
Search Term: " Mercola "

  Messages 1-15 from 15 matching the search criteria.
Some Benefits of Licorice Root Darrell Miller 9/28/16
It's True: Cinnamon Bark Can Help With Blood Sugar Darrell Miller 9/20/16
Health Benefits of Calendula Darrell Miller 9/12/16
The Benefits of Anise. Darrell Miller 9/5/16
The Holiday Sugar Trap; All There is to Know Darrell Miller 10/4/15
Is Sitting The New Smoking? Darrell Miller 8/4/15
Vitamins that Help Balance Uric Acid in the Body Darrell Miller 2/10/15
What Are The Benefits Of Ubiquinol Vs Regular CoQ10? Darrell Miller 5/31/14
Some useful information about Vitamin E Darrell Miller 1/13/14
BENEFITS OF PUMPKIN SEED Darrell Miller 1/1/14
What are the Health Benefits of Spirulina? Darrell Miller 11/28/13
Astaxanthin Protects The Eye And More! Darrell Miller 11/13/13
Does Ubiquinol Get Absorbed Better Than Regular CoQ10 Darrell Miller 11/6/13
Stomach acid problems, causes and solution Darrell Miller 11/4/13
What Is Ubiquinol? Darrell Miller 8/23/13

Some Benefits of Licorice Root

Date: September 28, 2016 12:13 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Some Benefits of Licorice Root

Licorice root also known as sweet root is one of the most used medicinal herbs worldwide which grows wild in many parts of Europe and Asia.

A lot of studies have shown that the specific herb is very useful to treat various disturbances of our gastrointestinal tract, specifically it helps fight ulcer's and provides relief. Licorice root helps the body create a protective lining in order to protect our stomach from hydrochloric acid (Hcl).

Licorice is also good for:

  • respiratory system
  • sore throat
  • bronchitis
  • cough
  • infections caused by bacteria or viruses.

Of course its benefits don’t stop here. It is useful for people suffering from low blood pressure and according to many studies it has estrogen-like properties, making it a natural regulator of female hormone.

It may be effective against skin diseases, while in the form of decoction is useful against insomnia because of its relaxing action.

Although licorice is considered beneficial to human health, you should avoid taking in excessive amounts, large amounts can cause high blood pressure.



It's True: Cinnamon Bark Can Help With Blood Sugar

Date: September 20, 2016 10:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: It's True: Cinnamon Bark Can Help With Blood Sugar

Cinnamon and blood sugar

Obtained from the cinnmon tree, cinnamon bark has been put into a broad variety of uses, most commonly as the spice with a powerful aroma and flavoring added foods across numerous cultures in the world. Tucked beneath its appeal as a food flavoring, however, is an important health benefit: it has been shown to reduce blood sugar in the human body, making it an invaluable tool for regulating sugar levels among type II diabetes patients.

Cinnamon also contains magnesium

A strong connection exists between the magnesium contained in cinnamon and reduced blood sugar levels among diabetes patients. Magnesium is an essential element that is needed for over 300 different enzyme processes in the body.  Enzymes are involved in the processing of sugar in the human bloodstream. Increasing the availability of this mineral in the bloodstream, therefore, results in reduced blood sugar levels. Should you choose to try this natural remedy, the best variety according to researchers is Ceylon cinnamon, which despite its higher cost has been shown to be more effective in human body, therefore offering the best alternative to those looking for remedies with no side effects unlike medications your doctor might prescribe. 

If you want to take control of your blood sugar,  give cinnamon bark powder, capsules, and tablets a try!


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Health Benefits of Calendula

Date: September 12, 2016 05:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Health Benefits of Calendula

Calendula is an annual flower usually found in the northern Mediterranean countries. It’s got its name because it blooms with the calendar, once a month.

Health benefits of calendula

1. Healing nature- it has antioxidant compounds which is the cause of its healing nature. It can heal your scrapes, cuts, insect bites etc.

2. Enhances skin appearance- Calendula oil can boost your skin appearance. It provides antioxidant protection to your skin, reducing wrinkles, aging and improving blood flow to the skin.

