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What are the best food sources of vitamin K? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 02, 2019 02:08 PM
Vitamins, Minerals and Health, oh my! In recent years, the usage of more uncommon vitamins has been promptly on display. Have you ever wondered just exactly what Vitamin K does? Look no further. Zoey Sky has outlined what this particular vitamin does, why it is important for you and gives a few brief warnings on when not to take this. Along with these helpful tips, she has provided a few foods in which Vitamin K is most prevalent, their vitamin count and additional vitamins they may contain. Key Takeaways:
"Following a healthy diet offers many benefits, such as improved overall physical and mental well-being." Read more:
( Want to get enough vitamin D? Try supplements or sunshine ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 27, 2018 09:53 AM
If you are a person that lacks in Vitamin D, there are a couple supplements OR all natural ways to help. According to the US Preventive Services Task Force, Vitamin D supplements are ineffective in preventing cardiovascular disease or cancer. In fact, some supplements may take up to years to see a results. An easier way to help increase Vitamin D, is to simply lay in the sun. Vitamin D is actually a hormone that resides in our skin and is triggered by the sun's radiation. Key Takeaways:
"By the end of 2017, we’ll know who got vitamin D and who got the placebo, and whether the vitamin D group had lower rates of those health problems than the placebo group." Read more:
( This Natural Recipe Will Help You To Cleanse Your Lungs, Prevent Colds And Flu!! ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 29, 2017 12:14 PM
Cold and flu season is the time of the year where everyone is stocking up on vitamin C and zinc in the hopes of dodging this bullet. Unfortunately, the changing of the seasons makes it difficult to avoid the occasional bout of sickness. If you want another weapon in your cold-fighting arsenal then watch this video to get information on a drink that helps cleanse the lungs and prevent colds. This natural drink is inexpensive and has been long been used to cleanse and protect the lungs. Takeaways:
"Drinking a citrus juice in the morning is an excellent way to help remove toxins, mucus and fat accumulated in the body."
( What eating too much salt does to your body ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 19, 2017 01:44 PM
Salt is good for you in the right quantities but having too much is not healthy at all. Salt is hidden in many foods as well. You have to watch for it. This explains exactly what will happen if too much is consumed so that you can be more aware of it. Key Takeaways:
"While sodium is needed to carry out normal bodily functions, there is such a thing as overdoing it – and adding it to your cooking, shaking it habitually onto your potatoes or snubbing the warnings on supermarket packaging can come with a price." Reference:
( Shocking experiments show how much damage energy drinks do to your teeth ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 14, 2017 08:59 AM
Energy drinks are used and enjoyed by many people, but it seems the dangers of doing this keep getting worse. New evidence suggests that energy drinks rot your teeth and the results of a recent study show what happens when the drinks are consumed on a regular basis. Are you interested to know what energy drinks can do to your teeth? Should you discontinue use of these drinks now that this evidence is out and about? Key Takeaways:
"The tooth that had been placed in the energy drink showed that the enamel, which is the hard coating that protects the dentine underneath, had begun to crumble away." Read more:
( These Are the Drugs That Cause the Most Overdose Deaths ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 02, 2017 08:19 AM
A new report has shown that the number of deaths caused by an overdose of Fentanyl has doubled in a single year. The Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings and guidelines to combat the rising epidemic that has effected more than 1.9 million people since 2013. While Heroin is the most dangerous and addictive drug, causing over 10,000 deaths per year, Fentanyl is on the rise. Key Takeaways:
"Drug overdoses killed 50,000 Americans last year." Reference:
( "Fake" olive oil warnings don't tell the real story: In truth, popular olive oil products are "real" oils which are oxidized, rancid or cut with cheaper oils ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 13, 2016 02:59 PM
Like cooking with olive oil? You won't believe the real story behind these 8 popular brands! A food scientist explains new data from UC Davis that shows the heavy processing olive oil goes through between tree and table. Learn the secrets behind one of America's most popular cooking oils. And find out where you can get real, delicious olive oil, thanks to Natural News! Key Takeaways:
"As a forensic food scientist and lab science director, I wanted to get to the bottom of this “fake olive oil” news, so I went right to the source:The “Evaluation of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Sold in California” report from the UC Davis Olive Center." Reference:
( Many Kids Still Eating Too Much Salt ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 18, 2016 03:04 PM
are you monitoring the foods that your children are eating? Chances are the foods they're consuming contain too much salt. New reports indicate that depsite the warnings, kids are eating too much salt. It is time to take a stand against sodium on your kid's plate and this information is a great place to start. Key Takeaways:
"Foods bought at grocery stores provided 58 percent of children's daily salt intake. Fast-food and pizza contributed 16 percent, and school cafeterias 10 percent, according to the study." Reference:
( FDA Steps Up Warnings for Testosterone ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 02, 2016 03:49 PM
Testosterone and other steroid drugs can cause heart attacks, personality changes and infertility. The FDA also warned that people abusing high doses of testosterone have reported withdrawal symptoms such as depression, irritability, decreased libido, insomnia and others. Testosterone is not approved for treating the effects of aging. Anabolic steroids are synthetic variations of testosterone. These are prescribed to treat conditions such as delayed puberty and diseases that cause muscle loss like cancer or AIDS. Key Takeaways:
"They are legally prescribed to treat conditions such as delayed puberty and diseases that cause muscle loss, such as cancer or AIDS." Reference:
( The Ox Bile Extracts Guide - Why You Need it and Top 5 Health Benefits ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 22, 2012 11:38 AM
No matter how healthy your diet is or how fit you are, if you are have digestion problems that are wrecking your health and disrupting your regular activities, then you might be in urgent need of some ox bile extracts.
Ox Bile Extracts or Beef Bile Supplements are a combination of bile salts and bile acids that enhance or intensify the production of bile in the digestive system. It is produced from a source of cattle and dried in the freezer at high vacuum or 'lyophilized'. The next step is powdering it and packaging it into pills which are easily available online and in supplement shops. The bile from oxen resembles the bile which is produced in our bodies naturally in its chemical structure. That is why ox bile has been successfully proven to replicate and augment the production of bile in the human liver for faster and better food breakdown and nutrient absorption. Now, you might be forced to ask - why do we need Ox Bile supplements at all? Bile helps the body beak down fats! First off - bile is a very important constituent of our digestive system. The liver excretes it; after which the gall bladder stores it till we eat food. Then, the bile does its vital job of breaking down the food particles (bile salts attack the cholesterol and other fatty food constituents to break them down) and aiding in the absorption of lipids or fats. What happens when your gall bladder is removed surgically? Or why is animal-derived bile needed, anyway? Aging causes our digestive processes to slow down. The secretion of bile is affected as well. You might believe you're healthy as a horse but if you are prone to symptoms like :
You are very likely to be suffering from a lack of digestive enzymes in your body and you need artificial ones to help you get your digestive system in order again.
