Search Term: " Fenugreek "
Fenugreek reduces menopausal symptoms ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 02, 2019 01:55 PM
According to a study in Phytotherapy Research, the nutrient fenugreek may help ease the symptoms associated with menopause without the unpleasant side effects of traditional hormone replacement therapy. Study participants who consumed 1,000 milligrams of fenugreek extract daily reported a significant improvement in headaches, hot flashes, insomnia, and night sweats, as well as an overall improvement in quality of life. Researchers concluded that fenugreek extract is a safe and effective treatment alternative for menopausal women. Key Takeaways:
"Furthermore, the researchers found fenugreek extract treatment is safe and plays a role in the management of lipid profile in menopausal women." Read more:
( Common Herbs to Help Soothe Constipation ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 21, 2018 08:52 AM
About a fifth of Americans suffer from the discomfort of constipation, but luckily there are several natural remedies for this common nuisance. Constipation happens when either food moves too slowly through your system, or the colon sucks too much of the water content out of waste as it passes through. Slippery elm can both soothe and lubricate the digestive tract. Aloe can likewise both help constipation and help soothe other digestive problems. Fenugreek is both an effective constipation remedy and a tasty spice. Key Takeaways:
"If you have trouble going to the restroom regularly, don’t worry because this can be easily remedied by knowing what’s making you constipated and implementing a few herbs in your diet that are specifically used to help relieve constipation." Read more:
( Keep your blood sugar levels in check with these naturalsupplements ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 13, 2018 05:52 PM
If you are focusing on keeping your blood sugar levels low, there may be natural supplements to help you. A active ingredient found in turmeric roots called curcumin has shown to reduce glucose levels and prevent pre-diabetes from developing. American ginseng has shown to be the best to decrease postprandial glucose levels. Berbine is a popular ingredient in some medicines already and can be found in the stems and roots of barberry, goldenseal, Organ grape and tree turmeric. Other natural remedies include fenugreek, psyllium, magnesium, cinnamon, white mulberry, milk thistle, inulin, and Vitamin D3. Key Takeaways:
"In fact, there are so many natural supplements that can help control blood sugar that it may be possible for countless people to avoid the need for medication or possibly even avoid developing diabetes in the first place." Read more:
May 07, 2017 11:44 AM
Rapid hair growth can be accomplished through a number of home remedies. Home remedies require making the recommended concoction followed by leaving the concoction on your hair between 15 minutes and more than 3 hours, depending on the specific concoction. Following use of the remedies a gentle wash and rinse of the hair is recommended. These remedies include the following: read onion juice; potato juice, egg yolk, and honey; eggs, olive oil and honey; Fenugreek and water; Fenugreek with milk; and Fenugreek with coconut milk. Takeaways:
"Onion makes your nourishment tasty as well as makes your hair grow and reproduce successfully. Since onion juice has sulfur in it which helps the generation of collagen tissues. These tissues help with re development of your hair. You will just need red onions."
( Remedies for managing high blood pressure || Blood pressure ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 09, 2017 11:59 AM
Men and women both can experience high blood pressure, and when they do, it brings big trouble your way. High blood pressure is a condition that can greatly impeded on your life, but it doesn't have to be this way. You will find an array of remedies that help alleviate high blood pressure, and using one or more of them is a good idea when you need help managing this condition. It doesn't get any better than these awesome high blood pressure remedies. Takeaways:
"You can forget the medicine and start looking at a natural cure for your high blood pressure."
( Healthy Benefits Of Fenugreek ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 25, 2017 10:19 AM
There are many benefits of taking Fenugreek or a Fenugreek supplement. Fenugreek is a natural way to manage and retain a healthy lifestyle. This site will explain the benefits and help you to decide if Fenugreek would be a good choice to add to your daily regime of not only maintaining a healthy attitude but a healthy diet as well. You will find that Fenugreek is one of natures best supplements address irregularities that rise with the bodies structure. Fenugreek helps to regulate blood pressure and will also help during the stages of Menopause. It will clear the system of toxins that attack your complexion for those of us who suffer with acnet and it helps prevent heart disease. Takeaways:
"If you are tired of trying anti-dandruff shampoos, it is then time to fight back with natural force."
( Health benefits of fenugreek seeds ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 06, 2017 10:19 AM
If you are looking for a natural way to help some ailments you have been having in your body you need to look at the health benefits of Fenugreek seeds. These seeds provide fiber and minerals to your body, well also helping aid digestion. Throw some into your smoothie or yogurt every morning. Takeaways:
"Garlic will keep cholesterol in control."
( 7 Natural Home Remedies for Gout ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 27, 2017 07:54 AM
Gout is a form of proactive arthritis, a condition which affects the joints, caused by the build-up of uric acid crystals. So what can be done to get rid of gout? Well there are some natural home remedies that can help. Soak 1 Tbsp Fenugreek seed in half cup water overnight and drink that water in the morning and chew the soaked seeds. Swallow one pod of garlic and if you find it difficult then you can finely chop the garlic and then consume it. Key Takeaways:
"Gout is also caused due to the consumption of more proteins and curd, so to avoid that one should lessen the intake of pulses or any other sources of protein and curd in your diet.”" Reference:
( The Features Of The Fenugreek Seed ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 13, 2012 08:10 AM
Fenugreek Seed Introduction The Fenugreek seed is used to make supplements and comes from a plant which grows in England, Egypt, India and Morocco amongst other regions. The seed is usually harvested from the plant's pod, crushed and then made into pills, capsules and also as tea. However many users prefers the pill and capsule since the tea is bitter and hence is not conveniently consumed. The seed popularity is attributed to believe that it is a galactagogue which is commonly used by lactating women to increase their milk supply. Records show that the women have been using the seed to improve their milk production since ancient times. How the seed is used Different studies have shown that the Fenugreek seed processes the potential to stimulate breast milk production. The stimulation is approximated to range from just a small quantity to about nine hundred percent increased production. Those who use the seed experiences increased milk production within twenty four to seventy two hours thus making it a popular supplement amongst women who in normal conditions do not produce adequate breast milk to feed their children. However women using the seed do not keep using it for the entire period they will be breast feeding. Instead, the seed is used until the mother is able to reach the quantity of milk that is sufficient after which the use of the seed is discontinued and the mother can stimulate their milk production on their own until they stop breast feeding. Most women who use the seed just take a single capsule three times a day which is thought to be the enough quantity to effectively stimulate enough milk production. However some who feels that these are not effective can increase the quantities of capsules to a maximum of three capsules in one go. This should be done under the supervision of a doctor who can recommend an increase or a decrease in the quantities of the seed used. Side effects and precautions Even though many women who use the Fenugreek seed do get positive results, there are some who experiences some side effects. Amongst the most common side effects include; Skin irritation, Reduced blood sugar, Diarrhea, Uterus contraction. There are also categories of people who have diverse health problems and hence can not use the seed, amongst them include; pregnant women because it might lead to uterus stimulation resulting to contractions. It is also paramount to ascertain the blood sugar levels prior to using the seed since it is known to reduce the sugar levels. Thus it is important to visit a doctor before using the seed so as to determine whether there is anything that can stop it from working or react negatively with it. Availability Women interested in using the Fenugreek seed can readily get it from diverse health food stores. It can also be acquired through ordering online from recommended sellers who have been allowed to sell the seed in the correct manner and in the right quantities. Hence Fenugreek seed has the capability to increase women milk production if properly used.