3. Improves dental health- It has antibacterial properties which provides good oral health. It is one of the main ingredients in natural mouthwashes, toothpastes etc. because of its ability to kill cavities and gingivitis causing bacteria.

4. Improves vision- Beta-carotene in calendula can directly impact your vision. This will prevent development of cataract and macular degeneration.

5. Fights inflammation- Irrespective of where you have inflammation, calendula can reduce your discomfort. Calendula tea can reduce your congestion and cough. Skin balm containing this ingredient can reduce pain if you have arthritis or gout.


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The Benefits of Anise.

Date: September 05, 2016 11:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The Benefits of Anise.

Anise is a perennial herbal plant that grows to a height of about 0.3 to 0.6m above the ground. It is a native plant to Egypt and Greece and it has been in use for health ailments since seventh century. Moreover, anise has been in use as a fragrance and spice according to its history. The following are health benefits of anise.

Anise seed oil which is obtained by extraction has so many applications traditionally as a medicine to cure expectorant, anti-septic, stomachic, and anti-spasmodic as well as a stimulant agent.

Anise seed oil and anethol is also added to medicines such as lozenges and syrups because of its potent antioxidant action.

Anise oil is also very effective against conditions that are associated with convulsions, cramps, spasms, muscle pains and diarrhea due to its anti-spasmodic and relaxant effects.

Anise oil also is use by individuals who have flu and cough usually get some relief when they administer the herb because of its expectorant and decongestant abilities.


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The Holiday Sugar Trap; All There is to Know

Date: October 04, 2015 10:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The Holiday Sugar Trap; All There is to Know

The festive season can be a tempting affair to any healthy eater. Hopping from one party and family gathering to another might easily see you indulging in unhealthy dishes and drinks. It is quite difficult to hold back on the wide varieties of delicious treats unless your will is exceptional. Counting the calories in the food you eat when in the middle of a conversation with a long lost friend or family members isn't easy. What you regard as 'just a once off affair' might ruin the rest of the year for you. There is a lot of hidden sugar in holiday treats such as; syrup, cakes, flavored pop corn, cookies, soda, juices, lemonades and ice cream.

Holiday Feast

Reasons to Avoid Sugar During the Festive Season
Added sugar has been proven to have harmful effects on your health. There are some known risks that you might be exposing yourself to just by having an extra cupcake.

  • Tooth decay

Sugar plays a harmful role in tooth decay. Plaque, a harmful bacteria responsible for tooth decay, uses sugar as a form of energy. This way, the plaque multiplies and becomes thick hence making it difficult for it to be washed away by saliva. Sugar is also used as a form of glue for the bacteria to firmly stick to the teeth.

  • Weight gain

Added sugar for instance fructose corn syrup contains a lot of empty calories with zero nutrients.These calories do not contain any protein, minerals, vitamins nor any essential fats. It is purely energy which is converted into fats in the body hence weight gain.

  • Sweet tooth/ Addiction

Did you know that indulging in all that sweetness at the Christmas table might be the beginning of your sugar addiction? Sugar shuttles tryptophan in the brain which further converts to serotonin hence having a physiological addictive effect.

  • Increased Blood Pressure

When the refined sugar intake is high, the body might be forced to produce more leptin and insulin. This is due to the high carbohydrate and processed food diet. When these two rise, blood pressure might go up leading to leptin and insulin resistance. Insulin is responsible for the storage of magnesium meant for the relaxation of muscles in the body. When the insulin is interfered with, the lack of magnesium in the cells may lead to the inability of your your hearts' vessels to fully relax hence narrowing them. This overworks your heart hence increased blood pressure.

  • Cholesterol

Refined sugar has been proven to cause diabetes, obesity as well as other conditions that put your heart at risk. New studies have linked sugar with unhealthy cholesterol and increased triglyceride levels. When you consume a lot of refined sugar, the excess is stored in the liver as tryglecirides (a form of fat that sticks to your arteries). This fat travels through the blood stream and may clog it up.

