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Benefits of Vitamin D-3 In The Body! ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 05, 2023 09:10 AM
As we live in modern times, most people spend their days indoors or in offices under artificial light. This fact can help explain why many individuals are deficient in vitamin D. This vitamin is crucial for bone health, immune function, and overall body wellness. If you're looking for a way to improve your vitamin D levels, Solaray Vitamin D-3 supplement can be a suitable solution. Lets dive into the benefits of this product and how it can help you maintain your health. Improved Bone Health Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium. Calcium is a critical element that our bodies require for strong bones. Thus, deficiency in vitamin D can lead to weak bones and fragile bone structures. Solaray brand Vitamin D-3 2000IU in Lemon flavor can supplement our bodies with enough vitamin D to enable sufficient calcium absorption and, in turn, strong and healthy bones & teeth. Enhances Immune System Our immune system is the first line of defense in protecting our bodies against diseases and infections. Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of our immune system. Vitamin D boosts our white blood cells' activity, which helps combat infections and bacteria that may be detrimental to our system. Thus, supplementing with Solaray Vitamin D-3 2000IU can help improve your immune system's health and functionality. Increases Dopamine/Serotonin Production Dopamine/Serotonin are neurotransmitters that promotes positive thoughts, feelings of well-being, and happiness. Research has shown that maintaining optimal serotonin levels is essential for mental health and well-being. A Vitamin D-3 supplement can help increase serotonin production, leading to an improvement in mood and emotional regulation. Boosts Mood and Mental Well-being Vitamin D-3 plays a crucial role in mood regulation and warding off depression. It essentially works in the brain's mood centers and impacts the production of serotonin—a key hormone that stabilizes our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness. Deficiency of Vitamin D-3 has often been linked with mood disorders, feeling of sadness, depression, and anxiety. By ensuring an adequate intake of Vitamin D-3, such as through supplements like Solaray Vitamin D-3 2000IU, you can maintain optimal serotonin levels, thereby improving your overall mood and promoting mental well-being. So, if you're feeling down more often than not, it might be a good idea to get your vitamin D levels checked and consider supplementation or more sunshine exposure. Prevents Chronic Diseases Deficiency in vitamin D has been linked to the Development of chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and heart disease. Supplementing with Vitamin D-3 can reduce the risks of developing these diseases and improve your overall health. Easy-to-take and Delicious Flavor Solaray offers Vitamin D-3 2000IU in a Lemon flavor comes in a lozenge (under the tongue) form, making it easy and pleasant to consume. Hence, incorporating this supplement in your daily routine can be effortless and convenient. In Summary: Supplementing with Solaray brand Vitamin D-3 can help boost your immune system, promote strong-bone-teeth Development, enhance your mood, and prevent the Development of chronic diseases. Additionally, the lemon flavor and lozenge form make it an enjoyable and easy-to-take supplement. Take care of your body and your health by incorporating a Vitamin D-3 supplement into your daily routine and feel the difference it can make in your life!
( Are gut microbes really a panacea, or just overhyped? ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 22, 2017 09:14 AM
Gut microbes and their role in physical as well as mental health has received a lot of attention in the past few years. Researchers are claiming that some day probiotic medicines can be taken to combat disease, both mental and physical. his is not just hype. Serious research is being done to learn how these microbes work on the human body with the hopes of creating probiotic like medications someday. Read here about these recent research advances. Key Takeaways:
"The gut microbiome does indeed show huge potential, but the research is still in its infancy, and many of the big questions remain unanswered." Read more:
( Should You Give Up Sugar? ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 20, 2017 09:14 AM
Obesity and type 2 diabetes is on the rise, because of this people are trying to quit sugar. Sugar can be as addictive or rewarding neurologically as drugs are, so it's not an easy task. Average consumption of sugars comes to 75 lbs. a year, this begs the question "what is the right does of sugar?". Since this is a recent development, we are only beginning to see the effects of this type of diet. This isn't the only factor however, as we have seen a change in diet toward sugars, we shifted away from fats and cholesterol. In reality while this was a shift intended to reduce the negative effects of those things, we ended up with a trade that wasn't much better. We should all try to find a balance in diet, and avoid unneeded sugars as much as possible. Stopping soda or reducing sugary drinks is a great way to start. Key Takeaways:
"Mainly, it’s a source of quick energy that rapidly raises blood sugar" Read more:
( Jalapenos: The Jalapeno Pepper Helps Prevent Colds, Headaches & Chronic Disease ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 30, 2017 12:14 PM
Heavenly in cornbread, mango salsa, loaded down with cream cheddar or regularly appreciated as poppers at the nearby bar, most everybody knows the jalapeno pepper can be one genuine pepper. This compound offers path to its capacity to help you battle disease, get more fit, forestall bacterial development, battle the regular chilly through its cancer prevention agents. A review led at Luohe Medical College in China recognized capsaicin as a conceivable characteristic treatment for disease since it stops the development of tumors by killing the protein that advances their development. Key Takeaways:
"The jalapeno pepper lays claim to having more vitamin C than an orange, making it one of the top vitamin C foods." Read more:
( These 6 Things Could Mean You Are Vitamin D Deficient ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 07, 2017 03:44 PM
There are many people who do not get enough Vitamin D all around the world. When you are looking to be extremely healthy, you should look out for six signs in regards to being deficient in your Vitamin D levels. There is debate that causes scientists to debate what is the ideal amount we amount a person may need to have provided in our bodies for the optimal health. Some reasons you may be deficient in vitamin D is weight, diet, exercise and sunlight. Key Takeaways:
"While previously thought to only impact bone development, researchers have now linked vitamin D deficiencies to a range of dangerous diseases." Read more:
( eat eggs before workout to gain muscle ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 29, 2017 10:14 AM
For those who are trying to build more muscle mass, this video is for you. Hitting the gym and working out are not the only things you should be doing to increase muscle. Diet is important too and eggs are a food that should not be overlooked before your workout. Eggs contain high-quality protein that is absolutely vital to a muscular physique. Watch this video for an in-depth look into eggs and how they will compliment your morning workout. Takeaways:
"It has a valuable role in providing a healthy diet for all and especially bodybuilders."
( Biotin: What's the Beauty Buzz? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 14, 2017 06:59 PM
Found in dietary supplements, makeup, and individual care items, biotin is accepted to bolster more beneficial looking hair, skin, and nails. Biotin additionally bolsters the wellbeing of moms and children amid pregnancy and breastfeeding; advances sound glucose levels as of now inside the ordinary range; underpins liver and eye wellbeing; and backings the general solid looking appearance of hair, skin, and nails. At the point when individuals don't get enough biotin in their eating regimen, they may encounter male pattern baldness, dry textured skin, cheilitis, glossitis, dry eyes, loss of craving, weariness, a sleeping disorder or discouragement. You can keep your scalp hydrated and sound by taking supplements of biotin, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc, to bolster your hair's imperviousness to breakage. Concerning nail wellbeing, biotin may help goad nail development, conceivably profiting individuals with nails that effortlessly chip, split or break. Read more: Biotin: What's the Beauty Buzz?
( How rooibos can protect you against the sun ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 06, 2017 12:59 PM
Rooibos tea is a versatile drink. Researchers have determined it can undo some of the damage caused by harmful rays of the sun. Scientists have been studying how rooibos protects against inflammation of skin cells for the past eleven years. Rooibos extracts are able to remove precancerous damaged cells and block the beginning of inflammation after the skin has been exposed to the sun’s ultra-violet rays. There are more tests that must be done before an after sun exposure product will be available for purchase. Key Takeaways:
"About 80 per cent of sun-induced skin damage occurs before the age of 18, therefore it is imperative to take special care of children in the sun." Reference:
( Even teethers labeled BPA-free may contain hormone-disruptors ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 26, 2016 12:59 PM
A recent report in the journal Environmental Science and Technology states that 59 different teething devices they tested all came up positive for BPA, which is a known endocrine-disrupting chemical. They also found other dangerous chemicals present in some, but this is one of the most concerning. These chemicals disrupt normal hormone function and can cause abnormal growth and Development in children. The real problem is that all of the products were marked as BPA-free. Obviously, stronger measures need to be put in place to make sure companies are properly advertising their products. Key Takeaways:
"In lab tests for the current study, researchers found BPA as well as a range of different parabens and the antimicrobials triclosan and triclocarban in most of the teethers." Reference:
( Did You Know That Folic Acid Can Help Prevent Birth Defects ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 23, 2016 01:40 PM
There is continuing good press for folic acid in several aspects of human health, but the foremost health issue it addresses is a human reproduction. The popular belief that folic acid removes serious birth defects is supported by incontrovertible scientific facts. If a woman plans on getting pregnant, eating foods rich in folic acid is among other things that have to take priority. Folate is an indispensable component of life in that it is directly connected to DNA and RNA processes, most notably in inhibiting changes to DNA. Folate deficiency results in the limited production of cells such as erythrocytes, also called red blood cells, bringing about abnormalities of cells in the body.
The fact that folate sustains the enhanced rate of cell division promotes the correct Developments of body tissues and organs during pregnancy, significantly reducing the number of reported congenital malformations. Folate stabilizes DNA synthesis in red blood cells, hence the prevalent opinion that it is a must-have prior to conception. The employment of red blood cells is important to the first half of pregnancy as this time covers the central nervous system including the brain and spinal cord in the fetal Development, leading to a drop in folate levels before and during this stage. If you are planning or currently pregnant, supplementing folic acid is a must, consider taking a prenatal multiple vitamin that has folic acid added!
( What is Ferrochel And Why Do I Need It? ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 25, 2015 07:43 PM
Ferrochel is a powerful iron supplement, which is considered safer for use by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, infants, and teenagers. It does not cause nausea and gastric upset like other options. Iron is a vital mineral in the human body. The mineral promotes cognitive Development, cardiovascular health, and immune function. Some people do not get adequate amounts of this mineral from their diet, making supplementation necessary. The human body finds it difficult to absorb minerals such as iron through the intestines. But this is not a concern with ferrochel. This supplement has a chelated structure that makes it easy for the iron to go through your intestinal wall. Its structure also reduces the risk of taking in more than you need. Your body will absorb about 90% of the ferrochel if you are iron deficient and only take in what is required if you have no deficiency. Ferrochel is not associated with any gastrointestinal problems. Nausea and constipation are two of the most common side effects for people who use iron supplements. This can be particularly distressing if you are pregnant. It has no taste, making it easy for individuals who are prone to nausea and vomiting to use the supplement. You need ferrochel if you find other products nauseating. Research has demonstrated that the supplement is more effective when compared to other products even when it is used in lower doses. This is because it is chelated, making it easier for the body to take it in. It is a great choice if you are concerned about blocking absorption of other nutrients when you supplement iron. Your body will still be able to absorb vitamin C and E and calcium when you use ferrochel. You should use this supplement if you have had an allergic reaction to any other iron supplement. It can be used by at any age without side effect concerns.
References: // //
( Silica Supplements for Healthy Bones ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 19, 2014 05:36 AM
Health benefits of silica This mineral helps the body to develop the bones, the teeth, the cartilages, the tendons and the hair, giving further safety. Silica additionally gives the skin suppleness and the vascular dividers versatility. An eating regimen rich in silica can avoid osteoporosis, atherosclerosis (thickening of blood vessel dividers), skin wrinkling, diminishing and balding, broken nails and tooth rot. It makes the teeth, the nails and the hair to sparkle. Silica exists in lung tissue, so it is prescribed for the re-mineralization handle in tuberculosis patients. Since it serves to develop bone and cartilage, this mineral must not be absent from the eating methodologies of pregnant women and kids experiencing rickets. Additionally it helps acclimatize phosphorus, which is exceptionally imperative for the cerebrum wellbeing. Silica sources Luckily, silica is found in numerous nourishments we consume regularly, and particularly in leafy foods. A percentage of the wealthiest sources are the entire grains, the pieces of fruit and oranges, lemons, grapes, raisins, almonds, peanuts, nuts, grains by and large, cabbage, carrots, squash, green beans, cucumbers, mushrooms, onions, leeks, parsnips, weeds and radishes. From these, the entire grains hold a type of silica, which is not difficult to absorb. Corn shelled and results of it (white bread, for instance) do not hold silica. Besides, all refined or prepared items lose their supplements, including silica. Lager and nectar have additionally a substantial amount of this mineral in their creation. It exists even in water in diverse amounts, depending from on the land zone. Around the creature sustenance sources, fish is the particular case that holds silica. Since the nourishments holding this mineral are such a large number of, we can give our body, for the most part without issues, the everyday necessity. Silica lack is uncommon. It happens in individuals who consistently consume foods grown from the ground and the elderly, because the mineral is more troublesome to absorb with age. The vicinity of silica in the body is exceptionally imperative. The mineral is fundamental for calcium ingestion especially in the early phases of bone Development, additionally for supporting skeletal wellbeing all around life. It is included in framing collagen and that is the reason it is vital for the strength of nails, skin and hair. Silica is additionally important to keep the adaptability of corridors, and assumes a real part in averting cardiovascular illnesses. It animates the insusceptible framework and deferrals the maturing procedure of tissues. The level of this mineral in the body diminishes with age. In this way, more seasoned individuals require a higher admission of silica, contrasted with ones that are more youthful.
