossible to achieve orgasm.

Once more, traditional medicine has some answers:

Sex Plants for Women

How They Work

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Just like Rhodiola, Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, possessing powerful sex-enhancing powers. And just like Rhodiola, Ashwagandha has been helping women boost their desire for sex. Long considered India’s most potent sex-enhancing plant, the country’s women have used Ashwagandha for years to rev up their sex drives.

Catuaba (Erythroxylum Catuaba)

Catuaba is a tree that grows in the dense, lush Brazilian Amazon, the largest tropical rainforest on Earth. For hundreds and hundreds of years, tribal peoples have used Catuaba bark to stimulate sexual desire. According to folk legend, the Tupi Indians discovered Catuaba bark’s sex-enhancing effects and passed the knowledge on to other rainforest tribes. Today, Catuaba is used worldwide by women desiring passionate sex.

Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) extract

Sometimes called Siberian ginseng, Eleuthero is actually not a ginseng at all, only a distant cousin. This leafy shrub is native to Eastern Russia and the mountains of China and has been used by tribal peoples for over 2,000 years to eliminate sexual fatigue. Eleuthero is another adaptogen, invigorating sexual function and restoring balance to all body functions.

Q. My husband has a desire for sex, but sometimes it’s not enough. Even if we’re both in the mood, he can’t maintain his erection very long. It’s very frustrating for us both.

A. For men it’s often their equipment that lets them down. As men age, they find they can’t get an erection hard enough or keep an erection long enough to satisfy their partners and themselves.

While women can fake an orgasm if they’re tired, men have to perform every single time they have sex. Luckily, Mother Nature can help:

Sex Plants for Men

How They Work

Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium species)

This aptly named sex plant has been in use for over two thousand years, restoring sexual fire, treating impotence, and increasing production of semen. The green leaves of Horny Goat Weed are filled with numerous natural compounds, responsible for these sexual effects. Research shows that horny goat weed has activities very similar to the androgens, sex hormones that stimulate desire in men.

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe)

Yohimbe is nature’s Viagra – it helps men attain firm erections. Not surprisingly, Yohimbe has been used for a long time as a fold medicine aphrodisiac. The bark contains Yohimbine, a compound known to stimulate engorged vessels within the penis and nerves of the lower spine. It’s no wonder Yohimbe has the well-deserved reputation as a superior sexual stimulant.

Panax ginseng

One of the most highly regarded plants in traditional Chinese medicine, Ginseng stimulates the central nervous system, invigorates the brain, increases resistance to stress and fatigue, and sharpens the mind. Ginseng is also used by millions of men to enhance libido and sexual vitality. In an erectile dysfunction study, men who took Ginseng had a 42% improvement in erectile function compared to placebo. Researchers theorize that ginseng increases nitric oxide in the penis, dilating the vessels of the corpus cavernosum - the very same mechanism that makes Viagra work.

Q. There are hundreds of supplements that claim to make men hard and women weak with desire. I’ve tried some of these, and they don’t do anything. When should I believe that the herbs and plan medicines you have discovered are nay better?

A. There are a lot of “snake oil” companies out there pitching products that promise to improve our sex lives but do absolutely nothing. One reason for this glut of useless supplements is simple demand. Men and women trying to make their sex lives better, are willing to give most products the benefit of the doubt and buy one or two. Sex sells – and even products that are purchased one time only will make big profits.

To get the most for your money, make sure the sexual supplement you are considering is from a well-respected manufacturer. Ask store staff, surf the Internet, and do some searching for the best nutraceutical companies. Make sure the herbs are standardized and that the extracts are concentrated fro optimal benefit.

Q. Are these sex-enhancing plants safe?

A. Despite years of use by practitioners of traditional medicine, significant adverse effects have not been reported for most sex-enhancing plants. However, men who have already been diagnosed with certain health conditions such as high blood pressure, thyroid disease, prostate problems, or other illnesses should use caution when selecting any health supplement. The same advice applies to women, especially women who are pregnant or nursing. And always remember to keep your doctor informed about the supplements you are using, especially if you are also taking prescription drugs. But the sex-enhancing plants have been traveling on planet Earth for a long, long time. And hopefully they’ll be here for lot longer, continuing to work effectively and go about their business of safely improving orgasms and erections and making sex great for men and women all over the world.

Q. OK, exactly how did early native healers figure out which plants improve sex? Was it just simple trial and error?

A. It does seem pretty remarkable that tribal peoples have discovered the right plants to treat diseases and improve health without modern day scientific advances.

From my many years as a “medicine hunter” in rainforests and grasslands and marshes and mountains, I’ve learned that healing plants exist for virtually every health need. It’s up to the medicine man or women to put the plant into practice. These healers have been able to do this successfully for thousands of people, by intensively studying and working with the plants. By putting themselves into the plant’s world, becoming part of the world around them, native healers have intuitively discovered which plant helps which disease. It wasn’t mere luck that brought all those plants and all those healers together. It was the natural and spiritual connection existing between the two.

Q. Are there other “natural” remedies we can use to improve our sex lives?

A. The easiest way to naturally enhance your sex life is to practice, practice, practice! Because if you don’t use it, you might lose it. Studies have shown that couples in the Amazon rainforest as well as couples in the concrete jungle of New York City have better sex lives if thy make sex a priority. All the sex-enhancing plants in the world are useless if the men and women taking them don’t put them to the test.

