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The calming, centering benefits of NOW® Lavender - Tea Tree Oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 27, 2022 12:30 PM
For centuries, people have used lavender and tea tree oil to promote feelings of calm and well-being. These two popular essential oils come together in NOW® Lavender - Tea Tree Oil to create an aroma that's soothing, centering and uplifting. Lavender Oil Lavender has long been used for its calming, relaxing effects. The Lavandula officinalis spp. plant is native to the Mediterranean region and has a sweet, floral aroma. Research has shown that lavender can help reduce anxious feelings and promote Restful sleep.* Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil comes from the Melaleuca alternifolia plant, which is native to Australia. Tea tree oil has a fresh, minty scent and is known for its cleansing properties. In aromatherapy, tea tree oil is used to promote feelings of alertness and focus.* NOW® Lavender - Tea Tree Oil Blend NOW® Lavender - Tea Tree Oil pairs these two popular essential oils to create an aroma that's both soothing and uplifting. This blend can be diffused or applied topically to help you enjoy the calming benefits of lavender and the refreshing, cleansing properties of tea tree oil.* In Summary: NOW® Lavender - Tea Tree Oil is a unique blend of two popular essential oils that offers a variety of benefits. From its calming effects to its refreshing, cleansing properties, this oil can be diffused or applied topically to help you enjoy the benefits of both lavender and tea tree oil.*
( Sweet dreams: Eating honey before you go to bed can help you sleepbetter ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 14, 2019 05:01 PM
It is noted that when one eats sweets before going to bed this could have a negative impact on his sleep. If one does not sleep well, the next day would be a dreadful one. But for those who want to indulge themselves at night with something sweet, there is a natural alternative they can go for which can also help them to sleep better at night. That alternative is honey. Honey is a potent superfood and effective for relaxation, and can serve as a sleep remedy. The use of honey is not new. For centuries, various cultures have used it for food and medicine. Honey is a good source of nutrition because it has lots of antioxidants and nutrients. It is also rich in natural compounds. Honey is recommended as a daily food and its does not have negative drawbacks no matter how often one takes it. Honey possesses many properties which include being an important alternative to sugar, for the treatment of insomnia, for the promotion of deep sleep, and for the relaxation of the body. Therefore, honey is recommended by health practitioners to be taken daily. Key Takeaways:
"Eating honey at night can kick-start a whole chain of events throughout your body. Raw honey naturally contains high levels of fructose and glucose. Glucose can immediately boost your energy levels, whereas fructose gets stored in your liver as glycogen to serve as an energy source while you sleep." Read more:
( Learn how gotu kola reduces stress and anxiety ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 21, 2019 07:57 AM
Gotu Kola has been studied and found to increase calm and alertness by one hundred percent in human. After only 60 minutes post ingestion the effects are demonstrated and showed a noteworthy reduction in startle response. A starting dose is three cups of gotu kola tea per day. There are a broad range of other health benefits which include boosts in cognitive function. It was found just as effective as folic acid. Alzheimer patients have also seen an improvement in mood and memory via the compound called triterpenes. Gotu Kola improves circulation and inflammation as well as aiding in restful sleep. Key Takeaways:
"Gotu kola is a popular herbal remedy that has a long history of being used in Ayurvedic medicine due to its healing properties that can promote mental and emotional health." Read more:
( Is magnesium the secret to ending PMS? Vitamin eases headaches andcramps ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 20, 2019 03:49 PM
The vast majority of women will suffer from common PMS symptoms like cramps, insomnia, headaches, anxiety and mood swings. Roughly five percent of women will suffer more serious symptoms — known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder — involving anger and depression. However, studies suggest that women who take a daily magnesium supplement suffer from less severe PMS symptoms, possibly because magnesium helps promote higher levels of gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter which helps regulate sleep. Women who experience exhaustion as a central PMS symptom are particularly likely to need more magnesium. Key Takeaways:
"According to PubMed Health, during this time, some women feel a wide range of physical discomforts, such as abdominal pain, abdominal cramping, backache, headaches, bloating, weight gain, breast tenderness, possible sleeping issues and digestive discomfort." Read more:
( Will CBD Oil Help Me Sleep? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 31, 2018 05:16 PM
Insomnia affects one-third of Americans. That shows many people are not having good sleep quality. CBD oil can help in this regard. It helps you to enter and maintain the non-REM phase of sleep (the deep sleep phase) while reducing the duration of the REM phase (the light sleep phase where dreams take place). The benefits are a marked increase in overall sleep quality and reduction of symptoms of depression and anxiety. So, even if you live in a very noisy environment, CBD oil can help you get that needed sleep. But before you chose on which oil to use, you should go for one that is environmentally-friendly and not made with toxic chemicals. Check whether the manufacturer allows third party lab testing. Also, the higher the price, the higher is the quality. Key Takeaways:
