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New CV Science Plus CBD 10mg Gummies ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 13, 2020 04:21 PM
CV Science just came out with new 10mg CBD gummies that taste great. These gummies contain True hemp with not only CBD but the minor cannabinoids and terpenes giving a full spectrum of benefits from the hemp plant. Each gummie is pre measured to contain 10 mgs of CBD. great tasting flavors, Mango and Citrus, these pack a punch in an easy to consume square cube. You will always find quality in CV Science CBD products:
try these great flavors and affordable sizes today:
( Are You Magnesium Deficient? How to Know & What to Do About It | Natural Cures ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 11, 2017 05:14 AM
You may have magnesium deficiency if you are stressed or having difficulty sleeping. You can also feel muscle stiffness and stress as a result of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium performs many bodily functions including relaxing muscles in the body. Lack of magnesium can lead to many troubling problems including irritability, insomnia and migraine to name just a few. If you feel you are lacking in magnesium the best way to combat the deficiency is to take supplements. You can also make diet changes, including eating foods rich in magnesium such as corn, rice, dates, kale or tofu, among others. Magensium glycenate, magnesium chloride or magnesium sulfate are some of the more effective magnesium supplements. Always speak with your doctor before taking supplements. Takeaways:
"Before you ask your doctor for something to help you sleep, try adding magnesium to your diet."
( Melatonin Overdose ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 27, 2012 01:59 PM
Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant/hormone secreted by a small endocrine gland in the human brain. The hormone is responsible for sleep-wake cycle modulation and fine tuning of your body's "internal clock". In other words: when it gets dark, your pineal gland increases melatonin production, which induces drowsiness and makes you sleepy. When light conditions change (e.g. daytime), your body decreases melatonin production. If you expose yourself to an intense source of light during the night, or keep spending time in a dark environment during the day, you can confuse your body and disrupt melatonin production. The hormone was also observed to affect the production and the discharge rate of female sex hormones.
As one gets older, his pineal gland produces less and less melatonin, which leads to a conclusion that melatonin is age dependent (children have the highest concentration of melatonin). The fact that our body produces melatonin to "sedate" itself when the sun goes down, implied that the hormone could be used to help people suffering from sleeping disorders, desynchronosis (jet lag) or similar conditions. This served as a basis to study and use positive health effects of the hormone. Melatonin is not a miracle-cure, but it CAN improve the sleep quality of insomniacs, women in menopause, benzodiazepine (valium) withdrawal patients and people who suffer from ADHD. Melatonin also improves the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents in breast cancer treatments and increases the chance of survival in prostate cancer patients.
If you are a healthy middle-aged person, your body will produce between 5-25 micrograms of melatonin per night (80 times less than a single melatonin capsule). This is a good indicator of recommended dosage. In fact, you should start with 0.1 - 03 mg per night, an hour before bedtime. If that doesn't help, you may increase the dosage up to 10mg a day. However, do not exceed 10 mg per night before consulting your doctor, as that may cause an overdose. Anything above 10 mg is risky without a professional guidance . If you consider the fact that you can overdose even with a sufficient amount of vitamins, melatonin is not an exception, and should be used with caution. Typical overdose symptoms include drowsiness, upset stomach, headache, confusion, lethargy, psychotic thinking, tremors, seizures and liver issues. If you experience multiple symptoms at the same time, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.
( Can Melatonin Help Me Sleep? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 20, 2012 12:22 PM
What is melatonin? Melatonin can be described as a hormone generated in the pineal gland found in the brain. It controls the body circadian rhythms such as sleep-wake cycle. The levels of melatonin in the blood increase before you fall asleep due to darkness (Lack of sunshine). Where to find melatonin Melatonin occurs naturally in humans and plants. Natural melatonin quantity produced decrease with age. Older people produce very little quantities of it. Current Sources It is a synthetic medication that is produced in the laboratories. It is available in pill or liquid forms. The pills can be put in the cheek, underneath the tongue or swallowed. This permits direct absorption in the body. Melatonin supplements are available in health food shops. Food Sources It is also found in foods, in small quantities, such as milk, chicken meat, turkey, and peanuts but in small quantities. Melatonin and sleep Melatonin does not work for every kind of insomnia or sleeping disorders. Your body needs to be ready for sleep for melatonin to be effective. It is safe to use melatonin supplements in low doses long term. Melatonin treats insomnia, autism in children, and as a sleep reliever after withdrawal from benzodiazepine drugs use. It is also very significant for changing sleep/wake patterns for people who work schedules changes regularly. It can also be used to calm individuals before anesthesia is administered for surgery purposes. The body has an internal clock that regulates sleeping cycle and waking hours. The body clock regulates the amount of melatonin produced each day. Melatonin production is affected by light.
