
Search Term: " E-Oil "

  Messages 1-30 from 30 matching the search criteria.
Re: The Surprising Benefits of Olive Oil: How It Can Improve Brain Function Darrell Miller 7/8/22
Ginger Oil: Fighting Inflammation And Other Healing Health BenefitsOf The Oil Darrell Miller 4/19/19
For better gut bacteria, eat more oily fish Darrell Miller 9/20/17
Olive oil for a healthy heart Darrell Miller 7/30/17
5 Must-Know Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil (And How To Use It) Darrell Miller 7/2/17
Extra virgin olive oil found to prevent Alzheimer's and protect the brain's memory function Darrell Miller 7/1/17
Olive Oil Can Help Preserve Memory And Prevent Alzheimer's Darrell Miller 6/24/17
Here's how olive oil can treat constipation Darrell Miller 6/24/17
MedDiet Protects Against Atherosclerotic Plaque Darrell Miller 6/12/17
Study Says Cutting Saturated Fat Doesn’t Reduce Heart Disease Risk Darrell Miller 6/11/17
Olive Oil May Help Prevent and Treat Brain Cancer, Study Shows Darrell Miller 6/11/17
High Levels of Magnesium in Mediterranean Diet Reduce Risk of Chronic Disease Darrell Miller 6/10/17
Animal Study Finds Monounsaturated Fats in Olive Oil May Extend Life Darrell Miller 6/10/17
Nutrient in olive oil linked to brain cancer prevention Darrell Miller 6/9/17
6 Benefits Of Taking A Shot Of Olive Oil In The Morning Darrell Miller 6/2/17
Olive oil can decrease cardiovascular diseases Darrell Miller 4/20/17
Cooking With Canola Releases More Toxic Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than Any Other Type of Oil Darrell Miller 3/14/17
Scientists May Have Figured Out Why Olive Oil Is So Healthy Darrell Miller 3/4/17
Olive oil could slash your chance of bone fractures in half, study says Darrell Miller 2/1/17
"Fake" olive oil warnings don't tell the real story: In truth, popular olive oil products are "real" oils which are oxidized, rancid or cut with cheaper oils Darrell Miller 12/13/16
What Are the Health Benefits of Borage? Darrell Miller 9/13/16
The Benefits of Anise. Darrell Miller 9/5/16
Can I Use Tea Tree Oil As A Deodorant? Darrell Miller 9/16/15
Can Tea Tree Oil Cleanse The Hair? Darrell Miller 8/18/15
The Dangers of Vegetable Oil Darrell Miller 7/21/15
Thyme Oil Darrell Miller 2/26/14
Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health? Darrell Miller 2/20/14
The immense health benefits of taking evening primrose oil Darrell Miller 12/31/13
How important is it to take a GLA supplement? Darrell Miller 12/4/13
How chamomile works to relax you and help you sleep better Darrell Miller 10/24/13

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Date: July 08, 2022 12:42 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (

If you're like most people, you probably think of olive oil as a healthy cooking oil. But what you may not know is that olive oil has some amazing health benefits, including the ability to improve brain function. In this blog post, we will discuss the science behind olive oil and brain function and explore how this powerful oil can help improve your cognitive performance.

What is olive oil and where does it come from

Olive oil is a type of vegetable oil that is extracted from olives, the fruit of the olive tree. Olives are thought to originate from the Mediterranean region, and they have been cultivated for thousands of years. Olive trees are well-suited to the Mediterranean climate, and they produce a high quality of olive oil. The oil is then extracted from the olives using a cold-pressing process. This process helps to preserve the flavor and nutrients of the oil. Olive oil is a popular cooking ingredient, and it is also used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. It is a healthy source of fat, and it contains antioxidants that can protect against cell damage.

The benefits of olive oil

There are many benefits to using olive oil, both for cooking and for health. Olive oil is a healthy alternative to other oils, as it is lower in saturated fat and contains high levels of monounsaturated fat. In addition, olive oil contains antioxidants that can protect against cell damage. Some studies have also shown that olive oil can help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. When used for cooking, olive oil can add flavor and depth to dishes. It is also a healthy way to cook, as it does not produce harmful chemicals when heated. Overall, olive oil is a versatile and healthy option that can be used in many different ways.

How olive oil can improve brain function

Recent studies have shown that olive oil can improve brain function. The main active ingredient in olive oil is oleocanthal, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Studies have shown that inflammation is a major contributing factor to cognitive decline. By reducing inflammation, oleocanthal can help to improve brain function. In addition, olive oil also contains antioxidants, which can protect the brain from damage. These properties make olive oil an ideal food for people who are looking to improve their brain health.

The science behind olive oil and brain function

Olive oil is a healthy fat that has been shown to have numerous benefits for the body, including brain function. Numerous studies have shown that olive oil can help improve cognitive function and memory, as well as protect against age-related decline. The beneficial effects of olive oil on brain function are thought to be due to its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, olive oil is a rich source of phenolic compounds, which have also been shown to boost cognitive function. To get the most benefit from olive oil for brain health, it is best to use extra virgin olive oil, which contains the highest levels of these beneficial compounds.