( Can Fenugreek Seed Help Lower Blood Sugar? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 17, 2012 08:47 AM
Fenugreek The cells essentially need glucose since it supplies them with energy, and it is the simple sugar traveling in the blood that provides the cell with glucose. Glucose moves from the blood into the cells with the help of the insulin hormone. At times, the body fails at producing insulin or starts reacting abnormally to the insulin in the blood. This way, the cells are not able to use the glucose, which causes the glucose to continue accumulating in the blood until the glucose levels in the blood become really high. The severity of this condition can lead to diabetes. Fortunately, people can keep their blood sugar levels in a healthy range by using Fenugreek seeds, which is a herb this is capable of lowering blood sugar. Before consuming Fenugreek, it is better if people consult their doctor and follow their doctor's advice. What is Fenugreek? Fenugreek or Trigonella foenum-graecum, is a plant that is also known as Greek hayseed, and it bears seeds. For thousands of years, the Fenugreek seeds have bee used in Ayurveda or traditional Indian medicine. Fenugreek is generally recommended as a remedy for digestive problems, since constipation is relieved and lactation is promoted by the seeds of this herb. Even diabetes, high cholesterol and inflammation can be treated using these seeds. Several biologically active components are contained Fenugreek, which lessen the amount of blood sugar, lowering blood sugar levels. What are the Properties Fenugreek? Natural chemicals known as saponins and alkaloids are contained in Fenugreek. The way in which carbohydrates are converted by the digestive system into glucose and way in which insulin is secreted and used by the body is affected by some of these compounds. The saponins cause lesser glucose to be absorbed from digested nutrients. The amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas and the number of insulin receptors on red blood cells are increased by the rest of the compounds. Abundant fiber is also contained in Fenugreek seeds, as a result of which the absorption of the glucose derived from carbohydrate after a meal is slowed down. Is There Any Evidence that Fenugreek Helps Lower Blood Sugar? It has been suggested by several laboratory studies that Fenugreek indeed keeps the blood sugar levels in control. The benefits of Fenugreek and its seeds have also been suggested by several clinical studies with human subjects. While large trials have not yet been conducted, the present findings seem to be quite promising and definitely suggest that Fenugreek effectively lower blood sugar levels. Precautions and Recommendations A variety of health food stores are currently selling Fenugreek extract and Fenugreek seeds. While there is no standard dosage of consuming the extract or the seeds, but it is better if about five grams of the seeds per day or one gram of the extract per day is consumed. Fenugreek might result in mild abdominal bloating or gastric upset, but overall it is regarded safe to use. Thus, consuming Fenugreek seeds or extract can prove to be beneficial for the people who are suffering from high blood sugar levels or diabetes.
( What Makes Phytoestrogen So Good For PMS? ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 18, 2011 04:12 PM
Phytoestrogens are considered as plant estrogens. These plant substances can function like the primary sex hormone Estrogen. This chemical compound is also known as "dietary estrogen" which is an assorted cluster of non - steroidal plant compounds. As earlier, Phytoestrogens comes from plants and not produced by the body like the naturally occurring estrogen. These chemicals are not made available to the body naturally but by food or vegetable consumption. Though their source is different, estrogen and Phytoestrogen closely resembles each other chemically. They almost have the same structure making Phytoestrogen compounds act like natural estrogen inside the body. Chemically, Phytoestrogen is not considered as a nutrient because health experts declared that any lack of this chemical in the body would not produce any sign or symptom of deficiency. Also, this chemical substance does not have any involvement in any of the body’s vital biological processes. However, despite this fact, Phytoestrogen can be employed for the effective relief treatment of Post - Menopausal Syndrome or PMS. The signs and symptoms of Post - Menstrual Syndrome is associated with the decreased concentration of female sex hormone such as estrogen in the body. As estrogen levels in the blood decrease, body discomforts such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes and irritability may become apparent. In this situation, Phytoestrogen can be helpful in relieving such uncomfortable signs and symptoms. Phytoestrogens can effectively bind to estrogen – receptor sites inside the boy thus falsely giving the body a signal that there is an adequate amount of estrogen. Phytoestrogens can effectively mimic the action of estrogen mildly but sometimes antagonize its effect. Many studies have revealed that adequate supply of Phytoestrogen can effectively alleviate the discomforts of PMS. Other than it ability to bind with estrogen–receptor sites, Phytoestrogen also changes the amount of natural body estrogen by interacting with certain enzymes in the body. This interaction with several enzymes may increase the effect and bioavailability of endogenous sex hormones. Studies have also shown that Phytoestrogen can improve the synthesis of Sex Hormone – Binding Globulin which is the hormone responsible for the binding and use – up of sex hormones inside the body. The plants which are rich in Phytoestrogens include a variety group of foods. Legumes, whole grains and seeds contains abundant amount of this chemical compound. Soy, wheat berries, Fenugreek, lentils ginseng, apples, yams and carrots are also considered as good source of Phytoestrogens. This beneficial chemical compound was discovered first on red clover plant which is considered to be very rich in Phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogen is also formulated in the form of capsule, tablet or powder supplements. Health experts highly recommend that women on the menopausal stage must take only less than one milligram of Phytoestrogen supplement daily. If you want to reduce symptoms of low estrogen, give phytoestrogen a try!
