
Search Term: " sagrada "

  Messages 1-10 from 10 matching the search criteria.
Cascara Sagrada for Constipation Relief & Other Uses (+ SideEffects) VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/2/18
How Cascara sagrada stimulates bowel movement Darrell Miller 9/8/16
Are Laxatives Safe For Your? Darrell Miller 4/26/14
What Are The Health Benefits Of Cascara Sagrada? Darrell Miller 10/9/12
Can Herbs and Prunes Help with Constipation Darrell Miller 3/30/11
Cascara sagrada and constipation Darrell Miller 11/9/10
Cascara sagrada can help with constipation Darrell Miller 8/25/10
Stop Constipation Darrell Miller 3/29/09
Pumpkin Seed Oil "Cucurbita pepo" Darrell Miller 8/18/05
Digestion - Keeping The Digestive System Balanced Darrell Miller 6/30/05

L A Naturals Cascara Sagrada
   1 oz $14.99 25% OFF $ 11.24
NATURE'S WAY Cascara Sagrada
   180 CAPSULE $18.99 20% OFF $ 15.19
Solaray Cascara Sagrada
   180ct 450mg $18.69 $ 14.99
Solaray Cascara Sagrada
   100ct 450mg $12.19 $ 9.49
Best Naturals Cascara Sagrada 450 mg
   250 cap $24.99 29% OFF $ 17.74
   250 CAPS $21.99 48% OFF $ 11.43
   100 CAPS $9.99 48% OFF $ 5.19
NATURE'S ANSWER Cascara Sagrada Bark
   90 caps $12.99 25% OFF $ 9.74
NATURE'S ANSWER Cascara Sagrada Extract
   3 fl oz $17.99 25% OFF $ 13.49
   100 vegicaps $18.49 31% OFF $ 12.76

Cascara Sagrada for Constipation Relief & Other Uses (+ SideEffects)

Date: September 02, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Cascara sagrada for Constipation Relief & Other Uses (+ SideEffects)

Cascara Sagrada for Constipation Relief & Other Uses (+ Side Effects)

For those people who are trying to find relief for constipation and things of that nature, there are many different options. Now, prune juice and the good old "push it out" have been working well for a really long period of time. However, as we all know, things have changed and not everyone is as tough as people were in the past. Therefore, there have been measures taken to see if this process can be more comfortable for people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although used as an herbal laxative, it is not recommended for users to continue with Cascara Sagrada for more than a week.
  • The Cascara tree grows to around 32 feet and is at this time considered an endangered species.
  • Other than its strictly medicinal uses, Cascara is used in the processing of sunscreens and as a flavoring agent.

"So what does cascara do? Other than it’s long history of use as a laxative for constipation, some people believe it can be used as a treatment for liver problems, gallstones, and cancer — but the evidence to date for these uses is lacking."

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How Cascara sagrada stimulates bowel movement

Date: September 08, 2016 09:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How Cascara sagrada stimulates bowel movement

Cascara sagrada is a herbal medicine that is obtained from the bark of California buckthorn tree. It is commonly used as an ingredient in many over the counter (OTC) laxatives. It is also taken in its fresh form but not recommended, this herb needs to be aged for a while before using.

Cascara is native to the Pacific Coast of the United States. History traces its original use as a medical remedy to the Native Americans.

Benefits of Cascara sagrada

Cascara has for a long time been used as a natural remedy for constipation, dysentery, muscle ache, and joints pain among others.

Primary use:

People who are prone to constipation use cascara as a laxative. The herb has proved successful in easing constipation symptoms.

How does cascara help with bowel movement?

Cascara contains phytochemicals which stimulate the intestinal lining and cause it to contract. These contractions help move stool into the bowel, thereby preventing constipation.

Medical advice on cascara use

Cascara is completely safe for use as a laxative or as a remedy for any of the conditions mentioned above. Its use is however not suitable for everybody. Persons with kidney disease, intestinal blockages, appendicitis, and ulcerative colitis are advised to avoid using it. This herbal laxative should only be a temporary fix for constipation,  adding fiber to your diet with more water will in the long run fix chronic constipation.