How to use olive oil for better brain health

There is growing evidence that olive oil can help to improve brain health. Numerous studies have shown that olive oil can help to protect the brain from age-related damage, and it may also have neuroprotective properties. One way to get the benefits of olive oil is to take a teaspoonful each day. This can help to increase levels of healthy fats in the brain, which are essential for cognitive function. Another option is to use olive oil when cooking. This can help to improve the absorption of nutrients from other foods, and it also provides a healthy source of calories. Also, your body needs fats to manufacture hormones. Either way, incorporating olive oil into your diet is a simple and effective way to boost brain health.

Olive oil a needed fat for the body to produce hormones.

While fat has gotten a bad rap in recent years, the truth is that our bodies need fat in order to function properly. Fats help to insulate our organs, protect our joints, and produce essential hormones. And while there are different types of fats, olive oil is one of the healthiest choices thanks to its high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids. These healthy fats can help to lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants, which can help to protect cells from damage. So next time you reach for that bottle of cooking oil, remember that olive oil isn’t just good for your health—it’s essential for it.

Olive oil is a healthy fat that has been shown to have numerous benefits for the body, including brain function. Numerous studies have shown that olive oil can help improve cognitive function and memory, as well as protect against age-related decline. The beneficial effects of olive oil on brain health are thought to be due to its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, olive oil is a rich source of phenolic compounds, which have also been shown to boost cognitive function. To get the most benefit from olive oil for brain health, it is best to use extra virgin olive oil, which contains the highest levels of these beneficial compounds.


Ginger Oil: Fighting Inflammation And Other Healing Health BenefitsOf The Oil

Date: April 19, 2019 01:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginger Oil: Fighting Inflammation And Other Healing Health BenefitsOf The Oil

Ginger oil is made from the versatile kitchen spice, and provides a wide variety of antibacterial, anti inflammatory and other health benefits. Ginger can help clear out your airway and soothe a troubled digestive system. You can also apply it topically to help relieve muscle and joint aches. Ginger oil is easy to make at home, and it retains the spicy taste of its main ingredient, making it an excellent addition to baked goods and other dishes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ginger is an anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial agent, making it one of the healthiest spices available.
  • Ginger oil can help ease pain from inflammation and it promotes respiratory health.
  • Ginger can promote digestive health and be helpful in cases of food poisoning.

"Ginger is one of the healthiest spices you can add to your diet and all its healing properties are credited to the presence of the bio-active compound gingerol."

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For better gut bacteria, eat more oily fish

Date: September 20, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: For better gut bacteria, eat more oily fish

The oils in fish are fatty but have benefits. They need not be avoided altogether. They are good for skin and hair. They are also good for your heart. One more benefit is that they support gut bacteria. You actually need that so you can digest food more easily. These are good bacteria and when they get off balance you will feel unwell so it's important to eat things which support it so you can feel your best all the time.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been shown that those with more omega 3 fatty acids in their blood had a greater variety of bacteria in their guts, which is a good thing.
  • These bacteria produce substances which reduce inflammation such as colitis, through producing substances like butyrate.
  • The focus on a healthy gut used to be on just eating more fiber, but now the shift is towards looking at increasing intake of omega 3s.

"So, could it be that omega-3 makes bacteria in the gut produce other substances that are particularly good for us?"

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Olive oil for a healthy heart

Date: July 30, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Olive oil for a healthy heart

The use of olives or olive oil in a diet has been proven to reduce the number of lipid peroxidation in the bloodstream. Olive oil can help blood vessels from clotting together. It is digested well by the stomach and has been proven to help ward off certain cancers. It also helps bone health and has been used by people with memory issues and has shown that it does help. The fatty acids are also great for the skin as they nourish it well.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lipid peroxidation in the bloodstream is a dangerous condition. Olive oil can actually prevent that condition for some patients.
  • Clumping of blood cells in arteries is to blame for many heart conditions. Olive oil can also prevent that clumping from happening.
  • The antioxidant properties of olive oil is also important. That may actually prevent the onset of certain forms of cancer.

"The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of olives provide protection against cancer since chronic oxidative stress and chronic inflammation are the key factors in the development of cancer."

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5 Must-Know Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil (And How To Use It)

Date: July 02, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Must-Know Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil (And How To Use It)

Tea Tree oil (also known as melaluka) is an amazing oil and once you learn how to use it you will be amazed by the benefits. There are thousands of studies performed to evaluate this essential oil. it can be used to treat acne, and eczema. mixed with coconut oil, it can be a great treatment for your hair. it is an antifungal, and additionally can be used to brush your teeth. It is very concentrated so use caution.

Key Takeaways:

  • Essential oils are made from plants and plant parts, such as bark, flower, fruit, leaves, or stems. Tea tree oil, which is also called melaleuca oil, is an essential oil.
  • One popular use of tea tree oil is for treatment of acne. When mixed with honey or as a gel, it has been proven to clear up breakouts
  • Tea tree oil can also be used to make hair healthier and cleaner and to improve oral hygiene and bad breath as well.

"Tea tree oil is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, meaning it can help to soothe and treat many ailments of the skin."