( What Is Fenugreek Seeds And How Does It Help Blood Sugar Control? ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 21, 2011 04:23 PM
Fenugreek And Your HealthFenugreek is a plant which is considered to be both an herb and a spice. The plant can be found all over the world as a crop or spice and has become popular as an herbal medicine. This plant is a primary ingredient among many curry dishes. This herb is considered to be one of the oldest medicinal herbs. The seeds of Fenugreek are abundant with the chemical called polysaccharide galactomannan. This is the reason why Fenugreek herb is considered to be a galactagogue. Galactagogues are chemical compounds which intensifies lactation among humans and other mammals. Galactagogues may either be naturally derived from plants or synthetic. Fenugreek seeds are commonly employed by nursing mothers to help increase the production of breast milk. Studies reveal that Fenugreek extracts effectively stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk. In addition, because of its estrogen – like property, Fenugreek herb is employed at home as supplement for breast enlargement. Commonly, consuming three grams of Fenugreek seed daily is suggested by health experts. Another important health benefit of Fenugreek herb extracts is that it has a potent anti – diabetic property cause of its positive effect on the metabolic symptoms related with Diabetes Mellitus, both type 1 and type 2. Preliminary studies on animals reveal that it can significantly lower serum glucose level and enhance one’s tolerance to glucose. Further studies on human subjects are still ongoing. Fenugreek also contains an important body nutrient called Choline. This chemical is a member of the water – soluble vitamin B complex which is involved in so many body activities. Together with its metabolic end – products, choline plays a significant role as a precursor of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is required for a successful cholinergic neurotransmission of the nervous system. At the cellular level, choline is one of the components of the structure of the cell membranes. Choline also improves the signaling activities of cell membranes to other cells and its surrounding environment. Not to mention, choline is also a good source of methyl groups which is needed in many biological reactions. Studies also reveal that Fenugreek herb is effective in lowering cholesterol levels at about 15 %. To acquire this effect, experts often recommend that you take about 55 to 65 grams of Fenugreek seed everyday. If cholesterol levels are maintained within normal limits, the risk for cardiovascular diseases most especially heat attack is lowered. Fenugreek supplements may come in the form of capsules, powered seeds, tinctures or teas. The recommended dosing of Fenugreek supplements is two to four 600 – milligram capsule three times daily. Experts state that the maximum dose per day is six grams. For the powdered Fenugreek seeds, the recommended dose is about one – half to one teaspoon taken three times daily. You may combine the powder with little water or juice to add a little taste. For the tea preparation, consume one cup of tea two to three times a day while for tinctures, use one to two milliliters of Fenugreek concentrate three times daily. Give Fenugreek a try and feel the difference!
( What is Fenugreek Seed and How Does It Boost Your Health? ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 07, 2011 11:16 AM
Fenugreek seed and your healthFenugreek seed is a spice often added to curries and other Indian dishes. It is a good source of protein and nutrients. In folk medicine, it has been used in the treatment of pain and irritation characteristic of inflammation. It is historically utilized to promote lactation. More recent studies have shown that it displays antiviral properties. In particular, it has been tested in allaying symptoms of cold infections. Trigonella foenum-graecum is a plant species that belongs to the legume family. As such, it has been cultivated as a vegetable even before the ancient times. It is believed to be an indigenous species of the Fertile Crescent, a historic region that comprises the modern countries Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria. To this day, it remains an important crop, herb, and food source in these countries. Combats Diabetes Mellitus Fenugreek seed has been the subject of scientific research in the past few years. Drawing on its use in traditional medicine, it has been employed in the management of blood sugar. It improves the effect of the hormone insulin in regulating glucose levels. In fact, it has shown great potential in treating both type I insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and type II noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Alters Blood Lipid Profile The phytochemical content of Fenugreek seed enables it to effectively lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Clinical trials have recorded changes in lipids present in the systemic circulation after intake of Fenugreek seed products. It is now postulated that it blocks the metabolic pathway for the synthesis of low density lipoproteins or bad cholesterol. Some sources say that it raises good cholesterol levels.
Fenugreek seed is rich in organic compounds that promote the secretion of milk products within the mammary glands of lactating women by as much as 900 per cent. Traditionally, the seeds are ground into powder and consumed in large quantities by pregnant women. Today they are made into capsules, which have been reported to display the same benefits and remain popular in the Indian subcontinent. Relieves Viral Infections There is a growing body of literature devoted to the putative antiviral properties of Fenugreek seed. A number of researchers have attested that the seed displays biochemical activity that interferes with the replication of viruses. For instance, topical applications of Fenugreek extracts have shown desirable results in removing viral skin conditions, and oral intake has been effective in easing the common cold. Promotes Skin Health Fenugreek seed is a natural conditioner and moisturizer. It promotes retention of moisture in the skin and protects the outer layer of the skin from irritants. It has been used as salves to wounds, rashes, boils, bruises, allergies, and insect bites. It is made into a syrupy mixture that is directly applied to the hair. It regulates the production of sebum in the hair follicles and helps control dandruff.
Grab some Fenugreek seed and feel the difference!
( Herbs, Serrapeptase, and your Sinus ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 18, 2010 04:26 PM
Sinusitis can be either acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis is usually caused by bacterial or viral infections of the nose, throat, and upper respiratory tract, like the common cold. Over 50 percent of all cases of sinusitis are caused by bacteria. Air travel can also lead to acute inflammation of the sinuses, due to the changes in air pressure. Chronic sinusitis problems, on the other hand, may be caused by small growths in the nose, injury of the nasal bones, air pollution, dental complications, emotional stress, smoking, and exposure to irritant fumes and smells. Allergic sinusitis may be the result of hay fever of food allergies, especially those allergies to milk and dairy products. People who have compromised immune systems are susceptible to fungal sinusitis, which is a potentially dangerous condition that requires aggressive treatment.
Sinusitis is characterized by symptoms such as fever which is usually low-grade but can be higher in some cases, cough, headache, earache, toothache, facial pain, cranial pressure, difficulty breathing through the nose, loss of the sense of smell, and tenderness over the forehead and cheekbones. If pain results from tapping the forehead just over the eyes, the cheekbones, or the area around the bridge of the nose, the sinuses may be infected. Sinusitis occasionally produces facial swelling which can be followed by a stuffy nose and a thick discharge of mucous. Those who suffer from sinusitis can have other unpleasant symptoms as a result of previous symptoms. Postnasal drip can cause a sore throat, nausea, and bad breath, while difficulty breathing can cause snoring and loss of sleep. The following nutrients are considered to be helpful in dealing with and preventing sinusitis: acidophilus, bee pollen, flaxseed oil, a multivitamin and mineral complex, Quercetin, raw thymus glandular, vitamin A with mixed carotenoids, vitamin B complex, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, colloidal silver, DMSO, garlic, MSM, proteolytic enzymes, Pycnogenol, sea mussel, serrapeptase, and zinc lozenges. Additionally, the following herbs may be helpful in preventing and treating sinusitis: anise, Fenugreek, marshmallow, red clover, bayberry, bitter orange oil, cat’s claw, ginger root, goldenseal, horehound, mullein, nettle, olive leaf extract, and rose hips. Serrapeptase is an enzyme that is able to help keep sinus fluid thin and flowing properly. Serrapeptase also possesses anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce sinus inflammation which will ease pain and speed healing of the sinus cavity.
