Search Term: " Cirrhosis "
What is liver cirrhosis? (and is alcohol always the cause of it?) ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 02, 2019 11:59 AM
Cirrhosis is the advanced scarring of liver tissue. When the liver is injured, it will try repair itself, but this can lead to scarring (a.k.a. fibrosis). Advanced levels of scarring is cirrhosis. Excess drinking is a common cause of liver cirrhosis, but it isn't the only cause. A condition known as Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), actually the most common cause of liver disease in the U.S., can also lead to the disease. People who are overweight are at risk for NAFLD, so maintaining healthy weight is one way to prevent cirrhosis. Avoiding excess alcohol consumption is another. Finally, eating plenty of green leafy vegetables can protect the liver from damage. Key Takeaways:
"Each time that the liver is injured — whether by disease, excessive alcohol consumption, or fat cells that become toxins — it will try to repair itself." Read more:
( Reduce your risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer, researchersdiscover an effective natural solution ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 30, 2019 03:57 PM
Cirrhosis and liver cancer are common diseases that can be easily prevented. There are many ways to reduce the chance of developing these diseases over the course of a lifetime, such as moderate physical activity. Resistance training in particular can help to alleviate symptoms and reduce the likelihood of developing these diseases because it can lower fat levels. Exercise can also lower cholesterol and help manage weight. To sum, healthy lifestyle choices and changes can reduce the risk of cancer associated with the liver and cirrhosis, which will ultimately lead to a positive and healthy life. Key Takeaways:
"At the end of the study period, both liver fat and cholesterol levels were significantly lower." Read more:
( Probiotics shown to protect against liver damage, study reveals ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 30, 2019 02:17 PM
Fatty Liver Disease is becoming a real issue and may impact up to 1/4th of the United States population. Thankfully there appear to be means of combating this disease. Probiotics have already contributed in reducing acetaminophen-caused liver disease particularly with lowering of the oxidative stress. Positive gut health and bacteria is also important in maintaining a healthy immune system and can contribute to further protecting the body against Fatty Liver Disease. Eating the right foods, including fermented varieties, helps promote good gut health. Key Takeaways:
"The team found that the supplemented mice experienced significantly less liver damage than the control group." Read more:
( Cannabis can reverse the effects of alcohol-induced liver damage ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 23, 2019 02:27 PM
Even though they refer to both types of cannabis, it should be noted that the two types are not interchangeable and have only a slightly different chemical compound. The study showed that active cannabis use provides a profound protective effect against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, independent of other known metabolic risk factors. Unfortunately they haven't yet uncovered how precisely how it provides benefit to the patient in need, it does provide a reduction in pain. Key Takeaways:
"The study found that using cannabis correctly significantly lowered the odds of various liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even hepatocellular carcinoma, a type of liver cancer." Read more:
( 10 Foods your liver loves you to consume ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 13, 2017 11:44 AM
The liver has an important role in keeping us healthy and filtering our systems. An unhealthy liver can lead to many diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer and cardiovascular disease. There are many foods that help the liver function well and guard against disease. These include dark leafy vegetables, broccoli, garlic, walnuts, blueberries, turmeric, pineapple, green tea and avocados. Fresh vegetables and fruits of any kind are beneficial as is limiting alcohol intake and being careful to stay away from toxins. Key Takeaways:
"Adopting healthy lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, lower alcohol intake and less exposure to toxins may help promote liver health. Avoiding foods that are high in fat, sugar and preservatives do your liver a huge favor." Read more:
( The Liver Is A Very Imprtant Organ ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 30, 2016 02:00 PM
Positioning at the right side of the belly, The Liver, is the most significant internal organ of our body. Along with intestine and pancreas, it perform the function of digesting, absorbing and processing the food. The most important function of the liver is to purify the blood before advancing it to the rest of the body. It also removes harmful toxic gases from the blood and helps in production of hormones. In other words, Liver is " Blood Purifier" of our body ! Liver Diseases But various diseases like the Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Liver cancer, Ascites , Gallstones can reduce the smooth functioning of the liver. This is why we need an aid to the liver, "Milk Thistle",a flowering herb is used as a natural treatment. It is one of the strongest detoxifiers which helps in regenerating the liver cells, and it reduces the harmful effects of alcohol consumption, presence of heavy metals in our water supply and pesticides in our food. It can even back-pedal the effect of pollution in the air we breathe! Milk thistle has been recognized as a therapeutic treatment for above mentioned liver diseases. It can also be used for lowering the cholesterol level, or as an anti-aging treatment. If you are experiencing liver function issues, consider taking milk thistle daily.