( D Limonene Solvent - What Is It and How Does It Work ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 11, 2014 10:01 AM
D Limonene is the essential part of oil concentrated from citrus skin. It has two essential utilization: as nourishment evaluation D Limonene to add citrus flavor to non-citrus sustenances, and as specialized evaluation D Limonene to include citrus fragrance or citrus cleaning force to a mixture of cleaners. The production of the recent happens when pressed skin is set in a steam extractor, which gathers the ensuing steam and makes an oil layer that buoys on water. As a consequence of the regular living Development, D Limonene use in business items has expanded drastically, especially cleaning results, where it might be utilized as an unadulterated dissolvable or a concentrated dissolvable that could be weakened. D Limonene is important as a supplanting for customary solvents, a number of which transmit Hazardous Air Pollutants (Haps) or exhaust from Volatile Organic Compounds (Vocs). Solvents that are regularly traded with D Limonene dissolvable incorporate methyl ethyl ketone, ch3)2co, toluene, glycol ethers, and various fluorinated and chlorinated solvents. In institutional settings, D Limonene dissolvable is commonly blended with a surfactant, preparing an answer holding 5-15 percent D Limonene. From provincial cleaners found at retail chains to modern cleaners that oblige unique requesting, there is no deficiency of results holding D Limonene. Anyhow in the event that you require a modern adaptation of the dissolvable, discovering one that offers the same or better cleaning power as its dangerous partners might be troublesome. One case of a D Limonene dissolvable that helps is VORTEX citrus cleaner and overwhelming obligation degreaser, a natural semi-fluid dissolvable that serves as a parts cleaner and general mechanical cleaner. With a 100 percent natural plan, VORTEX is biodegradable however holds the ability to uproot oil, tar, oil, black-top, and natural saps in one stage. VORTEX's extra profits incorporate no risky materials or recorded solvents, no hurtful exhaust, and no petroleum distillates.
( All about trace minerals. ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 18, 2014 10:26 AM
About minerals
Iodine Iodine is advantageous to the human figure because of the way that it serves to control advancement and usefulness in the thyroid organ. This is a capacity of most extreme criticalness, as the thyroid organ is answerable for to such an extent. The generation of vitality inside the human figure, fortified digestion system, discourse capability, and solid hair, skin, and teeth are all because of a legitimately working thyroid organ. Copper Copper is an alternate essential follow mineral. It has been discovered to be vital for legitimate assimilation of iron in the human form. It additionally works with the cell reinforcement Vitamin C to help structure elastin, which is a substance utilized within the muscles of the constitution. Fitting bone Development, and also the best possible building of red platelets are likewise made conceivable because of copper. Manganese Manganese, in itself, is capable cell reinforcement. Notwithstanding performing the capacities of a cancer prevention agent, manganese is answerable for fitting breakdown of amino acids and vitality generation. Vitamin B-1 and Vitamin E are likewise influenced by manganese, as it helps the form to metabolize them legitimately. Also, sex hormone creation is controlled by manganese. Chromium While of service for all people, diabetics specifically profit from the best possible measurements of chromium. It helps insulin in the constitution to metabolize sugar, keeping glucose at a sensible level. Chromium is additionally answerable for serving to clean garbage out of our conduits, lessening cholesterol and triglycerides. Potassium Potassium works in pair with sodium in regulation of the physique's waste procedures. It animates the kidneys to help free the assemblage of harmful waste. Heart rhythms might additionally be stabilized by getting the correct dose of potassium. It is likewise known to encourage send more oxygen to the mind, which can bring about clearer considering. Selenium Selenium is an alternate follow mineral that has critical cancer prevention agent properties. Some therapeutic reviews have demonstrated that a fitting selenium admission may bring about a diminished shot of contracting bosom, lung, colon and prostate malignancy. The trace minerals recorded above are simply a portion of the more applicable follow minerals. There are numerous distinctive follow minerals that your constitution requirements and it might take truly a long rundown to depict every one of them. To get all the minerals you need, make sure to consume your everyday necessities of products of the soil. This sustenance’s hold probably the most vitamin and mineral-rich mixes accessible, and are beneficial to consume, to boot!
( Why Should Children Be Taking A Multiple vitamin Daily? ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 17, 2014 07:52 AM
Whether to multi or not is one question that many parents ask. Never the less there is little consensus on a daily multivitamin for children. Given the reality of today busy parents, it is of the essence to understand that such well-prepared meals at home fail to meet the needed quantity of vitamin that a child require. Some children may have bad eating behavior another cause for childrens vitamin deficiency. What Should Children Eat? Children diet should consist of a wide variety of whole, fresh fruits, milk and dairy products and proteins as much as possible. Given the delicate nature of children’s growth, it is important to ensure that childrens vitamin needs be attained at all cost. Ideally, it is believed that children are supposed to get their vitamins from a balanced, healthy diet that they take daily. However, this does not mean that children are not getting enough childrens vitamin from food that they take at home. While it is agreed that those children with good diets do not need to take a multivitamin, well there is no harm in them taking childrens vitamin since it will provide in any case the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of the needed key ingredients. Other benefits of taking a multiple vitamin include normal growth and Development, healthy circulatory as well as nervous systems, proper bone and tooth formation, strengthen the immune system against infectivity, improve brain function among other benefits. One question that lingers the mind of many experts and concerned d parents is whether their children are getting the right quantity of vitamins from the food that they take on a daily basis. A nutritional deficiency is something that any parent would not want for their kids thus the reason for multivitamin supplementation. It is advisable for all parents to seek nutritionist advise and ensure that they give their children formulated childrens vitamin purposely for their Development. References:
( Lecithin And Its Brain Boosting Properties ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 02, 2012 07:10 AM
LecithinLecithin is a group of fatty substances, which occur in the tissues of plants and animals. It composed of fatty acids, choline, phosphoric acid, triglycerides, glycolipids, B vitamins, glycerol, and phospholipids. Liver produces this substance daily if you follow a complete nutritional diet. Lecithin is also inevitable for all cells in your body,protecting your cells from oxidation, and it is a major building block of cell membranes. It also supports the circulatory system of your body because it is a fat emulsifier too. Its Discovery The first isolation of lecithin was done by a French pharmacist and chemist, Theodore Gobley in 1846 and he named phosphatidylcholine Lechithine in 1850. He isolated it originally from egg yolk. Today, lecithin can very easily be extracted mechanically or chemically from soybean, grape seed, and sunflower. However, in plants, the most common source of lecithin is soybean. This substance is used for medicinal purposes and as a food supplement. Sometimes, it is used as an emulsifier in cooking for preventing sticking. Your body gets adequate amount of lecithin from your diet because it is naturally found in foods such as soybeans, egg yolk, peanuts, yeast, legumes, fish, wheat germ, grains, etc. It is also available in the market in the form of capsules, granules, and powder. This is also used as a supplement for promoting weight loss. Besides, you can also take lecithin in the form of pill or mixed in health shakes. Health benefits of lecithin It is believed that lecithin is beneficial for solving a number of health problems. So it is effective for:
* Cell communication, Brain Boosting Properties of Lecithin The major brain chemical for improving memory is acetycholine and the deficiency of this chemical is the major cause of declining memory. This chemical can be derived from nutrient choline. Fish is a rich source of acetylcholine. It can also be obtained from eggs, nuts, peanuts, soy beans, liver, etc. Eating more egg is beneficial for enhancing your memory. There are lots of studies has been conducted for finding the effectiveness of lecithin in improving the memory. As per the findings of experts, lecithin is highly effective for improving concentration, memory, and for preventing Alzheimer's disease and maniac depression (bipolar disorder). Lecithin helps to run your brain smoothly by improving insulation around the nerves. A major part of cell membranes consists of lecithin and it is essential for the proper functioning and growth of nerve. Organ meats and egg yolks are rich sources of lecithin but the usage of these products is very less due to the fear of cholesterol. Experts think that this is the major reason for the increase of concentration and memory problems. If you use lecithin properly, you can improve your concentration, memory, mind and nerves.
( What does GABA Do in the Brain? ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 02, 2011 07:41 AM
GABAGABA or Gamma Amino Butyric Acid is a neurotransmitter of the brain. It is considered to be the main inhibitory brain chemical among mammals. In ordinary terms, it significantly regulates the firing of impulses by the neurons. This chemical is naturally produced by the brain and generally acts as a balancer together with other neurotransmitters. This neurotransmitter has a key role in the regulation of nerve excitability all throughout the nervous system. It effectively maintains the equilibrium of the body and the brain in excitation status. Chemically speaking, GABA is classified as an amino acid. However, GABA is not a building block of protein like the other amino acids. This is the reason why in the medical field, GABA is rarely considered as an amino acid. Moreover, GABA is the prime brain chemical responsible for the regulation of muscle tone among humans. In a disorder called Spastic Diplegia, the absorption of GABA into the muscles is weakened because of damage nervous tissues and cells. This would significantly lead to hypertonic muscles in which the muscles will experience spasms and can not anymore recognize and process the neurotransmitter GABA. On the other hand, GABA in insects acts as both inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitter.
The BrainAs mentioned above, GABA is an inhibitory neurochemical. It functions at the inhibitory synapses of the brain by attaching to receptor sites in the plasma membrane of both pre – and post – synaptic nerves. Once GABA has bind with the receptor sites, it will cause the ion channels to open and permit either the entry of chloride ion which has a negative charge or exit of potassium ion which has a positive charge. Potassium is the main electrolyte inside the cell. This opening of ion channels will then cause the cell to be either hyperpolarized or re – polarized. During brain Development, GABA also plays a significant role. It significantly controls the proliferation of brain progenitor cells and Development of synapses as well as the differentiation and maturation of neurites. Furthermore, GABA is also responsible for the growth and Development of embryonic and nerve stem cells. It also activates GABA receptors which lead to the halting of cell cycling in the S – phase. As a result, this will limit the growth of cell thus preventing abnormal growth and even malignancies. If GABA is in inadequate level, muscle tone is disturbed making it always tensed and the mind will keep on working and working because there is no brain chemical to stop it. Therefore, GABA must be importantly maintained within normal limits. GABA is naturally produced by nerve cells. However, GABA supplement is now available so that adequate amount of such brain chemical will be administered to the body as needed. GABA supplements can enhance the sleep onset and quality. It can also provide a relaxing feeling and reduce stress and muscle over – activity. Other theories also state that it can regulate mood and behavior thus promoting the total well – being of the person. Ongoing studies are being conducted to show more evidence on GABA’s effect with Human Growth Hormones.
( What are the Essential Amino Acids we must get from our Diet to Survive? ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 17, 2011 12:13 PM
Amino acids or the building blocks of protein are very important in overall functioning of the body. Proteins, to mention, are responsible for the build up of most of our body parts specifically our muscles, ligaments, tendons, organs, tissues, glands, nails and hair. Moreover, the repair and preservation of those parts still rely on proteins. Amino acids can be of two different forms which are the non-essential and essential. On this selection, we will be focusing more on the latter. Essential amino acids are those which cannot be produced by the body therefore it has to be supplied through our diet. This category of amino acids includes tryptophan, lysine, methionine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine and phenylalanine. Tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin, can be acquired from peanuts, meat, turkey, fish, milk, dried dates, cottage cheese, banana, oats and chocolates. A deficiency of this can bring up serious neurological problems, depression, anxiety and sleeping difficulties. Another essential amino acid is methionine. The production of sulfur and other compound needed for a healthy growth and metabolism depends on the presence of this amino acid. Fish, whole grains and dairy are its sources. Lysine, which is effective in the treatment and prevention of herpes, is present in soybeans, green beans, lentils, spinach and amaranth. Low levels of lysine can also compromise the levels of niacin and this leads to pellagra. Tissue healing, muscle metabolism and keeping the equilibrium of nitrogen levels in our body are the functions of valine. It has proven to be efficient in the treatment of liver and gallbladder disorders. Deficiencies that results from drug addiction are can also be reversed by this amino acid. Its sources are peanuts, soy proteins, dietary products, grains, meat and mushrooms. Leucine can be obtained from chicken, fish, cottage cheese, lentils, peanuts and sesame seeds. It functions in muscle protein build up and is the main medium in tissue building process. Inability to acquire such makes a person prone to protein wasting since leucine, together with valine and isoleucine, serves as energy and protein reservoirs. In boosting energy levels, blood sugar regulation, muscle build - up and repair as well as hemoglobin Development, isoleucine has shown its relevance. Its dietary sources are fish, poultry, beef, dairy, eggs, lentils, seeds, soy, almonds and wheat. Isoleucine deficiencies may result into neurological disturbances such as confusion, depression, irritability, fatigue, headache and dizziness. Threonine is significant in synthesis of antibodies. Beans, nuts, seeds, dairy, poultry, eggs and beef are rich in threonine. A low level of this amino acid causes disorders of the skin and weakness. Adrenaline and noradrenalin which are stimulates the central and peripheral nervous system requires phenylalanine to perform their function. Phenylalanine can be acquired from peanuts, seeds, almonds, lima beans and dairy. Liver damage, weakness, skin lesions, lethargy and slowed growth are results of its deficiencies. In summary, our body needs networks of essential amino acids for its proper functioning. Eating healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle is the secret towards maintaining your optimum general health.
( The Benefits of GLA to Women ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 15, 2011 11:10 AM
GLA, otherwise known as gamma linolenic acid or Omega-6 fatty acid, has been found to benefit women's health in a number of ways. For example, supplements of GLA have been found to reduce many symptoms of PMS, such as irritability, depression and breast pain. The reason for this may be due to the fact that at this time the metabolism of women is less able to convert dietary linoleic acid to GLA, the normal biochemical pathway for its production. GLA is also of benefit to menopausal women, for whom it has been found to reduce the number of night flushes. GLA also helps to maintain fetal Development in terms of new tissue grown and organ Development, and in fact fetus Development involves fairly high essential fatty acid consumption. Many women take one or two capsules of evening primrose oil intravaginally to soften the cervix in preparation for childbirth. However, a small number of sources state that taking GLA in the latter stages of pregnancy should be avoided, so you should seek the advice of your doctor or physician on this question. Essential fatty acids are essential for proper hormone production in women and men. Make sure you are getting enough essential fatty acids daily!
