Search Term: " Probiotic "
New gut bacteria discovered: Scientists are researching a strainthat shows potential for enhancing weight loss ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 20, 2019 12:52 PM
According to Dr. Gilberto Flores, there is a bacteria called Akkermansia muciniphila that may have the ability to jump-start weight loss. Dr. Flores and other medical experts have an inkling that Akkermansia muciniphila is actually a probiotic, but there still needs to be additional research in order to determine if this is true or not. It has been proven, however, that those who have higher levels of Akkermansia muciniphila within their bodies have a less chance of being overweight or obese. Key Takeaways:
"If we’re lucky, we can soon learn more about a certain kind of gut bacteria that might have various health benefits such as preventing weight gain." Read more:
( Probiotic for Irritable Bowel Syndrome ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 04, 2017 10:14 AM
There is a probiotic that you can take for irritable bowel syndrome. Visbiome is the name of this new supplement. It is a very high potency. It has recently secured Health Canada approval and will help many people relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It also helps with gas and bloating as well. 5 million Canadians are affected by Irritable Bowel Syndrome, so this is a very important probiotic. The gastrointestinal tract of humans is very complex. Key Takeaways:
"IBS is characterized by a variety of symptoms, including diarrhea, bloating, cramps, constipation and general abnormal bowel function." Read more:®-Probiotic-Irritable-Bowel
( 5 tasty foods that help fight inflammation ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 17, 2017 11:14 AM
Knowledge about our body is crucial, in living a healthy and well balance lifestyle. Inflammation is an important term in which many people are not knowledgeable of. Inflammation acts as the body's first responder. It is the response of the immune system to stress. In this article the author mentions foods that can fight of anti-inflammation in the body so you don't experience stress. One of the foods that were mention was foods that are fermented and probiotic, as well as dark leafy greens to name a couple. Read more: 5 tasty foods that help fight inflammation
( Probiotics found to protect honey bees from toxic effects of pesticides ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 25, 2017 09:14 AM
Honeybees are necessary for our agriculture they provide an air replaceable service when they cross pollinate crops. Unfortunately, the population of bees has been decreasing and human made a pesticide are a major reason. Studies conducted in fruit flies and early studies and honeybees show that a probiotic can be used to negate the effects of pesticides. Just stopping pesticide use seems a simple solution but crops could also be devastated, that's why the study into probiotics is so important. Key Takeaways:
"According to a recent study from Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University, probiotics can protect honey bees from the fatal side effects of pesticides that people use to protect their crops." Read more:
( 7 Reasons Your Gut Wants A Probiotic, Stat ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 15, 2017 07:14 PM
Having a healthy microbome keeps you healthy and promotes longevity. Taking probiotics is the first step in maintaining a healthy gut. When you are on probiotics you will notice positive changes. You mood will be elevated, your immune system gets stronger and you will become less constipated. You can prevent a leaky gut and have a good balance of gut bacteria while preventing fungus infections. You also get an added bonus of healthy glowing skin. Read more: 7 Reasons Your Gut Wants A Probiotic, Stat
( Prebiotics reduce body fat in overweight children ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 09, 2017 12:14 PM
In the developed world today the most costly medical condition, for youth, is being overweight. This is a symptom arising from over nutrition. One such way to combat this epidemic may be to use probiotic, as part of a regular diet. A double blind test was preformed by the University of Calgary, in Canada. A controlled group of 42 participant age ranging from 7 to 12 years old participated. The participants added a powder mix to daily water intake and were monitored thereafter. The results showed that the group who supplemented with prebiotic lost more weight than those who took the placebo. Since prebiotic is inexpensive and non-invasive this area of weight loss techniques needs to be studied further. Key Takeaways:
"Prebiotics reduce body fat in children who are overweight or obese by altering their gut microbiota, according to new research. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients (such as fiber) that act as fertilizers to help stimulate the growth of good bacteria already in the gut, different from probiotics, which introduce new bacteria into the system." Read more:
