
Search Term: " gingko "

  Messages 1-12 from 12 matching the search criteria.
Magma Plus: The Power of Fruits and Veggies in a Drink Darrell Miller 5/24/24
Herbal supplement gingko biloba found to prevent cell death in thebrain, improve recovery from stroke VitaNet, LLC Staff 3/19/19
Ginkgo biloba shows potential value in the treatment of over 100diseases Darrell Miller 3/7/19
Herbs For Better Mood and Mental Health Darrell Miller 9/21/16
Ginkgo Biloba A Modular Solution To Boosting Memory. Darrell Miller 8/4/14
Can Ginseng Boost Your Energy Safely? Darrell Miller 10/5/11
What Herbs Help Vision and Eye Support Darrell Miller 8/26/11
Ginkgo Biloba Darrell Miller 10/1/09
Natural Supplements Like Fish Oils And Phosphatidylserine Can Boost Memory Darrell Miller 1/14/08
Your Cells Supercharge Your Cells Darrell Miller 12/20/05
Herbal Forms Darrell Miller 6/25/05
Are Standardized Herbs Better? Darrell Miller 6/17/05

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Magma Plus: The Power of Fruits and Veggies in a Drink

Date: May 24, 2024 02:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Magma Plus: The Power of Fruits and Veggies in a Drink

Magma Plus: The Power of Fruits and Veggies in a Drink

Imagine if you could get all your daily fruits and vegetables in just one drink. Magma Plus is a fruit and veggie powder supplement designed to provide natural energy and boost overall health. This drink mix, made from barley grass juice powder and 57 other natural ingredients, is a convenient way to get many essential nutrients all in one go. Magma Plus gives your body the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it needs for energy, immunity, and more.

What Is In it?

Magma Plus is a dietary supplement that is rich in active enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein, and chlorophyll. Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara discovered that "young barley grass is one of the most nutritionally balanced foods in nature." With this in mind, the creators of Magma Plus added barley grass juice powder along with a blend of other nutritious fruits, vegetables, plants, and herbs to create a potent energy drink.

The product is available in two sizes: 150 grams (16 servings) and 300 grams (33 servings). Each serving contains 1.8 grams of barley grass juice extract, making it a nutrient-dense option for anyone looking to improve their daily nutrition.

Why Choose Magma Plus?

Unlike many energy drinks that rely on sugar and caffeine, Magma Plus is a natural booster that contains important nutrients for energy production. It is packed with various fruit and vegetable extracts, including Siberian ginseng and barley grass. These ingredients energize you without the crash that often comes with caffeinated drinks.

Some of the key benefits include:

  • Healthy Muscles and Nervous System: gingko biloba, magnesium, and lecithin support the function of muscles and the nervous system.
  • Antioxidant Protection: Beta-carotene, bilberry, and grape seed extract help protect your tissues from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Digestive Health: Ginger root aids in digestion, and milk thistle extract promotes liver health.
  • Immune Support: Echinacea can help enhance the immune system, while Siberian ginseng can reduce stress and boost energy.


Here is a list of the natural ingredients found in Magma Plus:

  • Powdered Juice from Organic Barley Grass: A base of young barley grass juice provides a rich source of nutrients.
  • Mixed Vegetables: Carrot, wheat grass, alfalfa, lettuce, cabbage, daikon radish, bean sprouts, celery, tomato, spinach, and kale.
  • Mixed Fruits: Apple, banana, pineapple, papaya, mango, and raspberry.
  • Herbal Extracts: Chicory root, milk thistle, Echinacea purpurea, Siberian ginseng, American ginseng, aloe vera, green tea, ginger root, licorice root, and more.
  • Additional Nutrients: Lecithin, bee pollen, royal jelly, spirulina, chlorella, vitamins (A, B, C, E, and K), minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc.), and digestive enzymes (lipase, amylase, protease).

Health Benefits

Magma Plus provides various health benefits:

  • Increased Energy Levels: The natural ingredients help produce ATP, your body's primary energy source.
  • Better Digestion: Enzymes like lipase, amylase, and protease aid in breaking down food for better nutrient absorption.
  • Immune Boost: Ingredients like Echinacea and ginseng help keep your immune system strong.
  • Antioxidant Protection: Antioxidants protect your cells from free radical damage.
  • Stress Reduction: Ginseng and other herbs help lower stress levels and promote relaxation.