And if have had a gall bladder removed by surgery, then you must know just HOW crucial these digestive enzymes are to your natural digestive system.
Top 5 Benefits of Ox Bile Extracts
A warning here - some people using the ox bile extracts have had certain allergic reactions to it like nausea, diarrhea and an upset stomach. This usually happens as a result of increasing the dosage. For the most part, 99% of the people who consume digestive enzymes do not experience any negative side effects.
( stroke, what is it? ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 28, 2010 03:05 PM
A stroke occurs when a clot forms inside an artery that blocks the flow of blood to the brain. This is also called a thrombus. Embolism, which is a wandering clot, is carried in the bloodstream until it wedges in one of the arteries that lead to the brain. Aneurysms are blood-filled pouches that balloon out from weak spots in the artery wall and burst. A hemorrhage results when a defective artery in the brain that bursts, flooding the surrounding tissue with blood. A mild attack can lead to temporary confusion and light-headedness, along with difficulty in speaking clearly, weakness on one side of the body, visual dimness and confusion, severe speech difficulties, and/or sudden or gradual loss or blurring of consciousness. Additionally, amnesia can occur, but it is not typically permanent. A coma can even result for short or long periods. It is important to watch for early warnings of stroke. Although they may only last a few moments, early warnings include fainting, stumbling, numbness or paralysis of the fingers of one hand, blurring of vision, seeing bright lights, and loss of speech or memory. It is much wiser and significantly less expensive to start improving health in order to prevent this disease. Some doctors who have treated thousands of people suffering from stroke believe that most strokes can typically be prevented. The Chinese often view strokes as being caused by blood stasis and stagnation of the liver. Chinese medical practitioners attempt to prevent strokes and treat them by treating constipation. Constipation causes a poisoned bloodstream, setting the stage for a possible stroke. Poisoned blood flows through thousands of miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries. The walls of the arteries are made up for cells, which are subject to the same injury from toxins as the cells in the kidneys. The kidneys degenerate at the same time that the arteries do and even from the same causes. When the walls thicken and harden, degeneration results. As they harden they become more brittle, causing them to burst more easily under pressure. Pressure increases as the hole through the arteries grows smaller. AS the walls become more brittle, the extra pressure causes the blood pressure to rupture. This, in turn, causes a stroke. The brain cells rely primarily on oxygen-rich blood in order to get nourishment. If they don’t receive this nourishment, the brain cells will die. Other causes of this are poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, and smoking. Emotional health is an essential part to any healing. Strokes are often associated with resistance to change, giving up on life, and getting tired of doing all the same things over and over. It is important that we learn to accept changes and are able to go with the flow of life. Life can be exciting. Changes provide us with a new perspective on living. Some herbs and supplements have been used to help as a preventative. These include vitamin E, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, garlic, evening primrose oil, lecithin, chlorophyll, flaxseed oil, and germanium. For additional information on any of these, please contact a representative from your local health food store.
( Herbs And Herbal Remedies Are Safe Foods ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 30, 2008 10:57 AM
A lot of people are just learning about herbs and have a lot of fear that if you tell someone about an herb they might overdose. No body wants to accidently hurt someone, but we must remember that herbs are food. So the real question is can we overdose with food and what is that in relation to a chemical overdose. Everyone should read the label on anything they put into their mouths so that they are responsible for their bodies. If we put something into our body, we are responsible for whatever action takes place. A chemical drug overdose is extremely dangerous. There are warnings on bottles to keep them away from children and elderly people. Overdosing also includes the problem of mixing drugs, which causes serious problems. One should be sure to ask their pharmacist about the bad side affects of any drug he or she takes. The overdose of chemicals or drugs into the human body is undoubtedly dangerous and potentially fatal. An overdose of herbs or food often causes an allergic reaction to that specific food or herb. From an herb standpoint, there are occasionally people who are allergic to a specific herb, which is why it is recommended that one starts on any herb at a very low dosage and then slowly builds up to the needed level. An overdose on herbs does not put the body into a life threatening situation. Rather, the body normalizes itself because it is simply dealing with a food. The other situation that an overdose of herbs can cause is diarrhea, which is not a health problem unless it occurs over several days. Anyone who begins an herbal program and gets diarrhea should consult an herbalist, who will reduce the intake of those herbs that have a cleansing action on the body or colon. One can see that the overdose of an herb as compared to the overdose of chemicals is at opposite ends of the spectrum, with one being naturally cleansing and the being life threatening. It is hoped that this knowledge motivates all of us to think of herbs as foods and not medicines. If we’re going to keep herbs out of the hands of drug companies, the fact that herbs are food must be stressed. Recent herb companies and long standing herbalists have upsettingly announced the fact that they are taking herbs to the doctors and the scientific world, taking them from the housewife who knows and uses them best.
Food or herbs can be toxic or dangerous, but not as much so as man-made chemicals. We must have the wisdom to choose foods or herbs that are not poisonous. Herbs and foods were created by nature to be safe for all people. Where as man-made chemicals are dangerous to all. One must use moderation in all things, as an overdose of herbs causes an allergic reaction that could be avoided with a little wisdom. Anyone eating any herb for the first time should begin at a low dosage and watch the bodily reaction for a couple of days. If not heavy cleansing of allergic reaction is felt, than more can be eaten.