For effective treatment of cycle sleep, make sure you take the supplements at the appropriate time of the day (Night time). Use the right method and dosage for it to be helpful. Consuming the sleep supplement at the inappropriate time of the day can lead to biological clock reset. It is essential to understand the right quantity, time of taking and its effectiveness. Taking 1-10mg of melatonin every day restores the pace in people experiencing insomnia synchronizing them to duration of 1day. Melatonin helps enhance sleep. It enhances sleepiness feeling and can intensify the duration of sleep. This supplement has been applied successfully for improving sleep in healthy people and also decreasing jet lag feeling during travels. Remember to consult a physician if you are experiencing sleep issues. Give melatonin a try start with lower doses like 1 mg before bed time and gradually increase till it becomes effective.
( Policosanol and The Heart! ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 22, 2011 11:40 AM
What is Policosanol To The Heart
Policosanol is a mixture of the alcohols hexacosanol, octacosanol and tricontanol (mesityl alcohol) and a few others, although octacosanol is the major alcohol in the mixture. It is an extract of plant waxes from beeswax, yams, sugar cane and others, and is used a supplement to lower LDL cholesterol. In so doing it reduces your chances of contracting atherosclerosis, a condition associated with narrowing of the arteries through deposition of cholesterol on their inside walls. Two studies carried out using policosanol with 22 people over 8 weeks and 437 people over 12 weeks have indicated a 21% and 28% increase in HDL cholesterol respectively, and a 25% reduction in LDL cholesterol in each study. LDL cholesterol is the form that is carried by the arteries to where it is needed to biosynthesize hormones such as testosterone and to act as a band aid for damage to the blood vessels, and HDL cholesterol is the form that is being returned to the liver for disposal. It is the LDL form that is oxidized by free radicals and deposited on the walls of the arteries, eventually blocking them (atherosclerosis) and causing strokes and heart attacks according to whether the arteries affected were in the brain or close to the heart. If you are pregnant or nursing, then do not use policosanol without seeking the advice of your doctor.
Statins or Policosanol?Should you use statins or policosanol to reduce your cholesterol levels? High cholesterol levels can cause high blood pressure and heart attacks. Statins are used to reduce cholesterol levels, but have their problems: they can cause depression, memory problems, sexual dysfunction, joint pain, changes in your liver and more. Some people would rather suffer high cholesterol that take statins! Policosanol, a mixture of various plant long-chain alcohols extracted from beeswax, sugar cane and yams plus some others, is a viable option to statins. Tests have indicated that policosanol can make a significant difference to your LDL cholesterol levels - LDL is commonly known as 'bad' cholesterol, and is what cause most of the heart disease and strokes associated with high cholesterol levels. A policosanol supplement is accepted by many doctors and medical practitioners as being a genuine alternative to statins, and if statins cause you problems, or if you are afraid of taking them, policosanol could be your answer. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not take any supplement without referring to their doctor.
( Lycopene - A Powerful antioxidant with great promise ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 10, 2010 06:11 PM
Lycopene is a tetraterpene carotene that is largely responsible for the red color of tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables such as carrots and papayas, although it is not a form of Vitamin A as other carotenes are. It is responsible for the production of the pigment beta-carotene which does have Vitamin A activity, and that is also found in carrots and similarly colored foodstuffs. The health benefits of lycopene have been studied in relation to its possible antioxidant activity and its effect on atherosclerosis and other conditions of the cardiovascular system, and also in its potential anti-cancer properties. Although these properties are still under investigation, there is traditional and anecdotal evidence that is can be used to ward of cancer, heart disease and macular degeneration, a degenerative condition of the retina that results in loss of central vision. It can be taken as a supplement as a form of insurance, even though the firm medical evidence for its use has yet to be established. While not claiming this to be the case with lycopene, many such traditional uses have eventually been proved to have a firm foundation in science, and many of the initial results and studies with lycopene are tending that way.
