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Australian father treats his daughters' Chron's disease by juicing cannabis... then gets raided by the government ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 22, 2018 05:17 PM
As a parent, what would one not do to prevent a beloved child from suffering? One Australian father chose to break the law. Stephen Taylor is the father of two daughters, both afflicted with a very serious and chronic gastrointestinal disease that routinely causes fatigue, cramping, diarrhea, and even hemorrhaging. The girls, Ariel and Morgan, had both failed to thrive while under conventional treatment options, even acquiring horrible side effects. So, Taylor took matters into his own hands. He tried and was unable to obtain legal permission to administer medical marijuana to his daughters. So, Taylor placed the girls on a regimen of home-grown cannabis juice on his own. The regimen proved efficacious, with both girls obtaining stellar results. Unfortunately, however, the authorities caught on, impounding the marijuana and charging Taylor. Key Takeaways:
"Even though medical marijuana use has been legal in Australia since 2016, it is very difficult to obtain. Though experts estimate that around 100,000 Australians are self-medicating with cannabis for a variety of health problems, only 500 patients have official government authorization to do so." Read more:
( One-month sugar detox: A nutritionist explains how and why ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 13, 2017 12:14 PM
Lots of detox programs show up online. They can help you lose weight or just get unhealthy things out of your body. This talks about one which helps with sugar. Since lots of us consume way too much sugar this is helpful. An expert explains why this is a good idea and how to do it. Detoxing can actually be unhealthy if they're done incorrectly so it's good to get info from someone who knows a lot about the topic. Key Takeaways:
"The good news is that even if you're not a true sugar "addict," by eliminating sugar from your diet, you can quickly lose unwanted pounds, feel better and have a more radiant appearance." Read more:
( Delicious Drink That Can PREVENT MANY DISEASES!! ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 26, 2017 12:14 PM
People are always looking for a home remedy which can cure or prevent a wide variety of diseases so they can use it as a sort of catch all. This drink it one of those. There is a lot it helps to prevent so it's useful. It also isn't hard to make it. You probably won't even have to go to the store since most people have this stuff on hand already. It will give you a little boost so you don't get sick as often. Takeaways:
"Vegetables and fruits are proven to be the best food for our body. Therefore, we offer you a fruit and vegetable drink that will help you prevent many diseases."
( 3-Ingredient Celery Juice To Quickly DETOX YOUR KIDNEYS, PROTECT YOUR HEART AND HEAL YOUR JOINTS!! ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 05, 2017 04:44 AM
Detoxing is way of cleansing your body and getting rid of all the toxins in your system. Some people buy a detox where they have to go on diets or drink a certain drink. However, most people would prefer to detox naturally by just putting lemon, cucumbers or parsley in water. Those three ingredients are great for detoxing because, they help get rid of toxins. Another way to detox according to the video, is by drinking a 3 ingredient celery juice. Celery is really good for cleaning out your liver. Takeaways:
"The detoxification of the entire organism does not end in the liver, as you need to cleanse the tissues that accumulate acid buildup and heavy metals as well."
( 10 easy ways to detox heavy metals from your body ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 29, 2017 11:29 PM
There are ways to rid your body of toxins and heavy metals that are natural and easy to incorporate into your daily life. Juices and cleanses work but sometimes there are unpleasant side effects. Diet, exercise, sleep, saunas and deep breathing are some things you can do on your own to remove toxins and heavy metals from your system. Acupuncture and chelation also work. There are natural foods that will give the same benefits as intravenous chelation, such as dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and fermented foods. Key Takeaways:
"Full detox, cleanses, and juicing all help rid the body of heavy metals and other toxins." Read more:
February 10, 2017 10:19 AM
We will show you how to remove uric acid that has been building in your joints through a simple yet effective natural juicing method. This method will not only improve the feeling in your joints but also detoxify the rest of your body. Twice a day for greater health! Takeaways:
"Detox juices are an incredible way to boost your body and improve its health condition and functions of the organs."