  1. //



Are Laxatives Safe For Your?

Date: April 26, 2014 10:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are Laxatives Safe For Your?

senna plantLaxatives

Herbal laxatives could promote bowel activity with mild purgation. They are usually used when there is a blood toxicity, constipation, an infection that cleansing of people bowel is needed, insufficient fiber in diet, a skin condition which caused by insufficient elimination, gallstones or hypertension.

Common laxatives

The most common laxative herbs used are senna, cascara sagrada, sesame, psyllium and milkweed. Milkweed or Asclepias syriaca is an old home remedy for warts, and medicinally important in heart disease treatment. The seed of Psyllium contain copious amounts of the mucilage, which are able to treat constipation, diarrhea and act as an effective and safe weight loss aid.

Why Would You Use Laxatives?

For relief of constipation you might suppose to use laxatives. Constipation is a gastrointestinal disorder, which make result in fewer or difficult bowel movements. Low fluid or fiber intake is the common causes of constipation. You will discover that bulk-forming laxatives are usually recommended for first aid when you have a constipation problem that will draw fluid into your intestines. However, it is not recommended to use laxatives in  long-term, because it could give you harmful side effect.

The Pros and Cons of Taking Laxatives

Laxatives were used for conditions like irregularity, painful elimination and hard stools. For temporary use laxatives are help to treat some chronic condition and invaluable. However, using laxatives for long-term use may give you several risks: cramping, bloating, nausea, gas and diarrhea. The most important risk you might want to know, is your body will be dependent on that herbs. It is an important option to consult to your doctor when having a risk of laxatives. Since there are some risks of using laxatives, you would like to try the alternatives of laxative when you are planning to use in a long term. Here are some valuable alternatives: Fiber rich food, drink plenty of water daily and exercise regularly.


What Are The Health Benefits Of Cascara Sagrada?

Date: October 09, 2012 08:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Cascara sagrada?

Cascara sagrada is considered to be a herbal tree which is famous for its laxative properties. Aside from this fact, there are other health benefits of this herb. Read on and find out more about the benefits of this deciduous shrub.

The Health Benefits of Cascara sagrada

1. This particular herb is famous in treating chronic constipation. It does not provide fiber; it irritates the lining of the bowels as well as increases the rate of digestion. Dried and aged barks of this herb are used in treating chronic constipation. This herb contains hydroxyanthraquinone glycosides called cascarosides which induces the large intestine, thus increasing muscular contraction.

2. Another health benefit of this herbal shrub is its detoxifying properties. It is believed that the formation of toxic materials in the colon can cause colon diseases. Good thing this herbal shrub can help in cleansing and restoring the natural tone of your colon.

3. Aside from the ones mentioned above, Cascara sagrada is also known to increase the secretions from pancreas and liver. With this, it will promote overall health and wellness when it comes to your digestive system.


Can Herbs and Prunes Help with Constipation

Date: March 30, 2011 02:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Herbs and Prunes Help with Constipation

Herbs and Prunes as a natural laxative

Herbs and Prunes must be the best digestive formula out there. It contains a select combination of herbs whose laxative properties are tried and tested for decades, namely: senna leaf, Chinese rhubarb root, Chinese asparagus, beet leaf, buckthorn bark, cabbage leaf, cascara sagrada bark, celery leaf, cranberry fruit, Culver’s root, parsley leaf, spinach leaf, and prune fruit. In addition to their long-standing association with alternative medicine, medical research has pointed to their active ingredients that are purgative in nature. These herbs not only relieve digestive problems such as constipation and indigestion but also cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, effectively disposing of toxins.

Induces Bowel Movement

There are several factors that may give rise to constipation, but in most cases it results from withholding bowel movement far longer than what is considered normal. In general, a healthy individual is expected to discharge fecal matter from the bowels at least once a day although it may vary from person to person. The rectum sends messages to the brain every time the final phase of digestion is about to take place, and not responding to these messages leads to reversing the direction of the feces, which are temporarily stored in the colon. However, the colon is not able to reduce the pressure the feces produce for long periods of time, leading to constipation. The unique formulation of Herbs and Prunes relaxes the intestinal walls and softens the stools, making it much easier to evacuate the bowels.

