
Search Term: " Heads "

  Messages 1-33 from 33 matching the search criteria.
How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/11/18
Simpler CBD Legalization Bill Clears House Committee Darrell Miller 1/28/18
Get Back To 25 Years Take This To Heal Diseases And Fill You With Energy!! Darrell Miller 9/3/17
Natural Ways to Put an End to Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags and Age Spots!! Darrell Miller 5/15/17
How to Get Rid of Lice: 8 Natural Remedies Darrell Miller 5/3/17
This Is Why You Should Eat Lemons Daily Darrell Miller 4/23/17
make-your-skin-glow-and-smooth Darrell Miller 3/9/17
Top health benefits of broccoli - Best health and food tips Darrell Miller 1/28/17
Improving your posture could help reduce muscle pain, joint pain and headaches Darrell Miller 12/11/16
Ancient beauty rituals that work, and where to try them Darrell Miller 12/8/16
Naturally eliminate pimples overnight Darrell Miller 11/11/16
Inflammation in the brain linked to CTE Darrell Miller 11/7/16
Do Food Cravings Actually Mean Anything? Darrell Miller 10/29/16
Ashwagandha - Herbal Way to Reduce Stress Darrell Miller 9/7/15
Effectiveness of echinacea tea Darrell Miller 3/14/14
Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health? Darrell Miller 2/20/14
Glycolic Acid Darrell Miller 12/19/13
The health benefits of artichoke leaves Darrell Miller 12/7/12
What Are the Health Benefits Of Collagen Tablets? Darrell Miller 4/10/12
What Are The Cruciferous Vegetables With Indoles? Darrell Miller 10/18/11
Acne Treatment of Different Skin Types Darrell Miller 9/20/11
Your Diet May Be What's Causing Your Acne Darrell Miller 9/19/11
BoneSet For Fevers Darrell Miller 6/9/09
Nutritious Amaranth Darrell Miller 4/9/09
Echinacea Purpurea Root Darrell Miller 6/17/08
VectOmega Darrell Miller 5/13/08
Fight Acne by Eating Right to Lower Blood Sugar Levels Darrell Miller 12/24/07
Lutein: A Plant Pigment That Provides Protection From The Sun Darrell Miller 10/23/07
Now Foods Quality Sports Nutrition. Darrell Miller 12/30/05
HISTORY Darrell Miller 7/12/05
Gotta Habit Darrell Miller 6/14/05
Mane Attraction - lustrous Hair... Darrell Miller 6/14/05
Celebrity Holiday Fare - eating plenty of vegetables is the trendiest trend... Darrell Miller 6/13/05

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How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health

Date: September 11, 2018 05:52 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health

How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health

We often separate who we are into two separate parts, specifically body and mind, acting a if we are some odd hybrid creature. But, the truth is that the brain is as much a part of the body as the fingers, muscles and hair are. We all expect our diet to affect our waistline, and strength, our energy and our hair's luster, or lack thereof. In reality, since our brains are as much affected by our diet as any other part, it stands to reason that our mind's ability to handle stress, emotions and mental load are very much affected too. All of which is born out by data which shows that diets that are imbalanced and overloaded with sugar, unhealthy fats, and chemical additives are apt to contribute to disease symptoms, like ADHD, depression and anxiety.

When the body lacks specific nutrients, like sufficient protein, it can hamper the body's ability to create needed brain chemicals that aid in our ability to handle emotions and stress. In fact, the brain is comprised of a great deal of fat. So, healthy a diet that has sufficient good quality fatty acids is important fro brain health. Brain health and stamina is affected by an array of nutrients that come from food, including magnesium, vitamin B12, zinc and vitamin D. Their lack can cause or hasten mood and behavior shifts that can become problems.

Key Takeaways:

  • How levels of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to depression, anxiety, and attention difficulties.
  • If you are a vegetarian or a vegan and you are suffering from depression, you may want to make sure you are getting enough Vitamin B12.
  • Foods rich in protein, including nuts, meat, and eggs, contain amino acids which regulate your serotonin levels.

"But the foods we eat also play a role in how we feel mentally as well, and an imbalanced diet can mess with our heads just as much as our stomachs."

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Simpler CBD Legalization Bill Clears House Committee

Date: January 28, 2018 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Simpler CBD Legalization Bill Clears House Committee

Cannabidiol, or cbd, was recently passed as a legal substance by the Indiana House of Representatives. The bill does have a curious ride that the cbd must contain less than 3% thc, or the active ingredient in marijuana to be legal. There may still be hurdles as it heads to the Senate, but this is clearly good. The best evidence came from a man suffering from ALS, who said it didn't cure him but it did give him better days than without the drug.

Key Takeaways:

  • Indiana legislators have made an important step forward in legalizing cannabis-based medicines.
  • This bill sets a specific limit on the amount of certain substances in a cannabis derivative that can be allowed.
  • The hope is that this will simplify the regulatory landscape for consumers and producers in Indiana.

"A House committee passed legislation Wednesday to legalize cannabidiol, or CBD. The unanimously-approved bill takes a simpler approach to authorizing its use."

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Get Back To 25 Years Take This To Heal Diseases And Fill You With Energy!!

Date: September 03, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Get Back To 25 Years Take This To Heal Diseases And Fill You With Energy!!

It is normal that the energy of our body decreases over time. We no longer feel like we did when we were younger. If we do not take care of our bodies, then we will lose that energy quicker. There is a drink that is really good for you and can ward of all the diseases in your body. If you drink it a lot then your health will go through many different changes that are highly beneficial to you.

Key Takeaways:

  • This rejuvenating drink is best taken on an empty stomach and should be consumed for a whole week to ensure beneficial results.
  • To prepare the drink, you will need 4 Heads of garlic, 4 organic, whole and unpeeled lemons, 2 tablespoons of grated ginger root and 2 liters of water.
  • The required items should be well-cleaned, blended and then boiled, before storing and refrigerating the results in a glass jar with a lid.

"Making you feel younger and best of all it will be able to heal some diseases"


Natural Ways to Put an End to Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags and Age Spots!!

Date: May 15, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Ways to Put an End to Moles, Warts, BlackHeads, Skin Tags and Age Spots!!

Skin issues can make you feel less than beautiful. They can also be annoying because of how they feel. Moles and skin tags can catch on things like your clothing and that can hurt or just feel strange. This talks about how you can naturally end these as well as mentioning blackHeads, warts and age spots which are also unpleasant to have. No one lies these so ways to end them are always in high demand.

Key Takeaways:

  • Castor oil and baking soda paste is effective for removing moles, warts and skin tag.
  • Age spots may be treated and removed by using lemon juice, onions or apple cider vinegar.
  • rub Pure raw honey or banana peel every day to remove your warts.

"At some point of life, we all can have certain skin issues, like moles, skin tags, clogged pores or skin breakouts. They are all caused by some hormonal imbalance or changes in your lifestyle. Undoubtedly, there are numerous different skin and beauty care products which are intended to solve these issues and make your skin clear and glowing. However, only a few of them are really effective."


How to Get Rid of Lice: 8 Natural Remedies

Date: May 03, 2017 04:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Get Rid of Lice: 8 Natural Remedies

There are three types of lice, head lice that develops on the scalp portion and neck, then there is body lice that lives on bedding and clothing and will get on the persons body to feed, generally happens if the person has poor hygiene, the last type of lice is pubic lice, and this type of lice lives on the pubic area. When you find out that you have lice, you have to kill not only the living bugs, but the eggs as well. There are a few symptoms of lice, i.e. itching, red bumps, tickling when your hair moves, and finding eggs. There is an over the counter medicine that can be used to treat lice, and will typically need to be used twice because the first treatment will not kill off the most recent eggs. After treatment you should wash all materials that have come in contact with the lice, just to make sure they are not on those articles anymore like bedding, clothing, and even carpet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Between six to 12 million head lice infestations happen every year among young children.
  • Head lice don’t spread or carry disease, but they will have people scratching their heads a lot.
  • Lice feed on human blood, are very small and don't have wings.

"The CDC estimates that somewhere between six to 12 million head lice infestations happen every year among kids aged three to 11 years of age. In the United States, you’ll find the majority of head lice cases occurring in preschool and elementary school children and the people they live with."

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This Is Why You Should Eat Lemons Daily

Date: April 23, 2017 06:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Is Why You Should Eat Lemons Daily

Lemons are full of antioxidants and vitamin C. Lemons should be consumed everyday. Lemons have been knows to rid the body of bad cholesterol, boost your ability to fight off colds and flu and even cancer. Eating the whole lemon gives the body a boost of fiber, keeping the body from constipation and hemorrhoids. Lemon peel are good for skin, relieving it of acne and blackheads. Drinking real lemon in water daily keeps the body functioning in a healthy way.

Read more: This Is Why You Should Eat Lemons Daily



Date: March 09, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: make-your-skin-glow-and-smooth

There are many ways to make your skin glow and smooth. You should keep your skin clean, so you can avoid things like blackHeads. You will only need to put in effort and use good cleanser. You have to get dirt off your skin and make sure to take off makeup too. If you don't then you can have breakouts.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is important to have a healthy life style if you are trying to have clear and nice skin.
  • It is important to use exfoliants to make sure to have great and healthy skin that is clear.
  • Lemon and other natural remedies are really helpful for clean and clear skin, you can find an abundance of different remedies.

"Healthy lifestyle and skin care routine reflects on your skin"


Top health benefits of broccoli - Best health and food tips

Date: January 28, 2017 11:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top health benefits of broccoli - Best health and food tips

Broccoli is a healthful food that may have a wide variety of beneficial effects on your health, due to its high levels of potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and beta-carotene. These nutrients may help to regulate blood pressure, promote eye health, protect the bones, boost immunity, improve heart health, and avoid birth defects caused by certain maternal vitamin deficiencies. It may even improve the health of your skin, and may protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation when applied to the skin as an extract.

Key Takeaways:

  • Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head is eaten as a vegetable.
  • It is a cool season annual crop. Sprouting broccoli has a larger number of Heads with many thin stalks. Purple cauliflower is a type of broccoli sold in southern Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
  • It has a head shaped like cauliflower, but consisting of tiny flower buds. It sometimes, but not always, has a purple cast to the tips of the flower buds.

"Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head is eaten as a vegetable."


