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Can Xylitol Kill Bacteria That Causes Cavities?


People every day consume sugary food stuff particularly in processed food. Unluckily, too much sugar that people consume creates compelling grounds for bacteria. These bacteria cause tooth decay.

Xylitol is a natural sweet substance; which is extorted from fibrous plants such as birch trees. This substance is today found in gums, toothpastes, candies, nasal spray, and even tooth paste.

Xylitol helps in preventing bacteria form the act of sticking to one's teeth and maintenance of low level of acid. The saliva remains steady in a neutral pH level and stops bacteria from clustering as white substance that coats the teeth- referred to as plaque!The bacteria cannot digest xylitol to make energy, hence holding back the food intake of bacteria and shielding the teeth.

Xylitol, it aids in the restoration of damaged enamel by escalating phosphate and calcium salts in the saliva, these two elements help in hardening the natural mineral found in the body. Xylitol also helps in strengthening and repair of calcium-deficient enamel parts which are feeble.

In conclusion, it of no importance what amount of xylitol one takes, the crucial thing is how frequently one uses products containing xylitol.

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