( The Health Benefits Of Brazil Nuts ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 03, 2014 07:38 PM
Brazil nut nutritional content
Brazil nut minerals One of the most remarkable things about these types of nuts is that they are gluten free. This means that they can safely be used by people who happen to have gluten sensitivity. Other minerals that are rich in the Brazil nuts include copper, manganese, potassium and phosphorus. Benefits of brazil nut Eating such nuts on a regular basis is therefore a good idea, since it exposes one to all the above. The good thing about them is that they don’t cost much, so you can benefit from all the above without having to spend a lot of money on them. When you consider the fact that they offer all the benefits above but without costing much, it’s easy to see that they are actually very good value for money. Including them in your diet, irrespective of your physiological status, is therefore a good idea.
( You can protect your liver and more with Milk thistle Extract ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 23, 2010 09:48 PM
Milk Thistle Benefits
Milk thistle also helps to reduce the cholesterol content of the blood and to improve the generation of glutathione, the body's master-antioxidant. Many studies have shown that milk thistle enables patients to survive longer after life-threatening liver conditions such as Cirrhosis, and also protects it from the effects of sustained use of common drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol and Paracetamol) that progressively damages liver cells, and also of many antipsychotics and antibiotics that have a similar effect. There are no doubts that taking milk thistle does your liver a great deal of good and leaves it in a much healthier state than it found it.
Milk Thistle and PainkillersOver the counter painkillers such as Tylenol and paracetamol are based upon a chemical known as acetominophen. Milk thistle can be used to reverse the damage that acetaminophen can cause to your liver if you catch it early enough. Here is how this form of painkiller can cause damage to your liver. Acetaminophen undergoes processes known as sulfation and glucuronidation prior to being excreted from the body. This process is not harmful to the liver, and is a normal biochemical means of removing excess acetominophen from your body after it has done its work. However, if you have taken excess acetaminophen (>4g/day or 8x 500mg tablets) there is too much for the above process to handle, and a secondary biochemical route (the cytochrome p-450 system) is taken that generates an intermediate product known as NAPQI. Normally, this NAPQI is safely metabolized by the antioxidant glutathione but if there is insufficient glutathione in your system then the NAPQI will destroy cells in your liver. That can occur if too much acetaminophen has been taken for the glutathione to handle, if alcohol is also involved or if the diet of the patient is nutritionally deficient. If left untreated this condition can be resolved only by a liver transplant, without which it is usually fatal. Milk thistle can help to repair this damage and survival is more likely with patients who take milk thistle than those that do not.
( Milk Thistle And Silymarin ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 12, 2009 12:44 PM
In Europe, milk thistle was used as a well-known remedy for liver problems and also as a digestive aid. Pliny the Elder, the early Roman writer, explained how the juice of milk thistle mixed with honey was used for carrying off bile. Gerard, an herbalist, said in 1597 that milk thistle was one of the best remedies for liver-related diseases. Milk thistle was also given to nursing mothers to improve milk production. The liver is an extremely important organ that is found in the body. It is responsible for filtering toxic material from the body, which prevents accumulation that can lead to disease and death. Often, the vital functions of the liver are overlooked. Nevertheless, they are extremely important. It is essential to keep the liver working properly. Milk thistle has been proven to be very beneficial for liver function. Milk thistle extract has been shown in observations to help reverse both acute and chronic liver problems, including Cirrhosis and viral hepatitis. The antioxidant properties may be due to the bioflavonoid content. Milk thistle has also been found to help heal the liver from damage that occurs from alcohol toxicity. It has been used to treat many different liver ailments. Among these are fatty liver disorders, chronic hepatitis, inflammation of the bile duct, hardening of the liver, and Cirrhosis. Milk thistle is also thought to actually help liver regeneration when part of the liver is removed. Milk thistle possesses a variety of compounds which are known as Silymarin. This includes silybin, silydianin, and silychristin. All of these substances are known to protect the liver against some toxins, which helps to increase the function of this important organ. Silybin is used as an antidote to the deathcape mushroom, which is known to destroy liver cells. The deathcap species is one of the most toxic of liver poisons and has a death rate of up to fifty percent. A study with sixty patients suffering from deathcap poisoning treated with silybin produced incredible results. None of the participants died. Silymarin is an effective remedy if it is administered within forty-eight hours of ingestion. This compound seems to occupy the receptor sites to protect the cell membranes. Not only does it work to treat serious liver conditions, but it also prevents damage from occurring. Silymarin contains amines which are known to help stimulate the production and flow of bile. This compound has been found in studies to work exclusively on the kidneys and liver. Milk thistle has also been shown to stimulate the synthesis of protein. The seeds of the milk thistle plant are used to provide alterative, antioxidant, galactagogue, hepatic, and stimulant properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are bioflavonoids. Primarily, milk thistle is extremely beneficial in treating Cirrhosis, hepatitis, jaundice, kidney problems, and liver disorders. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with alcoholism, appetite loss, high blood pressure, boils, chemotherapy, depression, epilepsy, fatty deposits, gas, heartburn, heart problems, hemorrhages, hypoglycemia, indigestion, absent lactation, menstrual symptoms, effects of radiation, skin diseases, varicose veins, and the effects of toxins.