Men who smoke need to quit. Research has shown that cigarettes send men’s sex lives up in smoke. Men who smoke more than 20 cigarettes daily have a 60 percent higher risk of erectile dysfunction compared to men who never smoked. That’s because smoking decreases blood flow making it difficult for men to obtain an erection.

And finally, since sex is a visual and tactile endeavor, there are quite natural and creative ways to give it a boost. Visually stimulating images can arouse even the tiredest of the tired. Premiere Magazine recently compiled a list of the most erotic movie sex scenes ever. You don’t have to feel embarrassed when renting these movies (as you might with pornography) at the video store and they are guaranteed to light up your life:

1.      Diane Lane and Oliver Martinez making love in UNFAITHFUL (2002)

2.      Hilary Swank pleasuring Chloe Sevigny in BOYS DON’T CRY (1999)

3.      Brad Pitt and Claire Forlani making love in MEET JOE BLACK (1998)

4.      Leonardo DiCaprio drawing Kate Winslet in the nude in TITANIC (1997)

5.      Sharon Stone uncrossing her legs while she is being interrogated in a room full of en in BASIC INSTINCT (1992)

6.      Patrick Swazye and Demi Moore in the pottery secene early on in GHOST (1990)

7.      Michael Douglas and Glenn Close having sex in an elevator in FATAL A TTRACTION (1987)

8.      Mickey Rourke caressing Kim Basinger’s body with an ice cube in 9 1.2 WEEKS (1986)

9.      William Hurt and Kathleen Turner having sex in BODY HET (1981)

10.  Julie Christine and Donald Sutherland making love in DON’T LOOK NOW (1973)

11.  Rita Hayworth flipping back her hair and singing “Put The Blame on Mame” in FILDA (1946)

One Important Last Point

Sex always has consequences. And improving your sex life does not eliminate the requirement to practice it responsibly. Sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis, and HIV/AIDS must be prevented, pregnancy must be considered and consent between partners must exist.


Sexual activity keeps us connected – both tangibly and spiritually to our heart’s desire. It helps us feel secure and well loved and adds to our self esteem. In other words, good sex is important to good life.

But all of us need a little help now and then. Sex-enhancing plants that have been used for thousands of years by millions of people provide that help. You can have actual sexual healing with effective sexual supplements and maybe find out what you’ve been missing.

After all, 80 percent of the world’s married couples can’t be wrong!

Improve Sexual performance with supplements from Vitanet


Now Foods

Date: March 27, 2006 06:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Now Foods

Now Foods Vitamins Discount Prices

If there’s one truth to be told about the natural products industry, it is this. We will never have a shortage of companies claiming to be the best. It happens so often in fact, that distinguishing the quality from the questionable has become an exhausting task all in itself. After all, making claims is easy. What’s challenging, however, is supporting these claims with something concrete.

As no stranger to recognition, NOW takes pride in every honor that is bestowed upon us. And yes, over the past year, we have been blessed in many ways. Nothing, however, can match the sense of reward that comes from having our efforts, values and commitment to human wellness acknowledged by our peers, colleagues and valued customers. It is with the most sincere gratitude that we are once again able to share these with you.

Vitamin Retailer Magazine’s 2005 Vity Awards Every Spring, Vitamin Retailer Magazine recognizes the most outstanding dietary supplements, and honors the recipients with a Vity Award. The winning products are selected based on a number of criteria. This year, three NOW products were awarded 1st place honors.

The first was presented in recognition of our MSM 1000 mg. This marks the third consecutive year that we’ve watched our MSM excel in this category. Next was the award for Vitamin E, which went to our Natural Vitamin E-400 mixed tocopherol formula. Like MSM, this was also awarded 1st place st place for the third year in a row. Finally, the award for “Best Calcium”, which was given to our Calcium Citrate. With the calcium category regarded as one of the most competitive, taking top honors is an accomplishment that we’re all very proud of. Whole Foods Magazine Natural Choice Winner Best Sports Supplement

It should come as no surprise to anyone that there are literally hundreds of protein formulas available. When it was announced that our line of Whey proteins had earned the title of “Best Sports Supplement” from Whole Foods Magazine, we were truly honored to be selected as one of their Natural Choice winners.

Each year, Whole Foods Magazine evaluates hundreds of products, selecting only those that meet their demanding standards. Our Sports division has worked tirelessly to perfect our Whey proteins, and this award is a true testament to the efforts they have put forth. NOW is one of the very few companies that offers a line of 100% natural proteins, free of artifi cial sweeteners. Accordingly, this is an honor that we’re especially proud of. Nutrition Business Journal’s Lifetime Leadership Award, Elwood Richard

Nutrition Business Journal recently honored NOW founder Elwood Richard, with their prestigious Lifetime Leadership Award. Mr. Richard has been an active member of the natural products business since 1960 and is a strong advocate for both science and quality. He co-founded the NNFA standards committee, and sponsors industry organizations such as Citizens for Health, NNFA, ABC, AOAC and AHPA among others. His hard work, vision and commitment have inspired our entire organization

in supporting independent retailers, producing quality products and taking proactive measures towards environmental preservation.

Nutrition Business Journal’s Business Achievement Award, Environment of Sustainability In addition to the award presented to Elwood Richard, NOW was also the recipient of the NBJ Business Achievement Award for Environment of Sustainability. This honor is presented to businesses who have consistently participated in both internal and local initiatives to make positive environmental impacts. Notably, our recycling program has reduced waste output by over 50%. NOW FOODS Vitamins also conducts employee training programs, supports community conservation efforts and hosts volunteer workdays to plant vegetation, remove litter and control lakeside erosion in a local forest preserve. These actions have earned us a number of community service awards from several local recreation organizations. Finally, we help support environmental organizations, including The Nature Conservancy and World Wildlife Fund.