"It may sound weird, but CBD is actually known to promote alertness, and thanks to that, it helps us sleep better." Read more:
( top-essential-oils-for-university-students ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 21, 2017 05:14 AM
There are some essential oils for university students. Coffee is always going to be number one in our hearts, but essential oils have become a very popular thing. They are very useful to easing anxiety in people. There are so many different oils and they all have health benefits that will help you in your life. Each oil has its own unique benefit to people. They have all been studies for their effects and they all have positive benefits. Takeaways:
"While we often think as essential oils as simply nice aromas, they also contain some pretty beneficial properties that can help boost focus and mental alertness"
( Dietary prebiotics improve sleep, buffer impacts of stress, says study ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 12, 2017 01:59 PM
a couple of researches experimented with rats in order to see if probiotics helped as a sleeping aid, they tested this experiment with rats and found that the rats while being on the probiotics spent more time in non rapid movement which is Restful. According to the researches these isn't enough evidence to state that probiotics improve sleep. Key Takeaways:
"Prebiotics are dietary fibers found naturally in foods like chicory, artichokes, raw garlic, leeks and onions." Reference:
( 11 Foods that Help You Sleep Better ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 04, 2016 04:09 PM
Did you know that there are some foods that actually help you sleep better? If you are like most people, sleep is a very expensive luxury to come by now a days but with these eleven foods you can help sleep better. These foods are rich in both magnesium and in tryptophan which can help promote not only sleeping quicker but also a more Restful sleep. To learn more, please take a closer look into this article. Key Takeaways:
"Magnesium regulates circadian rhythms, so you get sounder, more satisfying sleep. Dark chocolate is a great source of magnesium, as are a multitude of other foods we've highlighted below." Reference: //
( Hyperactivity and Herbs That Can Help ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 13, 2016 02:07 PM
Hyperactivity is a behavioral condition in children that involves being easily distracted, unable to concentrate, being aggressive and also impulsiveness. This often decreases the child grow and sometimes he/she may be punished at school for such behaviors.
The following are herbs recommended for alternative treatment of hyperactivity condition:
Catnip (Nepata cataria) acts as a mild sedative for young children and adults. It also makes one to rest and feel like sleeping.
Chamomile (Metricaria recutita)
It provides a safe nervine action to children while encouraging sleep.
Hops (Humulus Lupulus)
Hop plant flowers help in reducing nervousness and anxiety and encourages sedation.
Kava kava
Kava kava helps offset stress and disruption of sleep patterns as it has antianxiety and anti-panic properties.
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
It helps in reduction of too much anxiety and nervousness thereby helping in treatment of hyperactive in children.
Extracts from green oats help in boosting attention and concentration
Passion flower
Passion flowers help in maintaining mental and physical wellness in a restless individual.
It is helpful to people who can’t sleep due to overactive mind as it has some nervine properties.
St. John’s wort
St. John’s wort promotes quiet and Restful sleep to individuals who are unable to sleep due to nervous excitement.
Flowers and leaves of this plant help boosting sleep in individuals who are unable to sleep.
Wood betony
It has a mind calming effect that helps in reducing nervous tension and anxiety.
( What Is GABA And Why Is It Important For The Brain ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 21, 2013 01:22 AM
The human brains need various supplements to make it work better. One such supplement is the gamma aminobutyric acid, abbreviated as GABA. It is the second most important neurotransmitter for the brain. The neurotransmitters allow synapses that transfer information to gray matter in human. This amino acid gives human an inhibiting experience thus making one calm. This makes it possible for one to have a feeling of well being and tranquility. GABA on Human Body GABA is useful in the human body because it acts as neurotransmitters. This means you are protected from nerve impulses. This neurotransmitter cools the brain. Research has shown that it helps to increase alpha wave production. This is related to the feeling of relaxation we have in brains. With enough GABA, it is known to prevent the feeling of insomnia. This comes when neurons firing decreases to make one have a Restful sleep. The calming effect helps an individual’s brain to have elevated moods which is an important part for reducing blood pressure. To enable an individual have more concentrations when working, they need to have increased levels of GABA. References:
( Magnesium Is An Important Mineral For The Cardiovascular System ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 25, 2013 06:32 PM
What is Magnesium?
