Search Term: " ageing "
High-Fiber Diet: Can This Lengthen Your Life? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 01, 2019 09:30 AM
Fiber is very important to our heart and digestive health. Recent New Zealand research showed that people with low fiber diets had significantly higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer than people who get plenty of it from whole grains, fruit and vegetables. Separately, American research indicates that a high fiber diet may enhance the growth of beneficial strains of gut bacteria while helping to fight inflammation. This is important because chronic inflammation is a key component of most chronic health conditions. Key Takeaways:
"A report shows that curcumin helps the body manage inflammation and anti-ageing (known as inflammaging) and Ascencao says the powerful turmeric extract, Bio-Curcumin, has shown to help deliver significant amounts of bio-active curcumin into the body, assisting this process." Read more:
( 9 Health Benefits Of Turmeric ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 20, 2018 08:01 AM
Turmeric has numerous health benefits. One such benefit is it has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of curcumin. Therefore, it is no surprise that it helps joint health. The presence of curcumin can also be linked to promoting healthy ageing. It also can help regulate cholesterol levels and supports cardiovascular health. Turmeric can also be linked to helping people lose weight. There are also studies that it can support brain function including improving your memory. Key Takeaways:
"Turmeric is a spice that has served mankind since ancient times. The herb is now being increasingly used in the form of a supplement as well." Read more:
( How to keep your microbiome happy ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 28, 2018 05:53 PM
Your microbiome is an ecosystem of trillions of bacteria, yeast and other microbes inhabiting your digestive tract. Probiotic foods such as kimchi, miso soup and yogurt, along with probiotic supplements, can help keep up a robust microbiome. They are especially beneficial after a course of antibiotics. Foods like sauerkraut, full fat yogurt, and kombucha, a form of fermented tea, also support a healthy microbiome. Green tea and meditation, meanwhile, can help make your gut more hospitable to beneficial microbes. Key Takeaways:
"Keeping your microbes in balance is the key to good health and has been shown to affect weight, well being and fat storage." Read more:
( The benefits of a healthy gut ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 04, 2018 08:59 AM
This article is a very informative piece on the health of the gut. Talks about all the bacteria in the gut and the way it affects your body. The bacteria in the body that need to be regulated to be healthy and how to put the correct bacteria into your body. Also gives you some macrobiotics options that put the proper bacteria into your body and helps you maintain a healthy gut in the process. Key Takeaways:
"Your levels of ‘good’ bacteria can be altered by many things including poor diet, antibiotics, stressful situations, low quality food, travel tummy, and ageing." Read more:
( Eating walnuts may help ward of several diseases: experts ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 12, 2017 03:59 PM
Walnuts are being examined by Indian researchers for their health benefits. Well known to have MUFAs and Omega-3 fatty acids, these nuts are heart healthy and can help lower triglycerides. Indian researchers are looking into the benefits of nuts to help with the rise of obesity on the subcontinent. As the wages have gone up in cities, so have the waistlines. By researching and hopefully introducing more healthy options to people's diets, they are hoping to have an impact on the subcontinent as a whole. Key Takeaways:
"Eating a diet rich in walnuts may help prevent several diseases prevalent in India such as cardiovascular disorders, cancer and diabetes, according to an international team of researchers." Read more:
August 23, 2017 12:14 PM
Most people are aware of the fact that avocados are filled with essential vitamins and nutrients that help to keep the body healthy and strong. However, new findings from scientific studies indicate that most people might actually be eating avocados all wrong, and therefore missing out on all the health benefits this so-called ‘superfood’ has to offer. Recent research has found that the healthiest part of the avocado is the round pit, or seed husk, found inside the fruit. This part of the avocado is believed to help prevent the onset of cancer and cardiovascular disease, among other crucial benefits. Key Takeaways:
"Multiple scientific studies have linked avocados with health benefits ranging from anti-ageing to warding off cancer." Read more:
( Health benefits of pomegranate ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 22, 2017 12:14 PM
Pomegranate is one of the most healthiest fruits in the world. It is called a divine fruit because it is the most mentioned fruit in theological books. It is a good source of vitamins especially vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid as well. Some of the many benefits of pomegranate include that it protects from free radicals from exposure to the sun. It also helps in thinning the blood to help with the prevention of blood clots and coagulation. Pomegranate can also help in the prevention of arthritis by reducing inflammation. Not only that put it can also help the improvement of memory and can help in digestion. Key Takeaways:
"Pomegranate is rich in anti-oxidants and thus protects our body from free radicals, which are responsible for premature ageing." Read more:
( Your daily coffee will help to slow down ageing, study shows ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 14, 2017 12:59 PM
New research has shown that coffee may be better for us than we thought. A recent study in Nature Medicine found that older people with lower levels of inflammation had drunk more caffeine at a younger age. With inflammation being thought to be one of the main causes behind chronic aging and certain diseases, it is no wonder that some are hailing it as an anti-aging solution. The people in the study who had the lowest levels of inflammation had consumed more than five cups of coffee a day. Key Takeaways:
"Inflammation is thought to be a major factor in chronic ageing diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, cancer, join disorders and Alzheimer’s." Reference:
( These Essential Vitamins Are A Must Have After You Turn 40 - BoldSky ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 06, 2017 07:59 AM
There are certain birthdays that send a mental shockwave through our body and one of those is when we reach 40. One way we combat this is by supplementing with vitamins and once you hit the big 4-0 you need vitamin b12. B12 is needed for normal functioning of the brain and for normal blood function. Another two big ones are calcium and vitamin D. Meat is a great source and your body can absorb enough when you are younger but as you age, your body becomes less able to absorb as much through food. Key Takeaways:
"Calcium intake is necessary to prevent several diseases like heart attack, stroke and osteoporosis and also to prevent fracture." Reference: //
( Running may boost your brain wiring ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 21, 2016 07:59 AM
If you want to boost your brain function, try running. A study conducted at the University of Arizona found that brain scans of runners showed greater cognitive function that in those of people who do not regularly exercise. The areas that were more active in runners were also identified as the areas that deteriorate with older age, so there is the question as to whether or not physical activity will help stave off Alzheimer’s and other cognitive issues later in life. Key Takeaways:
"Make running your New Year’s resolution if you want to boost your brain function, say scientists who have found that cross country runners have greater connectivity in brain areas linked to planning and decision-making." Reference:
( Top workouts that slow down ageing ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 10, 2016 02:59 PM
Want to look younger for longer? The secret is exercise! A regular fitness routine will help you avoid chronic diseases, build stamina, and keep you physically agile. Which workouts will keep you looking young? Yoga, weight lifting, squats, walking, compound movements, and cardio training are your best bets for a youthful glow. Strengthen your body and maintain your youthful agility in order to look years younger than your age. Key Takeaways:
"Creating a regular exercise routine helps you steer clear of chronic diseases, helps build stamina and strong muscles, and keeps you physically agile and just like that hide years off your age." Reference:
( What Are The Benefits Of Purple Tea (Camellia sinensis) ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 06, 2016 01:22 PM
Currently cultivated in the Kenyan rich volcanic mountain soils is the rare purple tea that has a pleasant aroma. It is known for not only its health benefits but is also said to have beautifying properties. Purple tea has a sweet taste that gives it a stronger flavor and provides a rare thirst quenching element compared to other teas. Purple tea health benefits include:
It also promotes good digestion and an increased metabolism rate that may lead to weight loss. Purple tea will enhance women's' looks. Its extracts have beauty benefits such as; prevention of hair loss, anti-ageing properties and enhances skin tone. It is simple to prepare and the results are visible after a short time making the body feel less tired, look better and feel healthier. Try Purple Tea for Your Self!
( What Health Benefits Juniper Berry Oil Posses ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 19, 2014 03:18 PM
What is juniper berry
Organically talking, the juniper berry isn't a real tree grown foods yet the juniper's seed cone. It's viewed as a berry as a result of its scales. The juniper is an evergreen tree and there are obviously 6 types of this tree whose berries are palatable and utilized for a ton of useful purposes. Juniper berries oil are widely utilized within European cooking, particularly meat based arrangements as it gives one of a kind quality. Gin significant others likewise may be amazed to discover that juniper berries are the essential element in gin. However the juniper berry is eminent for its notoriety as a home grown answer for an unimaginably long rundown of conditions and afflictions. How it makes a difference The juniper is truth be told a helpful tree as a large portion of its parts are utilized for a medicinal readiness or the other. In this way, the berries, leaves, bark and even oil determined from the berries and wood are utilized within different ways. Benefits of juniper berry Basically a severe berry, the juniper berry holds various unpredictable oils or key oils, strand, vitamin C, flavoring and entire parcel of dynamic fixings that makes it the achievement healer that it is. Note that juniper berries might be taken as teas and the squashed berries could be connected on the skin also for an assortment of sicknesses. Here is a glance at a portion of the employments of the juniper berry and how it can help us lead healthier lives: Juniper is recognized to be a herb with the most astounding consequences for kidneys. It is additionally used to cure different urinary tract contaminations and it can uproot uric harsh corrosive from the figure. Juniper makes the kidneys work rapidly and the form transforms more pee, making it a great diuretic additionally. People confronting water maintenance issues can feel a great deal of alleviation with the juniper berry and its oil due to its diuretic lands. Oil from the juniper berry has a disinfectant impact and it comes as an extraordinary easing to individuals experiencing urethritis and cystitis. Suffering from digestive issues? The Berry may very well be your reply as it can help diminish tooting and colic and help processing. It additionally moves issues, for example, bloating, belching and acid reflux. As a digestive help, it is remarkable as it expands the longing, soothes gas and