( Echinacea Purpurea Root ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 17, 2008 06:38 PM
There are nine known species of Echinacea native to the United States and southern Canada. The most commonly used and most potent of them is Echinacea purpurea. Other common names for Echinacea are purple coneflower, American coneflower and coneflower. The plants contain large heads of flowers that bloom in early to late summer. In North America, Native Americans used Echinacea more than any other herb for its healing properties. For Europeans and Americans, it was believed to aid in curing Anthrax and snakebites as well as contain antimicrobial properties. Echinacea is well known for its abilities to boost the immune system and to help fight infections. It is also widely used to prevent infections, colds and the flu. In lesser known medicinal practices, it is used to treat wounds and such skin problems as acne and boils. Some studies have shown that Echinacea has been effective in treating upper respiratory infections. The whole Echinacea plant is used for treating various indications. Fresh or dried, the plant and roots are used to make teas, extracts, juices or external salves, creams and ointments. As a general rule, the fresh-pressed juice of the Echinacea plant is most effective in treating colds in children. In adults, both the root and herb in combination are most effective. When taken at the first signs of a cold, Echinacea has been found to reduce the length and severity of cold symptoms. Be aware that Echinacea is not a one-dose fix-it remedy. Begin taking recommended doses at the first signs of a cold. Subsequent doses should be taken regularly, according to the product label, until all symptoms have disappeared. Unfortunately, many herbal preparations can vary in effectiveness due to a lack of systematic extraction and refining. It is best to research the manufacturers of herbal products to find out how they cultivate and store their herbs. Their methods will cause the chemical compositions to vary greatly. The different parts of the plant that are used vary widely in their chemical makeup as well. One part may be extremely useful as an antimicrobial, while another may stimulate stronger reactions from the immune system. Other factors that may affect the quality of the product you purchase are: * Species * Plant part * Extraction method * Contamination * Adulteration Side Effects and warnings: When taken orally (by mouth), Echinacea usually does not produce any side effects. In rare cases, some people have experienced allergic reactions and side effects that include: * Rashes or dermatitis * Pruritus (itching) * An increase in asthma symptoms * Anaphylaxis (life threatening allergic reaction) * Hepatoxicity * Nausea * Dizziness * Dyspnea (difficulty breathing) All of these symptoms tend to be mild and infrequent. If you suffer from asthma symptoms, you should probably avoid using echinacea. In most cases the most common side effects are gastrointestinal in nature, such as gas or mild cramping. People are much more likely to experience side effects if they are allergic to other plants in the daisy family. These plants include: * Ragweed * Chrysanthemums * Marigolds * Daisies Use of Echinacea in children younger than 12 years is not recommended due to lack of sufficient data to support safety. It is also not recommended for use in pregnant or nursing women. Echinacea should not be used if you have progressive systematic or auto-immune disorders, connective tissue disorders or other diseases that may be related to these. It should not be taken if you are taking immune-suppressants and heap-toxic drugs. It may also interfere with anesthesia.
It is important to communicate with your health care providers. Be sure they are aware of any alternative herbs or other substances you are using and what their purpose is in your daily diet.
( Pain Relief ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 13, 2008 12:18 PM
DL-Phenylalanine has been found to work in conjunction with the body’s natural ability to relieve pain. It helps to lengthen the lifespan of the chemicals in the brain that ease pain. It is especially effective in relieving pain from arthritis and aching muscles. Some chronic pain can be treated with DL-phenylalanine through the stimulation of nerve pathways in the brain that control pain. Enhanced pain relief has been discovered when D-phenylalanine is used in conjunction with prescribed pain killers. This manufactured form of phenylalanine is used to block an enzyme in the nervous system that increases pain signals. The interruption of pain signals allows the healing mechanisms of the body to begin working faster. DL-Phenylalanine is a chemical combination of half L-phenylalanine and half D-phenylalanine. L-Phenylalanine is the natural form of phenylalanine found in proteins all over the body. It is found in foods like beef, poultry, pork, fish, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, nuts, seeds and certain soy products. D-Phenylalanine is a synthesized form of the chemical, which means it is produced in a laboratory. Phenylalanine as an Amino Acid: Amino acids perform various major functions in the body. They assist in fulfilling the body’s basic needs from minerals and vitamins. They can act as neurotransmitters, which carry signals to and from the brain. They also aid in other parts of the body for communication between nerve cells. Phenylalanine is one of the essential amino acids found in protein. This means it is required for human health, but cannot be manufactured by the human body. Therefore it has to be supplied through food consumption. It can also be found and taken in the form of powder, capsule, tablet or a topical cream. In the body, phenylalanine is converted into tyrosine, which is another amino acid needed to make protein. It is also needed to make certain brain chemicals and thyroid hormones. Phenylalanine deficiency signs include:
* Confusion Phenylalanine warnings: A rare disorder called phenylketonuria (PKU) happens in humans who are missing the enzyme required to metabolize phenylalanine. Symptoms of this disorder tend to appear between the ages of 3-6 months. These include:
* Eczema If PKU is not treated within the first three weeks of life, it can cause severe and irreversible mental retardation. Women who are pregnant or nursing should avoid taking phenylalanine as a supplement in any form. DL-Phenylalanine may cause hyperactivity, jitteriness and anxiety in children. Phenylalanine is the major ingredient in the artificial sweetener known as aspartame. Products containing this sweetener are required by law to carry warnings on their labels for phenylketonurics. People who have PKU can be severely injured by ingesting the sweetener. Products containing this artificial sweetener include diet sodas, sugarless gums and some sugar substitutes. Some sugar-free versions of Jello, puddings, ice creams, candies and various other items also contain aspartame. Other Phenylalanine Uses: Some individuals have reported that taking DL-phenylalanine has improved their mood and aided in treating depression. This is the result of a higher rate of production of the brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine. These chemicals, when out of balance, cause depression, stress and frustration. Elevation of the levels of these chemicals have an anti-depressant effect in the body. One study suggests that D-phenylalanine has been shown to improve some symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease. These include: depression, rigidity, walking problems and speech problems. The combination of L-phenylalanine and UVA radiation may be used to treat the symptoms of vitiligo. This condition involves de-pigmentation (white patches) of skin. The use of L-phenylalanine may help to re-pigment these patches, but further study is necessary. DL-Phenylalanine has many uses and benefits if taken correctly. As with any new dietary supplement, consult your physician before beginning a new routine.