( Fenugreek Seed ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 25, 2009 03:40 PM
This herb has a reputation of being able to dissolve hardened masses of accumulated mucus in the body. Fenugreek helps to rid the lungs of mucus and the bronchial tubes of phlegm. Often, it is combined with lemon juice and honey to help expel waste through the lymphatic system. Fenugreek is known for the antiseptic properties that it contains, which help kill infections in the lungs. Additionally, this herb is recommended for treating an inflamed gastrointestinal system. This herb contains thirty percent mucilage, which may be used as a poultice on wounds, inflammations, boils, and skin ailments. Formulas containing Fenugreek are often touted as the miracle medicine for all gynecological problems. Some studies have found that Fenugreek simulates the uterus and contains diosgenin, a constituent similar to estrogen. The seeds of the Fenugreek plant are used to provide alterative, anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bitter, demulcent, emollient, expectorant, febrifuge, galactagogue, mucilant, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are choline, iron, lecithin, minerals, protein, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and D. Primarily, Fenugreek is extremely beneficial in treating allergies, loss of appetite, bronchial catarrh, high cholesterol, diabetic retinopathy, gas, gastric disorders, lung infections, excessive mucus, and sore throat. Additionally, the herb is very helpful in dealing with abscesses, anemia, asthma, body odor, boils, bronchitis, cancer, swollen eyes, fevers, gallbladder problems, heartburn, inflammation, sinus problems, ulcers, uterine problems, and water retention. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by Fenugreek, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Hypoglycemia ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 16, 2009 01:39 PM
It is critical for one to known that an excess amount of sugar can deplete our vitamin and mineral stores. To make things worse, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can predispose us to both hypoglycemia and diabetes. Significant amounts of B vitamins are necessary in order to metabolize and detoxify sugar after it has entered our bodies. The assimilation of nutrients from other foods is inhibited when the body is overloaded with sugar. To state it simply, our bodies were not designed to cope with the amounts of sugar that we routinely consume. Vitamin A helps the body to maintain normal glandular function. Energy transfers in the body depend upon the presence of vitamin A, which helps to assimilate the mineral efficiently when it is used in conjunction with vitamins D and E. Vitamin B-complex is essential in order to help control the highs and lows associated with hypoglycemia. They boost the adrenal glands and work to calm the nerves and promote mental health. Vitamin B1 is necessary for metabolizing carbohydrates and also improves appetite, digestion, assimilation, and elimination. This vitamin works to protect the nervous system and improve nerve function. Vitamin B2 works in conjunction with niacin and thiamine to protect the nerves and boost the immune system. Additionally, this vitamin helps to facilitate proper digestion, which is essential to healthily metabolize carbohydrates. Vitamin B3 plays a vital role in energy production and carbohydrate metabolism. Also, it is involved in the production of several biochemical’s, among them is adrenaline. Niacin boosts the body’s ability to take in sugar from the blood into the cells. Supplementing the diet of diabetics with niacin is also strongly recommended. A lack of vitamin B5 in the body can cause a drop in blood sugar. This B vitamin is involved in the production of natural cortisone from the adrenal glands and can help to protect the body against the averse affects of stress. It is crucial for the maintenance of a healthy endocrine system. Vitamin B6 is vital in helping to maintain hormonal functions and endocrine balance. Vitamin B6 strengthens the adrenal glands and helps to protect the pancreas. It is essential for the metabolism of proteins and for the production of hormones and antibodies. Additionally, vitamin B6 may also help to prevent complications that may occur from diabetes. Vitamin B9, B12, D, E, C, K, PABA, Biotin, Lecithin, Inositol, and Bioflavonoids are also essential for assisting the body against hypoglycemia. There are also minerals, amino acids, and herbs that helps the body fight against hypoglycemia. These minerals include calcium, chromium, iodine, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Amino acids that assist in hypoglycemia are alanine, carnitine, glutamic acid, and phenylalanine and tyrosine. Herbs for hypoglycemia include alfalfa, bilberry, bitter melon, black cohosh, buchu, cedar berries, damiana, dandelion, dulse, Fenugreek, garlic and onions, ginseng, gentian, golden seal, gymnema sylvestre, ho-sho-wu, kelp, licorice, mullein, parsley, pterocarpus, red raspberry, saffron, saltbush, sarsaparilla, saw palmetto, suma, and uva ursi. Alfalfa nourishes all the glands, especially the pituitary, while bilberry is valuable for anyone who suffers from glucose impaired diseases. Suma is used by both men and women to restore body function and are also good for poor circulation, heart disease, and arthritis. Uva Ursi helps to regulate glucose transfer to the nerve fivers which feed the brain. Many of the above listed vitamins, minerals, and herbs are available in combinations directly formulated to help with high blood sugar. Look for these great vitamins and more at your local or internet health food store. Remember to always choose name brands to ensure you purchase a high quality and pure product.
*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins, minerals and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.
( Herbs ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 08, 2008 09:41 AM
Comfrey, one of the most valuable herbs known to botanical medicine, has been used for centuries to heal. It is full of amino acid, lysine, B12, and vitamins A and C as well as high in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and protein. Additionally, it contains iron, magnesium, sulphur, copper, zinc, and eighteen amino acids. Echinacea is an herb that stimulates immunity within the body and increases its ability to fight infections. It includes vitamins A, E, and C, as well as iron, iodine, copper, sulphur, and potassium. Fennel is used to help stabilize the nervous system and move waste material out of the body. It also has properties to help against convulsions and mucous and contains potassium, sulphur, and sodium. Garlic acts to rejuvenate the body in all of its functions as it stimulates the lymphatic system to help rid the body of toxins. This herb contains vitamin A and C, selenium, sulphur, calcium, manganese, copper, vitamin B1, iron, potassium, and zinc. Along with the above herbs, there are others that are good for helping with herpes. Ginger is very effective in its ability to cleanse the bowels, kidneys, and skin and contains protein, vitamins A, C, and B complex, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Mullein loosens mucus within the body and moves it out of the body. It is high in iron, magnesium, potassium, and sulphur and also contains vitamins A, D, and B complex. Sweet birch cleanses the blood and is extremely high in fluoride. It also contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, and B2, and calcium, chlorine, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and silicon. Thyme, which destroys fungal infections and skin parasites, has B complex, vitamins C and D, and iodine, sodium, silicon, and sulphur. White willow is also helpful in herpes, as it has a strong antiseptic ability for infected wounds, ulcerations, and eczema. Along with all of the above herbs, there are many herbs that help protect and build the nervous system, which is closely related to the immune system. These herbs include: alfalfa, dandelion, Fenugreek, gotu kola, hops, kelp, lady’s slipper, lobelia, parsley, passion flower, skullcap, wood betony, and red clover. Additionally, there are many herbs for circulation, which increase blood supply to the heart muscles and entire body. Good circulation is crucial for a healthy immune system and can be improved with capsicum, garlic, gentian root, hawthorn berries, kelp, licorice root, and lecithin. Because the glands regulate many major body functions, these functions often interrelate with the circulatory and nervous systems. Some glandular herbs include: golden seal, Siberian ginseng, burdock, Echinacea, sarsaparilla, black walnut, chaparral, and red clover blossoms. Along with the above, there are several herbs that help with the skin, which can be extremely beneficial to those who are dealing with herpes. Red marine algae is a natural algae that grows in the ocean. This algae is harvested by many countries including China, Japan, and the United States. Red marine algae contains polysaccharides that can boost the immune system. These special polysaccharides stimulate the immune system to fight viruses and disease which can help fight herpes.
