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Vitamin C: A safer way to recover from drug addiction ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 04, 2019 09:52 AM
One of the best and safest ways to recover from drug addiction, especially the use of heroin is through the use of Vitamin C. It is found that even after quitting the use of drugs, effects can be felt for years. The use of the vitamin along with other vital nutrients can help to relieve pain and bring back an addict's appetite. This can be important since malnutrition is a large problem for addicts to overcome. Other suggestions include the use of art, adventure or psychotherapy. Key Takeaways:
"People who were previously addicted to heroin may still feel the symptoms of withdrawal weeks, months, or even years after abstaining from it." Read more:
( 7 Ways to Achieve Normal Cholesterol Levels (6 of Which AreNatural) ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 25, 2018 11:53 AM
Discovering that your cholesterol levels are high is great motivation to start making healthier choices within your everyday life. There are common sense suggestions such as losing weight in order to reduce your bad cholesterol, as well as avoiding foods that are quickly converted into sugar such as carbohydrates. However, new research has shown that incorporating things such as red wine can also help reduce your bad cholesterol while helping prevent heart disease in the process. Key Takeaways:
"A large study published in the 1970s shaped how most people have thought about normal cholesterol levels for over 40 years." Read more:
( Inflammation 101 – get smart for good health ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 18, 2017 01:14 PM
First starting off giving a complete discription explaining what inflammation really is. The parts of the body it effects, and some things that can prevoke a reaction. Stating new information to help supside the pain helping live a normal life. After giving a personal Outlook on clean food, she provides a list showing inflammatory foods and other everyday items that we consume to try to avoid and a better alternative suggestions for someone who has inflammation. Key Takeaways:
"It is no longer appropriate to allow our dietary habits to contribute to the morbidity and mortality of the majority of humans." Read more:
( Processed Foods: A Health Nightmare ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 02, 2017 12:14 PM
The author describes problems that can be associated with the consumption of processed foods. The author describes how the haste and rigorousness of the modern world makes many people feel compelled to eat processed foods. The author goes on to describe what processed food is, by definition. The author describes the common ingredients in processed foods and describes how these individual ingredients cause health problems. The author describes the consequences of eating foods like these and offers suggestions for healthier dietary practices. Key Takeaways:
"Studies have shown that some processed foods stimulate the brain in the same way as drugs like cocaine." Read more:
August 24, 2017 04:14 PM
Several different medicines may carry a negative impact according to this piece from India's Mumbai Mirror. These medicines are intended to help those with such ailments as diabetes, acidity problems and arthritis, among others. A series of relevant fixes are also offered for the problems that could potentially be caused by these medicines. These fixes mainly involve suggestions to eat particular kinds of healthy food alternatives, including dairy, leafy vegetables, fish, sweet potatoes, eggs and many more. A doctor is also quoted to ensure that not all readers should be concerned about potential problems with these medicines. Key Takeaways:
"However, many of these drugs can interfere with the availability of nutrients in your body, warns Mahesh Jayaraman, medical researcher, therapist, health advisor and co-founder of health platform Sepalika, “either because they impair the body’s ability to effectively absorb nutrients from food, or cause it to unintentionally excrete certain nutrients.”" Read more:
( Healthy nervous system can equal good metabolism ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 29, 2017 07:14 AM
Having a healthy nervous system will give you a good metabolism. Obese individuals have a higher chance at getting heart disease. STUDIES show that high blood pressure could be caused by stress. A great way to keep your system healthy is excercise. Exercising helps keep your body in tip top shape. Another way to help reduce stress and have a healthy body is accupuncture. It's been proven to give you feeling of calm. These are just a few suggestions out of many in which you can use to have a healthier you Read more: Healthy nervous system can equal good metabolism
( How much good fat is a good amount? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 13, 2017 10:44 AM
We all know that good fat is an important and necessary part of the diet. This is true for people of all ages, including children. In fact, Omega 3 fatty acids can lower blood pressure and increase HDL cholesterol in children from ages 8 to 15. But how much good fat is too much? How do you know what the right amount is? This article provides some answers to these questions along with suggestions of how to determine the right amount to eat. Read on for more details. Read more: How much good fat is a good amount?