( Fight Pain Improve Blood Sugar And Heart Health with OPC Pine Bark Extract ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 07, 2011 11:36 AM
How Does OPC Pine Bark Boost Your Health?OPC pine bark has become increasingly popular in the supplement industry due to obvious reasons. It is one of the best antioxidant formulas available today. There has been so much research involved in its Development, and the studies that followed have published largely positive results. In the past few years it has received a lot of good press, which has significantly contributed to its commercial success. OPC stands for oligomeric proanthocyanidin, a class of flavonoids. OPC has been in use as a nutritional supplement since the 1980s. To this day, it remains an important source of polyphenolic antioxidants. Moreover, it has been linked to a diverse variety of health benefits, and laboratory studies concerning its effects on human health are well publicized. Pine bark extracts are one of its best known sources. Promotes Heart Health OPC pine bark has long been associated with heart health. For one, it has shown to help lower lipid levels in the blood, including cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoproteins. It interferes with the productions of bad cholesterol into the blood and protects the blood vessels from lipid peroxidation. In addition, it facilitates normal flow of blood and combats chronic venous insufficiency. It contributes to the upkeep of blood vessel walls and keeps the veins and arteries in prime working condition. By so doing, it promotes proper circulation to the deepest reaches of the body and back to the heart. Improves Kidney Function OPC pine bark is particularly good for the kidney as it appears to improve renal function, especially in the context of metabolic syndrome. Central obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, and high blood pressure are all symptoms of metabolic syndrome, which takes its toll on the kidneys. Kidney problems have been observed in people with elevated levels of albumin in the urine. When filters of the kidney are damaged, proteins from the blood such as albumin leak into the urine. OPC pine bark restores health to the capillaries in the kidneys that filters waste materials from the blood. Counteracts Pain Chemicals Sufferers of joint pain are likely to benefit from OPC pine bark. Joint pain is often tied to osteoarthritis, the most common form arthritis. It is often accompanied by stiffness and reduced mobility. OPC pine bark has been used as a therapeutic treatment for osteoarthritis and other causes of joint pain. There is good evidence that OPC pine bark is effective in counteracting pain chemicals and relieving inflammatory pain. In several randomized, double blind, placebo controlled studies, regular intake of OPC improved joint pain and stiffness, reduced reliance on analgesics, enhanced physical function. Prevents Oxidative Stress OPC pine bark is free radical scavenger, first and foremost. It is arguably the most researched plant polyphenol largely owing to its potent antioxidant capacity. As an antioxidant, it prevents radical damage from progressing to oxidative stress and promotes cellular longevity. OPC Pine bark may also help manage blood sugar. What is stopping you from taking OPC pine back daily?
( How Does Taurine Help the Brain? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 13, 2011 01:09 PM
Taurine is an amino acid often added to energy drinks. There have been several theories on how taurine affects brain chemicals and improve cognitive function. For many years, it has been compared to caffeine due to its effects on the human brain that appear to enhance mood. Its exact mechanisms of action remain a mystery to the scientific community, but recent studies are believed to be closing in. It has long been known that taurine crosses the blood brain barrier, allowing it to exert some effects on several neurotransmitters found in the central nervous system. It has been tied to the alleviation of many mental illnesses, such as epilepsy, post traumatic stress disorder, clinical depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety, making it the subject of a number of studies in the past few years. Rebalances Brain Chemicals It has been postulated that taurine influences the activities of neurotransmitters in the brain, but only recently has brain scientists been able to actually track its activities in the brain. A team of researchers at Cornell University managed to find a site for the neurological activity of taurine, with initial results pointing to its relationship with gamma the neurotransmitter aminobutyric acid, or GABA. The researchers do not discount the possibility that taurine may even have a receptor of its own. Whether taurine interacts with brain chemicals is no longer debatable as it creates homeostasis in the central nervous system. It acts on receptors that the researchers discovered to be the same receptors present in GABAergic mechanisms. That being said, scientists remain inconclusive as to how its interaction with GABA receptors provides energy-boosting benefits as it is marketed in the food and drug industries. Prevents Neuron Damage The scientific community is convinced that taurine has neuroprotective properties. High levels of taurine in the brain have been observed to protect brain tissues from cerebral ischemia. Taurine has been linked to many metabolic pathways that are known to promote neurological health, such as the activation of glycine receptors and the regulation of enzymes called cysteine-dependent aspartate-directed proteases. In addition, taurine serves as antioxidants that protect nerve cells from cellular damage brought on by oxidative stress. The presence of taurine within cells reduces damage from calcium excesses and increases mitochondrial events. For decades, supplementation of taurine has benefited sufferers of brain ischemia, epileptic seizures, panic attacks, anxiety symptoms, and even alcohol withdrawal. Enhances Cognitive Function Taurine has already been associated with physiological functions the hypothalamus controls, such as sleep-wake cycle and responses to fatigue. In several laboratory studies, administrations of taurine by way of intraperitoneal injection have successfully induced social interaction in animal subjects. It is one of the amino acids that affect cognitive Development, especially in children. While it is one of the most abundant amino acids in the brain, it is depleted as we age, making supplementation a good option. Protect your brain with Taurine by taking it daily!
( How Important are Minerals in the Body ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 07, 2011 11:33 AM
Minerals And Your Health.Minerals are nutrients necessary for human life. They are often found in the foods we eat at dietary quantities. Living a healthy lifestyle always means having the right amounts of minerals in our diet. Each mineral has a daily value, which necessitates its consumption on a regular basis. Not meeting the requirement for a single mineral for extended periods of time will lead to deficiency. Deficiency in any nutrient will always impact our health. Minerals are especially important because they are very pervasive throughout the human body. They even affect the digestion and absorption of other nutrients. It is common knowledge that long-term deficiency in any mineral will have deleterious effects on human health that may even result in malnutrition and faster progression of diseases. Quantity Minerals Dietary minerals are actually chemical elements that are involved in countless chemical reactions in the human body. It is very probable that various tissues and organs will collapse when these elements progressively decrease. Some elements are necessitated in relatively large amounts, and this group of minerals is called quantity elements, which include potassium, chlorine, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, and magnesium. Human health is quite sensitive to low levels of these minerals. Potassium is an electrolyte present in systemic circulation to regulate blood pH. Chlorine is generally obtained from table salt, which is indispensable in the synthesis of gastric acid. Sodium, like potassium, is a systemic electrolyte that also participates in many cellular functions. Calcium is required by almost all tissues, and absolutely necessary for bone health. Phosphorus is involved in the upkeep of several tissues, including bones. Magnesium plays a pivotal role in the metabolism of energy. Trace Minerals Trace minerals refer to dietary elements that are needed in, as the name suggests, minute quantities. A significant fraction of the global population has been reported to be deficient in most of these elements in that their intake has been associated with foods that are not consumed on a daily basis. In the past few decades supplementation seems to be the only certain way to obtain healthy levels of trace elements, which include zinc, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, selenium, and molybdenum. Zinc is necessitated by over a hundred proteins that belong to all classes of enzymes. Iron prevents iron deficiency anemia since it is central to the production of hemoglobin. Manganese binds to proteins and activates their biological roles in enzymatic reactions. Copper and molybdenum participate in the metabolism of oxygen, which occurs in every cell of the body. Iodine is pivotal to the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones, influencing physical growth, mental Development, and metabolic rate. Selenium boosts the immune system and improves the antioxidant defense of cells. The scientific community has estimated the recommended daily allowance for each dietary mineral for good reason. Regular intake of minerals helps ward off diseases and keeps our body in prime condition. Minerals are essential for life, are you getting enough of them daily?
( Stop inflammation in its tracks with Curamin ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 20, 2010 11:15 AM
Curamin - Herbal Combination that fights Inflammation PainAre you suffering from severe inflammation and pain? Is this problem disturbing your daily regular and recreational activities, then not to worry. Curamin is the ultimate solution for all your problems. It is the best fast acting pain reliever and an effective anti inflammatory that is 10 times stronger than other natural products. It is a mix of finely developed traditional medical knowledge with modern technology. Its amazing action show results from the day one.
It is well known for its ability to enhance the body’s natural inflammatory response by maximizing the effects of endorphins and encephalin, which are our own body’s natural pain killers. Many users have commented with great satisfaction that it provides consistent and long lasting effects. Besides relieving from pain and inflammation, it also delivers significant benefits to heart, liver, brain and immune system.
Curamin is very cost effective and is available in all leading health food stores and pharmacies. Modern medicines have lots of side effects, which may cause kidney or liver damage. To cure one problem in our body they create ten more problems. By using potent natural plant based curamin, you can get rid of these side effects and also the problems you are suffering from very effectively.
Curamin SafteyIt is very safe to use. Many people use curamin regularly to get rid of pain and inflammation. Many believe in curamin as it has helped them overcome sufferings and still continue to. It has given great satisfaction to them for a very long time. Curamin doesn’t have to be taken every four or six hours like any other medicine. Depending on the level of pain and inflammation, a capsule three times a day in more than enough to get active results. Give curamin a try today.
( Lactase Enzymes and Acidophilus ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 10, 2010 11:16 AM
The degree of lactose intolerance varies from person to person. For most adults, lactose intolerance is actually a normal condition. Only Caucasians of northern European origin generally retain the ability to digest lactose after childhood. In the United States, somewhere between 30 and 50 million people are lactose intolerance. Lactase deficiency can also occur due to gastrointestinal disorders, which damage the digestive tract like celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, regional enteritis, or ulcerative colitis. Lactase deficiency can even develop on its own, with no known way to prevent it. Lactose intolerance can occur in children as well as adults, even though it is far less common. In infants, lactose intolerance can occur after a severe case of gastroenteritis, which damages the intestinal lining. Symptoms of lactose intolerance in an infant can include foamy diarrhea with diaper rash, slow weight gain and Development, and vomiting. Lactose intolerance can cause discomfort and digestive disruption, although it is not a serious threat to health and it can be easily managed through dietary adjustments. The following nutrients are recommended for dealing with lactose intolerance. The dosages specified are for adults unless otherwise specified. For a child between the ages of twelve and seventeen, the dose should be reduced to three-quarters of the recommended amount. A child between the ages of six and twelve should use half the recommended dosage. One teaspoon of acidophilus in distilled water, taken twice daily on an empty stomach, can help to replace lost friendly bacteria and promote healthy digestion. It is recommended that a nondairy formula is used. Charcoal tablets are helpful in absorbing toxins and relieving diarrhea. Four tablets taken every hour with water until symptoms subside can help combat an acute attack. 1,000 mg of magnesium should be taken daily, as it is need for calcium uptake and promotes pH balance. A multivitamin and mineral complex should be taken as directed on the label because all nutrients are needed for optimal health. 400 IU of vitamin D3 is also needed for calcium uptake, while 200 IU of vitamin E daily protects the cell membranes that line the colon wall. It should be noted that the d-alpha-tocopherol form of vitamin E should be taken. 30 mg of zinc should be taken three times daily. A total of 100 mg daily from all supplements should not be exceeded. This nutrient is needed to maintain immune system and proper mineral balance. For best absorption, zinc gluconate lozenges should be used. Additionally, 3 mg of copper is needed to balance with zinc. Most of all, a good lactase enzyme supplement can help ease painful gas and bloating when taken before dairy products are consumed.
( L-Arginine An Amino Acid Essential Or Not You Be The Judge? ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 06, 2009 04:01 PM
L-Arginine is an amino acid that is one of 20 needed by the body for its existence. To some, it is not what is known as an essential amino acid, since it can be biosynthesized by the body, but arginine is termed a conditionally essential amino acid in that we must include some in our diet because our biochemistry does not produce all that our body needs, particularly during the growing years. Amino acids are the building blocks of life, and are the units from which proteins and ultimately our DNA are built. In fact DNA contains the blueprints for every protein used by our bodies, including all the enzymes without which our biochemistry could not occur. When a supply of a particular protein is needed, the DNA template provides the sequence of amino acids needed to produce it. Of the 20 amino acids we need, only 10 can be produced by our body: the other 10 must be included in our diet and are termed 'essential' because they are an essential part of our diet, just as vitamins and minerals are. Without an adequate supply of essential components, we cannot survive, and if the essential amino acids are depleted in our diet then the body will break down muscle tissue to release them. Although L-arginine is termed a 'conditionally' essential amino acid, it is included by many among the 10 regarded as being essential. Hence, depending upon who you read, it can be either essential or non-essential. That is because, as inferred earlier, arginine is needed for growth and Development, and there is insufficient in the diet to meet these needs. Therefore, while it is essential in cases where growth is still taking place, it is not in those where normal growth is complete. Proteins are essential for all animal life, forming not only the enzymes, or biochemical catalysts, but also muscles and DNA among other bodily tissues. Protein is also a necessary part of our diet, and it is from protein, animal or vegetable, that we get the amino acids in our diet. L-arginine is one of these, being available from all meats and seafood’s, and vegetables rich in protein such as soy, seeds, nuts and grains. So what does arginine do for us, quite a lot in fact, many of its functions being related to our health? Arginine plays an important role in the healing of wounds, especially bone, assisting the immune function, decreasing blood pressure and speeding up the repair time of tissue. However, it possesses other properties such as increasing muscle mass, helping to increase male fertility and improving the circulation. It also helps to remove ammonia from the body, and is a precursor for the biosynthesis of nitric oxide (NO2). It is in the way that L-arginine works with the nitrogen stores of the body that we will focus on here, prior to touching on its other properties. L-Arginine transports, stores and excretes nitrogen, and used biochemically to manufacture nitric oxide. This oxide of nitrogen plays a very important role in your body, and is produced in every cell of your body. Nitric oxide helps in the dilation of your blood vessels, allowing a reduction in blood pressure, better circulation and helping to prevent a mans man-hood dysfunction, all of which are due to its relaxing effect on smooth muscle contraction and the promotion of the increased blood flow necessary for men and their functions. It is also important to your immune system and nervous system. It works in a similar way to the effect of nitroglycerine on the heart: this is converted in the body to nitric oxide which relaxes the blood vessels and so reduces the amount of work needed by the heart. The way in which L-arginine forms nitric oxide is by the action of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase. The amino acid is also an important component of the Citric Acid or Kreb's cycle, where it reacts with ammonia which is a toxic by-product in the generation of energy in the mitochondria. Ammonia is converted to urea by L-arginine and excreted from the body. This is another way in which L-arginine is involved in the storage and use of nitrogen-containing compounds in your biochemistry. It was mentioned earlier that arginine is an essential amino acid for children. Studies have indicated that it supports the release of the human growth hormone from the pituitary gland although the amount released through supplementation of the amino acid varies widely between individuals. The growth hormone maintains the production of proteins and muscle tissue in the body cells. This reduces as we age, and arginine becomes non-essential, the smaller amounts needed in our biochemistry being manufactured by the body. The anabolic effect of the supplement is believed to increase the effectiveness of exercise intended to increase muscle bulk and reduce the percentage of body fat, and many take L-arginine as a supplement while undergoing such anabolic fitness and exercise programs. It is normally best to start with low supplement levels and work up due the potential side effects (diarrhea and nausea). Arginine is an important component in the body's healing mechanisms for both tissue and bone, and studies have confirmed accelerated healing of wounds and fractures with arginine supplementation. Although the mechanism by which this occurs is not yet understood, there is evidence that it may be connected with the nitric oxide pathway and increased blood flow, and also with its effect on the immune system in reducing inflammation at the healing site. Diabetics, however, should be careful with substances that promote the release of growth hormone, and children with incomplete bone growth should also use such agents only under medical supervision. With diabetics, their condition could be either exacerbated or improved, and those with herpes and some psychotic conditions should also be careful.