Alleviates Abdominal Pains

The phytochemicals that are considered the active ingredients of Herbs and Prunes include anthraquinones, such as senna glycosides, sorbitol, and isatin, such as dihydrophenylisatin, among others. These organic compounds are reputed for their laxative properties that soothe the muscles tissues within the intestinal walls and influence the releases of chemicals that sensitive the digestive tract to pain. Irregular bowel movement causes what we refer to as stomach pains, and more often than not the foods that we eat influences regularity. A balanced diet is named so because it promotes digestion as well as gives us the nutrients our body needs in right amounts. Herbs and Prunes works on the principle of supplying our body with all-natural, plant-based dietary fiber and phytochemicals that restores normal digestion.

Detoxifies the Digestive Tract

Herbs and Prunes comprises a significant fraction of both soluble and insoluble fiber that are guaranteed to wash away toxins when ingested with ample amounts of liquids. As diet significantly influences human health, it is not surprising that the digestive system may be rendered susceptible to unhealthy foods. The alimentary canal is our first line of defense against toxins that the foods we eat produce. Plant-based foods that contain fiber remove by-products of digestion that otherwise accumulate in the bowels. In conjunction with phytochemicals, fiber is known to reach parts of the alimentary canal that play host to harmful microorganisms, the reason why plant-derived medications are often the cure to many diseases of the digestive system.

Herbs and Prunes

It is always recommended to keep a herbs and prunes formula on hand when irregularity hits. Grab yourself a bottle today!


Cascara sagrada and constipation

Date: November 09, 2010 05:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cascara sagrada and constipation

bark of cascaraCascara sagrada is a large deciduous herbal tree. It is found in the specific area of the western coastal regions of the North America, mainly along the bottomlands in the valleys, along canyons and forested mountain slopes. It is also found growing along the Pacific Northwest from the Canadian province of British Columbia down to the northern parts of the California state. It reaches to the height of twenty to thirty feet and circumference of one and a half feet in diameter at maturity. With slender branches having many leaves, the bark of the tree is reddish brown is colour.

The leaves are green and yellow in colour and elliptical in shape with finely toothed edge, rounded base and sharp or blunt tips. Along the slender branches, the foliage tends to be guided by the crowding of the leaves at the tips of the branch lets. During the months of May to June, it bears greenish white flowers which are borne in clusters along the axils of the leaves. The flowers by the month of September gives rounded black fruits, which bear two or three smooth seeds. The various parts of the tree were used by the Native Americans in their traditional folk medicine.

The Spanish on observing this named the tree as Cascara sagrada, meaning the “Sacred bark”. In the traditional Indian medicine it was used in preparing various herbal medicines. In the autumn season the bark of the tree would be stripped, dried and then be left to a slow aging process at least for a year. The prepared bark was then kept in water and boiled to the steep. The boiled water was cooled and drunk as a potent herbal medicine to alleviate the symptoms of constipation in affected patients.

plant of cascaraIn the year 1877 the American physicians recognized and accepted its many medicinal benefits. From the year 1894 they started listing Cascara sagrada in the books U.S. Pharmacopeia for the significant medical benefits it provided. It is believed to be one of the world’s most naturally available laxatives and is still marketed as a natural plant based laxative. The wave like contractions it causes along the musculature in the walls of the intestine for alleviating constipation is the ultimate medicinal ability It possess which no other modern medicine has.

It is known for the peristalsis forces that it creates to tone the relaxed intestinal muscles of the affected patients. It shows great results by irritating the intestinal tissues. In old and weakened people is shows potent laxative action when properly diluted, providing great relief. The honey made from the flowers of this tree also show laxative action but is mild in nature. It is believed that the milder laxative action produced by the combination two related European species of Cascara is safe and beneficial to patients.

This herbal tree is widely used in patients with chronic constipation. Many commercial laxatives contain the bark of this herbal tree as the key ingredient of the product. If you suffer from constipation please contact your health care provider. Laxatives are a temporary fix for constipation and should not be taken for long periods of time. Lack of bowel movement is usually due to low fiber diets. Adding additional fiber to ones diet can boost bowel function and reduce constipation.


