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Learn how moringa, just like hemp, is a miracle healing plant. ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 17, 2018 10:25 AM
Natural plants are getting more and more press due to the healing abilities that many have shown to have. Doctors truly do use some of these plants as they have received a lot of great feedback. This new plant from India, moringa, is just like latest healing plant that is being deemed a miracle. Though some may find these things to be a little bit of a stretch, the truth of the matter is that they work for people. Key Takeaways:
"Anna explains why moringa is rightfully known throughout the world as the “plant of decades,” or even the “plant of centuries,” because of its amazing healing benefits." Read more:
( Research finds medicinal plants, such as nettles, have potentialfor fighting diabetes ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 23, 2018 09:51 AM
For the people that suffer with diabetes, they all wish that they could find something that gets rid of their disease. It is not as if the disease is unbearable but it definitely causes some issues for the people who have it. People who do not have diabetes do not know how hard it can be to live with it so they have no right to talk. Now there are ideas that some plants can help combat diabetes. Key Takeaways:
"The scientists noted that the Urtica diocia L., more commonly known as nettle, was used across eight regions. Likewise, the Teucrium polium L. or poleigamandar was traditionally used in five regions." Read more:
( Stop feeding cancer cells! This is the diet mistake you probablymake that can cause cancer ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 05, 2018 09:52 AM
Although we tend to associate fashion with things like neckties, the truth is scientific ideas go in and out of fashion as well. Various pet theories their have their moment in the sun and then slip quietly below the radar as another more intriguing idea grabs everyone's attention. In the 2000s it was all about genetics and DNA. The Genome project, which would take on the lofty goal of mapping human DNA, thereby aiding scientists in their search to discover the mutations that lead to cancer, or so it was assumed. In actuality the search for causative mutations petered off into almost nothing. Some tumors had no mutations. Nor was there any sort of common DNA factor. However, it hasn't proven to be a trek back to square one precisely. A Nobel prize winner back in the thirties had a theory that though not conclusive was compelling. This scientist, Warburg, surmised that when the body's mitochondrial cells produced energy as they were supposed to, which is aerobically, the body remains healthy. When energy production became anaerobic, a process that produces lactic acid in the body, then cancer cells would proliferate. To starve these renegade cells, the body would have to re-shift back away from the lactic-acid producing energy style, back to the more positive aerobic method. Some more recent scientists have started to build on Warburg's ideas, even discovering that sugar is a specific for cancer cells, without which they starve. So a best case scenario proposed diet for those with cancer would include high fats, less than fifty percent carbs, and a small amount of protein. Because of the relationship with sugar some diabetes drugs may have secondary use as a way to fight cancer as well. Key Takeaways:
"In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells." Read more:
( 5 things you can do to slow down brain decline as you get older ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 04, 2017 09:14 AM
"5 things you can do to slow down brain decline as you get older" gives ideas on how to slow down cognitive function with age. Each suggestion that is mentioned reports that studies have been done to back-up the statements given. The article suggests that sex can slow down brain decline either by social or biological impact or a combination of both. The amount of sleep a person gets can affect their brain health. Being a part of social, mental and physical activities can also help. Societies can affect brain decline because of stereotypes about activities done by men verses women. Stereotypical social activities done by women slow down brain decline. Lastly, the article suggests that being proactive early in life will have more benefits than waiting until brain decline has already begun. Key Takeaways:
"It's time for us to take a lifelong approach to keeping our brains healthy as we age." Read more:
( Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 29, 2017 09:14 AM
Do you have acid reflux, more commonly known as heartburn? Almost everyone does at some time or another. It's caused by the acid in your stomach traveling up your esophagus. The burning sensation you feel is from that stomach acid attacking the lining of your esophagus. The most common causes of acid reflux are eating too fast or too much in one sitting, a poor diet and chronic stress. If you're a heartburn sufferer, it's a good idea to work on these problems to eliminate the reflux. But in the meantime, if you want to knock out hearburn stat, here are some ideas: A teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water, sipped until the reflux goes away is a sure-fire cure. Baking soda is alkaline so it offsets the acid in your esophagus. Other remedies include drinking ginger tea and apple cider vinegar. Key Takeaways:
"In this post, I’ll explore some of the most effective natural home remedies for acid reflux." Read more:
( Are you getting enough of these healthy foods? ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 03, 2017 07:14 PM
It's important to eat a healthy diet with a good balance of all the food groups. Some of the most healthy foods are mentioned here. There are many ways to incorporate them into your diet. This can give you ideas of which foods to choose and then you can do research to see how to prepare them. Recipes are everywhere online for any kind of food you could possibly want so it will be easy to find something you like. Read more: Are you getting enough of these healthy foods?