( Ester-E ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 07, 2008 09:40 AM
Vitamin E is a known natural supplement and antioxidant that helps support the immune and cardiovascular systems. It is created by a natural process so that you can receive the purest form available. It is formed when natural d-alpha tocopherol is combined with a phosphate molecule. This combination protects the potency of Vitamin E until your body needs it the most. Ester E is processed so that its natural benefits are preserved to give the body the most optimal benefit possible. This is why Ester E is the best form of Vitamin E available. Vitamin E is known to aid in the following actions:
* Preventing Alzheimer’s disease Vitamin E Food Sources:
* Nuts How Vitamin E Works: Manufacturers suggest that Ester E be taken along with a meal that includes some form of fat. This is because when fat is combined with Vitamin E, it is more readily absorbed. Since the supplement is fat soluble, this aids in delivery to the cells of the body. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient because the body cannot produce it on its own. If you are not ingesting the proper amounts of it in your daily diet, you need to take a supplement. It is important to remember that improper preparation, cooking and storage can result in the loss of Vitamin E from the food. Vitamin E is actually a combination of antioxidants, tocopherols and tocotrienols. Unfortunately, only alpha-tocopherol is actively maintained in the body. Therefore a supplement is needed to be sure the body is getting enough of the other ingredients that make up the complete Vitamin E. Why do we need Vitamin E? Part of its job is to protect Vitamin A and essential fatty acids from oxidation. When oxidation occurs in the cells, it breaks down body tissues. Vitamin E Benefits: Vitamin E has been found to aid in the prevention of heart disease. The oxidation of LDL cholesterol causes blockages in the coronary arteries. This often leads to atherosclerosis and heart attack. Vitamin E helps to prevent or at least delay these effects by limiting this oxidation. This has reduced the mortality rate due to coronary disease. In its complete form, Vitamin E may be effective in reducing the risk of breast cancer in women who are genetically predisposed. It is being tested for its effectiveness in not only reducing the incidence of breast cancer, but also in inhibiting breast cancer cell growth. Vitamin E is thought to protect the body against many forms of cancer due to its ability to increase immune system function. As an antioxidant, Vitamin E protects the body against the damaging effects of free radicals. These are believed to contribute to cancer cell production and the development of other chronic diseases. Vitamin E may also block formation of nitrosamines. These are carcinogens that form in the stomach from nitrites consumed through diet. Another possible benefit to optimal amounts of Vitamin E in the diet is the prevention of cataracts. The clarity of the lens of the eye contributes to the formation of cataracts, blindness and eye disease. Vitamin E is being found to aid in the prevention of eye problems in people of all ages. Vitamin E warnings: Vitamin E can produce harmful side effects if it is combined with certain medications. Consult your doctor before taking any dietary supplement to be sure it is safe for your use. When taken as a supplement in its complete form, Vitamin E is nutritive and helpful in maintaining good health. Be sure when purchasing Vitamin E supplements that you are using Ester E for optimal benefits.
( The Supreme Queen Of Fruits: Mangosteen ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 18, 2008 01:55 PM
Although the word "mangosteen" may sound a little foreign when first heard, or even made-up, it is said to offer many health benefits. This fruit is high in antioxidants and has been used in many applications including beverages, lotions, teas, pills, powders, supplements, extracts, and more. It is commonly referred to as the “Queen of Fruits” in native areas. Even though mangosteen shares the name “mango” with another fruit, is not related at all and is, in fact, in a category of its own. The mangosteen fruit is purplish-red on the exterior and rind, while the inside is white. Most people are familiar with the white part of the fruit, as it is used for nourishment. Although the place of origin of mangosteen is somewhat unknown, speculation usually focuses on Sunda Islands, Malaysia, Thailand, or Burma. The mangosteen plant can only be found growing commonly in a handful of places in the world, which includes certain places in the Philippines. Most of these places do not provide successful growth, making these plants extremely rare and hard to cultivate. The fleshy segments of the plant are eaten as a dessert, while the rind is extremely rich in pectin. The fruit’s pericup, which includes the rind and pulp, contains a huge supply of xanthones. These xanthones are a powerful family of antioxidants that help with minor muscle pain, immune system support, and intestinal health. In previous years, mangosteen has been used for a variety of different applications. It can be ground into an ointment which can be used on eczema and other skin disorders. The rind has also been used as a remedy for diarrhea. Additionally, extracts of the bark of the tree have been shown to help with dysentery and urinary disorders. Most of its health benefits have been shown to be in the actual rind of the fruit instead of the fruits fleshy pulp. Today, mangosteen is mostly used for its antioxidant support, while its ancient anecdotal benefits are supported by many scientific reviews found in alternative medicine products. Mangosteen based supplements are usually formulated so that they may provide better bioavialabity and absorption of the xanthones, which often deactivate free radicals before they are able to reek havoc on the body, keeping it out of harm’s way. Mangosteen can also be used in face creams or in conjunction with other fruit juices, such as noni and the lychee fruit, in order to produce maximum antioxidant power to boost health. These mangosteen juices or supplements are special because they are concentrated or standardized with the beneficial nutrient xanthones from the plant. Additionally, the xanthones can also provide anti-inflammatory benefits. They can do this even without the negative side effects that are usually seen in conventional medications. As of right now, there are no known side effects that can occur while taking it in supplement form or eating Mangosteen fruit as it exists in nature. There are also no records of historical warnings that have occurred after years of traditional use. Even though all of mangosteen’s benefits have no yet been found, ongoing research is currently being conducted to find all of its health promoting properties.