expansions the generation of gastric harsh corrosive. Juniper berry oil additionally has calming qualities and it is of superb assistance to those experiencing joint inflammation, gout and different conditions, for example, ailment. These joint related ailments happen due to the liquid maintenance around these joints and the juniper berry with its diuretic activity assuages this weight extensively. Skin afflictions, for example, dandruff, skin inflammation and contender's foot can additionally be treated with topical provision of the juniper berry. Juniper helps in invigorating the muscle tone and discernibly decreasing the impacts of ageing for generally individuals. Menstrual spasms are frequently a significant number of the most troublesome parts of a lady's life; however these can additionally be lessened fundamentally with the assistance of the juniper berry. Numerous cultivators even utilize the juniper to enhance the uterus tone and to help the individuals who have moderate or late beginning periods. Concentrated oils of the juniper are utilized topically for lung clogging and hack while it is additionally pivotal in helping those experiencing respiratory contaminations. The unpredictable oils help in clearing up bronchial entries and disposing of bodily fluid. It has a high convergence of insulin and aides in mending the pancreas. Essential oils extricated from juniper berries can help in soothing toothache and making gums stronger. It can additionally be utilized to oversee hair fall. Finally, the juniper berry is utilized by numerous to thin down and since it even scrubs the poisons from the form, it is an extraordinary general purifier also. Safety measures Juniper does have some noteworthy symptoms and its vital that you're attentive to them before you begin utilizing them as any type of medicine. Avoid the juniper berry oil in the event that you have extreme kidney issues as it can disturb the issue and cause further harm. If you utilize more than the endorsed sum, chances are that you could experience the ill effects of loose bowels, kidney torment, high circulatory strain, quick pulse and purplish pee. When taken inside, it can affect the assimilation of iron and different minerals. Open wounds are best not treated with juniper on the grounds that it can cause inconvenience and swelling. Juniper causes uterine fits and could prompt brought down ripeness, so ladies who are endeavoring to get pregnant must escape juniper. Pregnant ladies ought not to utilize juniper as it can cause uterine compressions and reason a premature birth. Diabetics must be cautious while utilizing juniper as it can raise the levels of glucose in the form. Juniper when taken in prudent sums and with individuals, who don't have the shown issues as said above, could be a blessing as it furnishes them with a considerable measure of help.
( The immense health benefits of taking evening primrose oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 31, 2013 04:47 AM
The oil is extracted from the seed of the evening primrose plant, which has yellow leaves that are known to unfold at night. The whole plant has consumed for many years by Native Indians. It is also available in capsule form. The following is a look at the health benefits of the oil. Study about Primrose Oil The concentration of gamma-lanoleic acid in the evening primrose plant is very high, and has been discovered to be one of the few plants that contain the essential substance. The acid has been proven to be vital for enhancing the skin’s elasticity and improving the functioning of nerves. Gama-lanoleic acid is also important in the body’s growth, development and immune response. Studies have proven Gama-lanoleic acid to be effective in the destruction of breast cancer tumors without causing harm to adjacent healthy cells or leading to side effects. The use of the oil in combination with other breast cancer drugs has shown better results than when the drugs are taken in isolation. It is also effective in relieving breast pain, rheumatoid arthritis and severe headaches due to its anti inflammatory and hormone regulatory properties. Benefits of Prirose Oil Swelling, itching, redness, crusting and redness that, are common in eczema cases, can be relieved after using the oil. Gama-lanoleic acid in the oil is believed to be the active substance in such cases. There is evidence to suggest that the oil is helpful in treating heart conditions, pediatric hyperactivity, menopause symptoms, post menstrual syndrome and ageing. Other conditions where the oil has been used to produce desirable results include schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, alcohol withdrawal symptoms and weight control. Evening primrose oil has become an important substance in herbal solutions because of its therapeutic and preventative qualities. There is tremendous research being conducted on the oil in bid to uncover additional benefits for the human body. References:
( What Are The Benefits Of Taking Wheat Germ Oil? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 31, 2013 04:39 AM
What is Wheat Germ Oil
Benefits of Wheat Germ It is known to be one of nature’s greatest sources of vitamin E, which is very helpful for persons intending to prevent the risk of contracting cataracts, cancers and coronary heart diseases. Vitamin E has been found to interact with zinc and selenium to act as powerful antioxidants. Persons with skin conditions that result from pollution, ageing, wrinkling, eczema, scaring, stretch marks, psoriasis, sun spots and dry skin have noticed tremendous improvement in their skin after topically applying wheat germ oil. The remarkably positive results have been identified to result from the vitamin E content in the oil, which causes the regeneration of the skin, improved circulation and prevention of further damage. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy can benefit from the intake of the oil to prevent the recurrence of malignant tumors. Wheat germ oil is invaluable for persons with blood clot problems because it enhances the process, which prevents excessive bleeding. Muscle fatigue, spasms, aches and lowered endurance are common in persons, who engage in strenuous activities. The oil is helpful in relieving these effects on the muscles, resulting to restored vitality. Its omega 3-fatty acid content is helpful in preventing cholesterol and blood pressure levels in persons with high risks of developing diabetes and coronary heart diseases. If a person is suffering from poor memory, dizziness or fatigue, regular intake of wheat germ oil is essential in relieving these problems. This is due to the oil’s lecithin content, which is effective in strengthening the blood vessels and improving circulation. References:
( Green Coffee Bean Extract ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 22, 2012 10:31 PM
Many studies have been carried out to establish the health benefits of Green coffee bean extract for several years. It was just in 2012 that some group of scientists revealed a particular study that demonstrated Green Coffee Bean Extract‘s effectiveness in contributing to weight loss. Leading this study was Dr Joe Vinson, a scientist from the University of Scranton. On the same note, sixteen over-weight people also participated in the study. They were all given varying doses of the Green Coffee Bean Extract for a period of 22 weeks. These participants lost around 17 pounds when the study ended. They did not report any side effect. Moreover, they were under no exercise plan or diet change during the period of study. The coffee powder that people normally use is prepared after roasting some green coffee beans. The extract is obtained from green coffee bean at a temperature of about 70°C for 2 hours using 70 percent of ethanol. A green coffee bean extract is a yellowish brown hygroscopic powder that has high polyphenols levels referred to as hydroxycinnamic acids, which contains caffeic and chlorogenic acids. Green coffee bean extract and weight loss A Japanese scientist, known as Hiroshi Shimoda, did a research about the green bean extract and discovered that it facilitates body weight loss. The weight loss is brought about by some two natural chemical compounds found in the green coffee bean. Since coffee beans are not roasted, they still have their natural chemicals that can otherwise be lost if they are roasted. The two natural chemicals are chlorogenic acid and caffeine which jointly lead to loss of weight. The caffeine in coffee works by stimulating the release of fatty acids from the fats stored inside the body. The chlorogenic acid, on the other hand, helps the liver to process the released fatty acids thus resulting in weight loss. If one consumes 1kg of food containing 10g of green bean extract daily for 14 days, then the increase in weight can be suppressed by about 35 percent. Other Health Benefits of Green coffee bean extract Anti-aging Benefits The chlorogenic acids in green coffee bean destroy any free radicals formed within the body through metabolism. If such free radicals are left, they can destroy the cell membrane and trigger some ageing symptoms. By destroying such harmful radicals, green coffee bean extract actually slows down the natural aging process. Some studies also reveal that the absorption capacity for oxygen radicals by the green coffee extract is twice that of green tea or grape seed extracts. Reduce Blood Pressure Animal research also reveals that chlorogenic acids in the green bean extract helps in alleviating high levels of blood pressure. Considering the results of this particular study, some research was further conducted on human beings. This experiment, performed on people with mild hypertension, revealed that the consumption of the green coffee extract supplement contributed in lowering high blood pressure levels. When a dose of about 185mg of green coffee extract supplement was consumed, the extract proved quite effective in reducing symptoms of hypertension. Hence they are often used for the treatment of the same.
( Amla Fruit Extract ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 08, 2012 05:04 PM
Amla fruit is a plum size fruit that grows from a small, strong, lemon scented leafy bush usually referred to as gooseberry fruit or Amalaki. amla extract is a good natural source of heat stable form of vitamin C which is not easily broken by heat as well as Proteins,fiber and other minerals like antioxidant chemicals such as Quercetin, Gallic ,Ellargic acids and Corilagin.These particular minerals and chemical components are usually beneficial to human health matters as they proves to be antioxidants, therefore able to neutralize the cell damaging free radicals and to ensure the elimination of heart problems,cancer and reduction in the ageing process not to mention the death of body cells. Amla contains ascorbic acid or Vitamin c in abundance where this mineral is quite beneficial to the body mainly when taken raw. These particular mineral of vitamin c offers to reduce the colds, acting as natural histamine and to boost the immunity system of the body.On the other hand amla is used as a herbal medicine for digestive problems,remedies for cardiac issues,to strengthen immune system as well as to improve an individuals eyesight. The amla extract consists of a complex make up that contains mineral rich amino acids, a balm proven to be helpful as a natural hair conditioner giving the hair stronger hair follicles and scalp reducing greying,breakages and on the other hand it has antiseptic and astringent properties to tone the scalp and prevent scalp infections as well as to enrich the colour through pigment production resulting in rich thicker and healthier hair. Other benefits of amla fruit extract is its anti-inflammatory effect a property that prevails against the hay fever that causes the inflammation of the eyes and nose and on the other hand reducing inflammatory caused by joint pain and arthritis as well.When one eats this high fiber content amla fruit it would help him or her to have control of the his bowel movements and hence ease constipation whereas blocking aldose reluctase hence preventing cataract in diabetics on the other hand amla which can effectively act as sedatives reduces stress,improving a persons sleep as well as to relax the muscle.