Magnesium is a very important mineral in human body and is needed for more than three hundred biochemical reactions. Some of its health benefits include formation of healthy teeth and bones, body temperature regulation, energy production and nerve impulses transmission. Body Relaxation Magnesium acts as a calcium channel blocker and it’s responsible for relaxation. Magnesium is very essential to the smooth functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system. A human body operates well in a relaxed and calm parasympathetic state as opposed to the heart pounding and adrenaline driven state of sympathetic nervous system. Physical and mental stress related to the flow of adrenaline, consumes large quantities of magnesium. This is because adrenaline affects blood pressure, muscle contraction, vascular contraction and heart rate - actions that all require continuous supply of magnesium for healthy functioning. The nervous system relies on adequate magnesium for the calming effects including a Restful sleep. Cardiovascular System Magnesium lowers the risk of suffering from coronary heart diseases. Many dietary surveys have found out that sufficient intake of magnesium may lower the risk of a stroke. Magnesium deficiency increases the chance of experiencing abnormal heart rhythms that increases the chance of having complications after heart attack.Thus,taking the correct amount of magnesium is beneficial to cardiovascular system. References:
( What Are The Health Benefits Of Magnesium Glycinate? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 12, 2013 11:58 AM
Magnesium Glycinate is derived from the attachment of magnesium to glycine. The health benefits of Magnesium glycinate are many. Naturally, the body needs magnesium to function properly. If the magnesium levels in our blood are less than normal, it is necessary to take magnesium glycinate supplement. When the amount of magnesium in the human body is very low, it may lead to various ailments. Likewise, excessive intake of this nutrient may lead to fatigue, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea etc. Let us consider some of the health benefits of this supplement: Prevent High blood pressure Medical Experts believe that consuming a large amount of this supplement can help prevent or reduce the effect of high blood pressure. Individuals who are already suffering from high blood pressure can take this supplement to reduce hypertension. Increase Levels of HDL HDL stands for good cholesterol. This supplement can also help reduce levels of bad cholesterol and increase levels of good cholesterol. Improve Sleep Quality People who have low levels of magnesium may find it difficult to sleep. If you are yet to achieve a more Restful sleep, perhaps you can take this supplement. Those who are struggling with restless leg syndrome may also find this supplement helpful. Mood enhancer Magnesium glycinate supplement can help balance your mood swings. According to the author of "Healing Depression Naturally" Lewis Harrison, magnesium has the ability to regulate neurotransmitter receptor sites. Harrison emphasizes on the use of magnesium glycinate as a good treatment for depression. He stated that magnesium glycinate helps to remove mercury from the body, which can lead to emotional stability. However, this claim is based on anecdotal evidence and not clinical studies. Notwithstanding, some persons have achieved success using this supplement to treat depression. Therefore, if you are struggling with fatigue, sleeplessness, depression, high blood pressure and high bad cholesterol levels, then this supplement is for you.
( Health Benefits Of Chamomile ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 03, 2012 07:56 AM
It is believed that ancient Egypt saw Chamomile as an effective cure for most illnesses. In the modern world too, this golden herb retains its healing properties and is used for treating many a disease and discomforts of the body. Most commonly, German chamomile blossoms are infused to prepare 'Chamomile tea' which is a fragrant concoction full of medicinal properties. The tea can be combined with honey to enhance the taste. Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea Chamomile tea, supposedly, helps to bring about Restful sleep. It is thus of great value for people suffering from insomnia and other sleep-related disorders. Due to its soothing and relaxing effects, it is generally taken before a person goes to bed. Since time immemorial, Chamomile has been considered a remedy for stomach ailments. Known to soothe gastric and bowel related problems, the herb is a blessing for people with stomach aches. All in all, Chamomile helps facilitate the complete digestion process by promoting bowel movement. For women facing menstrual cramps and nausea every month, Chamomile tea comes as a welcome relief. Research indicates that regular consumption of Chamomile tea increases the level of glycine in the body. Glycine is a compound that controls muscular spasms, thus it tends to calm menstrual cramps. A healthy cup of golden chamomile tea has also been found to combat the morning sickness of pregnancy. However nothing has been proven till now to this effect. Some studies suggest that this wonder herb accelerates the wound healing process too. Many researchers are of the belief that age-old Egyptians and Greeks used Chamomile flowers on wounds to speed up their healing time. Though there is no established evidence as such regarding this subject, history stands witness to the magical healing properties of Chamomile in more ways than one. Diabetes patients are also in for some good news concerning Chamomile tea. Many ongoing studies and surveys conducted worldwide are hinting at Chamomile playing a role in diabetes management. Consumed regularly in the form of tea, the herb may arrest complications arising out of diabetes and may also prevent hyperglycemia. What's more, the golden herbal tea prepared from chamomile is caffeine-free and will not be addictive in any way. However, it is always a good idea to take professional advice before going all-out for Chamomile. Some people may display allergic reactions to the herb and suffer side-effects. Therefore, it is best to try the herb first in small amounts before one decides to include chamomile tea in the daily routine of life. Besides its therapeutic uses, chamomile is being increasingly used as an ingredient in cosmetic products and is being considered a good friend of the skin. Since Chamomile is known to be a stress-buster, a cup of chamomile tea after a hectic work day might just prove to be the right beverage to save the evening. With its sedative, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and benefits, Chamomile is sure to become more popular by the day. Used wisely, the golden herb is no less than gold itself.
( Hops And Good health ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 20, 2009 08:47 PM
Nicholas Culpeper, a seventeenth-century herbalist, suggested the use of hops to open obstructions of the liver and spleen, cleanse the blood, loosen the belly, cleanse the veins, and promote urination. Hops were used as food by the Romans. Gerard, a famous herbalist, recommended using the buds in salads. Native American tribes also found hops to be of value. The Mohicans used it as a sedative and also for toothaches, while the Menominee tribes used hops as a cure-all. The lupulin that is found in hops is described as both a sedative and hypnotic drug. It was recognized in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia from 1831 to 1916. Most often, hops are probably used in the production of beer.