March 26, 2017 12:14 PM
Improve you complexion that has been affected by various factors such as sun exposure, harsh cosmetics and even stress. Don't use more chemical based cosmetics to accomplish skin whitening and repair when there are natural remedies that you can safely use. Save money by using these simple suggestions. Scrub your feet and apply natural mixture. Just leave it in for a while and massage your feet, then wash it off for an effective skin whitening process! Takeaways:
"Many people work hard to achieve fair and flawless skin. The market is flooded with skin-lightening creams and lotions."
( What Are the Best Snacks Before Bedtime? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 21, 2017 04:44 AM
Studies show that certain foods are the best snacks to eat close to bedtime. These include high fiber foods such as oatmeal and fruits. Low fat dairy products are also good. Crackers and cheese, sliced vegetables and cottage cheese are also good choices. One must remember that a great deal of calories are consumed by snacking so one must be careful. Maybe it's not really hunger but thirst one is feeling. It is a good practice to drink plenty of water and eat more often during the day so you won't feel like you're starving. Key Takeaways:
"A banana, apple or other fresh fruit, a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese or plain yogurt with sliced fruit, or oatmeal or some other high-fiber cereal with skim milk were frequent suggestions made by experts interviewed for this article." Read more:
( 10 foods to boost male fertility ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 11, 2016 12:59 PM
Male fertility has been under scrutiny in recent years, and much research has been done to improve sperm quality in men. There is no agreement on the cause of the decline in male fertility, but many specialists have suggestions on simple changes that can have a positive impact. The diet is the first thing that many are encouraged to alter in an effort to increase sperm function. Zinc and fructose are essential to the production of sperm. Therefore, men should make sure their diet includes these supplements. Alcohol, diet, and soft drinks should be avoided, as well as adrenaline. Key Takeaways:
"Women also need zinc at this time for many regulatory processes to happen. Zinc is involved in blood glucose control and keeping a healthy insulin response." Reference:
( Dietary Protein Basics ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 21, 2014 05:07 PM
You certainly stay an active life much like everybody else does today. When you are like many people, you could use some basic suggestions that are super easy to adhere to enhance your diet plan and nutrition. This short article contains some nutrients ideas that are easy to include in your every day routine.
The majority of people assume that ingesting fatty foods will result in bad health. In fact, your body needs fat to operate. Several food products, which can be rich in extra fat, for example cheese or avocado, are in reality quite healthful when ingested sparingly each day. So long as you consume in moderation and get away from unhealthy fats, you do not need to be concerned.
One thing many people believe is the fact diet is all about food. You should also consider how your body uses the food you eat. You desire to actually regularly physical exercise or even consume the right sorts of meals, your whole body will be grateful for this.
Reduce your sea salt ingestion. Most junk foods act like junk foods in terms of sodium information. When you can decrease your sodium absorption in what you eat, you may realize that you easier observe its flavoring developing. Unhealthy food will instantly style too salty for your needs. You won't have as many desires on their behalf.
Protein needed in your body The minimum daily protein requirements as set by WHO(world health organization) are 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, however individual protein needs are dependent on one's level of activity, overall health status, and age. People dealing with injury need additional health proteins pertaining to structure curing. Athlete’s education hard to get muscle mass or which could possibly be creating tiny accidental injuries also requires additional pertaining to progress along with restoration. Protein desires in youngsters change from infancy right through to delayed teenage years, along with considerable amounts connected with new health proteins structure being made while in quick progress spurts. The particular health proteins demands and then secure the moment early adulthood is reached.
( Chronic fatigue syndrom and your life styles ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 01, 2010 07:55 PM
Fight Chronic Fatigue SyndromChronic fatigue syndrome strikes more than two million people in the United States, with eighty-five percent of these people being women between the ages of thirty and fifty. The symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome often resemble many other viral infections, making it very hard to pinpoint the real problem. This condition is possibly caused by stress as well as by mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings, hypoglycemia, anemia, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, food and chemical allergies, weak adrenal function, parasitic infections, amino acid deficiencies, and Candida albicans infections. With all of this in mind, there are a couple of herbal combinations and healthful suggestions that can be followed to help prevent or deal with chronic fatigue syndrome.Cordyceps sinensis is a natural Chinese supplement that contains high amounts of L-tryptophan. It provides nutrients that are necessary for relieving fatigue and improving endurance. It also helps to increase blood supply to the heart and brain. This herb increases the production of superoxide dismutase in the body. In China, this herb has been traditionally used to treat the nervous system. Additionally, it is used to help strengthen the kidneys and liver. An herbal combination containing bee pollen, licorice, kelp, barley grass, schizandra, gotu kola, eleuthero, yellow dock, rose hips, and capsicum has been shown to help restore energy to the system. This combination is an excellent combination of herbs to feed and nourish the entire system. It provides nourishment for the adrenals, in the form of licorice, and also for the thyroid, in the form of kelp. The bee pollen in this combination helps to nourish and supply energy to the body. Barley grass nourishes and cleans the body, while schizandra, which is an adaptogen herb, increases the energy supply of cells in the brain, muscles, liver, kidneys, glands, nerves, and in the entire body. The combination of herbs will rebuild the blood, liver, and digestive system.