( You Don’t Need Another Juice Fast ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 21, 2016 12:59 PM
One of the most recent fads in dieting is juicing. While the diet usually starts out great, most people lose their steam after a few days and end right back where they started. Just like any other diet, it is hard to maintain. Not only that, but juicing can also be very expensive depending on what type of fruits and vegetables you include in the diet. The worst part of juicing to get yourself back on track is that you don’t learn how to watch your food and go back to the same bad habits as before. Key Takeaways:
"With juice fasting, not only are you NOT learning to eat the right combinations, quantities and types of food, but you’re confusing your entire system by literally drowning it in juice." Reference: //
( Seize the Day with Vitamins: 4 Vitamin-Packed Juicing Recipes for Energy ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 03, 2016 04:59 PM
Vitamins are an essential part of our diet. They help keep our bodies in balance and our organs functioning properly. For some, it is harder to incorporate the proper amount of vitamins into the diet. An easier way to do this is to harvest the juices from different fruits and vegetables and combine them. The internet is a great source of research to find recipes that will give you the proper amount of vitamins your body needs. Key Takeaways:
"Vitamins will not provide energy like proteins, carbs, and fats, but they are more like essential compounds which will help our body grow, develop and function optimally." Reference:
( HEALTHY LIVING: If you decide to do a juice cleanse, ease into it ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 14, 2016 09:49 AM
Considering a juice cleanse? While there are many opinions on whether or not a juice cleanse is beneficial for your health, most people who have done one are happy with their results. If you choose to do a cleanse, it will go much smoother if you follow a few quick tips for the days leading up to your cleanse. Key Takeaways:
"Basically, juicing, if done correctly, can be an effective way to improve nutrient intake, energy, focus and even lose a few pounds." Reference:
( Importance of Chlorophyll in human Body ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 22, 2014 08:37 AM
Chlorophyll is a green molecule found in plants and plays major roles in human body. It is ingested in its raw form while eating vegetables. Its role in human body Despite of being vital molecule in plants; it also plays a vital role in human body in that; it acts as a blood cleanser, blood builder and also an oxygen booster. It does this by delivering energy transfusion in the bloodstream thereby restocking and increasing red blood cell count. Disease prevention roles The chlorophyll provides alkaline environment in human body in addition to being an oxygenator therefore helping our bodies fight off disease causing bacteria. Detoxification roles Chlorophyll helps the body to cleanse itself of toxic substances. In larger perspective it is linked with cancer prevention through its cleansing roles. By helping the body to detoxify itself; it plays a major role in removing the impurities that may lead to development of cancer in human body. It is also known to be a source of amino acids which are important part of human health. It also plays a part in promoting quick rejuvenation of human cells. It also improves liver functions by extracting the blood impurities. It is also a high regulator of calcium. This helps in building ions in the blood. It is also known for its effects of reversing protein deficient anemia which is common in children in low developed countries. Where can it be found? It is usually found in green plants though in different levels. It gets to human body through consumption of these green plants especially the leafy part. The highest chlorophyll containing plant is the wheatgrass. To obtain it you have to juice the plant and for detoxification it may require regular juicing. It is the only component in a plant that has so many benefits to human body. Source
( Why Are Fresh Sprouts Like Alfalfa, Barley, and Wheat So Good for Your Health? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 24, 2011 11:22 AM
Sprouts For A Healthier Body!
Fresh sprouts are among the healthiest of all foods. They are You might have heard of the nutritional value of grasses and legumes. Wheatgrass is becoming increasingly popular nowadays as they have been receiving a lot of good press lately. Wheatgrass and barley grass has in fact earned the moniker superfoods. Alfalfa, on the other hand, is a legume recently rediscovered for its phytochemical content. It has been a forage crop for centuries, but human consumptions have steadily increased in the past few years. Apart from the fact that wheat, barley, alfalfa can be consumed as fresh sprouts, they also bring similar benefits to human health. Restore Normal pH Levels Proponents of the alkaline diet believe that the body is in a constant cycle of alkalinity and acidity, which is partially dependent on the foods that we eat. The body raises alkalinity with every acidic by-products of digestion to maintain pH balance. That being said, a significant fraction of the human diet is acid-forming, tipping the balance in the process. Fresh sprouts are often linked to the alkaline diet, which aims to restore pH balance of the body. Have High Nutrient Content Alfalfa, barley grass, and wheatgrass are very good sources of vitamins and minerals. They are particularly rich in dietary minerals that help the body function at its best. Plus, they contain amino acids, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, and carbohydrates in amounts adequate to complement any other foods that make up a healthy diet. One of the very noticeable improvements after months of consuming fresh sprouts is the increase in red blood cell count. Cleanse the Body of Toxins Aside from the fact that fresh sprouts are effective free radical scavengers, they also improve the natural antioxidant defense of the human body. Wheat, barley, and alfalfa are reliable sources of potassium, magnesium, manganese, and selenium, all of which are involved in chemical reactions that lead to effective removal of toxic by-products of metabolism. Fresh sprouts are capable of neutralizing reactive oxygen species such as free radicals. Furthermore, they facilitate the excretion of toxins. Promote Heart Health
Have you had your sprouts today?
