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Study investigates health benefits of different cordyceps variants ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 10, 2019 02:22 PM
According to Taiwanese citizens, the cordyceps(mushroom) is a powerful food. They say it can help with the immune system, and fights against tumors, as a start. Though they are hard to grow in large volumes due to a parasitic symbiosis, they are still worth the effort to study and learn from. Taiwanese universities have already studied how fermentation affects this mushroom, and they want to increase their knowledge, especially when it comes to perhaps growing alternatives to meet the demand. Key Takeaways:
"In the review, the researchers identified the primary challenge in the mass production of Cordyceps sinensis, which is the difficulty in collecting natural variants with parasitic hosts, coupled with discoveries regarding its pharmacological benefits." Read more:
( Honeybush tea is a nutrient-rich, antioxidant-filled, heart-healthydrink from South Africa ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 03, 2019 04:06 PM
South African honeybush tea is made from a plant called Cyclopia intermedia and provides a diverse mix of health benefits. In addition to providing many important minerals, honeybush also contains a very wide range of antioxidants, including flavones, polyphenols, flavonoids and many others. It also contains compounds with expectorant and antimicrobial effects that can help ward off colds and other minor infections. Animal studies suggest honeybush tea also helps prevent your body from storing as much fat, and assist in burning the body fat you already have. Key Takeaways:
"Drinking a cup of honeybush tea can provide the body with minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, and zinc." Read more:
( How To Make Vitamin C Powder At Home For Immune System Support ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 17, 2018 10:25 AM
Vitamin C is an absolutely essential vitamin for human bodies, especially as human bodies can not replenish their supply without consuming it from outside sources. Scurvy, which is a disease which manifests when vitamin C stores become dangerously low, is notable via symptoms such as bleeding gums, slow wound-healing and joint pain. Before vitamin C and its uses were understood, it was not unusual for the disease to take hold among sailing crews. Traveling for long distances, usually without recourse to fresh stores, the seamen made an unfortunate and easy target for the disease. Although it is now considered a rare occurrence the disease can and still does manifest under circumstances of unvaried diet. Regardless of one's diet, however, it is possible to supplement one's use of vitamin C. There is even an easy DIY way to make vitamin C powder for individual use. Besides providing the needed daily minimum quota of an essential nutrient that builds immunity and supports the cardiovascular system, the organic vitamin C powder recipe ensures the recipient garners valuable fiber and enzymes. It's also more absorbable than pill variants. To make the powder, first peel some oranges. Blend the peels, then place them in a glass dish and inside an oven set to low heat. Stir the peels from time to time. You'll want to use about 10 oranges and no water. To make sure the temperature is not too high, leave the oven door cracked open. Once the peels are thoroughly dehydrated, put them through the blender again and make a flour of them. Strain the flour and put the results in a glass jar. Use this golden powder as a nutritious additive to soups, teas and more. Key Takeaways:
"Human beings, just like other mammals, are unable to produce their own vitamin C." Read more:
( How does turmeric compare to OTC drugs? Research shows it'ssuperior in every way ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 25, 2018 02:01 PM
How does turmeric compare to OTC drugs? Research shows it’s superior in every way Turmeric has earned its reputation as a fantastic natural medicine over the course of thousands of years. Scientists from the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) recently added yet another study confirming the healing properties of curcumin, turmeric’s active ingredient, which they found to have unique anti-cancer properties. Other studies show that turmeric shows great promise in the treatment of depression, diabetes and other serious systemic conditions. Best of all, turmeric has no noticeable side effects! Key Takeaways:
"Even in a world awash with prescription medications and over-the-counter pills, Big Pharma’s worst cocktails cannot even begin to touch upon the healing power of turmeric." Read more:
( Protein Powder: 7 Best Types + How to Use ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 19, 2018 04:42 PM
Protein powder is commonly used amongst body builders, athletes, and every day people working out. Recent research has shown that it could improve your skin health and even improve you immunity. Protein powder is made from animal and plant-based sources. The common forms of protein powder include; hemp, egg, pea, rice, bone broth, soy, whey and more. There are three common forms of protein powder called concentrates, isolates, and hydrolysates. Protein powdering containing bone broth is one of the best kinds. Key Takeaways:
"Produced from both plant-based and animal sources, there are many types of protein powders available to tailor to any diet plan, taste palate or personal preference." Read more:
( Three nutrient dense superfoods that are easy on your digestion ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 23, 2018 05:54 PM
Eating wholesome, unprocessed, nutritious “superfoods” can help promote better health and compensate for some of the other obstacles we encounter in trying to improve our diets. Moringa, for example, provides dense leaves rich in 90 vitamins, 18 amino acids and a variety of antioxidants, and is usually prepared as a fine powder that can be added to beverages. Aloe Vera is also rich in a wide variety of nutrients, including some rare ones, and freeze dried extracts of Aloe Vera can provide an excellent source of this remarkable superfood. Perhaps most promising of all is chlorella, an algae and one of the most nutritious foods in the world. The cracked cell wall and fermented variants of this rich protein source are especially easy to digest. Key Takeaways:
"From toxic onslaughts to poor food choices, the amount of trip wires on the road to good health can be nauseating and can paralyze people into doing nothing at all." Read more:
( Inherited taste perceptions may explain why some people eat too much salt ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 30, 2016 10:59 AM
We all inherit genes of our family line, some of them are not ideal, but we deal with it. Many people have associated taste buds as being inherited, at least the this research studies believes so. We all have a different pallet some us like salt a bit more than others. But what if it was proved that you have inherited your taste perceptions, leading you to add more salt than recommended to your food, which would cause other medical complications. Key Takeaways:
"Genetic differences might help explain why some people like to use a lot of salt on their food." Reference:
( What Are The Health Benefits Of Inositol Crystals? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 28, 2012 10:39 AM
The first isolation of inositol was made by Scherer in the year 1849 who was a renowned Biochemist at the time. Since its discovery, wide spread research has been conducted with successful isolation of inositol and its derivatives in both plants and animals. The physiological functions have been confirmed to differ with respect to the structural form of the inositol, with cis-inositol, myo-inositol, neo-inositol and allo-inositol being some of the inositol's stereoisomers commonly isolated. Our Need for Inositol The human body particularly requires inositol and its derivatives in many physiological processes. It is a major messenger molecule that is used in calcium mediated cell signaling which affects motor function, action of hormones such aldosterone and affects the functioning of some of the neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin. Inositol derivatives are also involved in lipid metabolism which helps control the amount of LDP (Bad cholesterol) in the body. Additionally, some of the researches indicate that inositol derivatives are actively involved in suppressing oncogenesis which significantly reduces the risk of suffering from breast and prostate cancers. The human body can produce some of the inositol variants from glucose metabolism but obtaining plant derived inositols is also worthwhile. Food Sources Of Inositol Plant products such as red beans, bran and other cereals contain good levels of inositol although the chelating effect of the inositol by calcium and magnesium ions limits its uptake in the gut. For this reason, use of supplement Crystal Inositols is regarded as the best way to obtain dietary inositol. A majority of the crystal inositols available in the market are chemically combined with other compounds such as Niacin which highly increase their absorption in the intestines. Dissolving these crystals in juices is also highly recommended as it is a better way of taking the supplements since a wide range of other drinks especially the ones that contain caffeine affects the uptake of inositol negatively.