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Extra virgin olive oil found to prevent Alzheimer's and protect the brain's memory function

Date: July 01, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Extra virgin olive oil found to prevent Alzheimer's and protect the brain's memory function

News outlet have recently been sharing the findings of researchers from Temple University who have discovered that extra-virgin olive oil has positive effects on the brain. These effects are beneficial towards Alzheimer’s disease as well as memory loss. The study was performed on mice with induced Dementia that were given food enriched with extra-virgin olive oil before they started to show any symptoms of the disease. Researchers are now interested to see if these issues can be stopped or reversed with olive oil. This is very beneficial as Alzheimer’s and Dementia are prevalent.

Key Takeaways:

  • Olive oil has both benefits for the heart and the brain
  • In mice, EVOO strengthened neurological connections which delayed the onset of Alzheimer's
  • Sometimes, the product on the shelf is not as pure as it claims to be, so make sure you are really getting put EVOO

"Researchers from Temple University have discovered that extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) can not only help protect against memory loss, but it can also alleviate the conditions associated with Alzheimer’s disease."

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Olive Oil Can Help Preserve Memory And Prevent Alzheimer's

Date: June 24, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Olive Oil Can Help Preserve Memory And Prevent Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease affects nearly 44 million people worldwide. According to a study done by researchers at Temple University in Pennsylvania, olive oil can help preserve memory and essentially prevent Alzheimer's disease. Dominico Pratico, lead researcher of the study, stated that olive oil helps reduce inflammation and activates a process in the brain called autophagy. Autophagy is a way that the cells in the body break down and clean out unwanted debris in the body. Mice were given olive oil in the study, and the mice that received the olive oil showed signs that the olive oil made their memory improve and lessened the signs of Alzheimer's. The researchers from this study plan to continue researching the effects of olive oil and Alzheimer's in older mice to see if they can eradicate the disease in mice altogether.

Key Takeaways:

  • Olive oil, a key ingredient of the Mediterranean diet and a healthier medium of cooking than regular oil can also preserve memory and prevent Alzheimer's disease, new study says.
  • The oil is a key ingredient of the Mediterranean diet, which is popular for a variety of health benefits, including a lower dementia risk
  • Adding extra-virgin olive oil is better than eating fruits and vegetables alone, and as a monounsaturated vegetable fat it is healthier than saturated animal fats.

"When the team studied the brain tissue from both groups of mice, they noticed "dramatic" differences in nerve cell appearance and function. As compared to the mice that didn't consume the oil, the brain cells of rodents in the oil group showed a dramatic increase in nerve cell autophagy activation."

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Here's how olive oil can treat constipation

Date: June 24, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's how olive oil can treat constipation

Constipation is a common digestive problem that can affect people of all ages. Many people will experience constipation at some point. Traveling, changes in routine, or certain foods may cause harder bowel movements in the short term. Olive oil can increase the level of moisture in your stool and can act as a lubricant in your bowels. It is rich in vitamin E and K, antioxidants, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which help to boost the health of digestive tract.

Read more: Here's how olive oil can treat constipation


MedDiet Protects Against Atherosclerotic Plaque

Date: June 12, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: MedDiet Protects Against Atherosclerotic Plaque

A new health trend called the Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) involves eating a nearly exclusive combination of fruits, vegetables, grains, and other natural foods, with most fat coming from olive oil. According to a new study, following this diet may decrease one's risk of developing atherosclerotic plaque. Atherosclerotic plaque involves blockage in the arteries, contributing to cardiovascular disease. In the study, participants who adhered most closely to the diet showed decreased plaque levels compared to those who failed to adhere, though the difference was not statistically significant.

Read more: MedDiet Protects Against Atherosclerotic Plaque


Study Says Cutting Saturated Fat Doesn’t Reduce Heart Disease Risk

Date: June 11, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study Says Cutting Saturated Fat Doesn’t Reduce Heart Disease Risk

People link saturated fat to many conditions including heart disease, but according to this study the two aren't linked that closely. If you cut saturated fats out your risk doesn't go down. It would if they were linked. It's important to know what does and doesn't contribute so you can keep your heart healthy. It's one of the most important organs. You might still want to watch your saturated fats but not because of heart disease.

Key Takeaways:

  • Saturated fat does not clog the arteries, contrary to popular belief.
  • Taking brisk walks, eating "real food", and minimizing stress are key to reduce heart disease risk.
  • Best approach to treating heart disease is getting to the root cause: Inflammation

"While doctors have long emphasized lowering LDL cholesterol, the report contended that a high total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol ratio is a more accurate predictor of an elevated risk for heart attack and stroke."

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Olive Oil May Help Prevent and Treat Brain Cancer, Study Shows

Date: June 11, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Olive Oil May Help Prevent and Treat Brain Cancer, Study Shows

Not all fats are bad. Olive oil is a great source of fat which also has health benefits. It is good for the brain. This study shows it can even help with cancer. Olive oil is easy to get into your diet so this is good news. You can substitute this for other oils in many recipes. You can use it in dressings, pasta, rice, baked goods and so much more. It also has a great flavor.