( Alpha Lipoic Acid ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 11, 2008 11:19 AM
Alpha lipoic acid is the ideal antioxidant for five main reasons. It can scavenge free radicals of all kinds of both fat and water-based cell structures. It rapidly assimilates and absorbs into cells. Alpha lipoic acid boosts the action of other protective compounds. It chelates free meal ions and it also promotes normal cell replication. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is both fat and water soluble, which makes it a superior free-radical scavenger because it can protect lipid (fat) and aqueous (water) cell parts from free-radical damage. This ability allows ALA to offer excellent cellular protection because it can easily transport across cell membranes and give oxidant protection outside and inside cell structures. ALA has the ability to freely move throughout all cell parts, scavenging for free radicals in a way that is definitely more effective than other antioxidant compounds. Vitamin C, for example, is a good antioxidant but is strictly water soluble and only affects the interior of cells. On the other hand, vitamin E is only fat soluble, meaning that it affects only the lipid portion of cell structures or the membrane, which leaves other areas unprotected. Cellular glutathione, which is produced in the body and works to neutralize free radicals, is very difficult to artificially boost. Although oral glutathione supplements are available, they have to go through the GI route before they enter the blood stream, leaving little glutathione which actually survives this process. Because of this, cellular levels are not significantly increase by oral supplementation. ALA has been found to help regenerate glutathione by providing extra cellular protection. If the body becomes deficient in ALA, other antioxidant compounds may not work well. ALA plays an important role in boosting the activity of protective compounds such as vitamin E. ALA dramatically extends the life and effectiveness of other vital compounds. ALA has been used for decades to treat diabetic conditions and complications including diabetic neuropathy, with ALA actually having the ability to initiate a reverse in the condition in some cases. Additionally, ALA helps to boost glucose uptake and results in less insulin dependency in some cases. Among its other properties, ALA can protect brain tissue on a cellular level, as well as protect brain cells from certain hazardous chemicals. Research has shown that ALA may even play a role in the treatment of neurological disorders such as Huntington’s disease. As we are all aware, LDL cholesterol has a huge role in the development of cardiovascular disease. LDL cholesterol, which is particularly susceptible to free-radical damage, can be protected by ALA from free radical damage itself. Along with the above properties, ALA has been shown to help in strokes, cancer, cataracts, HIV, liver regeneration, and detoxification. ALA can be purchased in tablet and capsule form and works well when it is orally ingested so that it can be easily assimilated through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Taking between 40 to 50 mg of ALA is recommended for best results. The primary applications of alpha lipoic acid are aging, aids, alcoholism, atherosclerosis, bell’s palsy, cataracts, cancer, Cirrhosis, diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, liver disease, radiation sickness or exposure, Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia, stroke, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and heavy-metal poisoning. Have you had your alpha lipoic acid today?