( Detox your Body with Aloe Vera Juice ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 08, 2012 08:23 AM
Introduction Aloe Vera is popularly known as Miracle plant, a natural healer and is easily available in most gardens. This cactus type plant is native to North Africa. This short stemmed juicy plant grows around 80 cm tall. But, why is this plant so popular in recent times? The sap which comes out of its leaves when cut has numerous medicinal properties. This herbal plants medicinal benefit has been acknowledged hundreds of years ago. Aloe Vera is available commercially in the form of supplements, capsules, juice etc in various stores across the world. Why is it so special? Aloe Vera leaf is filled with 99% water and the remaining one percent is full of nutrients, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients. All these minerals and nutrients are very essential for a strong and healthy body. Benefits of Aloe Vera The most important part of the aloe vera plant is its gel which is a thick sticky liquid found in the interiors of the leaves. Twenty three peptide found in this gel improves the metabolism and helps purify the body from harmful toxins. Aloe Vera gel has a lot of antiseptic properties, as well as works as a good disinfectant. The juice of aloe Vera helps in digestion which is one of the most important steps towards absorbing nutrients from the foods we eat. It also helps soothe heartburn and cure various digestive issues. Aloe Vera assists in reducing inflammation without causing any serious side effects. Drinking the juice of aloe Vera helps maintain a healthy skin. It also helps combat the effects of ageing. Antiseptic properties of aloe Vera help soothing burns, cuts and minor skin irritations. Detox effects of Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is a natural product which assists in detoxifying. Due to the heavy stress and increased pollution around us it has become very obligatory to cleanse our body frequently. Aloe Vera juice is a good supplement which provides our body with necessary minerals, and nutrients which are essential for our body to deal with day to day stress and improve energy levels. The beginning of most of ailments is due to improper digestion. A spoon full of Aloe Vera juice along with regular juice or water early mornings is a good start towards detoxification. This mixture solves the issues related to viruses, and parasites thereby improving the immune system. Some of the other well known benefits of Aloe Vera are:It is a good anti-oxidant and helps fight cancer.Hydrates the skin cells and repairs the tissues.Heals digestion related issues like irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation.Improves overall metabolism of the body.Helps stabilize blood pressure levels.Used in cosmetics like face creams, anti-ageing lotions, and shampoos.Excellent natural skin moisturizer.Helps strengthen the immune system.A natural product with anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.Proven to help patients with type 2 diabetes by lowering their blood sugar.A natural laxative. Aloe Vera plants can be found in any plant nurseries. It is not very difficult to grow them indoors or in gardens. It is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants. Growing your own aloe vera garden will ensure you of natural as well as organic plants free from chemical pesticides.
( Can Ginseng Boost Your Energy Safely? ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 05, 2011 04:27 PM
Ginseng is an herb which is considered as an adaptogen. This classification of chemicals improves the body’s resistance to physical exhaustion and external stress. In fact, for almost twenty centuries, Ginseng has been commonly used as a natural dietary supplement to boost vitality and endurance. The mechanism is that cellular energy is produced in the cell’s powerhouse called mitochondria which turn nutrients into usable energy called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and Creatine Phosphate (CP). However, when we are under stressful situations, the body produces hormones which can alter the ability of the mitochondria to produce ATP and CP. Thus, energy levels are also reduced. Eventually, adaptogenic substances plays a critical role in improving the cell’s production of ATP and CP by allowing the body to deliver more oxygen to cells while greatly reducing oxidative damage affecting the mitochondria of the cells. Not to mention, ginseng also has ginsenosides which are considered to effectively control the release of stress hormones such us cortisol and noradrenalin, thus, preventing chronic stress which can greatly affect one’s energy level. Studies show that ginseng also relaxes the blood vessels thereby improving circulation and delivery of oxygen to the cells of the body. Clinical research reveals that ginseng has the high potential to improve performance of athletes. It can boost stamina. Other benefits of Ginseng are that it can serve as a nourishing stimulant to improve depression and as adjunct treatment for Diabetes Mellitus Type II. It can also be employed as a support agent for the improvement of sexual dysfunction among men. The fleshy root of Ginseng is available in the market in dried form which may be whole, sliced, minced or semi – granule form. These ginseng products are often found in many energy drinks, teas, health drinks, food additives and energy – boosting supplements. Other commercial products which contain ginseng are also common such as shampoos, conditioners, skin moisturizers, soaps and even cosmetic items. This is for the reason that ginseng can effectively delay the ageing process and improve the health of the cells and tissues. Ginseng also has the ability to enhance memory, reduce mental fatigue and improve the health of the immune system. To note, ginseng combined with Gingko biloba can considerably stimulate memory among middle – aged individuals. Ginseng is generally safe to use for any ages. In fact, this herb is widely used as day – to – day beverage among many people in Asia especially in Korea. However, if you are planning to undergo supplementation, it would be best that you should seek medical advice first.