Improving your posture could help reduce muscle pain, joint pain and headaches

Date: December 11, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Improving your posture could help reduce muscle pain, joint pain and headaches

When it comes to posture, your mother did know best. Her reminders to stand up straight and stop slouching were good advice. Your spine is strong and stable when you practice healthy posture. But when you slouch or stoop, your muscles and ligaments strain to keep you balanced — which can lead to back pain, headaches and other problems.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you often find yourself suffering from neck and back pain, you may have blamed your pillow or even your bed for the discomfort, but the problem might have nothing to do with your furniture and everything to do with the way you carry yourself.
  • Many of us spend a lot of time hunched over our computers, looking down at our phones or keeping our Heads down while walking to avoid making eye contact with strangers, and this is having an adverse effect on our energy levels.
  • A downward gaze serves to contract flexor muscles in the front of your body, and we need to counteract this by activating the extensor muscles in our backs to remain upright.

"If you often find yourself suffering from neck and back pain, you may have blamed your pillow or even your bed for the discomfort, but the problem might have nothing to do with your furniture and everything to do with the way you carry yourself."




Ancient beauty rituals that work, and where to try them

Date: December 08, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ancient beauty rituals that work, and where to try them

Not all beauty treatments are the work of white-coated scientists toiling in ultra-clean laboratories. Thanaka powder, which comes from grinding the wood and bark of the thanaka tree, has long been used on the face to brighten the complexion and shield the skin against free radicals, polluted air and harmful UV rays. Argan oil was traded as a coveted beauty agent in and around the Mediterranean area in 12 BC. The Berber women of southern Morocco were known for their exotic beauty, and their secret was applying this golden oil regularly to their faces, nails, hair and body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Burmese women have been doing the SPF thing for years -- more than 2,000 to be exact.
  • Thanaka powder, which comes from grinding the wood and bark of the thanaka tree, has long been used on the face to brighten the complexion and shield the skin against free radicals, polluted air and harmful UV rays.
  • Thanaka powder is still used today -- women cover cheeks, foreHeads and chins with the paste and wear it throughout the day.

"The fact that some of these have been around for thousands of years is surely a good sign they actually work."




Naturally eliminate pimples overnight

Date: November 11, 2016 03:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Naturally eliminate pimples overnight

Pimples have long bothered teens and adults but now there is something that you can do to eliminate the unsightly acne on your face. It is an all natural method that is safe for anyone. Best of all, it works as you sleep so you wake up without that annoying pimple bothering you!

Key Takeaways:

  • The antibacterial properties of tea tree essential oil make it perfectly suited to fighting acne-causing bacteria, and it can also help bring down inflammation.
  • Tea tree oil can dry out whiteHeads and blackHeads alike. In fact, it's so drying that you need to be careful not to use too much!
  • Dip a cotton swap in some tea tree oil and then apply it to the area in question. You might want to dilute this with some aloe vera gel first, especially if your skin is sensitive.

"Whether it's the night before that big job interview you've been waiting for or a few days before your wedding, there really is never a good time for your skin to break out."




Inflammation in the brain linked to CTE

Date: November 07, 2016 12:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Inflammation in the brain linked to CTE

When your favorite football player on the TV takes a hard hit what do you think about? Most of time like most people you think about the moment in that moment. Did you know that if those professional sports players take continued trauma to their Heads it can lead to CTE. To learn more, find out more in this article.

Key Takeaways:

  • A confirmed diagnosis cannot be made without an autopsy.
  • There are a lot of unanswered questions. We're just trying to understand the basic role in normal function.
  • These inflammatory cells are constantly migrating through the brain. Then, if there's an infection, they react quickly. Same with trauma: Inflammatory cells quickly migrate to the area of trauma and probably perform some protective mechanism.

"Dr. Thor Stein, one of the authors of the new study, said that although it wasn't surprising to see an increase in inflammation, it wasn't clear exactly whether the inflammation was specifically causing the disease or was a reaction to it, but more likely, it was both."




Do Food Cravings Actually Mean Anything?

Date: October 29, 2016 01:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Do Food Cravings Actually Mean Anything?

Food cravings are the surest way to ruin our best health intentions. Whether it be cravings for chocolate, cakes, fresh baked bread or other more exotic cravings, they impact nearly everyone that starts a new health program or diet. While cravings typically are at their worst in the first ten to fourteen days of a new, healthy lifestyle, don't be surprised to find them resurfacing any time you feel stressed, fatigued or anxious. Food is one of the quickest ways for the body to re-ground itself and the body will instinctively crave foods that through past habits have become associated with a pleasurable experience.

Many people hold this opinion about food addiction and have heard it being spread around like wild fire. Giving in to the craving fills us with guilt and sometimes self hatred for not having the ability to overcome this craving. Our self-esteem lowers and we hear that little voice in our Heads tell us what failures we are. This further lowers our self-esteem and so we satisfy our cravings because that food make us "feel better."

Ways to Deal with Cravings

  • The food you crave should NEVER enter your home. Your family may complain, but work on getting them on your side. Explain that this is for your health and sanity and you need their support.
  • When that craving gets going, get yourself a big glass of water. Drinking water will assuage your craving because the water is satisfying a need of your body. Then wait a full fifteen minutes. Set the timer and go do something else. When the time goes off it is likely that your craving will be gone.
  • If you are at a grazing table, graze at the vegetable/fruit end. But, instead of grazing, put the food on your plate and then move AWAY from the table. Find someone really interesting to talk with. And yes, keep a glass of water with you.
  • When you see someone eating what you crave, turn around, move away from them, and go look for a glass of water. Our bodies are satisfied when we give them water and that helps our cravings to stay away.


Ashwagandha - Herbal Way to Reduce Stress

Date: September 07, 2015 06:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Ashwagandha - Herbal Way to Reduce Stress

Mankind has tried every possible way to overcome the issue of stress. Among these, the natural and healthy ones include family get-togethers, yoga, meditations, or rituals. Others might show the same unwanted result on your body which includes, consumption of drugs, think cocktails, or midnight ice cream bings.  Ashwagandha has a special name and place in ayurvedic arrangement of medicine as it is a successful herb for reducing stress. It is an  herb utilized since ancient times that assistance to cool your mind and keep you free from stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha is a natural way to lessen stress. In today's fast moving life you may get a disease-free life by taking ashwagandha everyday. It will give you mental peace and will also enhance your working capacity. Ashwagandha serves to decrease stress as well as make your body disease-free. Ashwagandha has a property to decrease negative contemplations from your mind and deadHeads in inspirational attitude. It gives you a new way of dealing with stress naturally. It supports your vitality and makes you solid from inside to face any more regrettable situation.


It feeds the weak cells in your body and help to give a superior performance. Ashwagandha brings peace in your life by balancing powers that act on mind, body and soul. Regular intake of this herbal stress reliever will give you great results within couple of days and you will start feeling better and see changes in the effectiveness of your work. Ashwagandha has a special property that relieves the mind and gives you a sound rest. Adequate rest is an important factor to diminish stress. Ashwagandha serves to induce natural rest. Many chemical medicines are available in the market that create a great deal of reactions and regular intake of such medicines make you habitual. You get to be subject to the medication and it delivers adverse impacts on different organs of the body. A herbal supplement, for example, ashwagandha is a natural answer for ease stress. It is totally safe and does not create any adverse impacts.

A man under stress turns out to be aloof and may attempt to confer suicide. Ashwagandha serves to take away such contemplations from mind by nourishing the brain cells. It also gives sustenance to other body cells and supports up your vitality level to deal with any situation naturally. Ashwagandha is also useful in treating gloom and anxiety. It cultivates positive considerations in mind and makes you feel happy in each situation. It revitalizes your body cells and tissues to give you more vitality. It increases dopamine levels that assists in dealing with stress. Ashwagandha also serves to enhance memory skills. Ashwagandha is a complete tonic for your brain and sensory system and does not cause any adverse reactions.


Effectiveness of echinacea tea

Date: March 14, 2014 06:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Effectiveness of echinacea tea

What is echinecea tea

echinecea teaEchinacea tea is Associate in Nursing flavoring remedy that several realize to be quite effective in fighting off colds, cough and respiratory disease. Plenty of individuals take asterid dicot genus tea as they believe it helps stop and even stop these ailments. After all, the herb has long been called Associate in Nursing immunostimulant that helps strengthen the system and beat back infections.

But area unit there enough scientific bases for this belief?

The asterid dicot genus may be a genus of nonwoody flowering plants that belong to the flower family. The genus has 9 completely different species and these area unit ordinarily referred to as purple coneflowers. The plants area unit generally found in jap and central components of North America, wherever they're seen growing in rolling prairies and open scrubby areas. they need giant, showy Heads of composite flowers, and area unit fully bloom throughout the summer.

Various components of the asterid dicot genus plant, most notably the roots, leaves, flowers and stems, area unit dried and so created into teas, juices, tonics, tinctures, extracts, tablets and capsules.

The early Americans swore by the ability and strength of asterid dicot genus tea in fighting off infections. They even used it within the treatment of toxic snake bites and bug bites. within the 1800s, asterid dicot genus was a crucial player in us collection wherever it had been thought-about a potent antibiotic. later, asterid dicot genus was additionally employed by the Germans for several medical functions. Its use then born off over the years as new antibiotics were discovered. However, it looks to own encountered a renaissance in recent years as interest in natural health grew by leaps and bounds.

There are variety of scientific studies on asterid dicot genus, most of them examining the active constituents of the plant and the way these act on the human system.


Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health?

Date: February 20, 2014 05:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health?

What is lime

lime fruitLime, a green citrus fruit resembling lemons, is believed to have originated in Eastern Malaysia. While it is more popular as a citrusy, sweet, and oftentimes sour pulp and juice, lime oil can also be used to improve one's health.

Here are some of the health benefits of lime oil:


Lime's acidity and natural flavonoids help increase the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach and naturally aid the body's digestion process, preventing uncomfortable bloating and wind. The high amount of acids in the fruit help clear the excretory system of toxins, promoting better bowel movement and relieving constipation. Lime oil can be consumed directly or be combined with a juice. Mix lime oil with a pinch of salt to make a good and natural purgative minus all the side effects.

Skin Aging

Lime contains a high amount of Vitamin C and antioxidants that help maintain a healthy and fair complexion. Taking a few drops of lime oil a day helps remove toxins from the body and aid in the rejuvenation and repair of the tissues and cells. Many women also apply lime oil to their skin and faces to treat and reduce pimples, acne, blackHeads, and scars. Some women mix lime oil with water, milk, or other essential oils to whiten their skin and reduce their skin's oil production for a clearer and greaseless complexion. It also has antiseptic properties and can help remedy and relieve eczema when mixed with olive or almond oil.

