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What Is The Health Benefits Of Flax Seed?

Flax Seed

Consumption of Flax seed has been known to have healthy effect on humans. Research has shown that Flax seeds contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids which are essential fats with healthy effects on the heart.

Scientific research has shown that consumption of this plant food reduces total cholesterol, with the omega-3 fats and fibers playing a grand role in fighting heart disease, diabetes and inflammatory disorders.

Lignans and Antioxidants

Flax seeds contain more lignans than any other plant food. These are phytoestrogens, a group of natural compounds that offer protection against cancer formation and growth. Lignans have antioxidant qualities and plant estrogen which boost immunity against diseases. Flax seeds are also high in a cancer fighting agent called Alapha linolenic acid.


With high content of insoluble and soluble fibers, Flax seed offer excellent prevention for constipation. They also promote normal bowel movements, soften the stool and facilitating its passage through the colon. This incredible plant has now been included into a variety of foods due to the immense benefits to human health.