Cascara sagrada can help with constipation

Date: August 25, 2010 02:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cascara sagrada can help with constipation

Cascara sagrada and Constipation

Cascara sagrada was introduced to the Spanish explorers by Native Americans when they complained of problems with constipation. The Spanish then gave this herb its name, cascara sagrada, which means sacred bark and used it as a natural laxative. The Spanish explorers brought the herb back with them to Spain when they returned. In 1877, this herb was admitted to the U.S. Pharmacopoeia and is still included as an official medicine to this day.

Cascara sagrada is believed to be one of the best herbs for treatment of chronic constipation. This is because it enhances the peristaltic action that takes place in the intestines and increases the secretions of the stomach, liver, and pancreas. This herb is also helpful in relieving hemorrhoids because of its nonirritating nature and softening action on the stool.

Cascara sagrada is found in many over-the-counter preparations that are used for the intention of relieving constipation. This is because it acts on the large intestine to increase the muscular activity of the colon. The anthraquinones that are found in cascara sagrada are believed to encourage intestinal contraction. This herb is used to restore natural bowel movement without griping and to restore tone to the bowel.

Additionally, an element in cascara sagrada is known as quinine emodin. This element is being studied for its usefulness in treating lymphocytic leukemia and Walker carcinosarcoma tumor system. More research is needed before it will be recommended for treatment, but so far, the findings have been promising.

Cascara sagrada can be used often, as it is not considered to be addictive. Preparations should be made from bark that has been aged for a least a year before use. This must be done because fresh bark is poisonous and can cause nausea and extreme griping on the intestinal system. Cascara sagrada can be found in various forms including capsules, liquid extracts, and dried bark. Although it tastes bitter, the dried bark can be made into a tea. A typical dosage of cascara is a 300 mg capsule which is taken in the early evening to stimulate a bowel movement in the morning. The laxative effect usually occurs 6 to 12 hours after cascara is taken. Products containing cascara sagrada should not be used for more than eight or ten days. Those women who are pregnant and nursing should avoid this herb, as well as people with intestinal blockage, undiagnosed stomach pain, or symptoms that may indicate appendicitis. People with diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, or intestinal ulcers should not take this herb.

Additionally, children younger than twelve with constipation should not be treated with cascara sagrada.

The bark of cascara sagrada should be used to provide alterative, antineoplastic, antispasmodic, hepatic, lithotriptic, and purgative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, and vitamins A, B-complex, and C. Primarily, cascara sagrada is beneficial in dealing with colon problems, constipation, gallbladder problems, gallstones, gas, gastric disorders, hemorrhoids, intestinal problems, liver disorders, and worms. Additionally, this herb is extremely helpful in treating colitis, coughs, croup, dyspepsia, gout, indigestion, insomnia, jaundice, excessive mucus, pituitary problems, and spleen ailments.

For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by cascara sagrada, please contact a representative from your local health food store. Always choose name brands of this wonderful herbal laxative to ensure quality and purity and gentleness of its properties on the intestinal tract.


Stop Constipation

Date: March 29, 2009 10:08 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Stop Constipation

Constipation occurs when one has difficulty passing stools, or infrequently passes hard, dry stools. This is the result of food moving extremely slowly through the large intestine. From time to time, most people experience constipation. However, lifestyle changes and better eating habits can help to relieve the symptoms and prevent recurrences. Constipation usually results from insufficient amounts of fiber and fluids in the diet. Fiber can be found in plant foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Fiber that is water-soluble takes on a soft texture and is helpful in softening the stools. Insoluble fiber goes through the large intestine unchanged and is helpful in adding bulk to the stools to stimulate bowel contractions.

Other factors that can cause constipation include inadequate exercise, advanced age, muscle disorders, structural abnormalities, bowel diseases, neurogenic disorders, and a poor diet, especially a heavy consumption of junk food. Constipation can also be a side effect of iron supplements and some drugs, like painkillers and antidepressants. It is also common during pregnancy. High levels of calcium and low levels of thyroid hormone can also lead to constipation. Those with kidney failure are also prone to having problems with constipation. Constipation is often caused by dehydration in older individuals, with depression being a factor in people of any age. Some medications, like cough syrups, pain medications that contain codeine, antidepressants, iron supplements, blood pressure and heart medicines, calcium supplements, and some antihistamines can also cause constipation.