( Why overall gut health is vital to wellbeing ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 08, 2017 04:14 PM
Nobody likes bloating and cramping and other gut nuisances. Millions of bacteria, also called microflora, are in gastro-intestinal tract. The state of your digestive health can effect your immunity to illnesses. A healthy digestive tract is key to overall good health. Travel, stress, diet and antibiotics can all cause problems or imbalances in the flora in the digestive tract. Probiotics help to protect the gut, as well as overall health and well-being. It's important to assure you take a probiotic that is high quality. Key Takeaways:
"Various factors such as a poor diet, high stress, travel, gastroenteritis or taking antibiotics, can cause an imbalance in the gut flora, so it is necessary for most people to supplement their diet with a high quality daily probiotic, Dicks added" Read more:
( Probiotic, Red Yeast Rice Extract Combo May Cut Cholesterol ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 16, 2017 10:44 AM
New research out of Prague has suggested those suffering from high cholesterol issues may find relief when a certain probiotic is added to red yeast extract. Results were seen as early as six weeks with significant results noted at 12 weeks. B.Longum, reduces cholesterol absorption in the large intestine, inhibiting it from getting into the bloodstream while red yeast extract inhibits the liver from forming cholesterol cells. Due to the lowering cost of statins, the supplement may face some competition when launched into the large global market. Read more: Probiotic, Red Yeast Rice Extract Combo May Cut Cholesterol
( Disease Starts In the Gut ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 24, 2017 09:58 AM
How we eat determines how healthy our digestive system will be. Eating whole foods and avoiding junk will encourage friendly bacteria growth and overall wellness. Eating poorly, foods high in sugar will lead to bad bacteria growth, which will make you sick. It is not easy to eat healthy all the time, make sure you take digestive support supplements daily. I know it is hard to eat well all the time, so it is important to take a Probiotic and a digestive enzyme daily to prevent bad bacteria growth from a poor diet, even good diets need support. As we age, enzyme production slows down, taking a digestive enzyme can help the foods we eat digest better which will boost your energy levels no matter what age you are. A few of the symptoms of low enzyme activity in the digestive tract are gas, bloating, food allergies, indigestion and heartburn. Taking an enzyme like Hcl with Pepsin can help reduce heart burn, pancreatin can help digest foods and reduce gas, bloating, and food allergies. For optimal digestive health, I suggest three supplements, Solaray Super Digestaway, Now Foods Probiotic 10, and Now Foods Acacia Fiber (prebiotic) be taken on a daily basis. Solaray's digestive supplement contains important enzymes like hcl with pepsin and pancreatin, these are the two that decrease the most with age. Now Foods Probiotic 10 is a high potency 10 strain Probiotic, it contains 10 of the most abundant friendly bacteria found in the small and large intestines. Taking Probiotics is great, but it is equally important to feed the friendly bacteria as well. This is why I suggest drinking 1 or 2 teaspoon fulls of acacia fiber daily to keep your friendly bacteria happy and healthy. Acacia fiber mixes easy in warm water and mixes completely clear and has no flavor, so it can be mixed in just about anything warm or hot. Consuming these supplements daily can greatly improve your digestive health, which in turn will help you feel better and stop diseases from starting.
( Yogurt and probiotics ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 09, 2016 05:07 PM
The Question is can you get all the Probiotics you need from yogurt? Well, you'll get some Probiotics from yogurt, but it won't be the same as what you'll get in a name brand Probiotic supplement. While most yogurts measure their Probiotic count in the millions, by the time it gets through the digestive system, it'll be a lot less. By contrast, name brand Probiotics like Europharma's colon & bowel Probiotic provide 20 billion Probiotic bacteria in just one capsule. For reference, it takes 1,000 million to make even one billion. Don't forget calories, consuming yogurt adds calories to ones diet, with todays overweight America, why should you have to consume calories to get your beneficial bacteria? Taking Enteric Coated Probiotic, provides the Probiotics where it is needed in the small and large intestines, and contains zero calories. High potency Probiotics Can Relieve:
This product is free from common allergies: No sugar, No Salt, No Yeast, No Wheat, No Gluten, No Corn, No Soy, No Dairy Products, No Artificial Flavoring, No Artificial Coloring, and No Artificial Preservatives.