Key Takeaways:

  • Oleic acid in olive oil may increase production of tumor-suppressing molecules
  • Oleic acid is also found in nuts, avocados, and sesame oil, as well as olive oil
  • Oleic acid helps prevents tumors from forming and help break them down while tumors are still small

"Given the low survival rate of brain cancer (the five-year survival rate is only about 35 percent)"

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High Levels of Magnesium in Mediterranean Diet Reduce Risk of Chronic Disease

Date: June 10, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High Levels of Magnesium in Mediterranean Diet Reduce Risk of Chronic Disease

A new study of the Mediterranean diet shows that the reason it is so health is due to the fact it has a high magnesium content. Two universities in China have noted that those who consume this type of diet reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. At this point in time it is not possible to rule out other influences. However, based on the size of the analysis, these are very strong findings. Magnesium plays a critical role in more than 300 biological functions, and can help maintain a steady heartbeat.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chronically low magnesium levels are associated with with a range of diseases
  • Each additional 100-mg intake of dietary magnesium reduces the all-cause mortality risk by 10%
  • magnesium deficiency is fairly common, with 2.5% - 15% of the general populace being impacted

"Those who consumed the most dietary magnesium had a 10-percent reduced risk of coronary heart disease, 12-percent reduced risk of stroke and 26-percent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared to those who consumed the least."

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Animal Study Finds Monounsaturated Fats in Olive Oil May Extend Life

Date: June 10, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Animal Study Finds Monounsaturated Fats in Olive Oil May Extend Life

A recent genetic study on metabolic changes has discovered an unexpected finding: accumulation of monounsaturated fats may lengthen one's lifespan. Though the study was conducted among roundworms rather than humans, it is interesting to note since researchers previously thought that decreased caloric intake would increase longevity. Rather, it appears that this particular build-up of fat and calories can be beneficial. The researchers discovered this by blocking certain DNA-modifying proteins to increase lifespan among worms, and then noted that these worms displayed higher levels of monounsaturated fatty acids.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers found that feeding roundworms the monounsaturated fat in olive oil prolonged their lifespan and this effect could also extend to people.
  • While the monounsaturated fat extended life, it also caused an unexpected result in that the roundworms gained weight, indicating to researchers that a certain type of fat buildup could be healthful.
  • While there is no definitive answer yet as to why why monounsaturated fat buildup appears to extend life, this does provide more evidence that the fat in extra virgin olive oil is most healthful.

"Prior research shows the type of fat consumed has a much greater influence on health than the quantity, and the recent experiment builds upon what is known on the topic."

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Nutrient in olive oil linked to brain cancer prevention

Date: June 09, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Nutrient in olive oil linked to brain cancer prevention

Olive oil is good for us because it contains healthy fats. It can also help to prevent brain cancer. It would be easy to get this into your diet because you can cook with it. You can even substitute it for other fats in many recipes. It's important to choose a good olive oil. If you do this you'll enjoy the delicious taste as well as the health benefits. It can have a delicious flavor. It's sort of fruity.

Read more: Nutrient in olive oil linked to brain cancer prevention


6 Benefits Of Taking A Shot Of Olive Oil In The Morning

Date: June 02, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 Benefits Of Taking A Shot Of Olive Oil In The Morning

Olive Oil has a myriad of different uses, around the house and all over. But specifically, it does wonders for the body. In all areas of general health, olive oil can be used to decrease blood pressure, which is helpful for the older generations, it's compounds are also great for healthy skin and fighting inflammation, a known cause of cancer. Olive oil also keeps the gallbladder healthy, as well as keeping you feeling full, beating down hunger pangs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Benefits include inflammation reduction, skin health, gallbladder health, weight loss, colon health and blood sugar levels
  • A lot of Europeans start their day with 1/4 of high grade extra virgin olive oil. To make it more palatable, blend with water and lemon juice.
  • Fat not only helps food taste better but aids in digestion of other nutrients, provides important macronutrients and Vitamins A, D, E and K.

"The high-grade extra virgin olive oil contains around 30 polyphenols that act as antioxidants and reduce inflammation in the body."

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Olive oil can decrease cardiovascular diseases

Date: April 20, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Olive oil can decrease cardiovascular diseases

Every 33 seconds, someone in India dies from a heart attack. The WHO estimates that by 2920 40 percent if deaths in India will be a result of cardiovascular disease. A diet that incorporates olive oil. An help prevent these complications. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that assist glycemic control , oleic acid that is heart healthy and polyphenols which reduces chronic inflammation that can damage the heart. Olive oil is the healthiest edible oil and more people in India need to be aware and utilize it's benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • One person dies every thirty-three seconds in India everyday from heart attacks.
  • Due to poor diets, their bodies willl begin to kill themselves in order to gain nutrients.
  • Research has been done stating that by 2020, over 40 percent of deaths will be caused by heart diseases.

"The World Health Organisation estimated that by 2020, cardiovascular disease will be the cause of over 40 per cent deaths in India as compared to 24 per cent in 1990."

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Cooking With Canola Releases More Toxic Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than Any Other Type of Oil

Date: March 14, 2017 01:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cooking With Canola Releases More Toxic Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than Any Other Type of Oil

Canola oil is extracted from rapeseed and despite claims that it's healthy, it's actually the worst type of oil you can use. Most canola oil is made from genetically modified crops and the modification actually increases risks to health including causing cancer. Oil made from rapeseed used to be used as an industrial lubricant and canola can be used as a pesticide. It's important to also know that the oil is hydrogenated and can cause cardiac risks.