( These Are The 8 Best Turmeric Recipes On The Internet ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 31, 2017 07:14 PM
Turmeric is becoming more popular as people discover its numerous health benefits. Experts are recommending it for many different conditions. There are many ways to incorporate it into your diet. This gives us eight recipes which showcase turmeric and which all taste great. You can use these to come up with other ideas as well. It's fun to adapt recipes to make them your own and it can be a fun way to get to try new foods. If you haven't tried turmeric before do this. Read more: These Are The 8 Best Turmeric Recipes On The Internet
( This common morning habit is making you gain weight ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 20, 2017 06:44 AM
What is causing you to gain weight? There are a few ideas and possibilities, but little do you know that there is one common habit that many people share in the mornings that may actually contribute to that weight gain. You are probably among those who do this all the time. What is it that could be causing you to add on the pounds, and how can you change this habit before it is too late? Read more: This common morning habit is making you gain weight
( 10 Ways Turmeric Might Be Superior To Modern Medicine ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 17, 2017 08:44 AM
Tumeric is a spice that is used in many cuisines, particularly Indian cooking. And while it has never been a secret that Tumeric has an array of benefits to your health, there is new evidence that suggest that it may be better than what we realized. Could Tumeric really be superior to what modern medicine has provided to us? These 10 ideas support the fact, and once you learn them, you may, too, believe in the powers of Tumeric considerably more. Key Takeaways:
"While there are some skeptics about its medicinal efficacy, there are thousands of peer-reviewed studies to date highlighting turmeric’s versatility in whole-body healing." Read more:
( 6 Ways to Use Spring Herbs as Healthy Greens ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 11, 2017 06:14 AM
Greens are healthy but not everyone likes the traditional lettuce. Many find it too bland. This gives Ideas for using spring herbs in its place. This will make your salads more flavorful so you'll actually want to eat greens. This also allows you to broaden your eating horizons in general. Take these Ideas and expand on them to create even more. Key Takeaways:
"Using handfuls of herbs instead of pinches can pack more nutrition onto your plate." Reference:
( 6 Ways to Use Spring Herbs as Healthy Greens ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 11, 2017 05:59 AM
Greens are healthy but not everyone likes the traditional lettuce. Many find it too bland. This gives Ideas for using spring herbs in its place. This will make your salads more flavorful so you'll actually want to eat greens. This also allows you to broaden your eating horizons in general. Take these Ideas and expand on them to create even more. Key Takeaways:
"Using handfuls of herbs instead of pinches can pack more nutrition onto your plate." Reference:
( Vitamins And Minerals In Peaches ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 10, 2017 02:59 PM
The inner flesh of a peach can range in color from white to yellow or orange. There are two different varieties of peaches: freestone and clingstone, which refer to whether the flesh sticks to the inner seed or easily comes apart. This MNT Knowledge Center feature is part of a collection of articles on the health benefits of popular foods. It provides a nutritional breakdown of the fruit and an in-depth look at its possible health benefits, along with some Ideas for incorporating more peaches into your diet. Key Takeaways:
"As an excellent source of the strong antioxidant vitamin C, peaches can also help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer." Reference:
( How to grow garlic from a single clove ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 24, 2017 11:19 AM
There is a way to grow garlic from a single clove. Garlic has been used for various purposes since ancient times. It was once described as being a cure for many different medical conditions. Over the years, science has actually backed up many of his claims. It can help to lower your cholesterol and also lower your blood pressure. Key Takeaways:
"While the optimal planting time to produce beautiful, large bulbs is fall, just after the first frost has passed, cloves can also be planted in late winter or early spring." Reference: //
( 5 Heart-Healthy Breakfast Ideas Other Than Oatmeal ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 19, 2017 07:59 AM
There are five heart healthy breakfast Ideas and they do not include oatmeal at all. People who eat breakfast everyday are said to have less of a chance of high cholesterol and high blood pressure. The people who skipped breakfast were found to be obese and have poor health a lot of the time. Wheat berries are one food to eat in the morning. Key Takeaways:
"Oatmeal is a mainstay of most heart-healthy diets." Reference:
( The fix for dry eyes ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 13, 2017 02:59 PM
There are many remedies for dry eyes out there. This gives you some more Ideas. Dry eyes can be very unpleasant. It can be anything from irritating to painful. It happens when the body doesn't make enough tears for themselves. Tears are needed to lubricate the eye's sensitive membranes and without them irritation occurs. Key Takeaways:
"Taking care of dry eyes not only relieves discomfort but can help you avoid infection or even scarred corneas." Reference: //
( Eating healthier for the Super Bowl? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 05, 2017 05:59 AM
The Super Bowl is an exciting time of the year, where NFL fans across the country gather together in celebration and fun to find out the team deemed the best of the year. If you're planning a superb Super Bowl party but want the foods a little bit healthier than Rotel, you've come to the right place to find out awesome Ideas for your party gathering. Eating healthier for the Super Bowl?
( Simple Clever Ways To Clear Clogged Arteries Research ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 31, 2017 04:40 PM
7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally ... to prevent and in some casesreverse the #1 cause of death in the modern world? Statistically, atherosclerosis (the progressiveclogging of the arteries) is the #1 killer on the planet. ... Here is the peer-reviewed, publishedresearch proving the fact:. 21 Foods That Naturally Unclog Arteries - Natural Living Ideas<vid1> Key Takeaways:
"There are natural ways to help treat clogged arteries and make your heart healthy and more functional."
( Powerful natural ways to relieve stress, anxiety ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 13, 2016 03:04 PM
Need a few new ways to calm anxiety and stress naturally, without prescription drugs? Here are 10 unique Ideas for calming your nerves by activating your senses in new ways. From breathing exercises to keeping a journal and trying some new herbal teas there is sure to be one or two options here that are worth a try for those looking for alternative ways to relax. Key Takeaways:
"When emergency strikes and you feel a panic attack coming, simple breathing exercises can reverse the situation" Reference: //
( Bulletproof coffee - coconut and butter does improve health ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 23, 2016 02:44 PM
A cup of coffee is a common thing that most of people drink in the morning. However, since many people realized that coconut oil and butter are healthy fats (Axe, 2016), they started replacing cream with them. This coconut and/or butter coffee is known as bulletproof coffee and it is a new trend of healthy morning drink. It has been extremely popular all over the world.
Coconut oil has so many benefits for your body, such as:
· Increases your energy - its ingredient, MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides), is absorbed by the body and metabolized as fuel more quickly (Tifanny, 2016).