Protects Against Diseases

Lime has a soluble fiber that can decrease bad cholesterol in the body and decrease inflamed blood vessel that can cause a heart complication. The citric acid of lime breaks away uric acid, a waste product that can cause inflammation and pain while urinating. It also aids in relieving arthritis due to excessive uric acid in the system. Just like other citrusy fruits extracted to essential oil, it is also effective in treating and relieving colds, sore throat, coughing, and other flu infections. Diffusing lime oil and inhaling its aromatic scent can also immediately relieve vertigo, nausea, and congestion.


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Glycolic Acid

Date: December 19, 2013 07:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Glycolic Acid

skinWhat is Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid acts as a remover of the “glue” holding the dead cells together. This property helps it to exfoliate the dead cells of the skin tissue.

Handles acne

After this removal, the skin remains softer, smooth and improves in appearance.
skin preserving products such as serums thereafter penetrate the skin better hence glycolic acid helps to them in registering their effect efficiently. Glycolic acid should also be used in conjunction with these products and sunscreen for one to evade harm to the skin. Utilization of glycolic containing products on the skin makes the skin more powerless against sun harm, incorporating sunburn, and freckling and age spots.

This inhibits cell from building-up on the skin, which brings about a non-appealing complexion and blocked pores which cause acne. Oily skin has a low ability to exfoliate the dead skin cells hence requires the implementation of glycolic acid to help prevent whiteHeads and blackHeads.

Kills scars

Glycolic acid also helps peel away the scarring cells. This helps to reduce the scars hence a well and uniformly pigmented skin tone. Glycolic dermatology medicines likewise help to diminish skin aggravation by advertising the early evacuation of flanky, dryskin units and expanding the damp substance of the skin. This helps equalization of the sebum generation in the skin. Over abundance and trapped sebum in the skin can accelerate stopped up pores, decreased peeling and skin aggravation in skin break out. Dampness is critical for solid, adjusted skin cells from all skin sorts, considerably oilier appearances.

Other Glycolic Acid Considerations

Those who are utilizing healthy skin pharmaceuticals, for example, Accutane or Retin-A, might as well dependably counsel with their dermatologist or therapeutic supplier before utilizing glycolic harsh corrosive healthy skin items.

Furthermore, those under the consideration of a specialist for skin issue, for example, rosacea, skin inflammation or dermatitis, may as well additionally counsel with their medical practitioner before beginning a glycolic harsh corrosive skin health management schedule.


  1. for more information.


The health benefits of artichoke leaves

Date: December 07, 2012 01:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The health benefits of artichoke leaves

Artichoke has been a very popular vegetable since ancient times due to its great taste and abundant health benefits. Although most people prefer eating its heart, it's actually the artichoke leaves that contain most the ingredients that are beneficial to the body.

The following is an overview of the health benefits of artichoke leaves.

Contain powerful antioxidants

Artichoke leaves and flower Heads have one of the highest antioxidant capacity reported for vegetables. Its powerful antioxidants can help you to detoxify your body, as well as avoid problems that are associated with free radicals in the body, including weak immune system, aging skin, decreased energy and weight gain.

Lower cholesterol

The ingredients found in the artichoke leaves extract have been found to lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. They achieve this by inhibiting the enzyme HMG- CoA reductase, which is responsible for cholesterol production. This reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, arteriosis and other cardiovascular issues.

Help to treat and prevent cancer

Artichoke leaves extract contains substances that are known to induce apoptosis or “cell death,” which inhibits cell proliferation in different forms of cancer, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and leukemia.

Increase bile flow

The pulp of artichoke leaves is rich in Cynarin - a chemical substance that is known to increase bile flow. Healthy bile flow helps to avoid a variety of health problems such as Candida, parasites, constipation, gallstones, high cholesterol, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes and insulin issues.

Improve digestion

Artichoke leaves extract contains diuretic effects and has been shown to aid digestion. It improves bile flow, which in turn stimulates peristalsis, required for better digestion. This keeps digestive problems such as constipation away.

Strengthen liver and gall bladder function

As a natural diuretic, artichoke leaves extract boosts both liver and gall bladder functions. This is actually the reason why they are considered to be an effective hangover treatment. Rich in fiber Artichoke leaves are high in fiber, and they can be very handy when you are trying to lose weight, or fight digestive problems.


What Are the Health Benefits Of Collagen Tablets?

Date: April 10, 2012 06:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are the Health Benefits Of Collagen Tablets?


Collagen is one of the most important components involved in the formation of your body's ligaments, tendons, cartilage and muscles. As you get older, your body's ability to manufacture the required amount of collagen becomes lesser. Collagen tablets covers up for it by helping maintain the repair process. These tablets also have different benefits that you should consider and these benefits re given below:

Improves blood circulation: this happens because collagen tablets improve the elasticity of blood vessels, making them stronger and this improved blood flow.

It enhances healing of injuries: when our bodies cannot provide sufficient nutrients required to repair the body tissues, these tablets compensate for the loss. The structure of the bones, cartilages and other parts are also strengthened by this. It encourages the regeneration of muscle mass making recovery after sport related injuries faster.

Keep Arthritis pains at bay: the disease associated with joint inflammation and painful mobility around the areas is referred to as Arthritis. Collagen tablets work at reducing this pain making movement around the joints more comfortable.

Reduces the appearance of cellulite: when fatty tissues find way to the upper layers of the skin, dimples often occur. This is referred to as Cellulite. These tablets reduce this occurrence by rebuilding the destroyed fibres that allow cellulite to appear.

Helps in reducing wrinkles: when our bodies no longer produce collagen, certain lines form on the places that move most, like our foreHeads and joints. This is referred to as wrinkles. The tablets work by increasing the suppleness of the skin.

Improves the hair structure: these tablets fight free radicals which often affect the texture and growth of our hair. Replacing this component in the shaft of your hair will give your hair better appearance.

It is advisable to start taking these tablets from as early as thirty years as this will prevent the onset of the above conditions. It also makes your skin look younger by preventing wrinkles. One should use these tablets because its absorption occurs naturally through the blood stream, making it possible for your body to decide its destination. If you are an athlete, this is just the thing for you as it facilitates the healing of wounds making it possible for you to be back on the field within a short time. The tablets can help soften your stiff joints if you find it hard to exercise because of that. If acne is your problem, then you won't have to worry, because this drug works with your skin's keratin to produce the best results ever. It is also said to have an effect in weight loss.

One thing that you should note is that collagen tablet works best on an empty stomach, so for the best results, take it early in the morning or before meals. These tablets are cheap and easy to find. They contribute greatly to your health and overall appearance. Now that you know, take that short trip to the nearest chemist and take control of your future life! Collagen tablets are a good way to start.


What Are The Cruciferous Vegetables With Indoles?

Date: October 18, 2011 02:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Cruciferous Vegetables With Indoles?

A cruciferous vegetable is a common category of vegetables. The term cruciferous is used to refer to vegetables which have a cross - shaped pattern that can be found under the core of the plant's stalk. This classification of vegetables includes:

1. CABBAGE. This vegetable is a common leafy green vegetable of the specie Brassica oleracea. It is an herb - like, biennial flowering plant which has a short stem with a jam - packed mass of leaves. The leaves are generally green to light green but variety comes in red or purple color. An immature cabbage has a characteristic compact and circular cluster of young leaves.

2. BROCCOLI. A kind of vegetable which is categorized in the Italica cultivar plant cluster. This is different from cabbage because it has large flower Heads which is usually dark green in color. It is arranged in a small tree – like manner on branches which is sprouting from a solid edible stalk. This vegetable is similar to cauliflower, another cruciferous vegetable.

3. CAULIFLOWER. Like cabbage and broccoli, cauliflower is also a member of the species Brassica oleracea. Unlike cabbage, this cruciferous vegetable is an annual plant which is reproduced by seeds. The appearance of this plant is like that of a broccoli. The floral meristems are usually eaten only while the stalk and leaves are utilized in vegetable broths.

4. BRUSSEL SPROUTS. This is a cultivar of cabbage family which is cultivated because of it edible buds. It is named after the city in Belgium which is believed to be the origin of the vegetable.

Cruciferous has many health benefits. Aside from its fiber – rich content, cruciferous vegetables has a promising benefit of lowering the risk of cancers specifically with that of the colon, breast and prostate. The special chemical compound in cruciferous vegetables is called “Indoles”. Indoles are considered as a phytonutrient which can benefit the body in many ways.

Since the ancient times, Indoles have been used for many medicinal purposes. In fact, most Roman health practitioners during the olden times have utilized Indoles as treatment for ulcerated breasts. Therefore, without a surprise Indoles found in cruciferous vegetables are widely used for the prevention of breast cancer. Clinical studies have revealed that the mechanism of action of Indoles in relation with decreased risk of cancer is that Indoles can effectively decrease the so – called C16 estrogen and increase C2 estrogen. The latter is helpful in preventing the development of abnormal breast tissue growth or cancer.

Furthermore, Indoles have also been found out to have important benefit in detoxifying the body from free radicals, thus preventing the body from free radical damage and promoting a healthy cellular production and growth. Other theories have stated that Indoles in cruciferous vegetables can block carcinogenic chemical compounds from mutating the cell’s DNA and neutralize the effects of estrogen associated with cancer development.

Other vegetables which contain Indoles are onions and garlic. The Indoles component of these vegetables effectively works hand in hand with antioxidants in protecting the body from harmful substances and toxins.

Aside from these natural vegetables, Indoles chemical compound can also be made available to the body in the form cruciferous vegetable extracts. This supplement has adequate amount of balanced Indoles compound which can equate with the body’s daily recommended intake of Indoles necessary to fight against free radical damage and cancer. However, extra caution must be observed to prevent untoward side effects and unnecessary drug interactions.

Cut the calories, try Indoles in supplement form!


Acne Treatment of Different Skin Types

Date: September 20, 2011 11:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Acne Treatment of Different Skin Types

Not everyone has the same skin type, and if you have acne, then the treatment could be dependent on your skin type. Before discussing the different acne treatments available, therefore, it will be necessary to discuss the various skin types.

Skin types are graded in a number of ways, anything from 3 types to several. Here we shall discuss more than the normal three (oily, dry and normal) but instead look at seven.