( Complete Liver Cleanse ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 19, 2007 04:17 PM
Complete Liver Cleanse Technical Data Sheet DESCRIPTION: The liver performs over 500 functions, including metabolizing carbohydrates and proteins, synthesizing and storing vitamins, and regulating hormones – naming just a few. To do this job, the liver is also required to be exposed to potentially harmful toxins and chemicals, every day. One way to support the liver is through periodic supplementation with the proper balance of herbal ingredients, phytosterols, and fiber. Complete Liver Cleanse is a convenient, multi-ingredient formula that supports overall liver health and detoxification. Complete Liver Cleanse: Includes ingredients for various aspects of liver and gallbladder support: -Herbal ingredients that support liver and gallbladder health -Detoxifying ingredients that keep bound toxins from being reabsorbed -Phytosterols to block cholesterol absorption in the intestines -Fiber that moves cholesterol and toxins out of the body -Oat beta-glucan fiber with up to 4 times higher viscosity than other beta-glucan Fibers -Simple, two week liver cleanse program FORMULA: Each 3 capsules contain: Calcium (as calcium D-glucarate) 13 mg Proprietary PuraFiber Blend: 1 mg Viscofiber Oat B-Gucan Concentrate, phytosterols (beta sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, brassicasterol, and other plant sterols), and glucomannan Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Fruit Phytosome 220 mg One part Milk Thistle Extract, standardized to contain 80% Silymarin bound to two parts phosphatidylcholine (soy) using a patented process Burdock (Arctium lappa) Root Extract 4:1 100 mg Calcium D-Glucarate 100 mg Boldo (Peumus boldus) Leaf Extract 2:1 75 mg Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Rhizome Extract 50 mg Standardized to contain 90% curcuminoids Dandelion (Taraxacum offinale) Root Extract 4:1 50 mg Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Leaf Extract 30 mg Standardized to contain 13-18% caffeylquinic Acids calculated as chlorogenic acid Contains no: sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, dairy products, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, ingredients of animal origin, or preservatives. This product contains natural ingredients; color variations are normal. Other ingredients: See label for most current information Viscofiber is a registered trademark of Cebena Bioproducts, Inc. The use and composition of the Viscofiber proprietary formula is protected by patients and patent applications filed in the This product contains calcium D-glucarate, the use of which is licensed from Applied Food Sciences, LLC, and protected by HOW DOES IT WORK? The Liver Every day, the liver must process an almost unbelievable amount of blood – at a rate of three pints every minute. All the while, the liver performs over 500 physiologic functions, including protein and glucose synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, vitamin and mineral storage, synthesis of clotting factors, urea formation, metabolism of medications, and the production of bile. The liver also assists in hormonal regulation, blood glucose control, and other regulatory functions. Harmful substances that have been neutralized by the liver are carried to the intestines and kidneys for excretion. They are transported by bile, a greenish, watery solution that is synthesized, and continuously being excreted, by the liver. Stored in the gallbladder, a small sac cupped in the under surface of the liver, bile is also required for the digestion of dietary fats. However, in the case of toxins, bile is primarily an early transporter of the toxic compounds to the intestines, where they can be bound to fiber that helps transport them out of the body. Environmental toxins, including lipid (fat) soluble toxins, are broken into water-soluble components by bile to be excreted through the kidneys or colon. Liver Detoxification Detoxification refers to the process of excreting potentially harmful compounds that are both generated by the body and acquired through exposure to the environment. In the body, toxins are generated as by-products of cellular metabolic processes. Examples include dead and digested bacteria, hydrogen peroxide, cellular debris, and carbon dioxide. The Environmental Protection Agency has determined that the amount of environmental toxins in the air, groundwater, and soil has increased significantly in the last 40 years. In fact, the use of pesticides has doubled every ten years since 1945. Americans are increasingly exposed to heavy metals, pesticides, fossil fuel emissions, sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons, and other harmful chemicals. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that traces of toxic chemicals can now be found in nearly every American. Herbal Liver Support One of the major components in Complete Liver Cleanse is its milk thistle extract, standardized to contain 80% silymarin, the plant’s most bioactive compound. Milk Thistle provides support, at a cellular level, for healthy liver function. A patented delivery system, known as the Phytosome process, provides superior absorption of the milk thistle extract. Silymarin, a key compound found in milk thistle, is a mixture of flavonoids with a long history of liver support. Silymarin supports the health of Kupffer cells, specialized liver cells responsible for removing bacteria, old blood cells, and other foreign matter from the liver’s blood supply. Silymarin scavenges free radicals (superoxide anion radical and nitric oxide) produced by activated Kupffer cells, supports healthy leukotriene levels, and supports glutathione production that is used in detoxification. Silymarin also supports the health of hepatocytes, highly versatile liver cells with unique physiologic functions. Studies of silymarin have demonstrated that it supports the health of the hepatocyte outer membrane, which is crucial to the liver’s detoxification processes. Silymarin also supports the healthy regenerative ability of the liver through support of protein synthesis in the hepatocytes. Phytosome Process A special, patented proves known as Phytosome enhances the absorption of milk thistle in Complete Liver Cleanse. The Phytosome process pairs herbal ingredients with phosphatidylcholine molecules. Phosphatidylcholine is a naturally occurring substance found in soybeans, egg yolks, and some vegetables. In the body, phosphatidylcholine is an important building block of cell membranes. When milk thistle (or other herbs) are bound with phosphatidylcholine, the phosphatidylcholine molecule facilitates absorption through the intestines into the bloodstream. Research has shown increased blood and serum levels for phytosome herbs in comparison to the individual herb alone. To test whether binding an herb with phosphatidylcholine increased its bioavailability, researchers gave volunteers identical amounts of either milk thistle alone, or milk thistle phytosome. The researchers then took blood sample from the participants and measured the level of silybin (a key compound in milk thistle). The measurements showed that silybin levels in participants taking the phytosome form of milk thistle were higher, and that silybin was detected for a longer time, than those who took milk thistle without the phytosome delivery system. Other Herbal Liver Supportive Ingredients Herbal extracts are often at their best when they are working synergistically – that is, when different constituents of each plant work together and support each other. Complete Liver Cleanse contains a variety of herbal extracts that have noted benefits for supporting the body’s healthy bile flow and free-radical scavenging effects. These ingredients provide a wide spectrum of liver supportive benefits. For instance, dandelion root extract supports healthy bile flow from the gallbladder. Burdock Root: Burdock is originally native to Europe and Asia, but was introduced to Burdock root (Arctium lappa) supports the natural physiologic processes of organs involved in detoxification and elimination: notably, the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Boldo: Bolodo (pemus boldus) is a small evergreen native to South America, but naturalized to southern In scientific studies, boldo appears to have strong free-radical scavenging ability, mostly attributed to the catechin and flavonoids content of its leaves. In a clinical study, boldo also appears to relax smooth muscle and support intestinal transit time. Artichoke Leaf extract specifically supports healthy bile production in the liver and healthy gastrointestinal function in general. Research into artichoke’s gastrointestinal supportive properties has included at least three clinical trials. Artichoke’s role in supporting healthy cholesterol levels within normal limits has also been investigated. Turmeric: Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a perennial shrub native to southern More recently, turmeric has been investigated for its support of healthy bile secretion, and pancreatic and gastric function. In a scientific study, dietary curcuminoids derived from turmeric supported healthy lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels already within normal limits. Curcumin has also been shown in scientific studies to enhance the activity of glutathione S-transferase - an enzyme responsible for linking glutathione (one of the body’s natural antioxidants) with toxins to help remove them from the body. In this way, it provides additional support for healthy liver function. Detoxification Calcium d-glucarate: The process of detoxification is the breakdown and excretion of substances that are no longer needed or may be harmful to the body. One of the ways in which the body excretes hormones and toxins is by binding them to glucuronic acid in the liver, and then excreting this compound in the bile. However, this process can be disrupted by B-glucuronidase, an enzyme that is produced by intestinal bacteria. This enzyme has the ability to break (uncouple) the chemical bond established by glucuronic acid. This action releases the bound toxins, which are then reabsorbed into the body instead of being excreted. Calcium D-Glucarate is the calcium salt of d-glucaric acid. It is found in both the human body, and in some plant sources, including broccoli and oranges. Calcium d0glucarate enhances the body’s detoxification systems by inhibiting the actions of beta-glucuronidase. This helps decrease the portion of active compounds that could be hazardous to the body. Phytosterols Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is vital to fat digestion, cell structure, nerve insulation and hormone production. Cholesterol comes from two sources: dietary or “exogenous” cholesterol absorbed in the intestine, and “endogenous” cholesterol formed mostly by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Cholesterol occurs in two forms known as lipoproteins. Lipoproteins act as transports that carry fat s to and from the cells. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) carries low lipid density cholesterol (LDL) away from arterial walls and returns it to the bloodstream. LDL then travels back to the liver, which processes and eliminates it. While high levels of HDL cholesterol is desirable, high amounts of LDL cholesterol is not supportive of optimal health. LDL-cholesterol is both synthesized in the body, or absorbed into the bloodstream through receptor sites in the intestines. Think of these receptors as “parking spaces” for cholesterol. As it happens, the liver can receive up to 500 mg per day of cholesterol from intestinal absorption. (It can also produce as much as 1000 mg per day). One way to help reduce the absorption of LDL cholesterol molecules it to occupy their “parking places” in the intestines. Phytosterols in Liver Cleanse are essentially the “fat” of plants. They’re found in nuts, corn and rice and are some of the “good” fats associated with the benefits of olive oil, flaxseed oil and other healthy oils. The structure of phytosterols is so similar to cholesterol that they fit perfectly in the specially-shaped intestinal parking spaces that LDL-cholesterol would normally occupy. Taken with, or just before meals, phytosterols block the cholesterol receptor sites so that cholesterol is excreted from the body rather than absorbed. Phytosterols also have the additional role of helping promote healthy bile salt excretion in the intestines. The phytosterol blend in Complete Liver Cleanse can help minimize the absorption of cholesterol from high-protein food sources, help retain healthy cholesterol levels that are within normal limits, and move bile sat through the digestive system. Fiber and detoxification Fiber plays a key role in the removal and excretion of intestinal toxins in detoxification. Only fibers that can effectively bind toxins will be successful in eliminating these harmful substances. Due to the unique benefits of individual fibers, the best binding, removal, and elimination effects are noted when combining different fiber types. Complete Liver Cleanse contains a combination of oat beta-glucan and konjac fiber that has been shown in scientific studies to bind to bile salts. Dietary fibers are complex mixtures of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, mucilage, and gums, which are resistant to digestive fluids or enzymes – that is, they aren’t absorbed into the bloodstream. So, while fiber itself doesn’t necessarily provide nutrients, it does promote laxation and modulate gastric and intestinal physiology. Intestinal flora that normally reside within the colon utilize fiber as a medium for microbial fermentation, resulting in the synthesis of the vitamins, vitamin K and biotin, and the formation of short chain fatty acids, or SCFA. SCFA have a simple, but important job: to be absorbed by the colon mucosa, increasing fecal matter bulk and providing energy. Fiber has been demonstrated in numerous clinical studies to provide support of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, immune, and endocrine function health. Complete Liver Cleanse also features two unique fibers to promote detoxification – konjac and oat beta-glucan. Konjac: Konjac, (Amorphophallus Konjac) is a tuber native to As a fiber, konjac has shown positive results maintaining healthy cholesterol levels within normal limits in clinical studies. This beneficial effect is due to konjac’s ability to boost excretion of bile acid. Oat beta-glucan: Oat beta-glucan has been a widely studied fiber source for supporting healthy cholesterol levels within normal limits. In a randomized clinical study, oat beta-glucan showed support of healthy HDL/LDL ratios already within normal limits in individuals over a three week trial. Closely linked to cholesterol, oat beta-glucan has also been studied for its support of healthy bile excretion. Fiber has benefits beyond maintaining healthy cholesterol levels already within normal limits. It also contributes to healthy blood sugar levels already within normal limits. In a double-blind, clinical study, the oat beta-glucan fiber used in Liver Cleanse was shown to have 4 times higher viscosity than another high concentrate beta-glucan fiber. Viscosity – the resistance to flow – is an important factor in beta-glucan, and all fiber. Water, for instance, would have a low viscosity, because it provides very little resistance to movement. Fiber, on the other hand, should have a higher viscosity in order to maximize its transit time through the GI tract, providing a gentle “scrubbing” on the intestinal walls. Therefore, the higher the viscosity, the greater the potential benefit. RECOMMENDATIONS: Three capsules in the morning and three capsules at bedtime for 14 days. LABEL PRECAUTION: warnings: Do not use if you know or suspect you have an obstructed bile duct or problematic gallstones. If pregnant, nursing or taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use. Keep out of reach of children.
( California Proposition 65 (Prop 65) and Progesterone Cream Warnings ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 17, 2006 06:29 PM
Scientific Safety Information on Progesterone California Proposition 65 (Prop 65) and Progesterone Cream warnings Amy Kosowski, M.S., LDN Prop 65: What is it? Proposition 65, the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 , was enacted as a ballot initiative in the state of California in November of 1986. The Proposition was intended by its authors to protect California citizens and the State's drinking water sources from chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and to inform citizens about exposures to such chemicals 1. Proposition 65 requires the Governor to publish, at least annually, a list of chemicals “known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity .” Progesterone, as well as other human hormones, appear on this list 1. Set forth below is the information that formed the bases for the addition of progesterone to the Prop 65 list by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (“OEHHA”). Prop 65 and Progesterone - Perspective
In August of 2004, OEHHA published a document stating the rationale for the addition of Progesterone to the Prop 65 list 2. This document is a review of human, animal, and in vitro studies that used progesterone, synthetic progestins, and other progestagens (progesterone-like compounds). Experimental data from the use of all of these compounds were mixed together, along with data from studies using other steroid hormone derivatives (mainly synthetic estrogens) and many different methods of administration. Although this review covered the existing scientific literature on progesterone and its many derivative compounds, there are many problems with the type of data analysis that was employed. First, progesterone is endogenous to humans and necessary for bone and reproductive health while progestins and other synthetic progestagens are not. Progestins and progestagens are similar in molecular structure to progesterone, but when they bind to progesterone receptors, their effects are usually much stronger and more likely to cause abnormal physiologic responses 3, 4. Furthermore, the majority of the studies concerning the health effects of these progesterone derivatives involved combinations with synthetic estrogens 2-4. There were very few studies mentioned in the 2004 document that used exclusively bio-identical progesterone (the kind found normally produced by humans as well as that used in progesterone creams), and those studies that did were at supra-physiologic doses (very high). The doses of progesterone ranged from 10-1000 times the dose usually recommended by manufacturers of progesterone creams 2, although in a few cases, the doses were closer to the recommended dosages. The route of administration of progesterone is also at issue. All of the studies cited in the OEHHA document used either oral, injected, or suppository forms of hormones; none was conducted using transdermal creams. This is an important consideration because hormones absorbed through the skin are metabolized differently than hormones that are administered via other routes 5, 6. Putting it Together While the OEHHA Prop 65 reference document on progesterone 2 is a broad survey of the published scientific literature examining the potential effects of the pharmaceutical use of progesterone and its synthetic derivatives, it is not clear at all that these effects would be seen with the use of low-dose progesterone creams. The OEHHA Prop 65 progesterone document evaluates a broad range of information regarding progesterone and synthetic materials that are not natural progesterone. The conclusion reached was not challenged, and it is on that basis that progesterone creams now carry the Prop 65 warning.