· Improves your immune system - There is a lot of lauric acid in coconut oil that is effective to prevent and cure many viruses (WebMD in Tifanny, 2016).
· Improves brain function – Its fatty acid plays an important role in memory and brain functions (Axe, 2016).
· Promotes heart health – Coconut oil contains good cholesterol that is good for your heart (Axe, 2016).
· Acts as anti-inflammatory – Antioxidant content makes coconut an effective anti-inflammatory food that help reduce arthritis (Axe, 2016).
· Is good for hair and skin – It is able to smoothen and tighten the skin, as well as maintain healthy hair (Axe, 2016).
On the other hand, butter also offers many advantages for your health, such as:
· Prevents and treats many diseases - Omega 3 fatty acids in butter are essential for growth, as well as prevention and treatment of arthritis, coronary artery disease, cancer, inflammation, and high blood pressure (Leonard, 2016).
· Improves your brain, blood circulation, and hormonal system – It helps prevent neurodegenerative and heart diseases, increase energy expenditure, and act as anti-inflammatory (NN, 2014).
· Is good for bones and blood circulation – Butter contains vitamin K that plays an important role in blood clotting and keeping the bones strong (Leonard, 2016).
· Helps with weight loss – It makes you feel full for a longer period and its conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is an effective aid for losing weight (Leonard, 2016).
· Reduces caffeine sensitivity – Butter fat can protect the stomach from shakes and nausea caused by caffeine (Leonard, 2016).
· Boosts the energy – It provides more sustained energy for the body (Leonard, 2016).
· Accelerates metabolism and digestion – Vitamin A, D, and E contained in butter are easily absorbed by the body and stored in gastrointestinal tract (Axe, 2016).
Based on the facts above, coconut and butter coffee is a healthy drink. However, excessive consumption of this bulletproof coffee is not good. Healthy fats can only function effectively in the body if the amounts taken are mooderate, not more and not less. Moreover, drink this coffee as the replacement of your breakfast is not recommended since it does not have enough essential nutrients (Gunnars, 2016).
( Dietary Protein Basics ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 21, 2014 05:07 PM
You certainly stay an active life much like everybody else does today. When you are like many people, you could use some basic suggestions that are super easy to adhere to enhance your diet plan and nutrition. This short article contains some nutrients Ideas that are easy to include in your every day routine.
The majority of people assume that ingesting fatty foods will result in bad health. In fact, your body needs fat to operate. Several food products, which can be rich in extra fat, for example cheese or avocado, are in reality quite healthful when ingested sparingly each day. So long as you consume in moderation and get away from unhealthy fats, you do not need to be concerned.
One thing many people believe is the fact diet is all about food. You should also consider how your body uses the food you eat. You desire to actually regularly physical exercise or even consume the right sorts of meals, your whole body will be grateful for this.
Reduce your sea salt ingestion. Most junk foods act like junk foods in terms of sodium information. When you can decrease your sodium absorption in what you eat, you may realize that you easier observe its flavoring developing. Unhealthy food will instantly style too salty for your needs. You won't have as many desires on their behalf.
Protein needed in your body The minimum daily protein requirements as set by WHO(world health organization) are 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, however individual protein needs are dependent on one's level of activity, overall health status, and age. People dealing with injury need additional health proteins pertaining to structure curing. Athlete’s education hard to get muscle mass or which could possibly be creating tiny accidental injuries also requires additional pertaining to progress along with restoration. Protein desires in youngsters change from infancy right through to delayed teenage years, along with considerable amounts connected with new health proteins structure being made while in quick progress spurts. The particular health proteins demands and then secure the moment early adulthood is reached.
( Supplements That Can Improve Focus ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 23, 2014 07:57 AM
A focused mind is one that is able to concentrate on a particular issue and think about it, discuss it or deal with it and pay special attention to that subject. This explains why people have different focus abilities as brought about by their varying environments and capabilities. Enhanced minds quickly grasp Ideas as opposed to low minded ones. A determined mind therefore understands and interpret facts more readily in an effective way, and this is why it is important for individuals to to be focused at school. However, there are instances where learners have limited focus abilities, but this can be improved by use of focus supplements. The following are the supplements that can be used to boost an individual's focus levels. Supplement that can help improve focus
( Fennel ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 30, 2008 04:47 PM
If there has ever been an overlooked vegetable, it would definitely be fennel. Some people have an aversion to its licorice-like scent, while others feel as if fennel is a bizarre and obscure vegetable that they have no interest in learning how to prepare. However, those who have discovered it know that ignoring fennel is a waste of a versatile vegetable’s amazing flavor and healthful benefits. Even those who already cook with fennel might find that they aren’t taking advantage of its versatility. For example, many people use only the delicate, lacy parts of fennel as a flavor-enhancing garnish for soups or salads. Others stick to just using the green-white bulbs, while tossing the remaining pieces aside. However, there’s no season like now to start using and enjoying all the parts of fennel. Fennel is available from autumn until early spring and both its stems and bulbs have been found to contain many nutrients. Fennel spice, which is made from the vegetable’s seeds, can be found year round, as it is one of five spices in Chinese five-spice powder. One cup of raw, sliced fennel is a huge source of vitamin C, folic acid, fiber, and potassium. History has shown that fennel can be taken to alleviate bad breath, indigestion, intestinal spasms, cramps, and gas. It is thought that Puritans chewed the seeds in order to tame hunger during fasts. Recently, scientists have found that fennel contains antioxidants which promote good health. In order to gain these healthful benefits, be sure to purchase white or pale-green fennel that has clean, firm bulbs. The bulbs should not be split, bruised, or spotted, while the stalks that grow from the bulb should be relatively straight. Additionally, the vegetable’s fronds would be green but not flowering because blooms indicate that the bulb is past maturity. When consumed right away, fennel is at its best. But, it can be kept in the crisper for up to four days. Be sure to wash it before using its base in hors d’oeuvres, salads, and gratins. Also, make sure to reserve its fronds in order to enhance dishes in a potent way. With such versatility in the kitchen, there is absolutely no excuse not to include fennel in your meals this season. Once you discover that fennel is both crunchy and slightly sweet, you will want to incorporate it into many of your daily meals. Thankfully, fennel can enhance many dishes and make them extraordinary. Here are some quick Ideas for using fennel this season. You can thinly shave the desired amount of a fennel bulb and toss it with a bit of olive oil, fresh lemon juice, and a small amount of Parmesan cheese to make a fennel salad at moment’s notice. Another option is sauté sliced fennel with equal parts of onion and bell pepper in order to make a simple vegetarian side dish. One can take advantage of fennel’s ability to enhance flavors by adding fennel with tuna or grilled sea bass. Fennel can also be cut vertically, leaving bulb, stalk, and leaves intact and then brushed with olive oil and grilled until lightly browned. Another idea is to garnish your favorite vegetable soup with coarsely chopped fennel fronds.