How to Use Magma Plus

It's simple to add Magma Plus to your daily routine. Just stir three teaspoons into an 8 oz. glass of water or your favorite juice. Be sure not to mix it with hot liquids, as heat can neutralize the active enzymes. For best results, take it once or twice daily on an empty stomach, about 20 minutes before meals.

Customer Testimonials

Don't just take our word for it. Here are what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

  • "I've been using Magma Plus for three months, and I've never felt better. My energy levels are up, and I hardly ever get sick!" - Sarah J.
  • "As an athlete, I need something to help me recover and stay energized. Magma Plus has become a crucial part of my nutrition plan." - Mark R.
  • "I love that it's all-natural and packed with so many good things. It fits perfectly into my busy lifestyle." - Jessica T.

Research and Sources

Scientific studies support the benefits of many of the ingredients found in Magma Plus. Research shows that barley grass is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help improve health. Studies have also shown the benefits of ginseng, Echinacea, and other herbs in boosting energy and immunity.

Brand Information

Green Foods Corp., the company behind Magma Plus, has been in the health food business for many years. They are committed to providing high-quality, natural products that support a healthy lifestyle. Their gentle, temperature-controlled processing techniques ensure that the nutrients in Magma Plus remain intact and effective.

Are You Looking for Convenience When Consuming Fruits and Veggies?

If you're looking for a convenient, natural way to boost your energy and support your overall health, Magma Plus is an excellent choice. With its unique blend of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, it provides a multitude of nutrients in each serving. Try Magma Plus today and experience the benefits for yourself!

Buy Magma Plus Now!


Herbal supplement gingko biloba found to prevent cell death in thebrain, improve recovery from stroke

Date: March 19, 2019 02:48 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Herbal supplement gingko biloba found to prevent cell death in thebrain, improve recovery from stroke

Dr. Yun Xu is the head of the neurological department at Nanjing University, and he has made a breakthrough in the data supporting the herb ginkgo biloba and its neurological advantages to those who have suffered from ischemic strokes. By pairing ginkgo biloba with regular doses of Aspirin, Dr. Xu was able to measure the levels of cognitive ability among a large group of patients dealing with post-stroke difficulties. The results showed that those who had ginkgo biloba administered with their dose had improved memory function, attention, language, and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been discovered that one of the world’s oldest trees, gingko biloba, may be used to assist in stroke recovery and prevention of death of the brain cell.
  • The study was conducted in China and 348 participants were involved who had suffered from stroke. Some of the participants were given the plant while others were not given.
  • It was discovered that the participants who took the gingko biloba extracts with aspirin were better in neurological functions than those who did not take the plant extract.

"Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest living species of a tree native to China. It is known to have been used in traditional medicine and as a source of food. The leaves and the nuts of the tree have a high nutrient content, and is best known for its positive effects on the brain and nervous system."

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Ginkgo biloba shows potential value in the treatment of over 100diseases

Date: March 07, 2019 09:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginkgo biloba shows potential value in the treatment of over 100diseases

If you want to protect yourself against more than 100 different common diseases, there is one herb that should be a part of your daily life and that is Ginkgo Biloba. Studies have been conducted and the results prove that it is worth your time and effort in more ways than one because it has the ability to ward off migraines, ADD, and dozens upon dozens of other conditions that affect so many people today.

Key Takeaways:

  • The gingko biloba tree is called a “living fossil” due to the fact that it has no close living relatives and can be traced to the dinosaur age.
  • The gingko biloba tree can be used for longevity because the tree can live for up to 1,000 years and also, it can be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.
  • An analysis of the tree extract using 21 trials found that the tree can help those with mild cognitive impairment to improve their thinking.

"The ginkgo biloba tree might not give off the most pleasant smell, but hiding beneath its rancid odor is the power to heal more than 100 different diseases."

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Herbs For Better Mood and Mental Health

Date: September 21, 2016 03:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Herbs For Better Mood and Mental Health

Bad moods occurs to even the best of us. When one is in a bad mood, their feelings spiral out of control and emotions run wide. Feelings of unworthiness and isolation can occur. Fortunately, meditation is not the only solution for bad moods. Natural herbal remedies also help to improve mood. Below is a list of herbs that you should consider taking next time you want to fight bad moods. If one does not work for you, another in the list might work miracles.