( Best Probiotic Supplements For A Healthy Intestinal Tract ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 09, 2010 05:27 PM
Best Protiotic Supplements
It is very important to find the best Probiotic supplements, but before you know how to choose the best Probiotics, it is important to know what Probiotics actually are. Probiotics are bacteria molecules that are beneficial and can also be in the form of yeast. These molecules are live and have been said to Probiotic supplements have been known to help with lactose intolerance, the prevention of colon cancer, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, improving the immune system and preventing harmful bacteria growth under stress, among other beneficial factors. You may associate yourself with one of the above conditions and are therefore wondering what the best Probiotic supplements are for you to use. Everybody’s needs are different so doses vary from person to person. In persons affected with lactose intolerance, the lactic acid bacteria can be digested to convert lactose into acid and then it is easier to digest. This is just a small example of the hundreds of Probiotics out there that deal with many conditions.
When it comes to choosing a Probiotic there are a few guidelines to follow. Keep in mind that it varies for different conditions and the best Probiotic supplements may not be suitable for every person. Before you turn to Probiotics, it is important to know that you are getting enough bacteria. If you are getting less than 10 million live bacteria then you probably want to increase your bacteria intake so that it meets this standard. It is also important, when looking for the best Probiotic supplement, that you look at the ingredients. Generally, it is good if a Probiotic contains bacteria from the Lactobacillus family, otherwise there are obviously different bacteria’s that help with different conditions. Before you purchase a Probiotic, be sure to do research on what you are specifically looking for or ask your doctor to recommend a good Probiotic. In addition to the Probiotic supplement having bacteria, it should also house FOS, the preferred food for friendly bacteria. This ensures that the Probiotic will operate on an optimum level, as FOS nutrition helps Probiotics grow stronger and function better. This is especially important with Probiotics that are taken for irritable bowel syndrome and chronic diarrhea. Those who have been on antibiotics need Probiotic friendly bacteria. Antibiotics destroy friendly bacteria. Probiotics can be used by people and children who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and want to have a strong immune system and healthy well balanced intestinal tract.
Have you had your Probiotics Today?
( Acidophilus ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 23, 2008 11:59 AM
Acidophilus is correctly named Lactobacillus acidophilus, and is one species of Lacobacillus used commercially in the preparation of certain types of yoghurt. The name refers to the fact it is found in milk (lacto), is rod-like in shape like many bacteria (bacillus) and it likes acidic conditions (acidophilus). It not only likes them, but creates them. In fact, acidophilus thrives at a pH of 4-5 or less, and occurs naturally in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals, and also the mouth and vagina. It ferments milk to lactic acid, and dies in the presence of sunlight, excessive moisture and at high temperatures. Some, but not all, strains are Probiotic, or ‘friendly’ bacteria that aid digestion and help to protect against harmful bacteria and their toxic emissions. The fermentation of nutrients by friendly bacteria produce acids, such as the lactic acid previously referred to, hydrogen peroxide and other substances hostile to harmful organisms, and also reduces the population of harmful bacteria by competing for their food. There are additional health benefits that shall be discussed later, but first some comments about the stability of acidophilus to heat. The growth rate of acidophilus reaches an optimum at around 36-37F (2.2C), and it tends to die off at temperatures much above this over a period of time. It also tends to be sensitive to oxygen and moisture, and if exposed to heat, moisture and oxygen, a supplement will lose its potency over time. This is true of all such supplements, and after purchase must be quickly refrigerated. It is possible, however, to purchase stabilized forms of acidophilus that die off slower than normal. This extra resistance is built in during the manufacturing process, and many forms of acidophilus claim to be stable. Although there will never be a truly stable form of the Probiotic, these stabilized versions do last longer than those not claimed to be so. During manufacture, the bacteria are first concentrated by removing the excess liquid by means of sedimentation, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis and centrifuging. A substance is then added to protect the bacteria from the shock of freezing and the acidophilus freeze dried. A stabilizer is then added to maintain its properties between freezing and consumption. It has also been found that bacteria grown at higher pH levels last longer than those at lower pH. The packaging is also important, and since the bacteria are sensitive to oxygen, nitrogen flushing the bottles will improve the stability of the product. Glass bottles are less porous than plastic, and so is the preferred packaging material for maximum stability and life. Another factor is refrigeration. If you keep the bottle in the fridge it was last a lot longer than at room temperature, but