1 California OEHHA Web Site: // . 2 Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Section, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency (2004) Evidence on the developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Progesterone. 3 Campagnoli C, Abba C, Ambroggio S, Peris C (2005) Pregnancy, progesterone and progestin in relation to breast cancer risk. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 97(5):441-450. 4 Campagnoli C , Clavel-Chapelon F , Kaaks R , Peris C , Berrino F (2005) Progestins and progesterone in hormone replacement therapy and the risk of breast cancer. Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2005 96(2):95-108. 5 de Lignieres B, Dennerstein L, Backstrom T (1995) Influence of route of administration on progesterone metabolism. Maturitas 21:251-257. 6 Gompel A, et al. (2000) Progestins were also proapoptotic in normal as well as in hormone-dependent breast cancer cells. Steroids 65(10-11):593-598. 7 Bu SZ ( 1997) Progesterone induces apoptosis and up-regulation of p53 expression in human ovarian carcinoma cell lines. Cancer 79(10):1944-50.
( Cholesterol Support FAQ's ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 06, 2006 12:15 PM
( White Flower Analgesic Balm ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 01, 2005 12:37 PM
White Flower Analgesic Balm
Active ingredients:
Inactive ingredients:
( THE FDA AND STEVIA ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 15, 2005 12:45 PM
THE FDA AND STEVIA While stevia in no way qualifies as an “artificial sweetener,” it has been subject to rigorous inquiry and unprecedented restraints. In 1986, FDA officials began to investigate herb companies selling stevia and suddenly banned its sale, calling it “an unapproved food additive.” Then in 1991, the FDA unexpectedly announced that all importation of stevia leaves and products must cease, with the exception of certain liquid extracts which are designed for skin care only. They also issued formal warnings to companies and claimed that the herb was illegal. The FDA was unusually aggressive in its goal to eliminate stevia from American markets, utilizing search and seizure tactics, embargoes and import bans. Speculation as to why the FDA intervened in stevia commerce points to the politics of influential sugar marketers and the artificial-sweetener industry. During the same year, the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) began their defense of the herb with the goal of convincing the FDA that stevia is completely safe. They gathered documented literature and research on both stevia and other non-caloric sweeteners. The overwhelming consensus was that stevia is indeed safe, and the AHPA petitioned the FDA to exempt stevia from food additive regulations. Food Additive vs. Dietary Supplement FDA regulations of stevia were based on its designation as a food additive. The claim was that scientific study on stevia as a food additive was inadequate. Ironically, extensive Japanese testing of stevia was disregarde—regardless of the fact that this body of documented evidence more than sufficiently supported its safe use. Many experts who have studied stevia and its FDA requirements have commented that the FDA wants far more proof that stevia is safe than they would demand from chemical additives like aspartame. Stevia advocates point out that stevia not a food additive, but rather, a food. Apparently, foods that have traditionally been consumed do not require laborious and expensive testing for safety under FDA regulations. The fact that so many toxicology studies have been conducted in Japan, coupled with the herb’s long history of safe consumption, makes a strong case for stevia being accepted by the FDA as a safe dietary substance. Still, it was denied the official GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status and designated a food additive by the FDA. The FDA Reverses Its Position As a result of the Health Freedom Act passed in September of 1995, stevia leaves, stevia extract, and stevioside can be imported to the United States. However, ingredient labels of products that contain stevia must qualify as dietary supplements. Stevia had been redesignated as a dietary supplement by the FDA and consequently can be legally sold in the United States solely as a supplement. Its addition to teas or other packaged foods is still banned. Moreover, stevia cannot, under any circumstances, be marketed as a sweetener or flavor enhancer. SUGAR, SUGAR EVERYWHERE Ralph Nader once said, “If God meant us to eat sugar, he wouldn’t have invented dentists.” The average American eats over 125 pounds of white sugar every year. It has been estimated that sugar makes up 25 percent of our daily caloric intake, with soda pop supplying the majority of our sugar ingestion. Desserts and sugar-laden snacks continually tempt us, resulting in an escalated taste for sweets. The amount of sugar we consume has a profound effect on both our physical and mental well-being. Sugar is a powerful substance which can have drug-like effects and is considered addictive by some nutritional experts. William Duffy, the author of Sugar Blues, states,“The difference between sugar addiction and narcotic addition is largely one of degree.” In excess, sugar can be toxic. Sufficient amounts of B-vitamins are actually required to metabolize and detoxify sugar in our bodies. When the body experiences a sugar overload, the assimilation of nutrients from other foods can be inhibited. In other words, our bodies were not designed to cope with the enormous quantity of sugar we routinely ingest. Eating too much sugar can generate a type of nutrient malnutrition, not to mention its contribution to obesity, diabetes, hyperactivity, and other disorders. Sugar can also predispose the body to yeast infections, aggravate some types of arthritis and asthma, cause tooth decay, and may even elevate our blood lipid levels. Eating excess sugar can also contribute to amino acid depletion, which has been linked with depression and other mood disorders. To make matters worse, eating too much sugar can actually compromise our immune systems by lowering white blood cells counts. This makes us more susceptible to colds and other infections. Sugar consumption has also been linked to PMS, osteoporosis and coronary heart disease. Why Do We Crave Sweets? Considering the sobering effects of a high sugar diet, why do we eat so much of it? One reason is that sugar gives us a quick infusion of energy. It can also help to raise the level of certain brain neurotransmitters which may temporarily elevate our mood. Sugar cravings stem from a complex mix of physiological and psychological components. Even the most brilliant scientists fail to totally comprehend this intriguing chemical dependence which, for the most part, hurts our overall health. What we do know is that when sugary foods are consumed, the pancreas must secrete insulin, a hormone which serves to bring blood glucose levels down. This allows sugar to enter our cells where it is either burned off or stored. The constant ups and downs of blood sugar levels can become exaggerated in some individuals and cause all kinds of health problems. Have you ever been around someone who is prone to sudden