That extra can of soda might leave you struggling with life altering health conditions. It is important to consider healthy alternatives to refined sugars. A perfect example in this case would be unsweetened or stevia calorie free sweetners. Sweet leaf and Truvia are made of stevia which is a natural herbs that are commonly found in South and Central America. Stevia is 40 times sweeter than sugar yet contains no empty calories which makes it a suitable alternative. These sweeteners are easily available in local stores and can be used in almost anything; tea, coffee, cereal, yogurt and even fruit.




Is Sitting The New Smoking?

Date: August 04, 2015 07:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Is Sitting The New Smoking?

So much focus has been put on the bad effects of smoking.  Sitting, which is just as bad as smoking is never talked about.  The body has been designed for movement on a regular basis.  However, most people spend their time sitting. This leads to body inactivity that a 1 hour daily workout cannot counteract.  To worsen the situation, most people do not even have a workout plan. This puts their bodies in a sedentary state most of the time.  It is not sitting that is dangerous, it's the amount of time that you spend sitting.

Sitting here and there from time to time is perfectly natural.  However, sitting for extended periods of time day in day out can have a serious impact on your health.  It can really shorten your life.  Standing up activates cellular and muscular systems that process triglycerides, cholesterol and blood sugar. This helps to push up fuel to the cells, and if it’s done regularly, it will tremendously reduce the risk of you suffering from obesity and diabetes.

No Sitting

The body was designed to move throughout the day. When you don’t move for extended periods of time, you are basically telling your body that it’s time to shut down in preparation for death.  Blood usually flows slower in the heart and muscles when you are in the sitting position.  This makes it easier for the fatty acids to cause clogging. Sitting also increases the production of insulin by the pancreases. Increased production of insulin can eventually lead to diabetes. People who sit for long periods of time are two times likely to suffer from heart disease and diabetes compared to those who rarely sit down.  Sitting also increases the risk of suffering from colon, endocrine and breast cancers.

Poor digestion, posture problems, muscle degeneration and leg disorders are other problems that have been associated with sitting for long periods of time. Reducing you sitting time can significantly increase your life expectancy.





Vitamins that Help Balance Uric Acid in the Body

Date: February 10, 2015 05:58 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamins that Help Balance Uric Acid in the Body

Fruits and Vegetables

What is a uric acid?

Uric acid is a waste product that can found in the body. It is a by-product of fructose metabolism. Therefore, a person with a diet rich in fructose will have a higher level of uric acid unless they can take certain measures to ensure that the levels are checked.

Effect of high uric acid

Very high levels of this waste product are associated with certain painful conditions. One of these conditions is gout. Gout is a type of very painful arthritis that will commonly affect the big toe. It is characterized by extreme pain and most people who have this condition are often on medication to regulate it for most of their lives. It is the most common disease associated with high uric levels, but not the only one.

People with High Blood pressure and obesity also exhibit higher levels of the acid in their systems. It is important to note however, that uric acid functions as both an anti-oxidant as well as a pro-oxidant. For this reason, you do not want to lower its levels too much, so as not to miss its anti-oxidation properties. You want to have optimal levels of the acid in your body and the following vitamins and natural spices can help you achieve this easily.

Vitamins to Regulate Uric Acid

Vitamin C:  Vitamin C has been recommended in many health advice articles as being especially useful to lowering the levels of uric acid in your body. However, it is important to be very careful when taking Vitamin C for this purpose since taking too much could have the opposite effect; that of increasing the levels of this acid in your body. Vitamin C can be found in many natural supplements but you are likely to get good results with the natural sources, which are fruits such as oranges and lemons as well as in vegetables.

 Vitamin B5:  This vitamin is very important in breaking down excess uric acid in the body. Also known as pantothenic acid, it is actually the necessary ingredient in the body for the excretion of this acid. Most people who have excess uric acid have a Vitamin B5 deficiency. Stress is a major cause of low levels of this vitamin.