The following are a few suggestions that can be followed to help deal with and prevent chronic fatigue syndrome. Exercise is very helpful, with even mild exercise helping to increase stamina and oxygenate cells. Exercise also helps to improve sleep. Allergies can be involved in chronic fatigue syndrome, so it is important to look into food allergies, chemicals, and heavy metals, and eliminate them. Anytime there is inflammation in the body that is accompanied by pain, swelling, heat, and redness, allergies are likely the culprits. When the immune system is weak, candida is usually involved.
Candida and Chronic Fatigue SyndromA candida diet would help to restore natural flora to the system. Candida can prevent the body from using sugars properly, which blocks the body’s energy production and causes extreme fatigue. To restore the friendly bacteria, use acidophilus on an empty stomach and eat unsweetened yogurt. If candida is involved, it is important to eliminate sugar, alcohol, mushrooms and all fungi, molds, and yeast in any form. It is also important to eliminate fermented foods. Look into leaky gut syndrome, which typically allows germs, viruses, bacteria, worms, and parasites to flourish. When they flourish, the immune and nervous system become weak, causing diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome to weaken the body. Trying natural remedies like Fatigue to fantastic herbal supplements may help ease chronic fatigue.
( Green Tea Extract ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 23, 2008 01:43 PM
Green tea is a form of tea made from the leaves of the Carmellia Sinensis, a shrub that is native to China and has spread to other areas of Asia including Japan and the Middle East. Drinking it is believed to impart many health benefits, including the prevention of obesity, heart disease and some forms of cancer and it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 400 years. Tea is known to have been consumed in China for around 5,000 years, and used, not only in Chinese medicine, but also in that of Japan, Thailand and India for a number of ailments including regulating blood sugar, treating wounds and digestive problems. The drinking of green tea to benefit the heart and other vital organs is described in the Kissa Yojoki (Book of Tea), written in 1191 by Eisai, a Japanese Zen priest. This two-part book talks about the various medicinal benefits of green tea, such as preventing fatigue, curing beriberi, quenching thirst, clearing the thoughts, maintaining health of the urinary tract and improving digestive problems. It also explains how to grow tea and how to prepare and use the leaves. The methods of treatment of various ailments and medical conditions are described in the second part of the book. The active ingredients in green tea are catechins, polyphenols with strong anti-oxidant properties. Antioxidants are important components of your diet due to their effect on free radicals. These are small molecules, generally oxygenated, such the superoxide cation and hydrogen peroxide that are generated during normal metabolic processes and also ingested in pollutants such as traffic and factory fumes and insecticides. Free radicals are also formed by the effect of the ultra-violet component of sunlight on your skin and other tissues. The effect of free radicals on your body can be devastating, and they not only destroy cell membranes but also oxidize such molecules as the low density lipids (LDL) that carry cholesterol around your bloodstream. This allows the LDLs to be absorbed by the white blood cells and then deposited as fatty plaques in the walls of your arteries. The end result is a thickening and hardening of the arteries that leads to a condition known as atherosclerosis, where the blood supply to the brain and heart muscle is restricted, which can in turn lead to strokes and heart disease. Their effect on your cells is to cause cancer and premature aging, among others, and free radicals are also believed to play a part in conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and also inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and diabetes. They can also cause damage to your DNA. It is essential, therefore, that these free radicals are destroyed as quickly as they are generated, and that is what antioxidants do. You might be more familiar with the antioxidants Vitamins A, C and E, and phytochemicals such as flavonoids and carotenoids, but there are many substances available to you that are even more powerful such as the polyphenols found in green tea. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most powerful of these with antioxidant properties at least twenty five times that of Vitamin E, and 100 times that of Vitamin C. EGCG comprises around 10-50% of the total catechin content of the tea and studies indicate that it likely helps to protect against DNA damage by free radicals, to protect against oxidation of LDL, provide protection against the damage of ultra-violet radiation and to protect you from the free radicals that are generated by smoking tobacco and general airborne pollution. There are suggestions that the bioavailability of EGCG can be increased by consuming black pepper when drinking green tea, possibly due to the presence of piperine in the pepper. The piperine appears to retard the intestinal glucuronidation of EGCG and so allow more of it to be absorbed as opposed to excreted. So if you are using green tea for health reasons, spice up your food with a small amount of black pepper - that's all it needs. You don't have to smother your food in it! It should be stressed that these tests were carried out on animals, although the biochemistry involved is much the same. The oxidation of fat by your metabolism to provide energy is a very important factor in weight control. If the contribution of the fats you ingest to the energy generated by your metabolism is low, then the fats can go on to be deposited in your body. This is not only unsightly, in that it can basically make you look 'fat', but is also dangerous to your health. Fat deposits around your midriff and round the major organs of your body can be extremely damaging and a severe risk to your health. It has been shown by a recent study in the UK (Birmingham University) that those taking green tree extract displayed a 17% increase in fat oxidation over those given a placebo. Not only that, but the ratio of fat oxidation to the overall energy expenditure showed a similar differential between the study and the control group. This provides evidence of green tea extract being able to control your weight by burning fat, and also to improve the tolerance to glucose and sensitivity to insulin of healthy people. Many other health claims have been made for green tea extract, although many of these have little, if any, scientific basis. Among these are the claims that it can treat multiple sclerosis and be used to treat cancer, although claims that it can prevent the destruction of cell membranes due to its oxidative effect are supported by the biochemistry, if not the medical proof. There are cases where theoretical biochemistry can explain many of the applications of ancient remedies without needing modern day studies to support it. Some of the research supporting the green tea theories include: 1. In 2006, a study was announced that had followed over 40,500 Japanese men and women, aged between 40 and 79, that had no history of coronary heart disease, stroke or cancer starting in 1994. It was found that those who drank at least 5 cups of tea per day had a 16% lower risk of dying from any cause and a 26% less risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those that drank less than one cup of tea each day. Since cardiovascular disease and cancer are the major causes of death world-wide, these are significant results. 2. Again in 2006, it was reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that studies indicated that a higher consumption of green tea was associated with a reduction in human mental impairment when compared to the average. 3. Yale University School of Medicine reported later that year that, in spite of smoking more than their western counterparts, Asians suffered lower rates of cancer and heart disease, and put that down to them drinking over 4 pints of green tea daily. It was the polyphenol content of green tea and its antioxidant effect that was proposed for this result, known commonly as the 'Asian paradox'. A specific reason given for this was the antioxidant effect preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and its subsequent deposition in the artery walls. 4. Another component of green tea is the amino acid L-Theanine that promotes relaxation, and it is believed that this could help to fight stress by inhibiting the excitation of cortical neurons.
There is a lot more evidence for the health benefits of green tea, and once again it appears that the ancients have been proved correct. Perhaps we should pay more attention to ancient remedies, although without the proper evidence much of it is ignored - for the time being at least. Green tea, however, has generally been accepted due to the research and studies carried out on ECGC (Epigallocatechin gallate) and in additional to the traditional form, is also available as a dietary supplement.