mood swings characterized by violent verbal attacks or irritability? This type of volatile behavior is typical of people who crave sugar, eat it and then experience sugar highs and lows. Erratic mood swings can be linked to dramatic drops in blood sugar levels. Hypoglycemia: Sign of Hard Times? It is rather disturbing to learn that statisticians estimate that almost 20 million Americans suffer from some type of faulty glucose tolerance. Hypoglycemia and diabetes are the two major forms of blood sugar disorders and can deservedly be called modern day plagues. Hypoglycemia is an actual disorder that can cause of number of seemingly unrelated symptoms. More and more studies are pointing to physiological as well as psychological disorders linked to disturbed glucose utilization in brain cells. One study, in particular, showed that depressed people have overall lower glucose metabolism (Slagle, 22). Hypoglycemia occurs when too much insulin is secreted in order to compensate for high blood sugar levels resulting from eating sugary or high carbohydrate foods. To deal with the excess insulin, glucagon, cortisol and adrenalin pour into the system to help raise the blood sugar back to acceptable levels. This can inadvertently result in the secretion of more insulin and the vicious cycle repeats itself. A hypoglycemic reaction can cause mood swings, fatigue, drowsiness, tremors, headaches, dizziness, panic attacks, indigestion, cold sweats, and fainting. When blood sugar drops too low, an overwhelming craving for carbohydrates results. To satisfy the craving and compensate for feelings of weakness and abnormal hunger, sugary foods are once again consumed in excess. Unfortunately, great numbers of people suffer from hypoglycemic symptoms. Ironically, a simple switch from a high sugar diet to one that emphasizes protein can help. In addition, because sugar cravings are so hard to control, a product like stevia can be of enormous value in preventing roller coaster blood sugar levels. One Colorado internist states: People who are chronically stressed and are on a roller coaster of blood sugar going up and down are especially prone to dips in energy at certain times of day. Their adrenals are not functioning optimally, and when they hit a real low point, they want sugar. It usually happens in mid-afternoon when the adrenal glands are at their lowest level of functioning. (Janiger, 71) Our craving for sweets in not intrinsically a bad thing; however, what we reach for to satisfy that craving can dramatically determine how we feel. Stevia can help to satisfy the urge to eat something sweet without changing blood sugar levels in a perfectly natural way and without any of the risks associated with other non-nutritive sweeteners. Diabetes: Pancreas Overload? Diabetes is a disease typical of western cultures and is evidence of the influence that diet has on the human body. Perhaps more than any other disease, diabetes shuts down the mechanisms which permit proper carbohydrate/sugar metabolism. When the pancreas no longer secretes adequate amounts of insulin to metabolize sugar, that sugar continues to circulate in the bloodstream causing all kinds of health problems. The type of diabetes that comes in later years is almost always related to obesity and involves the inability of sugar to enter cells, even when insulin is present. Diabetes can cause blindness, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, the loss of nerve function, recurring infections, and the inability to heal. Heredity plays a profound role in the incidence of diabetes, but a diet high in white sugar and empty carbohydrates unquestionably contributes to the onset of the disease. It is estimated that over five million Americans are currently undergoing medical treatment for diabetes and studies suggest that there are at least four million Americans with undetected forms of adult onset diabetes. Diabetes is the third cause of death in this country and reflects the devastating results of a diet low in fiber and high in simple carbohydrates. Most of us start our children on diets filled with candy, pop, chips, cookies, doughnuts, sugary juice, etc. Studies have found that diabetes is a disease which usually plagues societies that eat highly refined foods. Because we live in a culture that worships sweets, the availability of a safe sweetener like stevia, which does not cause stress on the pancreas is extremely valuable. If sugar consumption was cut in half by using stevia to
( WARNINGS ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 25, 2005 08:06 PM
(NOTE: If you are taking medication of any kind, check with your physician before taking Chitosan. Some drugs may be bound to the Chitosan.) The delicate nature of pregnancy and breast-feeding are always approached with additional caution. Even substances as safe as Chitosan are customarily issued with a cautionary note regarding use during these times unless overwhelmingly positive results from a huge number of well-controlled tests with pregnant subjects is available. In the case of Chitosan the potential loss of essential fatty acids (which we generally are already deficient in), fat-soluble vitamins, and certain minerals needs to be taken into consideration. Unfortunately saturated fats don’t come with such a warning label. Another caution involves allergies. Nearly all food substances will trigger allergic reactions in persons with extreme sensitivies. Since Chitosan is derived from shellfish, those persons with extreme shellfish allergies are advised to be cautious. Tests with a small number of persons with extreme shellfish allergies have not demonstrated an allergic response. This is an encouraging but very preliminary result. Reasonable and sensible consumption should always be the rule.
( PREVIEW ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 25, 2005 07:28 PM
PREVIEW The lifestyles of western cultures have been determined to be major contributing factors in diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The most commonly cited factors are inadequate fiber intake, excessive consumption of fats, and a lack of exercise. Educational efforts have resulted in an increase in involvement in various exercise regimines. The consumption of fats, however, continues to increase in spite of the dire warnings that have been publicized. A reduction of fat intake, from an average of 40 percent of the diet to less than 25 percent could have dramatic effects on the health and well-being of the population as a whole. Intake of fiberous foods reduces fat consumption generally through the bulking action of the fibers which leads to a feelings of fullness. Some fibers have an ability to entrap fats in their gelatinous matrix and prevent their absorption. The most effective fiber for preventing fat absorption is chitosan. Chitosan’s fat entrapment properties can be enhanced by combination with ascorbic acid and other dietary ingredients. Fat entrapment by chitosan has been shown in animals and can be readily demonstrated. The use of chitosan in nummerous environmental, agricultual, biomedical, and health-related areas is well documented. Chitosan has been found to be safe for oral consumption.
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