Among these herbs is aloe vera, which helps to clean, soothe, and heal the skin as it contains calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, iron, lecithin, and zinc. Also, comfrey, golden seal, myrrh, bayberry, and oat straw are all good herbs for the skin. As you can see these herbs are loaded with vitamins, minerals and polysaccharides which are essential to the body to keep the immune system strong and the body able to fight off viruses and disease.
( Beyond Bran Fiber ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 25, 2007 08:35 AM
At one point in time, when you went to the health food store you usually only had choice of wheat bran, which is a good source of the insoluble fiber that helps your digestive system stay on track, or oat bran, which contains the soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol. Although both of these bran’s are still popular, as they have good reason to be, remaining excellent sources of dietary fiber, these days store shelves are gathering more and more fiber supplements ranging from encapsulated forms to powders and specialized to deal with a variety of health concerns. Insoluble fiber has the ability to draw water into the intestines, preventing constipation and keeping waste matter from decaying within the body. However, it is the many types of soluble fiber that science has recently started investigating for health benefits. Part of soluble fiber’s value is closely related to its mechanical action, as it forms a thick gel within the digestive track that moves slowly to stop sugar from entering the body too quickly, therefore, helping to keep glucose levels down and carrying some fat and sugar out of the body completely. Additionally, when soluble fibers gel up it helps to reduce blood level cholesterol by trapping bile preventing the bile from doing its action (breaking down fats in the digestive tract so the body can absorb it). Unlike insoluble fiber, soluble fiber undergoes fermentation inside the colon to produce fatty acids that do a little bit of everything, including: helping the body digest food, protecting against polyps, stimulating immunity, increasing mineral absorption, and helping to keep cholesterol and glucose levels in check. Soluble fiber is getting large amounts of research reviews. One study concluded that people who ate the least fiber are 63% more likely to have high levels of CRP (C-reactive protein). CRP is an inflammation marker that is associated with cardiovascular risk. Another study proved that flax seed improved glucose control. Another fiber source, psyllium, has been shown to bring relief to people with Chron’s disease, an inflammatory intestinal disorder. Flax seed and psyllium are two of the best known types of soluble fiber available, but there are other types that aren’t as well known. Others including arabinogalactan (AG) have been shown to have a special affinity for natural killer cells. Beta-glucans are another form of fiber that can help boost immunity. Lignans, which are found in flax, have been shown to cause lower breast-cancer rates. Fenugreek is a spice that is rich in galactomannan, a heart-healthy fiber. Some fiber formulations pair up different kinds of fiber with complementary herbs. An example of this is Garcinia cambogia and Gymnema sylvestre, which can be used for glucose control; or astragalus, Echinacea, olive leaf, and shiitake to assist the immune system. Some supplements even provide natural enzymes which help prevent bloating. It is, of course, important to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet. However, thanks to supplementation that is designed specifically for certain health concerns, it has become much easier to find the additional fiber that is needed by your body, no matter what kind of fiber that is. A large selection of fiber bran supplements can be found at your local or internet health food store.
( Mannose ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 08, 2007 05:06 PM
Aloe vera (acemannan is a chain of mannose molecules), kelp, shiitake mushroom, ground Fenugreek, carob gum, guar gum, black currants, red currants, gooseberries, green beans, capsicum (cayenne pepper), cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, turnip, Cranberry
( Galactose ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 08, 2007 05:03 PM
( Kidney rejuvenator ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 06, 2006 02:15 PM
Every muscle, organ, bone and tissue in the body is dependent on the kidneys. Each 30 minutes, the kidneys filter the blood, removing about two quarts of waste products and excess water a day, which become urine. In addition to removing wastes, the kidneys release three important hormones that stimulate the body to produce more red blood cells, regulate blood pressure and help maintain calcium for bones and normal chemical balance in the body. The kidneys regulate the body’s level of many substances necessary for life. Healthy kidneys return the right amount of chemicals such as sodium, phosphorus and potassium back to the bloodstream fro use by the body. Kidney health Because of their vital role, it is important that one’s kidneys be in good health and not stressed or impeded in their function by a buildup of toxins. Low-back pain, joint stiffness and painful menstrual cramps may all be symptoms of poor kidney health. Kidney Rejuvenator is a proprietary blend of powerful herbs that support the kidneys’ vital functions. These herbs include: Cinnamon Bark – reinforces circulation in the kidneys, liver spleen and stomach, and increases blood circulation and immunity. Excellent for poor kidney function. Helps balance the menstrual cycle. Litchi fruit – contributes to healthy kidneys and liver by promoting regeneration of cells. Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Excellent for a week sex drive, strengthens weak knees and joints, and improves vision. Borage leaves – helps to heal and regenerate damaged adrenal glands and kidneys. Excellent for cardiovascular function. Contribute to healthy skin and nails. Soothe sore joints and strengthen the liver. Damiana leaf – balance both male and female hormones, which increases energy as well as oxygenating the reproductive organs. Cedar leaves – boost the immune system and increase blood flow; also cleanse the lymphatic system and urinary tract. Red Raspberry leaf – support kidneys, liver, spleen, reproductive system and bladder, and promotes healthy skin. Wild Rose Root – excellent for bladder problems, soothes the liver, strengthens the immune system and reduces pain. Fenugreek – energizes the kidneys and of all herbs; good for the heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, stomach and spleen. Benefits reported for users Here are some of the benefits reported by users of Kidney Rejuvenator: reduction of period cramps, reduction of muscle soreness and stiffness, improved kidney / bladder function, fewer general aches and pains, greater flexibility, less joint discomfort, diminished swelling in joints, sense of well-being, and increased energy.
( New to Baby Me Now Supplement Line ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 30, 2005 05:33 PM
We're Proud to Announce Three new arrivals to the Baby Me Now Family! Introducing the latest three additions to the Baby Me Now Family:
Now we have even more ways to help our customers meet the specific demands of motherhood. Order now and save 41% Off Manufacture Suggested Retail. Great Discount prices.