( The pediatrics academy has raised its earlier recommendation to 400 IU per day. ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 14, 2008 10:03 PM
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) today announced that it has doubled the amount of vitamin D recommended for infants, children and adolescents. The increase, from 200 international units (IU) to 400 IU per day, starting in the first few days of life, was detailed at the group’s annual meeting in Boston. The new advice replaces an academy recommendation issued in 2003. "We are doubling the recommended amount of vitamin D children need each day because evidence has shown this could have life-long health benefits," said Frank Greer, M.D., FAAP, chair of the AAP Committee on Nutrition and co-author of the report. “Supplementation is important because most children will not get enough vitamin D through diet alone.” "Breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for infants. However, because of vitamin D deficiencies in the maternal diet, which affect the vitamin D in a mother’s milk, it is important that breastfed infants receive supplements of vitamin D,” said Carol Wagner, M.D., FAAP, member of the AAP Section on Breastfeeding Executive Committee and co-author of the report. The new advice is based on mounting research about potential benefits from vitamin D besides keeping bones strong, including suggestions that it might reduce risks for cancer, diabetes and heart disease. But the evidence isn't conclusive and there is no consensus on how much of the vitamin would be needed for disease prevention. "We know 400 IU a day is safe and prevents rickets," Greer said. "We don't have any idea if that amount of vitamin D is enough for other diseases. We also don't know if anything over 400 is safe." The AAP also made these recommendations: Infants who are breast-fed or partially breast-fed receive 400 IU a day of vitamin D in supplements, beginning in the first few days of life, continuing unless the infant starts taking at least one quart a day of vitamin D-fortified formula or whole milk, although whole milk should not be introduced until the child has turned 1. Non-breast-fed children and older children should also receive a vitamin D supplement of 400 IU per day. Adolescents who do not obtain 400 IU of vitamin D per day through foods should receive a supplement containing that amount. Children at increased risk of vitamin D deficiency (for example, those taking anti-seizure medications) may need higher doses, but this should only be done in consultation with a health-care professional. The new recommendations were expected to be published in the November issue of the journal Pediatrics.
( Rescue From High Cholesterol ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 01, 2008 05:22 PM
Cholesterol is an unsaturated waxy solid that is manufactured in the body and has important functions relative to cell membrane management. It is also known to help produce bile to digest fats and can help in metabolizing fat-soluble vitamins. Cholesterol is both made in tissue membranes and derived through the diet. This is where the basis of good and bad cholesterol comes into play. Cholesterol that is made in tissue membranes is transported by high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which delivers the cholesterol to the liver. HDL is thought to remove cholesterol from arteries and delivers it back to the liver for processing. Increased levels of HDL have also been deemed as protective against heart disease. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), on the other hand, is dietary cholesterol that is transported and carries cholesterol from the liver to tissue membranes. This factor is not what makes LDL cholesterol bad, instead it is the amount of cholesterol in the wrong place at the wrong time. Large amounts of cholesterol and LDL in the arteries can lead to plaques that gradually damage arteries over time, which leads to heart attack, stroke, or some other type of heart and vascular diseases. Because of these reasons, cholesterol management for heart and vascular health focuses on lowering LDL cholesterol. What is often overlooked is the value of raising HDL cholesterol levels, which can improve removal of cholesterol from dangerous locations in the arteries. The diet greatly influences health, and by addressing macro and micro nutrients, cholesterol health can be greatly reduced. Macro nutrients that affect cholesterol include fiber, protein, and fats. Micro nutrients are things such as vitamins and minerals, especially those that have potent antioxidant mechanisms, which can affect lipid peroxidation. Fiber, which has long been recommended by the American Heart association (AHA), lowers total and LDL cholesterol levels, while raising HDL levels. Although fiber is straightforward, the trick with protein is to always find a good source that does not have saturated fat and cholesterol that can negate its benefits. Although whey protein is animal-based, it has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol. However, many people have looked to soy to provide cholesterol-managing protein. When it comes to natural products, there are a few key nutrients that can help with cholesterol management. Among these are DHA, EPA, Omega-3s and 6s, Vitamin E, Vitamin B, and Niacin. Limiting oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation are also important components of cholesterol management. Although micro nutrients give a good level of protection from oxidation, a large amount of antioxidant fighters comes from botanicals, flavonoids, and carotenoids. Some flavonoids that can help with cholesterol care include cocoa, tea, and fruit. Citrus bioflavonoids also help with antioxidant management, especially when they are combined with vitamin E. Fruits such as pomegranate and grape seed extract help to limit LDL oxidation. Botanicals such as garlic, which contain antioxidant constituents help to lower total and LDL cholesterol while still maintaining HDL levels. Other suggestions to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels include pine bark extract as well as some types of algae.
Whether you’re attempting to use just one or many of these approaches to battle cholesterol levels, there are many well-researched ways to both lower the bad and raise the good cholesterol.