1. Normal Skin

Normal skin looks evenly colored and textured, firm and smooth without larger pores. People with normal skin probably had mild acne when at high school, but cleared up fairly quickly during the teenage years without specialized treatment or scarring. Acne in this type of skin normally requires only mild topical treatment and a mild antibiotic face wash to keep the pores clean of dead skin cells.

Treatments designed to reduce sebum production could result in dry skin susceptible to environmental damage. What must be kept in mind is that the prime cause of acne is excessive production of skin oil, correctly known as sebum, becoming mixed with shed skin cells within the sebaceous pores and plugging them. When this plug gets infected with bacteria, the immune system leaps into action to produce puss through leucocytes attacking the bacteria, and inflammation designed to create temperature conditions alien to bacteria.

If you use treatments formulated to reduce sebum production in oily skin, then you might lose the natural skin oil needed to keep your skin waterproof and resistant to the pollution and chemical agents that can cause dermatitis.

2. Dry Skin

If you got through adolescence with few or no skin problems, and you have dry hair and your skin feels dry after washing, then you have dry skin. It is even more important with dry skin that you do not use sebum-reducing treatments, if you even get acne at all. Only the mildest acne treatments should be used if you have dry skin, thought is unlikely that you will get anything other the very mildest case if you really have dry skin.

Your skin can dry through age, so to be of a dry skin type, you should have suffered, or be suffering, these problems while you are 35 years old or under. After that age your skin tends to dry out naturally.

3. Oily Skin

This completes the trilogy of the classic skin types. Oily skin is associated with acne, and if your hair is oily, you tend to tan very easily rather than go red in the sun, and if oily make-ups, such as some foundations, tend to last only a short time, then you likely have oily skin.

You will also have suffered from acne as a teenager, and your skin will have a particular 'look'. It will often appear shiny, and will also seem to have a coarse texture with larger pores than most others seem to have. You will tend to get a lot of blackHeads, not only as a teenager.

Oily skin is classically associated with acne, and it is for those with that skin type that classic treatments will be prescribed, such as antibiotics and Accutane.

Apart from these three skin types, there are others that have been defined involving a combination of these and also age.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is associated with broken blood vessels beneath the surface of the skin, and such skin types should be treated very carefully. If creams or lotions are applied to sensitive skin they should be rubbed in very gently as it could cause bruising.

Sensitive skin is no more susceptible to acne than most other skin types although significantly less so than oily skin. For that reason, treatments for sensitive skin should be similar to that for dry skin or in most cases normal skin.

Combination skin

Combination skin has an oily zone across the forehead, and down the nose and chin, the other areas of the face being normal or dry. Such skin can also be oily along the jaw line and normal to dry everywhere else. In such cases aggressive acne treatment might be necessary in the oily zones, and more mild treatments used in the areas which are normal.

There are three other classes or skin type based upon age or condition, one being mature skin and other ailing skin and the final type, surprise, surprise, being known as acne skin. Ailing skin is caused by skin conditions other than acne, and you should get the advice of a dermatologist if you believe you have this type of skin. Mature skin on the other hand is natural and occurs with age: the skin becomes slack and loose due to a slowing down of cell growth which causes the skin to lose elasticity. There is no cure for this type of skin other than cosmetic surgery, and it is rarely affected by acne.

Acne Skin

Acne skin is normally oily and associated with blackHeads, pimples and spots. It is not normally applied to serious acne conditions, being mostly associated with skin which is generally 'spotty', as opposed to mostly clear. It is debatable whether acne skin is any different from oily skin which also tends to be covered with spots and pimples, and the treatments for acne skin are no different to those for oily skin: these are Accutane, antibiotics and topical treatments such as face washes and scrubs.

If you have acne skin you must be careful about the type of cosmetics and face cleansers you use, since either could aggravate your condition. This is not restricted only to those with oily skins of course, since everyone should be aware of the effect of cosmetics and face cleansers on their skin but it is more significant with those who suffer from acne. Cosmetics cannot cause acne, but they can help to aggravate infections which have already occurred.

Although most focus is placed on those with oily skins which are more susceptible to acne, people with any type of skin should consider carefully the types of cosmetic and cleansers which they use. Contrary to what you may have heard or read, acne has nothing to do with your diet - eating fatty foods or chocolates do not cause acne, which is caused only through production of excess sebum, or skin oil, by the sebaceous glands.

Irrespective of your skin type your physician will determine the best treatment that is appropriate for your particular case of acne. This may be different for individuals and may or may not change according to skin type. Antiseptic face washes or scrubs may be appropriate for some acne cases, Accutane might be the best treatment for others, while a course of internal antibiotics such as tetracyclines may be deemed appropriate for yet other cases.

Treating acne has three distinct phases:

1. Removal of the blackHeads and lesions. The removal of lesions can also involve a degree of scar removal, although that is another topic. Black Heads, whiteHeads and other papules can be treated by the use of facial cleansers and scrubs. They should not be squeezed since the puss inside them could be forced deeper into the skin and so lead to a more generalized infection.

2. Treatment of the bacterial infection. The typical symptoms of acne, the papules, whiteHeads and blackHeads, are caused by bacterial infection of the plug of sebum and dead skin cells within the sebaceous follicles. The general treatment for such infections is antibiotics, both topically and internally. Tetracycline has already been mentioned as a common internal antibiotic, and several forms of antibiotics are used in facial scrubs of which peroxides and benzoates may perhaps be rather severe for dry and sensitive skins.

3. The third phase is treatment of the causes of excessive sebum production. This is generally not entirely treatable since it is predominantly due to excessive hormonal activity at certain times of your life such as puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. However, your physician may offer treatments such as the contraceptive pill which should be used with care.

Other treatments include agents that aid desquamation, so preventing the irregular shedding of skin cells that lead to the mixture of sebum and dead skin cells that form the plug that is so easily affected by bacterial infection.

Together these three stages of acne treatment can, if not prevent the condition, certainly reduce its extent and have less of an effect on your skin, particularly if you are the off the oily skin type. Doctors will take your skin type into consideration when determining the best acne treatment for you, although all generally this will only be with respect to topical treatments: treatments that are applied to the surface of your skin.

There are also a number of herbal treatments which are used in the treatment of various stages of acne, and many sufferers find these equally as effective as the more traditional forms of topical applications as prescribed by physicians. However given that the treatment you use is safe according to your physician, any that works for you is the acne treatment that you should likely use, irrespective of your skin type.


Your Diet May Be What's Causing Your Acne

Date: September 19, 2011 06:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Your Diet May Be What's Causing Your Acne

Although dieticians and physicians maintain that diet does not cause acne, this is not strictly true. Even dermatologists argue the point, but while it is generally agreed that eating fatty foods or excessive quantities of chocolate will not in itself lead to acne, there are certain valid arguments that diet has a role to play. Recent research has shed new light on dietary factors that can help to promote acne symptoms, if not being the sole cause of them.

Before discussing that, it is important to understand why acne gives rise to the symptoms that it does: lesions in the form of whiteHeads and blackHeads, pustules and cysts. While not necessary to discuss the biochemical details, the part that your diet has to play will not be understood without considering the effect of hormones on acne.

The reason that teenagers in particular appear to be more prone to acne is that an increased production of hormones has an effect on the condition that causes the symptoms of acne. Fundamentally, acne is characterized by the infection and inflammation of a mass of oil and dead skin cells within the pores of the skin, particularly on the face, neck, chest buttocks and back. If we discuss each of these elements first, and how they are created, then the relationship between diet and acne will become clear.

At a certain time in their lives, people experience a spurt of growth and develop sexually. This is initiated by the secretion of hormones, particularly of male sex hormones collectively known as androgens, and by various hormonal 'Growth Factors'. This stage of human development is known as puberty, although there is also an increase in androgen secretion by the adrenal glands just before menstruation and during pregnancy and menopause. Androgens such as testosterone are reserved not only for the male of the species!

An effect of androgens is to increase the rate of secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands in the skin. The reason for this is unknown, though it has been hypothesized that its purpose is to waterproof the additional hair that is grown on the body at this time. Another suggested reason is as an olfactory warning to others to deter from sexual activity, in teenagers until their sexual development is complete, and in pre-menstrual, pregnant and menopausal women for obvious reasons. There is no substantial proof for any of these hypotheses, though the latter appears to make more sense than the former.

Irrespective of this, androgens also interfere with desquamation, and the dead skin cells within the pores tend to fall off irregularly and in clumps. This mix of dead skin cells and excess sebum clogs up the pores of the sebaceous follicles. Once this plug becomes infected with bacteria, the immune system is activated, inflammation occurs, and leukocyte action leads to pus formation. That is what is known as acne.

In order to determine how diet and acne are connected, it would be necessary to determine what components of our diet can either stimulate sebum production, or stimulate androgen secretion. If no such link could be found, then it would be fair to descry any connection between acne and the food you eat. However, there is a connection, and it is a positive one.

In addition to their main function, insulin and a hormone known as IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 that helps promote growth in children) promote the secretion of testosterone, a male hormone or androgen. Knowing, as we now do, that androgens promote the secretion of sebum, then anything that increases the levels of insulin or IGF-1 within the body will also lead to sebum production and hence to acne. What that infers is that any foodstuffs that increase the insulin levels in the blood can also lead to acne.

This inference is supported in many ways. For example, it has been found that while drinking milk promotes a greater risk of acne, eating yoghurt does not. Why is this? It is known that milk can increase insulin levels because of its high sugar content. The effect of bacterial activity to produce yoghurt reduces the amount of sugars in the milk it is made from because the bacteria live on the lactose. The same argument applies to cheese, which promotes lower insulin levels than milk, if not as low as yoghurt.

This being the case, then a diet low in sugars and carbohydrates should reduce the incidence of acne generally. Recent research has indicated that a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar increases both IGF-1 and insulin levels in the blood. This then creates a surge in male hormones which in turn leads to excessive sebum secretion and intermittent shedding of skin cells and so on to the growth of bacteria and acne. It is a logical progression, supported both by theory and by observation.

So how should a person with a propensity for acne change their diet? Switch to fruits, vegetables and grains. Non-fatty meats are also acceptable, and .lots of fish and other seafood. Studies have concluded that diets rich in seafood lead to very low acne rates. The Japanese and coastal Chinese suffer very little acne in comparison with those taking a Western diet, particularly an American diet.