Vitamin B9: Also known as folic acid, this vitamin has been used by many people suffering from gout to help lower the levels of uric acid in the cells. Although there are no real studies that show its efficiency, many people who take folic acid supplements have claimed a reduction in the intensity of gout symptoms.

Natural Herbs and Spices that can help, there are also a number of natural herbs and spices that can greatly help to reduce the levels of uric acid in the body. This is because certain herbs have been known to have higher anti-oxidation properties than even fresh fruit and vegetables. Some of the herbs and spices associated with uric acid control include; cloves, ginger, rosemary and turmeric. These four spices also have anti-inflammatory properties that can be very useful to those suffering from gout.


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What Are The Benefits Of Ubiquinol Vs Regular CoQ10?

Date: May 31, 2014 06:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Benefits Of Ubiquinol Vs Regular CoQ10?

fruits and vegetables Nutritional Supplement

In modern society, nutritional supplements have become a common method to improve health. A wide range of specific needs determines the use of different supplements, but there are a few that will work in just about everyone and improve their health.

What is a CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10, commonly abbreviated to CoQ10, is one of those universally effective supplements. This vitamin-like substance offers far-reaching benefits for the human body. It has a crucial role in the body's energy maintenance and it's an extremely powerful antioxidant. This substance is naturally produced by the body, but as we get older, the organism's ability to synthesize CoQ10 weakens progressively. It is, therefore, recommended that people initiate a regular intake of CoQ10 somewhere at the adult or even young adult life stage. This is a commonly prescribed supplement for old people owing to its longevity and energy inducing benefits, but it's especially critical for those who are medicated with statin drugs because these are known to reduce CoQ10 levels in the organism. Elite athletes can also benefit from this substance to achieve higher peak power levels.

CoQ10 supplement is available in two forms: fully oxidized (Ubiquinone) and fully reduced (Ubiquinol).

What is an Ubiquinol

Ubiquinol is the most efficient way to take advantage of this supplement because it's the fully reduced form of CoQ10 that our body actually absorbs and uses. The consumption of Ubiquinone requires our body to firstly metabolize and convert it into Ubiquinol. This process limits the speed and efficiency of CoQ10 absorption, requiring larger quantities to be consumed for similar health effects, not to mention that the metabolism has a tendency to worsen with age. Ubiquinone is more widely available and is cheaper, though.

It is usually recommended for people around the age of 35 - 40, to start taking Ubiquinol instead of Ubiquinone. This is when the efficiency of Ubiquinol eventually compensates its higher price tag over Ubiquinone. Turning the ingestion of CoQ10 supplement into a habit is one of the best ways to potentiate a long and healthy life.




Some useful information about Vitamin E

Date: January 13, 2014 05:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Some useful information about Vitamin E

vitamin e foodsVitamin E

Vitamin E is a group of eight different fat soluble compounds that comes from plants. This vitamin was the fifth discovered vitamin and it was discovered by Katherine S. Bishop and Herbert McLean Evans in year 1922.

Types of Vitamin E

If we talk about all the components of Vitamin E it include eight different type of homologues molecules that get synthesized by plants in a natural manner. These eight homologues are also differentiated in two different groups known as tocopherols and tocotrienols. Both the groups have four different homologues named as alpha, beta gamma & delta. In these two group tocopherols homologues are natural saturated substances while tocotrienols are unsaturated and collectively all these substance form Vitamin E.

Health Benefits of Vitamin E

Talking about all the health benefits of Vitamin E, it is the one of the best antioxidant that can help you to reduce your aging process and it can also help you to stay energetic. Other than this, it s also very helpful in protecting your body from free radicals that can cause many cardiovascular diseases and different type of cancer. Also, it is known to improve the immunity system of the body and that’s why doctors prescribe the vitamin C to those people that have poor immunity system.

However, it is very important that you should consume only the mixed for vitamin E that is completely obtained from natural substance. Doctors recommend natural form of mixed Vitamin E because if it is not balanced then it can create some problem to your body as well.