Nitrogenous compounds are essential to life, and L-arginine plays a significant role in the storage, use and secretion of them. Without it life would not be possible, although it is its visible uses, such as the effect of nitrous oxide on blood flow and of proteins on muscle metabolism, for which it is best known to those that use it, either as a supplement or as a remedy. Pure supplement form is available at your local or internet health food store.
( Folic Acid ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 19, 2008 08:38 PM
Folic acid is an important vitamin to the developing fetus in that it aids cell Development, particularly those cells involved in the Development of the baby's spine. A deficiency can result in neural tube defects, in which the neural tube, down through which the central nervous system passes, fails to close properly. However, let's first discuss the substance itself so that its function in that process can be more easily understood. Neither should we ignore the other benefits that folic acid gives us, or the problems we can have in the event of a deficiency. Folic acid is a form of Vitamin B9, sometimes referred to as Vitamin M. Its anionic form is known as folate, which is the form in which it is frequently offered in supplements. Incidentally, it gets its name from the Latin for leaf, so is from the same root as foliage. It is water soluble, and like Vitamin C can be leached through the body if not immediately used. It is available naturally from leafy and green vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, spinach and peas, but is also available in fortified breakfast cereals, sunflower seeds and some fruits. You would not normally suffer a deficiency, but if you are taking anticonvulsants, have liver problems or undergoing kidney dialysis, then you might need a supplement. Pregnancy, of course, is the important case in which a supplement should be taken, although, surprisingly, many mothers-to-be are unaware of this. New body cells need folate for their production, particularly when they are dividing and growing rapidly such as during pregnancy and in infancy. The formation of DNA depends on many chemical entities, among them four nitrogenous bases, of which three, thymine and the two purine bases, adenine and guanine, depend on folate for their synthesis. If the growing fetus is lacking folate then DNA synthesis will be hindered. This retards cell division and growth. Among the conditions this can cause are a form of anemia known as megaloblastic anemia, and neural tube deficiencies, where the sheath that surrounds the main nerve canal up the spine fails to close properly. The best known of such neural tube defects is spina bifida, though any condition caused by a lack of cell division can also occur. Anemia can be contracted by both adults and children, since production of red blood cells takes place constantly throughout your lifetime. These are the reasons why folic acid or folate is used in breakfast cereals. The biochemistry is fairly simple to understand, and is important because it explains the importance of two other B vitamins, B3 and B12, in DNA synthesis. The initial stages are a six step reaction that forms methyl tetrahydrofolate from folate, starting with the reduction of folate to dihydrofolate, and then a further reduction to the tetrahydrofolate (THF). Vitamin B3 (in the form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) is an essential cofactor for these reductions. Vitamin B12 is necessary as an acceptor for the methyl-THF so that it can continue along the biochemical pathway - now that is too complex to discuss here! However, the inference you can rightly draw from this is that a deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause what is known as a 'methyl trap', whereby the methy-THF cannot be used, and so a deficiency in Vitamin B12 can lead to the same symptoms as a folic acid or folate deficiency. The implications of that are that vitamin B12 is also an essential component of a pregnant woman's diet. The problem here is that this vitamin is available only from animal sources, including dairy products. Its presence in vegetable organisms such as certain algae and fungi has been proposed, but it is believed that the cobalamin (chemical term for the vitamin) from these sources is not bioavailable to humans. Vegans, therefore, who do not eat dairy products, will need a Vitamin B12 supplement in addition to folic acid or folate, particularly when they are pregnant and with young growing children. In this respect, a vegan diet is unsuitable for young children until their rapid growth period has stabilized. For those of you wondering why the biochemistry above was discussed: that is your answer. Such discussions can frequently explain why certain supplements are necessary, or certain diets should be reconsidered under particular circumstances. Such things are easier to understand and accept when the logic behind them are explained. A folic acid supplement taken from the onset of pregnancy up to 12 weeks at least, and also a Vitamin B12 supplement in the case of those with a low meat intake, should prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida. A daily supplement of 0.4 mg should be sufficient, along with a diet rich in green vegetables, fortified cereals and breads and oranges. Your greens are best steamed since prolonged boiling destroys folic acid - as it destroys Vitamin C. One source of folic acid that you might read about is liver, and its additional iron content might lead you to believe this to be a good component of your diet when pregnant. However, although normally a very nutritious food, liver should be avoided during pregnancy due to its high Vitamin A content. This can be harmful to your baby. Finally, there are some circumstances under which the dose during pregnancy should be greater. If you have previously had a child with a neural tube defect, or have an NTD yourself (or your partner), if you are diabetic, if you have celiac disease (a gluten allergy) or are taking anti-epileptic medication, you should increase your dose to 5 mg (milligrams) for which you will likely need a prescription from your physician.
NTD is rare, so don't over-worry much about it, but take the above precautions to put your mind at rest since pregnancy is not a time during which you should be nervous but to enjoy. That will pass on to your growing baby, which will then itself be happy.
( Omega-3 Relieves Depression in Some Individuals ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 02, 2007 03:27 PM
Omega-3 oils contain fatty acids that are known as essential fatty acids because they cannot be manufactured in your body but have to be taken in your diet. They provide many benefits to your body, and are also believed to relieve depression in some individuals. First, however, an overview of the more conventional benefits of omega-3 oils. Obtainable in your diet from oily fish such as mackerel, herring, salmon and the like, omega-3 fatty acids play an important part in your normal growth and Development, and are also crucial to normal brain function. They can reduce inflammation and protect you from heart disease and some cancers. Studies have shown the fatty acids to be particularly concentrated in the brain and to be important for cognitive processes and memory. The effects of omega 3 fish oils on the brain are well documented, and they are known to be effective treatments in some cases of bipolar and schizophrenia. It is believed that they could also be used as a treatment in other disorders such as attention deficit disorder and dyslexia, but there is as yet no evidence that this is the case. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the so-called ‘bad’ low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels and increase the high density lipoproteins (HDL) that take the cholesterol back to the liver for destruction. The end result is a reduction in the cholesterol content of the blood that can be deposited on the artery walls and promote atherosclerosis. Diets high in omega-3 fatty acids appear to lower blood pressure in those suffering from hypertension, and so reduce their chances of heart attacks and strokes. Omega 3 oils are also natural inflammatories, and help prevent conditions involving inflammation such as arthritis, asthma and menstrual cramps. They appear to help the immune system to fight these conditions and reduce the inflammation and its causes. They are also important in the formation of prostaglandins that are responsible for the regulation of important functions such as blood pressure, blood clotting and immune response. They are hormone-like substances and also control the synthesis in the body of other hormones. If the balance of fatty acids in the diet is not right, then the subsequent imbalance in prostaglandin and hormone production can lead to disease. It is in its effect on depression and mood, however, that has surprised many in the medical, profession. Ethyl-eicosapentaenoate, known as ethyl EPA, is a constituent of omega-3 fish oil and many studies have demonstrated that this substance helps cases of depression and related disorders. However, are people justified in turning to ethyl EPA to help them be cured of this condition? In one study involving 20 people, six out of ten people given the supplement displayed significantly reduced symptoms of depression after four weeks. The effects were noticed as early as two weeks and many of the depression symptoms, such as worthlessness and insomnia, had improved after three weeks. This conformed with the results of many other studies that have been carried out world wide. In Scotland, a number of patients were studied who had failed to respond to traditional antidepressant drugs. Of the seventy patients involved in the trial, all of the patients who were treated with EPA displayed significant improvements in all the symptoms of their depression after four weeks whereas those with the placebo showed no improvement. Of the two main components of omega-3 fish oil, EPA and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), only the EPA has this property, and the EPA works best alone when the DHA has been extracted. Studies and tests have indicated that the DHA appears to be important for the brain’s structure, but the EPA for its function, hence the reason for the ineffectiveness of the former in relieving depression which is a function of the brain rather connected to its structure. In fact, depressed people have been found to be deficient in EPA in comparison to those not suffering from the condition. The original idea for this originated with the late Dr. Horribin who was pioneer in researching the effects of lipids on the biochemistry of the brain as far back as the 1970s. Since then the world-wide research has confirmed his theory. However, the reason why this theory works in practice is not yet understood. It has been established that a diet rich in trans fats can unfavorably affect the hormones in the brain that stabilize mood, possibly due to the fats slowing down the system of messaging within the brain. This kind of effect can cause depression. This is likely due to the slowing down of the messages passing between the synapses. Brain cells communicate by means of chemicals that cross the synapses, or small gaps between the individual cells. They are not directly connected like normal electrical circuits. It has been theorized that the EPA speeds up the passage of these messages between neurotransmitters and neuroreceptors. Other theories have also been promoted, such as that the EPA has properties of its own that cure depression by another route altogether. A possible clue could be in the findings of one study on a man aged 21 years old whose brain was scanned before and after EPA treatment. The result showed in increase in the mass of brain cells after the treatment. This was contrary to the belief that brain cells could neither be generated nor grown once a person reaches maturity. An individual suffering depression who would like to treat themselves with EPA would have to buy a lot of oily fish since high doses are needed for this level of therapy. However, it is found in high concentrations in a few supplements available on the market, and when choosing you must use the highest grade of EPA you can get, with as low a DHA content as you can find. There is little doubt now; however, that the EPA content of omega-3 relieves depression in some individuals, although more work is needed to prove without doubt that it is effective with all forms of depression.
( Supplements for Children ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 26, 2007 09:51 PM
Supplements for Children
While most parents try hard to make nutritious meals for their family, most children find the appeal of refined, fast, and junk food simply overwhelming. And, sadly, increasingly easy to buy and consume, as well. From kindergarten through 12th grade, in both grade schools and high schools, vending machines offer calorie laden candy bars, sugar-filled soft drinks, and snack foods loaded with fat and salt. Many school cafeterias actually sell fast-food to children for lunch every day. In fact, it seems almost everywhere children go and gather, visually enticing but nutritionally lacking snacks and soft drinks are sure to be available.
Determined to counteract this disturbing trend, parents everywhere are urgently seeking solutions to help their children get the nutrition they need. One answer is supplemental multivitamins. There are certainly plenty of multivitamins formulated for children currently on the market. However, these products vary considerably in quality and content. Some lack certain vital nutrients. Some taste terrible. Still others are loaded with sugar and artificial flavorings. The good news is that there are superior multivitamins and exceptional immune boosting products formulated specifically for children that actually taste great. In this issue of Ask the Doctor, we will discuss childhood nutrition and how to help ensure your children’s health with high quality, 100% natural flavored nutritional supplements.
Q. Do children really benefit from vitamin supplements? Can’t I make sure they get the vitamins and minerals they need from meals?
A. Even the most nutritionally vigilant parent cannot be 100% certain what nutrients are in the food they serve their children. That’s because there’s so much variability in the food we prepare. For instance, fat-soluble vitamins can withstand normal cooking, but vitamins A and E are gradually destroyed by exposure to air. Water-soluble vitamins such as B1, B6, folic acid, and pantothenic acid are destroyed by heat. Vitamin B2 is destroyed by light and heat, while light and air destroy vitamin C. Certain food preservatives and preparation methods also destroy the vitamins in food. To further complicate matters, some fruit and vegetables are grown and harvested in such a way that does not promote nutrient content – so even raw foods may be lacking.
Then there are those crazy food phases all children seemingly go through. While these phases are generally harmless in the long run, a recent alarming exception was in the news. A five-year old boy ate nothing but cheese pizza, Pop-tarts, biscuits, and water, refusing fruits, vegetables, juices and vitamins. He slowly developed limp, swollen gums, and small purple spots appeared on his skin. After five months of this extremely deficient diet, he was unable to walk or get out of bed because the pain was so severe. Doctors diagnosed the boy as having a severe vitamin C deficiency after ruling out other ailments such as leukemia. Within a week of getting vitamin C supplements, the boy’s pain and other symptoms were completely resolved. Obviously, this little boy’s story is unusual. However, even mild food phases (such as “If It’s Green It Must Be Yucky” or “The Only Good Crust Is A Cut-Off Crust”) can result in awfully lop-sided nutrition.
Q. Can multivitamins help my child’s performance in school?
A. Most teachers firmly believe that nutrition and learning go hand in hand. They are convinced that children who are well nourished possess the mental stamina that’s needed to learn and retain even difficult concepts. But can multivitamins help children become better students?