Hops are best known for their sedative action. Also, they are used for their antibiotic properties. These properties are beneficial for sore throats, bronchitis, infections, high fevers, delirium, toothaches, earaches, and pain. Although hops are strong, they seem to be safe to use. Their main uses are to alleviate nervous tension and promote a Restful sleep. They have been used to naturally relieve insomnia. For inflammation, boils, tumors, and swelling, a poultice of hops is recommended. Hops have been used as a stimulant to the glands and muscles of the stomach. They have also been used as a relaxant on the gastric nerves. Hops have a relaxing influence on the liver and gall duct and a laxative effect on the bowels. The flower of the hops plant is used to provide alterative, anodyne, antibacterial, antibiotic, antineoplastic, carminative, cholagogue, galactagogue, nervine, sedative, stomachic, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are chlorine, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, lead, magnesium, manganese, sodium, vitamin B-complex, and zinc. Primarily, this herb is extremely beneficial in treating appetite loss, bronchitis, delirium, gastric disorders, headaches, hyperactivity, and indigestion, insomnia, absent lactation, nervousness, pain, and excessive sexual desire. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with alcoholism, anxiety, blood impurities, coughs, intestinal cramps, dizziness, earaches, fevers, gas, jaundice, kidney stones, liver disorders, menstrual symptoms, menopausal symptoms, neuralgia, restlessness, rheumatism, skin disorders, sleeplessness, toothache, ulcers, venereal diseases, water retention, whooping cough, and worms. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by hops, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Kava Kava Root ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 05, 2009 12:11 PM
Kava is an ancient crop of the western Pacific. The word kava refers to both the plant and the beverage that is produced from its roots. Kava is a tranquilizer that is primarily consumed to relax the body without disrupting mental clarity. The active ingredients found in this herb kavalactones. Kava extract is marketed as an herbal medicine in some parts of the Western world, fighting against stress, insomnia, and anxiety. It has been concluded that this herb is more effective than a placebo at treating short-term social anxiety. Safety concerns have been raised over liver toxicity, but research indicates that this may be largely due to use of stems and leaves in supplements, which were not indigenously used. Kava is used by many island communities in the Pacific in their ceremonial drinks as a mild sedative and relaxant. Among these include Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. This herb was used to relax the body and mind and to promote Restful sleep. Kava is considered to be an important herb for pain relief. It is also helpful for insomnia and nervous conditions. This herb is recommended to be used as a strong muscle relaxant. It is considered to be one of the most powerful of all of the herbal muscle relaxants. Kava is used as an analgesic sedative, for rheumatism, for insomnia, and to relax the body. Studies have determined that kava contains anticonvulsant and muscle-relaxing properties. This may be extremely helpful to those people who have stress-related muscle tension or seizures. Those individuals who drink kava often relate the effects to a sense of tranquility and sociability. The herb helps to achieve a feeling of well-being and relaxation. Kava seems to have an advantage over other drugs that are prescribed for anxiety and insomnia because it does not seem to lose effectiveness over time. A variety of studies have shown that there is a significant benefit for individuals who are suffering from anxiety. This is extremely promising for those individuals who require long-term therapy for anxiety disorders. Kava is not addictive and is free of associated complications. This is different from many of the medications that are routinely prescribed. Kava also provides benefits as an analgesic for pain relief. The chewed leaves of this herb cause numbness in the mouth. This anesthetic activity is similar to cocaine and it lasts longer than benzocaine. The root of the kava plant is used to provide alterative, analgesic, anesthetic, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, and sedative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium and magnesium. Primarily, kava is extremely beneficial in dealing with insomnia and nervousness. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating anxiety, asthma, bronchitis, fatigue, pain, rheumatism, uterine infections, vaginitis, and venereal diseases. It is important to consult your health care provider before taking this herb so that you do not have any adverse reactions to medication which is associated with this herb. In order to obtain more information on the many beneficial effects provided by kava, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.
( L Tryptophan by Now Foods ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 05, 2009 06:30 PM
L tryptophan is an essential amino acid that plays a number of important roles in human health and nutrition. Its most important function, however, involves the production of serotonin, a key neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, energy, and emotions. L tryptophan is also a direct precursor to the production of melatonin, a hormone that is produced in the pituitary gland to help regulate the body’s wake and sleep cycle. Considering that L tryptophan can not be manufactured by the body, it must be obtained through food or dietary supplementation. It is most commonly found in protein-rich foods, including meats, poultry, whole grains, rice, legumes, and dairy products. To help your customers better understand how natural and effective tryptophan is, simply remind them that it’s the same compound in turkey that makes them sleepy after a big thanksgiving meal. Now 1000mg L tryptophan is a USP pharmaceutical-grade dietary supplement and has been developed to ensure the highest levels of efficacy. Each lot is tested to be free of Peak E, as well as potency and microbial testing. L tryptophan has been used and consumed by millions of individuals throughout the years. It has been shown in numerous studies, including clinical studies, to improve mood and emotional stability, as well as appetite and sleep patterns. Aside from its role in supporting normal cognitive functions, L tryptophan also provides many of the building blocks needed for protein synthesis, and is currently being studied for its role in supporting healthy immune system response. This product is: • Fast-Acting disintegration • Encourages positive mood • Promotes Restful sleep • Guaranteed to be free of Peak-E • High potency formula 1000mg per tablet! Give it a try!