AOAC adopts NOW Glucosamine Method

NOW Foods’ glucosamine HPLC method has passed the AOAC’s 2-year validation process to become the fi rst offi cial method for testing the standards of this popular joint health ingredient. It was selected by the expert review panel in April of 2003 as the “best method for further laboratory validation”. It will be published in the Journal of AOAC International and become available to the industry this summer, 2005. “Having NOW’s method for glucosamine become the offi cial AOAC method is a testament to the expertise of our staff, our focus on the science, and our commitment to quality,” said Michael Lelah, technical director of NOW Foods.

DuPage County Forest Preserve District’s Shooting Star Award.

The DuPage County Forest Preserve District of Illinois recently presented NOW Foods their Shooting Star Award at their annual Forest Preserve District volunteer banquet. This award recognizes the long-term efforts that our entire organization has made in order to improve and support the quality of the East Branch Forest Preserve in Glendale Heights, IL. This is also the fi rst time that the District has given this award to a company. As the primary recipient, we look forward to furthering our environmental efforts.

Recapping our 2004 Achievements

Eight 1st Place Vity Awards, from Vitamin Retailer Magazine

United States Department of Commerce Excellence in Export Achievement Award

Nutrition Business Journal’s Effort on Behalf of Industry Award Top Rated Brand in Health Food Stores based on Customer Satisfaction Natural Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA) Crusader Award, Elwood Richard Vitamin Retailer Magazine Manufacturer of the Year (2003)



Date: January 03, 2006 09:00 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3

In the mid 70’s, a team of European researchers ventured off to Greenland to study the unique lifestyle of native Inuit Eskimos. They couldn’t have possibly imagined how signifi cant their findings would be. The Inuits’ diet was simple and consisted primarily of fatty fi sh – whale, salmon, sardine, seal, and mackerel. No surprise there. What did surprise researchers was how unexplainably healthy these natives were. Strong hearts. Clear skin. Powerful joints. All this from a diet that contained towering amounts of fat. This fat-fueled lifestyle bewildered researchers. Then the connection was made. These fatty foods were loaded with substances that the body must have in order to remain healthy – omega-3 essential fatty acids. Fast forwarding 30 years, fish oil supplements aren’t just popular, they’re they’re popular nutritional threads that help weave the fabric of human wellness.

Understanding EFA
We refer to essential fatty acids (EFA) as essential for a reason. They are vital to human health despite the body’s inability to manufacture its own supply. For this reason, they must be obtained through the diet or supplementation. Fish oil contains two of the most biologically active fatty acids; EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanoic acid) with the most common sources being deep-sea, cold-water fish. Thanks to a lifetime of oxidative stress, the body is in a constant state of self-repair. In order to do this, it needs a generous cache of healthy, unsaturated fats capable of constructing cell membranes that are elastic and functional. This makes it easier for the heart to return to a normal resting state. A deficiency in good fat forces the body to use saturated fat in the construction of new cells. As the body’s reserve of saturated fat begins to outnumber the unsaturated, the cardiovascular process becomes more and more compromised.

In the fall of 2004, after reviewing years of convincing studies, the FDA approved the use of a qualified claim for omega-3 EFA. It states that “supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease”. When you consider how selective the FDA is in qualifying health claims, this becomes even more impressive. The benefi ts of fi sh oils don’t stop at the cardiovascular system, however. A wealth of studies have been conducted examining their role in depression, mood, vision, skin, immune system function, pregnancy, joint health and migraines just to name a few.

EFA for a Healthy Heart
Omega-3 fi sh oil has become synonymous with cardiovascular integrity, and is supported by years of substantiated research. Many of these studies suggest that omega-3 plays a key role in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, normalizing blood pressure range and supporting a healthy heart beat. It also serves as a natural blood thinner capable of preventing platelet aggregation; a condition where coronary blood fl ow becomes sticky and prone to clotting. Finally, fish oil has been shown to help boost HDL (good) cholesterol while lowering triglycerides within the normal range.

Omega-3 and Healthy Mood
A now famous Harvard study (Stoll et al., 1999) determined that individuals suffering from manic and mood disorders collectively exhibit low levels of EPA and DHA. During this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, nearly 75% of the subjects treated with omega- 3 experienced relief from their symptoms. According to Dr. Stoll, “Our study results indicate that fi sh oil does possess the elements needed to stabilize mood.”

Say Goodbye to Inflammation
A growing number of individuals who live with stiff joints, inflammation and occasional aches are turning to omega-3 fi sh oil. Within the body, DHA and EPA compounds are converted into powerful anti-inflammatory agents known as prostaglandins. Many users have reported that supplementation has helped them reduce the frequency at which they consumed NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Choosing a quality formula
When the time comes to choose, nothing is more important than selecting a quality formula that’s been tested for safety and purity. NOW takes the guesswork out of searching for omega-3 supplements that are safe and effective. Our comprehensive selection of premium fi sh oil is subject to strict testing, thorough screening and a mandatory purifi cation process. NOW’s Quality Control and Quality Assurance departments verify the use of several purifi cation processes that help reduce PCBs, dioxins, toxic heavy metals and other contaminants to non-detectable levels.*

Buy Omega 3 at Vitanet ®


Source Naturals Goes Skin Side Out

Date: June 24, 2005 05:45 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Source Naturals Goes Skin Side Out

Source Naturals® Goes Skin Side Out

Affordable Skin Care Line with Scientifically Advanced Nutraceuticals

Scotts Valley, California - May 28, 2003 - Source Naturals®, creators of the highly-acclaimed line of health and wellness supplements, has released a new natural cosmetic line intended to enhance healthy skin through formulations using the latest breakthrough skincare ingredients. The all-natural Skin Eternal™ line includes products that address skin health both internally and externally.