Two independent research teams recently conducted randomized trials to find the answer. The researchers followed 245 school-children aged 6 to 12 years for three months. They gave half of the children multivitamin tablets every day, and half of the children placebos. When the children were tested, the children in the multivitamins group showed an increase in their nonverbal intelligence scores. Nonverbal intelligence is closely associated with academic performance.
Q. I can’t get my children to take 100% natural flavored multivitamins because they don’t taste very appealing. Isn’t there some way to make a 100% natural multivitamin taste good enough for my children to willingly take?
A. Yes, there is! Because most children need chewable multivitamins, manufacturers need to contend with the truly terrible taste of certain minerals. Magnesium, iodine, copper, and iron are probably the worst tasting. Some solve this dilemma by skimping on the amounts of these minerals in their children’s formulas. Others cover up the bad taste with either massive amounts of sugar or artificial flavors, or both.
However, a select few multivitamin makers have discovered how to offer a natural flavored, great tasting children’s multivitamin that contains these vital minerals. The best children’s vitamins are prepared in a base of natural fruit that provides both antioxidants and other healthy phytonutrients. Children’s multivitamins made in such a fruit base have very low sugar content, as well, providing as little as four calories a day. Fructose – fruit sugar – is the preferred sweetening agent, in addition to the fruit content.
Q. What vitamins should be in a multivitamin for children?
A. There are several vitamins and minerals that children need to take each and every day. They include biotin, folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamins B12, B1, A, B6, C, D, E, and K. Let’s review a few. We’ll start with folate, one of the B vitamins. This vital vitamin helps the body use protein, helps make DNA, helps cells grow and divide, and keeps the nervous system healthy. In fact, folate is so important to children that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandated that folate must be added to many foods most children eat daily. Since 1998, cereal, enriched bread, flour corn meal, rice, and pasta have been folate-fortified with this B vitamin.
One of folate’s vital actions is the reduction of homocysteine levels in the blood. Homocysteine is an amino acid (the building block of protein) that is normally produced in the human body. Research has shown that high levels of homocysteine can irritate blood vessels, make blood clot more easily than it should, and cause blockages in arteries increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes .
However, study after study has proven that taking folate reduces harmful homocysteine levels. While most of this research has been in adults, a recent study looked at children’s homocysteine levels. Researchers examined over 3500 children and discovered that high homocysteine levels increased the risk for heart disease in these children, especially as they grow. The researchers leading this study reinforced how critical folate is for all children.
Other critical vitamins for children are the vitamins C and E. The rates of childhood asthma have increased significantly here in the
Q. Which minerals do children need?
A. It is absolutely crucial that children get calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, and phosphorus every day. Sadly, however, the majority of our children are not getting the recommended amounts of many of these vital minerals. Children in
According to statistics from the National Institutes of Health, only 13.5 percent of girls and 36.3 percent of boys age 12 to 19 in the
Lack of adequate calcium has immediate consequences for children, as well. The number of fractures among children and young adults has increased as a direct result of poor calcium intake. Pediatricians are also seeing children with rickets, a bone disease caused by low levels of vitamin D. Rickets became almost nonexistent after vitamin D was added to milk in the 1950s, but, due to lower milk consumption, is now appearing at greater rates around the country. And milk itself can be problematic for some children. Aside from alarming reports of hormones and herbicides in commercial dairy factory milk, even organic milk is not tolerated by all because of lactose intolerance and allergies.
Zinc is another mineral that’s vital for children. Because zinc is critical for normal growth and Development, children need to take it every day. A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, however, found more than half of US children ages two to 10 years fail to get the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for zinc. What’s even more troubling is that zinc is vitally connected to children’s ability to process information, pay attention, as well as remember and retain new information
Zinc does a lot to keep children healthy. More than 200 enzymes in our bodies rely on zinc. However, it’s zinc’s ability to connect with our immune systems to help fight infections that is crucial for children. While researchers are not certain how zinc precisely boosts a child’s immunity, they think that zinc might fight pneumonia and other infections by either enhancing the body’s immune status, preventing the infection from establishing itself, or improving the immune system’s ability to rid itself of the infecting organism. It’s possible that zinc does all three.
Q. No matter what I do, my children seem to come down with bad colds each year. Besides giving them a multivitamin, are there other nutritional supplements that can keep my children healthy?
A. Absolutely! In fact, there are 100% natural flavored children’s immune formula nutritional supplements that contain their good buddy zinc, vitamins B6, C, and A (as beta carotene), plus elderberry extract. Elderberry extract has been used as a traditional medicine for hundreds of years to treat colds and flu. And as it so often happens, scientific research has validated this use. In fact, scientists have discovered that elderberry keeps viruses from invading other cells and replicating. It also spurs important immune cells into action to fight invading germs.
While we previously discussed vitamin C’s ability to help children with asthma breathe easier, it also provides powerful immune protection. It speeds up the healing of wounds, such as those knee and elbow scrapes so common in childhood. However, vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and can’t be stored in the body. It must be replenished every day. When children are under increased stress (like when they get sick with a cold or flu), their vitamin C levels are more rapidly depleted.
Vitamin B6 is also water-soluble and can only work in children’s bodies for eight hours. Then more B6 must be obtained. Vitamin B6 strengthens the immune system by helping white blood cells make antibodies. Vitamin A helps make lysozymes, important anti-infectious agents found in tears, saliva, and sweat. It also stimulates the thymus gland, an important immune organ, especially in children, to work better.
Q. Should children take an immune formula every day or only when they are sick?
A. It can be taken several ways. Some parents may want to give the formula when school first starts or other times that their children are exposed to lots of germs. For a child who suffers from asthma or seasonal allergies or just seems to get sick frequently, parents could provide the immune formula every day, increasing the dose when needed. And still others might feel it’s best to give their children the immune formula only whey they do catch a cold or have the flu.
No matter how it is given, the 100% all natural flavored, immune boosting nutritional supplement can provide powerful protection against all those disease-causing germs your children are exposed to every day.
The nutritional choices we make for our children today will have a profound effect on their health tomorrow. Recent research has revealed that diabetes, heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, and cancer in adults often result form nutritional deficiencies that occurred in childhood.
Thankfully, the reverse is just as true. This means that children who are well nourished with an optimal intake of minerals, vitamins, and helpful herbs can grow into healthy and happy adults. Providing high quality multivitamins and immune boosting nutritional supplements for our children can be an important part of that process.
-- Vitanet, LLC
( Cold Liver Oil Liquid – Lemon Flavor ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 02, 2007 02:22 PM
By now, the benefits of obtaining essential fatty acids have been well documented. Increased media coverage and vast improvements in the science used to manufacture and screen these precious oils have helped catapult the popularity of fish oil supplementation. As a result, consumers are constantly looking for safe and effective sources of fish oil, and cod liver oil is quickly becoming the product of choice for many. Derived from the livers of Norwegian cod, Cod liver oil is considered by many to be one of the richest and most effective sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids. Its high concentrations of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) offer a wide range of health benefits, including both cardiovascular and cognitive support. In addition, cod liver oil is an excellent source of the fat soluble vitamin A and vitamin D3. together, these four key nutritional constituents work within the body to help support some of the body’s most vital systems. The extensive nutritional benefits of Cod Liver Oil: EPA Eicosapentaenoic acid is a long chain polyunsaturated acid that serves as a precursor to prostaglandin-3, a lipid substance that the body relies on to support normal platelet activity. Over the years, a multitude of studies have showcased the ability of EPA to help support healthy cardiovascular function on a number of levels. Additionally, it has been presupposed that EPA may play an important role in supporting the body’s immune system response, growth and Development, and weight management.* DHA Docosahexaenoic acid is one of the brain’s primary structural phospholipid components, with equally high concentrations being found in the retinal region of the eyes. Based on extensive research, we have learned the low levels of DHA can interfere with the body’s ability to produce adequate amounts of serotonin—a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, emotion, memory and learning capacity. It has also been shown to help regulate healthy triglyceride levels, an essential element in supporting a healthy cardiovascular system.* Vitamin A Vitamin A plays hundreds of biological roles throughout the body, ranging from healthy vision and skin, to proper cell Development and supporting minor wound healing.* Vitamin D Famed for its role in the growth and maintenance of healthy bones, vitamin D has many benefits that often go overlooked. Recent research indicates that vitamin D may help support healthy cell Development, cardiovascular function, skin metabolism, and nervous system function.* NOW Molecularly Distilled Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil is a potent fish oil supplement that contains naturally high concentrations of the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA, as well as the fat soluble vitamins A and D. The formula uses Cod from Norway, caught during the winter and early spring months – a time when their EPA and DHA levels are at their highest. The oil in this formula is molecularly distilled, cold-pressed, and manufactured in a pharmaceutical licensed facility in Norway, under the most strict quality control standards. It is tested to be free of potentially harmful levels of contaminants, such as mercury, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, and other contaminants.
( Controlling Diabetes with Nutritional Supplements ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 15, 2006 04:07 PM
Controlling Diabetes with Nutritional Supplements Perhaps no other disease is as closely linked to nutrition as diabetes. Not only doe nutrition play a role in its Development, nutrition is also one of the disease’s most powerful treatments. Because of this strong and critical connection to nutrition, researchers have carefully studied the use of nutritional supplements in the treatment of the disease. They found that many vitamins, such as vitamin C and the B vitamins, minerals such as chromium, as well as herbs like Gymnema sylvestre, can safely, effectively, and naturally lower blood sugars and help prevent diabetic complications. What is even more important, however, is that these vitamins, minerals, and herbs can be combined together in a scientifically validated diabetic formula to work synergistically. That means their combined effectiveness is even more powerful. Like a group of good friends, these vitamins, minerals, and herbs do their best work when they are all together. In this issue of Ask the Doctor, we will talk about powerful vitamins, minerals, and herbs combined in a scientifically validated formula that people with diabetes can use every day. But before we get into the specific formula, we need to first talk about diabetes. Q. What exactly is diabetes? A. When we eat, the process of digestion breaks down our food into nutrients. Most of the food we eat is broken down into sugar (also called glucose). The sugar enters the bloodstream for delivery throughout the body and is then called blood sugar. Insulin, a hormone that helps metabolize blood sugar, is made in the pancreas-a long, skinny gland located behind the stomach. Insulin takes blood sugar from the bloodstream and delivers it into the cells that make up the various organs in our body, such as our heart, lungs, and kidneys. The sugar provides energy to the cells to keep our hearts beating, our lungs breathing, and our kidneys excreting. Type 1 diabetes, sometimes called insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes, most often starts in childhood. In this type of diabetes, the pancreas no longer makes insulin. The sugar stays in the blood instead of going into the cells where it is needed. Because of this, all people with Type 1 diabetes have to take at least one shot of insulin every day just to stay alive. Type 2 diabetes most often starts in adults and is also the most common kind. About 90 to 95 percent of all people with diabetes have Type 2. In Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas is usually producing enough insulin. However, the body does not use it effectively. The condition known as “insulin resistance” occurs when the cells do not respond to (resist) insulin’s attempt to enter with glucose. The pancreas responds by producing more and more insulin. When the cells do not respond, high levels of glucose build up in the blood, leading to Type 2 diabetes. Almost everyone with Type 2 diabetes also is insulin resistant. Because the insulin is left unused, the pancreas thinks it isn’t needed and may eventually stop making it. People with Type 2 diabetes often need to take prescription drugs to lower blood sugar levels if dietary and lifestyle changes are not enough to control the problem. In both types of diabetes, the sugar stays in the bloodstream instead of going into the cells where it is needed and belongs. When blood sugar builds up in the blood, it causes two problems. First, the cells become starved for energy. And, over a period of time, high blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels, nerves, eyes, and kidneys. Q. What causes diabetes? A. While scientists aren’t exactly sure why Type 1 diabetes happens, they do know the immune system is involved. A healthy immune system protects us from diseases caused by infections, such as colds or the flu, as well as diseases that start in our own cells, such as cancer. For some reasons, in certain people, the immune system becomes confused and begins attacking and destroying the cells in the pancreas that makes insulin. Scientists aren’t exactly sure why Type 2 diabetes happens either; however, they have identified that it occurs most often in certain individuals. About 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight, have high blood pressure, and have high cholesterol levels in their blood. Q. What are the symptoms of diabetes? A. Type 1 diabetes develops very quickly. The classic signs of diabetes include: -Frequent urination, because the body is trying to get rid of the excess sugar in the blood -Intense thirst, because the body needs to replace the fluid lost through the urine -Increased hunger, because the cells need nutrients -Weight loss, because without insulin, the body begins to starve The onset of Type 2 diabetes is often very gradual and may develop without any symptoms at all. Sadly, the diagnosis most often is made only after a complication of the disease happens. Q. What are the complications of diabetes? A. The complications of diabetes happen in both types of the disease. All diabetic complications are caused by chronically high blood sugars. The longer your blood sugar levels are elevated, the greater your chances are of having complications. Circulation problems High blood sugar damages blood vessels. When high levels of sugar are continuously in the blood, the blood vessels become thicker and less flexible, causing poor circulation. Poor circulation can impair healing, especially on the feet and lower legs. High blood sugar also causes higher levels of fat in the bloodstream. The fat clogs and narrows the blood vessels. Partial blockages deprive the heart of some necessary nutrients. A complete blockage can result in a heart attack, heart pain (called angina), or stroke. Nerve damage Nerve damage makes it hard for your nerves to send messages to the brain and other parts of the body. It may cause you to lose feeling in parts of your body or have a painful pins-and-needles-like feeling. While nerve damage most often affects the feet and legs, it can also affect other parts of the body. Eye problems Diabetes can damage and weaken the small blood vessels in the retina, the part of the eye that is sensitive to light and helps you see. When the blood vessels are weak, they can leak fluid, which causes swelling in the eye. The swelling blurs your vision. If the eye damage gets worse, your eye attempts to fix this damage by making new blood vessels over the retina. But because these blood vessels are fragile, they can break open easily and bleed into the eye. Scar tissue can then form. This may cause the retina to break away from the back of the eye, which can lead to visual impairment-even blindness. Kidney damage Diabetes can also damage the blood vessels in the kidney so it can’t filter out the body’s waste. High blood pressure is also associated with kidney damage. If you have diabetes and high blood pressure, it is important to keep them both under control as much as possible. The longer blood sugar levels are left uncontrolled, the greater the amount of kidney damage that can occur. If the kidney damage isn’t stopped, some individuals may progress to needing kidney transplants or dialysis machines. All of these complications, however, can almost always be prevented. Q. How can the complications of diabetes be prevented? A. Vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements can provide powerful tools for preventing serious complications and keeping people with diabetes healthy. The best nutritional supplement contains powerful vitamins, minerals, and herbs in a synergistic formula that can effectively lower blood sugars and provide the specialized nutrients people with diabetes need. Q. Which vitamins, minerals, and herbs should be included in a nutritional supplement for people with diabetes? A. The vitamins, minerals, and herbs in a diabetic formula should work synergistically and be clinically demonstrated to help prevent the known complications of diabetes. To get the best results, it is very important that the right ingredients are in the diabetic formula you buy. Q. How often should I take a diabetic formula supplement? A. Read the label of the diabetic formula you are considering buying. Most quality products need to be taken twice a day. Keep in mind that you will still need to take a high quality multivitamin in addition to the diabetic formula supplement. A diabetic formula is complementary. That means that it is designed to be and addition to your multivitamin routine, not a replacement. Q. Could the diabetic formula lower my blood sugar level too much? A. In general, too low blood sugar levels should not be a problem. A high quality diabetic formula containing synergistic vitamins, minerals and herbs, most often lowers blood sugars to normal levels. However, these vitamins, minerals, and herbs will not excessively lower blood sugar levels that are already normal. Q. Do I need to continue monitoring my blood sugar when taking a diabetic formula supplement? A. Diabetes is a disease that requires active participation from you. You need to be aware of your problem and be in control of it as much as possible. If you use a home glucose monitor to check your blood sugars, you may feel more comfortable by checking your levels more frequently when you first take a diabetic formula supplement. You should always follow the recommendation of your doctor or a licensed health care practitioner regarding how often you should check your blood sugar levels. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) (as well as most licensed health care practitioners), a good blood sugar range for most people with diabetes (before a meal) is from about 70 to 150. An ideal range is 70-120. Taking a nutritional supplement formulated especially for diabetics that contain vitamins, minerals, and herbs that work synergistically in a scientifically valid formula will help you keep your blood sugars right where the Q. Can’t I just take the diabetic formula supplement and not worry about my diet? A. Unfortunately, you cannot. Successful diabetes management means doing lost of positive things. First, you need to see your licensed health care practitioner often. You need to choose foods wisely and stay active to have a positive influence on your blood sugar levels and your health. And, taking a diabetic formula supplement every day can really help. However, the diabetic formula supplement is meant to be an addition to your healthy diet, not a substitute. Conclusion Having diabetes might make you feel overwhelmed. Restrictions on what you may and may not eat might make you feel deprived and unfairly burdened. The possibility of disease complications may make you feel anxious and scared-even angry. It is only natural to ask “Why me?” Taking control of your diabetes, instead of letting it control you, can help with these feelings. Eating wisely and exercising every day are two important ways to improve your health. And, taking a nutritional supplement formulated specifically for people with diabetes every day can give you the critical control you need to direct your health for years to come. Many healthy years to come.