One of the reasons for this is that omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce both inflammation and sebum production. The same is true of green tea that contains antioxidants that reduce the blood levels of dihydotetosterone and hence of sebum secretion by the sebaceous glands. We could go on, and list supplement after supplement that contain antioxidants and other substances that can reduce the production of sebum and hence of the symptoms of acne.

Vegetable oils, on the other hand, with their high omega-6 fatty acid content, can drive up sebum production and the activity of the immune system and the inflammatory response. There are few doubts left that, while acne is not specifically caused by what you eat, diet can contribute to it and that acne and its severity can be eased by eating a diet low in carbohydrates and other sugar-promoting foods.


BoneSet For Fevers

Date: June 09, 2009 12:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: BoneSet For Fevers

Boneset was used by Native Americans for a valuable remedy against colds, flu, and fevers. Other common names that boneset is identified by include: thoroughwort, vegetable antimony, feverwort, agueweed, Indian sage, sweating plant, eupatorium, crossword, thoroughstem, thoroughwax, and wild Isaac. In most cases, boneset has been used primarily to treat fevers. They introduced boneset to the settlers in the New World. From 1820 through 1916, boneset was listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia. This herb was also listed in the National Formulary from 1926 through 1950. Boneset has been used to restore strength in the stomach and spleen. It has also been used as a tonic for acute and chronic fevers. Dr. Edward E. Shook actually felt that boneset was beneficial for every kind of fever humans are subjected to. He also believed that it had never failed in overcoming influenza.

Recent research has found that boneset contains antiseptic properties that help to promote sweating. These properties also help in cases of colds and flu. Boneset has also been shown to contain antiviral properties and strengthen the immune system by enhancing the secretion of interferon. Additional studies have found that boneset is effective against minor viral and bacterial infections by stimulating white blood cells. Additionally, this herb has been used to treat indigestion and pain and may also contain some mild anti-inflammatory agents to help with conditions like arthritis.

Boneset is a perennial herb that has an erect stout and a hairy stem. It grows from two to four feet high, with branches at the top. The leaves of the boneset plant are large, opposite, united at the base, and lance-shaped. They grow anywhere between four to eight inches in length and taper into a sharp point. The edges of these leaves are finely toothed, with prominent veins. These leaves help to distinguish this plant species at first glance. The flower Heads of the boneset plant are terminal and numerous, being large, and having anywhere from ten to twenty white florets. The plant possesses an aromatic odor, with an astringent and strongly bitter taste. This plant species varies considerably in size, hairiness, form of leaves, and inflorescence. It can typically be found flowering from July to September.

The entire herb is used to provide alterative, anti-inflamamtory, antiperiodic, antiviral, diaphoretic, emetic, febrifuge, purgative, nervine, and stimulant properties. The primary nutrients found in boneset include calcium, magnesium, PABA, potassium, and vitamins C and B-complex. Primarily, boneset has been shown to be extremely helpful in dealing with chills, colds, coughs, fever, flu, malaria, pain, rheumatism, typhoid fever, and yellow fever. Additionally, this herb is beneficial in treating bronchitis, catarrh, jaundice, liver disorders, measles, mumps, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, scarlet fever, sore throat, and worms. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by boneset, please contact a representative from your local health food store.

Although there is no recent clinical evidence that guides the dosage of boneset, traditional use of the herb suggests that a dose be about two grams of leaves and flowers. The internal use of this herb should be tempered by the occurrence of hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids in this plant. For those women who are pregnant or lactating, this herb should not be used, as there have been documented adverse effects on those women who are pregnant and/or lactating.

Boneset is available in capsule, tablet, and liquid extract forms at your local or internet health food store. Look for name brands to ensure quality and purity of the product you purchase.


Nutritious Amaranth

Date: April 09, 2009 03:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Nutritious Amaranth

Amaranth is an herb full of vitamins. It was traditionally used by Native Americans in both Central and North America as a survival food. This herb has been cultivated for thousands of years in many different cultures due to the fact that it grows well in most climates and uses a very small amount of water. Amaranth contains a huge amount of protein and a lot more calcium than milk provides. It also contains the amino acid l-lysine, which is not often found in plants. Amaranth seeds were used by the Aztecs in their pagan ceremonies. Additionally, mature seeds of the amaranth plant were eaten raw, mixed with cornmeal, or added to soups. The leaves, which taste similar to spinach, can also be eaten.

Often, amaranth is used for gastroenteritis or the stomach flu. It helps to lessen the irritability of the tissues. A strong decoction of amaranth can be used to remove worms and other parasites from the digestive tract. Applying amaranth topically can help to reduce tissue swelling. The herb can be used with bandages for medical treatment. Additionally, it can help stop excess bleeding which is often caused by sore gums, nosebleeds, and heavy menses. Amaranth is highly digestible and is recommended for infant formulas.

Amaranth is a traditional food plant in Africa with the potential to improve nutrition greatly. There are several species of amaranth grown in Asia and the Americas for grain. Ancient grains still used to this day include three species: Amaranthus caudatus, Maranthus cruentus, and Amaranthus hypochondriacus. Even though amaranth was grown on a small scale in parts of Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, India, and Nepal, there is a huge potential for future cultivation in the U.S. and tropical countries. Because of this, this herb is often referred to as “the crop of the future.” Because of a weedy life history, amaranth grains grow very rapidly, with their seedHeads weighing up to 1 kilogram and containing a half-million seeds. Amaranthus species have a 30% higher protein value than rice, wheat flour, oats, rye and other cereals.

Amaranth was revived in the 1970s because of it is very palatable, easy to cook, and a protein that is well suited to human nutritional needs. This herb was recovered in Mexico from wild varieties, now being commercially cultivated. A popular snack sold in Mexico City, this herb is often mixed with chocolate or puffed rice. Its use has recently spread to Europe and parts of North America. Amaranth is a pseudo grain because it has a very similar flavor and cooking ability to grains. Along with protein, amaranth provides a great source of dietary fiber and dietary minerals including iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and manganese.

The leaves, seeds, and flowers of the amaranth plant are responsible for all of the health benefitis provided. Amaranth’s properties include: alterative, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, and nutritive. Primarily, amaranth is used for diarrhea, dysentery, excessive menstruation, and nosebleeds. Amaranth can also be used for canker sores, bleeding gums, stomach and mouth ulcers, worms, and wounds. For more information on the benefits of this herb, please contact your local health food store.


Echinacea Purpurea Root

Date: June 17, 2008 06:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Echinacea Purpurea Root

There are nine known species of Echinacea native to the United States and southern Canada. The most commonly used and most potent of them is Echinacea purpurea.

Other common names for Echinacea are purple coneflower, American coneflower and coneflower. The plants contain large Heads of flowers that bloom in early to late summer.

In North America, Native Americans used Echinacea more than any other herb for its healing properties. For Europeans and Americans, it was believed to aid in curing Anthrax and snakebites as well as contain antimicrobial properties.

Echinacea is well known for its abilities to boost the immune system and to help fight infections. It is also widely used to prevent infections, colds and the flu. In lesser known medicinal practices, it is used to treat wounds and such skin problems as acne and boils. Some studies have shown that Echinacea has been effective in treating upper respiratory infections.

The whole Echinacea plant is used for treating various indications. Fresh or dried, the plant and roots are used to make teas, extracts, juices or external salves, creams and ointments. As a general rule, the fresh-pressed juice of the Echinacea plant is most effective in treating colds in children. In adults, both the root and herb in combination are most effective.

When taken at the first signs of a cold, Echinacea has been found to reduce the length and severity of cold symptoms. Be aware that Echinacea is not a one-dose fix-it remedy. Begin taking recommended doses at the first signs of a cold. Subsequent doses should be taken regularly, according to the product label, until all symptoms have disappeared.

Unfortunately, many herbal preparations can vary in effectiveness due to a lack of systematic extraction and refining. It is best to research the manufacturers of herbal products to find out how they cultivate and store their herbs. Their methods will cause the chemical compositions to vary greatly. The different parts of the plant that are used vary widely in their chemical makeup as well. One part may be extremely useful as an antimicrobial, while another may stimulate stronger reactions from the immune system. Other factors that may affect the quality of the product you purchase are:

* Species * Plant part * Extraction method * Contamination * Adulteration

Side Effects and Warnings:

When taken orally (by mouth), Echinacea usually does not produce any side effects. In rare cases, some people have experienced allergic reactions and side effects that include:

* Rashes or dermatitis * Pruritus (itching) * An increase in asthma symptoms * Anaphylaxis (life threatening allergic reaction) * Hepatoxicity * Nausea * Dizziness * Dyspnea (difficulty breathing)

All of these symptoms tend to be mild and infrequent. If you suffer from asthma symptoms, you should probably avoid using echinacea. In most cases the most common side effects are gastrointestinal in nature, such as gas or mild cramping. People are much more likely to experience side effects if they are allergic to other plants in the daisy family. These plants include:

* Ragweed * Chrysanthemums * Marigolds * Daisies

Use of Echinacea in children younger than 12 years is not recommended due to lack of sufficient data to support safety. It is also not recommended for use in pregnant or nursing women.

Echinacea should not be used if you have progressive systematic or auto-immune disorders, connective tissue disorders or other diseases that may be related to these. It should not be taken if you are taking immune-suppressants and heap-toxic drugs. It may also interfere with anesthesia.

It is important to communicate with your health care providers. Be sure they are aware of any alternative herbs or other substances you are using and what their purpose is in your daily diet.

Vitanet ®, LLC



Date: May 13, 2008 04:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: VectOmega

Vectomega uses a patented biological innovation that extracts naturally occurring marine phospholipids with the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Very high yields of marine oil extraction are obtained from a proprietary enzymatic process of proteinaceous tissues found in the salmon Heads. This enzymatic reaction is carried out in less than an hour in an inert atmosphere at a temperature lower than 60°C. The full amount of oil can be extracted using this patented process while keeping the marine oil’s natural proportions and composition. This patented innovation, called vectorization, uses a gentle, cold water and enzyme process, avoiding heat, solvents, and chemical modifications that are utilized to process other fish oils. This is a very advanced and "green" technology that delivers a great natural representation.


Fight Acne by Eating Right to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Date: December 24, 2007 02:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Acne by Eating Right to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

If you are a teenager a cure for acne will likely be first on your list after finding a boyfriend or girlfriend, and most of us who have been teenagers can probably remember the misery that our perception of our looks gave us.