( Battle Fatigue! Don't passively accept chronic exhaustion and weakness. ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 10, 2005 10:06 PM
Battle Fatigue! Don't passively accept chronic exhaustion and weakness. by Joanne Gallo Energy Times, December 6, 1999 Most folks wouldn't seek the distressing distinction of suffering chronic fatigue syndrome. Aside from a dizzying array of discomforts associated with the malady, the lack of a definitive cause, and few remedies offered by the medical establishment, scornful skeptics lob accusations of laziness or boredom or just plain moodiness. "Snap out of it!" they say, with little sympathy or understanding. "Just get moving!" But if you're one of more than 3 million Americans affected by chronic fatigue, you know your problem is not all in your head. Your symptoms are real and they extend far beyond mere tiredness. In addition to a debilitating sense of fatigue that can make everyday existence feel like an overwhelming struggle, you may suffer from impaired concentration and memory, recurrent sore throats, nagging headaches, muscle and joint pain, swollen lymph nodes and fitful sleep. The persistence of any one of these effects alone could be debilitating, but the overall diminished capabilities of the chronic fatigue sufferer can become the most discouraging aspect of the disease. But before you give up hope on kicking this energy-sucking ailment, look to natural ways to boost your immune system and regain your stamina for a more healthy and productive life. New research points to powerful, energy enhancing supplements which, combined with a nutritious diet and stress reducing techniques, can help you reclaim your body from a swamp of sluggishness. Yuppie Flu? Part of the public's misconceptions about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) may stem from vague definitions of exactly what it is and its causes. In the '80s, CFS was often mentioned in the same breath as the Epstein-Barr virus, which garnered much notoriety as the "yuppie flu": a state of chronic exhaustion that often plagued young, overworked professionals, as the media trumpeted. CFS was initially thought to be the result of the Epstein-Barr virus, and the two were often considered to be the same thing. Since the Epstein-Barr virus causes mononucleosis, the term "chronic mono" was also thrown around to refer to long-lasting states of fatigue. Today, CFS is defined as a separate disorder from the Epstein-Barr syndrome. Researchers have found that CFS is not caused exclusively by the Epstein-Barr virus or any other single infectious disease agent. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, CFS may have multiple causes, in which viruses or other infectious agents might have a contributory role. Some of these additional possible culprits include herpes simplex viruses, candida albicans (yeast organisms), or parasites. According to the CDC, a person can be definitively diagnosed with CFS when she or he experiences severe chronic fatigue for six months or longer that is not caused by other medical conditions, and must have four or more of the following problems recurrently for six consecutive months: tender lymph nodes, muscle pain, multi-joint pain without swelling or redness, substantial impairment in short-term memory or concentration; sore throat, headaches, unrefreshing sleep and postexertional malaise lasting more than 24 hours. Even if you are not diagnosed with CFS, you could still probably use some help in fending off fatigue. You may suffer from another poorly understood condition like fibromyalgia, which causes similar symptoms of exhaustion and pain with additional stomach discomfort. You may cope with another ailment like hypoglycemia or low thyroid function that zaps your energy. Or you could be like almost every stressed-out American adult trying to do it all at the expense of your well-being. Though researchers still search for a definitive cause for CFS, one thing is certain: Constant stress and poor nutritional habits weaken the immune system's ability to ward off a host of debilitating viruses and organisms. So before you run yourself down and succumb to a chronic condition, learn how you can build up your defenses now. Nutrient News Some of the most exciting new research in CFS treatments focuses on NADH or Coenzyme 1, an energy-enhancing nutritional supplement. This naturally-occurring substance is present in all living cells including food, although cooking destroys most of it. Coenzymes help enzymes convert food and water into energy and NADH helps provide cellular fuel for energy production. It also plays a key role in cell regulation and DNA repair, acts as a potent antioxidant, and can reportedly improve mental focus and concentration by stimulating cellular production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin. A recent study conducted at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC, and reported in the February 1999 issue of The Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, showed that chronic fatigue sufferers improved their condition significantly by taking