Key Takeaways:

  • All cooking oils (other than “cold pressed” or “extra virgin” oils) are refined. This process typically includes degumming; bleaching and deodorizing.
  • Canola oil actually comes from rapeseed, and in the past it was simply known as rapeseed oil. At that stage, rapeseed oil was not used in the food industry.
  • In a nutshell, healthy living and canola oil simply don’t mix. There are far better options available, including organic extra virgin olive oil; organic cold pressed coconut oil, etc.

"In a nutshell, healthy living and canola oil simply don’t go well together."




Scientists May Have Figured Out Why Olive Oil Is So Healthy

Date: March 04, 2017 03:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Scientists May Have Figured Out Why Olive Oil Is So Healthy

Well functioning high density lipo-proteins are a big key to a healthy heart. In looking at diets, it has been determined that one ingredient that does improve this function is olive oil. When it becomes a standard part of a person's diet, it shows that overall heart health is improved. Antioxidants appear to bind the the High density lipo-proteins, or good cholesterol, and help in protecting the heart. Diet is very important, and many diets are good, but ones that include olive oil appear to add that extra protection. Therefore in the fight against heart issues, it would be an important ingredient to add to everyday life for overall health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Significant olive oil consumption leads to healthier blood flow and arteries with less debris.
  • Plentiful olive oil in the diet improves HDL, also known as `good’ cholesterol.
  • People wanting to reduce heart disease risk might want to follow the Mediterranean diet which is rich in olive oil and has been proven diet to reduce risk.

"As HDLs are more protected, they can perform their biological functions more efficiently and, therefore, they are able to remove cholesterol from arteries or contribute to the relaxation of blood vessels for longer."

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Olive oil could slash your chance of bone fractures in half, study says

Date: February 01, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Olive oil could slash your chance of bone fractures in half, study says

Extra virgin olive oil could have better benefits besides making your meals taste better. A recent study found that people who regularly consume EVOO have a decreased risk of osteoporosis and bone fracture. When regular olive oil was analyzed, it was not found to have the same benefits. The reason behind this difference is believed to be due to the greater amount of processing. The olives that are pressed into EVOO contains the highest amounts of antioxidants and bio-active compounds.

Key Takeaways:

  • The phenolic compounds found in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) have a potential benefit on bone health, lowering the risk of fractures by 51%, if consumed regularly, say Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea (PREDIMED) researchers from Madrid.
  • However common olive oil – where 80% of the make-up is refined oil – consumption is not associated with a lower risk of fractures in the study.
  • Mintel say the health benefits of EVOO could be the reason why so many of us are willing to pay higher prices for it, as 39% of consumers prefer EVOO compared to 22% who prefer common olive oil.

"Eating more extra virgin olive oil could cut your risk of osteoporosis related fractures, says a new study."



"Fake" olive oil warnings don't tell the real story: In truth, popular olive oil products are "real" oils which are oxidized, rancid or cut with cheaper oils

Date: December 13, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: "Fake" olive oil warnings don't tell the real story: In truth, popular olive oil products are "real" oils which are oxidized, rancid or cut with cheaper oils

Like cooking with olive oil? You won't believe the real story behind these 8 popular brands! A food scientist explains new data from UC Davis that shows the heavy processing olive oil goes through between tree and table. Learn the secrets behind one of America's most popular cooking oils. And find out where you can get real, delicious olive oil, thanks to Natural News!

Key Takeaways:

  • As a food scientist, I can tell you this report is authoritative. It reveals the numerous methodologies used for assessing the authenticity of popular olive oil brands.
  • Still, as a laboratory scientist, I would strongly prefer scientific data derived from instrument analysis of olive oil samples.
  • Finally, for those who don’t know, olives grow on trees. The fact that so few people know that is yet more astonishing evidence of how disconnected people are from reality.

"As a forensic food scientist and lab science director, I wanted to get to the bottom of this “fake olive oil” news, so I went right to the source:The “Evaluation of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Sold in California” report from the UC Davis Olive Center."




What Are the Health Benefits of Borage?

Date: September 13, 2016 09:27 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Are the Health Benefits of Borage?

Borage or Borago officinalis also known as Starflower is a beautiful blue flower that can be found in the wilderness of the Mediterranea.You can recognize it after the edible flowers that have a cucumber taste.

Health benefits:

1.Very good source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)

Borage oil extracted from seeds is a strong inflammatory remedy. If you suffer from obesity, eczema, alcoholism, PMS or high blood pressure this oil can help reduce inflammation.

2.Important source of nutrients

If you decide to take borage as a herbal supplement you have to know it contains high amounts of iron and vitamin C.

3.Great cooking ingredient

Borage is a very strong tasting ingredient and a low calorie one, also. If added while cooking, can change the flavor, so be careful to add just a few sprinkles over.

4.Wonderful calming effects

Combined with Echinacea can be great as a tea. Borage can "calm down" your adrenal glands and make you feel relaxed.

Most people consume borage oil for its GLA content, GLA regulates hormones and can be converted into anti-inflammatory compounds in the body. 




The Benefits of Anise.

Date: September 05, 2016 11:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The Benefits of Anise.

Anise is a perennial herbal plant that grows to a height of about 0.3 to 0.6m above the ground. It is a native plant to Egypt and Greece and it has been in use for health ailments since seventh century. Moreover, anise has been in use as a fragrance and spice according to its history. The following are health benefits of anise.