( Pinolenic Acid - Appetite Control ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 25, 2008 02:50 PM
Mention "pine nuts" and peoples’ mouths are apt to start watering for a taste of garlicky pesto or fragrant pilaf. Ironically, the same ingredient that is so irresistible in gourmet cooking may help curb our out-of-control appetites. But only a particular variety of pine nut—Pinus koraiensis from Korea—will do. Source Naturals PineSlim is a Korean pine nut oil (PinnoThin™). A small-scale study suggests that PineSlim may reduce feelings of hunger by increasing concentrations of appetite-suppressing hormones. The study also suggests that a feeling of fullness is experienced 30-60 minutes after taking PineSlim. For best results, PineSlim should be taken while following the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan™ enclosed in every bottle. Enjoying good food is part of a healthy lifestyle, but too often we don’t know when to stop. PineSlim can help by addressing one of the most basic of the dozen deep metabolic systems identified by Source Naturals as critical to your optimal health: Hormones/Metabolism. Less Calories for Improved Health According to a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, an estimated 66% of U.S. adults are overweight. A normal body fat level is one of the factors associated with many markers of good health, including insulin efficiency, healthy inflammation response, good circulation, and normal cell regeneration. One of the best ways to achieve healthy weight is by curbing the amount of calories we take in—but that’s not always easy to do. Now an ancient Asian food source may help. Korean Pine Nuts—Traditional Asian Food The Korean pine nut (Pinus koraiensis) has been used as a food source for centuries and is often served as a snack at social events in China. Korean pine nuts grow on evergreen trees that produce seeds (commonly referred to as nuts) that are rich in oil, particularly oleic, linoleic, and pinolenic acids. Pinolenic acid is a fatty acid, which may influence healthy blood pressure. According to recent research, pinolenic acid also may increase concentrations of the satiety hormones glucogon-like peptide-1 (GLP- 1) and cholecystokinin (CCK). Appetite-Suppressing Hormones Both GLP-1 and CCK are hormones that have been found to increase satiety and suppress appetite in normal-weight humans. They are believed to work by delaying gastric emptying. Retaining food in the stomach for a longer period of time may prolong a feeling of fullness. In a randomized, double-blind trial, 18 overweight women received 3.00 grams of Korean pine nut oil (PinnoThin™)—the same amount as one daily dose of Pine Slim—or an olive oil placebo before a carbohydrate meal. Hormone measures of CCK and GLP-1 were taken from blood samples, and subjective measures of appetite were recorded. The study demonstrated a significant increase in appetite-suppressing CCK and GLP-1 hormones at 30-60 minutes after supplementation. Your Source for Advanced Nutrition The plant world offers an abundance of health promoting compounds. Today exciting discoveries are emerging from research into the health benefits of botanicals. The development of PineSlim reflects Source Naturals’ commitment to manufacturing supplements on the cutting edge of nutritional science. We are glad to partner with your local health food store in bringing you nutritional resources that help you take charge of your health. References: Causey JL (3/28/06) Korean Pine Nut Fatty Acids Induce Satiety-producing Hormone Release in Overweight Human Volunteers, American Chemical Society Abstract, “Health Benefits of Lipids” Symposium. ABSTRACT 0117: TECH-3. Fontana L. (2006) Excessive Adiposity, Calorie Restriction, and Aging. JAMA. 295(13): 1577-1578. Masoro EJ. (2005) Overview of caloric restriction and ageing. Mech ageing Dev. 126: 913-922. Sugano M, Ikeda I, Wakamatse K, Oka T. (1994) Influence of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis)-seed oil containing cis-5,cis-9,cis-12-octadecatrienoic acid on polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism, eicosanoid production and blood pressure of rats. British Journal of Nutrition. 72:775-783.