( Detox your Body with Wasabi Rhizome ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 29, 2008 10:30 AM
The Wasabi rhizome, the underground fleshy stem of the wasabia japonica plant, is prized not only for its fiery flavour but also its effect in detoxifying the liver. However, make sure that you are getting the real McCoy since many restaurants in the USA do not use the genuine paste. The wasabi is a plant of the cruciferous family, the same family as cabbage, broccoli, turnip, radish, horseradish and mustard, and is native to Japan and Korea and now grown on the Pacific coast of Canada. It grows best in temperate to cold climates, especially in mountainous areas where there are plenty of cold streams. Anybody who regularly enjoys sashimi and sushi should be familiar with the wasabi rhizome, that green lump of paste lying on the side of the plate. It is hot and fiery, although not in the same way as the chilli pepper that is fiery on the tongue and in the mouth. This tends to affect the sinuses more, and leaves a sweetish taste once the initial heat has dissipated. However, it is not always what it should be. The last comment there refers to the practise, especially in the USA, of using dyed common horseradish as wasabi paste, so be careful of that since the two are not equivalent in the health benefits they impart to your body. Although of the same family as the horseradish, and sometimes termed the Japanese horseradish, ordinary horseradish does not have the same health benefits as genuine wasabi, and does not contain the same active ingredients so do not confuse the two. Real wasabi is normally used grated, and there are specific techniques that should be used to grate wasabi rhizomes to bring out the fullness of the flavour. True grated wasabi should be of a natural pale greenish color rather than the brighter green normally associated with sushi restaurant wasabi. Traditionally, wasabi rhizome is used as a condiment with sushi, although their leaves can also be used in salad dressings and or as a delicacy pickled in soy sauce or sake brine. The genuine vegetable is difficult to cultivate which explains why ordinary horseradish is dyed and used in its stead, and the vast majority of non-Japanese do not know the difference because it is likely to be all they have consumed under the name of wasabi. The health benefits of the genuine article, however, are considerable greater. So that’s what it is, but what does it do? What are the health benefits of wasabi rhizomes and why are they considered to be so good for your liver? Wasabi rhizomes contain substances that are very effective in detoxifying you liver, and that are also very strong antioxidants that provide you with good overall health benefits in their capacity to destroy the free radicals created by the pollution of modern living. The active antioxidants in the rhizome are precursors of isothiocyanates, which are known as phytochemicals. These are chemicals that can protect or prevent diseases through its antioxidant properties. The term ‘precursor’ means that the isothiocyanates are synthesized by your body from the nutrients contained in the wasabi rhizome. Other examples of phytochemicals that you may have heard of are carotenoids, flavonoids and polyphenols that also possess antioxidant properties. Other antioxidants are vitamins A and E, which is why these are used in anti-wrinkle creams, since their anti-oxidant effect helps to prevent the free radicals destroying the skin cells in the dermis and epidermis that leads to the wrinkles associated with aging. Wasabi is equally effective as an antioxidant, although it has other properties that are important to your liver. The liver is your body’s chemical plant. That is where most of the chemical reactions take place that are essential for life. If your liver is unhealthy you can develop diseases such as hepatitis and Cirrhosis, and a healthy liver is essential for life let alone a healthy life. Wasabi helps to detoxify and clean out your liver. Apart from creating the wide variety of enzymes needed to process your food, and controlling the vast majority of the biochemistry of your body, your liver is also your detoxification plant that coverts toxins into biodegradable molecules that your waste disposal system can evacuate without harm. This occurs in two phases. Phase I coverts the toxin to a form that your body can further process (the bioactive form), and Phase II breaks it down into a form that your kidneys can handle and eject it in your urine. Isothiocyanates are involved in the production of the enzymes that enable the chemical reactions of Phase II to proceed. They allow your body to cleanse itself of toxins, and without this process you would be less healthy and more prone to cancers and other undesirable conditions and diseases in your body. It is becoming more important in this modern age with its increasing natural and synthetic pollution that your liver is working at peak efficiency. Your liver is equally as important to you as your heart and brain, and without it you cannot survive. Wasabi also contains glucosinolates that help the isothiocyanates to induce the production of Phase II enzymes, and it is general believed that eating this tuber cab help protect you against stomach, colon and breast cancers as well as help your cardiovascular system and blood clotting. An interesting fact is how wasabi rhizome came to be traditionally served with raw fish. The isothiocyanates precursors, and the glucosinolates that wasabi also contains, apparently help to destroy the bacteria associated with raw fish, and help prevent disease and illness. It was likely found healthier to include a dollop of this green paste with your sushi than not, and so the use of common horseradish might be somewhat questionable if it has less of an effect. Make sure, therefore, that your have the real thing, and apart from any specific health considerations associated with eating raw fish, you are best advised to take it as a supplement to help Detox your liver rather than visit sushi bars for your consumption. It will also help your wallet!