( Boost digestion with Bifidus Longum and Acidophilus Probiotics ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 21, 2008 12:19 PM
Prior to discussing how you can boost digestion with bifidus longum probiotics, let's first have a look at probiotics in general and why they are so beneficial to us. Probiotics are also known as microflora, and are beneficial organisms that live in your digestive tract. Not all microorganisms are bad news, and many are essential for good health. Included in these organisms are various types of bacteria and yeasts, each of which has a specific part to play in the proper functioning of your body. Because of this they are found in foods all over the world, including yoghurt and fermented vegetables such as German sauerkraut and Korean kimchi. Among their major benefits to health are that they help to support your immune system, they aid the digestion and absorption of food, they provide increased energy by improving the metabolic conversion of blood glucose to energy, and they can also help to delay aging. However, you should be aware that not all probiotics are the same, and when used properly some can have the same effect as antibiotics. They are used to cure many digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea, and can also help to relieve heartburn and acid reflux. In fact your lower intestine should contain a minimum of 85% friendly bacteria, and 15% at most of unfriendly bacteria that can cause disease if they over-colonize your colon. It might surprise you to learn that you have around twenty times more bacteria in your body than body cells. One of the best known of the probiotics are members of the lactobacillus family that are contained in yoghurt and curds and whey, so Little Miss Muffet had the right idea. However, you might not have the right idea in eating commercial yoghurt because, while raw yoghurt does contain these helpful bacteria, the type that you buy in pots in the supermarkets has likely been pasteurized - a process that kills off the bacteria. Unless the product has been seeded with live bacteria after pasteurization, then there will likely be none in your yoghurt! Make your own! So what are the probiotics that do you most good, and in what form should you consume them? The common friendly bacteria are the already mentioned lactobaccilus, and then lactococcus, streptococcus thermophilus, enterococcus, bifidobacterium and others. Bacteria are easily killed off by the acidic conditions in your stomach, and since they must be taken live they should be consumed in a form that can resist the stomach acid. There are many ways in which they benefit you, the main ones that are currently understood being: Lactic acid production: the presence of lactic acid in the gut prevents stops or slows the growth of harmful bacteria by increasing the acidity. Some probiotics, known as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can do this. Most bacteria do not like acidic conditions. Supporting the immune system: LAB bacteria have been shown to increase the production of cytokines that stimulate the activity of the macrophages that attack foreign viruses and pathogenic bacteria. The LAB also promotes the formation of NK-cells (natural killer cells) that destroy cells that have been infected by viruses. Adhesion site blockage: bacteria attach themselves to your intestinal walls at specific adhesion sites. Friendly bacteria can colonize these sites and so prevent the pathogens from adhering. Effect on the Intestinal wall: the intestinal wall has a natural mucous barrier that helps to prevent the passage of allergens and pathogens into the bloodstream through the intestine. Probiotics can strengthen this barrier, and also alter the nature of the mucous to render it less liable to penetration by these unwelcome visitors. So where does bifidobacteria come into this? There is a number of strains of this bacterium living in the human body, but Bifidus longum is the most common or most abundant of these. Although it is the most common bacterium found in commercially available probiotic products, high numbers have to be consumed for the proper health benefits. However, commercial yoghurts contain very little of this bacterium, or even none at all. This is largely due to the pasteurization previously discussed, that kills the bacteria at high temperatures. Unfortunately this process is not selective, and in ridding the products of bacteria that could make you seriously ill, the beneficial bacteria are also destroyed. This is a shame because Bifidus longum has been shown to inhibit E.Coli that can cause serious conditions of the digestive system. Among these are severe diarrhea and an inflammatory condition in the colon as the immune system tries to expel these nasty bacteria. This bacterium is particularly dangerous to the weak, such as the aged, children and people already weakened by illness. It also helps to counteract yeast and other vaginal infections and when taken with other probiotics is believed to help in colon cancer cases. Among its other benefits are its part in the biosynthesis of thiamine, riboflavin and other vitamin B forms in your intestine, and also the absorption and assimilation of these vitamins by your body. It is also believed that it might help to reduce the cholesterol level in your body through its uptake of bile salts from the colon. The major destructive elements of Bifidus longus are antibiotics of any kind, whether they be penicillin variants or tetracycline, and although the latter is used mainly for infections of the respiratory tract, it is ingested by the gut and effectively reduces the population of the bacteria that are needed for optimum health. That is one of the reasons why antibiotic use should be restricted to only what is necessary, and not use indiscriminately for all infections. Unless administered intravenously or site targeted, antibiotics kill off the good with the bad!
The other activities of Bifidus longus, such as removing the by-products of our metabolism that could be toxic if left to roam our bodies, render this bacterium as useful to your body as any vitamin or mineral supplement you could take. It is a supplement that many either overlook or are not even aware of, yet one that can make a significant difference, not only to your digestive and intestinal health, but also to you general overall wellbeing.
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