( Hops and St. John's Wort ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 15, 2009 12:17 PM
St. John’s wort has emerged recently as an herb that is known to assist the nervous system. Quite a few naturopathic physicians rank kava kava, valerian, St. John’s wort, passionflower, and hops as the most effective herbs for treating insomnia. A study that took place in 1994 and was published in the Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology proved that St. John’s wort extracts increased deep sleep during the total sleeping period of the patients. This study also makes an interesting connection between sleep and depression. It was found that many standard antidepressants and MAO inhibitors used to treat those people who suffer from depression cause a decrease in deep sleep. St. John’s wort has demonstrated the ability to treat both insomnia and depression. Hops, an herb that is commonly found throughout the world, was originally used as a food. The tips of the food were both cooked and eaten. The young plants were the ones eaten because the older plants were too tough. A famous herbalist, Gerarde, recommended using the buds of these plants in salads, while the Romans anciently used hops as a food and Native American tribes found hops to be of great value. Hops have been appreciated for a long time for its nervine properties. A hop was first used as a beer ingredient in England around 1500. At this point, hops farmers noticed that their farmhands often seemed tired and easily fatigued. With time, the herb gained a huge reputation as a natural sedative. Pillows were filled with hops to promote rest and relaxation during the reign of King George when people were recovering from an illness. Lupulin is a compound that is found in hops. It is described as a sedative and hypnotic drug. Certain parts of the plant have been found to have sedative and hypnotic effects. This herb is known to be fast-acting, soothing, and calming to the nervous system. Additionally, it is another nervine herb that assists in promoting sleep. It is mainly used to alleviate nervous tension and promote Restful sleep. Also, hops is used for antispasmodic effects. Its relaxing effect has the potential to calm the nerves and muscles in cases of muscle spasms. This herb has also been shown to contain appetizing and tonic properties. It acts as a stimulant to the glands and muscles of the stomach, while calming the hyperexcitable gastric nerves. Hops also has a relaxing influence upon the liver and gall duct, and a laxative effect on the bowels. Along with other uses, hops is also used for its antibiotic properties. It is very helpful for sore throats, bronchitis, infections, high fevers, delirium, toothaches, earaches, and pain. A hops remedy is a great way to help with inflammation, boils, tumors, and swelling. Hops is extremely high in B-complex vitamins, which are known for their calming effect on the nervous system. B vitamins also promote energy and aid in problems of depression, anxiety, nervousness, and memory. Additionally, hops is extremely rich in potassium, which is necessary for nerve transmission, contraction of muscles, and hormone secretion. Low levels of potassium are often found in those people who have high blood pressure. Additionally, hops contains magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese, iron, sodium, and fluoride. Hops and st. johns wort are a wonderful herb that has many therapeutic uses. Hops and st. johns wort come in tea bag, capsule, and tablet forms at your local or internet health food store. For more information on St. John’s wort and hops, contact your local health food store.
( Kava Kava ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 14, 2009 02:23 PM
Kava kava has been traditionally in ceremonial drinks as a mild sedative and relaxant used by many island communities in the Pacific such as Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. Today it is still used to relax the body and mind and promote a Restful sleep. Kava kava is now generally considered an important herb for insomnia and other nervous conditions, as well as a beneficial reliever of pain. Drinking 100 to 150 ml of kava tea is enough to put most people into a deep sleep within thirty minutes. Unlike alcohol and other sedatives, the use of kava does not actually result in any morning hangover. The kava drinker usually awakens having fully recovered normal physical and mental capacities. Those people who drink smaller amounts of kava kava have been shown to express a sense of tranquility, sociability, and contentment. Kava kava has the ability to function as an anesthetic, analgesic, anticonvulsive, antifungal, and sleep inducer. Studies preformed on animals have shown that kava kava possesses anti-convulsant and muscle-relaxing properties. The key components of kava kava, kavalactones, seem to act primarily on the limbic system, an ancient part of the brain that affects all other brain activities and is the main contributor to emotions. Kava seems to promote sleep and relaxation by altering the way the limbic system influences emotional processes. Due to its amazing abilities, kava kava is considered to be one of the most powerful of the herbal muscle relaxants. It is often recommended to treat rheumatism, insomnia, and to relax the body. Additionally, it possesses antiseptic properties that can help with bladder infections. Kava kava can also be applied directly to wounds. A giant benefit of kava kava is that it does not seem to lose effectiveness over time, unlike other synthetic drugs that are often prescribed for anxiety and insomnia. Due to its ability to induce sleep, recent studies have showed kava kava to be a huge benefit for people that are suffering from anxiety. Another study looked into the effects of kava kava on women who are suffering from menopause. Forty women who had menopause-related symptoms were split into two groups of twenty women. These women were treated for eight weeks. One group was given kava kava three times daily, while the other group was given a placebo. After only one week into the study, the women who were taking kava kava demonstrated significant improvement. Stress and anxiety were reduces, along with the general mood of women being better and symptoms of menopause were much less notable. No side effects from this study were noted. The beneficial effects of kava kava make it to be an excellent herb for the nervous system. In order to naturally promote a sense of well-being and contentment naturally, kava kava should be looked into. This ability is something that shouldn’t go unappreciated in the busy and stressful world that we live in today. In order to obtain more information on the beneficial effects of kava kava extract, try speaking with your local health food retailer.