( Milk Thistle May Help With Cirrhosis, Gallstones, and Hepatitis Liver Problems ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 14, 2007 12:34 PM
Milk thistle, botanically Silybum Adans, is a member of the daisy family that is native to the Mediterranean, the Middle East and North Africa but has also been introduced to California and parts of the eastern side of the USA, and can help with problems such as Cirrhosis, gallstones and hepatitis. Although it has been recorded as being used in medieval times as a tonic for the liver, it is only relatively recently that its chemical components have been investigated. Analysis indicated the presence of hitherto unknown flavonoids which were given the name of silymarin. In general, flavonoids are strong antioxidants found in many fruits and vegetables that eat up the free radicals that cause so much damage to our bodies. Free radicals are very unstable molecules that are generated through pollution, such as smoking, car fumes, perticides etc, and that destroy body cells accelerating aging. They also oxidise the low density lipids (LDL) that carry water-insoluble cholesterol through the blood to the arteries where it is needed to repair damage, resulting in excess deposition and the atherosclerosis that can cause strokes and heart disease. Antioxidants mop these up like a sponge, and are some of the healthiest types of molecules that we can consume. The silymarin group of flavonoids are particularly attracted to the liver where they act as antihepatoxic agents that prevent the liver from becoming poisoned. But why should the liver be poisoned I can hear you ask, and what are the poisons involved? Can we avoid them? It is a very relevant question, and one that will make you wonder, every time you leave your home, especially if you live in a big city or an industrialized area. Smoking cigarettes, working with volatile organic compounds that you can breathe in, such as paint and printing ink solvents, the exhaust fumes of cars and diesel engines, factory chimneys belching out tons of smoke, analgesics such as paracetamol, pesticides on your fruit and vegetables that you have failed to wash off, alcohol, etc, etc, etc… All of these have to be removed from your body or you will die, awash with all these poisons that you have ingested, some deliberately and some not. The organ that does this is your liver: the powerhouse chemical plant of your body that carries out millions of biochemical reactions every day. Your liver converts all of these poisons into molecules that can be flushed away through your body naturally. However it places great stresses upon it, and even your liver needs a rest sometimes, or even just a little rejuvenating tonic would keep it happy. Milk thistle has been used for just that purpose, especially when the liver has been toxified with excess alcohol, pesticide poisoning or even hepatitis. The silymarin initially coats the cells of the liver by binding to the cell membranes of the cell walls, so that the toxins are hindered from entering the cells. Its antioxidant properties then neutralise any free radicals present that are causing the damage to the liver cells. It also helps to stimulate the production of proteins to help the healing process, and reduces the fibrosis that is the development of fibrous masses outside the liver cells caused by damaged cells excreting materials such as collagens outside the cells into the general body of the liver. Finally, milk thistle helps to prevent the activity of the immune system in causing inflammation of the damaged cells. Silymarin acts very specifically on the liver, and is often used by physicians in the treatment of such liver conditions as jaundice, hepatitis, liver cancer and Cirrhosis. In addition to its own effects it appears that it stimulates the production of glutathione that is also a very powerful natural tripeptide antioxidant produced by the body when it is under oxidative stress. Its effect on cancer and some diseases is not curative, but to allow the liver to continue to detoxify the body when otherwise it might fail and lead to toxicity problems from which the patient might not be able to recover. Due to the remarkable regenerative powers of the liver, milk thistle is able to stimulate it into repairing its damage and grow fresh cells to replace the damaged ones. This is the reason for its effectiveness in otherwise very serious degenerative diseases. It is often prescribed by doctors for patients who are taking a number of different medications. Which help the liver to metabolize these medications, since without it, it might struggle to provide the true efficacy of the prescribed drugs. So far we have been concentrating on the liver, but milk thistle has other properties not connected directly with the hepatic function. It can help to promote the production of bile in the gall bladder and so give the digestive system a boost when needed, where it also acts as a mild laxative. However, it can also help patients suffering from both lose stools and constipation due its effect. It can also help to relieve gallstones, though medical tests are generally carried out first to ensure that they are not too large for the milk thistle to handle. It is also an anti-inflammatory, and is useful in the treatment of acne and other inflammatory responses, and also for inflammations in the gall bladder, kidney and bladder. There are few serious side effects, although, as milk thistle rids the body of toxins, these toxins can cause problems such as diarrhea, headaches and abdominal pain. Keep in mind that you are releasing poisons from the liver into your system so that they can be expelled by the usual means, and they will put up a fight along the way. However, the milk thistle will usually win in the end. There currently appear to be no long term issues with taking milk thistle as a supplement over a long period, and it is good way to maintain a healthy liver. Keep in mind that the liver is the body’s chemical plant, where most of the biochemical reactions of life take place, and without we cannot survive. It makes sense, therefore, to look after your liver, and milk thistle is one way of doing that; some would say the best way.