( Product Resurfaces under a new name - from HSI - Health Sciences Institute ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 08, 2006 01:55 PM
You may remember the outrageous ruling resulting scandal surrounding Lane Labs MGN3 product back in july 2004. essentially, the FDA forced the company to stop selling the product—not because it was dangerous or ineffective but because the FDA felt that Lane Labs marketing language made disease clams allowed only for FDA-approved drugs. When that happened, everyone who had experienced great results with this immune system booster (including many HSI members) suddenly found themselves without a safe and effective product they could rely on. So we promised that we would keep a lookout for a natural and effective therapy that would provide similar benefits to the outlawed MGN3 formula. But we’re officially calling off the search. A new product called PeakImmune4 was introduced in july 2005. but as it turned out, Peakimmune4 really isn’t new at all. It actually contains the same active ingredients as MGN3—it’s just being sold by a different company under a different name. When products change names and hands, it can be co concerting. And I have to admit that at first, this seemed kind of fishy to me. so I did some digging to find out if Peakimmune4 was really all it was cracked up to be. What I realized at the end of this winding trail was that to best understood the story, you need to start at the beginning. Connecting the dots In 1992, Daiwa Pharmaceutical began developing Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound (RBAC). RBAC does right to the source of ultimate health: your immune system. Human clinical studies have proven that RBAC can more than triple the activity of Natural Killer cells, the body’s first line of defense against disease like cancer, HIV, and hepatitis. Studies also show that RBAC increases two other vital immune system cells: T cells and B cells. Daiwa, which is based in Tokyo, Japan, licensed this patented formula to Lanes Labs, which sold it in the U.S. under the trademark MGN3. (We first told you about it back in 1999 in the June Issue of your Members Alert). But then in July 204, the government stepped in and barred Lane Labs from selling MGN3 (in addition to two other products). The FDA did not, however outlaw RBAC, the compound from which the product was make. Daiwa, was left with a great product but no way to market it in the U.S. that’s when they decided to branch out and open their own company in the states, Daiwa Health Development, so they could continue to offer RBAC and introduce other Daiwa supplements to the market. In July 2005, Daiwa launched Peakimmune4. it may be hard to find a connection between these two products because you wont find MGN3 mentioned in any of Peakimmune4’s promotional materials. That’s because the court did more than just forbid Lane Labs from selling MGN3. it also stipulated that the MGN3 brand name could not be used in marketing and promotion of supplements made from the same active ingredient, and that products could not be promoted as a replacement or substitutes for MGN3. However, you can rest easy knowing that this product uses the same active as MGN3, which means the same solid research backs it up. Recommendations for healthy immune system Many immune system products require you to cycle on and off. But since Peakimmune4 does not lose effectiveness over time and doesn’t cause the immune system to attack itself, you can take it regularly without worrying about side effects. Dr, Martin Milner, medical adviser to HIS, has used the RBAC compound for years. He has monitored its effectiveness in his own patients by testing their NK cell response. Milner confirmed clinically that his patients have retained increased levels of NK cell activity even when they used the product for prolonged periods of time. For the best results, you should follow two simple steps: first, take four capsules three times a day for four weeks (before or after a meal). Then, after four weeks reduce dosage to the maintenance level of four capsules daily. You can find Peakimmune4 at most health food and vitamin stores. And don’t be surprised when it pops up in your doctor’s office under the name BRM4. If you decide to try Peakimmune4 to support your immune system health, you should work with your health care professional, especially if you are pregnant, are nursing, are being treated for any medical condition, are currently taking medications, or have been diagnosed with a health disorder. And if you are taking immunosuppressant drugs for an organ transplant, you should NOT take a product with RBAC in it, each capsule contains 250mgs of Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound (RBAC). HSI
( Night Health: A new approach to improving sleep. ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 12, 2006 05:41 PM
Our night health, including the quality of our sleep and dreams, may be the most critical overlooked factor contributing to both emotional and physical illness in modern times. For millions, night is a time of growing frustration and deepening struggle with insomnia as well as compromised and insufficient sleep. Mounting data has confirmed that sleep problems are strongly associated with virtually all major illnesses ranging from cardiovascular disease to diabetes, infections and cancer, and obesity to depression. Night health refers to a new approach to sleep and dreams that integrates complementary and alternative medicine with effective conventional perspectives. It is essentially a comprehensive body-mind approach to sleep. The first in a series of articles introducing the concept of night health, this article begins with a closer look at the limitations of the simulated sleep offered by sleeping pills. It then examines the basic alternative of supplemented sleep: the place of natural sleep-supporting supplements. Finally, it offers suggestions for increasing the utilization of such alternatives by supplementing supplements with essential information, education and guidance offered by a new and unique software program and the first book about integrative sleep health. Simulated Sleep As the public becomes increasingly aware of the health ramifications of sleep disturbances, more and more people are turning to sleeping pills. In fact, according to the IMS Health research, about 42 million prescriptions for sleeping pills were filled last year in the U.S. This represents a nearly 60 percent increase over the past five years alone. Some projections anticipate that the current $2.7 billion in annual sleeping pill sales will more than triple by 2010. But instead of solving the problem, sleeping pills often make sleep problems worse. Sleeping pills commonly result in dependence. They can alter normal sleep architecture, cause amnesia and residual daytime “hangovers,” and they often result in rebound insomnias when discontinued. Some sleep specialists argue that sleeping pill use is further associated with significant increases in mortality. Given the sense of desperation that can accompany insomnia, even such very serious concerns have not prevented sales of sleeping pills from skyrocketing in recent years. We are currently witnessing an unprecedented advertising campaign on the part of the pharmaceutical industry designed to convince the public that sleep medications are indeed a safe and effective strategy for addressing sleep problems. Despite clever and seductive advertising, however, it remains highly questionable whether sleeping pills can truly offer us sleep. I believe it is more accurate to say that they result in a kind of artificial or simulated sleep. Compared to natural slumber, sleeping pills cause a chemical knockout. Unfortunately, so many people have slept poorly for so long, they have forgotten what it is like to experience truly restorative, deep and refreshing natural slumber. Instead, many people now hold a naïve, limited sense of healthful sleep, confusing it with being knocked out. And sleeping pills satisfy that very naïve notion of sleep. Supplementing sleep Rather than artificially simulating sleep with chemical knockouts, sleep-promoting supplements such as melatonin, valerian, and other botanicals support that body’s own sleep-facilitating mechanisms more naturally. Such products work in greater harmony with nature and, unlike conventional drugs, they do not stimulate sleep, they supplement sleep. I think of natural supplements inviting us to sleep. The very potency of many natural products lies in their very gentleness, which works cooperatively with both body and mind to induce healthful sleep. I believe that the potential benefits and markets for such supplements remain largely untapped. Consumers’ expectations that sleep aids should knock them out rather than gently assist them in letting go into sleep must be addressed through targeted education and information campaigns. Consumers also need to learn how to use alternative sleep supplements in the context of a healthy sleep lifestyle or positive night health. Supplementing supplements As helpful as they can be in promoting night health, sleep supplements alone will not do the trick. In fact, I believe many people get discouraged and discount the potentially positive benefits of sleep supplements after using them without proper guidance and understanding. Sleep supplements work best when they are geared to work synergistically as a part of a larger night health promotion program. The availability of a wide range of over-the-counter health supplements offers an important freedom in healthcare choices. But with increased freedom comes increased responsibility. Consumers need to become significantly more informed. Particularly with regard to night health, such supplements need to be personalized and prescriptive. When it comes to sleep health, one size does not fit all. Whether we choose melatonin or valerian or a specific blend depends upon who we are and exactly what we need. By prescriptive I do not mean ordered by a physician, but specifically tailored to the needs of the individual. Because of a significant shortage of health care professionals knowledgeable about sleep and the alarming trend towards increased use of sleeping pills, I have assisted in the Development of a unique software program that provides sleep solutions that are both personalized and prescriptive. After more than a decade in Development, the sleep advisor—an expert software system that thoroughly evaluates and provides personalized comprehensive recommendations for improving sleep—is now available. More recently, I completed the first truly integrative book on night health. Healing night: the science and spirit of sleeping, dreaming, and awakening offers a new, comprehensive perspective on night health that complements the sleep advisors high pragmatic approach. Together, healing night and the sleep advisor offers essential supplements to sleep supplements. Rubin R Naiman is a psychologist and clinical assistant professor of medicine at the university of Arizona’s health sciences center. He is also the sleep and dream specialist for dr. Andrew weil;s world renowned program in integrative medicine. Currently he serves as the sleep specialist at Miraval Resort, and is in private practice in Tuscon, AZ. The above article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat a particular illness. The reader is encouraged to seek the advice of a holistically competent licensed professional health care provider. The information in this article has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rubin R. Naiman, PhD
( Instant Energy B-12 2000mcg per serving 75 packets/Box ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 16, 2006 03:46 PM
Of all the vitamins, minerals, herbs and specialized dietary supplements at the disposal of the health-conscious public, not a single one can mirror the biological complexity of Vitamin B-12. It is involved in thousands upon thousands of chemical reactions throughout the body, and its presence has a direct influence on energy, red blood cell production, metabolism, central nervous system function, cardiovascular health, cognitive function, emotion, DNA repair and digestion, just to scratch the surface.*
Our researchers and product formulators had one goal in mind – to develop a vitamin B-12 formula that was superior to anything to precede it – a potent, fast-acting B-12 complex capable of expediting delivery while maximizing uptake. After months of research and Development, this was accomplished by uniting cyanocobalamin (the primary form of B-12) with the vitamin’s two co-enzyme forms (methylcobalamin and dibencozide) in perfect balance. But we didn’t stop there. To further enhance the activity of this one-of-a-kind formula, we merged the three with a group of proven synergists that includes Chromium Picolinate, Creatine Monohydrate, and a optimally balanced arrangement of 6 additional B vitamins. NOW® Instant Energy B-12 makes it simple to get the B-12 they need to function at their absolute best. NOW’s unique collaboration of all three B-12 forms goes to work quickly to effectively boost energy, support cognitive health, promote normal homocysteine conversion and support healthy red blood cell production. Our convenient packets can be taken throughout the day, and are perfect for the office, the car or when traveling.*
Serving Size 1 Packet
( Now Foods -QUALITY- High Standards and Attention to Detail ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 27, 2005 09:00 AM
QUALITY “High Standards and Attention to Detail”
As you shop for dietary supplements you’re faced with an almost dizzying array of choices. Naturally, every product claims to be this, that and the other. But you’ve heard the stories in the media of products that don’t live up to their claims. So how do you know who’s telling the truth? Perhaps a better gauge of a product’s quality is the manufacturer and their history. Do they have a legacy of producing quality goods? How long have they been in business? Is their track record good or do they have a history of product recalls and bad press? If you’re responsible for your family’s health and well-being, it pays to do your homework when it comes to the products you purchase for them. NOW® Foods has been manufacturing dietary supplements and whole foods for 35 years. Companies that thrive and continue to grow for this long don’t do so because they produce poor quality products. They do so by maintaining extremely high standards and paying special attention to every detail, which is the secret to product quality. At NOW® Foods, these high standards and attention to detail are evident in every aspect of our operations, from receiving to production to finished goods, just as they have been for 35 years. You’re committed to buying only the best for your family, and we’re committed to supplying only the best for our customers. Quality products are made using the highest quality ingredients. NOW Foods purchases raw materials from only the most reputable vendors, who are required to provide detailed specification sheets and lot-specific certificates of analysis for every shipment we receive. These documents provide information on the quality of the raw material and the various analyses used to verify that quality. Shipments that do not meet our quality standards are sent back to the manufacturer with a point by point report card of why the shipment was refused. We simply don’t just accept every shipment that’s delivered to our dock – no ingredient gets a free pass into our production facility. In addition, we also perform random vendor audits throughout each year to ensure that they’re meeting our stringent quality standards. NOW ® Foods is always vigilant when it comes to quality, just as you are. Another way we maintain high quality standards is by choosing to buy and incorporate registered and/or trademarked ingredients into our products. Each of these ingredients are exclusively produced by a company that owns proprietary manufacturing rights and licenses selected companies like NOW® to use these top quality ingredients in their products. These registered/trademarked ingredients must undergo even more rigorous analysis and controls than other ingredients, and so offer additional assurance that products containing them are properly manufactured and labeled. Additionally, to maintain the integrity of their ingredient’s reputation, the trademark owner will independently test finished products from manufacturers to verify the quality meets their standards and the label claim of the company licensed to use it. You may be familiar with some of the trademarked ingredient NOW® uses such as, Ester-C® vitamin C, Chromemate® Chromium and L-Carnipure® Carnitine. Scientific analysis of ingredients is extremely important to ensure the integrity of any dietary supplement. NOW Foods has made substantial investments in the Development, construction and staffing of numerous inhouse laboratories, including an advanced instrumental analysis laboratory, a “wet lab” and a state-of-the-art microbiology lab. This saves us the time and expense of having to send samples out to commercial labs for analysis. While we use independent labs to verify our in-house test results, our capabilities allow us greater control over product quality and quicker approval of raw material shipments for production, which means fresher products for consumers. Our investment ensures that NOW® will be able to meet ever-increasing demands for accurate product analysis and outstanding product quality. NOW® is unique in the industry in that we annually spend more on Quality Assurance & Control than we do on Marketing and Advertising combined. What good is a lab without qualified people? NOW® employs an expert team of highly qualified scientists and technicians, including four Ph.D.’s. They’re constantly working to develop new and improved analytical methods, and their efforts contribute not only to our product quality but that of the entire industry as well. This is all great, you say, but what about your facility and the equipment you use to manufacture products? Our 203,000 square foot facility is designed and built to standards that exceed food-packaging guidelines. It supports pharmaceutical-grade operations, which greatly enhances our ability to produce the highest quality products quickly. All this means fresher, more effective products on store shelves for consumers. NOW® Foods is an ‘A’ rated GMP-certified manufacturer, one of the first companies in the industry to attain GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certification. We’re also certified by QAI (Quality Assurance International) as an organic manufacturer. As consumers become increasingly demanding of supplement quality and safety, NOW® is ready to meet this demand with sound science and state-of-the-art research, manufacturing, and packaging capabilities. We are certain that our efforts to consistently maintain the highest product quality will help make your natural product purchasing decisions easier.