Skin Eternal™ Cream

Skin Eternal™ Serum

Skin Eternal™ DMAE Serum

Skin Eternal™ Bath Oil

Skin Eternal™ Tablets

Skin Eternal™ Plus Tablets

Skin Eternal™ HA Tablets

People react enthusiastically when they learn that they can get these powerful new skin-care products with all the proven, scientifically advanced ingredients at a fraction of the cost of similar products on the market," said LaVonne Whitley, Marketing Director at Source Naturals. Additionally, people are confident that Source Naturals conducts thorough research, selecting only the finest natural ingredients. We are proud to enter the self-care cosmetic arena with such strong products!"

Skin Eternal Cream is thick and rich for use primarily on the face. It is gentle and effective on targeted areas such as under the eyes and on the neck. This cream is formulated using a completely unique blend of natural oils, nutrients and plant extracts including: alpha lipoic acid; biotin; CoQ10; DMAE; jojoba oil; squalene; tocotrienols; vitamin C-ester. Available in 2 oz. and 4 oz. sizes.

Skin Eternal Serum is an aqueous moisturizing serum for hydrating and replenishing the complexion. The serum is easily absorbed, and immediately softens the skin. This product contains a powerful blend of nutrients and plant extracts which deeply penetrate the skin. These include: aloe vera; alpha lipoic acid; biotin; CoQ10; DMAE; MSM; as well as vitamins A, C-ester, D-3, and E. Available in 1 and 1.7 oz. sizes.

Skin Eternal DMAE Serum is targeted for mature skin, providing a higher concentration of DMAE to give skin a radiant, healthy look. Available in 1 and 1.7 oz. sizes.

Skin Eternal Bath Oil seals in moisture, and provides strong protection by adding nutrients to the skin's hydrolipic film. This special formulation includes alpha lipoic acid; DMAE; vitamins C-ester and E; along with a rich blend of other nutrients and plant extracts. Available in 4, 8 and 16 oz. sizes.

All Skin Eternal topical products are hypoallergenic and therefore are effective on even delicate and sensitive skin. None of the finished products have been tested on animals.

Skin Eternal Tablets provide key nutraceuticals that support body systems involved with healthy, radiant skin. These include alpha lipoic acid; DMAE; vitamins C-ester and E; and grapeseed extract. These important ingredients also provide added protection against free radical damage. Available in 60, 120 and 240 count bottles.

Skin Eternal Plus is a Bio-Aligned Formula™ that includes the same important nutraceuticals found in Skin Eternal Tablets, plus 30 more! This formula is designed to deeply address skin imbalances. This Bio-Aligned Formula supports multiple body systems involved in skin health, including: antioxidant defense, cell renewal, connective tissues and cell membranes, blood and liver cleansing, and muscle and nerve functions. Available in 30, 60 and 120 count bottles.

Skin Eternal HA Tablets are a rich source of hyaluronic acid, which helps maintain and regulate the water balance of tissues, keeping skin soft and moisturized. Hyaluronic acid also facilitates the transport of nutrients and waste, promoting deeply healthy and radiant skin. The product will be launched under the Skin Eternal label this summer and will be available in 30, 60 and 120 count bottles.

Vitanet ®


Take Your Vitamins: Reviewing Scientific Approaches to Selecting Daily Multiple Supplement

Date: June 21, 2005 05:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Take Your Vitamins: Reviewing Scientific Approaches to Selecting Daily Multiple Supplement

Take Your Vitamins: Reviewing Scientific Approaches to Selecting Daily Multiple Supplements

By Adina Licht, MS

Adina Licht, M.S. is a Nutritional Scientist and Science Writer who works as a Marketing Specialist for Source Naturals. She has a B.A. in Environmental Science from UC Berkeley, an M.S. in Nutrition and Food Science from San Jose State University, and training in Technical Communication from Cal State Hayward. Her work has appeared in publications such as Advances in Packaging and Development, Health Supplement Retailer and Delicious Living.

Americans Need More Nutrients

The U. S. population is drastically malnourished. According to the latest A. C. Nielsen survey, only 12% of Americans claim to eat the 5 recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day (Warner, 2004). And approximately 1/3 of the calories that people do consume are from nutrient-poor foods such as alcohol and soda (Yang, 2004). This combination has led to a population that consumes too few nutrients, which according to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Fletcher, 2002) puts people at risk for long-term health concerns. With Americans eating fewer healthy foods, taking a daily multiple is one way for people to increase their intake of nutrients. But the search for what defines a good multiple can be confusing, even to health care professionals.