Anise seed oil which is obtained by extraction has so many applications traditionally as a medicine to cure expectorant, anti-septic, stomachic, and anti-spasmodic as well as a stimulant agent.

Anise seed oil and anethol is also added to medicines such as lozenges and syrups because of its potent antioxidant action.

Anise oil is also very effective against conditions that are associated with convulsions, cramps, spasms, muscle pains and diarrhea due to its anti-spasmodic and relaxant effects.

Anise oil also is use by individuals who have flu and cough usually get some relief when they administer the herb because of its expectorant and decongestant abilities.


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Can I Use Tea Tree Oil As A Deodorant?

Date: September 16, 2015 09:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Can I Use Tea Tree Oil As A Deodorant?

Most people use deodorant to control their body odor. But what they don’t know is the several hazards it causes. People usually apply these deo sprays under their armpits and over their body to control sweat and body odor. But these causes several health issues that should never be ignored.


Hazardous ingredients in deodorants

Some of the common substances used in deodorants include Parabens, aluminum, Triclosan, etc. Aluminum causes several health issues such as kidney problems, seizures, breast cancer, bone formation disorder, etc. Alzheimer and Down syndrome are also results of aluminum which people using these chemical deodorants suffer from. Apart from this, most deo sprays available in the market use parabens. These Parabens often mimic estrogen in the body, thereby disturbing the hormonal balance. It can cause hormonal cancer, early onset of puberty and more. If that’s not all, these deodorants also cause birth defects in unborn children. Along with this, the Triclosan included in body sprays also cause cancer, several allergies and fever.

Will these cause health problems?

There are numerous studies that show how deodorants and antiperspirants cause health issues. These can either be in the form of allergies to serious health hazards such as cancer. The chemicals used in these are extremely harmful for the body since it blocks the sweat glands.

Using tea tree oil as an alternative

The best thing is to use natural deodorants such as tea tree oil. It has several antiseptic properties that work well to control body odor. But the best thing about this essential oil, it is extremely safe to use and doesn't have any side effects. You can use it on your skin without worrying about the side effects.

Since tea tree oil can cause minor skin irritation in some people, it is always a good idea to use diluted oil under the arm pits. It works extremely well to mask odor and stays longer on your body, unlike deodorants. It also removes body odor once and for all, with regular use.






Can Tea Tree Oil Cleanse The Hair?

Date: August 18, 2015 05:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Can Tea Tree Oil Cleanse The Hair?

Tea Tree oil can be used to solve a host of hair problems.  For a long time, this has been used to solve many health and beauty problems.  It is a perfect oil for anyone who wants to cleanse the hair.  It is considered as one of the best alternatives to artificial and chemical hair products.  There are plenty of reasons why you should start using tree oil on your scalp and hair.

  • It improves your health of your scalp and hair

It is antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral.  This makes it a great product for anyone looking for a way to deal with hair-related problems caused by harmful microorganisms.   It is a great natural anti-septic and anti-infection.  Tree oil also helps unblock hair follicles and boost the performance of the immune system which helps fight dandruff and head lice more effectively.

  • It is great scalp moisturizer

Tree oil helps moisturize your scalp to make free from bacterial and fungal infection.  When you apply this oil, your scalp will never be itchy and dry again.  Children who have the cradle cap problem can effectively be treated using tree oil.

  • It good for massaging the scalp

Massaging the scalp with tree oil helps to stimulate the flow of blood and to reduce inflammation. Inflammation in the follicle prevents the growth of hair. Massaging the scalp with tree oil also helps in the removal of dead cell, fungi and bacteria that clog the follicles. This helps a lot to promote hair growth.

  • It has anti-androgenic effects

Tree oil has anti-androgenic effects. This inhibits the hormones that are responsible for hair loss. Many beauty specialist and dermatologist recommend tree oil to people who are having the hair loss problem.






The Dangers of Vegetable Oil

Date: July 21, 2015 05:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The Dangers of Vegetable Oil

More often than not, when we see the words vegetable oil, we assume that it is good for us since vegetables are essentially beneficial for the body. The truth of the matter is that this kind of oil is mostly derived from seeds such as sunflower, soybean and corn, not from any kind of vegetable at all. Aside from this, their extraction requires a process that uses up a lot of energy and is not good for the environment.

Vegetable Oil

Trans Fats

Unsaturated fats, otherwise known as trans fats, are fats that are usually solid at room temperature but processed in such a way that they are not when they come in the form of oils derived from seeds. These contribute to diabetes, heart disease, cancer and obesity. The sad part is that although there are so many calls to action regarding minimizing the presence of trans fats in food; there is very little that has been done regarding their presence in vegetable oils. How trans fats were developed or discovered will show how scary it actually is. It was discovered while looking for an alternative to tallow which is an ingredient for candle wax. It was cheap and convenient to harness and use. The reason why it is widely used is because of its extended shelf life. It can also be reused several dozen times for frying without changing flavor or adding a rancid taste to the food fried in it.