So, in conclusion it is suggested that if you are having any immunity deficiency or you just want to get some good antioxidants, you can take Vitamin E for that. However, you need to make sure that you take only naturally obtained Vitamin E so you can stay away from all kind of health problem.


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Date: January 01, 2014 07:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (

pumpkinWhat is Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a vegetable whose pie is mostly preferred by people to have in their meal but the seeds of the pumpkin are also edible. Some individuals do not know this fact and so they throw it away but the pumpkin seeds are very nutritious and so they are consumed by many in the form of oil. The pumpkin seed oil is rich in important fatty acids, zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin E which are essentially required in our daily supplements. The pumpkin seeds are nutritious for the heart, our immune system and also for the liver.

Pumpkin seed oil is highly essential

As it is rich in many nutrients which are needed by our system on a daily basis and also it has a list of good factors which imposes people to prefer the pumpkin seed oil. Some of the categories where the oil has its impact are skin care, kidney function, cholesterol lowering and even more. The proteins which reside in the seeds of the pumpkin provide almost most of the daily nutrient need of our body and so in Australia people take it on a regular basis.

Benefits of Pumpkin Oil

Focusing on the benefits of the oil it is very helpful in the reducing the formation of stone in the kidney, improves the production of mother's milk, many arthritis sufferers get a relief by using this oil because of the fatty acids as they have the lubricating nature. The fatty acids are important to every cell in our body for the normal growth, but very essential for the blood vessels which help to keep the skin youthful. Some of the individual use this for the recovery of the infections which are intestinal. Two of the different sorts of benefits by the pumpkin seed oil are that it helps in controlling the diabetes and also the cholesterol which is highly essential to be maintained.


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What are the Health Benefits of Spirulina?

Date: November 28, 2013 04:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the Health Benefits of Spirulina?

Whaty is Spirulina

SpirulinaSpirulina is one of the most nutritious food on the planet. It tastes and smells like seaweed. It's packed with nutritious vitamins and minerals which make it considered as one of the super foods available to humans.

Here are some of the health benefits of Spirulina

1. High in antioxidants - Some of the antioxidants found in Spirulina are carotenoids, selenium, vitamin E and phenolic acid.

2. Boosts immune system - Sprirulina helps our body to produce more monocytes and macrophages that kills bad cells and pathogens.

3. Rich in beta carotene - It has ten times richer beta carotene than carrots.

4. Remove toxins in our body - It is rich in phytonutrients like polysaccharides, phycocianin and chlorophyll that cleanse our bodies from the toxic chemicals found in drugs, food, water and air.

5. Allergy treatment - Studies show that it can treat allergic rhinitis and some of its' symptoms like sneezing, nasal discharge, itching and congestion.

6. Cardiovascular Disease - It can reduce the level of bad cholesterol in our body. It prevents hypertension and stroke.

7. Cancer - It removes free radicals and fights cellular degeneration.

8. Diabetes - In a recent study, it was found out that after 12 weeks of taking spirulina, there was a significant drop in blood-fat levels.

9. Aids in digestion - It restrains bad bacteria like candida yeast and e-coli and boosts the healthy level of bifidobacteria and lactobacillus.

10. Prevents nutritional disease - Such as anemia or iron deficiency. It is rich in iron which is easier to absorb by our body than other iron supplements.

Did you know that Japan is the largest consumer as well as the largest producer of Spirulina? Maybe this is also one of the reasons why Japanese looks 10 years younger than their current age and their life expectancy is 82 which makes them the second country to have the longest life expectancy in the world.

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Astaxanthin Protects The Eye And More!

Date: November 13, 2013 02:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Astaxanthin Protects The Eye And More!

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that is commonly found in the marine environment. It is naturally found in salmon, krill, trout, crayfish, shrimp, crustaceans and yeast. It is the chemical that is responsible for the red color in cooked shellfish and salmon meat. The algae Haematoccus has the richest natural source of astaxanthin.

Astaxanthin can also be produced synthetically, but due to the synthetic product consisting of different steriosmers it is not preferred to be used in some cases.