There have been many theories as to the cause of acne, and it is highly likely that there is more than one. The basic reason for the appearance of acne is that oils, dead skin cells and bacteria block the pores of the skin to form a variety of different types of pimples or spots, such as whiteHeads, blackHeads and pustules than can be irritating or painful. They can also be very unsightly, affecting the face, neck and sometimes the chest and back.

Studies have indicated that acne is caused by the over-production of sebum, a fatty oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin to keep it supple and lubricated. If this is excessive, the sebum can block the pores causing blackHeads, and become infected causing acne. So what causes this excess production of sebum? There are theories that it could be due to high insulin levels in the blood.

High insulin levels are promoted by high blood glucose levels the more blood glucose in your blood then the more insulin your pancreas produces to help covert it into energy. Higher insulin levels are also associated with high levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). The result of this is an increase in androgens (male hormones), specifically dihydrotestosterone (DHT), metabolized from testosterone. This in turn causes an increased production of sebum leading to acne.

The complete chain, therefore, begins with increased levels of glucose in your blood and ends in acne. In order to prevent acne you would have to break this chain anywhere in its sequence, and the only viable place to do this is at the beginning reduce your blood glucose level. In order to achieve this you would have to determine what foods you are eating that could cause an excessively high level of glucose in your blood.

Glucose is metabolized from carbohydrates, ranging from complex carbohydrates to refined sugar. However, those that you should try to avoid are the refined carbohydrates such as pasta, white bread, rice and sugar. These are what are known as the high glycemic index foods that can cause a sharp rise in your blood glucose levels when consumed. The complex carbohydrates take longer to be metabolized and are not so prone to producing sudden increases in your sugar levels. These lead to more sustained and gradual increases in blood glucose that demand a steady insulin supply, rather than the sudden increase that can lead to acne. Such foods include high fiber whole grains, oats and the like.

Studies have indicated that twelve weeks on a diet of low glycemic index foods resulted in a significant reduction in acne symptoms when compared to a control that did not change their diet. It therefore seems likely that your nutrition can affect your acne, and that changes in your diet could lead to a significant long-term reduction in acne symptoms such as pimples, pustules and other types of lesion.

The same studies also proved a reduction in the androgen levels of those on the complex hydrocarbon diet compared to the controls, and also greater sensitivity to insulin. However, the test group also experienced a significant weight loss, and it was not conclusively proved whether the reduction in acne symptoms was due to the reduction in blood glucose levels or to the weight loss.

However, the result is in accordance with the insulin and androgen theory, and it is known that diabetes is connected with obesity, so the two might in any case be related. Acne, diabetes, and weight are all related to your blood sugar level, which is in turn related to diet and carbohydrate intake.

Although a low glycemic index diet is suggested, such a diet is not easy to apply properly, and a dietician could help you here. Persistence is the name of the game, and you will not see instant results. Note that the tests referred to above were over twelve weeks, and this is likely the minimum period you will need to stick to your diet. However, the minute you break it, and revert back to simple carbohydrates, your problem will return. There is no sudden cure, rather a continual dietary approach to the prevention of the condition. Acne is not a disease that you can catch and cure. It is a condition created by lifestyle and diet, and can only be controlled rather than cured until you grow out of it in your late teens or early twenties, although many people suffer from acne until later in life.

Your diet should include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and cereals, brown rice, fish, eggs and lean meats. You should avoid saturated and trans fats, and eat unsaturated fats and oils, with plenty of omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals for a good skin and good health. Exercise will help by improving the blood flow to your skin.

You can also help your condition by taking some specific supplements. Saw palmetto and zinc will help to reduce the levels of testosterone in your blood, and vitamins E and B6 are also believed to help. Selenium, pantothenic acid and essential fatty acids are other supplements that can help with acne, but your best bet is to discuss your condition with a naturopath or somebody trained in the use of natural remedies and supplements with your condition.

Many swear by tea tree oil, although treatment has to be prolonged over a length period before it becomes effective, but you might prefer this to one of the chemical testosterone blockers that can be prescribed for acne in certain cases.

Overall, acne is not a serious condition but can be disfiguring. Although you can seek medical help in the event of serious attacks, your recommended treatment initially is to eat plenty of healthy foods low in simple carbohydrates, to take the appropriate supplements and nutrients to keep you healthy and to take plenty of exercise to maintain a good blood supply to your face.

In these ways you can reduce the number, depth and lasting effects of acne pustules, and in many cases clear the condition altogether.

Fight Acne at Vitanet, LLC ®


Lutein: A Plant Pigment That Provides Protection From The Sun

Date: October 23, 2007 10:00 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lutein: A Plant Pigment That Provides Protection From The Sun

Lutein is a plant pigment, and protects protection from the sun needed to prevent damage to the skin and eyes from its strong ultra violet (UVB) radiation. Lutein is a carotenoid and strong antioxidant that is found in red, yellow, orange and dark green fruit and vegetables such as broccoli, curly and sea kale, spinach, carrots peppers and squashes. It is also available from egg yolks, corn and some fruits such as pomegranates. It is the colored pigments, especially the reds, yellows and oranges, in which lutein is most found.

Lutein can also prevent cataracts and provide benefits for age related macular degeneration. However, before discussing the benefits, it is necessary to discuss exactly what these conditions are and what causes them. Let’s have a Heads up on cataracts first.

A cataract takes the form of a clouding of the lens of the eye that leads to blurred vision and eventual virtual blindness when the cloudiness is extreme. It is not blindness due to problems with the nerves of the eye, but due to the lens become cloudy, and scattering light entering the eye. It is not a film over the eye as many people believe, but a cloudiness of the lens, and cataracts can normally be treated by removing the whole lens and replacing it with a lens implant – or a synthetic lens.

It is not fully understood how lutein can help cataracts, but studies have shown that those take a large quantity of lutein in there diet have up to 50% less chance of getting cataracts that those that do not. It has also been demonstrated that men who ate broccoli and spinach regularly had a 25% less chance of getting cataracts. The same is true of those that include a lutein supplement of around 6 mg daily, although up to 20 mg is considered an effective dose.

However, it not only through its properties in protecting against cataracts that lutein can help to preserve the health of your eyes. It is also through its effect on macular degeneration. The macula is small part in the center of the retina that allows you to see central vision in high detail, especially close up when you use the center of your eye. Age-related macular degeneration, known as MD, affects your macula so that you can see fine round the edges, but your central vision is blurred. It is therefore difficult to drive, read or carry out tasks that need good central focus. You will find it next to impossible to thread a needle for example. It can come on very slowly, in fact so slowly that you never notice it because the change from day to day, or even week to week, is so small.

It is not coincidence that lutein is concentrated in the macula, and that a lutein supplement can help to prevent macular degeneration. Lutein is believed to filter out some of the blue wavelengths of light, and it is the blue wavelengths that are though to cause free radical damage and oxidative stress to various organs of the body exposed to light, but specifically the eyes. That is why it is believed that lutein helps to prevent macular degeneration, and studies have indicated a good supplement to consist of up to 30 mg each day.

It can also protect the skin from damage by UV radiation, and also prevents free radical damage to skin cells causing premature aging of the skin. The latter occurs through its antioxidant properties, while the former is because if its light filtering properties. It can not only filter out the blue light that can cause macular degeneration but also ultra-violet radiation that affects the skin and can cause skin cancer. There is a fine line between the blue and ultra violet wavelengths from sunlight, and both can contribute to certain medical conditions. However, the absorptive properties of lutein are such that it can absorb the more harmful of these.

The antioxidant properties of lutein are important in their own right, and can help to reduce cholesterol deposition in arties and help to maintain a healthy arterial wall thickness. The same is true of any carotenoids that reduce heart problems, some cancers, especially of the cervix, stomach and lungs, and others that can be caused by free radical action and narrowed arteries such as strokes and brain hemorrhages.

Although it is not one of those supplements considered essential, lutein is biologically essential in that it cannot be produced by the body. It has to be taken through the diet. There is no specific recommended daily allowance (RDA) because life can go on without it, but it does play a role in your everyday health.

However, the average person has a lutein intake less than that needed to take advantage of its UV protection or antioxidant effect. As previously stated, the effective dose is considered to be 30 mg daily, and the average American intake is about 2 mg. That’s an awful lot of egg yolks or tomatoes you are going to have to eat! If you do intend to take your lutein from the natural source, then it much more easily assimilated into your body if not overcooked. Lightly steaming is the best way to prepare your vegetables for maximum nutritional effect.

You can also take lutein as a supplement in the form of tablets, creams and drinks, and can also be found in other supplements that contain carotenoids such as lycopene and beta-carotene. Although not consider essential to life, do not underestimate the health benefits to be gained from a diet high in lutein, especially if you value the health of your eyes.

All strong antioxidants provide you with health benefits due to their ability to destroy the free radicals that in turn destroy the DNA in your body cells, and disrupt the cells themselves. Combine that with their action as filters to the damaging rays of the sun and you have in lutein a plant product that is far reaching in the health benefits that it can provide you with. If you are looking for a lutein supplement, stop into your local or internet health food store for lutein is an over the counter supplement.

Buy Lutein at Vitanet, LLC ®


Now Foods Quality Sports Nutrition.

Date: December 30, 2005 08:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Now Foods Quality Sports Nutrition.

“It is a flame which sinks for lack of fuel…” - Pierre Corneille

Athletes are one of the most unique breeds of life roaming the earth. On the surface, their traits are simple; sweat beaded foreHeads, high-tech stop watches, chiseled physiques, running shoes, corporately endorsed attire, etc. But when you take just a moment to peer into what really makes an athlete an athlete, it’s becomes easy to see what sets them apart.

From bikers to bodybuilders, sprinters to swimmers, athletes epitomize what it means to be alive. These modern day, physically motivated warriors thrive on personal achievement, lament the thought of failure and in the process, subject their bodies to immeasurable amounts of pain and exhaustion. But these aren’t just traits to an athlete – they’re prerequisites. When you consider the enormous nutritional needs of the average busy adult, then and only then, can you begin to appreciate what the most physically active individuals require in order to succeed. And while these needs vary from sport to sport and lifestyle to lifestyle, there’s simply no denying their never-ending need to fuel, refuel and repeat. So whether you’re just starting out, or make it your life’s work, here are a few ways to get the most out of your training.