( Chronic Illness and eating healthy ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 09, 2007 12:43 PM
Chronic illness which exhibits itself as a recurring disease, with lingering and lasting symptoms is a growing pandemic amongst people today. The question is how much of this is due to neglect on the basics of healthy living? Today’s fast paced life style could be a factor for these reoccurring problems. For example, we pride ourselves on keeping five things in the air at the same time; this has caused us to slip from eating three healthy meals per day to drinking a slim fast or popping a diet pill to keep going. Moving away from proper diet and nutrition may be the reason our bodies are breaking down today resulting in chronic illnesses. Whether you are free from or burdened by illness it is time to take charge of your health! The first thing one can do is basic research. Studies on dietary supplements in scientific and medical research are an ongoing process both in the United States and internationally. If you are interested in finding citations on a particular chronic illness or research that is available I recommend looking at government agencies such as (i) The Office of Dietary Supplements, (ii) The National Institutes of Health (NIH), (iii) The National Agricultural Library (NAL), and (iv) United States Department of agriculture (USDA). It is also possible to obtain research abstracts from different major databases such as MEDLINE for biomedical related articles and AGRICOLA for botanical and agricultural science. To find these different databases and governmental agencies, search google using the respective agency/database name. Research shows that stress reduction can help to improve energy levels, improve sleep quality, and reduce high blood pressure. The following are some suggestions for reducing stress: Reducing stress Exercise 1. Weight lifting is not just about barbells and muscle-building but about stressing the body as a means for relieving stress. 2. Cardiovascular exercises such as jogging and bicycling. 3. Exercise is helpful by increasing blood flow to the brain, release of hormones, stimulates the nervous system and produces a feeling of well being. Eating healthy including supplementation 1. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid has the ability to boost the immune system. Vitamin C also helps to produce neurotransmitters by converting L-Tyrosine into dopamine. Along with dopamine, ascorbic acid also synthesizes norepinephrine and serotonin which have been found to be directly related to control anxiety and depression. 2. B-Vitamins are also the important for reducing stress. For example, Niacin (Vitamin B3) helps the body fight stress in three ways, (i) controls blood sugars, (ii) improves blood flow and (iii) regulates the release of energy from carbohydrates. Stress is a state of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors which are an unavoidable effect of living. Stress has been linked to coronary heart disease, psychosomatic disorders and various other mental and physical problems. Reducing stress is essential and can be done through diet and exercise. Nutritional science studies the relationship between diet and states of health and disease. Nutritional science has found human nutrition is very complex and varies widely and proper nutrition cannot be obtained by simply eating three meals a day because quite simply the average person just does not eat well. If you eat less than five servings of fruits and vegetables daily it is impossible to obtain all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. In order to seek assurance that you are getting all your body needs I suggest you take a good multiple vitamins which supplies at least 100 percent of the daily value for various vitamins and minerals. It is a good idea however to discuss with your doctor the best choices as he or she knows your history and specific health needs best.
( Remifemin symptomatic relief, scientifically supported* ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 26, 2006 02:41 PM
Symptomatic Relief, Scientifically Supported*
The only RemiSure black cohosh
Unique to Remifemin® - Exclusive standardized isopropanolic black cohosh extract, subject of over 90 scientific papers.
Proven Effective – The most clinically studies natural intervention for menopausal symptoms with over 40 years of use worldwide*
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Natural, Safe alternative to HRT for menopausal symptoms*
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VitaNet Recommends Remifemin
Lit source: Enzymatic therapy. *this statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treate, cure, or prevent any disease.