( Spectral DNC for Hair Loss (Minoxidil 5%) ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 25, 2006 01:54 PM
( Folic Acid: Strengthening the Immune System in the Elderly ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 09, 2006 09:38 AM
Folic Acid: Strengthening the Immune System in the Elderly
By Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS, December 20, 2005, abstracted from “Dietary folate improves age-related decreases in lymphocyte function” in the January 2006 issue of the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Recent research has elucidated health-promoting roles for folic acid beyond that of insuring normal development of the fetus. In addition to helping decrease neural tube defects,1 folic acid can also help treat inflammatory bowel disease 2 improve memory 3 and help decrease an amino acid in the body, homocysteine,4 that increases heart disease risk.5 Now a new study 6 has found another way that folic acid can help us age more gracefully: by helping strengthen our immune system. Recognizing the importance of nutrition in the overall health of the immune system 7 and knowing that certain types of immune system cells, called “T cells”, decrease with age,(8,9) researchers fed 11-month-old and 23-month-old male rats either a control diet or a diet fortified with 35.7 mg per kg of folic acid for three weeks. Researchers found “a significant” increase in immune system strength in the folic acid group, specifically that of increased T cell levels, other immune system proteins called IL-2, IL-4, and anti-cancer proteins called “tumor necrosis factor”. While the study reaffirmed the immune system’s weakening with increasing age, the researchers concluded that “supplementing…with additional folate improves [immune system function] and that dietary folate requirement may be higher in the older population than in the younger population to support immune functions.” Greg Arnold is a Chiropractic Physician practicing in Danville, CA. You can contact Dr. Arnold directly by emailing him at or visiting his website Reference:
( The Free Radical Theory ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 14, 2005 12:11 PM
The popular theory has been the subject of a great deal of research. Developed by Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D., at the University of Nebraska in 1956, the free radical theory proposes that unstable molecules known as free radicals are responsible for inflicting extensive cellular damage, which causes cell death and dysfunction and eventually, disease. The most common type of free radicals are oxygen derived, and free radical damage is often referred to as oxidation. Environmental sources of free radicals include radiation (I.E., sun exposure, X-rays), ozone and nitrous oxide, heavy metals (i.e., mercury, cadmium, lead), smoke, alcohol, saturated fat, and other chemicals and pollutants. The body itself generates free radicals in performing essential bodily functions including energy production and immune activities. Fortunately, the body also has the ability to create antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals and prevent extensive cellular damage. When free radicals are not neutralized by antioxidants, they inflict large-scale cellular damage which can cascade and lead to age-related degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and age –relaged macular degeneration. For example, free radical damage to joint cells may cause the cartilage to become rough or break down, and can lead to the development of osteoarthritis. Antioxidants are needed to comb at free radicals and prevent this cellular damage. “Oxidative stress can lead to DNA mutations, cell death, and disease, all of which contribute to aging,” said Gerald R. Cysewski, president and chief executive officer (CEO) at Cyanotech corp. “Antioxidants are produced naturally by the body to combat oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. Increasing the amount of antioxidants in one’s system by consumption of supplements can provide further protection from the damaging effects of free radicals.” Because the body is continually assaulted by free radicals, antioxidant supplementation is often necessary. “by taking certain nutrients that our bodies stop producing over time, supplements help us to maintain a youthful look and health, which in turn enhances the quality of life,” Alkayali said. “Furthermore, supplements can help decrease oxidative stress that may otherwise accompany age-related illness and disease.” Many Substances are known antioxidants including certain enzymes, vitamins, phytochemicals and minerals, and include Vitamin C, Vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), Carotenoids, Selenium, superoxide dismutase, melatonin, quercetin, catechins, and zinc. Consuming a diet high in plant sources of powerful antioxidants is an important step to deter ageing, because nutrients from foods are often highly bioavailable and can act synergistically to increase their health benefits. Garlic contains several antioxidant phytochemicals and minerals including allicin, beta-carotene, quercetin, selenium and zinc, and may have a protective effect against stomach and colorectal cancers. Catechins are potent antioxidants flavonoids, with the best known source being green tea; they include gallocatechin (GC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin (EC) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These antioxidants are being studied for their powerful abilities to combat free radical damage. In particular, EGCG has been researched for its reported protection against certain cancers and Alzheimer’s disease. Green Foods such as seaweed, sea vegetables, young grain grasses and shoots, broccoli, cabbage and other green leafy vegetables pack a nutritional punch due to their concentratged amounts of antioxidant carotenoids, vitamins and the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD). SOD is produced