A small percentage of people with spinal injuries and other similar problems have constipation because the nerves that usually regulate bowel movement have been damaged or destroyed. A condition referred to as Hirshsprung’s disease makes the normal excretion of feces impossible because the nerves inside the bowel are missing. The nerve cells in the colon can also be damaged by long-term use of laxatives, which makes constipation inevitable. A thrombosed hemorrhoid, anal fissure, or a pocket of infection at the anus can create a spasm of pain that is strong enough to contract the muscles and prevent the evacuation of stools.

Constipation can cause a variety of other ailments such as appendicitis, bad breath, body odor, coated tongue, depression, diverticulitis, fatigue, gas, headaches, hemorrhoids, hernia, indigestion, insomnia, mal-absorption syndrome, obesity, and varicose veins. It may even be involved in the development of other serious diseases like bowel cancer. It is important to have regular bowel movements in order to remove toxins from the body. Toxins from bowel bacteria and undigested food particles play a part in the development of diabetes mellitus, meningitis, myasthenia gravis, thyroid disease, candidiasis, chronic gas and bloating, migraines, fatigue, and ulcerative colitis. People can have bowel movements as infrequently as three times a week and still not be constipated, but there are some health practitioners that believe that it is important to have a bowel movement every day.

The following nutrients are very helpful in dealing with and preventing constipation: garlic, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, apple pectin, chlorophyll liquid, essential fatty acids, a multi-enzyme complex, a multivitamin and mineral complex, vitamin B complex, vitamin D3, vitamin E. Additionally, the following herbs are also beneficial: alfalfa extract, fennel seed, aloe vera, ginger, milk thistle, triphala, cascara sagrada, goldenseal, rhubarb root, senna leaves, and yerba mate.

Adding a good fiber supplement as well as the above mentioned supplements can help one stop constipation and start normal bowel movements again. Natural fiber, vitamins, and herbs are available at your local or internet health food store. Look for name brands such as Source Naturals, Solaray, Kal, Planetary Formulas, and Natures Plus to ensure quality and safely of all your natural supplement needs.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins, herbs, and fibers are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.

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Pumpkin Seed Oil "Cucurbita pepo"

Date: August 18, 2005 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pumpkin Seed Oil "Cucurbita pepo"

Pumpkin Seed Oil "Cucurbita pepo"

Definition: Pumpkin seeds have a significant antiparasitic property to them and are routinely used to rejuvenate the prostate gland. As a rich source of zinc, which is highly recommended for the male reproductive system. Pumpkin seeds are highly nutritional, but those who can not handle the seeds can take Pumpkin seed oil in Pill form. Pumpkin Seeds are a symbol of health in China.

Possible applications: Intestinal parasites, Prostate disorders.

Scientific info: Swedish clinical trials found the that oil constituents of pumpkin seed combined with saw palmetto treated an enlarged prostate gland effectively. Pumpkin seed has a reputation of being a non-irritating diuretic. Pumpkin seed contains a rare amino acid called myosin found in the seeds of certain Cucurbita species, which is the primary protein constituent of muscles.

Complementary supplements: quassia, buckthorn, acidophilus, bee pollen, bee propolis, B-complex, Saw palmetto, kelp, garlic, black walnut, red clover, cascara sagrada, vitamin E, bioflavonoids, phytonutrients, blue-green algae, zinc and electrolyte supplements.