  • -Lavender.
  • -St. John’s wort.
  • -gingko biloba.
  • -Valerian.
  • -Sam-e.
  • -Rhodiola rosea.
  • -Saffron.
  • -Kava.
  • -Skullcap.
  • -Passion flower.
  • -Mulungu bark.
  • -Bacopa.
  • -Mucuna pruriens.
  • -5-HTP

Each herb listed above can calm and ease a stressed mind,  gently improving mood with out side effects.



Ginkgo Biloba A Modular Solution To Boosting Memory.

Date: August 04, 2014 08:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginkgo Biloba A Modular Solution To Boosting Memory.

ginsengMemory Loss

Memory loss occurs when one loses the ability to remember information and events that you would normally be able to recall. It is usually distressing for the person affected and the family members.

gingko Biloba Benefits

Ginkgo biloba is effective for memory aid as it improves blood flow to the brain. It can help with memory problems caused by dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It helps to prevent the progression of dementia symptoms. It also helps in the improvement in cognitive function. Taking ginkgo biloba leaf extract by mouth seems to improve thinking skills in elderly people with mild moderate age related memory loss or thinking problems. It improves short-term visual memory and speed of mental processing in non-demented people with age related memory loss and it can improve memory and speed of mental processing in people without memory loss.

Ingredients of gingko Biloba

The active ingredients in ginkgo biloba are ginkgolides, bilobalides and flavonoids. It works by delaying the symptoms of dementia. Adding ginkgo biloba supplements may help battle cognitive impairments and memory loss associated with dementia since it encourages the growth and development of neural stem cells. It protects the neurons from oxidative damage by potentially preventing the progression of tissue generation in patients suffering from dementia. Ginkgo biloba extracts promotes growth in brain regions.

Due to its benefit of boosting memory, most doctors prescribe ginkgo biloba as the treatment choice for dementia and for age related memory dysfunction. It has been approved for symptomatic treatment of deficits in memory impairment, concentration difficulties and depression from organic brain disease. In conclusion, it is evident that ginkgo biloba extracts helps to stabilize and improve memory loss in several measures of social functioning and cognitive functioning in mixed or vascular dementia patients and Alzheimer's Disease. It might also improve memory and speed of mental processing in people without memory loss.


Can Ginseng Boost Your Energy Safely?

Date: October 05, 2011 04:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Ginseng Boost Your Energy Safely?

Ginseng is a slow - growing perennial plant in which its roots are fleshy which are commonly used as dietary supplement and beverage. This plant is a member of the genus known as Panax of the family of Araliaceae. It grows abundantly in the eastern part of Asia where the climate is cool specifically in Korea, northern China and east region of Siberia. There are many species of ginseng in which they are named according to where they are discovered. What is common among these ginseng species is its property as an adaptogen.

Ginseng is an herb which is considered as an adaptogen. This classification of chemicals improves the body’s resistance to physical exhaustion and external stress. In fact, for almost twenty centuries, Ginseng has been commonly used as a natural dietary supplement to boost vitality and endurance. The mechanism is that cellular energy is produced in the cell’s powerhouse called mitochondria which turn nutrients into usable energy called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and Creatine Phosphate (CP). However, when we are under stressful situations, the body produces hormones which can alter the ability of the mitochondria to produce ATP and CP. Thus, energy levels are also reduced. Eventually, adaptogenic substances plays a critical role in improving the cell’s production of ATP and CP by allowing the body to deliver more oxygen to cells while greatly reducing oxidative damage affecting the mitochondria of the cells.

Not to mention, ginseng also has ginsenosides which are considered to effectively control the release of stress hormones such us cortisol and noradrenalin, thus, preventing chronic stress which can greatly affect one’s energy level. Studies show that ginseng also relaxes the blood vessels thereby improving circulation and delivery of oxygen to the cells of the body. Clinical research reveals that ginseng has the high potential to improve performance of athletes. It can boost stamina.

Other benefits of Ginseng are that it can serve as a nourishing stimulant to improve depression and as adjunct treatment for Diabetes Mellitus Type II. It can also be employed as a support agent for the improvement of sexual dysfunction among men.

The fleshy root of Ginseng is available in the market in dried form which may be whole, sliced, minced or semi – granule form. These ginseng products are often found in many energy drinks, teas, health drinks, food additives and energy – boosting supplements. Other commercial products which contain ginseng are also common such as shampoos, conditioners, skin moisturizers, soaps and even cosmetic items. This is for the reason that ginseng can effectively delay the ageing process and improve the health of the cells and tissues. Ginseng also has the ability to enhance memory, reduce mental fatigue and improve the health of the immune system. To note, ginseng combined with gingko biloba can considerably stimulate memory among middle – aged individuals.