( Eating Healthy for Athletes ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 13, 2005 07:10 PM
Eating Healthy for Athletes If you are an athlete, it's important for you to consider your diet carefully. Whether you've been a serious lifelong athlete or have just started to exercise regularly, this applies to you. It's been shown that people who are starting to get into shape need more proteins and other nutrients than even seasoned athletes. So what makes up proper nutrition for athletes? Well, remember that you need to consume lost of calories if you are exercising regularly. If you aren't overweight, keep in mind that you must eat more than you normally would if you weren't training. Here's a general rule of thumb: consume 8.5 calories for every kg that you weigh. So if you weigh 100 kg (which equals 220 pounds), that would require a consumption of 850 calories for one hour of working out. It is almost never wise to cut back on your dietary consumption at the same time as embarking on a regular exercise program. If you are considering this, be sure to consult your doctor first. At any rate, an athlete in training should never try to lose more than 2 or 3 pounds each week, at most. Research suggests that above all, eating a variety of healthy foods is the most important thing you can do. Keep a strong balance, whether you're an athlete or even if you're not. That means you should be taking in most of your calories from carbohydrates, which include vegetables, grains, oats, wheat, rice, bread, pasta, etc. The exact number that you should aim for is 57% of your diet. The next largest group is the fats, which should make up about 30% of your diet. Fats are both vegetable based - eg corn oil, and animal based - non-vegetarian shortening. Butter and shortening occur in many foods like cakes, and are examples of saturated fats. In general most of your fat intake should come from the unsaturated fats found in vegetable fats. You should use olive oil for salad dressings and for cooking. The rest of your diet, 13%, should be comprised of protein. This means fish, poultry, lean red meat, and so on. You can also get protein from nuts. Proper nutrition means avoiding or consuming only small portions of fried food, cookies, alcohol, candy bars, and that kind of junk food. Instead, eat plenty of fresh, raw vegetables, whole grains, fish, and lean meats. Remember, exercise expends lots of energy and uses up important nutrients. Athletes should be sure they are eating enough to stay healthy and strong, and to ensure that they have all the vitamins and minerals their bodies need. There are, however, a huge number of supplements currently available. Most of them have not been scientifically proven to work. Still, some athletes--such as marathon runners and others in endurance sports-- may require iron supplements. This tends to be the case with women more so than men, but you can get tested if you suspect you need more iron. You can also see a nutritionist with a good reputation to take an overview of your diet. Also, you may have to supplement while on the road, since diet while traveling tends to be poor. The other common dietary supplement used by many athletes is an energy snack or drink. These are very useful for athletes in training since they are often easier to consume than a full meal. Ideal if you are having trouble eating a couple of hours before a work out or soon after (both of which are good Ideas). Remember though that these bars and drinks are packed with calories, so do count towards your dietary intake. --Ann Sertanze Nutritionist Ann Sertanze gives advice online through RHS Nutrition, a specialist website offering nutritional advice for people of all ages. Pay a visit to com
( Increased Brain Power and Memory with Ginkgo ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 25, 2005 11:23 AM
Increased Brain Power and Memory with Ginkgo Ginkgo’s ability to enhance cognitive function is becoming common knowledge. Boosting the capability of the brain to record information, communicate Ideas or recall concepts can all be enhanced by taking ginkgo biloba therapeutically. Evidently, providing a better oxygen supply to brain cells is ginkgo’s primary neural action. The brain is the body’s most sensitive organ to oxygen deprivation. Today, more than ever, the effects of smoking, alcohol and stress in general can diminish brain function and compromise mental alertness. Ginkgo has demonstrated over and over that it can make a significant difference in memory retrieval, fact retention and problem solving. One of the most impressive aspects of ginkgo is its ability to stimulate circulation and oxygen flow to neural tissue, there by improving cognitive functions and memory. In test cases when ginkgo has been administered, an increase in cerebro-circulation has been noted in both healthy or diseased brain tissue. What makes this finding particularly relevant is that other circulatory enhancers, whether natural or synthetic do not usually possess this capability. In addition, ginkgo increases oxygen transport at the blood-brain barrier site, while inhibiting the permeability of toxins into brain tissue. As well as boosting blood supply to the brain, ginkgo has demonstrated the ability to increase the rate at which information is transmitted at the nerve cell level.2 In a double-blind study, one group of healthy young women received ginkgo extract, and the other was given a placebo. A memory test was administered and the reaction time in those women who had taken the ginkgo improved significantly. These findings corresponded with EEG tracings which showed increased brain wave activity.3 Short-term memory and basic learning rates can be statistically improved by using ginkgo. Ginkgo’s ability to enhance memory may also be helpful for epileptics who take anticonvulsants. Typically, an anticonvulsant can impair memory function, making it difficult to retrieve names or numbers from memory banks. In addition, although research is lacking, because ginkgo stimulates brain function, it may help to inhibit improper discharging of electrical impulses which is the primary cause of seizures in epileptics. Ginkgo is rapidly gaining an impressive reputation as a brain enhancer. It has demonstrated its capability to improve memory, mental efficiency and the ability to concentrate. It has also been shown to reduce anxiety, headaches, tension, vertigo, and age-related cerebral disorders. Anyone who has suffered a stroke should look into the possible benefits of ginkgo to amplify mental function and clarity. Considerable research on ginkgo conducted in Eu rope has confirmed that ginkgo does indeed facilitate better arterial circulation as well as improve electrical transmission in the nerves. The latter function also contributes to improved oxygenation and nutrition to the brain.4 Ginkgo is now accepted as a brain booster which improves memory, mental efficiency, cognitive function, communication, orientation and the ability to concentrate. Recently, the notion of using ginkgo for learning disorders has received some attention. Forthcoming research on the subject will help to clarify its potential for treating such conditions.