( PeakImmune4 ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 23, 2005 06:15 PM
New from:
PeakImmune4™Clinically Shown to Triple Natural Killer (NK) Cell Activity
GPC or GlyceroPhosphoCholine (pronounced gli-sero-fos-fo-ko-lean) is a nutrient with many different roles in human health. It reaches extremely high concentrations within our cells, and its abundance in mother's milk suggests it is crucial to life processes. Clinically, GPC has been most intensively researched for its brain benefits. Biologically, it has great importance for the skeletal "voluntary" muscles, the autonomic nervous system, kidneys, liver, and reproductive organs. GPC goes beyond being a brain nutrient; it is a nutrient for vitality and long life. As a dietary supplement, GPC's brain benefits are unique. It boosts mental performance in healthy young people, as shown by three double-blind trials. In trials on middle aged subjects, GPC improved several physiologic measures of mental performance: reaction time, visual evoked potential, and EEG delta slow waves. In the elderly, GPC improves mental performance and provides noticeable revitalisation. In 11 human trials with 1,799 patients, memory, attention, and other cognitive measures improved. So did mood (including irritability and emotional lability), and patients often developed renewed interest in relatives and friends. GPC was well tolerated, and generated no bad drug interactions. A large trial on elderly subjects with memory challenges published in 2003 concluded GPC had significant benefits for these individuals. GPC Supports Normal Brain Function Circulatory deprivation or surgery can challenge healthy brain function. GPC can speed recovery and support improved quality of life. In four trials with GPC on 2,804 subjects who experienced difficulties under these circumstances, up to 95% showed good or excellent improvement. GPC consistently improved space-time orientation, degree of consciousness, language, motor capacity, and overall quality of life. The investigators concluded GPC offered marked benefits, with an excellent benefit-to-risk profile. Up to half of patients who survive bypass surgery experience problems with memory and other mental performance. A double-blind trial conducted with bypass survivors for six months determined that the GPC group had no remaining memory deterioration, while the placebo group failed to improve. GPC Works Through Multiple Mechanisms GPC supports human health through a variety of mechanisms: 1. It helps keep choline and acetylcholine available to the tissues. Choline is an essential nutrient and GPC appears to be the body's main choline reservoir. GPC in mother's milk represents the baby's main source of dietary choline. Acetylcholine (ACh) is an important substance employed extensively throughout the body. ACh is a major brain transmitter; the motor nerves use ACh to drive the skeletal ("voluntary") muscles; the autonomic nervous system uses it to pace all the organs. ACh is also central to mental and physical endurance, and mind-body coordination. 2. GPC is a major cell-level protectant, not as another antioxidant but in pivotal roles of osmotic pressure regulator and metabolic antitoxin. GPC for osmotic regulation can reach very high concentrations in the kidney, bladder, liver, brain, and other organs. As metabolic protectant, GPC shields proteins against urea buildup. 3. GPC is a major reservoir for cell membrane omega-3 phospholipids. These substances are the major building blocks for cell membranes. Enzymes couple GPC with the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, to make the phospholipid PC-DHA. This makes membranes especially fluid, enabling membrane proteins to perform with better efficiency. GPC produces PC-DHA in the skeletal muscles, wherein fluidity is essential for contraction. Muscles that function abnormally can show GPC deficiency. 4. GPC contributes to both male and female in reproduction. As spermatozoa mature, GPC is used to make PC-DHA that makes their membranes fluid to enable motility. With men, the lower their semen GPC the greater the likelihood of poor sperm motility and with it, infertility. Once semen is inserted into the female, an enzyme in uterine secretions breaks down the semen's GPC into substances that energize the sperm to achieve fertilization. Dosing, Safety, Tolerability, Compatibility Oral intake of GPC in the clinical trials was usually 1,200 milligrams (mg) per day, taken early in the day on an empty stomach. A reasonable dietary supplementation regimen is 1200 mg/day, taken in divided doses (AM and PM) between meals for 15-30 days, and thereafter 600 mg/day for maintenance. Symptomatic subjects can take 1200 mg/day until adequate improvement is achieved. Young, healthy subjects may experience benefit from daily intakes as low as 300 milligrams. GPC is very safe, being compatible with vitamins and nutrients and with pharmaceuticals. In clinical trial comparisons, GPC's benefits surpassed the nutrients acetylcarnitine and CDP-choline. GPC is unmatched for its support of active living and healthy aging. In some 23 clinical trials GPC improved mental performance in all functional categories. GPC can revitalize the aging brain, facilitating growth hormone (GH) release and boosting nerve growth factor actions. GPC's ample presence in human mother's milk suggests it could be conditionally essential. By supporting mental integrity, mind-body integration, the autonomic system, and the body's other organs, GPC enhances the active lifestyle. GPC is remarkable nutritional support for optimal health at any age.
Parris M. Kidd, PhD is a cell biologist trained at the University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco. Since entering the dietary supplement field in 1983, he has published many in-depth reviews of integrative medicine in the journal Alternative Medicine Reviews, and is science columnist for totalhealth magazine. Dr. Kidd is internationally recognized for his accomplishments in dietary supplement product Development, documentation and quality control. Disclaimer: the above article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat a particular illness. The reader is encouraged to seek the advice of a holistically competent licensed professional health care provider.
( Sytrinol - A Natural Solution for Addressing Cholesterol ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 21, 2005 05:16 PM
Sytrinol - A Natural Solution For Addressing Cholesterol By Richard F. Staack, Ph.D., M.B.A. Sytrinol™, a patented proprietary formula derived from natural citrus and palm fruit extracts, combines citrus polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs), palm tocotrienols and other proprietary constituents. This combination results in a synergistic effect for maintaining cholesterol levels in the normal range, including total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, as demonstrated by a long-term, three-phase clinical trial. This trial is extremely significant because it is a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover design, one of only a few in the dietary supplement industry. Sytrinol has also been shown to maintain normal levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), the beneficial cholesterol. Additionally, Sytrinol is a powerful antioxidant with numerous heart health benefits and also plays a significant role in reducing cellular irritation. What are polymethoxylated flavones? Polymethoxylated flavones are a highly methoxylated sub-classification of citrus flavonoids. This process occurs naturally and results in a more biologically active molecule. This is especially true for tangeretin and nobiletin, two of the primary polymethoxylated flavones in Sytrinol. Tocotrienols, naturally occurring analogues of tocopherol (natural vitamin E), are the other proprietary ingredient in Sytrinol and are a group of minor dietary constituents that have been studied for their effect on heart health. Sytrinol's Proven Benefits Sytrinol is the result of over 12 years of research focusing on the relationship between polymethoxylated flavonoids, tocotrienols, and cardiovascular health. Sytrinol?s benefits have been shown in vitro, in vivo, and in multiple clinical studies. In these studies, subjects consumed 150 mg of Sytrinol twice per day (300 mg/day) and were instructed to keep the same dietary habits and maintain their caloric intake. Fasting blood samples were drawn at study onset, and at 4-weeks, 8-weeks, and 12-weeks. The results of the clinical studies were all similar in their effect, with a reduction of total cholesterol up to 30 percent, LDL cholesterol up to 27 percent, and total triglycerides up to 34 percent in twelve weeks compared to the placebo group. Additionally, the LDL/HDL ratio was significantly reduced in all clinical studies up to 30 percent. Another very important benefit of Sytrinol that cannot be claimed by other cholesterol-addressing supplements is its effect on C-reactive protein (CRP), which plays a role in cardiovascular challenges. Recent research has established that inflammation may cause C-reactive protein to be produced in the body. Specific PMFs, including nobiletin and tangeretin, have been studied for their anti-inflammatory properties, suggesting that Sytrinol may have a positive effect on CRP Sytrinol has also been shown to be a powerful antioxidant. The polymethoxylated flavones have been researched for over 25 years demonstrating their antioxidant effects for heart health. Studies have shown that polymethoxylated flavonoids and their metabolites are excellent sources of dietary antioxidants that are able to suppress many of the events of free radical damage, including cellular irritation. The tocotrienols in Sytrinol have a higher antioxidant activity than tocopherols. Alpha-tocotrienol has been shown to be up to 60 times more potent than alpha-tocopherol in the prevention of lipid peroxidation. Other research has demonstrated that the delta and gamma isomers of tocotrienols also have potent antioxidant activity. Mechanisms Sytrinol has three complementary mechanisms of action in the body that delivers cardiovascular benefits. *Polymethoxylated flavones decrease apolipoprotein B, the structural protein needed for endogenous synthesis of LDL cholesterol. *Polymethoxylated flavones (tangeretin & nobiletin) decrease diacylglycerol acetyl transferase, a liver enzyme needed for endogenous synthesis of triglycerides. *Tocotrienols inhibit HMG CoA reductase, the liver enzyme responsible for endogenous synthesis of cholesterol. These mechanisms work synergistically to support normal total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, more significantly than other natural supplements on the market today. Sytrinol can also be combined with other ingredients such as phytosterols. Phytosterols help block cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract while Sytrinol helps block cholesterol synthesis in the body. This suggests that, when combined, a more pronounced effect on maintaining normal cholesterol levels would result. Consumer Friendly The ease of compliance for consumers is a major consideration for a successful natural heart health product. Consumers do not have to take Sytrinol prior to, immediately following, or directly with their meals and, as a result, are more likely to take the correct dosage and continue using the product. Sytrinol can be taken in tablets, or softgels, which are easy to swallow because of the low dosage. Sytrinol will also be available in functional foods.
Dr. Richard Staack is the Vice President of Business Development, Technology, and Science at SourceOne™ Global Partners. He received his Master of Science and Doctorate in Nutritional and Biochemical Toxicology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He received his Master of Business Administration with Distinction from DeVry University. Dr. Staack has received several awards and honors in the field of nutrition, is associated with numerous professional affiliations, and has published several articles on nutrition and toxicology in peer-reviewed journals.
Disclaimer: the above article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat a particular illness. The reader is encouraged to seek the advice of a holistically competent licensed professional health care provider.