Enada, the stabilized, absorbable, oral form of NADH. The researchers found that 31% of those who took the supplement achieved significant improvement in relief of their symptoms, and a follow up study showed that 72% achieved positive results over a longer period of time. Coenzyme-A and Coenzyme Q-10 (Co-Q10) are related coenzymes also necessary for energy production. According to Erika Schwartz, M.D., and Carol Colman, authors of Natural Energy: From Tired to Terrific in 10 Days (G.P. Putnam's Sons) CoQ10 in combination with the nutrient carnitine enhances cellular energy production, thereby boosting energy levels. Coenzyme-A is required to initiate the chemical reactions that involve the utilization of CoQ10 and NADH for the production of energy at the cellular level. Another important energy-enhancing nutrient is D-ribose, a simple sugar that is crucial to many processes in your body. D-ribose stimulates the body's production of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, an energy-rich chemical compound that provides the fuel for all body functions. D-ribose is essential to the manufacture of ATP and maintaining high levels of energy in the heart and skeletal muscles. Vitamin Power In addition to these new nutrients, a host of more familiar vitamins and minerals can help banish fatigue. According to Susan M. Lark, M.D., author of the Chronic Fatigue Self Help Book (Celestial Arts) nutritional supplements help stimulate your immune system, glands and digestive tract, promote proper circulation of blood and oxygen, and provide a calming effect. Some of Lark's recommended nutrients for building and regaining strength include: Vitamin A: Helps protect the body against invasion by viruses that could trigger CFS, as well as bacteria, fungi and allergies. Supports the production and maintenance of healthy skin and mucous membranes, the body's first line of defense against invaders. Also supports the immune system by boosting T-cell activity and contributing to the health of the thymus, the immune-regulating gland. Vitamin B Complex: Depression and fatigue can result from the body's depletion of B vitamins, which can occur from stress or drinking too many caffeinated beverages. Studies have provided preliminary evidence that CFS patients have reduced functional B vitamin status (J R Soc Med 92 [4], Apr. 1999: 183-5). The 11 factors of B complex are crucial to glucose metabolism, stabilization of brain chemistry and inactivation of estrogen, which regulate the body's levels of energy and vitality. n Vitamin C: Helps prevent fatigue linked to infections by stimulating the production of interferon, a chemical that can limit the spread of viruses. Helps fight bacterial and fungal infections by maintaining healthy antibody production and white blood cells. Also necessary for production of adrenal gland hormones which help prevent exhaustion in those under stress. Bioflavonoids: Help guard against fatigue caused by allergic reactions; their anti-inflammatory properties prevent the production of histamine and leukotrienes that promote inflammation. Bioflavonoids like quercetin are powerfully antiviral. Vitamin E: Has a significant immune stimulation effect and, at high levels, can enhance immune antibody response. Zinc: Immune stimulant; improves muscle strength and endurance. Constituent of many enzymes involved in metabolism and digestion. n Magnesium and Malic Acid: Important for the production of ATP, the body's energy source. Magnesium is also important for women who may develop a deficiency from chronic yeast infections. Potassium: Enhances energy and vitality; deficiency leads to fatigue and muscle weakness. Calcium: Combats stress, nervous tension and anxiety. Iodine: Necessary to prevent fatigue caused by low thyroid function, as it is crucial for the production of the thyroid hormone thyroxin. Herbal Helpers In addition to nutrients to bolster your immunity, herbal remedies can also help suppress viral and candida infections. Garlic is a powerful, natural antibiotic, while echinacea and goldenseal have strong anti-infective abilities. Other botanicals help combat tiredness and depression: stimulating herbs such as ginger, ginkgo biloba, licorice root and Siberian ginseng can improve vitality and energy. For anxiety, moodiness and insomnia try passionflower or valerian root, which both have a calming effect on the central nervous system. Eating For Energy Supplements can only do their best if you eat a nutritious diet. Start by cutting out large quantities of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy products, red meat and fat. But what are the best foods when trying to restore energy or recover from illness? "High nutrient content foods with a good balance of proteins and carbohydrates," answers Jennifer Brett, ND, interim clinic director and chair of botanical medicine at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. "You want foods with high nutritional value-that's where vegetables end up looking better than fruit." Brett enthusiastically pushes that "universal food," as she calls it: chicken soup. "In China," she