( DMAE ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 14, 2008 03:22 PM
DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) enhances mental function through the improvement of concentration, mental clarity and mental alertness. It is also a mild brain stimulant because it increases and sustains the energy levels in the brain. It also improves the level of Restful nighttime sleep because the sleep is deeper and less time is needed to reach a rejuvenated state. DMAE helps to boost mental function through an increase in the levels of acetylcholine and choline. These are the brain’s chemical messengers. Because of DMAE’s ability to stimulate mental cognitive function, it also has been shown to improve learning, increase intelligence and elevate mood. DMAE Benefits: * Accelerates mental processes * Decreases irritability and overactivity * Does not cause drowsiness * Improves concentration * Improves IQ * Increases attention * Relieves mild depression * Aids in long-term treatment of schizophrenia It is believed that DMAE may also increase physical energy. Athletes and other active individuals are using DMAE more and more because of its ability to enhance these brain functions. The connection between the mind and muscles is a means to focus on form and reduce the risk of injury. So, when the mind is enhanced, it communicates better with the muscles to improve and refine function. Due to DMAE’s mild stimulating effect on the brain, athletes report that it is a good alternative for a quick lift instead of coffee. They also believe the stimulating effects last longer than they do with caffeine. DMAE used as a mild stimulant is also safer and healthier than caffeine. How It Works: DMAE, once consumed, is transported to the liver where it is converted into choline through the process of metabolism. A small amount is then converted into acetylcholine, which is a brain transmitter. Through this process, DMAE increases the levels of these brain transmitters (neurotransmitters). This causes a boost in mental cognitive function and memory. Acetylcholine is also responsible for helping to conduct nerve impulses in the brain. Choline is also converted in the brain into phosphatidylcholine. This chemical rebuilds and protects existing cell membranes inside the brain. DMAE has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier faster than choline. Through this quicker travel, DMAE enhances cell protection and repair and helps our brains function better and create enhanced, positive behavioral changes in most people. Other DMAE Uses: DMAE is being studied for use in aiding a movement disorder in Parkinson’s patients. This disorder, called dyskenesis is caused by L-Dopa, which is administered to treat the effects of the disease. DMAE seems to counteract dyskenesis effectively and safely without interfering with the benefits of the therapy. DMAE is proving to reduce the effects of other disorders that involve involuntary movements. Two of these disorders being treated are blepharospasm (eyelid twitching) and benign essential tremors. Age spot sufferers may find hope for treatment of their condition as well. DMAE has been found to inhibit the formation of pigment caused by aging (lipofuscin) and liver spots (lentigo). It may actually flush lipofuscin from the body, causing the skin spots to disappear over a few month’s time. DMAE is being studied for its possible ability in helping to reduce cognitive impairments related to age. Aside from increased mental cognitive function, research has shown that DMAE may also be useful in treating the following conditions. * Alzheimer’s disease * ADD (attention deficit disorder) * Hyperactivity
The use of DMAE as a regular dietary supplement is increasing steadily. All of its benefits in aiding mental cognitive function and brain stimulation are an attractive quality for everyone. Additional research showing that DMAE is useful in treating debilitating conditions such as Parkinson’s gives us new hope. As research continues and more new uses for DMAE are discovered, its popularity will continue to grow as well.
( Blue Green Algae a Super Food that is Foods Packed With Nutrients. Vegetarian Friendly ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 11, 2008 11:24 AM
In the USA it is harvested in Oregon, in the upper regions of the Upper Klamath Lake, although it is also available in many other parts of the world. Blue green algae are about the best source of vegetable protein and amino acids available to the human diet, although are now generally used as a supplement rather than as a primary food source. However, in spite of its name, it is not an alga at all: it is a bacterium: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), known as cyanobacteria, after the Greek for blue. Nevertheless, bacteria or not, blue green algae offer exceptional nutritional benefits and also health benefits to people suffering from certain conditions. Here are the best of its benefits: 1. It is natural and therefore easily assimilated and digested. You get a very high useful yield from its nutrient content, unlike other foods where a large proportion can be passed through the gut unchanged. In fact a large proportion of the food you eat passes through your body unchanged, although that is mainly due to a lack of chewing! 2. It is very high in protein, and helps to maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. If you are on a vegetation diet this is an ideal source of non-animal protein (unless you class bacteria as animals!). If you want numbers, at least 60% of the solid content of this material is vegetable protein human-ready for use. 3. It is packed full of enzymes that aid digestion, and so ensures that not only is it itself fully digested, but also that you get the most nutritional benefit from any other foods you eat. A lack of enzymes is very common in the western diet, especially the North American diet, and if you take a regular supply of blue green algae, then you need not also take enzyme capsules. 4. It possesses cleansing and detoxifying properties, and so helps to reduce the incidence of headaches and allow you better and more Restful sleep. Toxins can act on your body to cause pain, and is associated with the free radicals discussed below. 