( Marilu Henner: Energy Personified! ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 14, 2005 11:50 AM
Marilu Henner: Energy Personified! by Stephen Hanks Energy Times, January 3, 2005 Marilu Henner is an actress, dancer and author, a health, fitness and cooking guru and a devoted mom. Now she's also an advocate for nutritional supplements. In this revealing interview, she offers her thoughts on the battle to support consumer rights and to create a better health care system in America. "So, you want to know what my schedule is after I finish talking with you?" Marilu Henner says, in an almost breathless voice. "Today's Tuesday, right? Tomorrow morning I leave Los Angeles [where she lives] for New York City so I can do the Tony Danza Show first thing Thursday morning, Then, I take a 9 am flight back to LA because my son has a sleepover birthday party. I have a 7 am flight to New Jersey the next morning because I'm speaking about mental health at a conference at a big country club. The next morning, I catch a 7 am flight back to LA for my son's soccer games, one at noon and the other at 2. Whew!" Trying to keep up with Marilu Henner would make anybody feel out of breath because the woman is energy personified. At 52, her schedule includes acting in movies, on television and in the occasional Broadway show, writing books (she's authored seven, including Total Health Makeover and Healthy Life Kitchen), teaching online diet and exercise classes through her website (, taking Pilates classes three times a week and raising two sons, Nicholas (10) and Joseph (8). But now, on top of all that, the former star of the TV show Taxi has become a health and nutrition activist, speaking out in favor of the use of dietary supplements whenever she can. This past September, Henner testified at a hearing of the House Subcommittee for Human Rights and Wellness to advocate increased funding for research and full implementation of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). During her testimony, Marilu described why she believes consumers should have access to more information about supplements and why the products should be made more accessible through both government initiatives and private health plans. "I believe that dietary supplements should be part of a campaign to improve our nation's health," Henner testified. Energy Times recently caught up with Marilu at her Los Angeles home for a freewheeling conversation. Here, this vibrant yet down-to-earth celebrity displays her passion for health, nutrition and consumer issues. Energy Times: You've become one of the most high profile celebrities to advocate a consumer's use of dietary supplements. What was your motivation to get involved in such a public way? Marilu Henner: As a teenager, I had been a yo-yo dieter. I could be around 135 pounds and balloon up to 174. I knew I needed a different way of looking at my life. I couldn't concentrate on those stupid diets where I could lose 20 pounds in a week and then gain it all back over a weekend. But after my mom died at 58 in 1978, I said to myself, "It's not really about my body anymore, it's really about my health." I just became obsessed with health. I read everything I could get my hands on. I starting taking human anatomy classes, going to medical libraries and seeing nutritionists and doctors. And I started experimenting on myself, turning myself into my own guinea pig. It took me about eight years to put together a program. I always say that my health birthday was 1979, but it wasn't until 1987 that I could say I was living a completely healthy lifestyle. ET: Were you ever really heavy when you were performing in a show? MH: Sure. When I first performed the role of Marty in "Grease" more than 30 years ago I weighed about 175 pounds. But I hid it well. When you wear those 1950s clothes you can get away with it. ET: When did you start incorporating supplements into your health program? MH: Before I became pregnant with my first son in 1993, I had never been a supplement taker. But I started taking prenatal vitamins and dietary supplements when I was breastfeeding and they made me feel really good. After the pregnancy, I just kept taking them because I was getting the essential nutrients that I couldn't get from food alone. I was getting great stuff from my food, but with all the travel I do-you know, the eating on planes and in restaurants-I couldn't always shop for organic food. I had a doctor who understood the value of dietary supplements and encouraged me to use them. I've taken them ever since and I recommend them to my family and friends, as well as to people through my books and classes. ET: What supplements other than vitamins do you find helpful in your total nutrition program? MH: I take vitamin E, omega-3 fish oils, antioxidants, garlic, coral calcium and echinacea supplements. ET: So let's get back to why you decided to testify before Congress in support of supplement use. MH: I know that as soon as you put a celebrity face on an issue, people tend to pay a little more attention. When I was in Washington, I was able to tell Congress the personal stories I've heard about people who turned their lives around-from debilitating illness to vibrant health-when they got the information they need to make good choices. By good choices, I mean rejecting the manufactured foods of our society, with their over-reliance on sugar, meat and dairy, and the chemicals, hormones and steroids that usually accompany these products. Instead, we should be moving towards an organic, vegan diet that produces a sense of physical health. I also believe that a healthy diet includes the use of appropriate dietary supplements. ET: Do you think that government is moving fast enough to reduce the restrictions on safe supplements? MH: Things could always move faster. But I remember years ago writing letters on behalf of people who wanted supplements without needing a prescription. When I would tell people about the benefits of soy products or supplements, they'd think I was nuts. Now those Ideas are mainstream. The floodgates are open and people want to know more. You can't even keep up with all the information. I think that the government knows they're not going to get away with making people have a prescription to take their vitamins. ET: What is the citizen's responsibility in all this? MH: We're in a real transitional phase and people should take responsibility to educate themselves. You have to question your doctors and recognize when something is or isn't working. You