Ginseng is generally safe to use for any ages. In fact, this herb is widely used as day – to – day beverage among many people in Asia especially in Korea. However, if you are planning to undergo supplementation, it would be best that you should seek medical advice first.


What Herbs Help Vision and Eye Support

Date: August 26, 2011 12:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Herbs Help Vision and Eye Support

“The eye is the window to your soul; it is the part that makes you whole” this old saying merely suggest how important our eyes are for our daily living. It is very difficult to live a life without our eyes and it is very hard to appreciate the beauty of our surroundings without having a glance of it. Because our eyes are the only part of the body that allow us to see and visualize things, we have to strive and do our best to keep it healthy because if we don’t, It will be a very big loss on our part to lose our ability to see the wonderful things around us.

Life would be definitely much easier if you have no problems with your vision. It is really best if you are able to see at close or from a far without causing any strain on your eyes. However, we could never achieve good eyesight if we will not take any measures or regimen that will help us grasp better eye health. Hence, to achieve better vision, let me introduce to you the following herbs that are already proven to be beneficial in maintaining the health of your eyes.

Mahonia Grape Extract

Extract from mahonia grape is very effectual in addressing eye problems brought about by sun exposure. The herb contains vital properties that can strengthen your retina thus improving the general condition of your eyes.


Although the herb bilberry is not a very popular herb, it can never be denied that this herb is very rich with potent antioxidants that can help shield your retina from injurious elements. Because of the herb’s capacity to protect your retina, clarity of your vision will be greatly improved.


Bilwa is an esteemed herb for conjunctivitis and sties. The herb is commonly used in treating eye pain due to the vital healing properties that it contains.

Ginkgo Biloba

gingko biloba is truly a wonder herb because of the array of health benefits it could offer the human body. gingko biloba intake will facilitate better blood flow to your eyes hence supplying the cells of your eyes with enough supply of oxygen and nutrients needed for better vision.

Passion flower

Passion flower is another useful herb for the eyes. This herb can help you improve visual acuity hence will enable you to read without causing eyestrain even if the light is dim. Passion flower also helps in relaxing the blood vessels of your eyes thus enables you see things well.


Aspalathlus is one of the healing herbs for your eyes that contain liberal amounts of antioxidants that can greatly improve the general condition of your eyes.

Goldenseal Root

The goldenseal is another important herb that can help you get rid of eye irritation and inflammation. By taking this herb, you will be able to grasp its healing and soothing properties that can help you address eye problems.

These seven herbs mentioned are truly nature’s gift for your eyes. If you want your eyes to be always healthy and able to function as it should then taking essential herbs would be of great help.


Ginkgo Biloba

Date: October 01, 2009 11:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginkgo Biloba

In the past decade, ginkgo has received much attention. It has been revered throughout China and other areas of Asia for thousands of years. However, its popularity increased in Western countries. An increase in sales can be attributed to interest in the benefits of ginkgo on conditions that are associated with aging like Alzheimer’s, memory loss, dementia, and circulatory disorders. Often, gingko is used to increase the blood flow to the brain, which improves memory problems like Alzheimer’s, to prevent strokes, and to increase blood circulation through vasodialation. The improved circulation is also thought to improve ear conditions, help blood flow to the retina, aid in preventing muscular degeneration, reduce frequency of asthma attacks, and help transplant recipients avoid rejection.

The ability of ginkgo to boost brain function has been studied extensively. Most importantly, ginkgo increases oxygen supply to brain cells, as the brain is the body’s most sensitive organ to oxygen deprivation. Additionally, ginkgo has been used to improve electrical transmission in nerves and supply more oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. The effect that ginkgo has on the brain and circulatory system disorders seems to be extremely promising for a variety of conditions. Ginkgo has also been found to be effective in treating migraine headaches. In one study that took place in 1975, ginkgo extract was given to individuals who were suffering from migraines. Results concluded that eighty percent of the patients showed improvement or were cured of the condition.

Ginkgo extract has also helped dementia that results from poor blood flow to the brain. Senile dementia is often recognized by depression, unusual fatigue, and memory problems. Ginkgo has the ability to help improve circulation to the brain tissue, which in turn improves brain function.