5. It is very high in antioxidants that destroy the free radicals in your blood and tissues. Free radicals destroy body cells and can seriously damage your health. Among the health benefits that blue green algae provide due to its antioxidant properties are: a) It supports the immune system and helps to prevent inflammation in your joints. It also enables you to fight off bacterial and viral infections quicker. b) It maintains the integrity of your body and skin cells, and reduces cell damage by free radicals. This has an anti-aging effect and preserves the youthful appearance of your skin, resisting wrinkling and maintaining its firmness. c) Blue green algae help to prevent the free radical oxidation of the LDL lipids that transport cholesterol that cause the atherosclerosis that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. 6. It provides you with energy through its effect on your body’s metabolic conversion of blood glucose to energy within the mitochondria. This is partially due to its antioxidant effect and partially to the nutritional content of the bacteria. The bacteria are also a rich source of glycogen that is your body’s store of emergency energy. Your liver can use the bacteria to biosynthesize its own store of glycogen that your body can use if called upon for a sudden burst of energy. 7. The amino acids it contains are of low molecular size, and can cross the blood-brain barrier. It provides nutrition to the brain, and its high chlorophyll content helps to purify the blood. Its high content of trace minerals and naturally chelated minerals renders them extremely bioavailable, and able to provide a high degree of nutrition to the brain and other organs of the body. Blue green algae contain rhamnose that helps nutrients to cross from the blood to the brain, and then to the brain cells that need it. 8. Blue green algae have been shown to help memory and mood. This is likely due at least in part to its fatty acid content, and its effect on serotonin levels. These eight benefits are more than any other individual food source can provide, and in themselves justify the claim that blue green algae is the best individual food source there is. However, when we have a look at the active ingredients, and nutritional content of the bacteria, then it seems even more impressive. There is more to blue green algae than just a few vitamins and minerals. You can get these in any multivitamin supplement: this stuff is completely natural and all of its ingredients are completely compatible with the human digestive system. Many of the synthetic vitamins you find in boxes and tubs are only partially absorbed due to the form they are in. Either that or they need the presence of other substances before they can be assimilated. An example is calcium, which is next to useless without magnesium and vitamin C also being present to allow it to be incorporated in the structure of the bones and teeth. With blue green algae, every combination of substances that nature needs for them to work properly is there. Everything gets used and everything has a role to play. The amino acids and proteins have already been mentioned, and these unusual bacteria contain all of the trace minerals that are necessary for the amino acids and proteins to be properly used. It also contains a large quantity of beta-carotene (a natural Vitamin A precursor and strong anti-oxidant), and is also rich in Vitamin B-12 that most vegetarians are deficient in. It is therefore the perfect food for vegetarians and vegans. If you understand the health benefits of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which blue green algae are also rich in, then you will understand how a foodstuff containing these fatty acids and all of the other nutritional substances listed above could be regarded as a ‘Superfood’. Blue green algae is probably the richest food available commercially to humans, but before you use it you should ensure that the content of blue algae in the supplement you purchase is clear and that you are purchasing a standardized amount in what you are purchasing.
Otherwise, it is difficult to see how anybody could go wrong with blue green algae, since it is indisputably an excellent source of protein, amino acids, vitamins and much, much more.
( Wake up! This is National Sleep Awareness Week! ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 28, 2006 04:51 PM
We live in stressful times. Maybe that’s why more than 70 million Americans suffer from occasional sleeplessness, according to the National Institutes of health. Job related worries, marital and relation ship problems, even excitement about happy occasions—vacations or holidays—can all make it hard to fall asleep. Sleeplessness can also occur with jet lag, shift work, major schedule changes, even digestive problems. Just turn on the TV and it’s obvious there are millions of customers looking for products to help them get a good nights sleep. And Source Naturals has an array of natural, effective sleep support supplements. NightRest: This bio-aligned formula combines the powerful properties of melatonin and GABA with additional amino acids and herbs. Melatonin: A neurohormone used as a restorative for occational sleeplessness. Nutrasleep: a Unique herbal-nutrient blend, including skullcap, passion flower, valerian and chamomile. Theanine Serene: Features L-Theanine, derived from Green tea, Plus Gaba, Taurine, magnesium, and holy basil. GABA: the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, associated with mental states of calm and serenity. L-Tryptophan: an essential amino acid, which helps support relaxation, Restful sleep, and a positive outlook. 5-Htp: An intermediate to the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin, shown in clinical studies to support normal sleep cycles.
( New L Tryptophan 500mg from Source Naturals ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 14, 2006 07:32 PM
Rest, Relax, Feel Good
Amount Per Serving %DV Calcium 69 mg 6% L-Tryptophan 1.5 g † †Daily Value not established. Suggested Use: 1 tablet 3 times daily, between meals and preferably with fruit juice. To support Restful sleep, take 3 tablets before bed.
( ASHWAGHANDA ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 17, 2005 01:02 PM
ASHWAGHANDAAshwaghanda- Also known as “Indian ginseng”, Ashwaghanda (Withania somnifera) has been used by Asian Indian cultures for more than 2,500 years. It’s called Indian ginseng because it’s used in ayurvedic medicine in the same fashion ginseng’s used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). This herb is also considered an adaptogen because it has the ability to aid the body in resisting different types of stress, being used primarily to relieve fatigue and nervous tension, as well as aiding cognitive function, particularly memory. Ashwaghanda is also believed to have aphrodisiac properties and to promote Restful sleep. Similar to Rhodiola, Ashwaghanda’s adaptogenic properties seem to be attributable to its ability to regulate hormone production during stressful situations.