The Antioxidant Properties of LycopeneCarotenoids tend to possess antioxidant properties, and lycopene is as much a carotenoid as the powerfully antioxidant beta-carotene. The problem is that studies focusing specifically on lycopene are rare, and that while such properties can be assumed by association, they have not been conclusively proved for lycopene. Nevertheless, the health benefits of tomatoes are largely assumed to be due to their high lycopene content, particularly powerful when cooked.
These studies have been inconclusive, although everything is pointing toward lycopene being a powerful antioxidant displaying all the properties of Vitamin A and perhaps more. A lycopene supplement is believed to be safer than Vitamin A which can be toxic in large quantities (300,000UI +), and lycopene is used as an approved food coloring. Have you had your Lycopene today?
( DHEA and Your Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 16, 2010 12:27 PM
When DHEA levels are normal, it aids the immune system in maintaining balance and fighting diseases and infection. This, in turn, protects the body form a variety of serious problems that can occur, including cancer. Although the full extent of DHEA's benefits is not entirely known, there is a great deal of evidence that links low levels of DHEA to conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, fertility problems, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, allergies, PMS, and even weight problems. Many people even believe that this hormone is the single most important factor in maintaining health.
Scientific studies have determined that individuals with cancer seem to have lower levels of DHEA than those individuals who are healthy. It has been found that DHEA has the ability to inhibit one of the most important enzymes that is responsible for the feeding of cancer cells. Research has also concluded that DHEA can help in a variety of types of cancer, including colon, lung, skin, breast, lymphatic, gastric, prostate, and ovarian. It is believed that DHEA aids in slowing the growth of cancer. This hormone also blocks some of the enzymes that are responsible for cancer proliferation, which helps to prevent the activity of cancer and stops damage from occurring. Alzheimer's condition is extremely frightening, as it deals with the loss of memory and senility. It has been found that levels of DHEA in Alzheimer's patients are forty-eight percent lower than the normal, healthy level established by the control group. DHEA is responsible for protecting the brain cells from damage and deterioration. Also, it is useful with other degenerative conditions that deal with senility. In healthy individuals, DHEA can be found abundantly in brain tissue, which protects against aging and damage. DHEA is a precursor for cortisol and adrenaline, both of which are stress hormones. DHEA can become depleted when the body is under stress due to the effect on the adrenal glands. Because of this, chronic stress can lead to lower levels of DHEA, which can be detrimental to one's health. It has been found the prolonged stress can lead to cases of depression, with depression being helped by the addition of DHEA. Individuals with depression have found favorable results when using DHEA. It has been shown that DHEA therapy is free of side effects when taken in proper amounts. Some problems that occur when excess amounts of DHEA are supplemented include acne, rapid heartbeat, irritability, and headaches. The majority of people solve these problems by lowering the amount they are taking. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by DHEA, please feel free to contact a representative from your local or internet health food store. Dhea is a hormone naturally found in the body now available over the counter at your local health food store. ~video~
( Too Little Magnesium Can Cause Health Problems ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 20, 2007 12:04 PM
The Recommended Daily Allowance of magnesium (which is the minimum level needed to stave off deficiency symptoms not the maximum level) varies by age and gender: Children 1 to 3 years: 80mg, Children 4 to 8 years: 130mg, Children 9 to 13 years: 240mg Boys 14 to 18: 410mg, Girls 14 to 18: 360mg Men 19 to 30: 400mg, Men 31 plus: 420mg Women 19 to 30: 310mg, Women 31 plus: 320mg Pregnant women 19 to 30: 350mg, pregnant women 31 plus: 360mg A survey conducted by The Gallup Organization found that 72 percent of adult Americans fall short of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of magnesium. Because magnesium is required for hundreds of enzymatic reactions (enzymes are protein molecules that stimulate every chemical reaction in the body), deficiency can cause a wide variety of symptoms, such as low energy, fatigue, weakness, PS and hormonal imbalance, inability to sleep, weakening bones, muscle tension, spasms and cramps, abnormal heart rhythms, headaches, anxiousness, nervousness and irritability. Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of The Miracle of Magnesium states: “The recommended daily allowance (RDA) is about 350mg per day, but most researchers say you need two and three times that amount, partly because it’s not in foods. If it is in foods, if you cook and process the foods in any way, you lose magnesium.”