So remember that, although milk thistle may help with Cirrhosis, gallstones and hepatitis liver problems, you should be prepared for a short struggle before it wins the day. Always consult your family physician for a clear diagnosis before self prescribing herbs as treatment. Your physician can advise you as the correct course of action to take once diagnosed with a liver blood test first. But, to boost overall health and wellness milk thistle is a great herbal supplement to take on a daily basis.
( Clinical Applications of Herbal Medicine ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 08, 2005 06:29 PM
Clinical Applications of Herbal Medicine by D. Paul Barney, M.D. 1. Infertility (Damiana Ginseng Blend) (SP-1) – Impotency, Hot flashes, hormonal imbalance, menstrual problems. 2. Arthritis (Devil’s Claw Yucca Blend) (SP-2) – Rheumatism, Bursitis, Gout. 3. Respiratory Distress (Pleurisy Root Blend) (SP-3) – Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, T.B. Cough, Sore Throat, Colds, Hay fever. 4. Skin Disorders (Herbal Skin Blend) (SP-4) – Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Rash. 5. Diabetes (Uva Ursi Dandelion Blend) (SP-5) – High Blood Sugar. 6. Water Rentention (Cornsilk Blend) (SP-6) – Edema, Cystitis, Gout. 7-A. Yeast Infection (Goldenseal-witch Hazel Blend) (SP-7A) – Vaginitis. 7-B. Heavy Mentral Flow (Cranesbill Blend) (SP-7B) – Menorrhagia, Menorrhea. 8. Heart Trouble (Hawthorn Motherwort Blend) (SP-8) – Weak heart muscle, Arrythmia, Angina, Short of Breath, Palpitations. 9. High Blood Pressure (Garlic Valerian Blend) (SP-9) – High cholesterol, blood pressure. 10. Pain (White Willow Blend) (SP-10) – Headache, Migraine, Pain for Backache, Inflammation, Spasms, fever. 11-A. Blood Health (Dandelion Yellow Dock Blend) (SP-11A) – Infections, Acne, Gout, Exposure to Toxins. 11-B. Poor Circulation (Cayenne Blend) (SP-11B) – Phlitis, Cold Extremities, Varicose Veins, Diabetes. 12. Constipation (Butternut Cascara Blend) (SP-12) – Constipation. 13. Liver (Dandelion Milk Thistle Blend) (SP-13) – Hepatitis, Jaundice, Alcohol Cirrhosis, Sluggish Bile Flow, Gallstones, Psoriasis. 14. Nervous Tension (Valerian Blend) (SP-14) – Anxiety, Emotional, Fear, Hysteria, Restlessness. 15. Low Energy – Fatigue (Cayenne Ginseng Blend) (SP-15) – Boost Energy, Reduce Fatigue. 15-B. Male Stamina Blend (SP-15b) - Boost Libido. 16. Prostate (Saw Palmetto Blend) (SP-16) – Prostate cancer, Slow Urination. 17. Insomnia (Valerian Hops Blend) (SP-17) – Improve Sleep. 18. Obesity (Chickweed Celery Blend) (SP-18) – Reduce Weight. 19. Glandular & Nervous System Tonic (Goldenseal Gentian Blend) (SP-19) – Support Proper Glandular function and strengthen the nervous system. 20. Gastrointestinal (GI Blend) (SP-20) – Ulcers, Flatulence, Upset Stomach, Colic, Diverticulitis, Gastritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 20-B. Stomach Blend (Mastic gum, Marshmellow) (SP-20b) - Aids in digestion, stomach problems. 21. Infections (Echinacea Goldenseal Blend) (SP-21) – General infections, Flu, Fever, Sore Throat. 22. Caugh & Sore Throat (Bayberry Horehound Blend) (SP-22) – Colds, Bronchial Congestion, Inflammation. 23. Eyes (Eyebright Blend) (SP-23) – Eyestrain, Infection, Conjunctiuits, Dry/Inflamed. 24. Parasites – Worms (Garlic Black Walnut Blend) (SP-24) – Reduce Worms in colon. 25. Environmental (Algin Blend) (SP-25) – Pollution, Heavy metal, Recovery from illness. 26. Thyroid (Kelp Blend) (SP-26) – High, Low, Goiter. 27. Digestion (Papaya Peppermint Blend) (SP-27) – Dyspepsia, Colic, Gas, Heartburn, Antibiotic use, Pancreatic Insufficiency, Dependence on Laxatives. 28. Health & Body Tonic (Sarsaparilla Ginseng Blend) (SP-28) – Stress, Malaise, Fatigue, System Imbalances, Debilities. 29. Degenerative Disorder (Red Clover Blend) (SP-29) – Cancer, Addisons, Skin, Rheumatism. 30. Mental Stamina (Peppermint Ginseng Blend) (SP-30) – Memory Loss, Dementia, Poor Concentration. 31. High Cholesterol (Apple Pectin & Herbs Blend) (SP-31) – Control Cholesterol. 32. Hemorrhoids (Aloe witch Hazel Blend) (SP-32) – Phlebitis, Periodontal Swelling. 33. Allergy (Clay &Herbs Blend) (SP-33) – Hay Fever, Allergies. 34. Healing (Horsetail-Plantain Blend) (SP-34) – Ulcers, Broken Bones, Cuts, Wounds, Lacerations. 35. Low Blood Sugar (Licorice Gota Kola Blend) (SP-35) – Hypoglycemia. 36. Motion Sickness (Ginger Blend) (SP-36) – Nausea, Upset Stomach, Poor Digestion, Morning Sickness. 37. Antioxidants (Antioxidant Herb Blend) (SP-37) – Scavenge free radicals. 38. Hair (Herbal Hair Nutrients Blend) (SP-38) – Feed your Hair. 39. Depression (St. John’s Wort Blend) (SP-39) – Anxiety, Chronic Fatigue, Mononucleosis. 40. Immune Deficiency (Astragalus Blend) (SP-40) – Weakness, Chronic Disease, AIDS.