Date: July 12, 2005 09:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: HISTORY

HISTORY or Milk Thistle

Natural substances which afford us protection from toxins and potential carcinogens have recently come to the fore front of scientific attention. Compounds known as antioxidants, which can help minimize the damaging effects of chemical stru c t u res called free radicals, are extensively used today. One of these protectant substances is not as familiar to most people as vitamin C or beta-carotene. It is an herb called Milk Thistle and it has some extraordinary protective properties. Milk Thistle, also known as Silymarin has enjoyed a long history of use in European folk medicine. Centuries ago, Romans recognized the value of this herb for liver impairments. They routinely used the seeds and roots of the plant to restore and rejuvenate a diseased liver. Pliny the Elder, an ancient Roman, re c o rded how the juice of Milk Thistle, when mixed with honey was used for carrying off bile. Dioscorides extolled the virtues of Milk Thistle as an effective protectant against snake bites. The genus silybum is a member of the thistle tribe of the daisy family. Two species of the plant exist and both are native to southern Europe and Eurasia. Plants which grow in the Southern United States actually have more potent seeds than their European and Asian counterparts. Milk Thistle is a stout and sturdy looking plant, which can grow up to 12 feet tall. The flower Heads can expand to six inches in diameter and are a vivid purple color. They usually bloom from June to August. Very sharp spines cover the Heads. The leaves are comprised of hairless, milky bands, and when young, are quite tender. Historically, the seed of Milk Thistle was used as a cholagogue which stimulated the flow of bile. The seed was also used to treat jaundice, dyspepsia, lack of appetite and other stomach disorders. Homeopathic uses included:

peritonitis, coughs, varicose veins and uterine congestion. While tonics were sometimes made from the leaves of Milk Thistle, the most valuable part of the plant was contained in its seeds.

Milk Thistle is also known as Marian Thistle, Wild Artichoke, Variegated Thistle or St. Mary’s Thistle. Reference to Milk Thistle as “Vi rgin Mary” stems from its white milky veins. Legends explained that these veins were created when Mary’s milk fell on the thistle. Subsequently, a connection between the herb and lactation arose, which has no scientific basis for its claims. Milk Thistle is frequently confused with Blessed Thistle, which does act to stimulate the production of mother’s milk. Gerarde, a practicing herbalist in 1597, said that Milk Thistle was one of the best remedies for melancholy (liver related) diseases. In 1650, Culpeper wrote of its ability to remove obstructions in the liver and spleen. In 1755, Von Haller recorded that he used Milk Thistle for a variety of liver disorders. Subsequently, Milk Thistle became a staple agent for the treatment of any kind of liver aliment. European physicians included it in their written materia medica. Unfortunately, for an extended period during the 18th century, the herb was not stressed, however in 1848, Johannes Gottfried Rademacher rediscovered its medicinal merits. He recorded in great detail how Milk Thistle treated a number of liver ailments and spleen disorders. His research was later confirmed in medical literature. In the early 20th century, Milk Thistle was recommended for female problems, colon disorders, liver complaints and gallstones. Almost every significant European pharmaceutical establishment listed Milk Thistle as a valuable treatment. In recent decades, Milk Thistle has been primarily used as a liver tonic and digestive aid. Nursing women who wanted to stimulate the production of their milk used Milk thistle as a traditional tonic. As mentioned earlier, modern day medical science now refutes this particular action of Milk Thistle, however, its benefit to the liver has been confirmed.

German herbalists have routinely used Milk Thistle for treating jaundice, mushroom poisoning and other liver disorders. This therapeutic tradition contributed to modern German research into Milk Thistle, resulting in its use as a widely prescribed phytomedicine for liver disease. Silymarin or Thisilyn, as it is also known, is a relatively new nutrient in the United States. Since 1954, scientists have known the Milk Thistle contained flavonoids, however, it wasn’t until the 1960’s that they discovered the just how unique silymarin is. Silymarin was considered an entirely new class of chemical compound, and its therapeutic properties continue to impress the scientific community.


Gotta Habit

Date: June 14, 2005 06:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Gotta Habit

Gotta Habit

by Catherine Heusel Energy Times, October 1, 1998

Quitting a bad habit presents quite a challenge. Just ask anyone who's ever tried to give up cigarettes. Or alcohol. Or even coffee. You start out with the best of intentions but cravings can push you off the straight and narrow. The result: giving up a nasty habit often means regenerating your resolve and trying again. And again. And again. While some blame an inability to give up a bad habit on poor will power, in actuality, the tenacious chains of these habits may derive from the body as well as the mind. "People don't seem to realize the effects these substances have on the body," says Joan Mathews-Larson, Ph.D., director of the Health Recovery Center, in Minneapolis, and author of Seven Weeks to Sobriety. Dr. Mathews-Larson is one of a growing number of addiction professionals who stress physical recovery when giving up a drug, whether it's caffeine or cocaine. "You can't disrupt your internal chemistry for months or years on end and then expect your body to automatically bounce back," she says. "You have to give it some help."

Breaking Off is Hard to Do

The substances we love to overdo all share a common characteristic: they mimic or enhance the body's chemical messengers. Opiate drugs such as heroin, for example, are virtually identical to substances called endorphins, neurochemicals that the body produces to mask feelings of pain. (When an injured Kerri Strug performed her final Olympic vault, her endorphins enabled her to push past her protesting nerve endings.) Stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine can provide a "rush" similar to that produced by adrenaline and noradrenaline, the neurochemicals that provide the quick and excited feeling that swells down your spine during frightened or thrilling moments. On the other hand, some drugs (notably alcohol and cocaine) boost the activity of several different neurochemicals, including those that control sensations of pleasure. From a biological perspective, then, none of the drugs that people take are totally unfamiliar to the body. Your body makes similar chemicals all the time, in response to specific events and needs. "The main advantage of drugs is that they act powerfully and immediately," explains Andrew Weil, M.D., in his book, From Chocolate to Morphine: Everything You Need to Know About Mind Altering Drugs. "Their main disadvantage is that they reinforce the notion that the state we desire comes from something outside us."

Serious Disadvantage

Another serious disadvantage of drugs resides in their impact on the body's everyday neurochemical balance. Under normal circumstances, the body maintains its internal chemical environment on a fairly even keel. It may pump out oodles of adrenaline in response to a specific threat, like a near miss on the highway, but for every such scary "high" a corresponding low sets in: that rubbery-kneed sense of relief you feel when things calm down.

Over time, the body mistakes the introduction of mind-altering, foreign chemicals as an excess of its own production of neurochemicals. As a result it slows down its own manufacture of these vital substances. So when you stop drinking caffeine or other stimulating drugs, the body finds its neurochemical receptors begging for relief: Cravings raise their ugly Heads while so-called withdrawal symptoms raise your discomfort level. A general sense of ill health sets in until the body's natural production of neurotransmitter production reaches an acceptable level.

Healthy Behavior

Breaking a bad habit may be complicated by a lack of regenerative health habits. "A proper diet is pretty low on an addict's list of priorities," says Mathews-Larson. "Most of the people we see live on fast food and junk food." Many people trying to give up bad habits are attacked by the chemical and physical problems resulting from eating fatty foods and not exercising: their bodies are chemically and physically challenged from a poor lifestyle.

Fortunately, recovery from a bad habit can be enhanced by balancing your diet, exercising and using nutritional supplements to straighten out your interior biochemical environment.

"We target substances that are essential for maintaining optimal brain chemistry," points out Mathews-Larson. Foremost among these substances are a variety of amino acids that the body needs to rebuild its supply of neurotransmitters. In addition, nutrients such as B vitamins and vitamin C are often in short supply among those who indulge in addictive drugs and alcohol.

Exercise and meditation are equally important to recovery, since both activities naturally prompt production of mood-enhancing neurochemicals. (The so-called "runner's high" is believed to result from endorphins and other neurochemicals stimulated by jogging.) More importantly, natural stimulation that pushes the body to create its own, endogenous supply of feel-good chemicals produces a longer sense of well-being than the transitory high induced by drugs and alcohol. "The potential for highs is always there, and many techniques exist for eliciting them," declares Dr. Weil. "Drug highs differ from other highs only in superficial ways."

Natural Appreciation

To experienced treatment professionals such as Mathews-Larson, kicking a long-standing habit depends on learning to appreciate the natural high of good health, through an overall healthy lifestyle. "It's not enough to just stop using the substance you abused," she contends. "You have to build a high quality of life for yourself, so you can fully enjoy every day."

Recommended Reading: Seven Weeks to Sobriety, by Joan Mathews-Larson (Fawcett Books, 1997) Healing Anxiety With Herbs by Harold H. Bloomfield. (Harper Collins, 1998.)

Vitanet ®


Mane Attraction - lustrous Hair...

Date: June 14, 2005 08:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Mane Attraction - lustrous Hair...

Mane Attraction by Chrystle Fiedler Energy Times, February 12, 2004

  • The Nature of Hair
  • Hair's Natural Nutrients
  • Ancient Chinese Hair Secrets
  • Revive Hair Glow
  • Go Natural
  • Everyone wants thick, lustrous hair. Think of the allure attached to the locks of Samson and Lady Godiva and-fast-forward to the present-the full Heads of Antonio Banderas and Julia Roberts.

    " We're naturally attracted to hair as humans; it catches the light, it frames the face, we like the feel of it," says Catherine Jones, ND, LAc, a resident naturopathic physician at Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle, Washington. "Fair or not, historically in many cultures, rich, thick hair has been a sign of fertility and strength."

    Along with that allure, latching onto natural ways to have great-looking hair gives you the benefits of looks and health. Every hair starts with a shaft that grows from a root. "The root is contained deep within the hair follicle," says Dr. Jones. "Each one has a sebaceous or oil gland, which supplies the hair with necessary lubrication as it approaches the surface of the scalp." Each hair follicle has its own growth cycle, including a resting period, the telogen phase, when hair falls out. Because of these constant hair phases, each of us loses, on average, about 100 hairs a day.

    " The number of hairs the average person loses in a day tends to increase in the fall as the leaves fall from the tree and tends to decrease in the spring as the bulbs emerge from the soil," Dr. Jones says. "We really are connected to nature." Stress-due to rapid weight loss, infection, anemia, prolonged illness, hormonal changes, hypoactive thyroid disease, autoimmune conditions, eczema or psoriasis-can influence hair growth and loss.