( Sytrinol 150mg - Now Vitamins ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 29, 2006 03:14 PM
Sytrinol 150mg – Cholesterol Formula
Now Vitamins Sytrinol is a revolutionary new dietary supplement that was carefully developed to help support healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This is made possible based on Sytrinol’s high concentration of polymethoxylated flavones (PMF’s) from citrus, palm tocotrienols and other proprietary constituents. Studies have shown that this novel blend of cardiovascular supporting compounds can help maintain cholesterol and triglyceride levels that are already within a healthy range.*
Polymethoxylated flavones, or simply PMF’s are a type of potent, highly active bioflavonoid commonly found in citrus fruits. Tangeretin and nobiletin are two of the most potent, and their ability to support healthy cardiovascular function is backed by over 25 years of well-documented research. In addition to the role they play in preserving the integrity of healthy cells, it has been theorized that Polymethoxylated flavones posses the ability to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. They do this by inhibiting the formation of two key cholesterol building blocks – apolipoprotein-B and triglycerides. Without these, the body loses its ability to construct LDL cholesterol, thus resulting in a more healthy total cholesterol pool.
Palm tocotrienols, an equally beneficial component of Sytrinol, have also been shown to affect toe production of cholesterol. Tocotrienols, like vitamin E, has strong antioxidant properties that allow it to protect cell membranes. Additionally, they have been shown in studies to reduce blood platelet aggregation, inhibit the formation of arterial plaque and decrease the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.*
This potent combination is what ultimately allows Now Vitamins Sytrinol to provide exceptional lipid profile protection. For added support, we’ve included 50mg of Milk Thistle, 50mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid and 10mg of Policosanol, per serving.
Sytrinol is a proprietary and registered trademark product of Source One Global Partners.
-- Buy Sytrinol at Vitanet ®
( Barleans – Organic Evening Primrose Oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 02, 2006 03:16 PM
Evening Primrose Oil has long been revered for providing relief from symptoms associated with PMS and menopause such as cramps, hot flashes, breast tenderness and moodiness*. Now, for the first time you can enjoy the benefits of EPO from a pure, pristine and organic source. Barlean’s … You deserve nothing less.
Evening Primrose Oil provides your body with a rich source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), and omega 6 fatty acid that supports the body’s cardiovascular, nervous, immune and reproductive systems. The GLA contained in Evening Primrose Oil is a nutrient used by the body to maintain healthy cells and vital body functions. Evening Primrose Oil enhances the health and strength of cell membranes throughout the body, and promotes a proper inflammation response. Evening Primrose Oil is also used by the body to maintain healthy hormone levels. Suggested use: 2 Capsules per day. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Ingredients: Each Light-resistant carob coated gelatin capsule contains: 100% organic, unrefined, evening primrose oil. Supplement facts: Serving size 2 Capsules 2.6g Amount per serving:
( Throat Releev Lozenges - Sing your heart out! ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 30, 2005 06:30 PM
Kal says: "Sing your Heart Out!"Weather you're performing on stage or just singing in the shower, you want to be your best. Kal Throat Releev Lozenges have a wonderful slippery texture that can provide daily nutritive support for your throat. The formula is designed for soothing triple action with slippery Elm, Elderberry and Zinc in a great natural orange flavor.