( Promilin Fenugreek Extract - Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 28, 2005 10:44 AM
.. Your body’s ability to manage blood sugar may well be the single most crucial factor affecting your health and longevity, and the one most affected by diet and lifestyle. But today’s high-glycemic carbs and sugar-laden foods — combined with lack of exercise — are creating a serious challenge to your body’s intricate glucose/insulin regulatory system. The resulting cellular stress and deterioration have serious repercussions for both your mind and body. To promote optimal wellness through healthy sugar metabolism, Source Naturals formulated PROMILIN™ Fenugreek EXTRACT, a potent extract from the highly valued herb Fenugreek, into an advanced nutritional supplement designed to assist insulin production and support healthy glucose levels. As a complement to your diet, Source Naturals PROMILIN™ Fenugreek EXTRACT is an excellent strategy to improve blood sugar levels, and consequently, quality of life. The basis of Source Naturals PROMILIN™ Fenugreek EXTRACT is Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), a respected culinary and medicinal herb used throughout history. One of the formula’s Fenugreek extracts is rich in galactomannan, a mucilaginous fiber that may benefit the bowel. The other extract is Promilin, a patent-pending complex of bioactive amino acids standardized to contain 20% 4-hydroxyisoleucine. This extraordinary amino acid derivative assists the pancreas in production of insulin. Several studies with animals and with human cell cultures demonstrate this extract’s positive effect on reducing post-meal glucose levels — with little or no increase in blood insulin concentrations — a clear indicator of improved insulin sensitivity. Sports Nutrition and Blood Sugar Athletic energy and endurance depend on the ability of muscles to recover from exercise. Because PROMILIN promotes utilization of glucose and insulin by the the body’s muscle cells, “weekend warriors” will feel less fatigue on Monday morning. In a clinical study, PROMILIN increased glycogen re-synthesis by 63% over carbohydrate alone. This is the rate at which post-exercise muscle glycogen (energy) is restored. PROMILIN may also play a role in weight management because it helps your body metabolize carbohydrates more efficiently. And the less time glucose spends in your bloodstream, the less chance it will be converted into fat. By supporting glucose metabolism, Source Naturals PROMILIN™ Fenugreek EXTRACT may help protect against a harmful process called glycation, where excess glucose reacts with amino acids to form crosslinked sugardamaged proteins that damage the linings of blood vessels, the lens of the eye, and the myelin sheath that insulates brain cells.
( The Colds & Flu Report ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 18, 2005 08:38 AM
The Colds & Flu Report by Sherrill Williams Energy Times, October 13, 2004 The nose knows the misery of a cold: stuffiness, watery eyes, sore throat and nagging cough. These annoyances are especially frustrating when there's not enough time in your busy schedule to be sick. Traditional remedies help: Slurping a cup of Grandma's chicken soup. Sweating in a hot bath. Climbing under the covers until further notice. While no one can guarantee you won't catch a cold this year, a few simple measures can limit your sick days and give you the best chance to dodge upper respiratory distress. The common cold is a frequent and expensive problem, causing about 15 million lost work days for Americans each year. Some people seem just about immune to the group of viruses that cause colds. But others may endure as many as 12 colds per year. For the lucky ones, a cold's irritations last a couple of days. For the unfortunate, a cold can drag on for a couple of weeks. Influenza (commonly known as the flu) has many of the same discomforts as a cold, and both disorders originate in the upper respiratory tract. But while a cold usually stays on tract, the flu is often accompanied by fever, prominent headaches and severe aches and pains around the body. Fatigue from the flu can last as long as two to three weeks during recovery. All this distress demonstrates that your body is fighting off the invaders. Earnest Echinacea Traditional healers advocate the use of the herb echinacea at the first sign of getting sick. Echinacea, commonly known as purple coneflower, is native to North America and was listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia until the 1950s. Rosemary Gladstar, a Vermont herbalist and author of Family Herbal (Storey Books), suggests taking echinacea (Echinacea ssp.) in frequent small amounts in tincture or tea form at the first sign of cold or flu. " Most of the compounds in echinacea are water soluble, so it makes a fine tea," says Gladstar. She also encourages echinacea tea as a gargle or spray to relieve sore throats. Research at Mt. Holyoke College in Massachusetts validates what traditional healers such as Rosemary Gladstar have known: echinacea works best if taken at the onset of colds or flu. In an animal study, scientists found that echinacea triggered a humoral immune response, an immune reaction that spurs the production of special proteins that latch onto and destroy viruses (Immunopharmacology & Immunotoxicology 2003 Nov; 25(4):551-60). In another study, researchers found that echinacea enhances immune actions called T cell subsets or helper cell activity (Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2004 Jul; 27(7):1004-9). Helper cells are lymphocytes that take part in the destruction of viruses. In the quest for the kind of immunity that makes you less vulnerable to infection by troublesome viruses, Gladstar says that "echinacea is safe for children, the elderly and everyone in between." C Is for Colds-And So Is E The reputation of vitamin C as the anti-cold nutrient has been batted back and forth in the media for decades. Your body can't store up much of this antioxidant water-soluble vitamin, so you have to consume it every day on a regular basis. And while vitamin C may not prevent the common cold, research does demonstrate that it can help reduce a cold's severity and make it go away faster (Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 1999 Oct; 22(8):530-3). Adequate vitamin C is crucial for a healthy immune system. Even a marginal deficiency of this nutrient can leave you more vulnerable to the viruses that cause cold and flu. Plus, if you get a runny nose, researchers believe vitamin C can act as a mild antihistamine, slowing that runny nose to a walk. In a University of Texas study reported at the 60th Anniversary meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in 2003, daily doses of vitamin C were shown to significantly aid immunity. After two weeks of taking vitamin C, the people in this study had their blood examined. Researchers found increased numbers of NK (natural killer) cells, immune warriors that destroy infected cells. In addition, vitamin C activated T cells, a class of immune cells that also fight viruses. And now a newsbreak: you can add vitamin E, vitamin C's antioxidant companion, to your cold prevention shopping list, at least if you're a senior citizen. According to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (2004; 292(7):828-36), nursing home residents aged 65 and older who took vitamin E enjoyed a 20% risk reduction when it came to developing upper respiratory infections. Don't Be Sick, Stay Happy " When you smile, the whole world smiles with you" is a melody that is music to immunity. Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have found that folks who are relaxed, happy and maintain positive emotions are less likely to catch colds. In addition, people who are depressed, nervous or angry are more likely to complain of cold symptoms whether or not they actually have a cold (Psycho Med 2003 Jul; 65:652-7). According to Sheldon Cohen, PhD, "Study participants who had a positive emotional style weren't infected as often and experienced fewer symptoms compared to people with a negative emotional style." So you don't have to be a passive cold victim this winter. When viruses threaten you, according to Mary L. Hardy, MD, you can also try: " The first caution I give people is to get a good diagnosis," says Dr. Hardy. "If your cold is not acting like a normal cold, or if it has lasted more than a short amount of time, make sure you don't have a more serious condition, such as pneumonia." In that case, seek professional help. But if you've contracted a run-of-the-mill winter cold, keep your spirits and immunity up! Even if you've been impulsively singing and dancing in the rain, the chill and wet won't result in a cold if you let a smile be your immune umbrella!