Blood platelet aggregation, or clotting, can cause serious problems in the body. Among these are strokes, heart attacks, and coronary thrombosis. It has been found that ginkgo can reduce the tendency for platelets to stick together and prevent them from forming clots in the arteries and veins.

The brain and nervous system are extremely sensitive to free-radical damage because of the high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids. It has been found that ginkgo’s antioxidant activity is particularly powerful in these areas, along with the eye and retina. This is extremely helpful in conditions like retinopathy, cataracts and macular degeneration. The central nervous system possesses fat lipids in the cell membranes that are typically attracted by free radicals. Ginkgo can help protect these cell membranes and prevent condition which can occur in the brain and nervous system that are often associated with aging, like memory loss.

The leaves of the ginkgo plant are used to provide adaptogen, alterative, antioxidant, antiseptic, and stimulant properties. Primarily, ginkgo is extremely helpful in treating ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, lack of attention span, blood clots, cardiovascular disorders, poor circulation, dementia, dizziness, edema, impotence, inflammation, ischemia, memory loss, lack of mental clarity, multiple sclerosis, muscular degeneration, PMS, Raynaud’s disease, senility, stress, stroke, and tinnitus.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with allergies, angina, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, coughs, depression, lack of equilibrium, eye problems, hearing problems, hemorrhoids, lung disorders, migraines, mood swings, toxic shock syndrome, transplant rejection, varicose veins, vascular problems, and vertigo.


Natural Supplements Like Fish Oils And Phosphatidylserine Can Boost Memory

Date: January 14, 2008 03:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Supplements Like Fish Oils And Phosphatidylserine Can Boost Memory

We often think of our brain as being different from other organs, but the brain undergoes changes over time, just like the heart. Up until recently, brain aging and everything that goes along with it was associated with neuron failure. Actually, brain neurons do not undergo massive die-off with age. Although some neurons are lost, the brain continues to grow new ones, though at a slower pace. Decreasing cognitive function is now believed to start as early as one's late thirties, which is the result of a lowered vascular function for oxygen and nutrient supply, increased oxidative stress, and decreased production of neurotransmitters. Other issues impact memory too such as normal aging, emotional trauma, alcoholism, depression, seizures, dementias, stroke, neurodegenerative illnesses, and obesity. All of these can lead to devastating changes in mood and memory. Additionally, it is widely known that the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs can severely impact skills that involve brain functions.

Researchers believe that losing one's memory is not a requirement of aging. The human brain is like skeletal muscle: the more you exercise the mind the more efficient it becomes. Additionally, providing the mind with the right nutrients and protective antioxidants is absolutely necessary. For many years, gingko biloba was the most well known dietary supplement for increasing cognitive function. Although a lot of physiological functions have been suggested, the improved blood microcirculation is the most important benefit of gingko. gingko contains a number of beneficial plant compounds called flavonoids which support enhanced blood flow to the brain. This increased circulation helps combat a lot of the age-related memory issues that occur.

gingko extract positively enhances short-term memory, sociability, mood and thinking ability. The herb also offers antioxidant benefits that can protect brain cells from free radical damage. Other compounds that have proved them selves to have benefits include phosphatidylserine. This phospholipid plays a critical role in maintaining optimal mental performance. Acetyl L-carnitine supports the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is a key compound that is needed for brain and nerve function. Acetylcholine facilitates memory function and learning and also influences emotions. It also has been shown to be a highly valuable antioxidant and supports the health of brain cells. Studies have found curcumin to potently protect brain cells from damage. Curcumin is best known for its anti-inflammatory effects and its antioxidant ability. Further antioxidant protection can be found in a diet full of fruits and vegetables.

Few, if any, nutrients have been proven truly effect in fighting Alzheimer's disease. However, phosphatidylserine can help individuals with noticeable memory loss and it is 100 percent safe. Anyone with any degree of memory impairment should take this supplement for at least a few months to see what degree of improvement can be experienced. It has also been found that people with a regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids from seafood do not develop Alzheimer's disease to the same extent as those who do not eat fish. Supplementing with the DHA can help to reduce the risk of and/or improve memory loss.

It's never too late to start thinking about how you can support and maintain healthy cognitive function. Since free radical damage is a major factor in reduced cognitive ability, supporting the health of the neurons and enhancing our antioxidant capacity to fight the effects of free radical damage can have beneficial effects on people of any age. It is crucial for us to focus on nutritional factors that can support our thinking ability over the long-term as we age.