Unlike beta-carotene it has two more oxygenated groups on each of its ring structure, these additional functional groups make it a highly potent antioxidant and give it a configuration that is more polar than that of other carotenoids. Vitamin E has been known as the strongest antioxidant both in topical use in cosmetics and in internal use, but research has shown that astaxanthin has a greater antioxidant strength than Vitamin E. For example in the quenching of singlet oxygen it has an antioxidant strength five hundred times stronger than Vitamin E.

Unlike many other antioxidants it has the ability of crossing the blood-brain barrier and enter into the eyes, brain and central nervous system (CNS). Most diseases of the CNS and eye are caused by increased generation of free radicals or by a decrease in the ability to remove free radicals from the body. Some of the diseases that are caused by problems with inflammation and oxidation include Glaucoma, Cataracts, and Huntington’s disease. These can be prevented by taking astaxanthin.

It has anti-inflammatory properties that are related to its strong antioxidants properties. It suppresses some of the inflammatory mediators such as, prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2), tumor necrosis factor –alpha (TNF-a), and nitric oxide. Unlike other anti-inflammatory drugs like acetaminophen that can damage the liver and aspirin that may cause stomach bleeding, astaxanthin doesn’t have any side effects.

In people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome it has the ability of reducing pain. Studies have shown that it is able to reduce pain in rheumatoid arthritis by 40% after 8 weeks of continuous use.

It prevents Ultra Violet induces oxidative stress of the skin and prevents the photo aging of the skin. It prevents UV induced formation of wrinkles and collagen degradation in the skin. It may be applied on the skin or taken orally.

In people participating in sports it eliminates the soreness of joints after exercise, and reduces the pain caused by inflammation. This enables athletes to train harder and as a result increase their endurance, skill, and strength. This is through its ant-inflammatory and ant-oxidant effects in the mitochondria (energy producing organelle).

It strengthens the immune system, research by scientists has shown that it causes increase in production of T cells, stimulates the proliferation of lymphocytes, amplify the cytotoxicity of natural killer cells, decrease damage of DNA, and increases significantly delayed type hypersensitivity syndrome.

It prevents heart disease and reduces the risk of people already suffering from heart disease form getting a stroke or heart attack. It improves the blood lipid profiles by increasing HDL (high density lipoprotein) and decreasing LDL (low density lipoprotein).

The liver main function of the liver and kidney is the detoxification and removal of harmful substances in the body. These activities lead to the formation of free radicals. Astaxanthin being a strong antioxidant helps by destroying these free radicals hence it eliminates their oxidative effects.

As a result of its immune benefits Astaxanthin also has anti-tumor properties and as a result it prevents the development of cancer. Its prevention of cancer is also caused by its antioxidant properties and by it regulating gene expression.


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Does Ubiquinol Get Absorbed Better Than Regular CoQ10

Date: November 06, 2013 08:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does Ubiquinol Get Absorbed Better Than Regular CoQ10

 Benefits is Ubiquinol

Ubiquinol can be described as reduced form of CoQ10 (Ubiquinone). For an individual to benefit from the type of nutrient that is needed for producing cellular energy and reduce signs of aging, the body has to convert ubiquinone to ubiquinol. Studies have shown that it gets absorbed better than CoQ10. It is also known to reduce exercise induced fatigue by around 90% when compared with Ubiquinone. This is probably because CoQ10 has a chemical nature that undergoes “redox chemistry”. This implies that it flips back and forth between not having and having two additional electrons.

Importance of Ubiquinol to Human Body

This is a very important part of the human body because it transports flow of electrons that permits chemical energy to be harnessed down a gradient. This is normally the last stage where food is converted to energy to fuel the body. Ubiquinol on the other hand is the form where these extra electrons are reduced when speaking in chemistry terms. Although there is a small difference between the two, it really has big implications as this is exactly what makes it to be more absorbable in the intestines. In addition to this, the body prefers this form to perform the transport function of the blood. 