( Diabetes ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 10, 2005 09:37 PM
Diabetes by , February 5, 2002 Lack of exercise and being overweight boosts your chances of developing diabetes. So, as America's epidemic of obesity grows, the number of people afflicted with the condition called type II diabetes is expected to soar. If you follow the typical US pattern of not getting enough exercise while indulging in a diet of too many calories from cookies, cakes, fast food and saturated fat as your waistline gradually expands, your chances of encountering this health menace grow every day. According to the most recent estimate by health researchers, "more than half of all US adults are considered overweight or obese"(JAMA, 10/27/99). Those same researchers, who examined the health history and weights of more than 16,000 Americans, confirmed a fact well-understood by health practitioners who understand the chemistry of blood sugar: being overweight greatly increases your chances of not only diabetes but also high blood pressure, gall bladder disease, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol and arthritis. (If you suffer or think you suffer from diabetes, or any of these conditions, consult a knowledgeable health practitioner.) Insulin Insurrection While Type I diabetes is a relatively infrequent disease that often strikes kids, Type II diabetes is a much more widespread (and increasing) health problem experienced by 9 out of 10 adults with what is now called adult-onset diabetes. The popular image of someone with diabetes is, ironically, often of someone who is suffering with Type I. In simplistic terms, Type I diabetes occurs when your pancreas stops producing insulin, a hormone-like substance that, among its several tasks, helps deliver sugar from the bloodstream into the body's cells. When your body is functioning normally, insulin helps steady blood sugar levels and keeps tissues fed with nutrients. People with Type I diabetes often have to inject themselves with insulin. Otherwise, a lack of insulin causes dangerously increased blood sugar levels, cellular damage to blood vessels and nerves plus a high risk of heart attack, blindness, kidney failure and serious damage to your extremities that may, in the long-term, lead to amputation. Insulin Resistance On the other hand, someone beginning to suffer Type II diabetes usually has plenty of insulin being produced by the pancreas, but may be insulin resistant: for a variety of physiological reasons, the hormone is unable to do its job. That allows blood glucose to reach levels where it can wreak metabolic havoc. When you gain weight, drastically increase the amount of your bodyfat and lead a sedentary, couch potato existence without engaging in very much exercise, you boost your risk of becoming insulin resistant. Consequently you also boost the chances of eventually suffering Type II diabetes. However, a consistent exercise program (and losing weight) can alleviate or moderate some of the blood sugar problems brought on by diabetes or insulin resistance. When you exercise, your working muscles may take in more glucose from the bloodstream and stabilize your blood sugar level. That is one reason physical exercise helps to modify your body's response to blood sugar. (Of course, if you have diabetes or have not exercised in a long time, be sure to consult your health practitioner before engaging in strenuous physical activity.) Supplemental Help One of the most useful supplements employed to help control diabetes is chromium, a mineral that plays an integral role in the body's metabolism of sugar. In the Natural Health Bible, Steven Bratman, MD, and David Kroll, PhD, discuss a study in China of 180 people with Type II diabetes. In that study, those who took chromium enjoyed better blood sugar levels than the people who took no supplements (Diabetes 46(11): 1786-1791, 1997). In addition, a double-blind study of chromium found that the supplement could reduce the necessary oral medication by more than half in many cases (Harefuah 125(5-6): 142-145, 1993). In this study, women seemed to benefit from chromium more than men. Relief with Alpha Lipoic Acid Alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant nutrient, helps defend nerve cells against painful damage-a condition called neuropathy-that can result from diabetes. Consequently, in Germany, doctors have been prescribing lipoic acid to people with diabetes for more than two decades. According to Dr. Bratman and Dr. Kroll, studies show that lipoic acid may be particularly helpful when taken with gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a fatty acid found in evening primrose oil and borage oil. Studies of GLA have found that this fat can soothe numbness and pain and slow nerve injuries (Diabetes Care 16(1):8-15, 1993). Taken together, GLA and lipoic acid may synergistically improve nerve function (Diabetologia 41(4): 390-399, 1998). Blood sugar control may also improve. Healthy Mouth Two signs that you may be suffering diabetes are excessive thirst and a dry mouth. This missing liquid, especially in the mouth when the flow of saliva slows, can lead to a lack of lactoferrin, a naturally-occurring protein that fights infection in the mouth by binding iron (Jrnl of Diab Comp 7, 57-62). Lactoferrin's iron-binding ability destroys harmful micro-organisms like bacteria. In addition, lactoferrin stimulates the body's production of a substance called secretory IgA, which keeps disease-causing organisms out of the body and helps stabilize blood sugar (colostrum also produces this effect). Spice Health Fenugreek, a spice, has had long use as a medicine and food ingredient in the Middle East and Asia. And now modern science has begun to accumulate evidence supporting its traditional use: Several studies have shown that this seed can benefit blood sugar levels and keep blood cholesterol down. In laboratory animals, researchers found that Fenugreek kept blood sugar levels under control and also increased HDL (good cholesterol) while dropping triglycerides, blood fats that increase the risk of heart disease (Eur Jrnl Clin Nut 44 (1990):301-306). Fortuitously, studies on people have supported Fenugreek's benefits. In people with Type I diabetes, studies show that fasting blood sugar levels were reduced and glucose tolerance tests (measures of how well the body handles sugar) were closer to normal (Eur Jrnl Clin Nut 42 (1988):51-54). Bilberry for Eye Health Retinopathy, eye damage resulting from diabetes, is a serious complication of this disease and can cause blindness. Bilberry, a botanical that has been used as a folk treatment for eye health for centuries, may be able to lower the risk of this kind of vision destruction. Bilberry, a dark berry that grows in Europe, has been shown in a collection of laboratory tests to hold down blood sugar levels (Quart Jrnl Cr Drug Res 17(1979):139-196). Bilberry has traditionally been used to protect eyesight. According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine (Prima), natural substances called flavonoids, found in bilberry, "have been shown to increase intracellular vitamin C levels, decrease the leakiness and breakage of small blood vessels, prevent easy bruising and exert potent antioxidant effects." Apparently, the body uses these flavonoids to protect the eyes' blood vessels and to keep the retina (central part of the eye crucial to preserving sight) functioning normally (Arch Med Int 37 (1985):29-35). Consequently, bilberry has been used by health practitioners in France to treat diabetic retinopathy ever since the 1940s. Diabetes Research As medical researchers look more closely into how insulin functions throughout the body, much more light will be thrown on how supplemental nutrients and your diet interact to promote the healthiest blood sugar levels. But, today, what we already know about how the body functions can help you: a low-fat, high fiber diet, moderate, consistent exercise and healthy doses of insulin-friendly supplements may help keep your blood sugar under control. And keep those pounds from accumulating around your waist. That way, you can keep from singing that nasty old, down and dirty, blood sugar, syncopated ragtime blues.
( Gluco Sciense - Take Control of your Blood Sugar ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 02, 2005 10:51 AM
Sedentary lifestyles, obesity, and sugar-rich diets are prevalent in our society. The result: challenges to your multiple, interdependent body systems involved with blood sugar levels and insulin activity. Now is the time to learn how a healthy diet and lifestyle can help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels. For further support, Source Naturals offers you GLUCO-SCIENCE™, a breakthrough formula. GLUCO-SCIENCE is uniquely effective because it is a Bio-Aligned Formula™. Source Naturals evaluates the underlying causes of system imbalances. Then we design formulas that provide targeted nutrition to bring your interrelated body systems back into balance. GLUCO-SCIENCE can help bring your body’s systems for carbohydrate metabolism back into alignment.