( Night Health: A new approach to improving sleep. ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 12, 2006 05:41 PM
Our night health, including the quality of our sleep and dreams, may be the most critical overlooked factor contributing to both emotional and physical illness in modern times. For millions, night is a time of growing frustration and deepening struggle with insomnia as well as compromised and insufficient sleep. Mounting data has confirmed that sleep problems are strongly associated with virtually all major illnesses ranging from cardiovascular disease to diabetes, infections and cancer, and obesity to depression. Night health refers to a new approach to sleep and dreams that integrates complementary and alternative medicine with effective conventional perspectives. It is essentially a comprehensive body-mind approach to sleep. The first in a series of articles introducing the concept of night health, this article begins with a closer look at the limitations of the simulated sleep offered by sleeping pills. It then examines the basic alternative of supplemented sleep: the place of natural sleep-supporting supplements. Finally, it offers suggestions for increasing the utilization of such alternatives by supplementing supplements with essential information, education and guidance offered by a new and unique software program and the first book about integrative sleep health. Simulated Sleep As the public becomes increasingly aware of the health ramifications of sleep disturbances, more and more people are turning to sleeping pills. In fact, according to the IMS Health research, about 42 million prescriptions for sleeping pills were filled last year in the U.S. This represents a nearly 60 percent increase over the past five years alone. Some projections anticipate that the current $2.7 billion in annual sleeping pill sales will more than triple by 2010. But instead of solving the problem, sleeping pills often make sleep problems worse. Sleeping pills commonly result in dependence. They can alter normal sleep architecture, cause amnesia and residual daytime “hangovers,” and they often result in rebound insomnias when discontinued. Some sleep specialists argue that sleeping pill use is further associated with significant increases in mortality. Given the sense of desperation that can accompany insomnia, even such very serious concerns have not prevented sales of sleeping pills from skyrocketing in recent years. We are currently witnessing an unprecedented advertising campaign on the part of the pharmaceutical industry designed to convince the public that sleep medications are indeed a safe and effective strategy for addressing sleep problems. Despite clever and seductive advertising, however, it remains highly questionable whether sleeping pills can truly offer us sleep. I believe it is more accurate to say that they result in a kind of artificial or simulated sleep. Compared to natural slumber, sleeping pills cause a chemical knockout. Unfortunately, so many people have slept poorly for so long, they have forgotten what it is like to experience truly restorative, deep and refreshing natural slumber. Instead, many people now hold a naïve, limited sense of healthful sleep, confusing it with being knocked out. And sleeping pills satisfy that very naïve notion of sleep. Supplementing sleep Rather than artificially simulating sleep with chemical knockouts, sleep-promoting supplements such as melatonin, valerian, and other botanicals support that body’s own sleep-facilitating mechanisms more naturally. Such products work in greater harmony with nature and, unlike conventional drugs, they do not stimulate sleep, they supplement sleep. I think of natural supplements inviting us to sleep. The very potency of many natural products lies in their very gentleness, which works cooperatively with both body and mind to induce healthful sleep. I believe that the potential benefits and markets for such supplements remain largely untapped. Consumers’ expectations that sleep aids should knock them out rather than gently assist them in letting go into sleep must be addressed through targeted education and information campaigns. Consumers also need to learn how to use alternative sleep supplements in the context of a healthy sleep lifestyle or positive night health. Supplementing supplements As helpful as they can be in promoting night health, sleep supplements alone will not do the trick. In fact, I believe many people get discouraged and discount the potentially positive benefits of sleep supplements after using them without proper guidance and understanding. Sleep supplements work best when they are geared to work synergistically as a part of a larger night health promotion program. The availability of a wide range of over-the-counter health supplements offers an important freedom in healthcare choices. But with increased freedom comes increased responsibility. Consumers need to become significantly more informed. Particularly with regard to night health, such supplements need to be personalized and prescriptive. When it comes to sleep health, one size does not fit all. Whether we choose melatonin or valerian or a specific blend depends upon who we are and exactly what we need. By prescriptive I do not mean ordered by a physician, but specifically tailored to the needs of the individual. Because of a significant shortage of health care professionals knowledgeable about sleep and the alarming trend towards increased use of sleeping pills, I have assisted in the development of a unique software program that provides sleep solutions that are both personalized and prescriptive. After more than a decade in development, the sleep advisor—an expert software system that thoroughly evaluates and provides personalized comprehensive recommendations for improving sleep—is now available. More recently, I completed the first truly integrative book on night health. Healing night: the science and spirit of sleeping, dreaming, and awakening offers a new, comprehensive perspective on night health that complements the sleep advisors high pragmatic approach. Together, healing night and the sleep advisor offers essential supplements to sleep supplements. Rubin R Naiman is a psychologist and clinical assistant professor of medicine at the university of Arizona’s health sciences center. He is also the sleep and dream specialist for dr. Andrew weil;s world renowned program in integrative medicine. Currently he serves as the sleep specialist at Miraval Resort, and is in private practice in Tuscon, AZ. The above article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat a particular illness. The reader is encouraged to seek the advice of a holistically competent licensed professional health care provider. The information in this article has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rubin R. Naiman, PhD
( CLEANSING DIET ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 14, 2005 05:05 PM
( |