It is important to note that Ubiquinol was introduced to the market when Kaneka discovered techniques on how to stabilize the ingredient in 2006. From then, it has become an ingredient in numerous products. Various findings also show that it is the preferred form when it comes to ingestion. There are some studies that also show that this form is beneficial for patients who are suffering from advanced stage cardiac disorders. This is because it is absorbed much easily and also shows potential for greater clinical benefit. Manufactures are also looking into new and more advanced methods that will be used to make sure that it can be absorbed more easily than before.


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Stomach acid problems, causes and solution

Date: November 04, 2013 05:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Stomach acid problems, causes and solution

 heartburnWhat is Heart Burn

Heart burn or is one of the most common health problems that create burning sensation in chest and pain may also start in chest area that can go up to neck, throat and jaw as well. This sensation may increase if patient bend over or lies down and this is very common after eating and this issue basically occur due to Stomach acid problems.

How to Stop Heart Burn

Because of Stomach acid problems this issue is commonly known as acidity as well and if this problem occurs due to change in lifestyle of affected person or some over eating then patient need not to worry about the same and they can try HCL with pepsin to get the instant relief from Stomach acid problems. However, if you get this issue frequently or on daily basis, then you need to take it seriously else it can lead you to serious health problems including stomach ulcer as well as internal scaring and bleeding and if you can do some changes in your diet you can easily control this problem in best possible manner.

Foods and Drinks to Avoid Heart Burn

If we talk about the cause of heart burn or Stomach acid problems, there are a number of foods or drinks that can increase the stomach acid and can cause Stomach acid problems. Some of these food and drinks include alcohol, caffeine, carbonate drinks, acidic juices and fruits, and a variety of anti inflammatory or analgesic medicines. Other than this smoking, pregnancy, obesity, and some other diseases can also cause the heart burn situation.

How to Use HCL

If we talk about the use of HCL in heart burn, HCL dilute the stomach acid and as a result of that you get quick relive from heart burn after taking HCL, that’s why all the expert and doctors suggest you to take the HCL to get relief from Stomach acid problems.


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What Is Ubiquinol?

Date: August 23, 2013 02:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Ubiquinol?

Coenzyme Q10 (Co10) is a naturally-occurring chemical compound in the body which fuels cell growth and enhances enzyme functions. It exists in three forms; ubiquinone (fully oxidized), semiquinone (partially reduced), and ubiquinol (fully reduced). So, ubiquinol is basically a reduced form of Co10, it is a strong antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals. Free radicals refer to a reactive and unstable atom that can trigger many medical conditions such as cardiovascular issues, weak immunity and even cancer.

Ubiquinol is found in almost every organ, tissue and cell in mammals. This lipid-soluble benzoquinol can be acquired through supplementation, biosynthesis and from diet (in small amounts). Ubiquinol plays an integral role in transferring electrons within the body, thereby leading to ATP synthesis. The antioxidant property of ubiquinol is very essential in the functioning of the cellular systems.

Ubiquinone is naturally converted into ubiquinol by the body to produce energy for the cells. The failure of this process can lead to insufficient energy levels in the body. The ability of the body to generate Coenzyme Q10 reduces with age and so does the ability to convert ubiquinone into ubiquinol. Therefore, older people should use ubiquinol supplements to boost their energy levels. Apart from older people, those who suffer from neurological, cardiovascular, diabetes and liver conditions may also have low ubiquinol levels.

There are many health benefits associated with ubiquinol. First, it offers a sufficient amount of energy which the heart needs to work well. It's also a strong antioxidant that protects the heart, and other vital body organs from free radicals. When it comes to energy, ubiquinol is an essential component in 95 percent of the energy produced in the body. Daily intake of ubiquinol supplement can help reduce fatigue and muscle pains; the common symptoms of insufficient Coenzyme Q10 in the body. Since ubiquinol is a strong fat soluble antioxidant, it can protect the body from oxidation, thereby providing an anti-aging benefit.

Do you feel fatigued, run down with no energy?  Consider Ubiquinol as a natural safe energy boosting supplement.


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