A Bio-Aligned Formula™ GLUCO-SCIENCE is a comprehensive herbal-nutrient formula, based on the newest clinical research into key herbs and special ingredients. Source Naturals studied the scientific research, and then designed GLUCO-SCIENCE. This Bio- Aligned Formula provides targeted nutrition to five different body systems involved with healthy blood sugar levels and insulin activity. Glucose/Carbohydrate Metabolism GLUCO-SCIENCE supports glucose/carbohydrate metabolism with a range of nutrients. B-vitamins are required for glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, the metabolic pathways by which the body converts glucose into cellular energy. Chromium is believed to work closely with insulin to facilitate the uptake of glucose into cells. Manganese is also involved in glucose uptake. The formula also features herbs from several traditions, such as Gymnema sylvestre. Insulin/Pancreatic Activity Insulin is secreted by the pancreas in response to high blood glucose levels after meals. Without insulin, glucose cannot enter cells to provide fuel for cellular energy. Certain nutrients (see chart) support these vital metabolic processes, including mediation of insulin release and activity, and enhancing insulin sensitivity. N-acetyl cysteine protects pancreatic beta cells from oxidative damage in animal studies. In addition, vanadium, zinc, and selenium are notable for their insulin-like actions. Heart and Circulatory System Vitamin E supports a healthy lipid status, while myricetin has been shown in animal studies to influence triglyceride levels. Gymnema sylvestre and vitamin C are involved with lipid metabolism. Additional heart-healthy ingredients include CoQ10, garlic, Fenugreek, and hawthorn. Nervous System Antioxidants are important for a healthy nervous system. Lipoic acid helps prevent lipid peroxidation, which can impact nerve function. Many B-vitamins are vital to the metabolic processes of the nerves or are present in the phospholipids of cell membranes. Methylcobalamin, an active form of vitamin B-12, supports the central nervous system. Other supportive ingredients are included (see chart). Vision GLUCO-SCIENCE provides antioxidants, nutrients and herbs with an affinity for eyes and the physiological processes involved in sight. Alpha-lipoic acid, quercetin, and vitamin C support healthy lens function. Bilberry, shown to support microcirculation in animal studies, is widely recognized for supporting vision. Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Blood Sugar Levels: A Strategy for WellnessSM
Help Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar levels with Gluco-sciense. Glucose/Carbohydrate Metabolism American Ginseng, Bitter Melon, Blueberry, Fenugreek, Gymnema sylvestre, Maitake, Myricetin, Pterocarpus marsupium, Chromium, Magnesium, Manganese, Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-5, B-6 & B-12, Biotin, Inositol, Niacinamide Insulin/Pancreatic Activity alpha-Lipoic Acid, Bitter Melon, Gymnema sylvestre, Maitake Fruit Body, Myricetin, N-acetyl-L-Cysteine, Pterocarpus marsupium, Taurine, Chromium, Manganese, Selenium, Vanadium, Zinc Heart and Circulatory System Bilberry, Blueberry, CoQ10, Fenugreek, Garlic, Grape Seed, Gymnema sylvestre, Hawthorn, Myricetin, Taurine, Siberian Ginseng, Magnesium, Selenium, Vitamins B-6, C & E, Folic Acid, Niacinamide Nervous System alpha-Lipoic acid, Glutamine, Magnesium, Taurine, Vitamins B-1 & B-6, Biotin, Choline, Inositol, Methylcobalamin Vision alpha-Lipoic Acid, Bilberry, Quercetin, Taurine, Zinc, Vitamins B-6, C & E
( Fenugreek and Cinnamon to lower blood sugar ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 18, 2005 09:27 AM
Fenugreek and cinnamon have had extensive studies devoted to their anti-diabetic properties. The major action of Fenugreek may be via blockage of glucose absorption [35]. Cinnamon has been shown to have insulin-like action [38] and affect insulin signalling [39]. There is little association of diabetes treatment with cumin, pumpkin seed and oregano [35], although animal studies do suggest that cumin may lower circulating lipid levels in diabetic rats [40]. The long-term safety of these condiments in the food supply suggests the possibility of daily use over the long haul to prevent or ameliorate insulin resistance and perhaps even increase useful lifespan [1,41]. Previous studies with other natural products have suggested this potential [42]. Future studies are necessary to test the veracity of this hypothesis. Control blood sugar and possibly increase or extend quality of Life and length of life.
( Effects of a novel formulation of essential oils on glucose–insulinmetabolism in diabetic ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 18, 2005 09:20 AM
Background: Insulin resistance and its most severe form type 2 diabetes mellitus are rapidly increasing throughout the world. It is generally recognized that natural products with a long history of safety can increase insulin sensitivity. Aims: The present investigation examined the ability of various combinations of essential oils such as Fenugreek, cinnamon, cumin, oregano, etc. to enhance insulin sensitivity. As a first approximation, we examined the effects of these natural products on Zucker fatty rats (ZFRs), a model of obesity and insulin resistance, and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), a model of genetic hypertension. Material and Methods: Water or essential oils were given orally via droplets, and insulin sensitivity was estimated by systolic blood pressure (SBP) changes and circulating glucose and/or insulin concentrations. Results: We have found that the ability to alter SBP in rat models is the most sensitive early index of insulin sensitivity. The combined essential oils lowered circulating glucose levels and SBP in both ZFRs and SHRs, suggesting that these natural products are enhancing insulin sensitivity. The second series of studies examined two additional combinations of essential oils along with the original formula. The major differences were in the types and proportions of individual oils contributing to a given formula. Conclusions: Although all the three formulae decreased SBP in ZFRs, one of the formulae was more effective than the others in lowering circulating glucose in the glucose tolerance testing. Accordingly, some essential oils may be added to the long list of natural products that can affect insulin sensitivity. Keywords: diabetes mellitus, essential oils, insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity, insulin sensitivity, natural products Received 11 August 2003; returned for revision 25 September 2003; revised version accepted 16 March 2004 Introduction The prevalence of insulin resistance and its most severe form type 2 diabetes mellitus is rapidly increasing in the USA – even throughout the world [1–3]. The recent increase is attributed, at least to some extent, to the greater occurrence of overweight and obesity that is due mainly to an augmented intake of calories and refined carbohydrates, lesser consumption of fibres and a more sedentary lifestyle [4–6]. Obviously, reversal of these situations should ameliorate the problem. Unfortunately, more is often needed than simply advising lifestyle changes that frequently fail in order to combat insulin resistance and its accompanying perturbations (cardiovascular diseases, obesity, dyslipidemias, diabetes mellitus and premature ageing) [7,8]. Experience shows that the afflicted not infrequently require aids to help with the maintenance of a healthful lifestyle. Correspondence: Harry G. Preuss, D, Georgetown University Medical Center, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Basic Science Building, Room 231B, 4000 Reservoir Road, N.W., Washington, DC 20057, USA. O R I G I N A L ART I C L E doi: 10.1111/j.1463–1326.2004.00386.x # 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 7, 2005, 193–199 193
Cinnamon Extract and Blood sugar 60ctCinnamon Extract and Blood Sugar 120ct
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