( Take Your Vitamins: Reviewing Scientific Approaches to Selecting Daily Multiple Supplement ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 21, 2005 05:10 PM
Take Your Vitamins: Reviewing Scientific Approaches to Selecting Daily Multiple Supplements By Adina Licht, MS Adina Licht, M.S. is a Nutritional Scientist and Science Writer who works as a Marketing Specialist for Source Naturals. She has a B.A. in Environmental Science from UC Berkeley, an M.S. in Nutrition and Food Science from San Jose State University, and training in Technical Communication from Cal State Hayward. Her work has appeared in publications such as Advances in Packaging and Development, Health Supplement Retailer and Delicious Living. Americans Need More Nutrients The U. S. population is drastically malnourished. According to the latest A. C. Nielsen survey, only 12% of Americans claim to eat the 5 recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day (Warner, 2004). And approximately 1/3 of the calories that people do consume are from nutrient-poor foods such as alcohol and soda (Yang, 2004). This combination has led to a population that consumes too few nutrients, which according to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Fletcher, 2002) puts people at risk for long-term health concerns. With Americans eating fewer healthy foods, taking a daily multiple is one way for people to increase their intake of nutrients. But the search for what defines a good multiple can be confusing, even to health care professionals. The Confusing U.S. Government Standards Scientists first recognized the need for vitamins in the early 1900s (Levenstein, 1993). But setting U. S. government standards for vitamins and minerals didn't start until healthy soldiers were needed to fight World War II. And when a committee of scientists was asked to determine the levels of nutrients needed to maintain good health they could only agree on "recommended allowances" to prevent deficiency with a wide margin of safety. In 1941, these allowances became the first Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for the nation (Levenstein, 1993). In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) used latest RDAs to set the new Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) standards, which included Adequate Intakes (AIs) for when there was insufficient evidence to determine an RDA, and Upper Intake Levels (ULs) as the safe daily upper limit. To simplify the information, food labels express nutrient information as a percentage of the Daily Value (DV), which includes RDA values for a healthy adult who consumes 2000 calories per day (Whitney, 2002). However, these values do not include AIs or ULs and many individuals need different levels of nutrients than these. Confusing Standards equals Confusing Recommendations
The RDAs and subsequent DRIs are the basis of the nutrient standards for at least 40 different nations and many professional health organizations. Currently, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) recommends that people who cannot reach the DRIs through diet take a multiple with nutrient levels that do not exceed the RDAs (JADA, 2001). And in 2002, the American Medical Association (AMA) published a paper that included a recommendation for all adults to take RDA levels of vitamin supplements in their Journal of the American Medical Association (Fletcher, 2002). Despite the benefits of having guidelines, most people only hear about the RDAs and DVs, which may be too low for preventing deficiencies while the ULs and AIs, which can be much more beneficial are rarely discussed. For example, the Daily Value of Vitamin E to prevent deficiency is 30 IU while the daily Upper Intake Limit is 1,467 IU. But, according to the ADA, as many as 75% of cardiologists recommend vitamin E to their patients to promote heart health, usually at a dosage of 400 IU (ADA, 2001; Meydani, 2004; & Whitney, 1998). And the Daily Value for Vitamin C is 60 mg while the daily Upper Intake Limit is 2000 mg, but in clinical studies it took 500 mg per day to help maintain healthy blood pressure (Whitney, 1998, & Hendler, 2001). Alternative Recommendations Lyle MacWilliam is a biochemist and former health advisor to the Canadian Ministry of Health, who decided to research, analyze and publish the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements. In this book, the individually published recommendations from seven nutrition experts (Phyllis Balch, CNC, Dr. Michael Colgan, Ph.D., Dr. Earl Mindell, Ph.D., Dr. Michael Murray, N.D., Dr. Richard Passwater, Ph.D., Dr. Ray Strand, M.D., and Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D.) were combined to create an ultimate blended standard of recommended median intakes for 39 nutrients to promote health. Those nutrients include vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and other supplements, that span 14 different health categories and are much closer to the Upper Intake Limit government standards. The guide also includes information about recommended forms, safety, purity and quality (MacWilliam, 2003). One of the most profound differences between MacWilliam?s compiled recommendations and the DRIs is the difference in the number of supplements: 39 vs. 26 respectively. The Comparative Guide standard includes additional nutrients, including many more antioxidants, based on decades of clinical research about their benefits. For example, the fat-soluble antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 that your body manufactures less of as you age is included. So is the fat and water-soluble antioxidant alpha lipoic acid that helps recycle other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E (Hendler, 2001). Top Ranked Multiples for Optimal Health In the latter half of MacWilliam's book he uses this ultimate blended standard to rank and compare 500 manufactured multiples. Of the five top-ranked multiples, only the Source Naturals multiples, Life Force and Élan Vitàl, are widely available at natural product stores and health outlets. And the new and improved Life Force formulation now rates higher than any of the products evaluated in the current edition of this guide (MacWilliam, 2004; & Mac-William, 2003). The ingredients that can be found in today's multiple supplements can vary greatly. But multiple choices don't have to lead to confusion. Health professionals, such as Lyle MacWilliam, understand the importance of remaining curious, evaluating the available research, and conferring with other scientists to determine the nutrients that support optimal health. References American Dietetic Association. 2001. Vitamin E: Disease Prevention for your Good Health. American Dietetic Association Website. Available at: Public/Other/index_nfs1001.cfm Fletcher, R. H., & Fairfield, K. M. 2002. Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults. JAMA. (23)287:3116-3129. Hendler, S. S., et al. 2001. PDR for Nutritional Supplements. Thomson Healthcare: Montvale. Pages 11-12, 17-21, 60-62, 103, 416-421, 486-498. JADA (Journal of the American Dietetic Association) 2001. Vitamin and mineral supplementation. J AM Diet Assoc.101: 115 Available at: Public/NutritionInformation/92_8343.cfm Levenstein, H. 1993. Paradox of Plenty: A Social History of Eating in Modern America. Oxford University Press: New York. Pages 13-15, 64-67. MacWilliam, L, et al. 2003. Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements. Northern Dimensions Publishing: Vernon. Pages 62-70. MacWilliam, L. 2004. Comparative Guide Individual Assessment of New Life Force Formulation. Warner, J. 2004. Few Follow '5 a Day' Fruit and Vegetable Rule. WebMD website. Available at: ent/Article/93/102158.htm Whitney, N. W., & Rolfes, S. R. (1998). Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition, 5th ed. Page 358. Whitney, E. N., & Rolfes, S. R. 2002. Understanding Nutrition. 9th ed. Wadsworth Thomson Learning: Belmont. Pages A, B, Y, 13-20, 55-56, 307, 331, 335-341, 401. Yang, S. 2004. Nearly one-third of the calories in the US diet come from junk food, researcher finds.
( PREGNENOLONE - The Balancing Hormone ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 04, 2005 01:40 PM
Hormones are potent regulators of the most intricate biochemical functions involved in our metabolism, growth, Development, emotion and behavior. For our bodies to function properly, our hormones must be in balance with one another. But aging, stress and environmental factors can contribute to hormonal imbalances, with serious impact on our well-being. Today, science has rediscovered a beneficial hormone with the capacity to reduce stress, fatigue and support mental alertness. This hormone is broad – spectrum in its influences - with the ability to balance the levels of other hormones in our bodies. Unfortunately, our production of this hormone declines as we grow older - suggesting the desirability of supplementation. Introducing: Source Naturals PREGNENOLONE. A Wide Range of Beneficial Properties Pregnenolone - a hormone produced from cholesterol in our adrenal glands, liver, skin, testicles, ovaries, and brain - was the subject of intense interest in the 1940’s. Some of the earliest studies, performed by well-known researcher Hans Selye, found it to be helpful in reducing stress and fatigue. Additional studies were conducted throughout the decade, with positive results. Pregnenolone supplementation was found to benefit people who were under excessive stress. It also was reported to support joint and tissue function and to contribute to skin elasticity. Pregnenolone is believed to affect stress levels through its influence on the adrenal glands, which produce more steroid hormones when people are under stress. Pregnenolone may also affect brain chemistry in beneficial ways. It has been found to inhibit the GABA receptors in brain cells - which may result in increased mental alertness. It may also stimulate the NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors, which play an important role in regulating synapses, thus influencing learning and memory. Pregnenolone: The Unique Hormone Much of the current interest in pregnenolone is related to its role as “the grandmother of all steroid hormones.” Pregnenolone is the starting point from which all steroid hormones are manufactured in our bodies. As a “hormone balancer,” it has the capacity to increase the levels of steroid hormones that are deficient in our bodies and to reduce the levels of excess circulating hormones. Some scientists believe pregnenolone is converted into other hormones only as they are needed by our bodies. The conversion of pregnenolone follows different pathways, depending upon cellular requirements. Pregnenolone may be converted into DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), which in turn can be changed into androgens (including testosterone), estrogens and other steroids; or, it may be converted into any or all of a chain of hormones including progesterone, corticosterone, and aldosterone. These characteristics make pregnenolone unique. Because cells may only convert pregnenolone into other hormones on an “as needed” basis, pregnenolone may correct imbalances in the levels of some hormones, without affecting others. This is a great advantage over steroid hormones like DHEA, which may create excess estrogen and testosterone. Pregnenolone is also distinctive because of the innumerable bodily activities it can influence. As a steroid hormone precursor, it is believed to be involved in every biochemical action exhibited by any steroid hormone. This means it may impact memory, mental alertness, stress responses, female reproductive cycles, the body’s natural defenses, and joint and tissue function. With such a wide spectrum of involvement, the potential uses of pregnenolone could be boundless. Source Naturals PREGNENOLONE is available in 10 mg sublinguals and tablets, as well as in 25 mg tablets. All potencies are sold in 60 and 120 tablet bottles.
( MSM - Methylsulfonylmethane: Nature’s Source for Dietary Sulfur ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 04, 2005 09:42 AM
Sulfur is an important component of our body’s proteins. It is present in our hair, skin, nails and tendons, and plays a critical role in maintaining the integrity and elasticity of connective tissue. And now this vital nutrient can be obtained from a natural, bioavailable source. MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, is a naturally occurring form of organic sulfur. Though present in dietary sources such as milk, eggs, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains and lean meat, MSM may be lost as a result of over-processing and heating – a particular problem in the modern diet. That’s why Source Naturals created MSM. Taking MSM throughout the day helps to replenish the body’s supply of assimilable sulfur. Sulfur Helps Maintain the Integrity of Connective Tissue Sulfur is found in proteins throughout our bodies and is vital to our connective tissues. It must be present in the body in correct balance to keep our tissues elastic and free. Sulfur in our bodies is a major constituent of the glycosaminoglycans, or GAGs. These large, spongy, waterholding molecules are long chains of amino sugars, including chondroitin sulfate. They form the gel-like matrix of the ground substance of our tissues, especially in connective tissue, such as tendons, cartilage, skin and bones. These “gels” are the glue that holds us together. Glycosaminoglycan chains fill most of the space between our cells, providing mechanical support to tissues while still allowing the diffusion of nutrients, metabolites and hormones between the blood and tissue cells. The gel-like matrix, together with its GAGs and structural and adhesive components (collagen and elastin), forms the architectural framework of the body. Dietary sulfur is related to the production of GAGs. This is especially important during growth and Development, and when connective tissue metabolism becomes active for support of healthy tissues. Sulfur also is needed for amino acid metabolism and hormone synthesis, and is a key factor in the body’s natural defenses. It is a component of important sulfur amino acids, including methionine, cysteine and glutathione. Vitamin C for Additional Joint Support Source Naturals has added vitamin C to its MSM tablets because C also is crucial to connective tissue. Vitamin C was first identified as essential because of its role in preventing the classic deficiency disease, scurvy. Scurvy is the total breakdown of collagen, the connective protein that binds tissue together. Although scurvy is rare today, vitamin C still is associated with support for joint function. Over-Processing & the Modern Diet We should be able to get sufficient MSM from our diets. It is a naturally occurring form of organic sulfur found mainly in protein-rich foods, such as eggs, fish and lean meat. However, today’s over-processed American diet may provide low amounts of sulfur. In this situation, supplementation may be advisable. MSM: A Versatile Nutrient Because sulfur is vital to all our body tissues, MSM is a versatile nutrient with a wide range of uses. Source Naturals offers MSM in a 750 mg potency with 125 mg of vitamin C added per tablet. It is sold in 60, 120 and 240-tablet bottles. MSM also is available in a high-potency powder, in 4 oz and 8 oz containers.
( Mother's Choice with Iron - Scientific Prenatal Nutrition! ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 03, 2005 06:23 PM
You’re expecting a baby—and right now nothing could be more important than ensuring the health of your developing child. At this crucial time, what could be more basic than providing the nutrients that are the very substance of the new life you’re carrying? At every critical stage of pregnancy, your baby’s cells and tissues are literally formed from the nutrients you take in. Source Naturals is deeply committed to giving your newborn every chance for optimal health. That’s why we developed MOTHER’S CHOICE Prenatal Multiple. MOTHER’S CHOICE combines a comprehensive vitamin-mineral blend with advanced nutrients that reflect the latest scientific research. And each bottle comes with a separate package of Arctic Pure™ DHA softgels. DHA is a fatty acid that is crucial for baby’s brain Development from the earliest stages of pregnancy through the breastfeeding years. MOTHER’S CHOICE also supports your health and vitality, with a blend of traditional herbs used for centuries to relieve morning sickness and leg edema. MOTHER’S CHOICE: because nothing is too good for you and your baby. Go the Source for Scientifically Based Formulation MOTHER’S CHOICE PRENATAL MULTIPLE was expertly formulated to supply a full range of essential vitamins and minerals, in potencies effective for maternal health and fetal Development, while safe for the fetus. Healthy Fetal Development MOTHER’S CHOICE contains ingredients that reflect the latest findings in fetal nutrition. |