( HERBS FOR A HEALTHY LIVER ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 14, 2005 03:38 PM
HERBS FOR A HEALTHY LIVER The liver is extremely important in ridding the body of toxins. It is the key channel of elimination. Good health is impossible without adequate liver function. It is one of the most important organs in the body and often is not considered when it comes to health. The liver cannot function if digestion is poor or the colon is congested. Everything the enters the liver must be detoxified. Everything we breathe, eat and absorb through the skin is refined in the liver; it becomes overburdened when too much is required. The liver is required to detoxify at a much higher rate than ever before. The exposure to toxins has increased rapidly over the years. The liver works by using enzymes to break down toxic material. The liver then converts the material from a fat soluble form to a water soluble form to be eliminated through the kidneys. Milk thistle has a complex of compounds known as silymarin. These substances are actually known to protect the liver against some toxins and help increase the function of this important organ. Silybin found in this herb is used as an antidote to the deadly deathcap mushroom which is known to destroy liver cells. It also contains amines (thyramine and histamine) which are known to help stimulate the production and flow of bile. Milk thistle has been proven to be very beneficial on liver function. Studies done recently indicate that milk thistle is beneficial for severe liver disorders such as hepatitis and Cirrhosis, as well as general liver restoration, protection and strengthening. The properties of milk thistle have been confirmed in animal studies to be a protection in liver disorders. Turmeric has been found to contain liver protective properties similar to the glycyrrhizin found in licorice. This ability may be due to its powerful antioxidant activity. It also has been found to increase enzymes in the liver to pre vent inflammation. Turmeric has also been found to increase bile acid output. Turmeric has the ability to breakdown carcinogens and toxins allowing them to be excreted from the body without doing damage. It seems to protect the liver from toxic damage. Licorice contains glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid which help stimulate interferon in the body which is essential for protecting the immune system. It also contains liver protective properties preventing damage due to toxic exposure. Glycyrrhizin found in licorice is thought to inhibit cell injury. Glycyrrhizin has been found in studies to be beneficial in treating cases of chronic hepatitis B. It seems to improve liver function as well as reduce liver enzymes that are known to determine liver damage. Scientific studies have found that schizandra protects the liver against toxins. Problems with the liver and lead to immune disorders because of the build up of toxins. Schizandra has also been found to protect against the effects of alcohol in mice. Other studies have found this herb to have a mild regenerative effect on the liver . It is used in China to treat infectious hepatitis. It helps to protect the liver from damage and encourage liver regeneration after injury or illness. Other herbs:
July 12, 2005 10:27 AM
July 12, 2005 10:01 AM