The Confusing U.S. Government Standards

Scientists first recognized the need for vitamins in the early 1900s (Levenstein, 1993). But setting U. S. government standards for vitamins and minerals didn't start until healthy soldiers were needed to fight World War II. And when a committee of scientists was asked to determine the levels of nutrients needed to maintain good health they could only agree on "recommended allowances" to prevent deficiency with a wide margin of safety. In 1941, these allowances became the first Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for the nation (Levenstein, 1993). In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) used latest RDAs to set the new Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) standards, which included Adequate Intakes (AIs) for when there was insufficient evidence to determine an RDA, and Upper Intake Levels (ULs) as the safe daily upper limit. To simplify the information, food labels express nutrient information as a percentage of the Daily Value (DV), which includes RDA values for a healthy adult who consumes 2000 calories per day (Whitney, 2002). However, these values do not include AIs or ULs and many individuals need different levels of nutrients than these.

Confusing Standards equals Confusing Recommendations

The RDAs and subsequent DRIs are the basis of the nutrient standards for at least 40 different nations and many professional health organizations. Currently, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) recommends that people who cannot reach the DRIs through diet take a multiple with nutrient levels that do not exceed the RDAs (JADA, 2001). And in 2002, the American Medical Association (AMA) published a paper that included a recommendation for all adults to take RDA levels of vitamin supplements in their Journal of the American Medical Association (Fletcher, 2002). Despite the benefits of having guidelines, most people only hear about the RDAs and DVs, which may be too low for preventing deficiencies while the ULs and AIs, which can be much more beneficial are rarely discussed. For example, the Daily Value of Vitamin E to prevent deficiency is 30 IU while the daily Upper Intake Limit is 1,467 IU. But, according to the ADA, as many as 75% of cardiologists recommend vitamin E to their patients to promote heart health, usually at a dosage of 400 IU (ADA, 2001; Meydani, 2004; & Whitney, 1998). And the Daily Value for Vitamin C is 60 mg while the daily Upper Intake Limit is 2000 mg, but in clinical studies it took 500 mg per day to help maintain healthy blood pressure (Whitney, 1998, & Hendler, 2001).

Alternative Recommendations

Lyle MacWilliam is a biochemist and former health advisor to the Canadian Ministry of Health, who decided to research, analyze and publish the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements. In this book, the individually published recommendations from seven nutrition experts (Phyllis Balch, CNC, Dr. Michael Colgan, Ph.D., Dr. Earl Mindell, Ph.D., Dr. Michael Murray, N.D., Dr. Richard Passwater, Ph.D., Dr. Ray Strand, M.D., and Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D.) were combined to create an ultimate blended standard of recommended median intakes for 39 nutrients to promote health. Those nutrients include vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and other supplements, that span 14 different health categories and are much closer to the Upper Intake Limit government standards. The guide also includes information about recommended forms, safety, purity and quality (MacWilliam, 2003). One of the most profound differences between MacWilliam?s compiled recommendations and the DRIs is the difference in the number of supplements: 39 vs. 26 respectively. The Comparative Guide standard includes additional nutrients, including many more antioxidants, based on decades of clinical research about their benefits. For example, the fat-soluble antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 that your body manufactures less of as you age is included. So is the fat and water-soluble antioxidant alpha lipoic acid that helps recycle other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E (Hendler, 2001).

Top Ranked Multiples for Optimal Health

In the latter half of MacWilliam's book he uses this ultimate blended standard to rank and compare 500 manufactured multiples. Of the five top-ranked multiples, only the Source Naturals multiples, Life Force and Élan Vitàl, are widely available at natural product stores and health outlets. And the new and improved Life Force formulation now rates higher than any of the products evaluated in the current edition of this guide (MacWilliam, 2004; & Mac-William, 2003). The ingredients that can be found in today's multiple supplements can vary greatly. But multiple choices don't have to lead to confusion. Health professionals, such as Lyle MacWilliam, understand the importance of remaining curious, evaluating the available research, and conferring with other scientists to determine the nutrients that support optimal health.


American Dietetic Association. 2001. Vitamin E: Disease Prevention for your Good Health. American Dietetic Association Website. Available at: Public/Other/index_nfs1001.cfm Fletcher, R. H., & Fairfield, K. M. 2002. Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults. JAMA. (23)287:3116-3129. Hendler, S. S., et al. 2001. PDR for Nutritional Supplements. Thomson Healthcare: Montvale. Pages 11-12, 17-21, 60-62, 103, 416-421, 486-498. JADA (Journal of the American Dietetic Association) 2001. Vitamin and mineral supplementation. J AM Diet Assoc.101: 115 Available at: Public/NutritionInformation/92_8343.cfm Levenstein, H. 1993. Paradox of Plenty: A Social History of Eating in Modern America. Oxford University Press: New York. Pages 13-15, 64-67. MacWilliam, L, et al. 2003. Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements. Northern Dimensions Publishing: Vernon. Pages 62-70. MacWilliam, L. 2004. Comparative Guide Individual Assessment of New Life Force Formulation. Warner, J. 2004. Few Follow '5 a Day' Fruit and Vegetable Rule. WebMD website. Available at: ent/Article/93/102158.htm Whitney, N. W., & Rolfes, S. R. (1998). Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition, 5th ed. Page 358. Whitney, E. N., & Rolfes, S. R. 2002. Understanding Nutrition. 9th ed. Wadsworth Thomson Learning: Belmont. Pages A, B, Y, 13-20, 55-56, 307, 331, 335-341, 401. Yang, S. 2004. Nearly one-third of the calories in the US diet come from junk food, researcher finds.