by the body and neutralizes free radicals known as superoxide radicals, which cause damaging fat oxidation. GliSODin is a patented form of SOD derived from cantaloupe and bound to a wheat protein for superior bioavailability. “GliSODin promotes the body’s production of its own endogenous antioxidants, including SOD, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, in virtually every cell,” said Eric Anderson, brand manager at P.L. Thomas. “This activation of the cellular antioxidant defenses across the whole body creates a state of alertness against any shock of oxidative stress, including sun rays, to which our body may be exposed.” Pomegranates contain two powerful antioxidants—ellagic acid, derived from fruit’s seeds, and punicaligans, found in the juice. “Research has shown that the juice from the pomegranate, rich in polyphenols, reduces oxidative stress by helping to produce enzymes to fight free radicals,” Alkayali said. NeoCell Corp. manufactures of ellagic-acid based Pomegranate Power, while P.L. Thomas supplies POM40p, a kosher-free pomegranate juice extract standardized to 40-precent punicocides, polyphenols belong to the punicalagin family. Consumer demand is on the rise for products that address degenerative health conditions, including supplements that support function of the bones, joints, eyes. According to a June 2005 report by the freedonia group, “Bone and joint care products will continue to dominate the health maintenance segment, spurred by a growing customer base and a plethora of new and improved products expected to soon enter the marketplace.” The report also projected rapid gains for vision care. “Demand for vision care products will be propelled by aging baby boomers who are becoming aware of debilitating eye conditions and seeking both preventive measures and ameliorative treatments.” Dietary Supplements can help prevent and ease symptoms of age-related diseases affecting the joints, bones and eyes, including osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
( Glycerylphosphorylcholine -- Supports Cognitive Function in AD ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 24, 2005 09:52 AM
Cognitive Improvement in Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Dementia After Treatment with the Acetylcholine Precursor Choline Alfoscerate: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial Maria De Jesus Moreno Moreno, MD Instituto Nacional de la Senectud, Mexico City, Mexico
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( Effects of a novel formulation of essential oils on glucose–insulinmetabolism in diabetic ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 18, 2005 09:20 AM
Background: Insulin resistance and its most severe form type 2 diabetes mellitus are rapidly increasing throughout the world. It is generally recognized that natural products with a long history of safety can increase insulin sensitivity. Aims: The present investigation examined the ability of various combinations of essential oils such as fenugreek, cinnamon, cumin, oregano, etc. to enhance insulin sensitivity. As a first approximation, we examined the effects of these natural products on Zucker fatty rats (ZFRs), a model of obesity and insulin resistance, and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), a model of genetic hypertension. Material and Methods: Water or essential oils were given orally via droplets, and insulin sensitivity was estimated by systolic blood pressure (SBP) changes and circulating glucose and/or insulin concentrations. Results: We have found that the ability to alter SBP in rat models is the most sensitive early index of insulin sensitivity. The combined essential oils lowered circulating glucose levels and SBP in both ZFRs and SHRs, suggesting that these natural products are enhancing insulin sensitivity. The second series of studies examined two additional combinations of essential oils along with the original formula. The major differences were in the types and proportions of individual oils contributing to a given formula. Conclusions: Although all the three formulae decreased SBP in ZFRs, one of the formulae was more effective than the others in lowering circulating glucose in the glucose tolerance testing. Accordingly, some essential oils may be added to the long list of natural products that can affect insulin sensitivity. Keywords: diabetes mellitus, essential oils, insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity, insulin sensitivity, natural products Received 11 August 2003; returned for revision 25 September 2003; revised version accepted 16 March 2004 Introduction The prevalence of insulin resistance and its most severe form type 2 diabetes mellitus is rapidly increasing in the USA – even throughout the world [1–3]. The recent increase is attributed, at least to some extent, to the greater occurrence of overweight and obesity that is due mainly to an augmented intake of calories and refined carbohydrates, lesser consumption of fibres and a more sedentary lifestyle [4–6]. Obviously, reversal of these situations should ameliorate the problem. Unfortunately, more is often needed than simply advising lifestyle changes that frequently fail in order to combat insulin resistance and its accompanying perturbations (cardiovascular diseases, obesity, dyslipidemias, diabetes mellitus and premature ageing) [7,8]. Experience shows that the afflicted not infrequently require aids to help with the maintenance of a healthful lifestyle. Correspondence: Harry G. Preuss, D, Georgetown University Medical Center, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Basic Science Building, Room 231B, 4000 Reservoir Road, N.W., Washington, DC 20057, USA. O R I G I N A L ART I C L E doi: 10.1111/j.1463–1326.2004.00386.x # 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 7, 2005, 193–199 193
Cinnamon Extract and Blood sugar 60ctCinnamon Extract and Blood Sugar 120ct
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