Vitanet;reg&, LLC ®


Your Cells Supercharge Your Cells

Date: December 20, 2005 11:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Your Cells Supercharge Your Cells

Your Cells Supercharge Your Cells

The differences between aging and growing old are poles apart. Sure, they may sound similar in nature. But when you think about it, the two are as different as night and day. Growing old is about retirement and travel and enjoying what you’ve worked an entire life for. Aging, on the other hand, summons images of wrinkled skin, brittle joints, cloudy minds and medicine cabinets full of prescriptions. It’s safe to assume that the majority of us want to look, live, and feel better as we grow old. Not the opposite. Many of us are on the right track - committed to a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a well-balanced diet. And yes, these do serve as a solid foundation for good health during our golden years. It is our cells, however, that ultimately determine who grows old, and who just ages.

Still, slowing the proverbial hands of time is not all about health clubs and organic produce. If you want to grow old gracefully, you must nurture the ten trillion cells that defi ne you physically. Why? Because these cells are constantly under attack by free radicals - unstable molecules that either lack, or have an unpaired number of electrons. They scour the body in search of stable cells, and do whatever they can to rob them of their electrons, a process more formally known as oxidation. Considering that it’s environmentally impossible to completely avoid contact with the billions of airborne toxins that cause free radicals, the only other option is to safeguard your healthy cells. Making the commitment to a healthy lifestyle is the fi rst step in the process, and can be accomplished by eating healthier foods, exercising on a regular basis, and paying close attention to what you are exposed to environmentally.

The next step is to nourish and protect your cells. The best way to do this is to consume foods that are rich in antioxidants and other cell-friendly nutrients. Unfortunately, this task is often much easier said than done. Today’s average adult is busier than ever, making it far more diffi cult to consume fresh, unprocessed meals 100% of the time. This does not, however, imply that all hope is lost. Over the years, the nutritional sciences have made stunning advances that afford you the opportunity to live your life while still safeguarding the integrity of your most basic building blocks. Here are a few of the best.


Antioxidants work at the cellular level to paralyze the free radicals that cause oxidation throughout the body. Some of today’s most popular nutrients and dietary supplements fall into this category. They include vitamins A, E, and C, Selenium, Zinc, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Lycopene, Lutein, CoQ10, in addition to a host of others. And though similar in function, each of these free radical fi ghters has a unique role within the body.

Take CoQ10 for example. It’s present in every cell of the body, and is especially important for cardiovascular support. Lutein has been used extensively to prevent oxidation in the macular regions of the eyes. Zinc is a powerful immune system booster that has become extremely popular during cold and fl u season. Alpha Lipoic Acid is both fat and water soluble, and is commonly referred to as the “universal” antioxidant based on its ability to quench free radicals anywhere in the body.

Immune Boosting Herbs

Herbs such as Astragalus, Olive Leaf, Rhodiola, Echinacea, Panax Ginseng and Ashwaganda have been used for centuries to help support healthy cells and strong, responsive immune systems. They’ve also been shown to exhibit natural synergistic effects when used together. Today, they remain one of the most popular ways to naturally promote all-around wellbeing. When it comes to supporting healthy cells, NOW is pleased to offer one of the best selections of antioxidants, herbs and immune support formulas. Be sure to look for these and other great products at fi ne health food retailers, nationwide.*


OPCs (proanthocyanidins) are high-powered polyphenol antioxidants that belong to the fl avonoid family. Grape seed extract, pine bark extracts such as pycnogenol and enzogenol, bilberry, gingko biloba, resveratrol and others all fall into this category. Research continues to suggest that OPCs work in the same manner that traditional antioxidants do, however their ability to eradicate free radicals is much greater and more versatile. Equally appealing, OPCs can easily cross the blood barrier of the brain to help protect brain and neural tissues from the damage caused by oxidative stress.

Mushroom Extracts

Throughout history, many civilizations have relied on organic mushroom extracts to encourage wellness. What we know now is that mushrooms such as Shiitake, Maitake, Reishi and others are rich in 1,3 Beta-glucans - soluble fi ber compounds that help support both innate and adaptive immunity. In addition, the active compounds in some mushrooms have been shown to stimulate the production of microphages, T cells, and other natural killer cells. These biological warriors serve at the front line when it comes to responding to bacterial attacks. They are of immeasurable value to the immune system, though drastically lacking in today’s average diet. In just the past few years, more and more healthconscious individuals have learned fi rst-hand how benefi cial they can be in the preservation of healthy cells.