have to find a health practitioner who really knows their stuff. ET: As you said, there's so much information out there, how do you decipher it all? How can someone be an educated information consumer? MH: I know it's very difficult because there are so many options. Believe me, I've been doing this a long time and I'm glad I did the research. I think you have to read everything. You have to find a nutritionist/herbalist/doctor who's the real deal and knows what they're talking about. You have to recognize the symptoms in your own body and try to figure it out. I think if you start out with a good multivitamin, a calcium supplement, fish oils and vitamin E, that can be your base and you can't go wrong. ET: Isn't a diet built on buying organic foods much more expensive? MH: Sure, it's a little more expensive. But there's nothing more expensive than bad health. There's nothing more expensive than food being thrown away because it doesn't taste right. Organic fruit tastes so much better than the perfect-looking fruits and vegetables sprayed with pesticides. ET: What's your advice to people who want to start a workout and weight-loss program? MH: I'm always saying to people, "Look, you walk your dog, your cat stretches, your hamster runs on a hamster wheel. You're an animal, too, so go move, go do something." I know a lot of people believe that when you want to lose weight you have to go on these 1,200-calorie-per-day diets. Well, my weight is always between 120-124 pounds and I eat close to 2,000 calories a day, but everything I eat is of quality. And I burn a lot of calories because I wear comfortable shoes and I move around in my life. I'm always strong, I never get sick and I feel like an animal. ET: How do you view the future of healthcare policy in this country and where do you think nutritional supplements fit in? MH: I strongly believe that the general public needs more access to dietary supplements to maintain essential good health. American research and development has come up with really great products, but the American Medical Association and the drug companies have stigmatized supplements. So what's the result? Most Americans don't have access to safe supplements because they are not covered by their health plans, nor recognized as effective by the federal government. This really needs to be changed. I think we should take 90% of what we're spending on drugs that barely keep people alive and start spending it on prevention, nutrition and changing lifestyle habits. In this country we're all about curing the disease rather than curing the patient. We don't look at the patient holistically and try to find out how the disease developed. Your doctor should be in charge of keeping you well, not keeping you in that strange state of, what I call, "dis-ease." It's like the medical and pharmaceutical establishment wants to keep you just sick enough so you'll continue to be a paying customer. They've convinced people to think they've got to take a pill to cure themselves rather than use their own bodies. ET: Do you think medical schools will start training doctors to treat patients holistically and focus more on preventative medicine? MH: I think we're seeing a lot more nutrition and alternative medicine specialists these days. And the general public is becoming more aware of health and nutrition issues then they were years ago. There's this groundswell of people saying "Wait, I need more information. Wait, my doctor's no longer God. I can't just keep taking these pills and trying to figure out all these warning labels and side effects." ET: Do you plan on becoming more politically active on these issues? MH: Absolutely, I want to work with any organization that wants to improve school lunch programs, improve the healthcare system and get people more involved in understanding nutrition and disease prevention.
( Best Bread ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 13, 2005 07:30 PM
Best Breads by Jane Lane Energy Times, December 9, 1999 Few of us can resist the seductions of freshly baked bread, warm and fragrant, poised on the edge of a steaming bowl of soup or painted with an aromatic swath of rosemary scented oil. Even those of us from the most culinary challenged households can recall the pleasures of the simple plump white dinner roll or flaky biscuit piled in a basket on the dinner table. Bread has blossomed from sideshow status beside the dinner plate to a full-scale mealtime headliner, a scrumptious star enriched by nutritious grains, herbs, fruits and vegetables. Contemporary cooks build meals around crunchy cornbread or chewy focaccia, presenting soups or salads as satisfying counterpoints. Want to jump into the bread baking basket or hone your skills? Two top vegetarian chefs shared with Energy Times their passion for bread and their expertise in baking. See if you don't find that ardor contagious. Nancy Lazarus is a chef at the famed Moosewood Restaurant in Ithaca, New York, established in 1973 to serve up natural fare with a homecooked, vegetarian emphasis. The bill of fare changes daily at Moosewood, but there's one constant: a cup or bowl of soup, a salad and a thick slice of bread. Some loyal customers have ordered the daily special for 20 years. That's why bread occupies a cherished spot at Moosewood. Nancy Lazarus tells why and offers some of Moosewood's favorite bread recipes: "Cooking is like art; baking is like science; bread is like magic. No matter how much science you apply, you'll never have complete control: It'll do its own thing on some level, which is part of its charm, if you're charmed by that sort of thing. Breads come out differently depending on heat and humidity, the heat of the oven; yeast is a variable that can be slower or faster acting. "There are bread machines, of course, and they work. But they're not as satisfying as the real thing, the kneading, which can be almost therapeutic, and the control over the ingredients to your own specifications. "Bread is not that difficult. Know your own oven, to begin: Good insulation is important and how the heat travels around inside. Convection ovens are a wonderful thing. "There are difficult breads we recommend you buy at a good bakery: baguettes, Italian, French and Cuban that are crusty outside and soft inside. "But focaccia is easy. It's a yeasted bread that's better to make at home than buy because it's so fresh and you can control the toppings. It only requires one slow and one quick rising but you have to be there for a while. "Then there are