Vitanet ®


Breast Cancer

Date: June 10, 2005 09:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer by Joseph L. Mayo,MD Mary Ann Mayo, MA Energy Times, May 2, 1999

What do you fear most? Bankruptcy? Floods? Heart disease? If you're like many women, breast cancer stands near the top of that dreaded list.

But that fear doesn't permeate other cultures the way it does ours.

A woman like Mariko Mori, for instance, 52 years old, Japanese, worries about intense pressures beginning to burden her toddler grandson. But worry about breast cancer? Hardly.

In Indiana, Mary Lou Marks, 50, has similar family frets, mulling over her 28-year-old daughter's career choice.

But on top of that, when Mary Lou tabulates her other worries, she recoils at the thought of breast cancer. She's heard about her lifetime risk: 1 in 8. Meanwhile, Mariko's is merely 1 in 40, according to Bob Arnot's Breast Cancer Prevention Diet (Little, Brown).

American Problem
Experts reporting in "Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer: A Primary Care Perspective" (Prim Care Update Ob/Gyns, vol. 5, no. 6, 1998, p. 269) say the risk of developing breast cancer for the average American woman during ages 40 to 59 is 3.9%; by 60 to 79 years of age that rises to 6.9%. A high-risk 40-year-old has a 20% chance of breast cancer in the next 20 years.

New studies have found the effect of carrying the gene linked to breast cancer, which is responsible for only 5 to 10% of breast cancer incidence, is not as great as first suspected. Earlier estimates that the gene reflects an 80% chance of incurring breast cancer by age 70 has been recalculated to be only 37% (The Lancet, 1998;352:1337-1339).

Complex Causesbr> Researchers agree: No one factor is solely responsible for breast cancer. Risk depends on many factors, including diet, weight, smoking, alcohol consumption, activity level and, of course, those genes.

Regardless of their actual chance of getting breast cancer, women worry. Mary Lou faces no factors that would place her in particular jeopardy. But her anxieties about radical therapies and medical expenses paralyze her: She forgets to visit her health care provider and skips her annual mammogram appointments. Mary Lou's daughter, perhaps in reaction to her mother's gripping fears, campaigns ardently for cancer prevention, educating herself and mobilizing against the cumulative effects of known cancer risks. Smart young woman: A malignancy, after all, can take years to develop. A tumor must swell to one billion cells before it is detectable by a mammogram.

Dietary Benefits
Of all the tactics for reducing the risk of breast cancer, diet ranks high on the list.

The soy-rich regimen of Japanese women like Mariko Mori, for example, helps to explain the low breast cancer rates in Asian countries (see box at center of the page).

Tomatoes, because of their high quotient of the carotenoid lycopene, have been found to protect cells from the corrosive clutches of oxidants that have been linked with cancer in 57 out of 72 studies (The Santa Rosa Press Democrat, February 17, 1999, page A6, reporting on a Harvard Medical School study). For more on tomatoes see page 16.

But there's no one magic anti-cancer food or diet. Eating to prevent breast cancer requires a balanced menu with fiber, healthy fats, phytoestrogens and antioxidants, all fresh and free of chemical additives.

Modifying the balance and type of estrogen, the female sex hormone produced by the ovaries, offers an important breast cancer safeguard. Fat cells, adrenal glands and, before menopause, the ovaries, produce three "flavors" of estrogen, the strongest of which, estradiol, is believed to be carcinogenic when too plentiful or persistent in the body.

Estrogen does its work by attaching to estrogen receptors. Receptors are particularly numerous in the epithelial cells that line milk sacs and ducts in the breasts.

A receptor site is like a designated parking spot: Once estrogen is parked there it triggers one of its 400 functions in the body, from preparation of the uterus for pregnancy to intensifying nerve synapses in the brain.

The food we eat can be a source of estrogen; plant estrogens, called phytoestrogens, are much weaker than the body's estrogens, but they fit the same receptors. Phytoestrogens exert a milder estrogenic effect than bodily estrogen and are capable of blocking the more potent, damaging versions.

Finding Phytoestrogens
Foods high in phytoestrogens include vegetables, soy, flaxseed and herbs such as black cohosh, chasteberry, red clover and turmeric. Soy is the darling of the day for good reason. Both soy and flaxseed can lengthen periods, reducing the body's overall exposure to estrogen.

Soy also contains genistein, an "isoflavone" very similar in molecular form to estrogen but only 1/100,000 as potent. Because of its structure, genistein can attach to cells just as estrogen does; it also helps build carriers needed for binding estrogen and removing it from the body (Journal of Nutrition 125, no.3 [1995]:757S-770S). It acts as an antioxidant to counteract free radicals.

Tumor Inhibition
Studies have demonstrated that genistein inhibits angiogenesis (new tumor growth), slowing the progression of existing cancer.

Soy is most protective for younger women. Postmenopausal women benefit from soy's ability to diminish hot flashes and for cardiovascular protection, especially in combination with vitamin E, fiber and carotene (Contemporary OB/GYN, September 1998, p57-58).

Experts don't know that much about the cumulative effect of combining hormone replacement with soy, herbs and a diet high in phytoestrogens. Menopausal women who boost their estrogen this way should work with their health care providers and monitor their hormonal levels every six to 12 months with salivary testing.

The Vegetable Cart
Some vegetables are particularly protective against breast cancer because they change the way the body processes estrogen. Indol-3-carbinol, found in the co-called cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage, diminishes the potency of estrogen. (Broccoli also contains isothiocyanates that trigger anti-carcinogenic enzymes.) These vegetables supply fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C as well as other vitamins and minerals (Proc of the National Academy of Science USA, 89:2399-2403, 1992).

Fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains reduces insulin levels and suppresses the appetite by making make us feel full, thus helping with weight control, so important to resisting cancer. Fiber also helps build estrogen carriers that keep unbound estrogen from being recirculated and reattached to the breast receptors.

Cellulose, the fruit and vegetable fiber most binding with estrogen, also rounds up free radicals that damage DNA within cells.,p> Feeding the Immune System Despite heightened public awareness and efforts to stick to wholesome, healthful diets, experts increasingly link poor nutrition to depressed immune systems. Many Americans are at least marginally deficient in trace elements and vitamins despite their best attempts to eat well; that's why a good multivitamin/mineral is wise, even mandatory. Vitamins given to people undergoing cancer treatment stimulate greater response, fewer side effects, and increased survival (International Journal of Integrative Medicine, vol. 1, no. 1, January/February 1999).

Nutrients tend to work synergistically on the immune system. They should be taken in balanced proportions, and in consultation with your health care provider.

Immune Boosters
In Research links low levels of calcium and vitamin D, an inhibitor of cell division and growth, to higher breast cancer rates.

n Riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), pantothenic acid (B5), zinc and folate strengthen immunity. Selenium, in lab culture and animal studies, has helped kill tumors and protect normal tissues.

n Beta-carotene and vitamins A, E and C are antioxidants. Vitamin C enhances vitamin E's effects, boosting immunity and protecting against cell damage. The antioxidant isoflavones in green tea, with soy, convey the anticancer effects of the Asian diet. Research shows actions that discourage tumors and gene mutations.

The food you eat influences hormones. Excess sugar raises insulin, which acts as a growth factor for cancer and interferes with vitamin C's stimulation of white blood cells. It may contribute to obesity.

Alcohol is converted to acetaldehyde, which causes cancer in laboratory animals. It affects gene regulation by decreasing the body's ability to use folic acid. It increases estrogen and the amount of free estradiol in the blood. The liver damage that accompanies high alcohol consumption frequently reduces its capacity to filter carcinogenic products, regulate hormones and break down estrogen. Studies of alcohol consumption have caused experts to estimate that drinking more than two alcoholic beverages a day increases breast cancer risk by 63% (OB-GYN News, November 1, 1998, p. 12).

Fat Can be Phat
Fat conveys nutritional benefits. Not all fats are bad: we can't survive for very long without certain fats. Fat can turn you into a "well-oiled" machine. But the wrong kind of fat (the fatty acids in red meats and fatty poultry) is believed to be a major culprit in breast cancer.

Fat cells produce estrogen. Excess fat stores carcinogens and limits carriers that can move estrogen out of your system.

Once estrogen has attached itself to a receptor, the health result depends on the type of fat in the breast. Saturated fat, transfatty acids and omega-6 fat from polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as safflower oil, peanut, soybean oil, corn oil and in margarine can increase the estrogen effect and trigger a powerful signal to the breast cell to replicate.

Restraining Prostaglandins
Blood rich in the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-9 lowers cancer risk by driving down levels of prostaglandins, which promote tumor growth. The blood and tumors of women with breast cancer usually contain high levels of prostaglandins.

Breast tissue is protected by omega-3 fat chiefly from fish and flaxseed and by omega-9 from olive oil. Salmon once a week or water packed tuna three times a week are particularly beneficial. Fish oil supplements processed to reduce contaminates are available. Cod liver oil isn't recommended: its vitamin A and D levels are too high.

Flaxseed is the richest known plant source of omega-3. Use a coffee grinder to benefit from the seed and oil for the full estrogen effect; sprinkle ground flaxseed over cereal or fold into baked goods. Drizzle flaxseed oil, found in the refrigerator section of your health food store, over salads or cereal. (Store the oil in the refrigerator.)

Olive oil, especially in the context of the so-called Mediterranean diet of vegetables, omega-3-rich fish and fresh fruit (Menopause Management, January-February 1999, p. 16-19), lowers the risk of breast cancer (The Lancet, May 18, 1996;347:1351-1356).

Selecting Organic Food
Select organic foods for extra anticancer protection. Pesticides stimulate erratic cell action and often inhibit the estrogen carrier's ability to attach and remove estrogen from the body. Free floating estrogen then can attach to breast receptors and cause trouble.

Buy or grow fresh, organic foods whenever you can. When grilling meat, fish or poultry, reduce the area where carcinogens may accumulate by trimming fat. Charred, well-done meat is known to be carcinogenic. When grilling, marinate meat first and reduce the cooking time on the grill by slightly precooking.

Cancer prevention is an interlocking puzzle requiring the limitation of fat consumption, weight control, exercise, stress reduction and care for psychological and spiritual balance. Possessing more cancer fighting pieces makes you more likely to be able to complete the prevention picture.

Joseph L. Mayo, MD, FACOG and Mary Ann Mayo, MA, are the authors of The Menopause manager: A Safe Path for a Natural Change, an individualized program for managing menopause. The book's advice, in easy-to-understand portions, isolates in-depth explanations with unbiased reviews of conventional and alternative choices. A unique perspective for mid-life women who want to know all their options.