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Digestion - Keeping The Digestive System Balanced

Date: June 30, 2005 09:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Digestion - Keeping The Digestive System Balanced

Digestion By Ellen J. Kamhi, Ph. D. with Dorie Greenblatt Digestion is the foundation for the health and balance of the whole body system. In a very real sense our physical body is formed by the molecules we eat and absorb. As the old adage says, “we are what we eat.” Our eating habits, lifestyle choices and state of mind as well as the foods we choose to consume all directly influence the effectiveness of our digestion. Ideally, a diet of good whole organically grown foods eaten at regular intervals in a stress-free environment would be wonderful. The reality is that few of us actually ever attain this ideal. Herbs have been used traditionally by civilizations around the world to aid the digestive system in several different ways. Herbs may act as digestive tonics, bitters, carminatives, vermifuges (killer of parasites), laxatives and astringents, which all benefit the digestive system in different ways.

Digestive Tonics

Digestive tonics can help to balance stomach acidity. Their tonic actions may be in part due to their ability to protect and soothe the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Nature’s Answer® has many digestive tonic herbs available in the form of fast-absorbing liquid extracts. Nettle Leaf (alcohol-free, organic alcohol) is a mild digestive tonic that is highly nourishing. It tones the walls of the intestinal lining as well as the veins that supply nutrients to the digestive system. Cat’s Claw (alcohol-free, organic alcohol), often called Una del Gato in the Amazon rainforest where it is harvested, is a tonic herb for the entire system. Scientists believe that its overall positive influence on the body is directly related to its healing effect on the digestive system.


Bitters act to stimulate digestion through the increased production of digestive juices, from saliva to the release of bile. The Standard American Diet is sorely lacking in foods that taste “bitter”. There is actually a message sent via the nerves in the tongue to the digestive system to release enzymes and other digestive fluids when bitters are consumed. Herbal bitters can help, such as Nature’s Answer®’s Gentian Root(organic alcohol), Barberry Root (organic alcohol) and Oregon Graperoot (organic alcohol) liquid extracts. Bitters with Ginger (alcohol-free) is a combination “bitters” formula that blends several herbs together for ease of use and extra “bitters” benefits.


Carminatives are a classification of herbs that contain certain volatile oils well-known for their calming and relaxing actions to the stomach (leading to gas relief). Nature’s Answer® offers a variety of carminative herbs in liquid form, rich in the herbs’ roots, seeds, leaves and flowers: Ginger Root (alcohol-free, organic alcohol) is a common spice used throughout the world. It has outstanding medicinal properties that help to relieve conditions such as nausea, “morning sickness” (due to pregnancy), motion sickness (due to traveling in cars and boats) and other digestive complaints. Fennel Seed (organic alcohol) has a licorice like flavor. It is always available when leaving Indian Restaurants because it is a popular digestive aid. Peppermint leaf (alcohol-free,organic alcohol) is one of the most highly recognized and effective herbal treatments for bloating, gas, and “tummy-aches” in adults and children alike. Chamomile Flowers (alcohol-free, organic alcohol) is a popular herb in the United States. In Germany, the name for Chamomile translates to “Mother of the Stomach” because of its usefulness for many digestive complaints. Finally, Di-Jest™ (alcohol-free) is an example of an outstanding combination formula for digestion, featuring a synergistic blend of both carminative and bitter herbs for optimum support.


Vermifuges, also referred to as anthelmintics, are herbs that help rid the body rid itself of worms and other parasites. The presence of these “pests” was a well-known health concern until recent times, when advances in modern medicine essentially relegated these ailments to “the back burner.” It is an erroneous assumption to disregard the presence of parasites, especially in those who suffer from chronic digestive disorders. Nature’s Answer® provides several liquid herbal extracts which are quite effective vermifuges. Black Walnut Hulls (alcohol-free, organic alcohol) has been used historically to help get rid of worms. The combination formula, Black Walnut & Wormwood, combines Black Walnut with the appropriately named Wormwood and other herbs that are useful to help rid the body of parasites.


Laxatives aid with the common problem of constipation. Sufferers of this chronic ailment should examine their diets to be sure it includes a predominance of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. For occasional use, Nature’s Answer®’s Cascara sagrada (organic alcohol) serves as an excellent laxative that not only stimulates peristalsis (movement of the intestines), but also tones the muscles of the digestive system.


Astringents are useful for diarrhea. They help by firming the tissue in the digestive system. One noteworthy herb in this category offered by Nature’s Answer® in a convenient liquid herbal extract form is Bayberry Bark (organic alcohol).

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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