    The Nature of Hair

    Hair consists of proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates and pigment (gray hair has reduced pigment; white, none at all). Each shaft's structure is divided into a medulla, a cortex and an outer cuticle. " The cuticle is coated with an outside lipid-like layer, which protects the hair," says Dr. Jones. "As the hair grows out of the follicle, the cortex and cuticle become keratinized and harden." Dry or damaged hair is more susceptible to breakage. "The condition of the cuticle affects how the light reflects off the hair, giving it highlights and luster," Dr. Jones says. "Luster is affected both by what occurs inside the body as the hair is developing and what happens to the hair after it has grown from the shaft."

    Sun, heat, moisture, pollution and hair products, dyes and bleaches can all dull the hair. "Applying chemical solutions to the hair, color, permanent waves or curl relaxers, damage the protein molecules that wrap around the shaft, leaving hair brittle and dull," says Christina Pirello, author of Glow: A Prescription for Radiant Health and Beauty (HP Books).

    Conditioners and oils can leave a residue or weigh hair down. Hair sprays and products that contain alcohol can dry and damage the hair, as can using blow dryers and curling irons.

    Hair's Natural Nutrients

    To combat hair-raising havoc, feed your hair natural nutrients for health. Silica and plants that contain silica/silicon both strengthen hair and promote growth. "Silica is a good mineral for hair health," says Walter Siegordner, founder of The Aurora Group, a personal care company. "It helps in the keratinization process of the cells that produce hair."

    " Silica is a mineral that is involved in the synthesis of bone and connective tissue," adds Dr. Jones. "The hair follicle contains connective tissue so silica may promote the health and function of the follicle itself." Silica-containing herbs include nettles (Urtica dioica), horsetail (Equisetum arvense), oatstraw (Avena sativa) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa).

    Sea plants like seaweed and kelp also provide vital nutrients. "Sea plants are essential ingredients in many natural shampoos and can be used to fortify damaged hair," says Pirello. "They're rich in vitamin A that prevents the build-up of dead skin cells, which can clog the hair follicles, inhibiting the growth and health of the hair, and also contain vitamin B, linked to the prevention of oily hair, baldness and dandruff. Calcium found in sea plants is essential to the structure of the hair shaft."

    Eaten on s daily basis, sea plants are rich in nutrients that help maintain healthy, shiny hair, free of split ends, Pirello says. Try wakame in soups and salads, kombu or kelp in bean and vegetable dishes, nori in sushi, and hiziki and arame as side dishes. Since hair health is affected by digestive health, the fiber found in whole grains also helps. "Fiber prevents accumulation in the intestines that can result in the formation of toxins," says Pirello.

    Miso, she adds, is especially good hair food. It "is rich in living enzymes that ease digestion, fortify the quality of the blood nourishing the body and hair, and provide us with essential oils, vitamins and minerals."

    Key nutritional support includes adequate protein and amino acids, essential fatty acids such as cold-pressed flax seed oil and fish oil, copper, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, biotin, iron and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Zinc and selenium can help combat the effects of hyperthyroidism, which can result in thinning, lackluster hair.

    Vitamin C can boost adrenal health. "When the adrenals are overtaxed and become fatigued, hair follicles will go into a resting phase," says Dr. Jones. (If you have a medical condition, she adds, check with your health care practitioner first before taking supplements.)

    Ancient Chinese Hair Secrets

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine, hair is associated with the kidneys' qi, energy that originates in these organs, and with blood quality. " From the traditional Chinese perspective, excess amounts of fat, protein, dairy, sugar, alcohol and salt in the diet acidify the body, damage the Kidney qi and are not good for the hair," says Dr. Jones. A diet rich in vegetables and grains is a great way to support healthy hair. "Iron and mineral-rich foods are considered blood builders and hair tonics. Foods such as blackstrap molasses, seaweed, nettles, and the herb polygonum multiflorum (also known as He Shou Wu and Fo-Ti) have been used throughout the years. Fo-Ti has also been used to prevent graying of the hair and support the immune system."

    Revive Hair Glow

    " Hair is extremely strong but at the same time it's extremely delicate," says Barsoum Bouchar, a cosmetologist and owner of the Virtuoso Salon in Birmingham, Michigan. "Many products work against the hair texture, so the cuticle is always raised. This causes tangles and split ends. With blow dryers, chemicals, colors and styling elements, the hair is tremendously abused." If you don't have to chemically treat the hair, he says, don't.

    When replenishing the hair it's important to remember that it's composed of 97% protein and 3% moisture, says Bouchar. Shampoo cleanses the hair and removes buildup. "A moisturizer brings moisture back into the hair and smoothes the cuticle down, which is what makes hair shiny and gives it bounce. The one key ingredient in both shampoo and moisturizers is aloe vera. It heals the hair." " Avoid products with harsh surfactants like sodium laurel sulfate and propylene glycol," warns Siegordner. "These decrease the circulation in the scalp, reducing the pathway for nutrition to the hair bulb." Conditioners that aren't natural can also cause build-up. "When you apply heat to the hair through blow drying or styling, you end up 'burning' the hair," says Bouchar.

    To stimulate hair growth, add a few drops of essential oils of rosemary, lavender and thyme to jojoba and almond oils, and rub into the scalp. Leave it overnight and then rinse it off. " Essential oils have antimicrobial and antifungal properties, stimulate the circulation to the hair follicles and combat dryness. They also smell good," says Dr. Jones.

    For hair that's not chemically treated, "a vinegar rinse cleanses the hair, removes build-up and boosts shine," says Bouchar. Use one part vinegar to ten parts water, apply after a shampoo, comb though and rinse it off. To naturally lighten the hair, use the same ratio in a lemon rinse for five minutes for, say, four days in a row, and then stop.

    If you want to color your hair, choose natural elements, too. "The best natural dye is henna," says Bouchar. "It's organic, just like hair is." Blonde hair becomes warmer with a coppery tone, brunette hair takes on a mahogany hue, gray hair looks like highlights.

    Go Natural

    To find a good natural hair stylist, Bouchar suggests asking which products they use and why. If your hair is chemically treated, it's especially important to work with a stylist you trust for the best care.

    Keep your eye on the big picture when it comes to hair health. "Be proactive and treat the body holistically," urges Dr. Jones. "Nourish the glands, the organs and the vessels that are responsible for getting the necessary nutrients to the hair follicle. Pay attention to the physical, emotional and mental aspects of health. Once hair is lost it may come back but it will likely be thinner than it was before. It's important to take care of what you have."

    Vitanet ®

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    Celebrity Holiday Fare - eating plenty of vegetables is the trendiest trend...

    Date: June 13, 2005 09:53 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Celebrity Holiday Fare - eating plenty of vegetables is the trendiest trend...

    Celebrity Holiday Fare by Claire Gottlieb Energy Times, October 11, 2003

    Trendy celebrities and trendy food go together like holidays and sparkling trees. Within the celebrity-filled universe known as the media, eating plenty of vegetables is the trendiest trend. And, according to the latest nutrition research, it also may be the healthiest.

    Even before Frankenstein's monster picked up his first movie contract or endorsement deal, he was a vegetarian (for reasons best known by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, his creator).

    Meanwhile, well-known actor Woody Harrelson, a fan of raw, vegetarian foods, professes that his devotion to uncooked veggies only reached firm ground when he became convinced they could and would taste fantastic. The tastiness of the recipes we've included with our inspection of the rarefied world of celebrity food prove that the celebrity predilection for these dishes keeps taste buds happy.

    For Love of Pie

    When preparing your holiday fare this season, taking tips from the dietary habits and favored dishes of celebrities may perk up your lunches and dinners. Healthy dishes can be delicious!

    As Woody Harrelson points out in his foreword to Living Cuisine (Avery/Penguin) by Renee Loux Underkoffler, he became a fan of raw vegetables when he was convinced that they could be made into delicious dishes.

    "Though I wasn't raw at the time, I knew enough to know that raw food and its emphasis on enzymes being the life force of the food is the way to go for optimum health and energy. Still, you can talk theory all you want; if the taste isn't there, color me a cooked-food junkie."

    Eating dishes cooked by Ms. Underkoffler left him and Gabriel Cousens (a health book writer) speechless.

    "We were struck dumb by our taste buds...the coup de grace was one of Renee's coconut cream pies, which, I confess, almost brought Gabriel and me to blows over the last piece." Other celebrities also find Ms. Underkoffler's food preparation skills to be superb. Alicia Silverstone raves, "I love Renee....Her food reflects that spirit, opening the senses to everything around you-it's incredibly rich and delicious and full of health and restorative energy. Her food is medicine." (But it doesn't taste like it!)

    Birth of a Charitable Idea

    Meanwhile other celebrities have taken their food act to a whole new level. Consider how Paul Newman's holiday habits led to his food adventures.

    The story on Mr. Newman starts with salad dressing and Christmas. He and his friend, author A.E. Hotchner, originally created home made dressing and bestowed wine bottles of the stuff on family and friends for Christmas presents. Consequently, every holiday season Mr. Newman and his immediate family indulged in Christmas caroling and salad dressing giving. The demand for the dressing grew every successive holiday season until Mr. Newman and Mr. Hotchner decided to go commercial: Sell the dressing and make it available to shoppers throughout North America. The profits go to charity, and Mr. Newman bestowed about a million dollars to worthy causes in the first year.

    In the early 80s, the Newman's Own brand started out with its Oil & Vinegar Dressing. Today they offer salad dressings, pasta sauces, salsas, popcorn, lemonade and other sauces. According to Mr. Newman, the two principles that rule the company are an insistence on top-quality products without artificial ingredients or preservatives and the donation of all after-tax profits from the sale of the products to educational and charitable organizations, both in the United States and foreign countries where the products are sold. Over $125 million worth have been donated since 1982.

    In 1986, Mr. Newman founded The Hole In The Wall Gang Camp, along with Ursula Gwynne and A.E. Hotchner, with funds from Newman's Own and other donations. The camp, located in Connecticut, is for children with serious disease. (Newman recipes are available at the website:

    Whether the latest celebrity trend wends its way to raw food or cooked creations, you can safely count on the fact that celebrity Heads will rest easy tonight (and yours can, too!) knowing that they've eaten food that's both in fashion and healthy. Leo Tolstoy, the celebrated Russian novelist, once pointed out, "Vegetarianism serves as a criterion by which we know that the pursuit of moral perfection on the part of man is genuine and sincere."

    When you try it for yourself, you'll find that serving mostly vegetarian meals may also offer evidence of a sincere devotion to better health and happier holidays.

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