quick breads that use baking soda or powder, like cornbread. If you want a good meal at home and can make only one thing, make a quick bread. They're satisfying and delicious warm from the oven; and the aroma of bread fills the house. A corn bread with tomato soup for supper is a nurturing meal good for vegans. "Popovers are fast and simple, a middle American 50s treat, but you do need a hot oven and 45 minutes. Also easy to make: sweet breads- carrot, banana, zucchini-and biscuits. "To reduce the fat in denser quickbreads and cakes, use applesauce. It gives body and moistness. "The number of wheat-sensitive people is rising dramatically. A theory I think makes sense is that in the last 30 years the varieties of wheat grown has been reduced to 1 or 2 that are more easily cultivated and harvested with the machinery available. People are overloaded with one type of wheat. "Gluten is the offending substance in wheat and some oats; try rice, tapioca and potato flours, which are denser and more fine and don't produce a good crust. Improve the crust by baking in a preheated cast iron skillet. "Also investigate chickpea flour. You don't make a loaf of bread with it- use it for flatbreads like papadam, which is in Indian cookbooks. And it's good for batter for vegetables. "Spelt is the closest to wheat flour in consistency but some people can be sensitive to it. "Visit a natural food store to check out the flours. The mills sometimes print handouts with recipes and a lot of those are real good, especially for what works with their flour. Or you may run into a baker who will whet your appetite with Ideas and recipes. "Bread is the supreme comfort food. It can speak to us, and reassure us. The magic of bread and how it varies: There's something appealing in that. In today's world, food is predictable, and that's reassuring to some people. At Moosewood, things are always different, and that's good." Claire Criscuolo puts an intensely personal spin on the eclectically ethnic style of cooking at her esteemed vegetarian restaurant, Claire's Corner Copia. That 25-year-old institution in New Haven, Connecticut, reflects her zest for the freshest ingredients, robust flavors and inspired combinations. Claire, a teacher and advocate for healthful cuisine, pours her passion into her breadmaking as well: "Healthy bread is like anything else-it has healthy ingredients. We use the best organic unbleached flour and yeast, pure vanilla, whole eggs (not dried and powdered), whole milk and organic sour cream. You want to use good, fresh ingredients. It's the essence of healthy cooking. "I tell my staff, 'Don't use your soup pot as a garbage pail. Bread is the same. If the ingredients aren't at their freshest for serving, then they aren't right for other uses in the kitchen. "Our bread is very important at Claire's. We make a country white and a honey wheat in a pinwheel loaf-400 a day-and challah for the morning French toast with sauteed bananas or as buns for veggie burgers. "It's not practical to bake bread every day. We let our bread rise several times, punching it down again and again. For the home cook, it's time consuming. Even I'm happy to buy a good loaf of bread. "But anybody can bake bread. Combine flour, water and yeast and watch it grow! It's delights all your senses. And it a gratifies and satisfies. I was kneading it all by hand until we got up to 12 loaves a day. "I love a good oatmeal molasses bread; a whole wheat bread with walnuts, rosemary and finely chopped sweet onion sauteed in olive oil for a roasted vegetable sandwich; or an anadama bread with split pea soup. "Bread is part of a meal. It requires time and effort, but I can't think of many things worthwhile that don't."
( What the Medicine Men Knew ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 12, 2005 02:17 PM
What the Medicine Men Knew by Phyllis D. Light, RH, AHG Energy Times, August 4, 2003 When Europeans first landed on the shores of North America, they were greeted by Native Americans who were healthy and strong, tall and straight-boned, and who generally lived to a ripe old age. Curious and friendly, the Native Americans showed the newcomers how to harvest wild foods and grow suitable crops, and also demonstrated the medicinal use of herbs. The North American indigenous medical traditions evolved into an effective system during its long history, estimated at between 12,000 and 40,000 years. So, herbally, we owe a huge debt to the Native American willingness to share knowledge of North American plants. Many of the herbs sitting on the shelves of natural food stores today were originally found in the medicinal arsenal of Native Americans, including black cohosh, echinacea, goldenseal, pleurisy root, sarsaparilla, red root, black walnut, gravel root and American ginseng. Unique Healing Traditions The number of Native tribes in the United States is estimated at about 500, and each possesses a unique set of healing traditions. While the term "Native American medicine" does not describe a homogenous system of healing, common, underlying principles can be discerned in many of these tribal traditions. Most often, these healing traditions and practices have been handed down in a rich oral tradition from practitioner to practitioner, rarely finding their way into written descriptions. For instance, according to David Winston, a Cherokee medicine priest and herbalist living in New Jersey, "Cherokee medicine is based on connection-body, mind, spirit, family, community and God/Spirit. The Cherokee word for medicine, Nvowti, means 'power.' Anything that has power-water, ceremony, songs, stories, herbs-is medicine." On the other hand, Charles Alexander Eastman, PhD (Indian name: Ohiyesa), comments in his book, The Soul of an Indian, "The Sioux word for the healing art is wah-pee-yah, which literally means 'readjusting or making anew.' Pay-jee-hoo-tah, literally 'root,' means medicine, and wakan signifies 'spirit' or 'mystery.' Thus the three Ideas, while sometimes associated, were carefully distinguished." Customized Treatment Native American healing philosophy advocates a customized treatment plan for each person's unique health problems. Consequently, healing techniques focus on the individual, not the disease, although the overall treatment may incorporate well-known ways for relieving the specific discomforts, aches and pains associated with an illness. Native healers employ herbs, ceremony, song and prayer in a manner tailored to each person they treat. Medicinal Sweat A central tenet in many