Mutated Fats

The process of extracting the oils from their sources requires a lot of heating and, for some, even exposure to acids and metals which contribute to the "mutation" that these oils undergo. Hydrogenated vegetable oil confuses our bodies into thinking that they are good for us. This is mainly due to the processes that changes their form. HVO alters the structure of our cells, making them weak and lowering the good cholesterol as well as raising the bad. Our bodies welcome these fats and do not treat them as a danger although their presence does, in fact, increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.


Vegetable oils can also cause imbalances in the composition of our fatty acids. Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are not produced by our bodies. Therefore, we need to supplement these from our diets and daily consumption in pretty much the same amounts to balance their presence in the body. Polyunsaturated fats from HVO that causes the mutation in our cell membranes can lead to oxidative chain reactions which are harmful to our cells. In essence, our cells are made weak and the chances of alterations to our DNA are increased. Omega 6 is abundant in HVO because it helps to slow the deterioration of the vegetable oil. It can cause an imbalance to the cell membrane causing inflammation in various parts of the body. One component of Omega 6 that is highly dangerous is linoleic acid. It has been linked to obesity, high levels of bad cholesterol and even damage to the brain's hypothalamus.

These are just a few of the dangers that come with using so called vegetable oils. These dangers are kept under wraps because of the massive income that the food industry will lose if it changes the oils used for cooking and preparing food.

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Thyme Oil

Date: February 26, 2014 08:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Thyme Oil

What is thyme

thymeThyme is delicate herb with a highly penetrating fragrance. It has very many varied importance in culinary, medicinal and ornamental purposes. Thyme is an ancient herb that was used for medical purposes by Greeks and Egyptians. It has a sweet yet strong herbal smell and is reddish-brown to amber in color. Thyme essential oil is carefully extracted through distillation from Thymus Vulgaris that belongs to the Labiatae plant family. This oil is considered to have very many health benefits that range from curing some ailments to preventing as well as improving the general body health.

Benefits of thyme

To begin with, it is an excellent disinfectant that is highly regarded particularly in aromatherapy for the protection against infectious diseases. Thyme oil is an antiseptic as well as an expectorant. When diffused into the atmosphere, it can be really beneficial in the treatment and as well as revealing the symptoms of bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, coughs, cold and flu.

The components in this volatile oil have also been proven to expel antimicrobial activity against a host of different bacteria and fungi. For thousands of years, this essential oil has been used to preserve foods; protecting them from microbial contamination. In this way, using the oil helps people avoid various health issue associated with contaminated food.

Thyme oil is also crucial in stimulating the formation of white blood cells as well as aiding in the oxygenation of cellular tissues; which helps in the removal of toxic wastes during illness. Thyme oil generally boosts your lymphatic system and builds your self-esteem and confidence in your ability to make quick recovery during illness.

For a vitamin or supplement, thyme oil taken by mouth and can be very helpful in curing arthritis, stomach pain and a sore throat. It has also been used to treat skin disorders, movement disorders (dyspraxia) as well as parasitic worm infections. This oil can also be applied directly to the skin for swollen tonsils, hoarseness and sore mouth.

In clusion

I would like to caution you. Please note that there are lots of cheap, synthetic copies of essential oils. You, therefore, need to be careful when purchasing thyme oil and ensure that you get it from a trusted supplier to avoid getting a counterfeit product that may not give you the expected results.




Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health?

Date: February 20, 2014 05:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health?

What is lime

lime fruitLime, a green citrus fruit resembling lemons, is believed to have originated in Eastern Malaysia. While it is more popular as a citrusy, sweet, and oftentimes sour pulp and juice, lime oil can also be used to improve one's health.

Here are some of the health benefits of lime oil:


Lime's acidity and natural flavonoids help increase the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach and naturally aid the body's digestion process, preventing uncomfortable bloating and wind. The high amount of acids in the fruit help clear the excretory system of toxins, promoting better bowel movement and relieving constipation. Lime oil can be consumed directly or be combined with a juice. Mix lime oil with a pinch of salt to make a good and natural purgative minus all the side effects.

Skin Aging

Lime contains a high amount of Vitamin C and antioxidants that help maintain a healthy and fair complexion. Taking a few drops of lime oil a day helps remove toxins from the body and aid in the rejuvenation and repair of the tissues and cells. Many women also apply lime oil to their skin and faces to treat and reduce pimples, acne, blackheads, and scars. Some women mix lime oil with water, milk, or other essential oils to whiten their skin and reduce their skin's oil production for a clearer and greaseless complexion. It also has antiseptic properties and can help remedy and relieve eczema when mixed with olive or almond oil.

Protects Against Diseases

Lime has a soluble fiber that can decrease bad cholesterol in the body and decrease inflamed blood vessel that can cause a heart complication. The citric acid of lime breaks away uric acid, a waste product that can cause inflammation and pain while urinating. It also aids in relieving arthritis due to excessive uric acid in the system. Just like other citrusy fruits extracted to essential oil, it is also effective in treating and relieving colds, sore throat, coughing, and other flu infections. Diffusing lime oil and inhaling its aromatic scent can also immediately relieve vertigo, nausea, and congestion.


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The immense health benefits of taking evening primrose oil

Date: December 31, 2013 04:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The immense health benefits of taking evening primrose oil

primrose plantWhat is Primrose Oil

The oil is extracted from the seed of the evening primrose plant, which has yellow leaves that are known to unfold at night. The whole plant has consumed for many years by Native Indians. It is also available in capsule form. The following is a look at the health benefits of the oil.