take care not to freeze it since acidophilus does not freeze well. If it is not refrigerated then it will quickly lose its potency. The form in which you take the supplement is immaterial regarding the potency: at least initially. However, through time the powder will become less potent quicker, because it will adsorb oxygen and moisture. Otherwise the form in which it used is immaterial. So, yes, acidophilus can be stabilized, but only for a while, and if allowed to warm up to room temperature in the presence of oxygen will quickly degrade, although this takes more than just a day or two. Many health benefits are claimed for Lactobacillus acidophilus, although your daily consumption to achieve these should be at least 2 billion CFU, and preferably 5 billion. You can also fortify the bacteria with a prebiotic of fructooligosaccharides (FOS). These provide nutrition for the acidophilus and accelerate its growth. One thing to be careful of is assuming that yoghurt contains acidophilus. It does not contain sufficient to be of benefit to you. Commercial yoghurt acidifies over time and kills off the bacteria, so commercial yoghurt sitting on a supermarket shelf has very little beneficial bacterial content. Natural yoghurt is better, and certainly contains beneficial bacteria, but not enough to make a significant difference. A supplement is therefore needed if you are to keep your intestinal tract sufficiently healthy. If you cannot take dairy products, acidophilus is available in non-dairy form. The major health benefits they impart are: 1. Digestive Problems. Acidophilus can control many types of digestive disorder, particularly traveler’s diarrhea. In fact if you are traveling to countries where drinking water might be a problem, also take some acidophilus and this will tend to prevent you from becoming ill. Even if you drink bottled water, there are still washed salads, beverages made with local water and showers and the like whereby you could ingest some dodgy water. 2. Constipation Acidophilus, especially when supported by FOS, helps both to hydrate the feces, and improve their transport through the colon, an also to improve the general health and well-being of your entire intestinal system. 3. Yeast Infections (Candidiasis) Acidophilus possess antifungal properties that kill off yeasts, particularly Candida albicans found in the vagina. This is due to the lactic acid produced by the bacteria, and there is evidence that gastrointestinal yeasts are affected in the same way by the oral Probiotic. Furthermore, when bacteria and yeasts are killed off by medication, including friendly bacteria, the sites they occupied on the intestinal walls become free and acidophilus should be present to take these up and prevent any more yeast or bacterial infections. That is one reason why Probiotics should be taken immediately after a course of antibiotic treatment. 4. Immune System Support Lactobacillus acidophilus is believed to modify the balance of microbes in the intestine so as to lead to an enhanced production of antibodies, and white blood cells with increased phagocytic activity. The bacteria also appear to have some reducing properties, which can also give support to the immune system through the resultant antioxidant properties. However, by far the most important property of Probiotics are their properties in acidifying the intestinal tract, and so rendering them less attractive to harmful pathogens, and in producing hydrogen peroxide which has a similar effect. They also produce natural antibiotics, and there is now doubt that a supplement of acidophilus will provide you with several health benefits and also make you feel fitter and more alert.
( Nothing to Sneeze At ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 18, 2005 08:41 AM
Nothing to Sneeze At by Carole Poole Energy Times, August 14, 2004 To many, nothing is more annoying than a persistent allergy. Runny nose, itchy eyes, hives, sneezing, coughing...Frequently, allergies seem to represent suffering with no end. When you are sensitive to something in your environment, often your only hope for relief appears to be to flee to an elsewhere that eludes the problematic, trouble-making allergen. Complementary measures are available that can lower your risk of allergic reactions. Heading off allergic reactions before they strike can help you enter a comfort zone that leaves nothing to sneeze at. Limit Your Antibiotics While people have always suffered allergies, today, many experts agree, allergies are on the rise. One possible explanation: antibiotics. For instance, research at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit demonstrates that kids who get antibiotics within six months of being born run an increased risk of being allergic to dust mites, ragweed, grass and animals. At the same time, if two or more cats or dogs live with them, they reduce their chances of allergies (Eur Respir Soc ann conf, 2003). " I'm not suggesting children shouldn't receive antibiotics. But I believe we need to be more prudent in prescribing them for children at such an early age," Christine Cole Johnson, PhD, says. "In the past, many of them were prescribed unnecessarily, especially for viral infections like colds and the flu when they would have no effect anyway." Dr. Cole's investigators found that by age 7, kids who got one or more rounds of antibiotics were: When antibiotics are necessary, they are crucial to quelling bacterial infections. However, if you or your children suffer colds or flus, diseases caused by viruses, antibiotics have no effect on your illness but could increase your chance of developing allergies. " Over