Native American healing traditions is the need to sweat. As a result, Inipi, or Lakota sweat lodges, are located in most areas of the country. Sweating produces many benefits. It opens pores, cleanses the skin, enhances circulation, discourages the growth of bacteria in the body and functions as a detoxification outlet. The skin is well-suited for the elimination of toxins: Experts estimate that during everyday functioning, 30% of the body's wastes pass through the skin. For the Native American, the sweat lodge offers spiritual help as well as physical aid. And the use of sweating is generally not employed as the only treatment but is always accompanied by other therapies such as herbs. Native Americans are not alone in their reverence for using sweating to treat disease. A technique for sweating is fundamental to most traditional medicines, including Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Native American Herbs For native healers, herbs offer physical, emotional and spiritual support. In this tradition, herbs are consumed in teas, tablets or capsules, or are inhaled after being thrown onto the hot stones in a sweat lodge or otherwise burned to release their vapor. Smudging, a ritualized method for bathing a person or object with the smoke from sacred herbs such as sweet grass, sage or cedar, is a way of cleansing individuals, clearing a ritual space or sanctifying ceremonial tools. Each herb in the smudging process is used for a specific reason. Sweet grass grows the spirit, while sage and cedar dispel negativity. Frequently, herbs are taken as preparation for participation in rituals. "Sweet leaf is used as a tea before the sweat lodge ceremony in some Indian communities in South Dakota," notes Matthew Wood, RH, AHG, author of The Book of Herbal Wisdom (North Atlantic Books). "It promotes perspiration, relaxes the nerves, reduces tension and brings harmony and beauty to the participants." Connections The idea that everything in the universe, including people, is connected is a philosophy shared by many tribes. When a medicine person assesses an illness, she not only observes physical problems but also analyzes family and community dynamics. A person's relationship with God is believed to influence health. In this vein, prayers like Mitakuye Oyasin, a Lakota blessing that means "all my relations," appeals to the interconnectedness of each of us with other people, with the Earth, and with God. "Separation and isolation is one of the leading causes of illness," David Winston says. "There is a connection between everything-within ourselves and outside of ourselves. When we isolate and separate ourselves from our family, our community and from God/Spirit, then we suffer diseases of the spirit. Ultimately, we are responsible for our own spirits-to keep them healthy. "In addition," adds Winston, "from the Cherokee viewpoint, the nuclear family is seen as too small. There are too many single parents working too hard and under too much stress." In a Native American clan-based society, much of this stress is defused with the support of an extended family. Kinship philosophy is a basic part of the Native perspective, a kinship that extends beyond humans to all life, including animals, fish, and birds as well as the Earth itself. Consequently, care of the Earth is an integral part of kinship philosophy. Indigenous cultures have very specific knowledge of ecology and environmental ethics. In the kinship philosophy, damage done by man to the Earth is then reflected back in the body of man by diseases of the body and spirit. Man and his illnesses are seen as part of the ecology of the planet, not a separate, isolated force with the power to control. Modern Ills, Ancient Treatments Winston believes that Cherokee medicine offers the greatest aid to people with chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and some female reproductive complaints, as well as individuals with stress-related disorders. It can also offer aid to those who are depressed and feel alienated or disconnected from society. Native American medicine can offer balance and healing. It can be used in conjunction with Western medicine, providing a holistic and individualized treatments. To find a Native American healer, check with your local tribal community. Mitakuye Oyasin.
( new treatment options for chronic hepatitis ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 30, 2005 10:11 AM
Can science meet the challenges of the HCV pandemic: new treatment options for chronic hepatitis C. Roehr B Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (1998 Jul), 4(7), 24-9. Journal code: 9508185. ISSN:1081-454X. United States. (NEWSPAPER ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 11365638 AN 2001282246 MEDLINE Abstract New treatment options for chronic hepatitis C (HCV) infection are examined. Studies show the efficacy of interferon alfa-2b in normalization of serum alanine aminotransferase and histological improvement in necroinflammatory liver disease. However, 70 to 80 percent experiencing normalization usually relapse within 1 year after treatment. Ten to 20 percent will have a sustained response lasting at least 3 years. Ideas for improving treatment response include longer initial treatment regimens, increasing dosages of interferon alpha, or adding another agent to interferon alpha. Based on encouraging study results, the interferon/ribavirin combination has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in HCV patients relapsing following interferon alpha monotherapy. So far the FDA has approved interferon alfa-2b, interferon alfa-2a, alfacon-1, and interferon alfa-2b/ribavirin as treatments for HCV; ribavirin alone is not effective against HCV infection. Other drugs are being tested with interferon alpha but have not generated enough substantive data. Thymosin, an immune modulator that enhances the body's production of interferon and interleukin rather than attacking HCV directly, is also being investigated. Oral dosing of interferon is in clinical trials for hepatitis B, and the results may be applicable to HCV. Alternative therapies are gaining wider interest such as using milk thistle for liver regeneration or using licorice root for quelling liver inflammation. As for transmission risk, there is little evidence supporting sexual activity as a major risk factor, however, some risk is reported with anal intercourse, sex during the menstrual cycles, and years of cohabitation with an infected partner.
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