Study about Primrose Oil

The concentration of gamma-lanoleic acid in the evening primrose plant is very high, and has been discovered to be one of the few plants that contain the essential substance. The acid has been proven to be vital for enhancing the skin’s elasticity and improving the functioning of nerves. Gama-lanoleic acid is also important in the body’s growth, development and immune response.

Studies have proven Gama-lanoleic acid to be effective in the destruction of breast cancer tumors without causing harm to adjacent healthy cells or leading to side effects. The use of the oil in combination with other breast cancer drugs has shown better results than when the drugs are taken in isolation. It is also effective in relieving breast pain, rheumatoid arthritis and severe headaches due to its anti inflammatory and hormone regulatory properties.

Benefits of Prirose Oil

Swelling, itching, redness, crusting and redness that, are common in eczema cases, can be relieved after using the oil. Gama-lanoleic acid in the oil is believed to be the active substance in such cases.

There is evidence to suggest that the oil is helpful in treating heart conditions, pediatric hyperactivity, menopause symptoms, post menstrual syndrome and ageing. Other conditions where the oil has been used to produce desirable results include schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, alcohol withdrawal symptoms and weight control.

Evening primrose oil has become an important substance in herbal solutions because of its therapeutic and preventative qualities. There is tremendous research being conducted on the oil in bid to uncover additional benefits for the human body.


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How important is it to take a GLA supplement?

Date: December 04, 2013 06:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How important is it to take a GLA supplement?

How important is it to take a GLA supplement?

primroseMajority of people consider evening primrose oil as one of the major miraculous discoveries within preventive care after Vitamin C. This oil consists a compound called phenylalanine that can assist with pain relief and has been applied increasingly with remedying headaches. Its therapeutic and preventive features are many hence making it a regular proposal from a big number of herbalists. 

10 health benefits:

1- GLA Deficiency

Evening primrose oil has a lot of fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which is very crucial for general operation of the body.

2- Heart Health

Studies revealed that utilizing of evening primrose oil on daily basis can assist in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and safeguard against the coronary artery disease thus minimizing the capability of heart attacks and diseases.

3- Menstrual Pain

The oil is normally used in relieving distress that is normally related with menstrual signs. Majority of women around the world get relief by applying evening primrose oil.

4- Diabetes

Diabetics occasionally get challenges in producing GLA hence evening primrose oil is an effective supplement to assist them. Studies revealed that this oil can also safeguard people from diabetic neuropathy which is a nerve condition that often affects diabetics.

5- Skin Health

Evening primrose oil is considered as an effective remedy for eczema and other skin disorders due to GLA and other essential fatty acids that are vital for skin health.

6- Anti-Inflammatory & Discomfort Reliever

Evening primrose oil is referred to contain anti-inflammatory features and can assist to ease symptoms of chest discomfort and rheumatoid.

7- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Studies revealed that kids suffering from ADHD got relieved after taking evening primrose oil.

8- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Utilizing evening primrose oil with quality fish oil is an effective therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome.

9- Helps to Counter Impotence & Infertility

Evening primrose oil can stimulate blood flow, thus it helps in solving one of the key causes of male impotence. When taken for some time, it assists in preventing blood vessels to become narrow as a result of cholesterol.

10- Helping with Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

The GLA prompts the brain to make a specific type of prostaglandin called prostaglandin E that can operate to resist withdrawal symptoms.


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How chamomile works to relax you and help you sleep better

Date: October 24, 2013 09:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How chamomile works to relax you and help you sleep better

What is chamomile

chamomile plantChamomile is a short low growing herb with small fine-leaves and daisy like flowers. The herb's flowers have a small-yellow center which is surrounded by thin white-petals. The Chamomile leaves have a sweet-apple smell, The herb thrives in warm-humid conditions and it has a tendency to becoming invasive if its left to just grow freely.

Chamomile has various medicinal purposes. It's popularly known for its use as a sedative to both children and adults who suffer from insomnia, restlessness and nightmares. Chamomile herb contains glycine.Glycine is known to give a soothing effect on the body's nerves and this soothing effect is normally used to promote and aid in drowsiness during bedtime. It's normally taken as an herbal-tea that is steeped and covered for about 10 to 15 minutes to ensure the volatilE-Oils don't evaporate. These soporific-effects may decrease over-time if the herbal tea is taken regularly.

How chamomile works to relax you and help you sleep better.

Unlike most pharmaceutical-drugs, chamomile doesn't immediately put you to sleep. It is gentle. The main reason why chamomile is a great remedy for insomnia and restlessness is because it slowly and gently relaxes your body muscles. Whenever your body muscles are completely relaxed, without use of pharmaceuticals drugs, you will sleep soundly and rather peacefully and wake up feeling more refreshed and more energized. Chamomile will help your body develop natural sleeping habits without the need of sleeping aids.

Chamomile works on your body by relaxing all of the muscles until your body fully relaxed and ready to fall-asleep. The slow and gentle sedation of chamomile will put your body to peaceful sleep naturally. If you have or suffer from insomnia or restlessness, chamomile can be used in your tea or your bath. Both dried and fresh chamomile can be infused into your tea to give you these soothing effects.


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