Also from the Mayos - The HOW Health Opportunities For Women quarterly newsletter to help women learn HOW to make informed health choices. Learn HOW to: - Choose nutritional supplements

  • - Integrate natural remedies with conventional medicine.
  • - Pick healthier foods.
  • - Reduce breast cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease risk.
  • - Slow aging's effects. Protect against environmental toxins.

    Vitanet ®


    St. John's Wort Emotional Balance - The Natural Solution For Mental Well-Being

    Date: June 06, 2005 08:53 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: St. John's Wort Emotional Balance - The Natural Solution For Mental Well-Being

    St. John's Wort Emotional Balance

    Planetary Formulas ST. JOHN’S WORT EMOTIONAL BALANCE features the European botanical legend St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum). This traditional herb has long been known for supporting a positive mood and healthy outlook. These properties have now been confirmed by modern research. ST. JOHN’S WORT EMOTIONAL BALANCE combines St. John’s wort with classic Chinese and Western herbs to promote a balanced state of mental well-being.

    St. John’s Wort: Modern Clinical Research

    Most research into the properties of St. John’s wort has been conducted in Germany, where the use of this herb is widespread. The plant contains a number of important compounds including hypericin, pseudohypericin, hyperforin and a wide variety of flavonoids. Clinical interest in St. John’s wort reached new heights in 1996, when the British Medical Journal published a summary of research findings, concluding that it had a beneficial effect on mental well-being.

    Classic Chinese Herbs

    Blended with this key botanical are Chinese herbs drawn from the classic formula Xiao Yao Wan, or "Relaxed Wanderer," developed during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). These special herbs are bupleurum root, peony root, atractylodes root, dong quai root, poria cocos sclerotium, licorice root, cyperus rhizome and ginger root. This formula was created more than 300 years ago to promote a balanced state of mental well-being. Completing the blend is lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), historically used to raise spirits, as noted by Shakespeare’s, "Lemon balm doth make the heart merrieth."

    Formula by Michael Tierra

    These botanicals are only now being recognized by modern science as having those unique characteristics well-known to our ancestors. ST. JOHN’S WORT EMOTIONAL BALANCE has been created by the renowned clinical herbalist and licensed acupuncturist Michael Tierra. Over 30 years of herbal study led to his selecting the botanicals in this unique blend. Planetary Formulas now offers this herbal supplement, which integrates modern biochemistry with the classical wisdom of traditional Chinese and Western herbology. The result is a balanced and natural approach to mental well-being. Its unique properties offer an alert, clear and positive alternative to life’s often distressing circumstances.


  • Linde, Klaus, et al. (1996) British Medical Journal, Vol. 313, 240-58.

    Also Available:

    Full SpectrumTM and Standardized St. John’s Wort Extract Tablets

    This blend combines a concentrated 600 mg of St. John’s wort extract standardized to 0.3% hypericin, the primary qualitative marker of St. John’s wort, with a concentrated flavonoid-rich extract (4:1) of St. John’s wort flowering tops. Combining the standardized hypericin extract with flowering top extract assures that all of the components naturally occurring in St. John’s wort are present. Also available are pure 300 mg St. John’s Wort extract tablets standardized to 0.3% hypericin.

    Full SpectrumTM St. John’s Wort Liquid Extract

    This Full SpectrumTM liquid extract is prepared in the same careful manner to capture the vital components of St. John’s wort, which are reflected in the rich burgundy color of the liquid.

  • Adhering to the quality control requirements and codes of ethics of: American Herbal Products Association National Nutritional Foods Association

  • --
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    Cimi Fem - Helps Minimize Hot Flashes with Black Cohosh

    Date: June 01, 2005 10:47 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Cimi Fem - Helps Minimize Hot Flashes with Black Cohosh

    Cimi Fem

    Black cohosh is powerful herbal support for women, clinically shown to reduce the hot flashes, mood swings and irritability associated with menopause. And Source Naturals offers you black cohosh extract standardized to the same marker compounds found clinically effective in scientific research. Source Naturals CIMI-FEM is standardized to 2.5% triterpene glycosides including 27-deoxyactein, one of the key constituents of the herb. The tablets are available in a tasty natural chocolate flavor.

    CIMI-FEM™ is Source Naturals’ trademarked name for Cimicifuga racemosa, more commonly known as black cohosh. It has been shown in clinical studies to reduce hot flashes, mood swings and irritability associated with menopause.

    “Extensive research shows Black Cohosh to be very effective.”

    How Does it Work?

    Hot flashes may result from surges of luteinizing hormone (LH) released by the body in a futile attempt to restore the declining estrogen levels that occur as women enter premenopause. Scientists have not yet determined exactly how black cohosh affects the hormonal system. Research suggests black cohosh may reduce LH secretion, thereby lessening hot flashes. CIMI-FEM black cohosh extract is standardized to contain 2.5% triterpene glycosides (one of which is 27-deoxyactein).

    Compare and Save!

    When selecting a black cohosh product it is useful to compare CIMI-FEM to the leading brand, Remifemin®*. CIMI-FEM gives you twice the potency at less than half the suggested retail price. CIMI-FEM tablets are available in two potencies, 40 and 80 mg, so that you can take the amount that’s just right for you.

    Brucker, A., M.D. Med Welt 44:2331-3.
    Langfritze, W. Med Klin 57, 35:1497-9.
    Steinler, K., M.D. Arztl Prax 11, 26: 916-7.

  • *Remifemin is a registered trademark of SmithKline Beecham and is now available only in the mass market channel.

    VitaNet ®
    VitaNet ® Staff


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