MILK THISTLE: A VITAL COMPONENT OF LIVER REHABILITATION In addition to the flavonoid-like components of Silymarin, Milk Thistle seeds also contain betaine, which has proven itself as a liver protectant. Additionally, essential fatty acids are found in Milk Thistle which help control chronic inflammation.7 Milk Thistle should be a vital part of any therapeutic program designed to treat liver disorders. It can provide liver protection after exposure to radiation, heavy metals or toxic chemicals. Anyone who has hepatitis or Cirrhosis should be using this herb as part of their treatment regimen. Concerning Milk Thistle and the liver, Christopher Hobbs wrote: “I first learned of Milk Thistle in early 1984, when I began harvesting seeds from wild plants growing in California and taking the liquid extract I made from them. I had sustained heavy damage to my liver as a result of having hepatitis twice, in 1963 and in 1967, and I was able to greatly restore my digestive power with the help of this herb. Since then, I have witnessed other surprising recoveries from severe liver ailments with the use of this herb.”8 There is no question that the Silymarin compounds of Milk Thistle have significant therapeutic value for liver diseases of various kinds including: hepatitis, fatty infiltration of the liver, Cirrhosis, and inflammation of the bile duct.9 The tyramine and histamine content of Milk Thistle works to stimulate the production and flow of bile, which also benefits the liver. A whole host of laboratory tests from biopsies to clinical data confirm that Silymarin is particularly effective in treating and preventing liver damage from alcohol abuse or chemical exposure. Extensive clinical trails have clearly shown that Milk Thistle can reverse the symptoms of many liver disorders. In addition, Milk Thistle can exert a therapeutic effect on chronic hepatitis, Cirrhosis, fatty infiltration of the liver, cholestasis of pregnancy, cholangitis and pericholangitis.10 While the liver has a great capacity for regeneration, when it is diseased or damaged by toxins like alcohol, it can cease to produce badly needed liver cells. Milk Thistle can stimulate this proliferation. The earlier it is taken, the quicker recovery will be.
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July 12, 2005 09:54 AM
FUNCTIONS The active ingredients in Milk Thistle consist of a complex of compounds which are referred to as silymarin. These substances can actually protect the liver against certain toxins, while simultaneously boosting the function of the liver. Milk Thistle contains some of the most potent liverp rotecting substances known. For this reason, it is an invaluable herb for the treatment of hepatitis, Cirrhosis, jaundice and fatty degeneration of the liver. In addition, silybin, one of the compounds found in Milk Thistle, has been used as an antidote to the lethal deathcap mushroom whose toxin targets liver cells. Because of this action, in Germany, Milk Thistle has been used to block the action of amanita mushroom poisoning. In the case of mushroom poisoning, the herb is administered intravenously. Studies have indicated that Milk Thistle has valuable therapeutic merit for severe liver disorders and acts as liver restorative as well.1 Not only does it promote new cell growth in the liver, it also prevents the formation of damaging leukotrienes. Because the liver plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy immune system, Milk Thistle can contribute to increased disease resistance. This link may explain why it also has value for anyone suffering from psoriasis or chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition, Milk Thistle can legitimately be called an antioxidant. It helps protect the cells from free radicals by scavenging them before they can cause cellular damage. Flavonoids have tremendous value as antioxidants and Milk Thistle is rich in them. The flavonoid-like compounds of this herb help to promote cell membrane integrity and to reduce its permeability. Milk Thistle also acts to protect the kidneys, brain and other vital organs from toxin damage, treats allergic reactions, reduces inflammation and promotes healing. It also helps to emulsify fats and enhance bile flow, making it a good remedy for indigestion.
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