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May 09, 2005 10:08 AM
Calm Child™
Calm Child is a clinically derived herbal formula, specifically designed to support many body systems that are critical to the health and well-being of children. It is truly a multi-purpose herbal treasure, useful for supporting the health of the immune system in winter, enhancing digestive processes, and promoting Restful sleep issues commonly experienced by most children. It also helps defend the system against the negative effects of stress, eases occasional restlessness, and promotes calm focused attention. The Challenged Child Difficulty in focusing and concentrating is one of the fastest growing problems for children today. This is a "new" problem, recognized as such over the last thirty years of the twentieth century. In the nineties, up to 5 percent or more of all school-age children were identified as having issues with focus (greater than 5 million children in 1995, over 25% higher than in 1985!). Since then, this number has continued to grow. Signs of the problem include the following and must be present for at least six months in more than one setting (home, school, etc.) especially before the age of seven: distractibility (inattention); inability to concentrate or focus; impulsivity (poor self-control); and excessive activity. Of course, measures of all of these are very subjective and are a part of the development of almost every child. Additionally, situations such as premature separation from parents, or unresolved emotional issues, or a family crisis, can cause children to withdraw or, conversely, act out due to an inability to appropriately express their feelings. Further, excessive and violent TV and computer games, lack of physical exercise, and poor diets can cause over-stimulation, internally and externally. Determining when such behavior is a problem is subject to interpretation. Too often, children are provided with a diagnosis before they are out of pre-school and are far too often prescribed pharmacological interventions such as amphetamines (Ritalin). The Birth of Calm Child My husband, Michael Tierra, originally formulated Calm Child for our own child, Chetan, then one year old, to address a wide array of potential childhood issues. His underlying intention was to use Calm Child for all children, based on his belief that most childhood emotional complaints are due to the unconscious pain of separation from the security and comfort of the womb. It was also based on the fact that historically, botanicals have been widely used to support the development of healthy children. Chamomile and lemon balm are perfectly suited for this purpose. Both are incredibly gentle-acting and deliciously fragrant botanicals that promote relaxation and calmness. Both also address underlying digestive imbalances that can give rise to occasional irritability and restlessness. The Calm Child Formula The herbs in Calm Child have a long history of use for calm focused attention in children: Lemon Balm: In his herbal of 1640, the renowned English medical botanist John Parkinson quoted Serapion the Younger (802-849) who said lemon balm is used "to cause the mind and heart to become strengthen the weakness of the spirits and heart, and to comfort them..." This belief in the comforting effects of lemon balm persisted and was repeated by Avicenna, who stated "it makes the heart merry and strengthens the vital spirit." In the 16th century, the renowned herbalist Nicholas Culpeper reported on the use of lemon balm for melancholy and sadness. Herbalists and midwives today continue to use lemon balm for the same purposes. Chamomile: Well-known in the nineteenth century, chamomile was used for crying, weepy children and to support calm digestion. Herbalists have long recognized a relationship between upset stomachs and restless children. Today, it is still widely used in homeopathy for babies' teething and children's clinginess. Other complementary ingredients in Calm Child include: jujube seeds (zizyphus), one of the most nourishing and relaxing nerve tonics used in Chinese herbalism; the incredibly nourishing berries of hawthorn and amla; the calming, aromatic, and digestive promoting effects of catnip, anise, clove, and long pepper; the legendary gotu kola for promoting mental well-being and attention; and the minerals magnesium (taurinate) and calcium (citrate), both necessary for normal nerve and muscular function. Works in Three Important Ways Together these botanicals work in three important ways to promote calm focused attention in children. They: 1) promote a calm relaxed nervous system; 2) provide added nourishment which is essential for normal brain function; and 3) support a calm and healthy digestive system which is often an underlying cause of childhood restlessness. Clinical Experience Calm Child was developed more than 20 years ago and has been used by literally tens of thousands of children worldwide. In my own clinical practice, I have found Calm Child to have a wide range of uses. It is great as a wintertime supplement, to support normal digestion, promote relaxation and sleep, and perhaps most important, to cultivate a strong, centered, focused sense of mental and emotional well-being, specifically in children though many parents of active children have benefited from it as well. When it is given in conjunction with a diet that is low in refined sugars and food colorings and additives, parents report tremendous success in dealing with teething, occasional headaches and digestive imbalances, increasing attention in school, or helping their children cope with the stresses of day care. Dietary Considerations For best results, herbs are always given in conjunction with diet and lifestyle recommendations. When using Calm Child, make sure the child is eating sufficient protein for his/her needs along with lots of cooked vegetables and some whole grains. Include some fruit, but keep fruit juices to a minimum as they contain too much simple sugar for children. Eliminate sugar, white flour products, foods with colors and preservatives, and caffeinated products as much as possible. Be sure to give plenty of water (many children never drink water but depend on juices or sodas instead!). Also, children inherently have much more energy than their parent and teacher handlers who try to make them sit still and focus on something that has little meaning to them. Make sure they get plenty of physical exercise to burn off some of the energy that teachers and parents have difficulty harnessing.
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