Boost immune system at Vitanet ®


Herbal Forms

Date: June 25, 2005 10:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Herbal Forms

Herbal Forms

Extract: An extract made from ginkgo leaves is available in Europe and is used for cerebral arteriosclerosis in peripheral circulatory disorders of the elderly.

Tincture: Ginkgo tincture is often combined with other herbs such as periwinkle and used for circulatory problems and venous disorders.

Infusion: Infusions of ginkgo are used for arteriosclerosis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Capsules: Powd e red forms of ginkgo can be used to enhance brain function and memory.

Storage: Keep in a dark container in a cool, dry environment.

Regulatory Stauts:
U.S.: none
U.K.: none
Canada: none
France: over-the-counter drug status
Germany: over-the counter drug status

Recommended Usage: Ginkgo should be taken in normal dosages and, if possible, at the same times eve ry day. In the case of ginkgo, taking it consistently for 12 weeks is recommended. Although injections of gingko have sometimes been used, oral ingestion of a tablet or capsule is therapeutically effective. More advanced p reparations of ginkgo make it possible to obtain higher concentrations of flavoglycosides in smaller amounts of extract.

Safety: Ginkgo extracted from the leaves of the ginkgo tree is considered nontoxic and is virtually without side-effects. It can be safely used with other supplements without interaction and has no reported toxicity. In rare cases, some gastric upset or incidence of headache or skin rash have occurred, which may indicate that the individual is allergic to the substance. The fruit pulp of ginkgo can produce seve re contact dermatitis and other allergic reactions. The leaf extract of ginkgo is usually the only form that is available and is extremely safe.


Are Standardized Herbs Better?

Date: June 17, 2005 12:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are Standardized Herbs Better?

Are Standardized Herbs Better?

Standardized is a term to mean that there is a guaranteed amount of a certain botanical constituent. For example St. John's Wort can be standardized to contain hypercin, gingko can be standardized to contain flavones, Mahuang for ephedrine, and Milk Thistle for its silymarin content. Standardized does not necessarily mean stronger or better. Chemical solvents such as hexane benzene, acetone, and methyl chloride are typically used in standardized extracts. Residues of the chemicals are found in the finished product. Furthermore they may be hazardous to the environment.

The problem with obtaining an amount of a standard constituent is, a plant can contain hundreds of active constituents. By concentrating on one component, we may lose synergistic compounds, which may improve effectiveness and lessen adverse reactions. Often scientists do not fully understand which constituents are beneficial for the clinical results of an herb. For example scientists are unclear whether or not hypercerin, hyperiform, or the interaction of several constituents, that have antidepressant properties in St. John's Wort. Once it was thought that the immune effects of Echinacea were due to echinosides; now it is thought that polysaccharides and proteins may also be immune supporting. In the case of ginseng, ginsenosides are found in ginseng leaves and roots, however ginseng leaves do not have same properties as the roots. In the South Pacific, locals all use Kava Kava roots, however German pharmaceutical companies use the stems to make standardized Kava Kava. Another drawback of standardized herbs is the chemicals used to manufacture them.

Advocates of standardized herbs are usually academics with little clinical experience with herbs, or researchers whose work is funded by companies that manufacture standardized products. Traditional herbalists seldom used standardized products for a variety of reasons. One, standardized extracts tend to be more expensive. Two, there is little evidence that they are more effective than the whole herb. For example, I have never seen studies comparing gingko tea to standardized gingko extracts; Ginseng standardized extracts have not been shown superior to whole ginseng root. Finally, many herbalists reject the pharmaceutical model of healthcare, which involves costly production techniques and capital investment to make a standardized extract.

Standardized herbs play a role in the drug model of herbal medicine, however traditional herbalists will continue to recommend herbs in more natural state which may include water and alcohol extracts, teas and pills that have not been standardized. (Factors that influence products quality include weather, soil, the time of year the plant is harvested, the age of the plant, the part of the plant being used, and the DNA of the plant, storage and processing.) You can also blend various batches of herbs to achieve a consistent potency; this is commonly done in the wine making industry. Finally you can add an active compound (synthesized) to an herbal product and the DNA of the plant, storage and processing.) The purpose of this article is not to condemn standardized herbs. It may be a good idea to remember that this form of herbal preparation is just one of many forms.

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