Supplement Facts
( Ideal Vision from Thompson Nutritional ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 18, 2005 01:30 PM
Ideal Vision Dietary Supplement is a powerful blend of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and herbs formulated to provide nutritive support for healthy eyesite. Recent research suggests that supplementing with antioxidants such as zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E and betaCarotene may have potential beneficial effects on eye health in certain population groups. - 15mg Lutein
Supplement Facts:
( Serrapeptase - For Serr-ious Sinus Support ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 11, 2005 01:16 PM
( Kal - Vanadyl Complex now with Cinnamon Bark for Blood sugar ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 01, 2005 03:07 PM
Cinnamon May Help Lower Blood Sugar!Kal Vanadyl Complex Vanadyl Complex - Dietary supplement contains Cinnamon Plus a variety of natural ingredients intended to provide nutritive support for normal, healthy blood glucose, and glycogen synthesis. The formula Contains:
100mg Vitamins C (as ascorbic Acid) - a water soluble nutrient that may help support carbohydrate metabolism and healthy blood glucose levels. 50 mcg Chromium (as Chromium Picolinate) - an essential micromineral that may also help provide nutritive support for healthy carbohydrate metabolism. 10mg Vanadyl Sulfate - the salt of the mineral vanadium that may support glucose oxidation and glycogen synthesis.
( Federal Court Overturns FDA Ban on Ephedra at Low Doses ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 09, 2005 08:41 AM
Federal Court Overturns FDA Ban on Ephedra at Low Doses by Rakesh M. Amin and Mark Blumenthal A Utah Federal District Court recently limited the scope of a year old Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Final Rule1 banning the sale of all ephedrine-alkaloid dietary supplements.2 The Court’s ruling has a limited affect on the ability of companies to sell ephedrine nationally, but is important regarding FDA procedure for creating rules and enforcement powers. Ephedrine alkaloids are found primarily in the controversial herb ephedra (Ephedra sincica Stapf., Ephedraceae). The District Court determined that the FDA’s use of a risk-benefit analysis was against the intent of Congress in passing the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act,3 which presumes all foods are safe and requires the FDA to prove the existence of a significant or unreasonable risk. The court held that to require food producers to establish a benefit before selling their product places an improper burden on them and was inconsistent with Congress’s intent when it passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) to clearly place the burden of proof of safety of a dietary ingredient on the FDA.4 Secondly, the court determined the FDA had to show by a preponderance of the evidence “a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury.”5 Therefore, in order to ban all sales of a given product, the FDA must first prove that the dosage amount in the product presents an unreasonable risk.6 Prior to this ruling, the FDA was not required to consider dosage size before banning a substance. This ruling has limited effects at the moment since the FDA may appeal this decision. Additionally, the ruling has no effect on the laws of several states (including California, Illinois and New York) which have banned all sales of ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements. The ruling also only applies to products containing 10 mg or less of ephedrine alkaloids per daily dosage. Any product exceeding that amount is still banned and will continue to be enforced under the FDA rule.7 The court, in its ruling, specifically precluded the FDA from taking any enforcement action against Nutraceutical Corporation, the company that filed the lawsuit, for its sale of products containing 10mg or less of ephedra and for the FDA to consider further rulemaking “consistent with this Order”.8 However, the court did not specifically instruct the FDA to refrain from taking enforcement action against other brands containing less than 10mg of ephedrine.9 As such, companies considering launching new products containing ephedrine alkaloids are advised to do so carefully. Nutraceutical Corporation president Bruce Hough was cited in The New York Times as saying that the company’s reason for filing the suit was not based on ephedra and that his company had no plans to begin marketing ephedra supplements in the near future.10 Hough was quoted as saying, “We filed it [the lawsuit] because the FDA established rules that could cause problems to the rest of our business.” Hough was referring to the legal basis upon which the FDA banned the sale ephedra. He told the American Botanical Council that the FDA was applying a drug standard of risk vs. benefit to herbs and dietary supplements – technically foods under the law. [Hough B. Personal communication to M. Blumenthal, Apr. 27, 2005.] His company filed the lawsuit in an attempt to deter FDA’s new procedure for creating what he considered arbitrary rules which contradict the plain meaning of existing federal law (DSHEA). The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) issued a statement on April 26 clarifying its policy on the sale of ephedra in dietary supplements.11 AHPA has notified all its members that at this time it is the organization’s policy that none of its members should be selling low doses (10 mg or less) of ephedra in dietary supplements until the FDA has clarified its position on the Court decision. At this time it is not clear whether FDA plans on appealing the decision or will implement the new policy set by the Court. The court decision does not affect the sale of the herb ephedra in traditional formulations intended for use that is consistent with traditional uses, e.g., pulmonary complaints, and are dispensed by licensed healthcare practitioners. As might be expected, court’s decision has stimulated a new round of media and congressional criticism of the relative safety of herbs and dietary supplements as well as DSHEA. For example, a highly critical article by Chris Mooney was posted on the website of the American Prospect on April 25.12 The Prospect is relatively influential in Democratic and progressive political circles in Washington. The article uses language such as the court decision is a “scandal” and a “disturbing ruling”, refers to DSHEA as “a terrible law” and a “peculiar and misguided law” and the “wrongheaded standards encoded in the DSHEA”, and repeats the often-cited media mantra about “unregulated herbal supplements” and that the “FDA has been hamstrung and effectively rendered impotent.” More information regarding the sale of ephedrine products or FDA regulations in general is available from the law offices of Rakesh M. Amin at (312) 327-3382 or References 1 21 C.F.R. Pt. 119, Final Rule Declaring Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids Adulterated Because They Present an Unreasonable Risk (Published February 11, 2004) (Effective April 12, 2004) available at /dockets/98fr/1995n-0304-nfr0001.pdf 2 Nutraceutical Corporation and Solaray, Inc. v. Lester Crawford, D.V.M., Acting Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, et al., Case No. 2:04CV409TC, U.S. District Court for the Central District of Utah; available at gov/reports/204cv409-28.pdf
( Its not about Ehpedra -- its about DSHEA ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 24, 2005 08:58 AM
On april 14th 2005, a federal court in UTAH Ruled against the FDA's ban on low dose ephedra products. The plaintiffs were Nutraceutical Corporation and its subsidiary Solaray. They sued not just to protect their ephedra product, but to protect your access to other supplements. Why did they sue and what does this mean for you?
Media and Political Rhetoric Vs. Real ScienceProtecting DSHEA and your access to dietary supplements Why did Nutraceutical challenge FDA's actions?
Why did FDA Ban Ephedra?
What did the court Decide?
How does the Decision affect me?
Does the ruling mean that ephedra is safe?
What's Next for Ephedra?
What can I do to protect my access to supplements? Let your congressman and Senators know that access to supplements is important to you. A useful website for contacting them is: contact Nutraceutical by email at: Note: Solaray® Whole herb ephedra was formulated to have 10mg or less ephedrine alkaloids per daily dose(two servings). © Nutraceutical corporation...
( Policosanol and cholesterol control ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 17, 2005 06:25 PM
In addition, after 30 days of therapy, 20 and 40 mg/day policosanol significantly ( P < 0.01) reduced low-density lipoprotein– cholesterol (15.9 and 17.0%, respectively) and total cholesterol (12.4 and 12.3%, respectively; P < 0.05), yet increased high-density lipoprotein–cholesterol values by 5% in both groups ( P < 0.05). Policosanol is a mixture of higher aliphatic primary alcohols purified from sugar cane ( Saccharum officinarum L) 4,5 wax, the main component of which is octacosanol, followed by triacontanol and hexacosanol; other alcohols (tetracosanol, heptacosanol, nonacosanol, dotriacontanol and tetratriacontanol) are minor components. The cholesterol-lowering effects of policosanol have been proven in healthy volunteers, 6,7 patients with type II hypercholesterolaemia 8–25 and in dyslipidaemia due to type II diabetes mellitus. 26,27
The hypocholesterolaemic effect of policosanol is associated with inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis at a step located between acetate consumption and mevalonate production, although inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase has been discarded. 28–30 Policosanol also increases low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-dependent processing in fibroblast cultures, 28 as well as the clearance of [ 125 I]-labelled LDL–cholesterol (LDL-C) administered to rabbits with hypercholesterolaemia induced by a cholesterol-free casein-rich diet. 29 Policosanol from Solaray 30ct. 10mgPolicosanol 10mg 30tb from Source NaturalsPolicosanol 10mg 60ct from Source NaturalsPolicosanol 23mg Mini tabs 60ctPolicosanol 10mg with CoQ10 60ct from Source NaturalsPolicosanol 10mg with CoQ10 120ct from Source Naturals
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