the past four decades there has been an explosive increase in allergy and asthma in westernized countries, which correlates with widespread use of antibiotics and alterations in gastrointestinal (GI) microflora," says Mairi Noverr, a researcher on a study linking allergies to antibiotic use (104th Gen Meet Amer Soc Microbiol, 2004). "We propose that the link between antibiotic use and dysregulated pulmonary immunity is through antibiotic-induced long-term alterations in the bacterial and fungal GI microflora." While a lot of research needs to be done, it may help to fortify the Probiotic, or good, microbes in your intestines with Probiotic supplements. One study has shown that giving Probiotics to pregnant women helped their children avoid allergic eczema, a skin condition (Lancet 2001; 357:1076-9). Green Tea Relief Research has demonstrated that various types of tea can produce a range of health benefits. Tea drinkers can add allergy relief to that list. Research in Japan demonstrates that for the allergy-oppressed, green tea may help them have nothing to sneeze at. In laboratory tests, scientist found that green tea contains a substance that blocks one of the immune cell receptors which is often a part of the allergic response. The substance, methylated epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), is believed to have a similar effect in the real world (J Agr Food Chem 10/9/02). " Green tea appears to be a promising source for effective anti-allergenic agents," notes Hirofumi Tachibana, PhD, the study's chief investigator and an associate professor at Kyushu University in Fukuoka. "If you have allergies, you should consider drinking it." Traditionally, many people have consumed tea as part of their effort to suppress sneezes, coughs and itchy eyes caused by allergies. This experiment supports the evidence that green tea, in particular, has a reliable effect. According to Dr. Tachibana, green tea's anti-allergenic benefits have not been completely established, but tea apparently has the potential to be effective against allergens like dust, chemicals, pet dander and pollen. Tea Antioxidant EGCG has also been shown to be a very active antioxidant, helping to quell the destructive effects of the caustic molecules known as free radicals. Green tea is richer in EGCG than black tea or oolong tea (a type that falls between black and green). Although other research has demonstrated that EGCG offsets allergic responses in lab animals fed this substance, scientists don't completely understand why it works for allergies. Researchers theorize that EGCG restricts the production of histamine and immunoglobulin E (IgE), two substances secreted in the body as part of the chain of chemical reactions that lead to an allergic reaction, says Dr. Tachibana. This study shows, for the first time, that a methylated form of EGCG can block the IgE receptor, which is a key receptor involved in an allergic response. The effect was demonstrated using human basophils, which are blood cells that release histamine. As of now, nobody knows how much green tea you need to guzzle to have the best protection against allergies and, of the several varieties available, nobody knows which green tea is best. Outside of the US, green tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, right behind water. In the US, however, black tea is more popular than green. But the allergy sensitive should think and drink green. Stay Away from Diesels Those who are allergic to ragweed or pet dander usually know they should avoid the source of their allergies. But now scientists have found that, for many allergy sufferers, diesel exhaust can also worsen sneezes and wheezes. Scientists at two southern California schools have shown that about half of us have inherited a sensitivity to diesel pollution that can make our allergies significantly worse (Lancet 1/10/04). "[T]his study suggests a direct way that pollution could be triggering allergies and asthma in a large number of susceptible individuals...," says Frank D. Gilliland, MD, PhD, the study's lead author. Diesel exhaust particles are thought to act as destructive free radicals in the lungs, forming caustic molecules that damage lung tissue. This irritation can cause your immune system to create larger amounts of compounds that make you sneeze and wheeze more. The Antioxidant Advantage Antioxidants, scientists believe, can help defuse this damage and ease the body's allergic responses. The California scientists looked at two antioxidant enzymes the body makes to protect the lungs called glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1). Only about five of ten people's immune systems can make all the effective forms of these enzymes. The rest of us lack this protection to some degree, and the immune system in about one in five people can't make any effective form of these enzymes. The research team found that people allergic to ragweed who lacked these antioxidant enzymes suffered more when they took in both ragweed pollen and particles from diesel pollution. Breathe Easier With C This research may help explain why many health practitioners recommend vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, to allergy sufferers. Vitamin C "prevents the secretion of histamine by the white blood cells, increases the detoxification of histamine and lowers the blood-histamine levels," says Sylvia Goldfarb, PhD, author of Allergy Relief (Avery/Penguin). Scientists continue to study the allergy conundrum. Meanwhile, sip a cup of green tea and shut the window before the next truck comes by.
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