says, laughing, "they do make chicken soup, and they do think of it as healing, because they add astragalus and shiitake mushrooms. Vegetable soups with chicken or fish have high nutritional value and are easy to digest." The same principle applies to juices, Brett says. Juices are a good way to tastefully get more phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables into your diet. Toss in protein powder, and you can make a complete meal in your blender. "You get more energy from juicing," she explains, "more accessible nutrients and carbohydrates that are not bound up in fiber." Brett's additional recommendation: oatmeal. "It's got protein and carbohydrates combined with a lot of minerals, which you may not get from a sugary cereal," she says. "Sure, they spray some vitamins on them, but if you don't drink the milk in the bottom of the bowl, you'll miss out on them. You might as well take a multivitamin." Fabulous Fiber Look to fiber for superior energy enhancement. Natural Energy author Schwartz calls it downright "miraculous": "In terms of conserving precious energy, fiber-rich foods are your cells' best friends," she writes. "It takes smaller quantities of them to give you a full, satisfied feeling. They release all their benefits slowly, which allows the cells to extract nutrients with much less effort. Then these fiber-rich foods graciously leave the body with ease and efficiency." Among these "slow burn" foods that Schwartz says raise blood sugar slowly and steadily and maintain energy evenly: Alfalfa sprouts-high in fiber and low in cholesterol. Apples-one medium unpeeled provides 10% of the recommended daily fiber dose; unlike sweeter fruits, which are rich in healthful fiber, they help regulate blood sugar. Broccoli-along with such greens as cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collard greens and broccoli rabe, it's packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals n Brown rice, wild rice, other whole grains-fiber treasure troves, including barley, quinoa, millet and buckwheat. Corn-excellent fiber source. Lentils and other legumes-high in fiber, delicious beans are rich in culinary possibilities. Oat bran and wheat bran-mix into yogurt or add to cereal for the best available access to fiber. Popcorn-an excellent snack. Citrus for More Energy If constant colds and infections are draining your energy, healthy helpings of citrus fruit may be the pickup you need. According to Robert Heinerman, in Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Juices (Parker), citrus fruit have been used for more than a thousand years as natural remedies for a wide variety of ailments: Kumquat juice is supposed to help clear up bronchitis. Lemon juice with a pinch of table salt eases a sore throat. Lime juice in warm water soothes aches and cramps from the flu. Tangerine juice can break up mucous congestion in the lungs. Along with citrus' vitamin C, these fruits also supply carotenoids, antioxidants that provide disease-preventing benefits. Citrus also often contain calcium, potassium, folate (a B vitamin that fights against heart disease), iron and fiber. Fruits are loaded with phytochemicals, naturally occurring chemicals that give fruit their vibrant colors. Yellow, red and orange fruits are also high in flavonoids, like quercetin, a substance which fights cancer. Quercetin also aids in prevention of cataracts and macular degeneration, according to author Stephanie Beling, MD, in her book Power Foods (Harper Collins). Even the US Department of Agriculture agrees on this flavonoid's benefits, noting in its phytochemical database that quercetin is an "antitumor promoter, antiasthmatic, anticarcinogenic, antiplaque, cancer-preventive, capillariprotective." (Quercetin is also available as a supplement.) Don't Avoid Avocados For a vitamin rich food, few items beat the avocado which holds vitamins E and C as well as some B vitamins (B6, niacin, riboflavin). A significant source of beta carotene, though not nearly as much as carrots or sweet potatoes, avocados also contain high amounts of the minerals potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc. Just 15 grams of avocado delivers about 81 international units of vitamin A as beta carotene. Beta carotene, a carotenoid in fruits and vegetables, is converted to vitamin A in the body. This vitamin, aside from providing antioxidant protection from damaging free radicals, is necessary for good eyesight, healthy skin and healing. In addition, the avocado, like all of these healthy foods, tastes great. Which means that you can pep up and not have to sacrifice taste for zest. Healthy Mind, Healthy Body Remember that the path to wellness begins in your mind. Stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation and massage and aromatherapy can have a great rejuvenating effect on your body. If you can learn to handle stress effectively instead of letting it control you-and strengthen your system with the right nutrients and diet-you'll find that fatigue can be a sporadic visitor rather than a chronic companion.
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